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12-17-08 PROFESSIONAL VITA OF MANUEL PHILLIP BERRIOZÁBAL PERMANENT ADDRESS: 1148 W Russell San Antonio, Texas 78201 TELEPHONE: (210) 734-8484 BUSINESS ADDRESS: The University of Texas at San Antonio Downtown Campus Department of Mathematics 501 W Durango Blvd San Antonio, Texas 78207 TELEPHONE: (210) 458-2057 FAX: (210) 458-2058 E-MAIL ADDRESS: manuel.berriozabal@utsa.edu PRESENT POSITION: Professor of Mathematics Founding Director, San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program Founding Coordinator, Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program and Proyecto Access CITIZENSHIP: United States of America BIRTH DATA: July 12, 1931 in San Antonio, Texas MARITAL STATUS: Married to Maria Antonietta (Nee) Rodriguez EDUCATION: Cell: (210) 836-7846 Ph.D Mathematics, 1961, The University of California at Los Angeles M.S Mathematics, 1956, University of Notre Dame B.S Mathematics, 1952, Rockhurst College PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Professor, 1976 - Present; The University of Texas at San Antonio Faculty Associate, Summer 1976; IBM at Austin, Texas Professor, 1972 - 1976, Associate Professor, 1966 - 1972; University of New Orleans Assistant Professor, 1962 - 1966; Tulane University Mathematics Consultant in India-AID Program, Summer 1964; Teacher’s College, Columbia University Lecturer, 1961 - 1962; University of California at Los Angeles Instructor (Extension), 1959 - 1961; University of California at Los Angeles Instructor, 1957 - 1959; Loyola University of Los Angeles Math Analyst, Summers 1956 & 1957; Douglas Aircraft Company Draftee: Math Analyst, 1953 - 1955; United States Army ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE: Founding Coordinator, PROYECTO ACCESS, 1996-Present, (See item 17I) Founding Coordinator, Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program, 1985 - Present, (See item 17I) Founding Director, San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program, 1983 - Present; Co-Director, 1979 - 1982, (See item 17H) Project Director, San Antonio, Texas Proposal Development Workshop, 1979 - 1980, (See item 17F) Project Director, South Central Texas Consortium for Preparation of Resource Center in Science and Engineering Planning Grant, 1977 - 1979, (See item 17E) Chairman, State of Louisiana Task Force on Ethnic Studies, 1973 – 1976; 1st Vice-Chairman, 1972, (See item 17C) Director and Coordinator, Elementary Mathematics Specialists Program in New Orleans, Louisiana; 1970 - 1971, (See item 17B) Director, Experienced Teacher Fellowship Program for the Preparation of Mathematics Specialists for Elementary Schools in Educationally Disadvantaged Areas of Louisiana, 1969 - 1970, (See item 17B) Acting Chairman, Department of Mathematics, University of New Orleans, 1967 - 1968 Co-Director, Modern Mathematics Program for Parents and Elementary School Teachers of New Orleans, 1964 - 1966 Director, NSF Mathematics Institutes for Secondary School Teachers at Tulane University, 1964 - 1966 10 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: American Mathematical Society Mathematical Association of America National Association of Mathematicians National Council of Teachers in Mathematics Sigma Xi Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Texas Association of College Teachers Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education Texas Faculty Association 11 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND RESPONSIBILITIES: UTSA Member, UTSA Department of Mathematics FRAC Committee, 2003 - Present Chair, Department of Mathematics Applied and Industrial Mathematics Graduate Program Committee, 2004 – Present Member, Department of Mathematics Post Tenure Review Committee, 2008 Member, Department of Biology Faculty Recruitment Committee (Affirmative Action Advocate), 2007 Member, Department of Biology Proteomics Professor Search Committee(Affirmative Action Advocate), 2006 Volunteer for College of Science SACNAS meeting Graduate Student Recruitment, 2008 Member, McNair Scholars Program Advisory Board, 2008 Member, San Antonio Pathways Mathematics Committee, 2008 Member, College of Science Budget Committee, 2008 Member, College of Science Downtown Campus Committee, 2008 Member, Department of Mathematics Calculus Committee, 2006 Member, Department of Mathematics Graduate Examination Committee, 2007 – Member, Applied and Industrial Mathematics Program SACS Review Committee, 2007Member, Department of Biology Faculty Recruitment Committee (Affirmative Action Advocate), 2007 Member, Department of Biology Proteomics Professor Search Committee (Affirmative Action Advocate), 2006 – 07 Coordinator for College of Science SACNAS meeting Graduate Student Recruitment 2006, 2007 Member, College of Science Committee on Committees, 2007 Treasurer, UTSA La Raza Faculty and Administrators Association, 2006 – Community, State, and Nation Member, Texas Academy of Mathematics and Sciences Screening Committee, circa 1997 Member, San Antonio Rotary Club Diploma