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Зарубежная периодика по тематике ИПИ РАН Выпуск № 5, октябрь 2006 г Материалы подготовлены лаб 13 Журнал «Управление и оптимизация» Общества промышленной и прикладной математики; 2005 год, том 44, вып SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization; 2005, Vol 44 Issue 1, ISSN: 0363-0129 Publisher Information: Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 3600 University City, Science Center, Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104-2688, United States of America http://www.siam.org СТАТЬИ Распределенное управление в пространственно обратимых взаимосвязанных системах с граничными условиями Distributed Control of Spatially Reversible Interconnected Systems with Boundary Conditions By: Langbort, Cédric; , D'Andrea, Raffaello, p1, 28p Ключевые слова::BESSEL functions, BOUNDARY value problems, DIFFERENTIAL equations, MATHEMATICAL physics, MATHEMATICS Author-Supplied Keywords: spatially distributed control, symmetric system, boundary conditions Abstract: We present a class of spatially interconnected systems with boundary conditions that have close links with their spatially invariant extensions In particular, well-posedness, stability, and performance of the extension imply the same characteristics for the actual, finite extent system In turn, existing synthesis methods for control of spatially invariant systems can be extended to this class The relation between the two kinds of systems is proved using ideas based on the "method of images" of partial differential equations theory and uses symmetry properties of the interconnection as a key tool [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Center for the Mathematics of Information, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California , Blvd., MS 136-93, Pasadena, CA 9112, 2Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, 101 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 1485, Optimal Control of Ergodic Continuous-Time Markov Оптимальное управление в эргодических Марковских цепях с непрерывным временем и средней выборочной полезностью Optimal Control of Ergodic Continuous-Time Markov Chains with Average Sample-Path Rewards By: Xianping Guo; Xi-Ren Cao, Lp-Optimal Boundary Control for the Wave Equation By: Gugat, M.; Leugering, G.; Sklyar, G., p49, 26p Ключевые слова::ALGORITHMS, DECISION making, DIFFUSION processes, MARKOV processes, STOCHASTIC processes Author-Supplied Keywords: average sample-path reward, continuous-time Markov chain, optimal stationary policy, policy and value iteration algorithms Abstract: In this paper we study continuous-time Markov decision processes with the average sample-path reward (ASPR) criterion and possibly unbounded transition and reward rates We propose conditions on the system's primitive data for the existence of $\epsilon$-ASPR-optimal (deterministic) stationary policies in a class of randomized Markov policies satisfying some additional continuity assumptions The proof of this fact is based on the time discretization technique, the martingale stability theory, and the concept of potential We also provide both policy and value iteration algorithms for computing, or at least approximating, the $\epsilon$ASPR-optimal stationary policies We illustrate with examples our main results as well as the difference between the ASPR and the average expected reward criteria [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1The School of Mathematics and Computational Science, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510275, People's Republic of Chinа, 2Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Lp-оптимальное управление на границе в волновом уравнении Lp-Optimal Boundary Control for the Wave Equation Ключевые слова::BOUNDARY value problems, DIFFERENTIAL equations, DIRICHLET principle, VON Neumann algebras, WAVE equation Author-Supplied Keywords: optimal control, boundary control, wave equation, analytic solution, distributed parameter systems, robust optimization, controllability, state constraint, sensitivity test examples Abstract: We study problems of boundary controllability with minimal Lp norm ($p\in [2,\infty]$) for the one-dimensional wave equation, where the state is controlled at both boundaries through Dirichlet or Neumann conditions The problem is to reach a given terminal state and velocity in a given finite time, while minimizing the Lp norm of the controls We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of this problem We show as follows how this infinite-dimensional optimization problem can be transformed into a problem which is much simpler: The feasible set of the transformed problem is described by a finite number of simple pointwise equality constraints for the control function in the Dirichlet case while, in the Neumann case, an additional integral equality constraint appears We provide explicit complete solutions of the problems for all $p\in[2,\infty]$ in the Dirichlet case solutions for some typical examples in the Neumann case [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Lehrstuhl für angewandte Mathematik, Martensstr 3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany 2University Szczecin, Institute of Mathematics, Wielkopolska 15, 70451 Szczecin, Poland Достижение почти абсолютной устойчивости управления вырожденными диффузиями Almost Sure Stabilizability of Controlled Degenerate Diffusions By: Bardi, Martino; Cesaroni, Annalisa, p75, 24p; Ключевые слова::DIFFERENTIAL equations, DIFFERENTIAL equations, Partial, JACOBI method, LYAPUNOV functions Author-Supplied Keywords: degenerate diffusion, almost sure stability, asymptotic stability, asymptotic controllability, stabilizability, stochastic control, viability, viscosity solutions, Hamilton Jacobi Bellman inequalities,nonsmooth analysis Abstract: We develop a direct Lyapunov method for the almost sure open-loop stabilizability and asymptotic stabilizability of controlled degenerate diffusion processes The infinitesimal decrease condition for a Lyapunov function is a new form of Hamilton Jacobi Bellman partial differential inequality of second order We give local and global versions of the first and second Lyapunov theorems, assuming the existence of a lower semicontinuous Lyapunov function satisfying such an inequality in the viscosity sense An explicit formula for a stabilizing feedback is provided for affine systems with smooth Lyapunov function Several examples illustrate the theory [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Dipartimento di Matematica P e A., Universitàa di Padova, via Belzoni 7, 35131 Padova, Italy Аппроксимация интегралов высшего порядка при вычислении вариаций и феномен Лаврентьева The Approximation of Higher-Order Integrals of the Calculus of Variations and the Lavrentiev Phenomenon , Ferriero, Alessandro Ключевые слова: APPROXIMATION theory, CALCULUS of variations, CRITICAL point theory (Mathematical analysis), FUNCTIONAL analysis, FUNCTIONS, Entire Author-Supplied Keywords:calculus of variations, Lavrentiev phenomenon, reparameterization Abstract: We prove the following approximation theorem: given a function $x : [a,b] \to \mathbb{R}^N$ in the Sobolev space ${\bf W}^{\nu+1, 1}$, $\nu \geq 1$, and $\epsilon > 0$, there exists a function $x [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, Universit#x00E0; degli Studi di MilanoBicocca,Via R Cozzi 53, 20126 Milano, Italy Оптимизированный по времени синтез левоинвариантных систем управления по сериям SO (3) Time-Optimal Synthesis for Left-Invariant Control Systems on series SO (3) By: Boscain, Ugo; Chitour, Yacine.p111, 29p; Ключевые слова: DIFFERENTIAL equations, Partial Numerical solutions, MAXIMUM entropy method, MAXIMUM principles (Mathematics), VECTOR analysis, VECTOR fields Author-Supplied Keywords: optimal control,optimal synthesis, minimum time, SO(3) Abstract:Consider the control system $(\Sigma)$ given by $\dot x=x(f+ug)$, where $x\in SO(3)$, $|u|\leq 1$, and $f,g\in so(3)$ define two perpendicular left-invariant vector fields normalized so that $\|f\|=\cos(\al)$ and $\|g\|=\sin(\al)$, $\al\in ]0,\pi/4[$ In this paper, we provide an upper bound and a lower bound for $N(\alpha)$, the maximum number of switchings for time-optimal trajectories of $(\Sigma)$ More precisely, we show that $N [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1SISSA-ISAS, Via Beirut 2-4, 34014 Trieste, Italy 2Université Paris XI, Laboratoiré des signaux et systèmes (L2S) Supélec, rue Joliot-Cure, 91190 Gif-surYvette, France Контролируемость точного значения глобальной границы в классе квазилинейных гиперболических систем по Законодательству об охране природы II Global Exact Boundary Controllability of a Class of Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws II By: De-Xing Kong; Hui Yao.p140, 19p; Ключевые слова: BOUNDARY value problems, DIFFERENTIAL equations, DIFFERENTIAL equations, Nonlinear Numerical solutions, EXPONENTIAL functions, QUASILINEARIZATION Author-Supplied Keywords: quasilinear hyperbolic system, conservation laws, global exact boundary, controllability, Cauchy problem, Goursat problem, classical discontinuous solution, contact discontinuity, optimal control time Abstract: In this paper, by a new constructive method, the authors reprove the global exact boundary controllability of a class of quasilinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws with linearly degenerate characteristics It is shown that the system with nonlinear boundary conditions is globally exactly boundary controllable in the class of piecewise C1 functions In particular, the authors give the optimal control time of the system Finally, a new example belonging to this kind of system is also provided [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China 2Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Об обратном стохастическом уравнении Риккати в бесконечномерном измерении On the Backward Stochastic Riccati Equation in Infinite Dimensions By: Guatteri, Giuseppina; Tessitore, Gianmario.p159, 36p; Ключевые слова: DIFFERENTIAL equations, DIFFERENTIAL equations, Partial, HILBERT space, RICCATI equation, WAVE equation Author-Supplied Keywords: backward stochastic differential equation, Riccati equation, linear quadratic optimal control, Hilbert spaces, stochastic coefficients Abstract: We study backward stochastic Riccati equations (BSREs) arising in quadratic optimal control problems with infinite dimensional stochastic differential state equations We allow the coefficients, both in the state equation and in the cost, to be random In such a context BSREs are backward stochastic differential equations existing in a non-Hilbert space and involving quadratic nonlinearities We propose two different notions of solutions to BSREs and prove, for both of them, existence and uniqueness results We also show that such solutions allow us to perform the synthesis of the optimal control Finally we apply our results to the optimal control of a delay equation and of a wave equation with random damping [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano, piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Itali2Dipartimento di Matematica, Universitá di Parma, via D'Azeglio 85, 43100 Parma, Italia Релаксация проблемы оптимального проектирования с помощью целочисленных ограничений Relaxation of an Optimal Design Problem With an Integral-Type Constraint By: Aranda, Ernesto; Bellido, José C., p195, 15p; Ключевые слова: EXPERIMENTAL design, HEAT equation, MATHEMATICS, OPTIMAL designs (Statistics), VECTOR fields Author-Supplied Keywords:optimal design, relaxation, constrained quasiconvexification Abstract: We study a new relaxation for a two-dimensional optimal design problem in conductivity consisting of determining how to mix two given conducting materials in order to minimize the amount of one of them, subject to a constraint on the efficiency of the conducting properties of the mixture Our approach here is different from that obtained in [R V Kohn and G Strang, Comm Pure Appl Math., 39 (1986), pp 113 137, 139 182, 353 377], and is based on a local reformulation of the optimal design problem by means of the introduction of new potentials The concept of constrained quasiconvexification is used in an important way [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1E.T.S.I Industriales, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Campus Universitario s/n, 13071-Ciudad Real, Spain 2Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, OX1 3LB, Oxford, UK 10 Обратная теорема Ляпунова для вариации линейных параметров и линейных систем коммутации A Converse Lyapunov Theorem for Linear Parameter-Varying and Linear Switching Systems By: Wirth, Fabian., p210, 30p; Ключевые слова: DIFFERENTIAL equations, Linear, EXPONENTIAL functions, LINEAR systems, LYAPUNOV functions, SYSTEM theory Author-Supplied Keywords: converse Lyapunov theorem, linear parameter-varying systems, linear switching systems, linear flows on vector bundles, Gelfand formula, periodic systems Abstract: We study families of linear time-varying systems, where time variations have to satisfy restrictions on the dwell time, that is, on the minimum distance between discontinuities, as well as on the derivative in between discontinuities Such classes of systems may be formulated as linear flows on vector bundles The main objective of this paper is to construct parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions, which characterize the exponential growth rate This is possible in the generic irreducible case As an application the Gelfand formula is generalized to the class of systems studied here In other words, the maximal exponential growth rate may be approximated by only considering the periodic systems in the family of time-varying systems A perspective on the question of continuous dependence of the exponential growth rate on the data is given [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth, Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland 11 Вычисление факторизации без потерь (J, J') элементами для матриц общего вида с рациональными Computation of the (J, J')-Lossless Factorization for General Rational Matrices By: Delin Chu; Ho, Daniel W C., p240, 28p; Ключевые слова:ALGORITHMS, EIGENVALUES, FACTORIZATION (Mathematics), FACTORIZATION of operators, MATHEMATICS Author-Supplied Keywords:J, J'-lossless factorization, rational matrix, eigenfactorization orthogonal transformation, J'-lossless factorization, J Abstract: J, J'-lossless factorization plays a central role in $H [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Science Drive 2, Singapore 117543, 2Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 12 Анализ проблем оптимального управления для двумерных термисторных систем Analysis of Optimal Control Problems for the Two-Dimensional Thermistor System By: Hyung-Chun Lee; Shilkin, Timofey , p268, 15p; Ключевые слова: BOUNDARY value problems, DIFFERENTIAL equations, FUNCTION spaces, MATHEMATICS, THERMISTORS Author-Supplied Keywords: derivatives optimal control, thermistor system, Gâteaux derivatives, Gâteaux Abstract: An optimal control problem for the thermistor system is considered First, the precise mathematical problem is established and the proof of existence of the optimal solution is given with appropriate function spaces Then, Gâteaux differentiability is shown for the thermistor system, with respect to control, and the optimality system is obtained [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Mathematics, Ajou University, Suwon 442-749, South Korea 2V A Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St Petersburg Department, Fontanka 27, 191011 St Petersburg, Russia 13 Устойчивость стохастической аппроксимации при контролируемых условиях Stability of Stochastic Approximation under Verifiable Conditions By: Andrieu, Christophe; Moulines, Eric; Priouret, Pierre p283, 30p; Ключевые слова:APPROXIMATION theory, BOUNDARY value problems, DIFFERENTIAL equations, STOCHASTIC approximation, STOCHASTIC processes Author-Supplied Keywords: stochastic approximation, state-dependent noise, randomly varying truncation, adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo Abstract: In this paper we address the problem of the stability and convergence of the stochastic approximation procedure \[ \theta [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1University of Bristol, School of Mathematics, University Walk, BS8 1TW, UK 2école Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, URA CNRS 820, 46, rue Barrault, F 75634 Paris 13, France, 3Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modélisation Aléatoire, URA CNRS 224, F 75252 Paris 05, France 14 Исследование спектра оператора передачи импульсных систем применительно к проблемам робастной экспоненциальной устойчивости A Study on the Spectrum of the Sampled-Data Transfer Operator with Application to Robust Exponential Stability Problems By: Hagiwara, Tomomichi.p313, 15p; Ключевые слова: DIGITAL control system, EIGENVALUES, EXPONENTIAL functions, OPERATOR theory, TRANSFER operators Author-Supplied Keywords: L2-stability, exponential stability sampled-data system, spectral analysis, robust stability Abstract: This paper begins by studying some spectral properties of the transfer operators of sampled-data systems described by applying the lifting technique Through a "nonasymptotic" characterization of the transfer operator, its spectrum is determined in terms of finite-dimensional eigenvalue problems Then, it is shown that a close connection with such eigenvalue problems and the exponential stability condition can be exploited to study the robust internal (exponential) stability problem of sampled-data systems Since the transfer operator is relevant to input-output characteristics, the relationship between input-output stability and internal stability is also discussed in the context of sampled-data systems [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyotodaigaku-Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan 15 Стохастическая аппроксимация и дифференциальное включение Stochastic Approximations and Differential Inclusions By: Benaïm, Michel; Hofbauer, Josef; Sorin, Sylvain p328, 21p; Ключевые слова:APPROXIMATION theory, BESSEL functions, DIFFERENTIAL equations, STOCHASTIC approximation, STOCHASTIC processes Author-Supplied Keywords: stochastic approximation, differential inclusions, set-valued dynamical, systems, chain recurrence, approachability, fictitious play Abstract: The dynamical systems approach to stochastic approximation is generalized to the case where the mean differential equation is replaced by a differential inclusion The limit set theorem of Benaïm and Hirsch is extended to this situation Internally chain transitive sets and attractors are studied in detail for setvalued dynamical systems Applications to game theory are given, in particular to Blackwell's approachability theorem and the convergence of fictitious play [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Institut de Mathematiques, Université de Neuchâtel, Rue Emile-Argand 11, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 2Department of Mathematics, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK, and Institut fur Mathematik, Universität Wien, , Nordbergstrasse 15, 1090 Wien, Austria 3Laboratoire d'Econométrie, Ecole Polytechnique, rue Descartes, 75005 Paris, France, and Equipe Combinatoire et Optimisation, UFR 929, Université P et M Curie - Paris 6, 175 Rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris, France 16 Феномен избыточности при оптимальном размещении соленоидов A Spillover Phenomenon in the Optimal Location of Actuators By: Hébrard, Pascal; Henrot, Antoine p349, 18p; Ключевые слова:ACTUATORS, DIFFERENTIAL equations, Partial, ENGINEERING, PROCESS control, WAVE equation Author-Supplied Keywords:damped wave equation, optimal location, spillover, stabilization Abstract: In this paper, we are interested in finding the optimal location and shape of the actuators in a stabilization problem Namely, we consider the one-dimensional wave equation damped by an internal feedback supported on a subdomain $\omega$ of given length The criterion we want to optimize represents the rate of decay of the total energy of the system It theoretically involves all the eigenmodes of the operator From an engineering point of view, it seems more realistic to consider only a finite number of modes, say the N first ones In that context, we are able to prove existence and uniqueness of an optimal domain $\omega [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Dassault Systems and Institut Élie Cartan Nancy UMR 7502 UHP-CNRS-INRIA 54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France, 