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Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies

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2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page of 18 Automated Voice: The broadcast is now starting All attendees are in listen-only mode Michael Deru: Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Better Building Alliance Space Conditioning Technology team call This is Michael Deru from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and I think we’ll get started now, it’s 11:02 AM So we have a great session today, we’re going to talk about some different technologies that we have been testing Here’s an agenda, we’re going to quick introductions with our speakers, go over some updates from the HVAC research team, and we’re going to cover three technologies today and various air cleaning technology, Grundfos high-efficiency circulator pumps and a carrier variable speed screw chiller that we’re testing, and then we’ll wrap up with some discussion and questions at the end If you have questions during the call, please type them into the question or chat window and we’ll answer them at the end And if we have problems there, we may be able to unmute you and have you speak directly on the call So, the speakers today, this is Michael Deru, I’m the senior research engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory I lead the Better Buildings HVAC research team and the Advanced Rooftop Unit Campaign And I work in our Building Energy Science Group at NREL and we also have Jesse Dean who has been at NREL for about 11 years and leads/manages our testing with the GSA-approving grounds and the Department of Defense, ESTTP program And then I’ll be filling in for Oak Ridge today, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the testing on the carrier variable speed screw chiller Unfortunately, they were unable to join the call today but I will be filling in for that presentation So, just some quick updates on the HVAC research team, there were several great presentations and sessions at the energy Exchange and Better Buildings Summit, if you were unable to attend, or if you were able to attend but couldn't get to all the sessions, all the presentations are available now You can go to this link and download those presentations We have several reports coming up this year, high efficiency, motors for a refrigeration condenser fan, and RTU AFDD landscaping study www.verbalink.com Page of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page of 18 report We’ll talk about various air cleaning technology There's several reports on cooling tower water treatment technologies that will be coming out through GSA approving grounds and DOE testing, high-efficiency circulator pumps is what we’re going to talk about today also And that report was just published yesterday And then some new and ongoing projects, we have an ongoing with the RTU AFDD and this year we’re going to focus on collecting actual performance data from the rooftop units so that will be exciting And if you have projects and you'd like to share information, please let me know And then we’re also going to be starting up RTU coordination so what that means is coordinating the control of rooftop units on a single roof So instead of individual control, you'll control them as a system so you can manage energy and demand performance of those rooftop units And please check out the HVAC resource map for any of this information This is mainly focused around central plants, so large field water and hot water plants There are some great resources there So let’s get started on air cleaning technology But before, I just want to give a background on ventilation and indoor air quality so we can have a good starting point It’s always a balance in a building to maintain good indoor air quality and energy consumption because we have to often times bring in more outside air to improve indoor air quality And actually, standard 62.1 sets the ventilation rates for indoor air quality so typically that’s done with dilution so we bring in more outside air and dilute the pollutants that are inside So that assumes that your pollutants are inside and not outside We can filter outside air, typically we for particulates but that’s about all we filter of the outside air So, 62.1 has a ventilation rate procedure They specify ventilation rates by different building activity for area and the number of occupants So that’s the default method; if you don't anything else you should follow the ventilation rate procedure You can also follow the AIQ procedure or AIQP and that allows you to set the ventilation based on controlling your identified contaminants of concern And you have to identify the contaminants of concern and then show through mass balance www.verbalink.com Page of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page of 18 equations that you are maintaining those under the limits that are specified by your authority having jurisdiction And that may actually raise or lower the ventilation rate depending on what your sources of pollution are All right, so the technology that we are going to discuss today was developed by enVerid and they developed and licensed the solid sorbent technology from the National Energy Technology Laboratory, or NETL, and it absorbs CO2 from the air and then they developed their own formulation that removes volatile organic compounds, including formaldehyde and aldehyde and so