untitled n yàh kow tùng skyscrapers Vietnamese dong, the national currency Tét ngoo yen dán; Tét Vietnamese Lunar New Year kàh feh V N Vietnamese coffee býnh mèe breadSPECIMEN Halong Bay An The Hoi An[.]
EiQKPu býnh mèe bread SP EC IM EN ÿ͟QJ9L͓W1DP GZjQJP9\ͅWQDP Vietnamese dong, the national currency FjSKr9L͓W1DP kàh feh V\ͅWNDP Vietnamese coffee 7͋W1JX\rQÿiQ7͋W Tét ngoo-yen dán; Tét Vietnamese Lunar New Year QKjFDRW̳QJ n-yàh kow tùng skyscrapers chúc chóok k to express (goodd wishes) /͑KͥLͫ+ͥL$Q /͉KK͙\ͳK+͙\An The Hoi An Festivals Q{QJGkQ QDZQJP]XQ farmer EiQKFX͝Q býnh k-wún steamed springrolls 9͗QK+̭/RQJ 9͗QK+̭K/RQJP Halong H Ha long lo ngg Bay Bayy The free online audio files for pronunciation practice may be downloaded as follows: To download the audio recordings for this book, type the following URL into your web browser: www.tuttlepublishing.com/Vietnamese-Picture-Dictionary For support, email us at info@tuttlepublishing.com VIETNAMESE PICTURE DICTIONARY LEARN 1,500 VIETNAMESE WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS NGUYEN THI LIEN HUONG Transliterations by Hai-Tsang Huang Audio recordings by Emily Dinh and Tran Hai Sam T UT T L E Publishing Tokyo Rutland, Vermont Singapore Contents A Basic Introduction to Vietnamese 10 So nice to meet you! 5̱WYXLÿųͯFJ̓SḘQ 12 My family *LDÿuQKW{L My house 7URQJQKjW{L The human body &űWK͏FRQQJųͩL Counting and numbers 6͝ÿ͋P Daily activities +R̭WÿͥQJK̽QJQJj\ 14 16 18 20 22 Colors, shapes and sizes 0jXV̻FKuQKG̭QJYjNtFKWKųͧF Opposites 7ͷWUiLQJKĦD Talking about money 7L͍Q9L͓W1DP 10 Going shopping 28 30 &XͥFV͝QJͫWKjQKSK͝ 12 Getting around 26 0XDV̻P 11 Life in the city 24 ĐLO̭L 32 13 Asking and giving directions 34 +͛LÿųͩQJYjFK͕ÿųͩQJ 14 Talking about the weather 36 1yLY͍WKͩLWL͋W 15 Telling time 38 7KͩLJLDQ 16 Years and dates 40 1Jj\WKiQJQćP 17 The seasons of the year 42 %͝QPDWURQJPͥWQćP 18 Celebrating the holidays 44 1Jj\O͑NQL͓P 19 I love to learn 46 7{LWKtFKK͙F 20 At school 48 ͪWUųͩQJ 21 Learning Vietnamese 50 +͙FWL͋QJ9L͓W 22 Counting Words /R̭LWͷ 23 Computers and the Internet 52 54 0i\YLWtQKYjP̭QJ,QWHUQHW 24 I love my smartphone! &{QJYL͓F 58 60 ÅPQK̭FYjNKLrXYŜ 27 Seeing a doctor 62 KiPE͓QK 28 Protecting our environment 64 %̯RY͓P{LWUųͩQJFͳDFK~QJWD 29 The animal kingdom 66 7K͋JLͧLÿͥQJY̹W 30 Let’s keep fit! 68 &QJOX\͓QW̹Sÿ͏NKR͇P̭QK 31 Do you like to travel? 70 %̭QFyWKtFKÿLGXO͗FKNK{QJ" 32 Countries of the world 72 &iFQųͧFWUrQWK͋JLͧL 33 Foreign languages 74 1JR̭LQJͻ 34 Do you like Vietnamese food? %̭QFyWKtFKPyQćQ9L͓W 1DPNK{QJ" 56 7{LWKtFKÿL͓QWKR̭LWK{QJPLQK 25 At work 26 Music and dance 35 Popular Western foods 1KͻQJPyQćQSKųűQJ 7k\ÿųͯFųDWKtFK 36 Drinks 76 78 80 Đ͟X͝QJ 37 Fresh fruits, nuts and grains +RDTX̯WųűLFiFOR̭LK̭WYj QJŜF͝F 38 At the market 82 84 7URQJFKͯ English-Vietnamese Index Photo Credits 87 95 A Basic Introduction to Vietnamese This illustrated dictionary contains more than 1,500 frequently-used Vietnamese words and expressions which students need to know when learning to speak contemporary Vietnamese This is equivalent to the number of vocabulary introduced in a beginning-level course in Vietnamese at universities and colleges in Vietnam as well as overseas This dictionary is organized into 38 themes, each of which presents 25–35 words and expressions, with 5–8 sentences demonstrating the usage of these words The Vietnamese language and its dialects ϐ ͻͲ and about four million Vietnamese overseas Vietnamese is a member of the Mon-Khmer subfamily in the Austroasiatic family of languages Vietnamese has several major dialects, which are the Northern, the North-Central, the South-Central and the Southern dialects These dialects of Vietnamese are mutually intelligible Speakers of a particular dialect have no trouble understanding the speakers of other dialects The dialect of Hanoi, the capital city of the ǡǡ ϐ government ϐ Ǥ little difference in grammatical construction This dictionary introduces the Hanoi dialect In some cases, however, it provides both the Hanoi and the Saigon vocabulary, since the Saigon dialect is spoken in the largest and economically most important city of the country, and many words and phrases of this dialect are broadly used in the other dialects as well In such cases, the words of the two dialects are separated by a semi-colon (;)—with the Hanoi word given before and the Saigon word after the semi-colon (;) For example, “spoon” in Vietnamese is presented as thìa; PXӛQJ The Hanoi word is thìa and PXӛQJ is the Saigon word The Vietnamese writing system The Romanized writing system for Vietnamese was created by Portuguese Catholic missionaries with the ͳ ϐ Vietnam since the beginning of the 20th century In addition to the letters found in English, it contains ϐ ǣ 9RZHOPDUNLQJV ô less open vowel [o]2 ă short vowel [a]1 ѫ unrounded vowel [ԥ]3 â less open short vowel [ԥ]2 ѭ unrounded vowel [݁]3 ê less open vowel [e]2 ÿ the consonant [d] 7RQHPDUNLQJV([DPSOHV mà má Pҧ mã Pҥ ` a low-falling tone ´ a high-rising tone ސa low-falling-rising tone ˜ a high-rising broken tone ƅ a low-falling broken tone Syllables and tones ǣǤ components, an