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E UROPEAN C ENTRE FOR M ODERN L ANGUAGES C ENTRE E UROPÉEN POUR LES L ANGUES V IVANTES Nikolaiplatz 4, A-8020 Graz, Tel.: +43-316-32 35 54, Fax: +43-316-32 35 54 4, e-mail: information@ecml.at John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim Bibliography / Bibliographie TRIM E.6 -Sociology / Sociologie May / Mai 2007 Documentation and resource centre of the ECML Contact: information@ecml.at JOHN L.M TRIM COLLECTION Bibliography Bibliographie Sociology Sociologie Thematic category TRIM E.6 Catégorie thématique TRIM E.6 This category includes resources in the field of sociology dealing in particular with social interaction, cultural identity, ethnic groups and intercultural education Cette catégorie inclut des resources dans le domaine de la sociologie et couvre en particulier des aspects tels que l’interaction sociale, l’identité culturelle, les groupes ethniques et l’éducation interculturelle TRIM E.6 Sociology / Sociologie .2 TRIM E.6.1 Social interaction / Interaction sociale .3 TRIM E.6.2 Cultural identity / Identité culturelle .4 TRIM E.6.3 Ethnic groups / Groupes ethniques TRIM E.6.4 Intercultural education / Education interculturelle .7 John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim Bibliography / Bibliographie TRIM E.6 -Sociology / Sociologie TRIM E.6 Sociology / Sociologie Anderson, Michael (ed.), Sociology of the family, Harmondsworth: Penguin Education, 1971 Association of learned societies in the social sciences, Social science report Issue Winter 1989, London: Association of Learned Societies in the Social Sciences, 1989 Barnes, Harry Elmer (ed.), An introduction to the history of sociology, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1969 Illich, Ivan D., Celebration of awareness A call for institutional revolution, London: Calder and Boyars, 1972 Illich, Ivan D., Deschooling society, London: Calder and Boyars, 1971 Illich, Ivan D., Deschooling society, London: Calder and Boyars, 1971 This provocative book calls for a “cultural revolution,” asserting that schooling has become a modern sacred cow Schools have failed our individual needs, supporting fallacious notions of progress that follow from the belief that ever increasing production, consumption, and profit are the proper yardsticks for measuring the quality of human life Mandelbaum, David G (ed.); Lasker, Gabriel W (ed.); Albert, Ethel M (ed.), The teaching of anthropology, Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1963 Newson, John; Newson, Elizabeth, Patterns of infant care in an urban community, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1963 John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim Bibliography / Bibliographie TRIM E.6 -Sociology / Sociologie TRIM E.6.1 Social interaction / Interaction sociale Argyle, Michael, The psychology of interpersonal behaviour, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1972 Argyle, Michael; Trower, Peter, Person to person Ways of communicating, London: Harper and Row, 1979 Beattie, Geoffrey, Talk An analysis of speech and non-verbal behaviour in conversation, Milton Keynes: Open University, 1983 Berne, Eric, What you say after you say hello? The psychology of human destiny, London: Corgi Books, 1981 Davis, James H., Group performance, Reading: Addison - Wesley, 1969 Goody, Esther N., Questions and politeness Strategies in social interaction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978 Hargie, Owen; Saunders, Christine; Dickson, David, Social skills in interpersonal communication, Worcester: Billings, 1983 Argyle, Michael; Trower, Peter, Person to person Ways of communicating, London: Harper and Row, 1979 This book covers the topic of body language, expression, gesture, ritual, social conduct and the rules that govern conversation, friendship and falling in love Laver, John (ed.), Communication in face to face interaction -Selected readings, Harmondsworth: Penguin Education, 1972 Luft, Joseph, Group processes An introduction to group dynamics, Palo Alto: Mayfield, 1970 Shaw, Marvin E., Group dynamics The psychology of small group behavior, New York: McGraw - Hill, 1971 Warren, Neil (ed.), Attitudes Selected readings, Harmondsworth: Penguin Education, 1973 John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim Bibliography / Bibliographie TRIM E.6 -Sociology / Sociologie TRIM E.6.2 Cultural identity / Identité culturelle Are Khan, Husna; Welch, Amanda, Visitor Alice, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Arenas i Sampera, Joaquim, Scuola catalana, il nome non fa la cosa, Sassari: Editrice Democratica Sarda, 1987 Greek Development Group, Andy's Toothache, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Greek Development Group, Marina's Christening, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Hasan, Khurshid; James, Sue, Rajat the Elephant, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Király Péter, A nyelvtudomány a haladásért: tanulmánykưtet a Tanácskưztársaság 50.