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1st Circular Letter IAMA 19th ANNUAL WORLD FORUM AND SYMPOSIUM Budapest, Hungary – June 20-21, 2009 Europa Hotels & Congress Center Draft Program of Symposium Concurrent Sessions and Posters June 20, 2009 COPENHAGEN BALLROOM (Level 1) FAO WORKSHOP: Introduction Agribusiness and Agro-industries Development in Central and Eastern Europe Session 1: 8:45 AM – 12:15 PM NICE ROOM (Level - 1) AMSTERDAM ROOM (Level - 1) FOOD CHAIN MANAGEMENT I Moderator: Jacques Trienekens, Wageningen University, NL FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE FOOD SYSTEM I Moderator: Francesco Braga, University Guelph, CA A Comparison of Dairy Supply Chains of Finland and the Baltic Countries Csaba Jansik, MTT Agrifood Research Finland Effects of Market Structure Changes on Dairy Supply Chain in Serbia Rade Popovic, University of Novi Sad, The faculty of Economics Subotica A Study of the Producer-Industry Transaction in the Argentine Milk Chain A New Institutional Economics Approach Evangelina Dulce, School of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires Is the Pig Sales and Purchase Cooperation the Local Solution for the Global Challenge in Hungary? Peter Balogh, University of Debrecen What they say is not what they do: exploring the gap between fair-trade consumers Luis Kluwe Aguiar, Royal Agricultural College “Re-localizing pork production and supply: balance of power, politics, and the well-being of the pig” Rannia Nijhoff-Savvaki, Wageningen University Total Risk Management Process (TRMP) in Agrifood Supply Chain (ASC) Farrukh Idrees, Farrukh & Co Investment and Marketing Consultants Food Chains and Funding: Value Chain Development and Roles for Governments David Sparling, University of Guelph Ensuring Intra- and Inter-Organizational Relationship Survival under Exogenous and Endogenous Shocks and Distress: The Role of Social Capital and Agent Aspiration Levels Brent Ross, Michigan State University Proposal of a Method to Compare Potential Productive Regions Federico Fonseca Lopes, Marketing & Strategic Projects and Research Center The Triple Bottom Line: What is the Impact on the Returns to Agribusiness Stocks Joshua Detre, Louisiana State University New Generation of Standards and Potential Impacts of Food Borne Ill Incidence on Market Movements and Prices of Fresh Produce in the US Marco A Palma, Texas A&M University BRUXELLES ROOM (Ground Floor) QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN AGRICULTURE AND FOOD INDUSTRY I Moderator: Zoltan Erdoes, HNC for EOQ, HU Perspectives on Global Trends in Food Quality and Safety - Northern Hemisphere Importers and Southern Hemisphere Suppliers Peter J Batt, Curtin University of Technology Standard Driven Rural Development:A General Equilibrium Model with Market Imperfections Tao Xiang, University of Leuven The Impact of Values on culture-specific Consumption Patterns and Marketing Strategies - a Comparison of German and Ukrainian Wine Consumers Rewerts Investments in Traceability Systems: Results from the German Food Industry Matthias Heyder, Georg-August-University Goettingen Assessing quality and safety of food & beverage products An analysis of agribusiness enterprises in Tirana district/Albania Ilir Kapaj, Agriculture University of Tirana Skills, Qualities and Experiences Needed for Future Leaders in Food and Agribusiness Industries of Armenia Urutyan STRASSBOURG ROOM (Ground Floor) FOOD SECURITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT I Moderator: Bernardo Pachecse Carvalho, Technical University Lisbon, PT Sustainability in Food Networks A framework for research Melanie Fritz, University of Bonn Partnerships in the global coffee chain: Supporting smallholder groups for a more sustainable coffee cup Verena Bitzer, Utrecht University New Business Model for Quality Supplies Christina Steinbauer, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI) Environmental Sustainability in Food Production and Marketing: Trends and Challenges Suku Bhaskaran, Victoria University Consumption Patterns and Competition in the World Fertilizer Markets Kyosti Arovuori, Pellervo Economic Research Institute Economic Impacts of an Outbreak of HPAI and Potential Local Solutions Kristyn Stone, USDA-APHIS ROME ROOM (Ground Floor) MANAGEMENT Moderator: Hamish Gow, Michigan State University, US Do Market Oriented Firms