initial consonant, labialization (rounding of the lips when pronouncing a syllable) and a ϐ ǦǡǤ Vietnamese is a tonal language Each syllable, which in most cases is the same as a word, carries a particular tone A change in the tone creates a change in the meaning (see below) The mark ³Ù³ is placed over a vowel to indicate a short vowel; that is, ă is shorter than a The mark ³´ޔplaced over a vowel refers to a vowel which is less open compared to the same vowel without this mark; that is, ô is less open than o The mark³ ´ސadded to a vowel refers to a vowel which is unrounded compared to the vowel without this mark; that is, ѭ is unrounded, u is rounded ǤǦ Ǥϐ ϐ ȋȌǤ The mid-level tone is produced at a pitch that is the midpoint of the normal speaking voice range of a person It is essential to maintain the pitch of the mid-level tone throughout the word and throughout a sentence which may contain several words carrying the mid-level tone The low-falling tone begins a little bit lower than the mid-level tone and moderately goes downward The high-rising tone begins at a little bit higher pitch than the mid-level tone, then in the middle of the syllable the voice sharply goes upward The low-falling-rising tone begins at the pitch which is the beginning point of the low-falling tone, and drops abruptly, then the voice goes upward at the end of the syllable The high-rising broken tone begins at a bit higher pitch than the high-rising tone and then abruptly goes upward and at the end of the syllable is accompanied by a glottal stop The low-falling broken tone begins at a bit lower pitch than the low-falling tone and then abruptly goes downward and at the end of the syllable is accompanied by a glottal stop These tones may be represented graphically as shown in the following chart Pm Pi PD P̯ P̭ Pj ǣ PD “ghost” (mid-level tone) P̯ ( ࣽ) “grave” w(low-falling-rising tone) Pj ( ࣪ ) “but” (low-falling tone) Pm ( ˜ ) “horse” (high-rising broken tone) Pi ( ࣩ) “mother” (high-rising tone) P̭ ( ࣫) “rice seedling” (low-falling broken tone) Vietnamese consonants Vietnamese has twenty-two initial consonants Please listen to the audio recordings to hear examples of each one b [b] SK [f] v [v] m [m] t [t] ÿ [d] th [th] Examples boy phone van in the North; yes in the South man dog dove Texas (aspirated) [ [s] GJL [z] Q [n] l [l] r4 [r] tr5 [tr] V6 [s] r7 [r] Examples save zipper no love run train shave run ch [j] QK [ny] c, k, qu [k] kh [kh] JJK [gh] QJQJK [ng] h [h] Examples chase onion gas kiss golf sing, singy house Note that the Vietnamese character d denotes a [z] sound whereas the [d] sound is written as ÿ Both V and [ are pronounced as the [s] sound in the Hanoi dialect The Vietnamese character [ should not be confused with the English x that represents a [z] sound as in Xerox or xylophone Many Vietnamese initial consonants are similar to their English counterparts However the following consonants sound very different from the English ones or not exist in English at all The consonants t and th The consonant t is unaspirated which means it is pronounced without releasing a puff of air, unlike the English t (but similar to the Spanish t) There is a similar consonant th which is aspirated, which means it has This trill initial consonant does not exist in the Hanoi dialect ϐ Ǥ ϐ Ǥ ϐ Ǥ 5 34 %̭QFyWKtFKPyQćQ9L͓W1DP NK{QJ" %̭QNyWtNPyQDQV\ͅWNDPNKDZQJP" Do you like Vietnamese food? QKjKjQJ9L͓W1DP n-yàh hàng V\ͅWNDP Vietnamese restaurant WKͽFÿűQ W͙XNGXQ menu QJųͩLSKͱFYͱ QJRXKLI͙RNY͙R ÿ̳XE͋S GzKEpS E~QEz+X͋ EyRQEzKZpK [{L soy waiter; waitress SKͫ IͳK beef noodles rice noodles with beef in Hue style cook; chef steamed sticky rice 13 QĦD Q͉HXK ÿŜD G}RDZ fork chopsticks 14 GDR ]RZ knife EiWFKpQ bát; chén bowl 10 FűP NXP cooked rice 11 FűPWU̻QJ NXPM ráng white rice 76 12 ÿĦDGĦD G͉HXK]͉HXK plate 15 WKuDPXͣQJ WqHXK m-wãwng spoon 17 E~QWKDQJ EyRQWDQJ rice noodles with chicken broth and other ingredients 18 KͳWL͋X K͛RW\yK rice noodles with pork and seafood 19 EiQKPu býnh mèe 16 E~QFK̯E~QWK͗WQųͧQJ EyRQFK̯KEyRQW͗WQRX~QJ bread rice noodles with barbecued pork Additional Vocabulary 26 canh kynh soup 20 QHPUiQFK̯JLz QHP] riQFK̯K]z deep-fried eggrolls 21 QHPFX͝QJ͛LFX͝Q QHPNZ~QJ͛LNZ~Q springrolls 22 EiQKFX͝Q býnh k-wún steamed springrolls 27 UDX ] row vegetable 28 J͙LPyQ J͙LPyQ to order 29 VͽOͽDFK͙Q sh r͙XO͙XXKFK͙Q choice 23 FK̯Fi FK̯KNiK grilled fish 24 EiQK[qR EêQKV\zZ Vietnamese pizza 25 EiQKW{P EêQKWDZP deep-fried pancakes with shrimp 35 &K~QJW{Lÿ͍XWKtFKćQFiFPyQ9L͓W1DP &KyRQJPWR\GHKRRWtNDQNiNPyQV\ͅWNDP Everyone likes to eat Vietnamese food 30 ÿ̓FEL͓W G̭NE\ͅW special 31 QJRjLUD QJZͿ]rDK apart from; besides 32 FyWK͏ NyW͇K perhaps 33 K̳XQKų KzKQ\RX 36 %ͻDW͝LQD\W{LV͉PͩLḘQ %}XXKWy\Q\WR\VK r͉KPKLḘQ I’m inviting you for dinner tonight 37 7X\͓WTXiPuQKWKtFKćQFiFPyQ9L͓W1DP 7RR\ͅWNZiKPuQKWtNDQNiNPyQV\ͅWNDP almost 34 CK͗űL CK͗XKL Miss (waitress) That’s great, I want to eat Vietnamese food 77 35 1KͻQJPyQćQSKųűQJ7k\ ÿųͯFųDWKtFK N\}XQJPyQDQIRXXQJ7D\GRXͱNRXXKWtN Popular Western foods KRWGRJ hot dog hot dog EiQKQJ͙WGRQXWV EêQKQJ͙WGDZQyRW donuts PuéODVDJQH