Plus Student Awards Committee, 1998 – 2007; Chair, 2004 - 2005 Member, Ford Salute to Education Scholarship Review Committee, 1999 - 2005 Member, Brooks City-Base Development Authority Board of Directors, 2002 Present Member, Brooks City-Base Foundation, 2003 – Present; Secretary, 2005 - Present Member, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native-Americans in Science Student Presentations Committee, 2005 - Present Judge, Alamo Regional Science Fair, 2005 -; Texas Science Fair, 2007 San Antonio Science Fair, 2007 - ; SACNAS Meetings Mathematics Poster Sessions 2006 - ; Winston School Science Fair, 2007 Member, Hispanic Heritage Foundation Youth Awards Selection Committee, 2006 Member, Advocacy Group of Raise Your Hand Texas, 2007 Member, City of San Antonio Study Oversight Committee, 2007 – Member, San Antonio Independent School District Community-Based Facilities Task Force (Phases 1, 2, 3), 2007 Reviewer of Student Abstracts submitted to annual SACNAS Conferences,2006 – 12 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND RESPONSIBILITIES: MATHEMATICS Ph.D Dissertation Director of four students at Tulane University, (See item 16) Visiting Lecturer for the Mathematical Association of America, 1967 - 1977 Referee for the Pacific Journal of Mathematics; Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Australian Journal of Mathematics, 1968 - 1978 Member, Committee on Opportunities in Mathematics for Disadvantaged Groups, American Mathematical Society, 1982 – 1988 Member, American Mathematical Society Epsilon Fund Young Scholars Awards Committee, 2003 - 2006; Chair, 2005 – 2006 Member, Mathematics Association of America American Mathematics Competitions Review Committee, 2005 – 2006 MATHEMATICS EDUCATION Director, NSF Mathematics Institutes for Secondary School Teachers at Tulane University, 1964 - 1966 Co-Director, Modern Mathematics Program for Parents and Elementary School Teachers of New Orleans, 1964 - 1966 Director, Experienced Teacher Fellowship Program for the Preparation of Mathematics Specialists for Elementary Schools in Educationally Disadvantaged Areas of Louisiana, 1969 - 1970, (See item 17B) Director and Coordinator, Elementary Mathematics Specialists Program in New Orleans, Louisiana, 1970 - 1971, (See item 17B), Member, 1967 NCTM Writing Team Project Referee for the Arithmetic Teacher, 1970 – 1984 Member, Focus Group of the Governor’s Math Initiative, 2001 – 2002 Member, South Texas ENLACE Advisory Committee, 2001 – 2003 Member, BEST (Building Engineering and Science Talent) national blue ribbon panel on best practices in pre-k through 12 education to increase the participation of girls, members of under-represented minority groups, and students with disabilities in the fields of science, engineering, and technology, 2002 – 2004 Member, Mathematics Education for Teachers Summit I (follow-up) and Summit II Organizing Committees, 2003 and 2005 ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Member, UTSA-MCSS Division Faculty Review and Advisory Committee,1976 – 2000; Chairman, 1985 Member, Library Sub-committee of UTSA Institutional Self-Study Program, 1978 - 1979 Member, UTSA College of Science Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1978 - 1980; Chairman, 1979 - 1980 Co-Chairman, City of San Antonio Urban Roundtable Committee on Higher Education, 1978 - 1980 Member, UTSA University Assembly, 1978 - 1980, 1985 – 1989 Member, UTSA Taskforce on Improving Student Success and Graduation Rates; Member, Subcommittee on Teaching and Mentoring, 1976 Member, United San Antonio Transportation Committee; Minority Student Recruitment Committee of Council on Engineering Education; Co-Chairman, Committee on Higher Education, 1977 - 1981 Co-Chairman, San Antonio High Technology High School Task Force, 1982 - 1983, (See item 17G) Secretary, San Antonio Chapter of Sigma Xi, 1983 - 1984 Member, Mathematical Association of America, Task Force on Minorities in Mathematics, 1987 - 1988; Chairperson, Committee on Local/Regional Action Member, San Antonio Commission on Literacy, 1987 - 1991 Member, UTSA-MBRS Advisory Committee, 1982 - 1991 Member, San Antonio Target ‘90 Task Force on Education, 1983 - 1990; Target ‘90 Board of Director, 1986 - 1990 Co-Chairman, Mathematical Association of America Committee on Minority Participation in Mathematics, 1989 - 1995 Member, UTSA Task Force on Undergraduate Recruitment, Retention, and Development, 1992 Member, UTSA Task Force on Precollege Programs, 1992 Member, San Antonio New Schools Development Foundation, 1991 - 1997; Board of Trustees and Treasure, 1994 - 1997 Member, San Antonio 2000 Board of Directors, 1992 - 1994 Member, UTSA Graduate Council, 1993 Member, UTSA Standing Committee on Core Curriculum, 1994 Member, UTSA Downtown Academic Program Committee, 1994 - 1997 Member, UTSA Standing Committee on Public Service and Outreach, 1994 – 1997 Member, UTSA-MCSS MAT/STAT Graduate Studies Committee, 1982 - 2001; Chairman, 1982 - 1987 Chairperson, Division of Mathematics and Statistics Ad Hoc Committee on