Demonstrate Clarity on Their Value Discipline? Evidence from Illinois Beef Producers Eric Micheels, University of Illinois Changes in Food and Agribusiness: An Approach from Lobby Theory and the New Institutional Economics Facundo Neyra, School of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires Is trust necessary for collective agribusiness strategies? Katia Figueroa Rodriguez, Colegio de Postgraduados AGRIFOOD PRIZE SESSION I An Examination of Willingness to Pay for Improved Milk Quality in Northern Kenya Using Experimental Auction DeeVon Bailey, Utah State University Hispanic Consumers’ Preferences and Willingness-to-Pay for Pasture-Fed Beef in Virginia Denisse Mainville, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Willingness to Pay Premium for Foods Produced in Taiwan and Country of Origin Labeling: Results from Auction Experiment Chern MAASTRICHT ROOM (Ground Floor) NEW CHAIN STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF FARMER’S ENTERPRNEURSHIP I Moderator: Woody Maijers, InHolland University, NL Business models to enhance farmers’ access to markets for high-value certified products Pilar Santacoloma, FAO Education and its effects on the development of an entrepreneurial profile among young people in agricultural regions: A Case Study at EARTH University I Alvarado, EARTH University World Soybean Production: Yield, Arable Land, and Long-term Projection Tadayoshi Masuda, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Entrepreneurship in agricultural micro enterprises in West Pokot District, Kenya Nicola Shadbolt, Massey University Recommendations for restructuring food markets in the southern African region: Dynamics in context of the fresh produce sub sector Leah Ndanga, University of Pretoria Strategy and its Relationship to Restructuring in US Agricultural Cooperatives Michael Boland, Kansas State University REGE ROOM (Hotel Rege) CASE CONFERENCE I Moderator: Mary Shelman, Havard Business School, USA Introduction and Recent Case Studies of the Agribusiness Program Mary Shelman, Havard Business School, USA The Alltech Case Study Aidan Connolly, Alltech Inc., USA Telepizza, S.A Antonio Garcia de Castro, Instituto Internacional San Telmo How the Cookie Crumbles: The Case of Gluten-Free Cookies Norbert Wilson, Auburn University Trade, Standard and Vertical Coordination: Evidence from Rwanda Coffee Sector Jean Chrysostome Ngabitsinze, University of Milan Session 2: COPENHAGEN BALLROOM (Level 1) FAO WORKSHOP: Introduction Agribusiness and Agro-industries Development in Central and Eastern Europe NICE ROOM (Level - 1) CASE COMPETITION PRELIMINARY University Teams AMSTERDAM ROOM (Level - 1) CASE COMPETITION PRELIMINARY University Teams BRUXELLES ROOM (Ground Floor) CASE COMPETITION PRELIMINARY University Teams STRASSBOURG ROOM (Ground Floor) CASE COMPETITION PRELIMINARY University and MixedTeams 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM ROME ROOM (Ground Floor) AGRIFOOD PRIZE SESSION II From wheat to bread: A price transmission model Ramiro Costa, Buenos Aires Grain Exchange Determinants of Prices for EU Product Denonimation of Origin Cheeses Imported into the US Michael Boland, Kansas State University Economic investigation of zero-rating of VAT on meat: Implications for the meat value chain in South Africa Andre Jooste, National Agricultural Marketing Council MAASTRICHT ROOM (Ground Floor) EXCELLENCE IN FOOD CHAIN Moderator: Francis Declerck, Essec, FR Development and maintenance of sustainable inter-enterprise relations in agri-food chains – Factors affecting relationship quality and stability dimensions Christian Fischer, Massey University The Hungarian Agricultural Excellence Award for Companies and Organization – Development of the Model and its Application Pal Molnar, University of Szeged Application of the Hungarian Agricultural Excellence Award by the PICK Szeged Meat Company László Sutka, PICK Szeged Meat Company REGE ROOM (Hotel Rege) CASE CONFERENCE II Moderator: Mary Shelman, Havard Business School, USA Economic and market connections of production and trade of organic foods Zoltán Szakály, University of Kaposvár Environmental conservation and coordination aspects - The Nature Conservancy Case Study in Brazil Samuel Ribeiro Giordano, University of Sao Paulo Klabin – Adding Value to the Agribusiness System: From Forest to Consumer Christiane Rezende, PENSA