2Ecole des Mines de Nancy-INPL, Institut Élie Cartan Nancy UMR 7502 UHPCNRS-INRIA 54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France 17 Вырожденные проблемы стохастического управления при экспоненциальной стоимости и слабой двухсторонней динамике Определение значений вязкости и принцип максимума Degenerate Stochastic Control Problems with Exponential Costs and Weakly Coupled Dynamics: Viscosity Solutions and a Maximum Principle By: Huang, Minyi; Caines, Peter E.; Malhamé, Roland P p367, 21p; Ключевые слова: CALCULUS of variations, HAMILTON-Jacobi equations, MATHEMATICA, optimization, VISCOSITY solutions, WIRELESS communication systems Author-Supplied Keywords: programming, viscosity solutions degenerate stochastic control, power control, HJB equations, dynamic Abstract: This paper considers a class of optimization problems arising in wireless communication systems We analyze the optimal control and the associated Hamilton Jacobi Bellman (HJB) equations It turns out that the value function is a unique viscosity solution of the HJB equation in a certain function class To deal with the fast growth condition of the value function in establishing uniqueness, we construct particular semiconvex/semiconcave approximations for the viscosity sub/supersolutions, and obtain a maximum principle on unbounded domains The localized envelope function technique introduced in this paper permits an analysis of the uniqueness of viscosity solutions defined on unbounded domains in cases with very general growth conditions when combined with appropriate system dynamics The optimization problem with state constraints is also considered [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, 3480 University Street, Montreal, QC H3A 2A7, Canada, 3Department of Electrical Engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal, 2900 Boul Édouard Montpetit, Montreal, QC H3C 3A7,Canada Журнал «Управление и оптимизация» Общества промышленной и прикладной математики; 2005 год, том 44, вып SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization; 2005, Vol 44 Issue 2, ISSN: 0363-0129 Publisher Information: Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 3600 University City, Science Center, Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104-2688, United States of America http://www.siam.org СТАТЬИ Ограниченная вариация проблемы управления для процессов диффузии A Bounded Variation Control Problem for Diffusion Processes By: Weerasinghe, Ananda p389, 29p; Ключевые слова : MATHEMATICAL analysis, MATHEMATICS, STOCHASTIC analysis, STOCHASTIC processes Author-Supplied Keywords: diffusions with reflections stochastic optimal control, optimal stopping, local-time processes, Abstract: We consider an infinite horizon discounted cost minimization problem for a one-dimensional stochastic differential equation model The available control is an added bounded variation process The cost structure involves a running cost function and a proportional cost for the use of the control process The running cost function is not necessarily convex We obtain sufficient conditions to guarantee the optimality of the zero control Also, for unbounded cost functions, we provide sufficient conditions which make our optimal state process a reflecting diffusion on a compact interval In both cases, the value function is a C2 function For bounded cost functions, under additional assumptions, we obtain a complex optimal strategy which turned out to be a mixture of jumps and local-time-type processes In this case, we show that the value function is only a C1 function and that it fails to be a C2 function We also discuss a related variance control problem [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Mathematics, 400 Carver Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 Топологии графов, метрики лакун и робастная устойчивость в нелинейных системах Graph Topologies, Gap Metrics, and Robust Stability for Nonlinear Systems By: Bian, W.; French, M.p418, 26p; Ключевые слова : GRAPHIC methods, NONLINEAR systems, SCIENCE, SYSTEM theory Author-Supplied Keywords: gap metric, graph metric, graph topology, robust stability, nonlinear systems Abstract: Graph topologies for nonlinear operators which admit coprime factorizations are defined w.r.t a gain , function notion of stability in a general normed signal space setting Several metrics are also defined and their relationship to the graph topologies are examined In particular, relationships between nonlinear generalizations of the gap and graph metrics, Georgiou-type formulae, and the graph topologies are established Closed loop robustness results are given w.r.t the graph topology, where the role of a coercivity condition on the nominal plant is emphasized [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom Ограниченное стохастическое линейно-квадратичное управление со случайными коэффициентами и его приложение к задаче выбора портфеля активов Constrained Stochastic LQ Control with Random Coefficients, and Application to Portfolio Selection By: Ying Hu; Xun Yu Zhou.p444, 23p; Ключевые слова : CONTROL theory, LINEAR control systems, LINEAR systems, SYSTEM theory, H2 control Author-Supplied Keywords: stochastic LQ control, extended stochastic Riccati equation, backward, stochastic differential equation, mean-variance portfolio selection, efficient portfolio, efficient frontier Abstract: This paper is devoted to the study of a stochastic linear-quadratic (LQ) optimal control problem where the control variable is constrained in a cone, and all the coefficients of the problem are random processes Employing Tanaka's formula, optimal control and optimal cost are explicitly obtained via solutions to two extended stochastic Riccati equations (ESREs) The ESREs, introduced for the first time in this paper, are highly nonlinear backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs), whose solvability is proved based on a truncation function technique and Kobylanski's results The general results obtained are then applied to a mean-variance portfolio selection problem for a financial market with random appreciation and volatility rates, and with short-selling prohibited Feasibility of the problem is characterized, and efficient portfolios and efficient frontier are presented in closed forms [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France, 2Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong Одновременное решение прямой и двойственной задач активного нахождения стратегии управления с оптимальными границами для нелинейных систем реактивной диффузии A Primal-Dual Active Set Strategy for Optimal Boundary Control of a Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion System By: Griesse,R.; Volkwein, S.p467, 28p; Ключевые слова :BURGERS equation, DIFFUSION, NONLINEAR systems, SYSTEM theory Author-Supplied Keywords: reaction-diffusion equations, optimal boundary control, bilateral and integral control constraints, primal-dual active set strategy, semismooth Newton methods Abstract: This paper is concerned with optimal boundary control of an instationary reaction-diffusion system in three spatial dimensions This problem involves a coupled nonlinear system of parabolic differential equations with bilateral as well as integral control constraints We include the integral constraint in the cost by a penalty term whereas the bilateral control constraints are handled explicitly First- and second-order conditions for the optimization problem are analyzed A primal-dual active set strategy is utilized to compute optimal solutions numerically The algorithm is compared to a semismooth Newton method [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Institut für Mathematik, Heinrichstrasse 36, A-8010 Graz, Austria, 2Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM), Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria Алгоритм индивидуального обучения в играх нормальной формы Individual Q-Learning in Normal Form Games By: Leslie, David S.; Collins, E J.p495, 20p; Ключевые слова : COMPREHENSION, EDUCATION, EXTENSION (Logic), LEARNING Author-Supplied Keywords: reinforcement learning, normal form games, stochastic approximation multi-agent learning, player-dependent learning rates Abstract: The single-agent multi-armed bandit problem can be solved by an agent that learns the values of each action using reinforcement learning However, the multi-agent version of the problem, the iterated normal form game, presents a more complex challenge, since the rewards available to each agent depend on the strategies of the others We consider the behavior of value-based learning agents in this situation, and show that such agents cannot generally play at a Nash equilibrium, although if smooth best responses are used, a Nash distribution can be reached We introduce a particular value-based learning algorithm, which we call individual Q-learning, and use stochastic approximation to study the asymptotic behavior, showing that strategies will converge to Nash distribution almost surely in 2-player zero-sum games and 2-player partnership games Player-dependent learning rates are then considered, and it is shown that this extension converges in some games for which many algorithms, including the basic algorithm initially considered, fail to converge [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1School of Economics, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia, 2Department of Mathematics, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TW, UK Процедура проектирования фильтрации, использующая метрику H2 and H(infinity) для установления неопределенности H2 and H(infinity) Filtering Design Subject to Implementation Uncertainty By: de Oliveira, Maurício C.; Geromel, José C.p515, 16p Ключевые слова : CONTROL theory, LINEAR systems, MATRIX inequalities, SYSTEM analysis, SYSTEM theory Author-Supplied Keywords: linear matrix inequalities robust filtering, implementation uncertainty, fragility Abstract: This paper presents new filtering design procedures for discrete-time linear systems It provides a solution to the problem of linear filtering design, assuming that the filter is subject to parametric uncertainty The problem is relevant, since the proposed filter design incorporates real world implementation constraints that are always present in practice The transfer function and the state space realization