évfordulója alkalmából, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1969 Manley, Deborah; Welch, Amanda, Sarah's wedding day, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Nasir Dolly, Salma; Rana, Indi, The Id Party, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Greek Development Group, Andy's Toothache, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 A collection of short stories for young learners of English Each booklet describes a different real life situation to illustrate British culture Very useful, quick reading task for English lessons or private usage Nowaz, Hasina; James, Sue, Dressing up, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Nowaz, Hasina; Welch, Amanda, About ourselves 1, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Nowaz, Hasina; Welch, Amanda, About ourselves 2, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Nowaz, Hasina; Welch, Amanda, Auntie Rupa's wedding, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Nowaz, Hasina; Welch, Amanda, Sister Meera's wedding day, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Roussou, Maria; Stevens, Lynda, The school outing, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 Roussou, Maria; Yannas, Ellie, The best bonfire, [UK]: Schools Council Publication, 1983 John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim Bibliography / Bibliographie TRIM E.6 -Sociology / Sociologie TRIM E.6.3 Ethnic groups / Groupes ethniques Barley, Nigel, The innocent anthropologist Notes from a Mud Hut, Middlesex: Penguin, 1983 Broeder, Peter; Extra, Guus, Language, ethnicity and education -Case studies on immigrant minority groups and immigrant minority languages, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd, 1999 Council of Europe, Europe 1999-2000: Multiculturalism in the city The integration of immigrants Standing conference of local and regional authorities of Europe, Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1992 CRRU members, Not tomorrow but now Annual report of the community and race relations unit for 1982, [UK]: British Council of Churches, 1982 Barley, Nigel, The innocent anthropologist Notes from a Mud Hut, Middlesex: Penguin, 1983 Nigel Barley set up home in a mud hut in order to study the customs and beliefs of the the little-known Dowayo people in Cameroon A honest, funny and compulsive account of an anthropologist’s first year in Africa Espa Ministerio de Educación Secretariá General, Técnica, Información educativa para emigrantes, Madrid: Ministerio de Educación, 1980 Guindon, René; Poulin, Pierre, Francophones in Canada: A community of interests / Les liens dans la francophonie canadienne, Ottawa: Canadian Heritage, 1997 Jesih, Boris, Ethnic minorities in Slovenia, Ljubljana: Institute for Ethnic Studies, 1994 O'Keefe, Michael, Francophone minorities: Assimilation and community vitality / Minorités francophones: assimilation et vitalité des communautés, Ottawa: Canadian Heritage, 1998 Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Report on the linguistic rights of persons belonging to national minorities in the OSCE area, The Hague: OCSE High Commissioner on National Minorities, 1999 Österreich Bundeskanzleramt, Federal government general report on the situation of ethnic groups in Austria, Wien: Federal Press Service, 1990 Smith, Greg; Linguistic Minorities Project, Sampling linguistic minorities: A technical report on the adult language use survey, London: University of London, 1984 Smolicz, J.J.; Wiseman, R., European migrants and their children: interaction, assimilation, education Part 2, Princeton: D van Nostrand, 1962 Söderbergh, Ragnhild; Sternberg, Eva, Einwandererkinder ihr Anrecht auf Muttersprache in Schule und Vorschule, Lund: Berlings, 1977 John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim Bibliography / Bibliographie TRIM E.6 -Sociology / Sociologie Söderbergh, Ragnhild; Sternberg, Eva, Le droit des enfants d'immigrants leur langue d'origine l'école préparatoire et l'école, Lund: Berlings, 1977 Steers, Cynthia (ed.), CPF national news, Ottawa: Canadian Parents for French, 1996 Tosi, Arturo, L'italiano d'oltremare La lingua delle comunità italiane nei paesi anglofoni / Italian overseas The language of Italian communities in the English-speaking world, Firenze: Giunti, 1991 Université René Descartes Centre de recherches tsiganes Interface Gypsies and travellers, Clichy: Université René Descartes, 1993 