Session – 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM COPENHAGEN BALLROOM (Level 1) FAO WORKSHOP: Introduction Agribusiness and Agro-industries Development in Central and Eastern Europe NICE ROOM (Level - 1) AMSTERDAM ROOM (Level - 1) FOOD CHAIN MANAGEMENT II Moderator: Jacques Trienekens, Wageningen University, NL CUSTOMER ORIENTATION IN THE FOOD SYSTEM I Moderator: Agnes Szegedy-Fricz, Ministry of Agriculture, HU Traceability development in fresh vegetable and fruit sector: Hungarian case József Lehota, Szent István University Export Chains of Fresh Apples in Qixia, Shandong China Xiaoyong Zhang, LEI, Wageningen UR Is Trust Necessary in Supply Chain Networks? - The role of trust in Hungarian Mórakert Cooperative Tưrưk Chain Coordination Mechanisms and Concerns in Sugar Industry in Punjab, India Veena Goel, Punjab Agricultural University Planning model supporting information and service agency in meat chains designing services in chain oriented health management Schütz Information Technology in Formulation of Transparency Strategies for Food Chain and Supply Management in Poland Szymanowski Lifestyle and food consumption Krisztián Lőrinczi, University of Debrecen On The Use of Channel Incentive Programs: A Cross Country Analysis on the Crop Protection Industry in Brazil and USA Luciano Castro, Markestrat Projects and Research in Marketing and Strategy Factors influencing the consumer’s choice of retail store Peter J Batt., Curtin University of Technology Governance and Performance in a MicroSized Single Desk Seller Nicola Shadbolt, Massey University Power Shifts along the Supply Chain: Managerial Implications for Russian Agrifood Business Belaya Savoury dinners … or agro-marketing? How Slow Food movement relates to traditional food products Zoltán Erdős, Qualiment Ltd BRUXELLES ROOM (Ground Floor) CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE AND BRANDING OF FOOD PRODUCTS I Moderator: Andras Seboek, Campden&Chorleywood, HU Do private labels evoke customer loyalty in food retailing? Wettstein Consumer Awareness of Functional Foods Zoltán Szakály, University of Kaposvár Creating “Farmer-Owned Brands” for HighQuality Agricultural Products: Case Studies from a Mature and an Emerging Agricultural Sector Roxanne Clemens, Iowa State University Customer Branding: A Look at How Consumers Brand Fruit and Vegetables Julie Pennington, University of WisconsinEau Claire Consumer Behaviour for Food Products in India Kriti Bardhan Gupta, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow An investigation into ethnic Asian food consumption in the Bristol area Luis Kluwe Aguiar, Royal Agricultural College STRASSBOURG ROOM (Ground Floor) VALUE-ADDED FOOD MARKETING THROUGH CONSUMER STUDIES I Moderator: Zoltan Lakner, Budapest Corvinus University, HU Assessing the relevance of different mechanism of country of origin effects on consumers willingness to pay Conradin Bolliger, Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ), Switerland Empirical Evidence of Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Pasture-Fed Beef from In-Store Experiments Denisse Mainville, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Factors influencing consumers’ choice of retail stores for fresh meat in Malaysia Norshamliza Chamhuri, Curtin University of Technology Modelling Wine Choice: Investigating the Determinants of wine choice among of the “Black Diamonds” Leah Ndanga, University of Pretoria Increasing Placement of Local Wines in Local Restaurants: A New Mexico Case Study Sherida Elkins, New Mexico State University Local Food Preferences of Restaurant Consumers Jay Lillywhite, New Mexico State University ROME ROOM (Ground Floor) FOOD LABELLING AND NUTRITION INFORMATION FOR THE CONSUMERS I Moderator: Pal Molnar, University Szeged, HU Study on Evaluation Index Model and Hierarchical Management of Food Quality and Safety Ming Zhu, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision (SMBQTS) Strategic Responses to Front of Package Nutrition Labelling Diogo M Souza Monteiro, Kent Business School, University of Kent The Importance of Labeling: Consumer Preferences toward Certification Labels in the Chile Industry Jay Lillywhite, New Mexico State University Comparing Premium Brand and Private Label Innovation Projects in a Food Processing company Frances T.J.M Fortuin, Food Valley Foundation, Wageningen Geographical