on The advantage of this particular sorbent material is that it has a low regeneration temperature between 130 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit And it’s unaffected by humidity levels so other sorbent materials have very high regeneration temperatures and humidity tends to reduce the effectiveness of the material So in this case, the advantage is that it does have that low regeneration temperature and is unaffected by humidity So what they've done is they take that sorbent material and they put it in these cartridges, and then they put it into this device they call the HVAC load reduction or HLR module and you can see a picture of one of the versions here You have processed air coming in, it goes through those sorbent cartridges, removes the gaseous contaminants, and then the process there is then delivered to the building And then during regeneration mode, those stampers are closed off and the regeneration air, you bring that in Actually, first, what they is they heat up the sorbent cartridges to release the gaseous contaminants and then they flush it out through this regen air in the outlet and flush that to the exterior outside of the building All right, so typically what you would is you install this in two places, either in the return air duct that’s shown in that bottom right-hand picture and so you treat about ten percent of that return air, remove the gaseous contaminants and then deliver that to the return air duct and then to the building spaces Or you could put this into if you have a large return air plenum you would just put that HLR in the return air plenum and treat the air right in the plenum itself And then as I said, it’s during the absorption cycle that it removes the CO2 of the OCs and then once or twice a day, depending on the level of pollutants and the number www.verbalink.com Page of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page of 18 of hours of operation, you have to go through a regeneration cycle, which takes about 30 minutes but it can vary depending on how long or how many contaminants you want to purge And you that maybe at night time or during a period of low occupancy And then when the HLR’s on and you clean out the inside air, then that allows you to reduce your outside air in the building and they switch to energy savings because now you don't have to treat that air to condition that air, to either cool it down or heat it up depending on the time of year So, our test site criteria when we were looking at buildings, the biggest challenge is understanding what the OA flow rates really are in the building and that you can maintain what is the air balance with the exhaust and air and outside air ventilation coming into the building And you have to have enough air that you have enough OA that you can reduce in the building to actually save energy Here’s a couple pictures of outside air dampers, the top one there obviously is rusted and stuck shut so that had to be replaced before this technology could be installed And so the dampers have to be operable and they have to be controlled by the HLRs Hopefully, there's no existing ventilation or IAQ problems in the building, or if they are, we’ll have to evaluate those In some cases the HLR can actually relieve some of those IAQ problems, depending on what it is Obviously, you need to be able to install this, you need space and access to the return air ducts if you're doing that, and you have to have enough hours of operation in the climate to really give you the energy savings that you're looking for We’ll talk more about that So we looked at multiple sites and all of the retrofit opportunities so we ended up deploying this at six different sites We were able to collect performance data at two sites One site had capacity challenges that unfortunately, we couldn't establish a baseline but we were able to show significant improvement in overall performance of the building so we’ll talk about that as well And then three sites ended up that we had ventilation system problems or other mechanical problems and we couldn't actually show energy savings So, we’ll talk about those a little bit but basically, that was a learning process in this whole system So the first site that we www.verbalink.com Page of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page of 18 installed at was the University of Miami Health Center It’s their fitness and wellness center, a 60,000 square-foot building It has a variety of spaces, as you can see there, a workout fitness room, there was some office space and some common areas and some meeting rooms and so on They installed three HLRs in the return air duct path There's a picture of one of them installed there, and then we collected data during the summer of 2015, 2016, and 2017 and what we did is we did week on, week off operation so we could have the two on-off baseline and various HLR operations to determine performance Unfortunately, there was several challenges with damper operation and a lot of that was due to facility staff not understanding that we were conducting these tests and there were some other challenges with stuck dampers and so on But we were able to get performance data, just not as much as we wanted to So, second building was Morgan Stanley Headquarters building in New York City This is right in Times Square, it’s a 42-story, 1.3 million square-foot Class A office building so obviously a very large building, very different from the other building This one, they were