Mathematics Education, 1995 – 2001 Member, UTSA Mathematics and Statistics Division Periodic Performance Evaluation Committee, 1998 - 1999 Member, Board of Governors, Mathematical Association of America, 1996 – 1999 Member, U.S Department of Education OERI Expert Panel on Mathematics and Science Education, 1996-2000 Member, San Antonio Education Foundation, 1998 - Treasurer, 1998 –2002 Member, NASA Peer Review Panel for Institutional Research Awards, 2000 Member, Alamo Workforce Board Youth Council Committee, 2000 - 2003 Member, NSF Advisory Review Panel for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring, 2000 Member and Chair, UTSA Department of Applied Mathematics Recruitment Committee, 2003- 2004 Member, UTSA Department of Earth and Environmental Studies Environmental Remediation/Phytoremediation Search Committee (Affirmative Action Advocate), 2003- 2004 Member, Hispanic Heritage Awards Selection Committee, 2003 Member, Mathematics Education for Teachers Summit II Organizing Committee 2003 – 2005 Member, College of Sciences Scholarship Awards Committee, 2004 – 2005 Member, UTSA Faculty Senate, 2003 – 2006; Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Evaluation of University Administrators, 2004 – 2005; Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Review of University Handbook of Operating Procedures, 2005; Member, University Curriculum Committee, 2004 – 2006, Chair 2005 – 2006; Ad Hoc Member Faculty Termination Committee, 2006; Member, College of Science SCORE Executive Committee, 2006 13 OTHER PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND SERVICES: Consultant NSF, 1963 Visiting Scientist Lecturer for Louisiana, 1965 - 1967 NCATE Committee Member for Evaluation of Teacher Education Program at The University of Washington, March 1966 Mathematics Consultant for New Orleans Educational Improvement Project, Summer 1967, (See item 17A) Member of AAUP Executive Board at LSUNO, 1968 Member of Academic Policy Committee of the Upward Bound Program at UNO, 1968 Member, UNO University Senate, 1969 - 1970 University of New Orleans Putnam Examination Supervisor, 1968 - 1970 Chairman, UNO College of Science Self-Study Committee on Physical Plant and Financial Resources, 1972 Vice President and Program Chairman of Mathematics Section of Louisiana College Conference, 1969 - 1970 Vice-Chairman, Louisiana-Mississippi Branch of NCTM, 1971 Chairman, Louisiana-Mississippi Branch of NCTM, 1972 Member, Louisiana State Department of Education Task Force on Optional Education, 1972 Member, Board of Directors, New Orleans SER Program, 1974 - 1976, (See item 17D) Coordinator, New Orleans College Equations League, 1975 Participant, NSF Meeting on Ethnic Minority Participation in Science and Engineering, 1977 Member, Program Committee for Annual Winter Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, San Antonio, Texas, January - 7, 1980 Presenter, Future Public Education in Texas, Governor’s Advisory Committee on Education, San Antonio, Texas, February 12, 1980 Member, The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, 1997 – 2004; Member, Educational Council, 1997 – 2001; Chairperson, College Student Retention Subcommittee of Education Council, 1997 – 1999 Member, Alamo Workforce Board Youth Council Committee, 2000 - 2003 PREP Development Director, 2003 - 2004 14 INVITED SPEAKER OR PANELIST: Invited Speaker at the following NCTM Annual or Regional Meetings: August 1960, Salt Lake City; November 1967, Kansas City; June 1968, Hawaii; April 1971, Anaheim; February 1972, Las Vegas; March 1974, New Orleans; April 1975, Denver February 1976, NCTM Regional Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, A Topological Proof for the Infinity of Primes October 10, 1981, NCTM Regional Meeting, El Paso, Texas, Why You Can’t Always Trisect an Angle April 20, 1985, NCTM Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program January 23-25, 1978, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, Fullerton, California, Future Goals and Objectives for Minority Oriented Programs in Science and Engineering (A Donde Vamos?) (Panelist) February 24-25, 1978, Conference on the Status and Issues of Chicanos and Native American Participation in the Sciences, Boulder, Colorado, Resource Centers for Science and Engineering: Status and Prospects (Panelist) January 3-7, 1980, Annual Winter Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, San Antonio, Texas, Mexican-Americans and Mathematics, or Where Have All the Chicanos Gone? (Panel Moderator) March 31-April 1, 1980, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, Fullerton, California, Mexican-Americans and Engineering April 13-14, 1981, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, Fullerton, California, The 1980 San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program April 12-13, 1982, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, Houston, Texas, The 1981 San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program April 21, 1985, Harvard University-RAZA Student