of the filter are simultaneously computed The design procedure can also handle plant parametric uncertainty In this case, the plant parameters are assumed not to be exactly known but belonging to a given convex and closed polyhedron Robust performance is measured by the H2 and H$ [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-041 2DSCE, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNICAMP, CP 6101, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil Формулы пространства состояний в проблеме Нехари-Такаджи для неэкспоненциальноустойчивых бесконечномерных систем State-Space Formulas for the Nehari Takagi Problem for Nonexponentially Stable Infinite-Dimensional Systems By: Ball, Joseph A.; Mikkola, Kalle M.; Sasane, Amol J.p531, 33p; Ключевые слова : FACTORIZATION (Mathematics), FACTORIZATION of operators, MATHEMATICS, TECHNOLOGY Author-Supplied Keywords: Nehari Takagi problem, infinite-dimensional systems, state-space formulas, Nehari-Takagi problem Abstract: We obtain state-space formulas for the solution of the Nehari Takagi/suboptimal Hankel norm approximation problem for infinite-dimensional systems with a nonexponentially stable generator, via the method of J-spectral factorization We make key use of a purely frequency-domain solution of the problem [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Mathematics, 460 McBryde, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0123 2Institute of Mathematics, Box 1100, FIN-02015 Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland 3Department of Mathematics, London School of Economics, Houghton St., London WC2A 2AE, UK Многодиапазонная стабилизация линейных многосенсорных систем посредством коммуникационных каналов с ограниченной пропускной способностью Multirate Stabilization of Linear Multiple Sensor Systems via Limited Capacity Communication Channels By: Matveev, Alexey S.; Savkin, Andrey V.p584, 34p; Ключевые слова :DETECTORS, DIFFERENTIAL equations, Linear, LINEAR systems, MATHEMATICS, SYSTEM theory Author-Supplied Keywords: stabilizability networked control systems, finite data rate, communication constraints, Abstract: The paper addresses a feedback stabilization problem involving bit-rate communication capacity constraints A discrete-time partially observed linear system is studied Unlike classic theory, the signals from multiple sensors are transmitted to the controller over separate finite capacity communication channels The sensors not have constant access to the channels, and the channels are not perfect: the messages incur timevarying transmission delays and may be corrupted or lost However, we suppose that the time-average number of bits per sample period that can be successfully transmitted over the channel during a time interval converges to a certain limit as the length of the interval becomes large Necessary and sufficient conditions for stabilizability are established They give the tightest lower bounds on the channel capacities for which stabilization is possible An algorithm for stabilization is also presented [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Saint Petersburg University, Universitetskii pr 28, Petrodvoretz, St Petersburg, 198504, Russia 2School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052, Australia 2-регуляризованный критерий Найквиста в линейных периодических системах с непрерывным временем и его применение 2-Regularized Nyquist Criterion in Linear Continuous-Time Periodic Systems and Its Implementation By: Jun Zhou; Hagiwara, Tomomichi p618, 28p; Ключевые слова :LINEAR operators, LINEAR systems, MATHEMATICS, SYSTEM theory Author-Supplied Keywords: continuous-time periodic system, Nyquist criterion, determinant of Hilbert Schmidt operators, convergence, determinant of Hilbert-Schmidt operators Abstract: First, by using the 2-regularized determinant technique for Hilbert Schmidt operators, the computation formula, infinite-product convergence, and analyticity of the 2-regularized determinant of the modified harmonic state operator in finite-dimensional linear continuous-time periodic (FDLCP) systems are derived in this paper Second, based on these results, a 2-regularized Nyquist criterion is established for asymptotic stability analysis of a class of FDLCP systems for the first time Third, a numeric implementation algorithm for the 2-regularized Nyquist criterion is also proposed via the staircase truncation on the harmonic transfer operator of the FDLCP system concerned Finally, to illustrate the results of this paper, asymptotic stability of the lossy Mathieu differential equation is investigated [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyotodaigaku-Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan 10 Производящий ряд для взаимосвязанных аналитических нелинейных систем Generating Series for Interconnected Analytic Nonlinear Systems By: Gray, W Steven; Yaqin Li.p646, 27p; Ключевые слова :MATHEMATICS, NONLINEAR operators, NONLINEAR systems, SYSTEM theory, THEORY Author-Supplied Keywords: Chen Fliess series, formal power series, nonlinear operators, nonlinear systems, Chen-Fliess series Abstract: Given two analytic nonlinear input-output systems represented as Fliess operators, four system interconnections are considered in a unified setting: the parallel connection, product connection, cascade connection, and feedback connection In each case, the corresponding generating series is produced and conditions for the convergence of the corresponding Fliess operator are given In the process, an existing notion of a composition product for formal power series has its set of known properties significantly expanded In addition, the notion of a feedback product for formal power series is shown to be well defined in a broad context, and its basic properties are characterized [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529-0246 11 Взаимосвязь между принципом максимума и динамическим программированием в проблемах управления с ограничениями A Connection Between the Maximum Principle and Dynamic Programming for Constrained Control Problems By: Cernea, Aurelian; Frankowska, Hélène.p673, 31p; 10 that the sensitivity of desired eigenvalues exerts little influence on convergence, provided the associated invariant subspace is well-conditioned; ill-conditioning of unwanted eigenvalues plays an essential role This framework also gives insight into the design of effective polynomial filters Numerical examples illustrate the subtleties that arise when restarting non-Hermitian iterations [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Mathematics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061-012 2Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, 6100 Main Street MS 134, Houston, TX 77005-1892 Обзор направления, представляемого серией статей по математическому моделированию SIGEST - Introduction p517-517, 1p; Ключевые слова : MATHEMATICAL models, MATHEMATICS Abstract: Introduces a series of articles on mathematical modeling Обеспечение устойчивости модели бега A Simply Stabilized Running Model By: Ghigliazza, R M.; Altendorfer, R.; Holmes, P.; Koditschek, D.p519549, 31p, diagram, 14 graphs; Ключевые слова : LOCOMOTION, MECHANICS, PENDULUM, ROTATIONAL motion (Rigid dynamics), ANIMAL species Author-Supplied Keywords: legged locomotion, spring-loaded inverted pendulum, periodic gaits, bifurcation, stability Abstract: The spring-loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP), or monopedal hopper, is an archetypal model for running in numerous animal species Although locomotion is generally considered a complex task requiring sophisticated control strategies to account for coordination and stability, we show that stable gaits can be found in the SLIP with both linear and "air" springs, controlled by a simple fixed-leg reset policy We first derive touchdown-to-touchdown Poincaré maps under the common assumption of negligible gravitational effects during the stance phase We subsequently include and assess these effects and briefly consider coupling to pitching motions We investigate the domains of attraction of symmetric periodic gaits and bifurcations from the branches of stable gaits in terms of nondimensional parameters [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 0854 2Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 4810 3Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 4Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Знакомство с содержанием серии статей в области асимптотической теории математики Education - Introduction By: Bernoff, Andrew J.p551-551, 1p; Ключевые слова : ASYMPTOTIC distribution (Probability theory), MATHEMATICS Abstract: Introduces a series of articles on asymptotic theory in mathematics 10 Hyperasymptotics and the Linear Boundary Layer Problem: Why Asymptotic Series Diverge By: Boyd, John P.p553-575, 23p, charts, graphs; Ключевые слова : APPROXIMATION theory, BOUNDARY layer, FLUID dynamics, FUNCTIONAL analysis, HYDRODYNAMICS, PERTURBATION (Mathematics) Author-Supplied Keywords: perturbation methods, asymptotic, hyperasymptotic, exponential smallness beyond-all-orders perturbation theory Abstract: The simplest problem with boundary layers, ε²uxx - u = -f(x) is used to illustrate (i) why the perturbation series in powers of ε is asymptotic but divergent, (ii) why the optimally truncated expansion is "superasymptotic" in the sense that that error is proportional to exp(-[constant]/ε), and (iii) how to obtain an improved "hyperasymptotic" approximation [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Science, University of Michigan, 2455 Hayward Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 14 11 Обзор книг, упомянутых в томе 47, вып "SIAM Review." Book Reviews - Introduction By: O'Malley, Bob.p577-577, 1p BOOK reviewing Ключевые слова: PERIODICALS Abstract: Introduces a series of book reviews featured in the volume 47, number issue of "SIAM Review." 