able to put the HLRs in the return air plenums so there's 40 units in this building, 20 on the 7th floor, and 20 on the 28th floor And then we were able to collect performance data during this 2017 summer and then unfortunately, we were unable to monitor this during the winter time to get heating season operation because there was some exhaust challenges Those have since been corrected but we did not get winter time operation for the 2017, 2018 winter And then the last building was the ArcBest Building Headquarters in Fort Smith, Arkansas It was 190,000 square-foot five-story office building The occupancy in this building was about between 17 and 20 percent over the design which meant that the existing chiller plan and air handling units were undersized for that occupancy and they were unable to actually meet the conditioning and indoor air quality requirements They were looking at options of upgrading their chiller plant and air handling units or installing HLRs, and they were able to meet their requirements with the HLR operations so we’ll talk about that www.verbalink.com Page of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page of 18 as well So, the wellness center at the University of Miami, it’s interesting because the first year in 2015, we saw about a ten percent chilled water savings but unfortunately, one of the dampers on one of the HLRs was stuck open which drastically reduced our energy savings The next summer we had some good data for about a month period and we saw 28 percent chilled water savings And then the last summer, this past 2017, we saw almost 37 percent chilled water energy savings so a very good performance here, obviously, but there was some uncertainty in the OA damper positioning because we couldn't see remotely what the position was But we saw very good performance Indoor air quality, we had to show that we were maintaining that so we identified from these contaminants of concern and did some testing during the 2015 summer at multiple locations in the building So everything passed except there were two locations where the formaldehyde was slightly over the performance criteria, which it was considered to be overall a pass because this building at the same time, had at the time of the testing in 2015, there was a food service in this building which was then removed after that season And it’s unclear exactly what the source of the formaldehyde was, if it was furniture or from the food service But anyway, I think they were going to additional testing and didn't that But overall, we considered this to be a pass for the testing Morgan Stanley building, unfortunately we only got data for about a two-month period there and the conditions were highly variable In other words, the outdoor air conditioning, the temporary was highly variable from day-to-day Some days were better than others, some days were hot, some days were actually cool If you have a cool day, you have lower energy savings overall But we saw about a 4.6 percent chilled water energy savings, which may not sound like a lot but actually, it’s because it’s a large building with chilled water use, its very high cooling load, and it’s really dominated by the high internal loads because it’s a high occupancy building with a lot of computers and other internal loads and flood loads And then this is a large, glass high-rise building in New York City, it has a very high envelope load as well so those are really the dominating factors for chilled water for a cooling load in this www.verbalink.com Page of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page of 18 building compared to the outside air load in the building And it did pass all of the indoor air quality, they did pretty extensive testing Two parties tested the building and everything looked very clean The interesting thing here too is the last three contaminants there, ozone, PM particulate matter 2.5 and 10, are really outdoor sources and this building, because it’s in New York City, can have some problems with ozone and particulate matter if they're bringing a lot of outdoor air So reducing the outdoor air can actually improve indoor air quality from those sources and that’s true of other locations with poor outdoor air quality, this technology can help significantly All right, ArcBest Headquarters, as I said, they were over-occupied in the building compared to the design so we couldn't establish a baseline because we couldn't meet the ventilation IAQ requirements with the existing system But with the HLR operation, the building was able to meet the IAQ and thermal comfort requirements, and they avoided a costly upgrade to the chilled water plan and the air handling units So, the building owner was in and they had, as I said, the temperature and RH improved so the occupants were very happy which makes the owner very happy with the building, and they were able to save a lot of money on chilled water plan upgrade So this was a pretty big win for the building owner And then they were able to show energy and water savings on an annual basis, and also, because they're reducing the amount of outside air intake to the building, they extend the life of the filters in the air handling units so that’s another win I guess from the building owner’s perspective So this technology works well, it removes the CO2 and VOCs and allows you to reuse the outside air The energy savings are going to be highly dependent on how much you can reuse that outside air, the hours of operation, and