PqHpHODKVK rDQJ\DK lasagne 13 UDX[jOiFK ] rRZVjKOiN salad 14 NKRDLWk\QJKL͍Q NKZ\WD\QJ\qQ mashed potatoes 78 VDQGZLFK VDQZtN SL]]D SHH]DK EiQKPu3KiS EêQKPqHIiS NHP kem sandwich Pué mèe ée pizza baguette pasta; spaghetti EiQKSXGGLQJ EêQKSyRWGLQJ ice cream 10 JjWk\ JjKWD\ pudding 11 EiQKWiR býnh tów turkey 12 JLćPE{QJ ]DPEDZQJP apple pie ham 15 WK͗WEzEtWW͋W W͗WEzEtWWpW steak 16 [~F[tFK sóok sík sausage 17 EͻDViQJNL͏XSKųűQJ7k\ E}XXKVK riQJN\͛KIRXXQJ7D\ Western breakfast 18 QųͧFKRDTX̯QųͧFWUiLFk\ QRX~NKZDKNZ̯KQRX~NM rêND\ fruit juice 19 FjSKr kàh feh 20 WK͗WKXQNKyL W͗WKRRQNKyL coffee bacon; smoked ham 22 WU͵QJ͝SO͋S j ryXQJiZSOpS sunny side up eggs 21 EiQKPuQųͧQJ EêQKPqHQRX~QJ toast Additional Vocabulary 28 QJRQ ngon 31 Eű EXK 29 TXD\ k-wy 32 VͻDFKXD sh r}XXKFKRRDZ 30 EiQKN͋S EêQKNpS 33 WųűQJFjFKXD WRXXQJNjKFKRRDZ tasty; delicious to roast; to bake pancakes butter; cream yogurt 23 EiQKJDW{ EêQKJDKWDZ cake 24 SK{PDLSKyPiW IDZP\IyPiW cheese 26 EiQKKDPEXUJHU EêQKKDPEXKJXK ketchup; tomato sauce hamburger 34 PyQćQSKųűQJ7k\ÿ͟ćQSKųűQJ7k\ PyQDQIRXXQJ7D\GjZDQIRXXQJ7D\ Western-style food 35 ćQWK͗WQųͧQJQJRjLWUͩL DQW͗WQRX~QJQJZͿM rKL barbecue 25 QJŜF͝F QJ}RNiZN cereal 27 NKRDLWk\UiQFKLrQ NKZ\WD\] rán; ch-yen french fries 36 0F'RQDOG·VPͫFKLQKiQKÿ̳XWLrQͫ6jL*zQQćPYjFKLQKiQKÿ̳XWLrQW̭L+jQͥL QćP Mák DDZNDQPͳKFKHHQ\p\HQKGzKt-yenͳKSh rͿGzQQDPK\NDZQJPP̭ZWEiZQYjKFKHHQ\p\H QKGzKt-yenW+àh N͙\QDPK\NDZQJPP̭ZWE McDonald’s opens its first branch in Saigon in 2014 and its first branch in Hanoi in 2017 37 %͙QWU͇ÿ͍XU̱WWKtFKćQEiQKKDPEXUJHUYjNKRDLWk\UiQ %͙QM r͇KGqKRR] r~WWtNDQEêQKKDPEXKJXKYjKNKZ\WD\] riQ All children like hamburgers and french fries 38 %̭QWKtFKćQFiFPyQ9L͓W1DPKD\FiFPyQSKųűQJ7k\" %̭QWtNDQNiNPyQV\ͅWNDPK\NiNPyQIRXXQJTD\" Do you prefer Vietnamese or Western food? 79 Đ͟X͝QJ 36 Dàw wáwng Drinks QųͧFFDP QRX~NNDP orange juice ÿ͟X͝QJ dàw wáwng beverage FjSKr kàh feh coffee QųͧFNKRiQJ QRX~NNKZiQJ mineral water VͻD VK}XXK QųͧFKRDTX̯QųͧFWUiLFk\ QRX~NKZDKNZ̯KQRX~NM rêND\ milk fruit juice FKqWUj chèh; j ràh tea WUjÿi j ràh dáh 11 QųͧFPi\ QRX~NPê tap water iced tea VͻDÿ̹XQjQK sh r}XXKG͙KQͿQK soy milk 10 FRFDFROD NDZNDKNDZODK cola 15 ÿ͟X͝QJNK{QJÿųͩQJ ÿ͟X͝QJtWÿųͩQJ GjZZiZQJNKDZQJPGRXQJ GjZZiZQJtWGRXQJ diet drinks 12 QųͧF QRX~N water 13 X͝QJ wáwng to drink 14 NKiW khát thirsty 16 ÿ͟X͝QJW̭RQćQJOųͯQJ GjZZiZQJW͙ZQDQJORXͱQJ energy drinks 17 QųͧFX͝QJNKLW̹SWK͏WKDR QRX~NZiZQJNKHHWͱSW͇KWRZ sports drinks 80 19 UųͯXYDQJÿ͛ ] rRX͙KYDQJG͛ red wine 20 UųͯXYDQJWU̻QJ ] rRX͙KYDQJM ráng white wine 18 UųͯXSKDW͡QJKͯS ] rRX͙KIDKW̯ZQJPKͱS cocktails 22 UųͯXWU̻QJUųͯXO~DPͧL ] rRX͙KM riQJ] rRX͙KOyRDZP~KL Vietnamese vodka 23 UųͯXVkPEDQK ] rRX͙KVK rXPE\QK 21 UųͯXP̭QKUųͯXZKLVNH\ ] rRX͙KPQK] rRX͙KZtVNHH Champagne 24 FjSKr9L͓W1DP kàh feh V\ͅWNDP Vietnamese coffee whiskey 25 ELD EHHXK beer Additional Vocabulary 26 QųͧFV{ÿD QRX~NVK rDZ GDK sodas 27 QųͧFQyQJ QRX~NQyQJP hot water 34 0ͣLQJj\PͥWQJųͩLSK̯LX͝QJEDRQKLrXQųͧF" 0}\QJͿP̭ZWQJRXKLIZiZQJERZQ\RKQRX~N" How many glasses of water should people drink every day? 35 1͋XḘQX͝QJUųͯXWKuÿͷQJOiL[HFzQQ͋XḘQOiL [HWKuÿͷQJX͝QJUųͯX 1pKRRḘQZiZQJ] rRX͙KWqHGzXQJOêVHKNzQQpKRR ḘQOêVHKWqHGzXQJZiZQJ] rRX͙K 28 ÿiYLrQ dáh v-yen ice cubes 30 F͝FOL NiZNOHH glass; cup 31 FKDLQųͧF FK\QRX~N bottle of water 32 QųͧFO̭QK QRX~NOQK cold water 29 QųͧFÿi QRX~NGiK ice water If you drive, don’t drink If you drink, don’t drive 36 7{LPX͝QX͝QJPͥWFiLJuÿyQRQJQyQJ 7R\PZ~QZiZQJP̭ZWNê]qHGiZQRQJPQyQJP I want something hot to drink 33 EuQKQųͧFQyQJO̭QK EuQKQRX~NQyQJPOQK office water dispenser 81 37 +RDTX̯WųűLFiFOR̭LK̭WYj QJŜF͝F +ZDKNZ̯KWRXXKLNiNOZK̭WYjKQJ}RNiZN Fresh fruits, nuts and grains WiR tów apple GͷD ]zXXK coconut 11 FKDQKWk\ FK\QKWD\ lemon [RjL VZͿ FDP NDP mango orange FKX͝L ch-wáy lime mandarin orange G͵DWKűP ]yXXKWXP banana 12 chanh chynh TXtW k-wít ÿjR GzZ pineapple 13 Y̯L Y lychee peach 14 QKmQ n-yãn longan 15 GkXWk\ ]RKWD\ strawberry Or OHK pear 10 ÿXÿͳ GRRG͛R papaya 16 nho n-yo grapes 45 7{LWKtFKćQKRDTX̯WUiL Fk\WųűLQḴW 7R\WtNDQKZDKNZ̯KM rêND\ WRXXKLQ\~W I love to eat fresh fruits most 17 GųDEͫ ]RXXKEͳK cantaloupe 82 18 K͟QJ hàwngm persimmon 19 GųDḴX ]RXXKKyK watermelon 21 K̭WK͟WUćQ K̭WKjZM rDQ 20 K̭WPDFDGDPLD K̭WPDKNDKGDKPHH\DK pistachios macadamia nuts 22 K̭QKQKkQ KQKQ\XQ almonds 23 K̭WÿL͍X K̭WG\zK cashew nuts 24 O̭Fÿ̹XSKͥQJ O̭NG͙KI̭ZQJ peanuts 25 K̭WyFFKy K̭WyNFKy 26 K͟ÿjR KjZGzZ walnuts pecans Additional Vocabulary 37 QJŜF͝F QJ}RNiZN grains; cereals 38 FiFOR̭LK̭WNK{ NiNOZK̭WNKDZ 27 K̭WG͇ K̭W]͇K 28 K̭WSK͕ K̭WI͕ chestnuts 29 K̭WEt K̭WEpH hazel nuts pumpkin seeds nuts 39 EiQKTXL býnh k-wee crackers 40 \͋QP̭FK \pQP̭N oats 30 K̭WWK{QJ K̭WWDZQJP pine nuts 31 K̭WGųD K̭W]RXXK watermelon seeds 32 K̭WKųͧQJGųűQJ K̭WKRX~QJ]RXXQJ sunflower seeds 41 ÿ̹Xÿͣ G͙KGmZ beans 42 QJ{E̻S QJDZEiS corn 33 K̭Wÿ̭LP̭FK K̭WGP̭N barley 34 J̭R J͙Z rice 35 O~DPu OyRDZPqH wheat 46 7{LFyWK͏J͙LWKrPPͥWVX̱W VDOiWPjNK{QJNqPFiFOR̭L K̭WQͻDÿųͯFNK{QJ" 7R\NyW͇KJ͙LWHPP̭ZW sh r-wút sh rDKOiWPjKNKDZQJPNqP NiNOZK̭WQ}XXKGRXͱN NKDZQJP" Can I have one more salad without nuts? 36 YͷQJPq YzXQJPqK 43 EͥWPu ḘZWPqH flour sesame seeds 47 %̭QWKtFKOR̭LK̭WQjR" %̭QWtNOZK̭WQRZ" 44 E͗G͗͵QJ E͗]͗yXQJ What nuts you