12 Обзор содержания недавно вышедших книг по механике жидкостей Featured Review: Recent Books on Fluid Mechanics By: Breidenthal, Robert E.; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p579582, 4p; BOOKS Reviews Ключевые слова : FLUID mechanics, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: FLOW of Industrial Fluids: Theory & Equations (Book) THEORY & Applications of Viscous Fluid Flows (Book) DYNAMICS of Viscous Compressible Fluids (Book) People: MULLEY, Raymond, FEIREISL, Eduard, ZEYTOUNIAN, R Abstract: Reviews several books on fluid mechanics "Flow of Industrial Fluids: Theory and Equations," by Raymond Mulley; "Dynamics of Viscous Compressible Fluids," by Eduard Feireisl; "Theory and Applications of Viscous Fluid Flows," by R Zeytounian Author Affiliations: 1University of Washington 13 Матричная организация мультигрида: теория и приложения Matrix-Based Multigrid: Theory and Applications By: Adams, Loyce; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p582-585, 4p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MULTIGRID methods (Numerical analysis), NONFICTION Reviews & Products: MATRIX-Based Multigrid: Theory & Applications (Book) People: SHAPIRA, Yair Abstract: Reviews the book "Matrix-Based Multigrid: Theory and Applications," by Yair Shapira Author Affiliations: 1University of Washington 14 Введение в теорию кооперативных игр Introduction to the Theory of Cooperative Games By: Artstein, Zvi; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p585-586, 2p; Ключевые слова :BOOKS Reviews, GAME theory, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: INTRODUCTION to the Theory of Cooperative Games (Book) People: PELEG, Bezalel, SUDHOLTER, Peter Abstract: Reviews the book "Introduction to the Theory of Cooperative Games," by Bezalel Peleg and Peter Sudhölter Author Affiliations: 1Weizmann Institute of Science 15 Polynomials By: Barbeau, Edward; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p586-587, 2p BOOKS Reviews Ключевые слова : POLYNOMIALS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: POLYNOMIALS (Book) People: PRASOLOV, Victor V Abstract: Reviews the book "Polynomials," by Victor V Prasolov Author Affiliations: 1University of Toronto 16 Динамика слоев, групп и псевдогрупп Dynamics of Foliations, Groups and Pseudogroups By: Conlon, Lawrence; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p587-594, 8p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, DYNAMICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: DYNAMICS of Foliations, Groups & Pseudogroups (Book) People: WALCZAK, Pawel Grzegorz Abstract: Walczak Reviews the book "Dynamics of Foliations, Groups and Pseudogroups," by Pawel Grzegorz Author Affiliations: 1Washington University 15 17 Руководство факультетом математических наук: ресурсы кафедр Leading the Mathematical Sciences Department: A Resource for Chairs By: Conway, John B.; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p594-597, 4p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: LEADING the Mathematical Sciences Department: A Resource for Chairs (Book) People: SCOTT Jon, STRALEY Tina, SWARD Marcia Abstract: Reviews the book "Leading the Mathematical Sciences Department: A Resource for Chairs," edited by Tina Straley, Marcia Sward and Jon Scott Author Affiliations: 1National Science Foundation 18 Знакомство с уравнениями в частных производных с использованием MATLAB An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with MATLAB By: Davis, Jon H.; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p597-597, 1p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, DIFFERENTIAL equations, Partial, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: INTRODUCTION to Partial Differential Equations With MATLAB, An (Book) People: COLEMAN, Matthew P Abstract: Reviews the book "An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations With MATLAB," by Matthew P Coleman Author Affiliations: 1Queen's University 19 Теория Таубе: столетие развития Tauberian Theory: A Century of Developments By: Duren, Peter; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p597-598, 2p; BOOKS Reviews Ключевые слова : TAUBERIAN theorems, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: TAUBERIAN Theory: A Century of Developments (Book) People: KOREVAAR, Jacob Abstract: Reviews the book "Tauberian Theory: A Century of Developments," by Jacob Korevaar Author Affiliations: 1University of Michigan 20 Теория арбитража при непрерывном времени Второе издание Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time Second Edition By: Ellio, Robert J.; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p598-600, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: ARBITRAGE Theory in Continuous Times (Book) People: BJORK, Tomas Abstract: Reviews the book "Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time," Second Edition, by Tomas Bjork Author Affiliations: 1University of Calgary 21 Оценки функции Грина для решёточных операторов Шредингера и приложений Green’s Function Estimates for Lattice Schrodinger Operators and Applications By: Figotin, Alexander; O'Malley Jr., Robert E p600-602, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, LATTICE theory, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: GREEN'S Function Estimates for Lattice Schrodinger Operators & Applications (Book) People: BOURGAIN, J Abstract: Reviews the book "Green's Function Estimates for Lattice Schrödinger Operators and Applications," by J Bourgain Author Affiliations: 1University of California, Irvine 22 Вероятность в дискретных структурах Probability on Discrete Structures By: Gentile, Guido; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p602-605, 4p; BOOKS -Reviews 16 Ключевые слова : PROBABILITIES, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: PROBABILITY on Discrete Structures (Book) People: KESTEN, Harry Abstract: Reviews the book "Probability on Discrete Structures," edited by Harry Kesten Author Affiliations: 1Università degli Studi "Roma Tre" 23 Геостатистический анализ композиционной информации Geostatistical Analysis of Compositional Data By: Goovaerts, Pierre; O'Malley Jr., Robert E p605-606, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, GEOLOGY Statistical methods, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: GEOSTATISTICAL Analysis of Compositional Data (Book) People: PAWLOWSKY-Glahn, Vera OLEA, Ricardo A Abstract: Reviews the book "Geostatistical Analysis of Compositional Data," by Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn and Ricardo A Olea Author Affiliations: 1BioMedware, Inc 24 Основные математические методы физики Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists By: Gross, Laura K.; O'Malley Jr., Robert E p606-608, 3p; BOOKS Reviews Ключевые слова : MATHEMATICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: ESSENTIAL Mathematical Methods for Physicists (Book) People: WEBER, Hans J., ARFKEN, George B Abstract: Reviews the book "Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists," by Hans J Weber and George B Arfken Author Affiliations: 1The University of Akron 25 Теория Ли Алгебры Ли и представления Lie Theory Lie Algebras and Representations By: Hall, Brian C.; Jones, B F.; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p608610, 3p; Ключевые слова : ALGEBRAS, Linear, BOOKS Reviews, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: LIE Theory: Lie Algebras & Representations (Book) People: ANKER, Jean-Philippe, ORSTED, Bent Abstract: Reviews the book "Lie Theory Lie Algebras and Representations," edited by Jean-Philippe Anker and Bent Ørsted Author Affiliations: 1University of Notre Dame 26 Гидродинамическая устойчивость Второе издание Hydrodynamic Stability Second Edition By: Herron, Isom H.; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p610-610, 1p; BOOKS Reviews Ключевые слова : HYDRODYNAMICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: HYDRODYNAMIC Stability (Book) People: REID, W H., DRAZIN, P G Abstract: Reviews the book "Hydrodynamic Stability," Second Edition, by P G Drazin and W H Reid Author Affiliations: 1Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 27 Введение в методы Монте-Карло применительно к транспортным задачам и уравнениям диффузии Introduction to Monte-Carlo Methods for Transport and Diffusion Equations By: Illner, Reinhard; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p610-612, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MONTE Carlo method, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: INTRODUCTION to Monte-Carlo Methods for Transport & Diffusion Equations (Book) 17 People: LAPEYRE, B., PARDOUX, E., SENTIS, R Abstract: Reviews the book "Introduction to Monte-Carlo Methods for Transport and Diffusion Equations," by B Lapeyre, É Pardoux and R Sentis, translated by Alain Craig and Fionn Craig Author Affiliations: 1University of Victoria 28 Подход к построению грид, основанный на вычислительной дифференциальной геометрии A Computational Differential Geometry Approach to Grid Generation By: Knupp, Patrick; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p612-614, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, GEOMETRY, Differential, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: COMPUTATIONAL Differential Geometry Approach to Grid Generation, A (Book) People: LISEIKIN, V D Abstract: D Liseikin Reviews the book "A Computational Differential Geometry Approach to Grid Generation," by V Author Affiliations: 1Sandia National Laboratories 29 Проблемы Арнольда Arnold’s Problems By: Meyer, Kenneth R.; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p614-615, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: ARNOLD'S Problems (Book) People: ARNOLD, Vladimir I Abstract: Reviews the book "Arnold's Problems," by Vladimir I Arnold 30 Analysis: An Introduction By: Morrow, James Allen; O'Malley Jr., Robert E p615-616, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICAL analysis, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: ANALYSIS: An Introduction (Book) People: BEALS, Richard Abstract: Reviews the book "Analysis: An Introduction," by Richard Beals Author Affiliations: 1University of Washington 31 Основы распространения сейсмических волн Fundamentals of Seismic Wave Propagation By: Nowack, Robert L.; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p616-618, 4p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, SEISMIC waves, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: FUNDAMENTALS of Seismic Wave Propagation (Book) People: CHAPMAN, Chris Abstract: Reviews the book "Fundamentals of Seismic Wave Propagation," by Chris Chapman Author Affiliations: 1Purdue University 32 Анализ механических нагрузок Working Analysis By: Roytburd, Victor; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p618-621, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICAL analysis, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: WORKING Analysis (Book) People: COOPER, Jeffery Abstract: Reviews the book "Working Analysis," by Jefferey Cooper Author Affiliations: 1Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 33 Оптимальный синтез систем управления на двумерных многообразиях Optimal Syntheses for Control Systems on 2-D Manifolds By: Schaettler, Heinz; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p621622, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MANIFOLDS (Mathematics), NONFICTION Reviews & Products: OPTIMAL Syntheses for Control Systems on 2-D Manifolds (Book) People: BOSCAIN, Ugo, PICCOLI, Benedetto 18 Abstract: Reviews the book "Optimal Syntheses for Control Systems on 2-D Manifolds," by Ugo Boscain and Benedetto Piccoli Author Affiliations: 1Washington University 34 Новые разностные схемы в дифференциальных уравнениях в частных производных New Difference Schemes for Partial Differential Equations By: Strikwerda, John C.; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p622-623, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, DIFFERENTIAL equations, Partial, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: NEW Difference Schemes for Partial Differential Equations (Book) People: ASHYRALYEV, A., SOBOLEVSKII, P E Abstract: Reviews the book "New Difference Schemes for Partial Differential Equations," by A Ashyralyev and P E Sobolevskii Author Affiliations: 1University of Wisconsin 35 Зельдович: воспоминания Zeldovich: Reminiscences By: Volpert, Vitaly; O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p623-626, 4p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: ZELDOVICH: Reminiscences (Book) People: SUNYAEV, R A Abstract: Reviews the book "Zeldovich: Reminiscences," edited by R A Sunyaev Author Affiliations: 1CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I Обзоры Общества промышленной и прикладной математики, том 47, вып 4, 2005 год SIAM Review, 2005, Vol 47 Issue 4, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 3600 University City Science Center | Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA Phone: +1-215-382-9800 | FAX: +1-215-386-7999 Полный текст приводимых ниже обзоров доступен в формате pdf СТАТЬИ Обзоры и аналитика Survey and Review By: Overton, Michael p627-627, 1p; Ключевые слова : ALGORITHMS, GRAPH theory, JACOBIANS, MATRIX derivatives, GRAPH coloring Abstract: The article focuses on graph coloring Most people considered graph coloring as the efficient approximation of derivatives Graph coloring has emerged as a tool for derivatives approximation, whether Jacobians or Hessians matrices Graph coloring is considered as a useful tool in formulating, analyzing and designing algorithms Какого цвета ваш Якобиан? Раскраска графов при вычислении производных функций What Color Is Your Jacobian? Graph Coloring for Computing Derivatives By: Gebremedhin, Assefaw Hadish; Manne, Fredrik; Pothen, Alex.p629-705, 77p, 11 charts, 21 diagrams, graphs; Ключевые слова : COMPUTER science, HESSIANS, JACOBIANS, MATRICES, GRAPH coloring Author-Supplied Keywords: sparsity, Jacobians, Hessians, finite differences, automatic differentiation, matrix, partitioning problems, distance-k coloring, approximation algorithms, jacobians Abstract: Graph coloring has been employed since the 1980s to efficiently compute sparse Jacobian and Hessian matrices using either finite differences or automatic differentiation Several coloring problems occur in 19 this context, depending on whether the matrix is a Jacobian or a Hessian, and on the specifics of the computational techniques employed We consider eight variant vertex coloring problems here This article begins with a gentle introduction to the problem of computing a sparse Jacobian, followed by an overview of the historical development of the research area Then we present a unifying framework for the graph models of the variant matrix estimation problems The framework is based upon the viewpoint that a partition of a matrix into structurally orthogonal groups of columns corresponds to distance-2 coloring an appropriate graph representation The unified framework helps integrate earlier work and leads to fresh insights; enables the design of more efficient algorithms for many problems; leads to new algorithms for others; and eases the task of building graph models for new problems We report computational results on two of the coloring problems to support our claims Most of the methods for these problems treat a column or a row of a matrix as an atomic entity, and partition the columns or rows (or both) A brief review of methods that not fit these criteria is provided We also discuss results in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science that intersect with the topics considered here [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Computer Science Department, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529-0162 2Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, N-5020 Bergen, Norway Проблемы и методы Problems and Techniques By: Ipsen, Ilse p707-707, 1p; Ключевые слова : ALGEBRA, COMPUTER software, MACHINERY, ROBOTS, PRODUCTION scheduling Abstract: The article presents a paper by Milind W Dawande, H Neil Geismar and Suresh P Sethi about cyclic scheduling and a paper by Miguel Torres-Torriti and Hannah Michalska about the LTP software package In the case study, the authors showed the existence of a cyclic schedule maximizing long-term throughput In the problem presented, the messenger is a robot, the buildings are machines and mail represents parts to be processed by the machines Cyclic schedules are easy to implement and control In the paper by Torres-Torriti and Michalska, the Lie algebra theory and the LTP software package were described The software is implemented in Maple to manipulate expressions that occur in the context of Lie algebra theory The theory is used in classical and quantum mechanics and analysis of dynamical systems Преобладание циклических решений и запросов при составлении расписания работы роботизированных модулей Dominance of Cyclic Solutions and Challenges in the Scheduling of Robotic Cells By: Dawande, Milind W.; Geismar, H Neil; Sethi, Suresh P.p709-721, 13p, diagrams; Ключевые слова : AUTOMATION, MACHINE theory, ROBOTICS, ROBOTS, PRODUCTION scheduling Author-Supplied Keywords: combinatorial optimization, robotics, discrete-time systems, scheduling theory Abstract: We consider the problem of scheduling operations in bufferless robotic cells that produce identical parts Maximizing the long-term average throughput of parts is an important problem in both theory and practice We define an appropriate state space required to analyze this problem and show that cyclic schedules which repeat a fixed sequence of robot moves indefinitely are the only ones that need to be considered For the different classes of robotic cells studied in the literature, we discuss the current state of knowledge with respect to cyclic schedules Finally, we discuss the importance of two fundamental open problems concerning optimal cyclic schedules, special cases for which these problems have been solved, and attempts to solve the general case [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1School of Management, University of Texas, Dallas, Dallas, TX 75083 2College of Business, Prairie View A & M University, P O Box 519, Prairie View, TX 77446-0519 Пакет программ для решения задач алгебры Ли A Software Package for Lie Algebraic Computations By: Torres-Torriti, Miguel; Michalska, Hannah.p722-745, 24p, charts, graph; Ключевые слова : ALGEBRA, COMPUTER software, INVARIANTS, COMPUTER programming, THEORY 20 Author-Supplied Keywords: Campbell Baker Hausdorff} formula, Hall bases, Wei Norman equations, symbolic computation, computer algebra, differential equations, control systems, nonlinear filtering, Campbell Baker Hausdorff formula Abstract: The paper presents a computer algebra package that facilitates Lie algebraic symbolic computations required in the solution of a variety of problems, such as the solution of right-invariant differential equations evolving on Lie groups Lie theory is a powerful tool, helpful in the analysis and design of modern nonlinear control laws, nonlinear filters, and the study of particle dynamics The practical application of Lie theory often results in highly complex symbolic expressions that are difficult to handle efficiently without the aid of a computer software tool The aim of the package is to facilitate and encourage further research relying on Lie algebraic computations [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Electrical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Vica Mackenna 4860, Casilla 306, Correo 22, Santiago, Chile 6904411 2Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, McGill University, 3480 University Street, Montréal, QC, Canada H3A 2A7 SIGEST Анализ статьи «Эффект дисперсионной модели и потоковых популяций» (статья ) By: Editors, p746-746, 1p; Ключевые слова : ANIMALS, BACTERIA, BODY, Human, BOTANY, PLANTS Abstract: The article presents the authors' views on the paper "The Effect of Dispersal Patterns on Stream Populations," by Frithjof Lutscher, Elizaveta Pachepsky and Mark Lewis The paper discusses the existence and survival of populations in streams The discussion covers a variety of topics including flora and fauna in rivers, bacteria in the human body and fish in streams The paper analyzes the dispersal of populations in streams under a range of ecological conditions Эффект дисперсионной модели и потоковых популяций The Effect of Dispersal Patterns on Stream Populations By: Lutscher, Frithjof; Pachepsky, Elizaveta; Lewis, Mark A p749-772, 24p, graphs; Ключевые слова : POPULATION, POPULATION biology, SPEED, STREAMFLOW, POPULATION dynamics Author-Supplied Keywords: nonlocal dispersal, critical domain size, spread speed, drift paradox Abstract: Individuals in streams are constantly subject to predominantly unidirectional flow The question of how these populations can persist in upper stream reaches is known as the "drift paradox." We employ a general mechanistic movement-model framework and derive dispersal kernels for this situation We derive thinas well as fat-tailed kernels We then introduce population dynamics and analyze the resulting integrodifferential equation In