Organization, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Education Issues for Mexican Americans April 26, 1985, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, Anaheim, California, The 1984 San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program May 3, 1985, Borderland College Consortium Conference, San Antonio, Texas, San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program, 1979 - 1984 (Panelist) November 5, 1985, Conference on Mexican American Issues (Education, Civil Rights, and Health), National Association of Chicanos Studies, Corpus Christi, Texas, The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program: A Model for an Effective Precollege Engineering Intervention Program January 10, 1986, Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, Unplugging the Pipeline (Panelist) April 10, 1986, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, San Antonio, Texas, 1985 San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program April 12, 1986, Annual Meeting of the Texas Section of the Mathematical Association of America, Mesquite, Texas, PREP: A Program for High Ability Middle and High School Students May 29, 1986, EESA Director’s Meeting, Austin, Texas, 1986 Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program July 17, 1986, Annual Meeting of Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education, Houston, Texas, The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program December 11, 1986, National Meeting of EESA, Washington, D.C., The 1986 Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program December 13, 1986, SEEK/CD, 20th Anniversary Conference, New York, The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program October 14-17, 1987, The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists Annual Symposium, El Paso, Texas, The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program October 15-16, 1987, Conference on Hispanics and Higher Education, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas, The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program: Model for an Effective Precollege Engineering Intervention Program A December 1, 1987, Hearings of Congressional Task Force on Women, Minorities, and the Handicapped in Science and Technology, Kansas City, Missouri, The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program: Engineering Intervention Program A Model for an Effective Precollege January 7, 1988, Panel Discussion, Annual Winter Meeting, and Mathematical Association of America, Atlanta, Georgia, Mathematics, Minorities and the MAA How Do They Fit Together? January 9, 1988, Presentation and Panel Discussion, Attracting Minority Students into Undergraduate Mathematics through Pre-College Programs, Annual Winter Meeting, National Association of Mathematicians, Atlanta, Georgia, The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program: A Model for a Pre-College Minority Intervention Program May 23, 1988, National Conference on Precollege Education for Minorities in Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey, The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program: An Effective Precollege Intervention Program May 27, 1988, Symposium on Intervention Programs, University of the District of Columbia, Washington, D.C., The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program: A Model for a Statewide Precollege Minority Intervention Program August 11, 1998, First Annual Hispanic Symposium in Science, Engineering and Technology, The Center for the Advancement of Science, Engineering and Technology, NASA/Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program: A Model for a Successful Precollege Science and Engineering Minority Intervention Program September 15, 1988, Hispanic Heritage Day Symposium, “Education: The Solution: A Year Later,” Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, The 1988 Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program October 6-7, 1988, Symposium on Linkages to Improve Science and Mathematics Education of Hispanics, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., The 1988 San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program November 19, 1988, 29th Annual Conference, California Mathematics Council (Southern Section), Long Beach, California, San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program; Proofs With Words and Without Words March 29, 1989, Kelly Hispanics for Higher Education, Kelly Air Force Base, Texas, Why Hasn’t Mathematics Worked for Minorities? November 17, to November 19, 1989, Southern California Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Los Angeles, California, A Topological Proof for the Infinity of Primes January 3-5, 1990, Eisenhower Act Director’s Meeting, San Antonio, Texas January 6-7, 1990, NIH Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona January 18-21, 1990, MAA/AMS Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky February 9, 1990, Annual Conference of Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Long