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MNU - Faculty - St. John Creating Space for God - Dissertation

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ABSTRACT CREATING SPACE FOR GOD IN THE LIVES OF MILLENNIALS BY LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY TO PRACTICE A SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE MODELED BY CHRIST by Kelvin Wesley St John Today’s Millennials, the first generation to reach their majority in this millennium, often compartmentalize their faith lives from their social and work lives MidAmerica Nazarene University (MNU) offers a course in Spiritual Formation once each spring The enrollment for this elective course ranges from twelve to eighteen students per class Each undergraduate must take three general education courses that inform their faith: Old Testament Literature, New Testament Literature, and Christian Beliefs However, simple math shows that approximately just over one thousand of MNU’s 1,037 undergraduates are unable to take Spiritual Formation—the course that forms their faith This study offered online delivery of spiritual disciplines, a small yet vital part of the Spiritual Formation course The twelve disciplines featured in the study are disciplines that were evident in the life of Christ The local context for this study was MNU Because of their affinity for technology and social networking, the target population consisted of all millennial undergraduate students The purpose of this sixweek study of Millennials was to evaluate the effectiveness of how MNU undergraduates leveraged social networking and new media to establish and develop the daily practice of a spiritual discipline that Christ modeled The findings suggest that (1) the practice of spiritual disciplines can be propagated through the use of technology, (2) Millennials are not as dependent on technology as culture portrays them, (3) Millennials prefer immediacy and convenience in the technology they use, (4) they value face-to-face relationships, (5) social networking caused a halo effect on accountability, (6) the use of technology varied over the course of the study, and (7) technology doubly drove accountability This study delivered spiritual discipline content using fifteen videos uploaded to a “members only” Facebook group The video entitled Promo advertized the study in chapel The remaining supplemental video files appeared on Facebook:               Study Intro Spiritual Discipline Celebration Fasting Fellowship Hospitality Meditation Prayer Sabbath Rest Service Silence and Solitude Study Submission Worship DISSERTATION APPROVAL This is to certify that the dissertation entitled CREATING SPACE FOR GOD IN THE LIVES OF MILLENNIALS BY LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY TO PRACTICE A SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE MODELED BY CHRIST presented by Kelvin Wesley St John has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the DOCTOR OF MINISTRY degree at Asbury Theological Seminary May 17, 2013 Mentor Date May 17, 2013 Internal Reader Date May 17, 2013 Representative, Doctor of Ministry Program Date May 17, 2013 Dean of the Beeson Center Date CREATING SPACE FOR GOD IN THE LIVES OF MILLENNIALS BY LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY TO PRACTICE A SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE MODELED BY CHRIST A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of Asbury Theological Seminary In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Ministry by Kelvin Wesley St John May 2013 © 2013 Kelvin Wesley St John ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xiii CHAPTER PROBLEM Introduction Purpose Research Questions Research Question #1 Research Question #2 Research Question #3 Definition of Terms Ministry Intervention .6 Context Methodology Participants Instrumentation Variables 10 Data Collection 11 Data Analysis 13 Generalizability 13 Theological Foundation .14 iii Overview 17 CHAPTER LITERATURE 18 Introduction 18 Spiritual Disciplines .19 Terms Defined 20 Use of the Phrase Spiritual Disciplines 25 Sets of Spiritual Disciplines .31 Relational Aspects of the Spiritual Disciplines 38 Purpose of the Spiritual Disciplines 38 Spiritual Disciplines Modeled by Christ—A Theological Framework 39 Christ’s Example of the Spiritual Disciplines 39 The Body and the Spiritual Disciplines 39 The Disciplines—Private and Corporate 40 The Disciplines—Directional and Relational 41 The Disciplines—Holistic Spirituality .41 Theological Framework of the Individual Disciplines 42 Prayer .43 Study 46 Meditation 49 Submission .52 Worship 54 Sabbath Rest .56 Celebration .58 iv Silence and Solitude 61 Fasting 64 Service 67 Fellowship 71 Hospitality 73 Summary 79 The Millennials 79 Generational Identity .80 Their Brains .87 Millennials and the Church .90 Millennials and the Spiritual Disciplines 91 Social Networking and New Media .92 Social Networking Sites 93 New Media .98 Accountability Partners 100 Research Design 100 Summary 101 CHAPTER METHODOLOGY 102 Problem and Purpose 102 Research Questions and/or Hypotheses .102 Research Question #1 103 Research Question #2 104 Research Question #3 106 v Population and Participants 107 Design of the Study 108 Instrumentation 111 Expert Review 113 Variables 113 Reliability and Validity 115 Data Collection 116 Data Analysis .119 Ethical Procedures .121 Informed Consent Form 121 Ensuring Confidentiality and Dissemination of Data 122 CHAPTER FINDINGS .124 Problem and Purpose 124 Participants 125 Research Question #1 129 Research Question #2 137 Research Question #3 150 Summary of Major Findings 178 CHAPTER DISCUSSION 180 Problem and Purpose 180 Major Findings 181 Propagating Spiritual Disciplines Online .181 Tolerating Technology 187 vi Preferring Immediacy and Convenience 189 Valuing Interpersonal Relationships 192 Technology’s Halo Effect .195 Varied Use of Technology 199 Technology Doubly Drove Accountability 200 Implications of the Findings 202 Limitations of the Study .205 Unexpected Observations 207 Recommendations 210 Postscript 212 APPENDIXES A Facebook Groups and Security Settings .216 B Informed Consent Form 219 C Vodcast Scripts 221 D Researcher’s E-Mail to Participants 253 E Pre-Study Survey 261 F Samples of Participants’ Encouraging Reminders through Technology 265 G Weekly Journal Response .270 H Post-Study Survey 272 I Members Only Facebook Group 277 J Follow-Up Focus Group 279 K Four Month Follow-Up Survey .287 WORKS CITED 289 vii St John 277 Moore, Anne Cooper, and Kimberly A Wells “Connecting 24/5 to Millennials: Providing Academic Support Services from a Learning Commons.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 35.1 (2009): 75-85 E-Journals Web 21 Mar 2013 Mulholland Jr., M Robert Invitation to a Journey: A Roadmap for Spiritual Formation Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1993 Print Nikirk, Martin “Teaching STEM To Millennial Students.” Tech Directions 71.7 (2012): 13 MasterFILE Premier Web Apr 2013 Nouwen, Henri J M “Moving From Solitude To Community To Ministry : Jesus Established The True Order For Spiritual Work.” Leadership 16.2 (1995): 81-87 ATLA Religion Database Web 10 Feb 2013 —— The Way of the Heart: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers New York: HarperOne, 2009 Print 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The awareness creates a relational and temporal space for God in the Christian’s life.6 Henri J M Nouwen seconds this need for creating space. .. completed and returned the informed consent form Seventy-two Millennials completed the pre-study survey Fifty-five students returned the post-study survey Eleven St John Millennials who completed... happens, God lends comfort and healing through the spiritual Don Postema’s book title, Space for God, explains the entirety of the book’s contents God used it to help me approach my spiritual formation

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 17:16

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