Young, Géryke, Two worlds-not one Race and civilization, London: Ad hoc, 1969 Issues of race and culture, brought to a head in Britain by the pressures of a “multi-racial society”, call for urgent intellectual clarification The basic theme of the book is that both Eastern and Western civilisations are best understood as two contrasting attempts to establish order University of London Institute of Germanic studies, Linguistic minorities in England A report from the linguistic minorities project, London: University of London, 1983 Young, Géryke, Two worlds-not one Race and civilization, London: Ad hoc, 1969 John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim Bibliography / Bibliographie TRIM E.6 -Sociology / Sociologie TRIM E.6.4 Intercultural education / Education interculturelle Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung Dillingen, Die schulische Betreuung ausländischer Kinder, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1980 Alpers, M.; Kampermann, A.; Voges, H.; Britain and America, Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1961 Austria Federal Chancellery, Austria Facts and figures, Vienna: Federal Press Service, 1994 Batelaan, Pieter (ed.), Language policies in multilingual societies, European Journal of Intercultural Studies, Volume 5, Number 3, London: Trentham Books, 1995 Boos-Nünning, Ursula, Towards intercultural education: a comparative study of the education of migrant children in Belgium, England, France and the Netherlands, London: Centre for information on language teaching and research, 1986 Carson, Patricia, The British connection, Ghent: [s.n.], 1974 Centre européen culturel de Delphes, Migrants de la deuxième génération , Symposium (1-3 octobre 1980, Delphes) / ΜΕΤΑΝΑΣΤΕΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΗΣ ΓΕΝΕΑΣ ΣΥΜΠΟΣΙΟ 1-3 Οχτωβςίου 1980, Δελφοί, 1980 Chevalier, J.L Loing, B., Britain observed XXth Century Tome 2: a choice of texts, Paris: Nathan, 1970 Boos-Nünning, Ursula, Towards intercultural education: a comparative study of the education of migrant children in Belgium, England, France and the Netherlands, London: Centre for information on language teaching and research, 1986 A critical assessment and evaluation of pilot projects in four countries leads to recommendations for the further development of mother tongue teaching for children of migrant workers Generalitat de Catalunya, Autonomy statute for Catalonia, Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, 1982 International Institute for Adult Literacy Methods, Illiterate immigrant workers in industrialized countries, Teheran: International Institute for Adult Literacy Method, 1971 Johns, E.A., The social structure of modern Britain, Oxford: Pergamon, 1979 Kirchweger, Cornelia, Ritthaler, Karin, L'Autriche en chiffres, Vienne: Service de Presse Fédéral, 1994 Koschat, Franz (Hsgb.); Wagner, Gottfried (Hsgb), Bilinguale Schulen Lernen in zwei Sprachen Bildungskooperationen mit Ungarn, Tschechien und der Slowakei und bilingualer Unterricht in Österreich, Wien: Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst, 1994 Lambert, Richard D (ed.); Heston, Alan W (ed.), New directions in international education, Philadelphia: American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1980 John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim Bibliography / Bibliographie TRIM E.6 -Sociology / Sociologie Misirili, Burhan, Intercultural dilemmas?, London: Centre for Multicultural Education, Institute of Education, University of London; Uppsala: Uppsala University, [?] Porcher, Louis (ed.), Des migrants confrontộs au franỗais, Paris: Didier Erudition, 1978 Reich, Hans H (ed.); Wittek, Fritz (ed.), Migration Bildungspolitik Pädagogik Aus der Diskussion um die interkulturelle Erziehung in Europa, Essen: ALFA, 1984 Slager, William R (ed.); Madsen, Betty M., Language in American Indian education, Salt Lake City: University of Utah, 1972 Tosi, Arturo, Dalla madrelingua all'italiano Lingua ed educazione linguistica nell'Italia multietnica, Scandicci: La nuova Italia, 1995 ... TRIM E.6.4 Intercultural education / Education interculturelle .7 John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim Bibliography / Bibliographie TRIM E.6 -Sociology / Sociologie TRIM. .. interculturelle TRIM E.6 Sociology / Sociologie .2 TRIM E.6.1 Social interaction / Interaction sociale .3 TRIM E.6.2 Cultural identity / Identité culturelle .4 TRIM E.6.3... Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1963 John Trim collection / Collection documentaire John Trim Bibliography / Bibliographie TRIM E.6 -Sociology / Sociologie TRIM E.6.1 Social interaction / Interaction

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2022, 23:23