Indications: Implications for Agricultural Exporting Countries Paul Riethmuller, University of Queensland Food Labels: Assessing Awareness and Usage Level of Indian Consumer and Influences on Food Buying Behavior Sushil Kumar, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow MAASTRICHT ROOM (Ground Floor) AGRICULTURALMANAGEMEN T AND CONSUMER PROTECTION I Moderator: Doyle Baker, Food and Agriculture Organization, IT The Political Economy of Nutrition and Health Standards in Food Markets Johan F.M Swinnen, K.U.Leuven/LICOS What they say is not what they do: exploring the gap between fair-trade consumers Luis Kluwe Aguiar, Royal Agricultural College Relationship measures as indicators of chain performance: The case of the EU traditional food sector Katrien Van Lembergen, Faculty of BioScience Engineering, Ghent University Nestlé dpa: Expansion of the Shared Value concept in the Milk Chain Danny Pimentel Claro, Ibmec São Paulo Italian consumer attitudes toward products for well being: the functional foods market Azzurra Annunziata, University “Parthenope” of Naples Agri-Food Clusters and Competitiveness Interventions in Two Pre-Clusters in Uruguay Hernan Palau, School of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires REGE ROOM (Hotel Rege) CASE CONFERENCE III Moderator: Woody Maijers, InHolland University, NL To Go or Not to Go Buffalo Elliot Currie, University of Guelph Strategic Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Innovation And New Technology Introduction During Volatile Times Michael Boehlje, Purdue University Quality Line Carrefour Decio Zylbersztajn, University of Sao Paulo Paradigm shift in the floriculture sector by cooperation science/business Jegen Collective Actions in Food Chains: The Fundecitrus case in Brazil Marcos Fava Neves, School of Economics, Business and Accounting of the University of São Paulo Value-added increasing effect of rural development in the fresh fruit and vegetable sector: lessons learned and future possibilities Anikó Juhász June 21, 2009 COPENHAGEN BALLROOM (Level 1) FAO WORKSHOP: Introduction Agribusiness and Agro-industries Development in Central and Eastern Europe Session – 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM NICE ROOM (Level - 1) AMSTERDAM ROOM (Level - 1) INNOVATION IN THE FOOD CHAIN I Moderator: Frances Fortuinum, Wageningen University, NL RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FIELD OF BIOFUELS I Moderator: Jozsef Popp, Research Institute for Agricultural Economics Budapest, HU Entrepreneurial Behavior in Agri-Food Supply Chains: The Role of Supply Chain Partners Brent Ross, Michigan State University Potential for Organic Farming and Market linkages for Organic Produce: A Case Study of Western Gujarat (India) Gurulingappa Koppa, Institute of Rural management Anand Establishing market orientation on the level of an input supplier Of the food chain: How market oriented is the feed industry? Stefanie Bröring, Wageningen University and Research Centre Facing the global challenge to raise the innovation power of agrifood companies; Creating an optimal innovation assessment tool Emiel Wubben, Wageningen University Identification of possible futures in food chains Francis Declerck, ESSEC Business School Paris-Singapore Dealing with Uncertainty in the Pursuit of Agribusiness Innovations: The Use of Organizational Structure Michael Boehlje, Purdue University Promoting Agribusiness Trade in Value-added Products Sayed Saghaian, University of Kentucky Farm-to-Institution Supply Chains: Practices, Challenges and Performance Measures Getachew Abatekassa, Michigan State University A reflection about the Brazilian potential to supply simultaneously food and biofuel to the world Marina Mafud, MARKESTRAT Production and Marketing Contracts in the Food Supply Chain: A Survey of Empirical Literature Yuliya Bolotova, University of Idaho Strategic Alliances In The Argentine Biofuel Agribusiness Why Do Oil Companies Lack A Predominant Role? Marcos Daziano, School of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires “Sustainable Biodiesel Production from Cotton Seed Chain in Brazil” Jessica Sanches, University of Sao Paulo Managing the Effect of Global Fuel Price Increases and Local Inflation: The case of South African Food Retailing Arthur Mabiso, Michigan State University The decision-making processes of the agents belonging to