particular, we study how the critical domain size and the invasion speed depend on the velocity of the stream flow We give exact conditions under which a population can persist in a finite domain in the presence of stream flow, as well as conditions under which a population can spread against the direction of the flow We find a critical stream velocity above which a population cannot persist in an arbitrarily large domain At exactly the same stream velocity, the invasion speed against the flow becomes zero; for larger velocities, the population retreats with the flow [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta 2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5, Canada 3Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 4Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences and Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, T6G2G1, Canada Разбор статьи «Моделирование свободных бросков в баскетболе» (статья 9) Education By: Bernoff, Andrew J.p773-773, 1p; Ключевые слова : BASKETBALL, CALCULUS, MATHEMATICAL optimization, FREE throw (Basketball) People: LANG, Andrew, GABLOSNKY, Jeorg 21 Abstract: The article presents the author's views on the article "Modeling Basketball Free Throws," by Jeorg Gablonsky , and Andrew Lang The article explains basketball free throws by considering release angle, release velocity, air resistance , and the shooter's height The idea of multiobjective optimization and practical advice for basketball free throws are , introduced The article helps students learn calculus in a simple way Моделирование свободных бросков в баскетболе Modeling Basketball Free Throws By: Gablonsky, Joerg M.; Lang, Andrew S I D p775-798, 24p, charts, diagram, graphs; Ключевые слова : BASKETBALL Offense, CALCULUS, EQUATIONS, MATHEMATICAL models, FREE throw (Basketball) Author-Supplied Keywords: modelling basketball, mathematical modeling, calculus projects, mathematical Abstract: This paper presents a mathematical model for basketball free throws It is intended to be a supplement to an existing calculus course and could easily be used as a basis for a calculus project Students will learn how to apply calculus to model an interesting real-world problem, from problem identification all the way through to interpretation and verification Along the way we will introduce topics such as optimization (univariate and multiobjective), numerical methods, and differential equations [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: 1The Boeing Company, Mathematics and Engineering Analysis, P.O Box 3707, MC 7L21, Seattle, WA98124-2202Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Oral Roberts University, 7777 South Lewis Ave., Tulsa, OK 74171 10 Математическое руководство по программированию\ Математическое руководство по графике The Mathematica GuideBook for Programming/The Mathematica GuideBook for Graphics By: Hereman, Willy.p799-858, 6p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: MATHEMATICA GuideBook for Programming, The (Book) MATHEMATICA Guidebook for Graphics, The (Book) People: TROTT, Michael Abstract: The article reviews two books on mathematics including "The Mathematica GuideBook for Programming" and "The Mathematica Guidebook for Graphics," by Michael Trott Author Affiliations: 1Colorado School of Mines 11 Квантовая теория как производное явление: статистическая механика, представленная матричными моделями, как предшественник квантовой теории поля Quantum Theory as an Emergent Phenomenon: The Statistical Mechanics of Matrix Models as the Precursor of Quantum Field Theory By: Bassi, Angelo.p806-808, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, QUANTUM theory, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: QUANTUM Theory As an Emergent Phenomenon: The Statistical Mechanics of Matrix Models As the Precursor of Quantum Field Theory (Book) People: ADLER, Stephen L Abstract: The article reviews the book "Quantum Theory As an Emergent Phenomenon: The Statistical Mechanics of Matrix Models As the Precursor of Quantum Field Theory," by Stephen L Adler Author Affiliations: 1Universität München 12 Анализ I Analysis I By: Beals, Richard.p808-810, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: ANALYSIS I (Book) People: AMANN, Herbert, ESCHER, Joachim 22 Abstract: The article reviews the book "Analysis I," by Herbert Amann and Joachim Escher Author Affiliations: 1Yale University 13 Теория измерений и фильтрация: введение и применение Measure Theory and Filtering: Introduction and Applications By: Bensoussan, Alain.p810-810, 1p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MEASURE theory, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: MEASURE Theory & Filtering: Introduction & Applications (Book) People: ELLIOTT, Rober, AGGOUN, Lakhdar Abstract: The article reviews the book "Measure Theory and Filtering: Introduction and Applications," by Lakhdar Aggoun and Robert Elliott Author Affiliations: 1University of Texas, Dallas 14 Непараметризованный Байесиан, смоделированный с помощью нейронных сетей Bayesian Nonparametrics via Neural Networks By: Bolstad, William M (Bill) p810-812, 3p; BAYESIAN statistical decision theory Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: BAYESIAN Nonparametrics via Neural Networks (Book) People: LEE, Herbert H K Abstract: Lee The article reviews the book "Bayesian Nonparametrics via Neural Networks," by Herbert H K Author Affiliations: 1University of Waikato, New Zealand 15 Разбиение целого числа Integer Partitions By: Bressoud, David.p812-813, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: INTEGER Partitions (Book) People: ANDREWS, George E.ERIKSSON, Kimmo Abstract: The article reviews the book "Integer Partitions," by George E Andrews and Kimmo Eriksson Author Affiliations: 1Macalester College 16 Введение в модулярные формы A First Course in Modular Forms By: Bump, Daniel.p813-816, 4p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, NUMBER theory, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: FIRST Course in Modular Forms, A (Book) People: DIAMOND, Fred, SHURMAN, Jerry Michael Abstract: The article reviews the book "A First Course in Modular Forms," by Fred Diamond and Jerry Michael Shurman Author Affiliations: 1Stanford University 17 Динамика за пределами равномерной гиперболичности Dynamics beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity By: Chicone, Carmen.p816-818, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: DYNAMICS Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity (Book) People: BONNATTI, Christian, DIAZ, Lorenzo J., VIANA, Marcelo Abstract: The article reviews the book "Dynamics Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity," by Christian Bonatti, Lorenzo J Díaz, and Marcelo Viana Author Affiliations: 1University of Missouri Columbia 18 Основы аэротермодинамики Basics of Aerothermodynamics By: Cousteix, Jean.p818-819, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, THERMODYNAMICS, NONFICTION 23 Reviews & Products: BASICS of Aerothermodynamics (Book) People: HIRSCHEL, Ernst-Heinrich Abstract: The article reviews the book "Basics of Aerothermodynamics," by Ernst-Heinrich Hirschel Author Affiliations: 1ONERA, Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales 19 Цепи Маркова и инвариантные вероятности Markov Chains and Invariant Probabilities By: Craven, Bruce D.p819-821, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MARKOV processes, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: MARKOV Chains & Invariant Probabilities (Book) People: HERNANDEZ-Lerma, Onesimo, LASSERRE, Jean Bernard Abstract: The article reviews the book "Markov Chain and Invariant Probabilities," by Onésimo Hernández-Lerma and Jean Bernard Lasserre 20 Математика финансовых рынков Второе издание Mathematics of Financial Markets Second Edition By: D'Aspremont, Alexandre p821-823, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, SECURITIES markets, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: MATHEMATICS of Financial Markets (Book) People: KOPP, P Ekkehard, ELLIOTT, Robert J Abstract: The article reviews the book "Mathematics of Financial Markets," Second Edition, by Robert J Elliott and P Ekkehard Kopp Author Affiliations: 1Princeton University 21 Прямой метод теории солитонов (солитон - уединенная волна) The Direct Method in Soliton Theory By: Deconick, Bernard.p823-824, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, EQUATIONS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: DIRECT Method in Soliton Theory, The (Book) People: HIROTA, Ryogo Abstract: The article reviews the book "The Direct Method in Soliton Theory," by Ryogo Hirota Author Affiliations: 1University of Washington 22 Биомимикрия в оптимизации, управлении и автоматизации Biomimicry for Optimization, Control, and Automation By: De Silva, Clarence W p824-827, 4p, chart; Ключевые слова : ARTIFICIAL intelligence, BOOKS Reviews, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: BIOMIMICRY for Optimization, Control & Automation (Book) People: PASSINO, Kevin M Abstract: M Passino The article reviews the book "Biomimicry for Optimization, Control, and Automation," by Kevin Author Affiliations: 1University of British Columbia 23 Генерация случайных чисел и методы Монте-Карло Второе издание Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods Second Edition By: Dudewicz, Edward J.; Owuor, Mary A.p827-828, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MONTE Carlo method, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: RANDOM Number Generation & Monte Carlo Methods (Book) People: GENTLE, J E Abstract: The article reviews the book "Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods," Second Edition, by J E Gentle Author Affiliations: 1Syracuse University 24 Применение математических методов в физике и технике с использованием системы Mathematica 24 Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering with Mathematica By: Duffy, Dean.p828-828, 1p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, PHYSICAL sciences, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: MATHEMATICAL Methods in Physics & Engineering With Mathematica (Book) People: CAP, Ferdinand F Abstract: The article reviews the book "Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering With Mathematica," by Ferdinand F Cap 25 Этюды по конструктивной математике Essays in Constructive