like? to be allergic; allergy 48 7{LWKtFKK̭WÿL͍X&zQḘQ" 7R\WtNK̭WG\zK.zQḘQ" I like cashew nuts What about you? 49 7{LE͗G͗͵QJYͧLFiFOR̭LK̭W 7R\E͗]͗yXQJY~KLNiNOZK̭W I am allergic to nuts 83 UDXPLUDXQJz ] rRZPZqH] rRZQJz 7URQJFKͯ 38 WK͗W W͗W J rRQJPFKͱK WK͗WEz W͗WEz meat At the market coriander leaves; cilantro beef WK͗WY͗W W͗WY͗W duck PLWk\QJzWk\ PZqHWD\QJzWD\ parsley Fk\PrÿL͓WKųűQJURVHPDU\ ND\PHKG\ͅWKRXXQJUDZVHKPDKUHH pork WK͗WGr W͗W]HK lamb; mutton 11 K̯LV̯Q KVK r̯Q rosemary 10 FKDQKWk\ FK\QKWD\ WK͗WJj W͗WJjK WK͗WOͯQWK͗WKHR W͗WOͱQW͗WK\RZ seafood 12 Fi káh lemon chicken fish 13 PͽF P͙XN octopus 16 WU͵QJ j ryXQJ eggs 18 F̯L[DQK NV\QK Chinese broccoli; Chinese kale 23 Kͅ KͅK Chinese chives 84 17 UDX ] row vegetables 19 F̯LFKtS NFKtS bok choy 14 UDXWKuDOj ] rRZWqHXKOjK dill 20 F̯LQJ͟QJ NQJDZQJ choy sum; Chinese flowering cabbage 24 KjQKOi KͿQKOiK 15 W{P WDZP 21 F̯LEy[{L NEyVR\ spinach scallions; spring onions shrimp; prawns 22 JLi ]iK bean sprouts 25 ͧWFKX{QJ ~WFKZDZQJ 26 FjWtP kàh téem bell pepper 27 FjFKXD NjKFKRRDZ eggplant tomato 28 F̳Q k-ùn celery 29 NKRDLWk\ NKZ\WD\ potato 30 W͛L W͛\ garlic 31 Q̱P núm 32 JͷQJ JzXQJ mushroom ginger 33 E̻SF̯L EiSN 34 TX̯GųDFKXͥWWUiLGųDOHR NZ̯K]RXXKFKZͱWMrê]RXXKO\RZ cabbage cucumber Additional Vocabulary 35 EtÿDR bée dow winter melon 43 FKͯ FKͱK 50 F͛[̭KųűQJ N͛V̭KKRXXQJ 44 [jOiFK VjKOiN 51 JL̯LQJ̱P ]QJ~P 45 ÿ̹XÿŜD G͙KG}RDZ 52 WK͗WEz[D\ W͗WEzV\ market thyme lettuce green beans; string beans 36 PųͧSÿ̻QJNK͡TXD PRX~SGiQJNK̯ZNZDK bitter gourd 46 Etÿ͛ EpHG͛ 37 F̯LKRD[DQK NKZDKV\QK 47 PćQJWk\ PDQJWD\ 38 FjU͝W NjK] ráwt asparagus carrot onion 48 K~QJTX͋ hóongm k-wéh 40 ͧW út chili peppers ground/minced beef 53 FiFOR̭LWK͗W NiNOZW͗W types of meat pumpkin broccoli 39 KjQKWk\ KͿQKWD\ tarragon basil 49 ÿűQVkP[{WKűP GXQVK rXPVDZWXP sage 54 WųűL WRXXKL fresh 55 V~SOűF̯LKRDWU̻QJ sh ryRSOXKNKZDKM ráng cauliflower 56 PųͧS]XFFKLQL PRX~S]iNVKHHQHH zucchini 57 UDXḘFKjĐ͗D7UXQJ+̯L ] rRZḘNKjKD\ͱKJ roongm + oregano 41 F̯LWK̯R NW͛Z Chinese cabbage 42 ÿ̹XSKͱÿ̹XKͳ G͙KI͙RG͙KK}R tofu 58 WK͗WOͯQ[D\WK͗WKHR[D\ W͗WOͱQV\W͗WK\RZV\ ground/minced pork 85 59 JLDY͗ ]DKY͗ seasonings 64 [uG̳X VqH]zK soy sauce 60 JḺP ]~P vinegar 61 QųͧFP̻P QRX~NPiP fish sauce 65 WųűQJͧW WRXXQJ~W chili sauce 62 UųͯXWU̻QJ ] rRX͙KM ráng 63 JḺPJ̭R ]~PJ͙Z rice wine 66 G̳XYͷQJG̳XPq ]zKYzXQJ]zKPqK sesame oil rice vinegar 67 G̳X{OLX ]zKDZO\RR 68 G̳XKjR ]zKKzZ olive oil oyster sauce Additional Vocabulary 70 TX͋ k-wéh cinnamon 69 K̭WWLrXEͥW K̭WW\RKḘZW 75 WųűQJÿ̹XQjQK WRXXQJG͙KQͿQK 78 G̳XGͷD ]zK]zXXK 76 WLQKEͥW WLQKḘZW 79 G̳XF͙ ]zKN͙ soybean paste ground pepper 71 K͟L Kz\ star anise 72 ͧWEͥW ~WḘZW starch coconut oil palm oil 77 G̳XćQ ]zKDQ cooking oil chili powder 80 PuFKtQK mèe monosodium glutamate (MSG) 81 G̳XO̭FG̳Xÿ̹XSKͥQJ ]zKO̭N]zKG͙KI̭ZQJ 73 PX͝L m-wáy salt 74 EͥWQJK͓ ḘZWQJͅK peanut oil ground turmeric 82 KLḘQÿmFKX̵QE͗ÿ̳\ÿͳQJX\rQOL͓XWKuFiFPyQćQ9L͓W1DPU̱WG͑Q̱X KHHḘQGmKFKZͳQE͗Gj\G͛RQJRR\HQO\͙KWqHNiNPyQDQV\ͅWNDP] r~W]͉KQ}K Vietnamese food is easy to cook once you have all the ingredients 83 ͪ9L͓W1DPFK~QJW{LWKtFKPXDWK͵FćQQJRjLFKͯ ͲKV\ͅWNDPFKyRQJWR\WtNPRRDZWyXNDQQJZͿFKͱK In Vietnam, we like to buy our food at the local market 84 5DXYjWK͗Wͫÿyÿ͍XU̱WWųűLU͇KűQͫWURQJVLrXWK͗ ZrRZYjKW͗WͳKGyGqKRR] r~WWRXXKL] r͇KKXQͳKM rongm sh r\RKW͗ The vegetables and meat are very fresh there, and it is slightly cheaper than supermaket 86 English-Vietnamese Index The following information is included for each entry—the English word, the Vietnamese word and its transliteration, the section number and the order in which the word appeared in that section, followed by the page number where the word appears For example: English word rice wine Vietnamese word/Transiteration Lesson and order UųͯXWU̻QJ]rRX͙KMráng [38-62] 1000 dong ÿ͟QJ P̭ZWQJuQ dàwngm [9–6] 26 10,000 dong ÿ͟QJ PRXKL QJuQGjZQJP [9–9] 26 100,000 dong ÿ͟QJ P̭ZW jrDPQJuQGjZQJP [9–12] 26 200 dong ÿ͟QJ hy jrDPGjZQJP [9–4] 26 2000 dong ÿ͟QJ K\QJuQ dàwngm [9–7] 26 20,000 dong ÿ͟QJ hy PRXXKLQJuQGjZQJP [9–10] 26 200,000 dong ÿ͟QJ hy jrDP QJuQGjZQJP [9–13] 26 500 dong ÿ͟QJ QDPMrDPGjZQJP [9–5] 26 5,000 dong ÿ͟QJ QDPQJuQ dàwngm [9–14] 26 50,000 dong ÿ͟QJ QDPPRX XKLQJuQGjZQJP [9–11] 26 500,000 dong ÿ͟QJ QDPMrDP QJuQGjZQJP [9–8] 26 o’clock JLͩ shryZ]K [15–4] 38 A a brief moment PͥWNKR̯QKNK̻F P̭ZWNKZQKNKiN [15–29] 39 a circle KuQKWUzQ KuQKMrzQ [7–19] 23 a diamond KuQKWKRL KuQKWRL[7–28] 23 a dictionary PͥWTX\͏QWͷÿL͏Q P̭ZW NZ\͇QWzXG\͇Q [22–14] 53 a flight PͥWFKX\͋QED\ P̭ZW choo-yén by [22–19] 53 a gentle breeze JLyQKͅ ]yQ\ͅK [17–6] 42 a group of people PͥWQKyPQJųͩL P̭ZWQ\yPQJRXKL [22–9] 53 a heart KuQKWUiLWLP KuQKMrý teem [7–23] 23 a hexagon KuQKOͱFJLiF KuQKO͙RNS ]iN [7–27] 23 a moment ago YͷDPͧL YzXXKP~KL [15–30] 39 a packet of cookies PͥWJyLEiQK P̭ZWJyLEêQK [22–13] 53 a pentagon KuQKQJŜJLiF KuQKQJ}R ]iN [7–21] 23 a question; problem Y̱Qÿ͍ vún dèh [19–47] 47 a rainbow E̯\V̻FF̳XY͟QJ EVKrák NzKYjZQJP [7–17] 22 a rectangle KuQKFKͻQK̹W KuQKFK}X Q\ͱW [7–18] 23 a square KuQKYX{QJ KuQKYZDZQJ [7–22] 23 a star KuQKQJ{LVDR KuQKQJR\VKrow [7–25] 23 a triangle KuQKWDPJLiF KuQKWDP]iN [7–26] 23 abdomen EͱQJ E͙RQJP [4–27] 17 above ͫWUrQ ͳKMren [13–4] 34 accident WDLQ̭Q W\Q̭Q[27–24] 63 account number V͝WjLNKR̯Q shriZWͿ NKZ̯Q [9–30] 27 accountant N͋WRiQ kéh t-wán [25–5] 58 actor; actress GL͑QYLrQ ]\͉QY\HQ [26–25] 61 actually WKͽFUD W͙XN]rDK [17–19] 43 Africa &KkX3KL Choh Fee [32–22] 73 air NK{QJNKt NKDZQJPNKpH [28–11] 64 air conditioner Pi\ÿL͍XKzD mý G\zKKZjK [3–17] 14 air pollution {QKL͑PNK{QJNKt DZ Q\ŜPNKDZQJPNKpH [14–37] 37 air quality FḴWOųͯQJNK{QJNKt chút ORXͱQJNKDZQJPNKpH [28–41] 65 airplane Pi\ED\ mý by [12–4] 32 airport VkQED\ shrXQE\ [11–2] 30; [31–29] 71 alarm clock ÿ͟QJK͟EiRWK͵F GjZQJPKjZEyZWyXN [15–11] 39 algebra ÿ̭LV͝ GVKráw [19–34] 47 almonds K̭QKQKkQ KQKQ\XQ [37–22] 83 almost K̳XQKųKzKQ\RX[34–33] 77 alphabet E̯QJFKͻFiL E̯QJFK}XNê [20–22] 49 already ÿm dãh [13–50] 35 although P̓FG P̭N]zR [28–34] 65 altogether W͡QJFͥQJ W̯ZQJPṊZQJ [10–32] 29 ambulance [HF̱SF͵X VHKN~S NyXRR[27–38] 63 America 0΅ 0͉H [32–13] 73 an octagon KuQKEiWJLiF KuQKEiW]iN [7–20] 23 an oval KuQKE̳XGͱF KuQKEzK]͙RNS [7–24] 23 Android phones ÿL͓QWKR̭L$QGURLG G\ͅQWZ$QGXKUR\G [24–6] 56 ankle P̻WFiFKkQ PiWNiKFKXQ [4–29] 17 anniversary O͑N͕QL͓P O͉KN͇H Q\ͱP[18–29] 45 Antartica &KkX1DP&ͽF &KRK1DP ͙XN [32–24] 73 antiseptic NKWUQJ NK͛XMrzRQJP [27–29] 63 anxious; worried ORO̻QJ OROiQJ[27–36] 63 apart from; besides QJRjLUDQJZͿ ]rDK[34–31] 77 apartment nhà n-yàh [3–51] 14; FćQ Kͥ NDQK̭Z [3–52] 14 apartment building FKXQJFų choongm NRX [11–13] 30 Apple &{QJW\$SSOH DZQJPWHH(K S̯Z [24–22] 57 apple WiR tów [37–1] 82 Apple phones (iPhones) ÿL͓QWKR̭L L3KRQH G\ͅQWZ(\HIDZQ [24–7] 56 apple pie EiQKWiR býnh tów [35–11] 78 application (computer program) FKųűQJ WUuQKFKRXXQJMruQK [23–21] 55 appointment FyKͅQ NyKͅQ[27–19] 63 apprentice K͙FQJK͍K͙NSQJqK [25–26] 59 April WKiQJWų WiQJWRX [16–19] 41 Page in book 86 Arabic WL͋QJ̮5̹S W\~QJ̮K=rͱS [33–9] 74 architect NL͋QWU~FVų k-yén jróok shrRX[25–9] 58 area code PmV͝YQJ mãh shráw YzRQJP[24–28] 56 arm FiQKWD\ kýnh ty [4–19] 17 arrive ÿ͋Q dén [8–20] 25 art museum E̯RWjQJP΅WKX̹W EzZ WjQJP͉HWZͱW [11–14] 31 artery ÿͥQJP̭FK G̭ZQJP̭N [4–45] 17 artist KR̭VĦ KZ̭KVKr͉H[25–7] 58 as a result of FKRQrQ cho nen [28–35] 65 Asia &KkXÇ &KRKÇK [32–23] 73 asking directions K͛LÿųͩQJ K͛L GRXQJ [13–16] 34 asparagus PćQJWk\ PDQJWD\ [38–47] 85 assignment EjLW̹S EͿWͱS [19–30] 47; [21–21] 51 attend a birthday party WKDPJLDćQ PͷQJVLQKQK̹W WDP]DKDQPzXQJ shrLQKQ\ͱW [18–25] 45 attic; loft JiF[pS JiNVpS [3–54] 14 audience NKiQJL̯ NKiQ]̯K [26–14] 61 auditorium JL̯QJÿųͩQJOͧQ ]̯QJ GRXQJO~Q [20–19] 49 August WKiQJWiP táng dám [16–23] 41 aunt (mother’s sister) Gu ]qH [2–17] 13 Australia Úc Ĩok [32–19] 73; &KkXỊF Choh Ĩok [32–25] 73 autumn; fall PDWKX PzRDZWRR [17–3] 42 B bacon; smoked ham WK͗WKXQNKyL W͗W KRRQNKyL [35–20] 79 bad [̱X sóh [8–7] 24 bad weather WKͩLWL͋W[̱X WKLW\pW sóh [14–35] 37 badminton ÿiQKF̳XO{QJ GêQKNzK ODZQJP [30–5] 68 baguette EiQKPu3KiS EêQKPqHIiS [35–6] 78 balcony EDQF{QJP EDQNDZQJP [3–2] 14 ball EyQJ bóngm [30–27] 69 banana FKX͝L ch-wáy [37–7] 82 band; orchestra EDQQK̭FGjQQK̭F EDQQ\̭N]jQQ\̭N [26–31] 61 bandage EćQJJ̭F EDQJJ̭N[27–49] 63 bank QJkQKjQJ QJXQKjQJ [11–7] 30 bank deposit WL͍QJLQJkQKjQJ W\qQJ͛XLQJXQKjQJ [9–29] 27 barbecue ćQWK͗WQųͧQJQJRjLWUͩL DQ W͗WQRX~QJQJZͿMrKL [35–35] 79 barley K̭Wÿ̭LP̭FK K̭WGP̭N [37–33] 83 baseball EyQJFKj\ EyQJPFKͿ [30–7] 68 basement; cellar W̳QJK̳P tùng hùm [3–55] 14 basil K~QJTX͋ hóongm k-wéh [38–48] 85 bathtub E͟QW̻P bàwn tám [3–42] 15 bathroom EX͟QJW̻P b-wàwng tám [3–37] 15 beach EmLEL͏Q E΅E\͇Q [31–28] 71 bean sprouts JLi ]iK [38–22] 84 beans ÿ̹Xÿͣ G͙KGmZ [37–41] 83 bear J̱X góh [29–6] 66 because of Yu vèe [28–27] 65 bed JLųͩQJ ]RXQJ [3–20] 14 bedroom SKzQJQJͳ IzQJPQJ͛R [3–21] 14 bee RQJ ongm [29–26] 67 beef WK͗WEz W͗WEz [38–2] 84 beef noodles SKͫ IͳK [34–5] 76 beer ELD EHHXK[36–25] 81 before WUųͧFÿy jrRX~NGy [15–27] 39 begin E̻Wÿ̳X EiWGzK [8–23] 25 behind ÿ̽QJVDX dàng shrow [13–15] 34 bell pepper ͧWFKX{QJ ~WFKZDZQJ [38–25] 85 below ͫGųͧL ͳK]RX~KL [13–5] 34 belt WK̻WOXQJ WiWORXQJ [10–19] 29 between; among JLͻD ]}XXK [15–28] 39 beverage ÿ͟X͝QJ dàw wáwng [36–1] 80 bicycle [Hÿ̭S VHKG̭S [30–12] 68 big OͧQ O~Q [8–11] 25 bill; invoice KRiÿűQ KZiKGXQ [10–40] 29 biology VLQKK͙F shrLQKK͙NS [19–37] 47 bird FKLP cheem [29–20] 67 birthday VLQKQK̹W shrLQKQ\ͱW [18–24] 45 bitter gourd PųͧSÿ̻QJNK͡TXD PRX~SGiQJNK̯ZNZDK [38–36] 85 black ÿHQ den [7–4] 22 Black Friday QJj\WK͵ViXJL̯PJLi KjQJ QJͿWyXVKryZ]̯P]iKKjQJ [10–21] 29 blackboard E̯QJÿHQ E̯QJGHQ [20–2] 48 blog EORJEORJ [23–33] 55 blood PiX mów [4–42] 17 blood pressure KX\͋WiS KRR\pWiS [27–8] 62 blood test [pWQJKL͓PPiX sét QJ\ͱPPyZ [27–6] 62 blouse iR ów [10–7] 28 blue [DQKODP V\QKODP [7–6] 22 boarding pass WK͇OrQPi\ED\ W͇KOHQ mý by [31–9] 70 bok choy F̯LFKtS NFKtS [38–19] 84 bone [ųűQJ VRXXQJ [4–44] 17 book shelf JLiViFK ]iKVKrák [3–35] 15 books ViFK shrák [19–8] 46 boots ͳQJÿLPųD ͛RQJPGHH PRXXK [14–3] 36 borrow PųͯQ PRXͱQ [8–29] 25 87 bottle of water FKDLQųͧF FK\QRX~N [36–31] 81 bowl EiWFKpQ bát; chén [34–9] 76 boutique FDKjQJWKͩLWUDQJ N͛XXK KjQJWKLMrDQJ [10–24] 29 brain QmR Q}Z[4–30] 17 bread EiQKPu býnh mèe [34–19] 77 bridge F̳XNzK [11–22] 31 broccoli F̯LKRD[DQK NKZDKV\QK [38–37] 