the biodiesel production chain in Southern Brazil Régis Rathmann, COPPE/UFRJ Macroenvironment for Liquid Biofuels in a Governmental Perspective: A Comparative Analysis of Public Policies in Germany, Brazil and the United States of America Talamini A Real Options Analysis of Ethanol Plant Investment under Uncertainty Schmit BRUXELLES ROOM (Ground Floor) ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT I Moderator: John Karlik, California University, USA A Theory of Standards-Driven Rural Development Tao Xiang, University of Leuven Reducing wastage and improving sales interfaces in produce retailing Christian Fischer, Massey University Trade-offs between Shopping Bags Made of Non-Degradable Plastics and Other Materials Using Latent Class Analysis: The Case of Tianjin, China Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, University of Hawaii New Food Products: Global Challenges and Possible local solutions Wilhemina Quaye, Food Research Institute Factors Affecting College Students’ Knowledge and Opinions of Genetically Modified Foods Chad Laux, Purdue University The New GMO-free Label – Enhancing Transparency or Depicting German Consumers? Meike Henseleit, Justus-Liebig University Giessen Regionalized Food Production and Marketing: The Case of Organic Produce Growers in Michigan Lourdes Martinez, Michigan State University An assessment of the cost of compliance with rising SPS standards: the case of beef exports from Ethiopia Karl Rich, American University in Cairo STRASSBOURG ROOM (Ground Floor) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND CHAIN ECONOMICS I Moderator:Christian Fischer, Massey University, NZ Contractual arrangements and food quality standards in agrifood supply chains: an application to the Mexican avocado industry Jaime Arana Coronado, Wageningen University Producers’ Collective Action in Supply Chains Coordination: Implications on Efficiency for Canadian Marketing Boards Annie Royer, Centre d’économie de la Sorbonne Production and Marketing Contracts in the Food Supply Chain: A Survey of Empirical Literature Yuliya Bolotova, University of Idaho Entrepreneurial Supply Chains and Strategic Collaboration: The Case of Bagòss Cheese in Bagolino, Italy Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Kansas State University Evolution of food supply chains: Evidence from Greek meat sector Ilias Vlachos, Agricultural University of Athens Grasp of Goals: Successful management of supply chain networks in the agribusiness of Central and Eastern Europe Gagalyuk Globalization and Poverty in Senegal: A Worst Case Scenario Liesbeth Colen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven “The Impact of Policy Distortions on Agroindustrial Value Chains The Case of Argentina 2002-2008” Lucio Castro, CIPPEC ROME ROOM (Ground Floor) AGRIFOOD STRATEGIES I Moderator: Gabor Szabo, University Szeged, HU The Strategic Role of Umbrella Brands in International Market Entry: The Case of “Cellars of Canterbury” Domenico Dentoni, Michigan State University Do Cooperatives Offer High Quality Products? Vertical Product Differentiation in a Mixed Oligopoly Dieter Pennerstorfer, Austrian Institute of Economic Research Linking Farmers to Markets in the Western Balkans: an Unfinished Job Nancy Cochrane, United States Department of Agriculture An Analysis of Contracts in the Idaho Processing Potato Industry Yuliya Bolotova, University of Idaho The Emergence of Producers’ Networks in Argentina’s Grain Prodcution Fabio Chaddad Faculdades Ibmec, São Paulo Ex Ante Selection Criteria & Ex Post Reasons for Dissatisfaction in logistics outsourcing: Empirical insights from Greek food SMEs Michael Bourlakis, Brunel University Export implicit financial performance: the case of French wine companies Jean-Laurent Viviani, Université de Montpellier Italian Wine: Consumer Demand and Market Structure Antonio Stasi, University of Foggia MAASTRICHT ROOM (Ground Floor) MARKET ORIENTATION AND ENTERPRENEURSHIP I Moderator: Onno Omta, Wageningen University, NL Do Market Oriented Firms Demonstrate Clarity on Their Value Discipline? Evidence from Illinois Beef Producers Eric Micheels, University of Illinois Mercosur’s meat exports to the EU: Assessment of policies affecting trade flows Ellen Huan-Niemi, MTT Agrifood Research Finland Exploring Chinese Urban Markets for U.S Pork David Ortega, Purdue University Competitiveness of Albanian Agriculture: Value Chain Study for Fruit and Vegetable Sector in Fier Region Engjell Skreli, Agriculture University of Tirana Competitiveness evaluation of Zacatecan (Mexico) protected agriculture tomato industry Luz E Padilla-Bernal, Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas Creation of economic value for the farmers by shift in value addition avenues Sushil Kumar, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow Investigating the Sufficiency of Geographic Diversification in Limiting Contract Grower Risk Andre Louw, University of Pretoria Factors Influencing Growth of Dairy Product Manufacturing in the United States Fafanyo Asiseh, Washington State University REGE ROOM (Hotel Rege) CASE CONFERENCE IV Moderator: Woody Maijers, InHolland University, NL Sustainability in Food Networks A framework for research Melanie Fritz, University of Bonn Food Chains and Funding: Value Chain Development and Roles for Governments David Sparling, University of Guelph Development of Traditional Pork (Mangalica) Production Value Chain Gabriella Zsarnóczay, Hungarian Meat Research Institute Technology dissemination in agro-cluster: The role of multinational Companies in the case of Almeria (Spain) Juan Carlos Pérez Mesa, Universidad de Almería The Role of Cocoa Bean Traders in the Improvement of Market Efficiency Sofyan Jamal Esmeralda Coffee (A) Taking Advantage of Having the World’s Best Coffee Ernesto Gallo, EAP Zamorano University The Mexican Wine Industry Carlos Omar Trejo-Pech, Universidad Panamericana at Guadalajara, Mexico Global Challenges and Local Solutions: Wine Sector Changes in Europe and in Portugal Bernardo Pacheco de Carvalho Session 2:15 PM – 3:45 PM Session 3:45 PM – 4:30 PM COPENHAGEN BALLROOM (Level 1) COPENHAGEN BALLROOM (Level 1) Case Competition Finals POSTER RECEPTION NICE ROOM (Level - 1) Task Group – discusion session – Metropolitan Agriculture AMSTERDAM ROOM (Level - 1) Task Group – discusion session – Biofuels BRUXELLES ROOM (Ground Floor) Task Group – Sustainability in Agri-Food Chain (value creation and value capturing) GRI-SAI STRASSBOURG ROOM (Ground Floor) Task Group – discusion session – South Africa ROME ROOM (Ground Floor) Task Group – discusion session MAASTRICHT ROOM (Ground Floor) Task Group – discusion session REGE ROOM (Hotel Rege) Task Group – discusion session Session 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM COPENHAGEN BALLROOM (Level 1) BRIDGE SESSION POSTERS I.1 Food Chain Management A Planning for Building Agribusiness Management Method/Framework Marcos Fava Neves, University of Sao Paulo Pork Chain in Brazil and Canada: A Comparison Maria Stella Saab, FEA/USP Identifying the Comparative Advantage of Milk Chain in the Regions of Leningrad District in Russian Federation Nune Khachatryan, University of Hohenheim New Business Model for Quality Supplies Christina Steinbauer, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI) External Food Supply Chain Integration: Review and Implications Matheus Alberto Consoli, University of Sao Paulo II.2 Excellence in Food Chain The Returns and Volatility of Agribusiness Stocks: How Do They Measure Up to nonagribusIness stocks? Benjamin Clark, Louisiana State University Forecasting Price Dynamics for Food as the Basis for Agribusiness Development Strategies Zalivcheva III.1 Customer Orientation in the Food System Role of Consumer Cooperatives in Linking Farmers to Markets: Evidence from Armenia Grigoryan IV.2 Quality Management Systems in Agriculture and Food Industry Quality Control and Traceability of Crop and Forage Production Győri Zoltán, University of Debrecen Identifying some key indicators Benchmarks (competitive benchmark) helping meat processors in Albania improving their management decisions Orkida Totojani, Agriculture University of Tirana IV.4 Food Security, Bioenergy and Sustainable Development Biogas production as an investment decision in the integrated energy and agricultural markets in the EU A real options approach Lioudmila Möller, IAMO II.1 New Chain Strategies for Development of Farmer’s Enterprneurship Strategy and its Relationship to Restructuring in US Agricultural Cooperatives Michael Boland, Kansas State University Local Solutions and Challenges Using Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Food Chain System: Meeting Local Solutions through Understanding of the Local Agriculture