Mathematics By: Grove, Larry C.p828-829, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, CONSTRUCTIVE mathematics, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: ESSAYS in Constructive Mathematics (Book) People: EDWARDS, Harold M Abstract: The article reviews the book "Essays in Constructive Mathematics," by Harold M Edwards Author Affiliations: 1University of Arizona 26 Введение в комбинаторную оптимизацию A First Course in Combinatorial Optimization By: Hayward, Ryan B.p829-832, 4p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, COMBINATORIAL optimization, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: FIRST Course in Combinatorial Optimization, A (Book) People: LEE, Jon Abstract: The article reviews the book "A First Course in Combinatorial Optimization," by Jon Lee Author Affiliations: 1University of Alberta 27 Математические методы в экспериментах: Правдоподобные доказательства в 21 столетии\ Экспериментирование в математике: путем вычислений в открытию Mathematics by Experiment: Plausible Reasoning in the 21st Century\Experimentation in Mathematics: Computational Paths to Discovery By: Hersh, Reuben; Frye, Roger.p832-833, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: MATHEMATICS by Experiment: Plausible Reasoning in the 21st Century (Book) EXPERIMENTATION in Mathematics: Computational Paths to Discovery (Book) People: BAILEY, David, GIRGENSOHN, Roland, BARWEIN, Jonathan Abstract: The article reviews two books about mathematics including "Mathematics by Experiment: Plausible Reasoning in the 21st Century," by Jonathan Barwein and David Bailey and "Experimentation in Mathematics: Computational Paths to Discovery," by Jonathan Barwein, David Bailey and Roland Girgensohn 28 Геодинамика литосферы Geodynamics of the Lithosphere By: Ho, Joe.p833-836, 4p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, GEODYNAMICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: GEODYNAMICS of the Lithosphere (Book) People: STUWE, Kurt Abstract: The article reviews the book "Geodynamics of the Lithosphere," by Kurt Stüwe Author Affiliations: 1University of Washington 29 Элементы теории массового обслуживания: вычисления Пальма Мартингейла и стохастических рекурентностей Elements of Queueing Theory: Palm Martingale Calculus and Stochastic Recurrences Second Edition By: Knessl, Charles.p836-837, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, QUEUING theory, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: ELEMENTS of Queueing Theory: Palm Martingale Calculus & Stochastic Recurrences (Book) People: BREMAUD, Pierre, BACCELLI, Francois 25 Abstract: The article reviews the book "Elements of Queueing Theory: Palm Martingale Calculus and Stochastic Recurrences," Second Edition, by Francois Baccelli and Pierre Brémaud Author Affiliations: 1University of Illinois 30 Математические методы многих тел квантовой теории поля Mathematical Methods of Many-Body Quantum Field Theory By: Kopper, Cristoph.p837-838, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: MATHEMATICAL Models of Many-Body Quantum Field Theory (Book) People: LEHMANN, Detlev Abstract: The article reviews the book "Mathematical Models of Many-Body Quantum Field Theory," by Detlev Lehmann Author Affiliations: 1École Polytechnique 31 Оксфордский словарь статистических терминов The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms.p839-840, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, TERMS & phrases, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: OXFORD Dictionary of Statistical Terms, The (Book) People: DODGE, Yadolah Abstract: Dodge The article reviews the book "The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms," edited by Yadolah Author Affiliations: 1University of Puget Sound 32 Введение в современные вариационные методы, применяемые в механике и технике An Introduction to Modern Variational Techniques in Mechanics and Engineering By: McCarthy, Maeve L.p840-840, 1p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, ENGINEERING, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: INTRODUCTION to Modern Variational Techniques in Mechanics & Engineering (Book) People: VUJANOVIC, B D., ATANACKOVIC, Teodor M Abstract: The article reviews the book "An Introduction to Modern Variational Techniques in Mechanics and Engineering," by B D Vujanovic and Teodor M Atanackovic Author Affiliations: 1Murray State University 33 Прикладное стохастическое управление диффузией скачка Applied Stochastic Control of Jump Diffusions By: Menaldi, José-Luis.p840-841,2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, STOCHASTIC analysis, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: APPLIED Stochastic Control of Jump Diffusions (Book) People: OKSENDAL, B., SULEM, A Abstract: The article reviews the book "Applied Stochastic Control of Jump Diffusions," by B Øksendal and A Sulem 34 Мастер класс Каши-Шварца: введение в искусство математических неравенств The Cauchy–Schwarz Master Class: An Introduction to the Art of Mathematical Inequalities By: Olkin, Ingram.p841-842, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: CAUCHY-Schwarz Master Class: An Introduction to the Art of Mathematical Inequalities (Book) People: STEELE, J Michael Abstract: The article reviews the book "The Cauchy-Schwarz Master Class: An Introduction to the Art of Mathematical Inequalities," by J Michael Steele Author Affiliations: 1Stanford University 26 35 Методы малой вязкости и граничного слоя: теория, анализ устойчивости и применения Small Viscosity and Boundary Layer Methods: Theory, Stability Analysis, and Applications By: O'Malley Jr., Robert E.p843-843, 1p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Review, VISCOSITY solutions, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: SMALL Viscosity & Boundary Layer Methods: Theory, Stability Analysis & Applications (Book) People: METIVIER, Guy Abstract: The article reviews the book "Small Viscosity and Boundary Layer Methods: Theory, Stability Analysis, and Applications," by Guy Métivier Author Affiliations: 1University of Washington 36 Молекулярное моделирование и имитационные модели: междисциплинарное руководство Molecular Modeling and Simulation: An Interdisciplinary Guide By: Hong Qian.p843-845, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MOLECULES Models, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: MOLECULAR Modeling & Simulation: An Interdisciplinary Guide (Book) People: SCHLICK, Tamar Abstract: The article reviews the book "Molecular Modeling and Simulation: An Interdisciplinary Guide," by Tamar Schlick Author Affiliations: 1University of Washington 37 Динамика заряженных частиц и их радиационное поле Dynamics of Charged Particles and Their Radiation Field By: Rendall, Alan.p845-846, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, RADIATION, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: DYNAMICS of Charged Particles & Their Radiation Field (Book) People: SPOHN, Herbert Abstract: The article reviews the book "Dynamics of Charged Particles and Their Radiation Field," By Herbert Spohn Author Affiliations: 1Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik 38 Средства исследования реальных чисел Resources for the Study of Real Analysis By: Roy, Ranjan.p846-848, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: RESOURCES for the Study of Real Analysis (Book) People: BRABENEC, Robert L Abstract: The article reviews the book "Resources for the Study of Real Analysis," by Robert L Brabenec Author Affiliations: 1Beloit College 39 Гномы в тумане Gnomes in the Fog By: Segal, Sanford L.p848-850, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, GNOMES, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: GNOMES in the Fog (Book) People: HESSELING, Dennis Abstract: The article reviews the book "Gnomes in the Fog," by Dennis Hesseling Author Affiliations: 1University of Rochester 40 Прикладная линейная регрессия Третье издание Applied Linear Regression Third Edition By: Simonoff, Jeffrey S.p850-853, 4p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, REGRESSION analysis, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: APPLIED Linear Regression (Book) People: WEISBERG, Sanford 27 Abstract: The article reviews the book "Applied Linear Regression," Third Edition by Sanford Weisberg Author Affiliations: 1New York University 41 Теория конечных групп: введение The Theory of Finite Groups: An Introduction By: Solomon, Ronald p853-855, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, MATHEMATICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: THEORY of Finite Groups: An Introduction (Book) People: KURZWEIL, Hans, STELLMACHER, B Abstract: The article reviews the book "The Theory of Finite Groups: An Introduction," by Hans Kurzweil and B Stellmacher Author Affiliations: 1Ohio State University 42 Контроллеры пропорционально-интегрально-дифференциальное регулирования [ПИД-] для систем задержки времени PID Controllers for Time-Delay Systems By: Qing-Guo Wang.p855-856, 2p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, PID controllers, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: PID Controllers for Time-Delay Systems (Book) People: BHATTACHARYYA, S P., SILVA, G J, DATTA, A Abstract: The article reviews the book "PID Controllers for Time-Delay Systems," by G J Silva, A Datta, and S P Bhattacharyya Author Affiliations: 1National University of Singapore 43 Анализ категорийных данных Analyzing Categorical Data By: Weisberg, Sanford.p856-858, 3p; Ключевые слова : BOOKS Reviews, STATISTICS, NONFICTION Reviews & Products: ANALYZING Categorical Data (Book) People: SIMONOFF, Jeffrey S Abstract: The article reviews the book "Analyzing Categorical Data," by Jeffrey S Simonoff Author Affiliations: 1University of Minnesota 28 ... 32, 2 0133 Milano, Itali2Dipartimento di Matematica, Universitá di Parma, via D'Azeglio 85, 43100 Parma, Italia Релаксация проблемы оптимального проектирования с по? ?ощью целочисленных о? ?ран? ?чений... Gif-surYvette, France Контролируемость точного значения глобальной ? ?ран? ?цы в классе квазилинейных гиперболических систем по Законодательству об о? ?ран? ? природы II Global Exact Boundary Controllability of... different from that obtained in [R V Kohn and G Strang, Comm Pure Appl Math., 39 (1986), pp 113 137, 139 182, 353 377], and is based on a local reformulation of the optimal design problem by means