Beach, California, The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program March 10, 1990, Journey to the Future: Project 2061, San Antonio, Texas, The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program April 5- 6, 1990, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Conference Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, 1989 Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program April 19-22, 1990, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, Making Mathematics Work for Minorities June 17, 1990, NEA Conference on Minority Student Recruitment, Washington, D.C., The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program: A Model for Minority Access to College Science and Engineering Studies December 2, 1990, National League of Cities Educational Workshop, Houston, Texas, The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program January 17, 1991, AMS/MAA Annual Meeting: Mathematicians and Educational Reform Workshop, San Francisco, California, Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program January 18, 1991, AMS/MAA Annual Meeting: SUMMA Conference, San Francisco, California, San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program January 23, 1991, American Physical Society Conference, San Francisco, California, Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program February 5, 1991, National Association of Minority Engineering Program Directors, San Antonio, Texas, Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program April 25, 1991, Texas Coordinating Board for Higher Education Minority Recruitment and Retention Conference, Austin, Texas, 1990 Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program June 7, 1991, 1991 Mathematical Association of America SUMMA Conference, Washington, D.C., Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program June 29, 1991, 1991 National Association Latin Elected Officials Education Conference, Anaheim, California, Panelist: Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program August 9, 1991, 1991 Mathematical Association of America SUMMA Workshop, Orono, Maine, Replication of Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program October 26, 1991, Texas Mathematics Department Chairpersons Meeting, Austin, Texas, The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program December 7-8, 1991, Southern California Pew Foundation Mathematics Consortium Conference, Claremont, California, TexPREP: A Model Intervention Program February 8-9, 1992, National Conference of Quality Education for Minorities in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Network, Washington, D.C., The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program April 22-24, 1992, Annual Conference of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, San Antonio, Texas, Making Mathematics Work for Mexican-Americans September 10, 1992, National Research Council Board Committee on Engineering Education, Washington, D.C., The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program September 25, 1992, State of Mississippi TexPREP Conference, Jackson, Mississippi, The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program September 27-29, 1992, Annual Conference of Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, Washington, D.C., Workshop on National Models for Hispanic Success November 12-14, 1992, Topical Conference on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Children, The Council for Exceptional Children, 10 1984 San Antonio Sigma Xi Award for Outstanding Teacher of 1984 Alamo Regional Science and Engineering Fair Grand Prize Winner (Camille Moody) 1989 Educational Award from the Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference 1989 Imagineer Award from the Mind Science Foundation of San Antonio 1992 TexPREP In September 1992, TexPREP was selected as a 1992 Star of Texas in the Lone Star Showcase and Salute to Community Service 1992 San Antonio PREP The Business Higher Education Forum of the American Council on Education awarded San Antonio PREP a Certificate of Merit in the 1992 Anderson Medal Awards Program 1993 TexPREP Texas Senate commended the work of TexPREP (Resolution #215) 1993 San Antonio PREP San Antonio PREP was one of five state regional finalists nominated for a U.S Department of Labor Summer Youth Program Presidential Award 1990 Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists Engineering Educator of the Year Award 1992 Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists Annual BRAVO Award 1992 Ford Motor Company Hispanic Salute Education Award 1994 Hispanic Heritage Award in Education 1998 Quality Education for Minorities Giants in Science Award 1998 UTSA Million Dollar Scholar Network Award 1998 San Antonio I Have a Dream Foundation Dream Weaver Award 1998 San Antonio Chapter of the Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education, Education Leadership Excellence Award 2000 Charter inductee of the Texas Science Hall of Fame along with two famous surgeons, four astronauts, and four Nobel Laureates 2001 