Specificity, Food culture, Neighboring ethnicity, and Regional business potential and limitations Eric Thor, Arizona State University Land cultivation for food or energy crops and the role of the agricultural entrepreneur: a case study in Pianura Padana region (Italy) Alessandro Ragazzoni, University of Bologna Standby: Global challenges and local solutions in the New Zealand dairy industry: exploring strategy, structure and performance in the past quarter century Daniel Conforte, Massey University III.3 Consumer Acceptance and Branding of Food Products Consumer satisfaction with loose and prepacked potatoes Peter J Batt, Curtin University of Technology Consumer Market Segments in the Philippine Vegetable Industry Concepcion Market Potential for Premium Chile Rellenos in the Southwestern United States Shawna McLain, New Mexico State University Opportunity Analysis of Water Buffalo in Canada Melanie Lang, University of Guelph III.2 Value-Added Food Marketing through Consumer Studies Food miles and consumers: a survey on the consumer’s perception of the distance of food Maria Carmela Aprile, University “Parthenope” Food Traceability Systems: Impact on Price Transmission along the Food Supply Chain Silva The demand for olive oil in Italy: consumer’ preferences, product differentiation and market strategies Umberto Medicamento, University of Foggia Brazilian Ethnicity Consumption: being, belonging and becoming in the UK Luis Kluwe Aguiar, Royal Agricultural College IV.1 Food Labelling and Nutrition Information for the Consumers Demand for healthy food in Italy: a segmentation approach of consumers’ behaviour Margherita Gerolimetto, Ca’Foscari University of Venice San Giobbe Standby: Controlling Avoidance of Food Safety Regulations in Meat Packing Industry Dragan Miljkovic, North Dakota State University I.3 Innovation in the Food Chain Local solutions for being competitive in the fresh vegetable business – insights from three case studies in Germany, Italy and Spain Bettina Riedel, Humboldt University Berlin Supply Chain Problems in the Wine Industry Mónika Pónusz, Budapest College of Management Research and Development in the Irrigated Rice Seeds Sector in Rio Grande Do Sul State Paulo Rigatto, Universidade Federal de Pelotas V.1 Recent Developments in the Field of Biofuels The role of sustainability certification in the global market of ethanol Marco Antonio Conejero, University of Sao Paulo Increases in and Dissemination of Biofuels’ Mandatory Blending Targets Marco Antonio Conejero, University of Sao Paulo IV.3 Environmental Challenges and Rural Development Food quality and safety awareness in Russian reality: the hidden character of the mycotoxin problem in Russian wheat chain Heinrich Schuele, University of Hohenheim Protecting Health and the Environment Through California's Agricultural Pesticide Regulatory System Jan Karlik, University of California III.3 Consumer Acceptance and Branding of Food Products Genetically Modified Foods: What we know about customer beliefs and buying intentions? Suku Bhaskaran, Victoria University Consumers' Acceptance of Agricultural Biotechnology in United Arab Emirates Safdar Muhammad, United Arab Emirates University Standby: Assessing the Impact of Direct Marketing in Overall Business Strategy: A Double Hurdle Approach Tyler Mark, Louisiana State University I.4 Supply chain Management and Chain Economics II.3 Market Orientation and Enterpreneurship Investing in financial assets – Would farmers find it attractive? Further evidence from New Zealand Gilbert Nartea, Lincoln University An Overview of Foodservice Sector in Brazil – A SCM Approach Matheus Alberto Consoli, University of Sao Paulo Retail globalization – what happens to the local suppliers in Central and Eastern Europe? Zsombor Pall, IAMO Assessing the Comparative Advantage of Olive Oil Production in Albania Ana Mane, Agriculture University of Tirana Supply Chain and Quality Problems in Dairy Sector Judit Vágány, Budapest College of Management Standby: Supply Chain Management and Indian Fresh Produce Supply Chain: Opportunities and Challenges Surendra Singh, Tennessee State University Salacca "Exotic" Fruit Of Indonesia Challenge to Compete in International Market (Case Study: Export Challenge of Salacca "Pondoh" Variety to China) Dimyati The barriers to the fair trade production growth: a study case of a Brazilian cooperative