the climate that you’re in Obviously, it’s best if you can have a long cooling season, hot-humid especially is good climate for this technology in a long heating season, or a mix of cooling and heating climates like New York City or Chicago, where you have both high cooling and high heating loads And it works well if you're in a location with poor outdoor air www.verbalink.com Page of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page of 18 quality because now you can reduce the amount of outdoor air that you're bringing into the building If you're looking at a retrofit, you really need to know the outdoor air flow rates and the air balance in the buildings and this was the biggest challenge we found in this whole demonstration, was finding a building that we had confidence in the outdoor air flow rates And if you haven't don’t a measurement and testing imbalance of your system, I recommend doing that before you install this system if it’s a retrofit In new construction, you have the opportunity to design this into your system and design the space for it and your ventilation air flow rates and everything, and potentially, you may be able to reduce your HVAC system and actually reduce your overall HVAC cost because now your load is reduced because your outside air ventilation requirements are reduced So let’s move on and Jesse Dean is going to talk about highperformance circulator pump testing that we did Jesse Dean: Good morning, everyone, this is Jesse Dean with NREL So I currently manage the support we provide for the GSA improving ground and then also for the ESPCP program Today I’m going to talk through the results for a high-performance circulator pump demonstration that we conducted You'll see on the screen here we did just recently publish the report so it’s available for download through the NREL website And then GSA is currently working on the four-page findings document and infographic, which will be available in a couple of days here And then also, we have a webinar for this product that’s coming up on October 11th If you haven't attended these webinars, I would encourage you to attend one You get to hear from the GPG program director and then also from the GSA site staff which I think is really helpful in understanding the facility operator’s interaction with the technologies So just a quick introduction to high-performance circulator pumps, a circulator pump is essentially a small pump that has a motor rotor, the pump propeller, and the support bearings that are all sealed inside of the pump Sometimes these are called in-line pumps as those pump flanges that you'll see there directly mounted in line with the piping system Normally, for circulator pumps, these are constant volume The older ones use a inefficient induction motor so here you can www.verbalink.com Page of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page of 18 see these are applied through pumps that are about 2.5 horsepower or smaller The primary application of them or domestic hot water recirculation pumps, you'll also see a lot of them for air handling unit booster pumps for the air handling unit heating coil or the cooling coil, or for radiant-based floor heating So these are the smaller circulator pumps that serve miscellaneous loads within your facility I think one thing to note here is the Energy Policy Act of 1992, which set some of the first motor efficiency standards in the U.S only goes down to one horsepower So a lot of times when you're looking at these really small pumps, they tend to have much lower motor efficiencies and power factors than some of the larger induction motors And really, the technology innovation here comes from moving from an inducted motor to an ECM motor It does have integrated variable speed control and so you don't have to have a secondary variable frequency drive These ones that we monitored also have a number of built-in control modes and onboard monitoring in them and so essentially, it’s kind of like an integrated pump with integrated sequences of operation, integrated metering systems, that are all within the pump And so you can see we have a number of different control modes that can be operated within the pump The way to think through these control modes is for a typical domestic hot water recirculation application Normally you're just going to be going with the fourth one down, the constant temperature and so essentially, the pump has an internal temperature sensor within the pump You typically set the domestic hot water return temperature to a set point within the pump to about 10 degrees below your domestic hot water tank set point And so essentially, the pump ramps up and down to meet that return water temperature subpoint When you're working on HVAC systems, some of the common applications of these are the auto-adapt or there's a differential temperature mode The one that we ended up using is just the standard zero to tenvault control load that comes off of the air handling unit and it’s essentially setting the pump speed based on whatever flow rate is needed for the circular temperature subpoint So just a quick comparison to other pumps, you'll see these high-performance circulator pumps have about 10 to 15 percent improvement in www.verbalink.com Page of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page 10 of 18 hydraulic efficiency so the pumps themselves are more efficient than other circulator pumps, 10 to 20 percent improvement in the electric efficiency from the ECM