85 brother-in-law DQKU͏ H\HQK]r͇K [2–36] 12 brothers DQKHPWUDL eye-nh em jry [2–12] 13 brown QkX noh [7–9] 22 browser WUuQKGX\͓W jruQK]RR\ͅW [23–37] 55 Brunei %UXQk\ %URR1D\ [32–9] 72 Buddha’s Birthday /͑3K̹WĐ̯Q /͉K)ͱW '̯Q [18–10] 44 bus route ÿųͩQJ[HEXêW GRXQJ seh boo-ít [12–31] 33 bus stop E͋Q[HEXêWWṶP[HEXêW bén seh boo-ít; jr̭PVHKERRtW [12–13] 33 busy E̹Q EͱQ [8–8] 24 but; however QKųQJ Q\RXQJ [28–32] 65 butter; cream Eű EXK [35–31] 79 butterfly EųͧP ERX~P[29–27] 67 by EͫL EͳKL [28–26] 65 C CD/DVD &''9' see dee/dee vee dee [23–11] 54 cabbage E̻SF̯L EiSN [38–33] 85 cabinet WͳE͋S W͛REpS [3–25] 15 cable network P̭QJFiSP̭QJNiS [23–37] 55 cake EiQKJDW{ EêQKJDKWDZ [35–23] 79 calculator Pi\WtQK mý tính [5–16] 1; [20–11] 48 calculus SKpSWtQKYLSKkQYjWtFK SKkQ IpSWtQKYHHIXQYjKGtNIXQ [19–51] 47 calendar O͗FK O͗N [16–1] 40 calligraphy WKųSKiS WRXIiS [21–5] 51 Cambodia &ćPSXFKLD DP3RR Chee Uh [32–7] 72 camera Pi\̯QKPi\FKͱSKuQK mý ͇\HQKPêFK͙RSKuQK [31–15] 70 Canada &DQDGD DKQDKGDK [32–26] 73 cantaloupe GųDEͫ ]RXXKEͳK [37–17] 82 car {W{[HKűL DZWDZVHKKXKL [12–1] 32 carpet WK̯P W̯P [3–12] 14 carrot FjU͝W NjK]UiZW [38–38] 85 cash WL͍QP̓W W\qQP̭W [9–34] 27 cashew nuts K̭WÿL͍X K̭WG\zK [37–23] 83 cashier QJųͩLWKXQJkQ QJzXXKL WRRQJXQ [10–26] 29 cat PqR P\zZ[29–22] 67 catch a bus OrQN͗SFKX\͋Q[HEXêW OHQN͗SFKRR\pQVHKERRtW[12–34] 33 catch a train OrQN͗SFKX\͋QWjXKR̯ OHQN͗SFKRR\pQWzZKZ̯K[12–35] 33 cauliflower V~SOűF̯LKRDWU̻QJ shryRSOXKNKZDKMráng [38–55] 85 ceiling WU̳QQKj jrùn n-yàh [3–4] 14 celery F̳Q k-ùn [38–28] 85 88 cello ÿjQFHOORÿjQK͟F̳P dàn seh ODZGjQKjZNP [26–15] 61 central business district (CBD) NKX GRDQKQJKL͓SFͳDWKjQKSK͝ khoo ]Z\QKQJ\ͱSN͛RDZWͿQKIiZ [11–33] 31 century (100 years) WK͋N͕ WpKN͇H [16–36] 41 cereal QJŜF͝F QJ}RNiZN [35–25] 79 certainly QḴWÿ͗QK Q\~WG͗QK [10–33] 29 chair JK͋ géh [3–8] 14 Champagne UųͯXVkPEDQK ]rRX͙K shrXPE\QK[36–23] 81 changes WKD\ÿ͡L W\G͛\ [28–25] 65 chat room SKzQJFKDWIzQJPFKiW [23–31] 55 cheap U͇ ]r͇K [9–24] 27 check FKLSKL͋X chee f-yóh [9–15] 27 cheek Pi máh [4–5] 16 cheese SK{PDLSKyPiW IDZP\Iy mát [35–24] 79 chef ÿ̳XE͋SGzKEpS[25–15] 59 chemistry KRiK͙F KZiKK͙NS [19–36] 47 chest QJͽF QJ͙XN [4–26] 17 chestnuts K̭WG͇ K̭W]͇K [37–27] 83 chicken Jj gàh [29–19] 67; WK͗WJj W͗W gàh [38–9] 84 children WU͇HP jr͇KHP [2–4] 12 chili peppers ͧW út [38–40] 85 chili powder ͧWEͥW ~WḘZW [38–72] 86 chili sauce WųűQJͧW WRXXQJ~W [38–65] 86 chin F̽P kàm [4–13] 16 China 7UXQJ4X͝F Jroongm K-wáwk [32–16] 73 Chinese 2-string fiddle ÿjQQK͗ dàn Q\͗ [26–4] 60 Chinese broccoli; Chinese kale F̯L[DQK NV\QK [38–18] 84 Chinese cabbage F̯LWK̯R NW͛Z [38–41] 85 Chinese chives Kͅ KͅK [38–23] 84 chocolates V{F{OD shrDZNDZODK [18–15] 45 choice VͽOͽDFK͙Q shr͙XO͙XXKFK͙Q [34–29] 77 chopsticks ÿŜD G}RDZ [34–8] 76 choy sum; Chinese flowering cabbage F̯LQJ͟QJ NQJDZQJ [38–20] 84 Christmas *LiQJVLQK Záng shrLQK [18–22] 45 church QKjWKͩ n-yàh tùh [11–27] 31 cinema ṶSFKL͋XSKLP]r̭SFK\yK feem [11–31] 31 cinnamon TX͋ k-wéh [38–70] 86 classmates ḘQFQJOͧS ḘQNzRQJP O~S [20–13] 48 classroom OͧSK͙F O~SK͙NS [20–4] 48 clean (adj) V̭FKV͉ shr̭NVKr͉K [28–17] 65; (v) OjPV̭FK OjPVKr̭N [28–24] 65 clean energy QćQJOųͯQJV̭FK QDQJ ORXͱQJVKr̭N [28–38] 65 clock ÿ͟QJK͟ dàwngm hàw [15–6] 38 closed ÿyQJ dóngm [8–13] 25 clothes TX̳QiR k-wùn ów [10–6] 28 clothing size FͭTX̳QiR NŜKNZQ ów [7–29] 23 cloud Pk\ PD\ [14–24] 37 cloudy day WUͩLkPX jrzXLXPRR [14–7] 36 coal than WDQ [28–21] 65 coat or jacket iRNKRiF ów kh-wák [14–18] 37 cocktails UųͯXSKDW͡QJKͯS ]rRX͙K IDKW̯ZQJPKͱS[36–18] 81 coconut GͷD ]zXXK [37–6] 82 coconut oil G̳XGͷD ]zK]zXXK [38–78] 86 coffee FjSKr kàh feh [35–19] 79; [36–6] 80 coffee table EjQQųͧF EjQQRX~N [3–11] 14 coin; money WL͍Q t-yèn [9–21] 27 coins WL͍Q[X t-yèn soo [9–3] 26 cola FRFDFROD NDZNDKNDZODK [36–10] 80 cold O̭QK OQK [14–22] 37 cold water QųͧFO̭QK QRX~NOQK [36–32] 81 cold weather WKͩLWL͋WJLiO̭QK WKL W\pW]iKOQK [14–23] 37 colleague Qÿ͟QJQJKL͓S dàwngm QJ\ͱS[25–32] 59 colors PjXV̻F PzZVKrák [7–1] 22 come ÿ͋Q dén [8–17] 25 company F{QJWLNDZQJPWHH[25–20] 59 comparing prices VRViQKJLiF̯ shrêQK]iKN̯K [10–28] 29 competition WKLÿ̱X tee dóh [30–3] 68 complete [RQJ songm [28–29] 65 complex NKRiK͙F NKZiKK͙NS [21–20] 51 computer lab SKzQJPi\YLWtQK IzQJPPêYHHWtQK [20–20] 49 computers Pi\YLWtQK mý vee tính [23–1] 54 concert EX͡LKzDQK̭F EZ̯\KZjK Q\̭N [26–13] 61 conference center WUXQJWkPKͥLQJK͗ jrRRQJPWXPK͙\QJ͗ [11–8] 30 cook; chef ÿ̳XE͋S GzKEpS [34–3] 76 cooked rice FűP NXP [34–10] 76 cooking oil G̳XćQ ]zKDQ [38–77] 86 coriander leaves; cilantro UDXPLUDX QJz ]rRZPZqH]rRZQJz [38–3] 84 corn QJ{E̻S QJDZEiS [37–42] 83 cosmetics ÿ͟WUDQJÿL͏P dàw jrDQJ G\͇P [10–17] 29 Countries in Southeast Asia &iFQųͧF Đ{QJ1DPÇ iNQRX~N'DZQJP 1DPÇK [32–1] 72 country code PmV͝FͳDPͥWQųͧF mãh shriZN͛RDZP̭ZWQRX~N [24–34] 56 course NKRiK͙F NKZiKK͙NS [21–20] 51 cousins DQKFK͗HPK͙ H\HQKFK͗HP K͙ [2–24] 13 cow Ez Ez[29–13] 67 crackers EiQKTXL býnh k-wee [37–39] 83 credit card WK͇WtQGͱQJ W͇KWpHQ ]͙RQJ [9–17] 27; [10–30] 29 crops PDPjQJ PzRDZPjQJ [17–17] 43 cruise center WUXQJWkPGXWKX\͍Q jrRRQJPWXP]RRWRR\qQ [31–40] 71 cucumber TX̯GųDFKXͥWWUiLGųD OHR NZ̯K]RXXKFKZͱWMrý ]RXXKO\RZ [38–34] 85 culture YćQKRi YDQKZiK [21–15] 51 currency QJR̭LW͓ QJZWͅK [31–21] 71 currency exchange ÿ͡LQJR̭LW͓ G͛\ QJZWͅK [9–19] 27 curtain UqPFD ]rqPN͛XXK [3–16] 14 customs K̯LTXDQ KNZDQ [31–23] 71 cute; adorable ÿiQJ\rX dáng yoh [29–34] 67 D dance (performing art) P~D PyRDZ [26–18] 61 dark color PjXV̷P PzZVKrŜP [7–15] 22 daughter FRQJiL kon gý [2–5] 12 daughter-in-law FRQGkX NRQ]RK [2–32] 12 day QJj\ QJͿ [16–4] 40 day of a month QJj\ QJͿ [16–34] 41 debt NKR̯QWL͍QQͯ NKZ̯QW\qQQͱK [9–28] 27 decade (10 years) WK̹SQLrQ WͱSQ\HQ [16–35] 41 December WKiQJPųͩLKDL táng PRXKLK\ [16–27] 41 decision TX\͋Wÿ͗QK NRR\pWG͗QK [10–36] 29 deep-fried eggrolls QHPUiQFK̯JLz QHP]riQFK̯K]z [34–20] 77 deep-fried pancakes with shrimp EiQK W{P EêQKWDZP [34–25] 77 delivery van [HFKͫKjQJ VHKFKͳK hàng [12–6] 32 Denmark ĐDQ0̭FK 'DQ0̭N [32–27] 73 dentist QKDVĦQ\DKVKr͉H[25–18] 59 dentistry QKDNKRD Q\DKNKZDK [27–20] 63 depart UͩL ]rKL [8–20] 25 department store FDKjQJEiFKKRi N͛XXKKjQJEiNKZiK [10–23] 29 dermatology NKRDGDOL͑X NKZDK]DK O\}K[27–43] 63 desk EjQK͙F EjQK͙NS [3–36] 15 desktop computer Pi\WtQKEjQ mý tính bàn [23–4] 54 diary QK̹WNt Q\ͱWNpH [16–42] 41 dictionary WͷÿL͏Q WzXG\͇Q [19–12] 46 diet drinks ÿ͟X͝QJNK{QJÿųͩQJÿ͟ X͝QJtWÿųͩQJ dàw wáwng NKDZQJPGRXQJGjZZiZQJtW GRXQJ [36–15] 80 difficult NKy khó [8–15] 25 digestive system K͓WLrXKyD KͅKW\RK h-wáh [4–37] 17 digits FKͻV͝ FK}XVKráw [5–29] 19 dill UDXWKuDOj ]rRZWqHXKOjK [38–14] 84 dinosaur NKͳQJORQJ NK͛RQJPORQJP [29–10] 66 direction SKųűQJKųͧQJ IRXXQJ KRX~QJ [13–55] 35 discount JL̯PJLi ]̯P]iK [9–23] 27 distance NKR̯QJFiFK NKZ̯QJNiN [13–56] 35 not have NK{QJFy NKDZQJPNy [8–16] 25 doctor EiFVĦ bák shr͉H [27–4] 62 doctor's consultation room SKzQJ NKiP IzQJPNKiP [27–17] 62 dog FKy chó [29–21] 67 donuts EiQKQJ͙WGRQXWV EêQKQJ͙W GDZQyRW [35–5] 78 door FD N͛XXK [3–46] 15 down [X͝QJ s-wáwng [8–1] 24 downtown WUXQJWkPWKjQKSK͝ jrRRQJPWXPWͿQKIiZ [11–32] 31 dragon U͟QJ ]ràwngm [29–23] 67 drawer QJćQNpR QJXQN\yZ [3–32] 15 drive a car OiL[H OêVHK [12–22] 33 driver OiL[H OêVHK [12–3] 32 drums WU͝QJ jráwngm [26–6] 60 duck WK͗WY͗W W͗WY͗W [38–8] 84 E ear WDL ty [4–2] 16 ear, nose, and throat NKRDWDLPŜL K͙QJ NKZDKW\PZ͉HK͙QJ[27–46] 63 early VͧP shrúm [15–23] 39 early morning ViQJVͧP shráng shrúm [15–17] 39 earphones WDLQJKH ty ngeh [26–22] 61 earth; ground WUiLÿ̱W jrý dút [28–37] 65 east ÿ{QJ GDZQJP [13–10] 34 East Timor Đ{QJ7LPR 'DZQJP7HH Mo [32–12] 72 Easter /͑3KͱFVLQK /͉K)͙RNVKrLQK [18–19] 45 easy G͑ ]͉K [8–15] 25; [21–26] 51 economics NLQKW͋K͙F NLQKWpKK͙NS [19–44] 47 eggplant FjWtP kàh téem [38–26] 85 eggs WU͵QJ jryXQJ [38–16] 84 eight WiP tám [5–8] 18 eight pieces of clothing WiPEͥTX̳Q iR WiPḘZNZQyZ [22–5] 52 elbow NKXXWD\ NKZ͕RRW\ [4–20] 17 electric car {W{ÿL͓Q DZWDZG\ͅQ [28–6] 64 electric socket; power point ͡F̻PÿL͓Q ̯ZNiPG\ͅQ [00-00] 00 elementary school WUųͩQJWL͏XK͙F WUųͩQJF̱S jrRXQJW\͛KK͙NS jrRXQJN~SP̭ZW [20–33] 49 elephant YRL YRL[29–14] 67 elevator WKDQJPi\ WDQJPê [3–50] 14 email WKųÿL͓QW WRXG\ͅQW͛X [23–14] 54 emergency F̱SF͵X N~SNyXRR [27–26] 63 emergency room SKzQJF̱SF͵X IzQJPN~SNRXyR [27–2] 62 employee QKkQYLrQQ\XQY\HQ [25–25] 59 end N͋WWK~F két tóok [8–23] 25 energy drinks ÿ͟X͝QJW̭RQćQJ OųͯQJ GjZZiZQJW͙ZQDQJORXͱQJ [36–16] 80 engineer NĦVų N͉HVKrRX[25–4] 58 English WL͋QJ$QK t-yúng Eye-nh [33–1] 74 enter YjR YzZ [8–4] 24 enthusiastic QKL͓WWuQK Q\ͅWWuQK [2–43] 12 entrepreneur GRDQKQKkQ]Z\QK Q\XQ[25–21] 59 environment P{LWUųͩQJ moy jrzXQJ [28–36] 65 equals E̽QJ bàng [5–21] 19 eraser FͱFW̵\FͱFJ{P N͙RNW̯\ N͙RNJDZP [19–16] 47 Europe &KkXÅX Choh Oh [32–28] 73 even numbers V͝FḰQ shráw chãn [5–25] 19 exams NL͏PWUDWKL N\ͳPMrDKWHH [19–1] 46 exercise book YͫEjLW̹S YͳKEͿWͱS [21–22] 51 exit UD ]rDK [8–4] 24 expensive ÿ̻WP̻F dát; mák [9–25] 27 expressway ÿųͩQJFDRW͝FGRXQJ kow táwk [11–18] 31 extraordinary Y{FQJYDZNzRQJP [23–38] 55 Everybody eats together &̯QKjFQJ GQJFűP ̯KQ\jKNzRQJP ]zRQJPNXP[6–14] 21 eye P̻Wmát [4–8] 16 eyebrow O{QJPj\ ODZQJPPͿ [4–7] 16 F FPT FPT eSSHHWHH [24–20] 57 face P̓W P̭W [4–4] 16 Facebook )DFHERRN )D\EyRN [24–15] 57 fake JL̯ ]̯K [8–26] 25 family JLDÿuQK ]DKGuQK [2–40] 12 famous Q͡LWL͋QJ Q͛\W\~QJ [26–27] 61 fan TX̭W[͋S NZ̭WVpS [17–14] 43 far xa VDK [8–24] 25; [13–40] 35 farmer Q{QJGkQQDZQJP]XQ[25–19] 59 fast nhanh n-y-eye-nh [8–27] 25 fat EpRP̹S E\yZPͱS [8–12] 25 father E͝ED EiZEDK [2–13] 13 father’s elder brother EiFWUDL bák jry [2–11] 13 father’s sister NDZ [2–29] 12 father’s younger brother chóo [2–28] 12 February WKiQJKDL táng hy [16–17] 41 female SKͱQͻ I͙RQ}X [2–3] 12 festival; holiday QJj\O͑ QJͿO͉K [18–1] 44 fever E͗V͝W E͗VKráwt [27–12] 62 fifteen minutes past six JLͩSK~W shryZ]KPRXKLODPIyRW [15–8] 38 fifteen minutes to seven JLͩSK~W JLͩNpP shryZ]KEiZQ QK\DPIyRWE]KNpPPRXKL ODP [15–10] 38 file ӾOH fy [23–24] 55 finally FX͝LFQJ NZi\NzRQJP [15–35] 39 financier FKX\rQJLDWjLFKtQK FKRR\HQ]DKWͿFKtQK[25–3] 58 fingers QJyQWD\ ngón ty [4–15] 16 finish line ÿtFK dík [30–4] 68 Finland 3K̳Q/DQ )Q/DQ [32–29] 73 fire engine [HF͵XK͛D VHKNRXyR KZ̯K [12–16] 33 firefighter OtQKF͵XK͛D OtQKNRXyR KZ̯K[25–11] 58 fireworks SKiRKRD IyZKZDK [18–3] 44 first aid kit KͥSWKX͝FF̱SF͵X K̭ZS WZiZNN~SNyXRR[27–48] 