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Guidelines on Writing Paper for MUHON (Title of Research Paper or Manuscript)

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Guidelines on Writing Paper for MUHON (Title of Research Paper or Manuscript) [Font: Verdana, Style: Bold, Size: 18] MUHON Editorial Staff (Author’s Name) [Tahoma, Bold, 12] muhon@up.edu.ph (Email Address) [Tahoma, Regular, 9] First Name / Middle Initial / Surname upcaresearch.upd@up.edu.ph Abstract (Heading) [Verdana, Bold, 12] One single-spaced paragraph of not more than 300 words, the abstract should concisely explain the content and structure of the paper and summarize its key or major findings Do not use section numbers within the abstract "Information and conclusions not stated in the paper, references to other literature, exact phrase of the title, and illustrative elements such as figures and tables" should not be included in an abstract (Derntl, 2011) [Book Antiqua, Italic, 9] Keywords: Provide to keywords to be used for online search on a separate line after the Abstract [Book Antiqua, Regular, 9] used if there is common information, especially for papers with more than authors I Introduction MUHON is a peer-reviewed publication, which serves as a forum for discussion of ideas on the designed environment, by the College of Architecture of the University of the Philippines in Diliman This publication seeks original work and welcomes contributions related to a variety of issue areas MUHON will consider for publication research, technical and philosophical papers, as well as opinion essays Written works should be wellorganized, clearly written, interesting, coherent, intelligently argued, and accurate with regard to attributions MUHON encourages prospective contributors to view their efforts as exercises on critical inquiry Great emphasis will be placed on the idea content of the work, its scholarly depth, and on the development of arguments (Text Body) [Book Antiqua, Regular, 9] II Paper Format Guidelines _ Provide a 50-word or less biographical sketch or write-up (per author, to be shown as a footnote at the first column of the first page) about the author's academic background and nature of work or business [Tahoma, Regular, 8] For papers with more than author, corresponding author’s name comes first in the list Use separate line(s) for name(s) of co-author(s) Omit titles or degrees at name(s) of author(s) such as Dr., Prof., Ph.D., Arch., etc A collective biographical sketch or write-up can also be Interested authors are requested to prepare papers and essays with a maximum of 7000 words (excluding captions of tables, images or figures) The following are unacceptable for publishing: simultaneous submissions to other journals, previously published work, or work which is substantially similar to previous published work Contact the Editorial Staff of MUHON (through email or visit to the Research Office of the UP College of Architecture) for any doubts or queries regarding this requirement A submitted paper for possible publication will be blindly reviewed by experts in the related topic or field of study A Paper Layout (Sub-Heading) [Verdana, Bold, 10] All text, figures, and images, including footnotes, must fit inside an image area of 17.1 x 24.6 cm for A4-size paper, with margin of 2.5 cm from top and bottom of the page For odd-numbered pages of MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designed Environment University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No _ Guidelines on Writing Paper for MUHON (Title of Paper) [Arial, Bold, 10] MUHON Editorial Staff (Surname/s of Author/s) [Arial, Regular, 9] the paper, provide 2.5 cm margin at the left and  oppose an existing assumption, reveal a 1.25cm margin at the right For even-numbered research gap, formulate a research question or pages, provide 1.25 cm margin at the left and problem, or continue a tradition; 2.5cm margin at the right The entire paper should  sketch the intent of the own work; have even number of pages in total Titles (aligned  outline important characteristics of the own right) and first pages of each paper should appear work; at the right page of an opened journal Indicate the  outline important results; and title of the paper and surname(s) of the author(s)  give a brief outlook on the structure of the on the headers of the succeeding pages as shown paper (Jones, Schidmt and Suzuki, 2011) above (use “et.al.” after the surname of the corresponding author for paper with or more D Tables, Images and Figures authors) Footers provided in this template should Captions for tables shall be positioned directly not be edited above the actual table, left-aligned with smaller The body of the paper is divided into two columns width than the normal text body (0.3 cm indent (as shown in this template) Use size regular from both sides of the column or page width), and Book Antiqua font for the main body of the sections numbered (Hindu-Arabic numerals) sequentially and sub-sections of the paper (except for the depending on the position or location of the photos Abstract) Text paragraphs are single-spaced and in the paper Indicate the source of the table (if justified, with 3-pt spaces between paragraphs any) below the caption using italicized font Provide (already set in this template) and additional line spaces above and below the tables together with after each section or sub-section (prior to the their corresponding captions (except for large succeeding heading or sub-heading) Avoid leaving tables or those positioned at the top or bottom headings or one-line paragraphs called "orphans" edge of the page, that is, spacing will only be at the bottom or top of a page (Jones, Schidmt and provided on the side adjacent to the text body) to Suzuki, 2011) emphasize the existence of such tables in the B Section and Sub-Section Headings Type each section heading on a separate line Number the headings of the main sections sequentially using the Roman Numeral System, except for Abstract and References (and Acknowledgements, if any) Typical headings that can be used for main sections include the following: (1) Introduction, (2) Methodology, (3) Gathered Data, (4) Results and Analysis, and (5) Conclusion and Recommendations You may add other sections as needed If the main sections are numbered sequentially using the Roman Numeral System, use Capital Letters (A., B., C., and so on) for outlining subsections and Hindu-Arabic numerals (1 3., and so on) for the next level of subsections Limit the division of your papers up to three levels of sections and subsections only The subsections should describe the main