motor, and then really, the large savings comes from the ability to ramp the motor up and down to meet the load rather than running it at a constant speed The one that we looked at does have an integrated night-time setback that can be programmed in there, but really, the large savings comes from that variable speed operation on these And currently, about 90 percent of the circulator pumps in the U.S are kind of the standard induction motor ones So there is a very large opportunity in the United States with over 30 million of these small circulator pumps that could be upgraded So the ones that we tested for this GSA project were actually the two smallest pumps that are manufactured by this particular manufacturer So you can see on this graph they offer a number of different kind of models for this particular pump and so for example, in certain applications where you have really large flow rates but relatively low head pressure, you can get up to over 300 gallons per minute When you're looking at things like domestic hot water recirculation pumps, normally, what's happening is you're going to have really high pressure because you're having to pump that fluid up to the top of the building and then back down with relatively flow rates And so where we were kind of operating with these systems is over on the left-hand side where the 32100 is showing up, where you have high head pressure and low flow rates One thing to note too is when we started the demo, the smallest pump they made was the 4080 and then about halfway through, they started selling the 32100 So we tested two different versions of this function So the first test case that we looked at was domestic hot water recirculation system This was installed on a 14-floor office building in Lakewood, Colorado The domestic hot water loop number one essentially serves the first floor and so it was serving a cafeteria and first floor of the building The domestic hot water pump number two, that second table there, is serving floors two through eight of the building, and again, they’re set up as a domestic hot water re-cert to provide hot water to the domestic hot water loads on those floors And then essentially, we have a quarter-horsepower baseline pump for the first one www.verbalink.com Page 10 of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page 11 of 18 We have a half-horsepower pump for the second one, and the model 4080 doesn't directly correlate to the same horsepower ratings but it’s around 0.37 horsepower but was still oversized for the load And then again, about halfway through the demonstration, we installed the 32100, which is a quarter horsepower pump And I think one of the challenges in sizing these small pumps is you don't have differential pressure ports on the pumps themselves so it’s hard to know exactly what the flow rate is through the system We go through in the report a methodology to help analyze if the flow rates are appropriate and if you can install a smaller pump, but just one thing to keep in mind, it is challenging with these smaller pumps really knowing what the flow rates are So, just really quick going through the duty-point power numbers, you'll see that for both of these, we had very significant reductions in power draw so the duty-point power is essentially how much power is the pump drawing at the peak flow rate and differential pressure that the system sees And so for domestic hot water pump one, we saw about a 44 percent reduction in peak power with the first one, and then with the second one it was about 72 percent So even if these pumps would have just run at 100 percent speed, you're still getting on the order of 72 to 44 percent energy savings there So, essentially, it’s kind of showing these are way more efficient than the current pumps You see that with the wire to water efficiency numbers Wire to water efficiency is essentially the pump efficiency multiplied by the motor efficiency and when you’re operating in scenarios with high-differential pressure and low flow rates, you're running on a very challenging point of the pump curve And so normally you have lower wire to water efficiency and then larger central plant pumps for example But you'll see on the first one we did improve from 8.2 percent all the way up to 30 percent The domestic hot water pump number two had about double the flow rate of the smaller domestic hot water pump number one And so you'll see it was able to operate at an even higher wire to water efficiency there but I think the main takeaway on this is we saw very significant reductions in pump power at the peak load for those pumps So this graphic just shows the daily average load profile for each system Over the monitoring period, we essentially just averaged www.verbalink.com Page 11 of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page 12 of 18 out what the pump hour was at each time step, and you can see for a constant-volume pump, it stays very, very constant And so this is one of the big issues with constant-volume pumps and also constant-volume fans Essentially, there's no reduction in pump power or fan power based on the load that the system is serving And then with the newer pumps, essentially, what you'll see happening is they spike in the morning when the system is turning on to try to warm up that domestic hot water loop, and then just fluctuate a little bit throughout the day But as you can see with the domestic hot water resurge system, essentially what happens is you're able to run at a