Recipient of the Mathematical Association of America Yueh-Gin Gung and Dr Charles Y Hu Award for Distinguished Service to Mathematics This association’s most prestigious award is presented annually to one of its 24,000 members 2001 Hispanic Business Magazine, 100 Most Influential Hispanics, Volume 23, Number 10 2002 Featured in the SACNAS Biography Project written by Dr William Velez with support from the Sloan Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and the Verizon Foundation 2003 UTSA President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in University Service 2003 Texas Senate Commendation (resolution no.822) 14 2004 Volvo for Life Hometown Hero Award 2004 West San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Doctoral Achievement Award 2004 San Antonio Women in Communications Headliner Award in Education 2004 San Antonio City Public Service Amazing Energy Educator Award 2004 Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Distinguished K–12 Educator Award 2005 Frederick Douglass Emancipation Award, San Antonio African-American Reflections Newspaper 6thtAnnual Juneteenth Celebration 2005 Featured in the following book: Change is Possible: Stories of Women and Minorities in Mathematics, written by Pat Kenschaft, published by the American Mathematical Society 2007 One of three inaugural recipients of the University of Texas System Chancellor’s Council Innovations in Education Awards 2007 Texas Senate Commendation (Resolution No 958) 2007 Texas House of Representatives Commendation (Resolution No 1799) B San Antonio PREP and TexPREP 1980 San Antonio PREP San Antonio PREP was designated an outstanding CETA Summer Youth Program by the U.S Department of Labor 1986 TexPREP TexPREP was designated as an exemplary EESA Program by the Department of Education 1987 San Antonio PREP The United Negro College Fund, Inc presented the program with the Fred D Patterson Award for rendering outstanding service in the interest of and the support of the minority community 1987 TexPREP The Texas Senate Resolution No 480 commended the work of TexPrep 1991 San Antonio PREP The U.S Department of Energy presented San Antonio PREP a Mathematics/Science Leadership Development and Recognition Program Award 1995 TexPREP TexPREP received the Corporate Fund for Children Best of Texas Two-Step Award 1997 San Antonio PREP San Antonio PREP received a Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring 1998 San Antonio PREP Brillante Award National Latino Children’s Institute Un Futuro 2001 TexPREP The Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network selected TexPREP as a recipient of the Exemplary MSE Education Partnership Award 2001: TexPREP was cited in the 2000 report of the Texas Governor’s Special Commission on 21 st Century Colleges and Universities entitled Higher Education in the 21st Century – Moving Every Texan Forward as a model for “a statewide initiative to promote the development of PreK-16 programs that expand participation in college preparatory studies, especially 15 advanced Math, English, Science, and Computer Classes.” 2002 TexPREP Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board selected TexPREP as a recipient of the Texas Higher Education Star Award 2004 TexPREP was cited by the Congressionally Mandated BEST (Building Engineering and Science Talent) Project as one of twenty programs nationally to increase the diversity of women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities in the nation’s technical talent pool 16 DOCTORAL STUDENTS: Charles T Scarborough (1964), Associate Professor of Mathematics at Mississippi State University (retired), DISSERTATION: Minimal Topologies on Hausdorff Spaces George Strecker (1966), Professor of Mathematics at Kansas State University, DISSERTATION: Co-Topologies and Generalized Compactness Conditions Paul S Schnare (1967), Associate Professor of Mathematics at Eastern Kentucky State University (deceased), DISSERTATION: Infinite Complementation in the Lattice of Topologies Robert M Stephenson, Jr (1967), Professor of Mathematics at the University of South Carolina (retired), DISSERTATION: P-Minimal and P-Closed Spaces 17 SPECIAL PROJECTS: A New Orleans Educational Improvement Project (1967) This project, administered jointly by Tulane and Dillard Universities and funded by the Ford Foundation, was designed to upgrade elementary instruction in two predominantly Negro elementary schools in New Orleans My principal job was to help enrich the mathematical background of some of the elementary schools teachers involved in the project B Experienced Teacher Fellowship Program (1969-70) Twenty elementary school teachers from educationally disadvantaged areas of Louisiana were selected to pursue a program of full time study to prepare themselves as elementary mathematics specialists This program was funded by the U.S Office of Education with a grant of $172,400.00 (0EG-0-0-280383-1754-721) In the 1970-71 Elementary Mathematics Specialists Program, twenty-five elementary school teachers from educationally disadvantaged