sections and reinforce the reader's sense of progress through the text paper Authors are advised to layout all illustrations, diagrams, photos or images (especially the colored ones) within or pages Limit the caption (same format as caption for tables, except positioned directly below the image) to maximum of 50 words A single caption can be provided for a group of related photos arranged adjacent to each other, with the sequence of captioning indicated (e.g from left to right, clockwise from top left, etc.) For photos, drawings, diagrams, maps, and the like, label their captions with "Figure" (bold font, see example) and should be numbered sequentially depending on the position or location of the photos within the pages provided for images Table below shows the different sizes of illustration that can be added for every paper: Table Suggested illustration sizes for images, photos, etc (Table Caption) [Swis721 Cn BT, 9] Size C Title and Introduction The title, as the most read part of the paper especially during searching for references, should "adequately describe the contents of the paper with the fewest possible words" (Day, 1983) Avoid starting with articles or prepositions and spell out acronyms or abbreviations unless they are widely known by the target audience (Jones, Schidmt and Suzuki, 2011) Follow the abstract with a short introduction The introduction should serve the following purposes:  bring out the importance of the subject;  make general statements about the subject;  present an overview on the current research on the subject; Suggested Dimensions Small (column width) 8.3 cm (W) x 13.9 cm (H) Medium (up to page width) 17.1 cm (W) x 10.2 cm high (for special instances wherein the proportion may be compromised, height of image may extend up to half of the page) Large (entire page) - for maps and other large images with smaller details 17.1cm (W) x any height below 24.6 cm (as long as the caption is included within the same page below the illustration) In case of mathematical equations appearing in any part of the paper, left-aligned the equations on MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designed Environment University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No _ Guidelines on Writing Paper for MUHON (Title of Paper) [Arial, Bold, 10] MUHON Editorial Staff (Surname/s of Author/s) [Arial, Regular, 9] a separate line (with indent or margin of 0.6 cm) For example, a= - b ± √ b - 2ac 2a (1) and c2 = a + b (2) Figure Cover of MUHON Issue are placed in separate lines from the main text body for emphasis To clearly arrange the steps of a mathematical argument, it can be numbered by using a right-aligned tab (Jones, Schidmt and Suzuki, 2011) as shown in the examples above Figure Frontage of the UP College of Architecture (Image Caption) [Swis721 Cn BT, 9] Source: Photo c/o Glenn Orbon (Source Caption) [Swis721 Cn BT, Italic, 8] Figures to Sample images used in MUHON Issue Source: Tomeldan, et.al (2016).”The Special Precincts MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designed Environment for Urban Redevelopment (SPURs) of Makati City, University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No _ Metro Manila” MUHON: Journal of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and the Built Environment (5) Quezon City: University of the Philippines College Guidelines on Writing Paper for MUHON (Title of Paper) [Arial, Bold, 10] MUHON Editorial Staff (Surname/s of Author/s) [Arial, Regular, 9] E References and Work Cited Prepare a bibliography to contain key references for the article, plus the author's judgment of the most important reference sources on the topic Follow the format of the American Psychological Association (APA), which emphasize on the date a work was created Book citations in APA generally require author's name, publication year or last edited date, work title, publication city, and publisher (The OWL at Purdue Online Writing Tab, 2012) Arranged the references alphabetically (based on main author’s surname or title of literature for references without author indicated) III Terms of Publication References Day, R.A (1983), How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (2) Philadelphia: ISI Press Derntl, M (2011, April) Basics of Research Paper Writing and Publishing [Web] Retrieved from http://gruppe.wst.univie.ac.at/~derntl/papers/met h-se.pdf Jones, G.S., Schidmt, T.A.R & Suzuki, K.M (2011, September 2-5) Sample manuscript showing specifications and style Tsinghua University, Beijing: 2011 Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities The OWL at Purdue Online Writing Tab (2012) Citation Style Chart [Web] Retrieved from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/949/0 1/ Upon acceptance of the Title and Abstract, the authors must be committed to abide by the schedule provided by the MUHON Editorial Board Also, the contributors shall be responsible for submitting pictures or images with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, clearly labeled (with required photo credits) Obtain permission, pay royalty fees, etc., as may be required for the reproduction of illustrations taken from other sources The contributor, in turn, waives any royalties for the publication of his/her article, as the UP College of Architecture (UPCA) is a non-profit organization The copyright for the published work belongs to UPCA and its selected publisher (if any) The contributor is free to publish a modified version of the same article in other publications The contributor guarantees that:  the article does not infringe on the copyright or any proprietary right of any other person;  the article contains no libelous or other unlawful matter; and  the article makes no improper invasion of the privacy of any other person MUHON: A Journal of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and the Designed Environment University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No _ ... Environment University of the Philippines College of Architecture Issue No _ Guidelines on Writing Paper for MUHON (Title of Paper) [Arial, Bold, 10] MUHON Editorial Staff (Surname/s of Author/s) [Arial,.. .Guidelines on Writing Paper for MUHON (Title of Paper) [Arial, Bold, 10] MUHON Editorial Staff (Surname/s of Author/s) [Arial, Regular, 9] the paper, provide 2.5 cm margin... Manila” MUHON: Journal of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and the Built Environment (5) Quezon City: University of the Philippines College Guidelines on Writing Paper for MUHON (Title of Paper)

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 19:45

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