very low pump speed until people are actually turning on faucets and using domestic hot water, and so you have very significant savings on that system So just really quickly on the energy savings, for domestic hot water pump number one, we saw about 90 to 96 percent energy savings Domestic hot water pump number two was again 94 to 96 percent energy savings and just to reiterate, some of the reasons the savings were so high was because these are the smallest pumps that are manufactured and they're operating at a very challenging point on that pump curve So when you can provide a pump that is a more efficient pump that operates at a better point on the curve, you get very substantial savings I would say that this is probably not going to be representative of all domestic hot water resurge systems but in this case we did get really good savings on that one So this just walks through the energy savings and economics here The site did have a time of use rate structure and so we have energy cost savings, demand reduction, and all of those things that are listed in here The big driver for savings on this, though, was actually the O&M cost reduction so you not require greasing of bearings or have to replace pump shields on these and so the onsite GSA staff estimated about $75 per year per O&M and you can see it resulted in kind of good economics across the board here So the second application that we looked at is using it in a heating hot water circulator pump In this case we did side-by-side testing so rather than doing before and after testing on the same system, we essentially just tried to find two air handling units that were roughly equivalent We used one of them as a baseline and the other one as the test case For these, they're air handling unit booster pumps www.verbalink.com Page 12 of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page 13 of 18 You can see the way they're configured is you essentially have a three-way control valve that diverts water around the heating coil when that valve starts to close off So again, when these units turn on, the pump power stays constant throughout the operational period So for the Magna 3, we essentially just installed a bypass valve, converted this from a three-way to two-way valve and then allowed it for automated flow control with the pump itself So the air handling unit number definitely gave us some problems One of the issues that we had was A217, actually, this pump had failed prior to the demo and so we did have to install a brand-new pump from Grundfos that was considered a market-standard pump but it was not an older 10 or 15-year-old pump and you'll see the impacts of that Another big issue that we had was when we originally selected the building, the pumps had very long run times and the heating season but we found that they were not meeting the discharge air temperature set point and were essentially not meeting the load requirements And so we had to put the project on pause, retro commission the whole facility, and then come back and the demo Then when we did that, the A219 was essentially serving an internal zone within a building and would only run for a couple hours in the morning to pre-heat the zone, switch over to cooling mode, and then run for a couple more hours in the afternoon So we definitely ran into some more issues on the heating one here So the energy savings that we got out of this one are substantially lower than the other one I think the primary driver for that is if you look at A217 versus 19, the max power, essentially, the new market standard pump by this manufacturer is much more efficient than an older pump that would be sitting in there operating from 10 or 15 years ago And so instead seeing a 40 to 70 percent reduction in heat power, we’re only seeing about a 70 percent improvement So really, the energy savings come from that variable speed operation and given the fact that these pumps only turn on for about four to five hours a day, they were running at a higher percent load throughout the day But overall, we did see about a 25.7 percent improvement in energy savings And again on this, just with the O&M savings alone, it’s enough to justify the economics of the system www.verbalink.com Page 13 of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page 14 of 18 We did run a couple of other scenarios where we were trying to match the run time of A219 to A217, which was running about 20 hours a day And we think if you did have a 10 to 15-year-old pump in there, you still would see very substantial peak power savings in that case So some of the recommendations here are essentially, deploying these as end-of-life replacements, we did look at the installed cost of the delta between a standard pump and the high performance circulator pump I think for all the facility managers though, the first step is to target your domestic hot water recirculation pumps We found even with very low electric rates and 40 hours a week of operation, they should be cost-effective For heating hot water and chilled water pumps, you want to make sure that you're selecting pumps that have sufficient run time so we’re targeting 10 to 12 hours a day, roughly months a year Something else I think to keep in mind with these is a lot of times with radiant heating coils or even with air handlers, you might have one pump that serves multiple coils instead the case that we had where it’s one pump per one coil In those cases, you should have better economics because those are