areas in Greater New Orleans or from desegregated faculties were selected to pursue a mathematics specialists program This program was funded by U.S Office of Education with a grant of $105,000.00 (0EG-0-70-5227 (725)) C The Louisiana Task Force on Ethnic Studies (1972) 16 The Task Force was appointed by the State Superintendent of Education in 1972 It consisted of representatives of various ethnic groups within Louisiana The purpose of the task force was to set out guidelines and recommend policies for the formation and implementation of an Ethnic Studies Program at the various levels of education in the state D SER of New Orleans (a national program) Its purpose was to assist recent Spanish-speaking immigrants in the greater New Orleans Area in preparing for and finding employment opportunities E South Central Texas Consortium Project (1977-79) This project was an effort of 19 junior and senior colleges in the South Central Texas Area to establish a Resource Center in Science and Engineering The purpose of the Center was to increase the access of minority students and students from low income families to careers in science and engineering This project was funded by the National Science Foundation with a grant of $49,900 (NSF 77-20190) F Texas Proposal Development Workshop (1979-80) The purpose of this workshop was to assist the NSF-MISIP Program to accomplish its objective on increasing the competitiveness of minority institutions in non-targeted programs through improvement of proposal development, development of review skills, and improvement of project monitoring and evaluation capabilities A workshop was held in San Antonio on January 13 - 17, 1980 The project (SER 7921224) was supported by an NSF grant of $35,481.00 G San Antonio High Technology High School Task Force (1982-83) The purpose of this task force was to study the feasibility of establishing a Regional High Technology High School The result was a High Technology High School was established at San Antonio College, which began operation in August 1983 H San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program (1979- ) The purpose of PREP is to identify achieving middle school and high school students and prepare them for college studies in science and engineering Since 1979, 11,712 students have completed at least one summer of San Antonio PREP 79% have been minority and 55% have been women Of the 8,327 college age former PREP participants, 4,631 responded to the 2005 annual follow-up survey Their high school graduation rate is 99.9%, 97% are college students (2,289) or college graduates (2,181) The senior college graduation rate of college attendees is 89% 47% of the college graduates majored in mathematics, science or engineering The PREP Program has been supported by financial grants and in-kind manpower contribution by local and state colleges and universities, local and national industry, local and national military commands, several government agencies, local school districts, San Antonio Summer Youth Programs, and Texas Department of Human Services Summer School Lunch Program (Source of Information: 2005 San Antonio PREP Annual Report) 17 I Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program (1986Proyecto Access (1996- ) ); TexPREP started in 1986 as a statewide expansion on San Antonio PREP, which began in 1979 Over 25,000 students have completed at least one summer in a TexPREP location; 81% have been minority and 53% have been women 38% have come from low-income families Of the 11,688 college age former TexPREP participants, 5,741 responded to the 2007 annual follow-up survey Their high school graduation rate is 99.9% 99% are college students (2,875) or college graduates (2,789) The senior college graduation rate of college attendees is 82% 47% of graduates are mathematics, science or engineering majors 74% of the senior college graduates are minority and 68% of the mathematics, science, and engineering graduates are members of minority groups 68% of the college students or graduates are Texas college students (2,823) or Texas college graduates (2,464).(This information was taken from TexPREP reports.) PROYECTO ACCESS is the nationwide replication of San Antonio PREP outside of Texas, which began in 1996 It has been a collaborative effort of NASA, UTSA, and the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities J Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program Curriculum Writing Project (1991) Through a major grant from the National Science Foundation, a team consisting of San Antonio PREP faculty and program participants compiled a PREP start-up kit This kit consists of an organizational manual and curricular materials for all academic components A national TexPREP Workshop was held in February 1992 for prospective PREP directors It was cosponsored by TexPREP, The University of Texas at San Antonio, National Science Foundation, Mathematical Association of America SUMMA Project, and the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities 1992 San Antonio PREP