Vinicius Gustavo Trombin, Marketing & Strategic Projects and Research Center Determinants, Costs, and Benefits of Small Farmer inclusion in Restructured Agrifood Chains: A Case Study of Dairy Industry in India Sharma Patterns of Integration Processes in the Russian Agrarian Sphere Shibaikin Information Asymmetry in Cotton Markets in India II.4 Agrifood Strategies Opportunities to Use the EU Experiences in Managing the Agro-Food Complex of Russia Reshetnikova The Characteristic and Development of Urban Farmers Market in Malaysia; A Case Study of the Satok Weekend Market and Payang Central Market Abdul Saili, Curtin University of Technology Toward an Overall Efficiency Evaluation for Public Policy: A Case of Farmland Preservation Program for Connecticut Dairy Farms Minjuan Zhao, University Of Connecticut Gopal Naik, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Standby: Food Firm Strategy: Hedonic Analysis of Sustainable Food Products Thasanee Satimanon, Michigan State University Case Conference Strategy of Internationalization Through Export Consortium: The Case Wines From Brazil (WFB) (Brazilian Wine Export Promotion Project) Gustavo Barbieri Lima, School of Business and Economics – University of São Paulo, Brazil/ MARKINTEC – Marketing, Technology and International Business – USP (Researcher) Standby: Sustainability management in the value chain: from the farmland to the table Roberto Scare, Universidade de São Paulo USP Roberto Scare Standby: Interventions in the Food Value Chain to Improve Quality and Competitiveness: A Case Study of Dairy Cooperative in India III.1 Customer Orientation in the Food System Gopal Naik, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore IV.2 Quality Management Systems in Agriculture and Food Industry Toward an Overall Efficiency Evaluation for Public Policy: A Case of Farmland Preservation Program for Connecticut Dairy Farms Minjuan Zhao, University of Connecticut Standby: Enhancing the International Competitiveness of the Western Australian (WA) Food and Beverage Industry Through Facilitating the Adoption of Quality Assurance (QA) Programs Georg Küpper, Curtin University of Technology II.1 New Chain Strategies for Development of Farmer’s Enterprneurship India’s Food Security Strategy and its Impact on the Food Surplus State of Punjab Veena Goel, Punjab Agricultural University III.2 Value-Added Food Marketing through Consumer Studies Capturing Value in Argentinean Wheat Production: Potential and Challenges from Buyers’ Needs Assessment Laura Donnet, Universidad Austral Standby: Consumption Habits and Valued Attributes in the Milk Purchase Process of Elderly Market Latvian collective food quality label "Green Spoon" - success or failure? Ingūna Gulbe, Latvian State institute of Agrarian Economics A Granger Causality Study of Junk Food and Obesity Gregory Baker, Santa Clara University, Food & Agribusiness Institute III.3 Consumer Acceptance and Branding of Food Products Obesity and Eating Behavior of Adults Gayaneh Kyureghian, Texas A&M University V.1 Recent Developments in the Field of Biofuels Determining the Direct and Indirect Effects of Government Policies P Lynn Kennedy, Louisiana State University Management Standby: Personnel Management Research in Agribusiness Vera Bitsch, Michigan State University PRIZE SESSION Standby: Differentiation strategies in Italian farm tourism: a hedonic pricing approach Katia L Sidali, Georg August University Goettingen III.4 AgriculturalManagement and Consumer Protection Standby: Procurement strategies of the German dairy sector: Empirical evidence on contract design between dairies and their agricultural suppliers Stephanie Schlecht, Georg-AugustUniversitaet Goettingen ... Farrukh & Co Investment and Marketing Consultants Food Chains and Funding: Value Chain Development and Roles for Governments David Sparling, University of Guelph Ensuring Intra- and Inter-Organizational... Environmental Sustainability in Food Production and Marketing: Trends and Challenges Suku Bhaskaran, Victoria University Consumption Patterns and Competition in the World Fertilizer Markets Kyosti Arovuori,... Floor) AGRICULTURALMANAGEMEN T AND CONSUMER PROTECTION I Moderator: Doyle Baker, Food and Agriculture Organization, IT The Political Economy of Nutrition and Health Standards in Food Markets Johan

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 18:17