operating continuously throughout the day and you'll have a greater degree of variation in your load So look for those radiant base-board heating opportunities And then also with Grundfos heat pumps, they're operating in heating and cooling mode throughout the year so if you have Grundfos heat pump systems, these pumps could be applied to either the ground loop or the building loop in that case Michael Deru: Great, thank you, Jesse So now I’m going to present on the highefficiency chillers for Dan Howett from Oak Ridge National Laboratory who actually performed the project and since retired So, I’ll be presenting for him So this was another GSA approving ground project at the Sidney R Yates Building in Washington D.C This is a historic building, it’s currently the Headquarters for the U.S Forest Service As you can see, it’s a beautiful building and it went through a major renovation in 2013 to make it into a modern office building And then these chillers, they were replacing – it has two chillers, they replaced them and it was a good opportunity for this test and the tests were performed during the summer of 2016 www.verbalink.com Page 14 of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page 15 of 18 So the two chillers that were installed in this building, the variable speed direct drive screw chiller from carrier, and then also variable speed direct drive magnetic bearing chiller, which is a chiller that has been on the market for quite a while and GSA has had several of these in their buildings But they wanted to test that against its variable speed screw chiller So both chillers operate in parallel in the same chilled water loop, same pumps and everything, and so they were able to alternate performance on one chiller one day and the next day the other chiller and collect data throughout the summer of 2016 So, here’s what we have, the two chillers One is 275-ton chiller, the variable speed screw chiller The magnetic bearing chiller was actually a 400-ton, 2-compressor chiller so it’s not a perfect direct comparison but it’s very close And then you can see the cost per ton of the two chillers is relatively similar And that cost, obviously, if you've ever purchased HVAC equipment, you're going to get different costs every time you go out and compare So, you're going to have to process for your own project and you'll probably get a different price If we look at the rated performance of the two chillers, they're nearly identical The IPLV is identical for both chillers and it’s significantly lower than the FEMP standard for chillers So, there's about a 35 percent improvement over the FEMP FEMP is the Federal Energy Management Program standard for chillers and that’s already a good chiller So these are both very high-performance chillers So they did two methods of estimating performance, one was the cooling rate, to estimate the cooling rate in kilowatts per ton so they collected the chiller KW outside air temperature, condensed water temperatures, and then they were able to estimate the chilled water flow rates through basically a differential pressure measurement across the condenser, and then looking at the pressure curves provided by the manufacturers But that gives you a pretty high uncertainty in that low rate So then the second method was just looking at chiller energy as a function of outdoor air temperature, and further, they spin that data by the outside air temperature and the condenser-entering water temperature because each chiller actually has a different performance, different water entering temperatures So, when you look at these two methods, the variable speed screw www.verbalink.com Page 15 of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page 16 of 18 chiller had the lowest energy performance; by method two, estimated about four percent lower; method one, about 11 percent lower So there's a range and depending on the application, you're gonna get different performance too depending on how many hours and the different loads that you're operating in So, in conclusion, both chillers performed very well As I said earlier, they were about 35 percent lower than the Federal Energy Management Program standard for water-cooled chillers Both chillers provided excellent service to the building and chilled water supply temperatures They both have similar maintenance, basically no maintenance, challenges during the demonstration period And the operation personnel liked both chillers, they both worked well One significant difference between the two is that the variable speed screw chiller has a wide range of condenser-water-entering temperatures so it can go from a low temperature up to a high temperature Whereas, the magnetic bearing chiller can also that but you basically have to – it has to be special ordered for your operating conditions So it’s custom-built and custom-ordered for your condition, operating conditions Whereas, the variable speed screw chiller can just accept those lower and high-entering water temperatures Overall, GSA recommends that both chillers are good chillers and consider both when purchasing a new chiller Either a new construction or it’s a retrofit So, look at both and that’s basically the conclusion As with the other circulating pump project, GSA has several resources available; there's a technical report, there's a four-page finding If you don't want to read the whole technical report, you can get the highlights in that four-page finding If you really don’t even want to read