63 fish Fi káh [29–28] 67; [38–12] 84 fish sauce QųͧFP̻P QRX~NPiP [38–61] 86 five QćP QDP [5–5] 18 five bowls of rice QćPEiWFűP QDP EiWNXP [22–18] 53 five minutes past six JLͩSK~W shryZ]KQDPIyRW [15–5] 38 five tickets QćPW̱PYp QDPW~PYpK [22–4] 52 flashcards SKL͋XJKLWͷ I\yKJHHWzX [21–3] 51 floor VjQQKj shràn n-yàh [3–15] 14 flour EͥWPu ḘZWPqH [37–43] 83 flower hoa KZDK [28–2] 64 flute ViR shrów [26–10] 60 fog VųűQJP shrRXXQJPzR [14–25] 37 foot EjQFKkQ EjQFKXQ [4–23] 17; foot fóot [13–38] 35 for the purpose of QK̽PPͱFÿtFK Q\jPP͙RNGtN [28–40] 65 forehead WUiQ jrán [4–17] 17 forest UͷQJ ]rzXQJ [28–13] 65 forgotten TXrQ k-wen [8–30] 25 fork QĦD Q͉HXK [34–13] 76 four E͝Q báwn [5–4] 18 four photographs E͝QE͵F̯QK báwn EyXN͇\HQK [22–17] 53 four seasons E͝QPD EiZQPzRDZ [17–18] 43 four-story building NKXQKjE͝QW̳QJ khoo n-yàh báwn tùng [22–11] 53 fraction SKkQV͝ IXQVKráw [5–24] 19 free wifi OrQP̭QJPL͑QSKt OHQP̭QJ P\͉QIpH [31–27] 71 French WL͋QJ3KiS W\~QJ)iS [33–2] 74 french fries NKRDLWk\UiQFKLrQ NKZ\WD\]rán; ch-yen [35–27] 79 frequently WKųͩQJWKųͩQJ WRXQJ WRXQJ [15–32] 39 fresh WųűL WRXXKL [38–54] 85 freshman year in college ÿ̭LK͙FQćP WK͵QḴW GK͙NSQDPWyXQ\~W [20–36] 49 Friday WK͵ViX WyXVKrów [16–14] 40 friends ḘQ ḘQ [1–25] 11 fruit juice QųͧFKRDTX̯QųͧFWUiL Fk\ QRX~NKZDKNZ̯KQRX~N jrêND\ [35–18] 79; [36–3] 80 full (eat till) no no [8–19] 25 future VDXQj\ shrRZQͿ [8–22] 25 G garage JDUD{W{ JDKUDKDZWDZ [3–56] 14 garbage truck [HUiF VHK]rák [12–5] 32 garden YųͩQKRD YRXQKZDK [28–1] 64 garlic W͛L W͛\ [38–30] 85 gas station; petrol station Fk\[ćQJ ND\ VDQJ [11–6] 30 gathering; meeting J̓SJͭ J̭SJŜK [1–19] 11 general medicine QͥLNKRD K̭ZSQ͙\ NKZDK[27–40] 63 general surgery QͥLNKRD QJZ NKZDK[27–41] 63 generally QyLFKXQJ QyLFKRRQJP [10–34] 29 geography ÿ͗DOt G\ͱKOpH [19–38] 47 geometry KuQKK͙F KuQKK͙NS [19–32] 47 German WL͋QJĐ͵F W\~QJ'yXN [33–4] 74 Germany Đ͵F 'yXN [32–30] 73 gift TXj k-wàh [18–21] 45 ginger JͷQJ JzXQJ [38–32] 85 giraffe KųűXFDRF͡ KRXRKNRZN̯Z [29–3] 66 give ÿųD GRXXK [8–2] 24 giving directions FK͕ÿųͩQJ FK͇H GRXQJ [13–21] 34 glass; cup F͝FOL NiZNOHH[36–30] 81 glasses; spectacles NtQKP̻WNt͋QJ kính; mát k-yúng [10–11] 28 globe WUiLÿ̱W jrý dút [32–20] 73 gloves JćQJWD\ JDQJW\ [14–31] 37 go ÿL dee [8–17] 25 go faster QKDQKOrQ Q\H\HQKOHQ [12–25] 33 go straight ÿLWK̿QJ GHHW̯QJ [12–27] 33; [13–31] 35 go to school ÿLK͙F GHHK͙NS [6–26] 20 go to work; get off work ÿLOjPÿLOjP Y͍ GHHOjPGHHOjPYqK [6–40] 20 goat Gr ]HK[29–11] 67 going to work ÿLOjPGHHOjP[25–29] 59 gold PjXÿ͟QJ PzZGjZQJP [7–13] 22 golf FKűLJROI FKXKLJDZQ [30–17] 69 good W͝W táwt [8–7] 24 good weather WKͩLWL͋WW͝W WKLW\pW táwt [14–34] 37 Google *RRJOH *RRJ̯Z [24–17] 57 gorilla ÿųͩLųűL GRXKLRXXKL [29–8] 66 Grab *UDE Gùh ráb [12–26] 33 grade; class OͧS O~S [19–23] 47 grades ÿL͏P G\ͳP [20–23] 49 grains; cereals QJŜF͝F QJ}RNiZN [37–37] 83 grammar QJͻSKiS QJ}XIiS [21–16] 51 grandson; granddaughter FKiXWUDL FKiXJiL chów jry; chów gý [2–33] 12 grapes nho n-yo [37–16] 82 grass F͛ N͛ [28–5] 64 gray [iP sám [7–10] 22 Great Britain $QK Eye-nh [32–31] 73 Greek WL͋QJ+L/̭S W\~QJ+HH/̭S [33–10] 75 green [DQKOͱF V\QKO͙RNS [7–7] 22 green beans; string beans ÿ̹XÿŜD G͙K G}RDZ [38–45] 85 grilled fish FK̯Fi FK̯KNiK [34–23] 77 ground/minced beef WK͗WEz[D\ W͗WEz sy [38–52] 85 ground/minced pork WK͗WOͯQ[D\WK͗W KHR[D\ W͗WOͱQV\W͗WK\RZV\ [38–58] 85 ground pepper K̭WWLrXEͥW K̭WW\RK ḘZW [38–69] 86 ground turmeric EͥWQJK͓ ḘZWQJͅK [38–74] 86 guest; customer NKiFK khák [1–20] 11 guesthouse; lodge QKjNKiFKQKjWU͙ n-yàh khák; n-yàh jr͙ [31–41] 71 guitar ÿjQJKLWD GjQJHHWDK [26–1] 60 gym SKzQJW̹SJ\PIzQJPWͱSMLP [11–19] 31 gynecology V̯QSKͱNKRD shr̯QI͙R NKZDK[27–22] 63 H hail PųDÿi PRXXKGiK [14–29] 37 hair WyF tók [4–6] 16 half past six JLͩUųͭL shryZ]K ]rRXŜKL [15–9] 38 Halloween /͑KͥL+DOORZHHQ /͉KK͙\ +DKODZ\RRQ [18–18] 45 ham JLćPE{QJ ]DPEDZQJP [35–12] 78 hamburger EiQKKDPEXUJHU býnh KDPEXKJXK [35–26] 79 hand EjQWD\ bàn ty [4–18] 17 happy K̭QKSK~F KQKIyRN [1–10] 10; YXL v-wee [8–31] 25 Happy birthday! &K~FPͷQJVLQK QK̹W &KyRNPzXQJVKrLQKQK\ͱW [18–30] 45 hard; difficult NKy khó [21–27] 51 hat PŜQyQ P}RQyQ [10–16] 28; [14–30] 37 have Fy kó [8–16] 25 hazel nuts K̭WSK͕ K̭WI͕ [37–28] 83 head ÿ̳X GzK [4–1] 16 health V͵FNK͛H shryXNNKZ͇K [4–47] 17 healthy NKR͇P̭QK NKZ͇KPQK [30–28] 69 heart WLP teem [4–32] 17 Hebrew WL͋QJ'R7KiL t-yúng Zo Tý [33–11] 75 here ͫÿk\ ͳKGD\ [13–2] 34 high cao kow [8–28] 25 high speed train WjXFDRW͝F WzZNRZ táwk [12–8] 32 highlighter E~WPjXÿiQKG̱X bóot 89 ... www.tuttlepublishing.com /Vietnamese- Picture-Dictionary For support, email us at info@tuttlepublishing.com VIETNAMESE PICTURE DICTIONARY LEARN 1,500 VIETNAMESE WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS NGUYEN THI LIEN... illustrated dictionary contains more than 1,500 frequently-used Vietnamese words and expressions which students need to know when learning to speak contemporary Vietnamese This is equivalent to the... paternal grandfather maternal grandfather paternal grandmother maternal grandmother 12 DQKHPWUDL eye-nh em j ry brothers 11 13 EiFWUDL E͝ED bák j ry 14 16 YͯFK͟QJ FK͗HP YͱKFKjZQJP husband and