that, you can go to the infographic and get the 30second or 1-minute overview And there's a webinar again that they did on January 2018 You can go and look at and review that webinar, and view the slides And in that webinar, as Jesse said earlier, you get to hear from the people who performed the M&V but also from the building operators So you get to hear what their experiences with these different technologies You can go to that website there This webinar will be recorded and you can listen to it later and we’ll make the slides available to everybody so you don't have to write this down, you can get those All right, so I have one question here, actually, www.verbalink.com Page 16 of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page 17 of 18 I’m going to go to the next slide If you have questions, please type them into the question window or you can email myself or Jesse as well at any time And we have one question, did we a lifecycle analysis of the two chillers? So, I don't believe they did a lifecycle analysis They did a simple pay-back analysis and a – but let me see if I can find it I don't have that off the top of my head but let me see if they – and again, if you have any other questions, please type them into the window there Another question was were any modeling efforts performed to determine how well these technologies would perform for other candidates’ buildings in terms of energy savings? So, for the first one for the varied air cleaning technology, we are in the process of doing some of that energy modeling to look at especially different climates and looking at the energy savings across the U.S in different climates The performance will also vary significantly on how much air you can reduce That will be included in the final report I think for the circulator pumps, I don't think there was any attempt to modeling in other buildings I think the chiller air performance, again, we didn't modeling for other buildings because it’s really going to depend on your chilled water load if you know what that load looks like, and especially if you know what it looks like across the year, you should be able to calculate that One other question, does the automated control functionality of the Grundfos pumps contribute to savings or improved operations Are there other small circulator pumps with ECM motors? Jesse Dean: So that's a good question I think one of our primary findings was it is very valuable to have the pre-programmed control sequences that are inside of the pump Essentially, what you run into is with these very small pumps, if you are integrating these into your building automation system, every point that you add is actually more expensive than the pump itself there And so having the ability to pick a control mode within the pump and then use the standard on-off within the building automation system is definitely a benefit And so the more points that you need to add to the building automation system just increases that price So in our report, our general recommendation is to integrated the www.verbalink.com Page 17 of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page 18 of 18 fewest number of VAS points per pump as possible In terms of the other manufacturers, I would say that there's definitely other manufacturers that I know for sure at least provide the ECM circulator pump with the internal temperature sensor to that constant return water temperature for the domestic hot water recirculation pump installation I'm not sure how many other ones have a full suite of internal controls for heating applications Michael Deru: And that whole question got cut off, but the question is can the amount of ECM motors reduce O&M costs? Jesse Dean: Yes, so the O&M cost I think is a good question For the estimated 30 million of the older induction motor-based pumps, I would anticipate that O&M cost is valid for all of those If you already have a more modern circulator pump, we haven't looked into the O&M cost savings for that one Michael Deru: And one last question here for the circulator pumps, are there any observations on reductions in water hammer, basically because the rate of change of the speed of the pump maintained differential pressure to accommodate huge fluctuations in demand without pressure spikes leading to the water hammer? Jesse Dean: We didn’t have any observed water hammering that was going on from the building operations staff That is a good question, though It was not something that was observed during our demonstration Michael Deru: All right, I think that’s all the questions and we’re at the end of our hour so thank you, everyone Please, again, if you have questions, feel free to email either myself or Jesse and again, we will make this webinar and presentation available to everyone So, thank you, everyone, and have an enjoyable rest of your day [End of Audio] www.verbalink.com Page 18 of 18 ... the economics of the system www.verbalink.com Page 13 of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page 14 of 18 We did run a couple of other scenarios... www.verbalink.com Page 17 of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page 18 of 18 fewest number of VAS points per pump as possible In terms of the other manufacturers,... that we www.verbalink.com Page of 18 2018-09-26 13.01 Field Test Results of New HVAC Technologies Michael Deru, Jesse Dean Page of 18 installed at was the University of Miami Health Center It’s

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 21:22