conducted an intern program for prospective PREP directors NOTE: At least $ 37,000,000 in financial and in-kind support has been recruited for the operation and conduct of San Antonio PREP, TexPREP, and Proyecto Access from local, state, and national private and public agencies since 1979 18 PUBLICATIONS: MATHEMATICS Minimal Regular Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., Vol 14, No 3, 1963, Pages 454-458 (with R.H Sorgenfrey) Minimal Topological Spaces, Trans Amer Math Soc., Vol 108, No 1, 1963, Pages 97-105 Categories of Certain Minimal Topological Spaces, Journal Australian Math Soc., Vol IV Part 1, 1964, pages 78-82 The Complement of Topology for Some Topological Groups, FundamentaMathematicae, Vol LVIII, 1966, pages 159-162 A Survey of Minimal Topological Spaces, General Topology and its Relation to Modern Algebra and Analysis, Proceedings of the Kanpur Topological Conference, Academy of Prague, 1971, Pages 93-114 (with J.R Porter and R.M Stephenson, Jr.) 18 The Regular Continuous Image of a Minimal Regular Space is Not Necessarily Minimal Regular, Proc Amer Math Soc., Vol 51, No 2, 1975, Pages 453-454 (with C.F Blakemore) Noncompact, Minimal Regular Spaces, Pacific Journal of Math 69 (1977), 19-23, (with Hon-Fai Lai and Dix H Petty) MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE, AND ENGINEERING EDUCATION Elementary Set Theory and the Number System, UCLA Bookstore, 1960 (This booklet was used in NSF Inservice Institutes for Mathematics Teachers at UCLA.) A Set of Axiom for the Integers, The Mathematics Journal (High School Journal), Vol 1, No 4, 1963 Report of the Freshman Honors Mathematics Program at Tulane University NSF, CCIS Grant No G19147, 1964 (This report includes 150+ pages of class notes.) Ten booklets for the Mathematical Enrichment of Elementary School Teachers 1969: (These booklets were the product of an NCTM Writing Team Project of which I was a member.) The System of Integers Measurement The System of Rational Numbers Collecting, Organizing and The System of Real Numbers Interpreting Data Logic Hints for Problem Solving Graphs, Relations, and Functions Symmetry Congruence and Similarity Informal Geometry Thirtieth Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics More Topics in Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, 1969 (This book is a compilation of the previously mentioned booklets.) Establishing Objectives Pursuant to Conducting a Mathematics Assessment in Louisiana Bulletin No 1268, 1974, State Department of Education (A report by the Mathematics Advisory Board for the Louisiana Assessment of Educational Progress.) Mathematics and Social Studies, Age 13, Bulletin No 1401, 1974, Louisiana State Department of Education (A report by the Mathematics and Social Studies Advisory Councils of Louisiana Assessment of Educational Progress.) The Euclidean Algorithm and Its Applications, Texas Mathematics Teacher, 22, No 1, 1976, Pages 3-4 Matematica, Alcance y Secuencia: Niveles 1-30, Edgewood Independent School District, March, 1977, 40 pages, (with C.G Burns, R Ducharme, et al.) An Interim Report by the Ethnic Minorities Studies Task Force of the State of Louisiana, Louisiana State Department of Education, 1973, 22+pages+appendices Status Report on the Louisiana Ethnic Minorities Studies Program, 1974, Louisiana State Department of Education The South Central Texas Resource Center for Science and Engineering Project, Proceedings of the Conference on the Status and Issues of Chicano and Native American Participation in the Sciences, Sponsored by the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science, Boulder, Colorado, February 24-25, 1978, 87-89 Proceedings, San Antonio Regional Proposal Development Workshop, January 13-16, 1980, San Antonio, Texas NSF Grant SER 79-21224 (Editor) 19 The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program, Proceedings, The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists Annual Symposium, Houston, April 1982, (1984), 21-25 The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program, 1979 - 1984 Proceedings of Border College Consortium Conference, San Antonio, May 3-4, 1985, (1986), 4351 The 1985 San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program, Proceedings, MexicanAmerican Engineering Society 10th Annual National Engineering Symposium, San Antonio, April 1986, 73-90 The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program: Model for a Precollege Intervention Program, Proceedings of the Annual Winter Meeting, National Association of Mathematics, Atlanta, January 6-9, 1988, 44-52 The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program: A Model for an Effective Precollege Engineering Intervention Program Proceedings of the Conference on Hispanics and Higher Education, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas, October 15-16, 1987, 39-52 The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program: A Model for a Statewide Precollege Minority Intervention Program, Symposium Proceedings, Intervention Programs Aimed at Increasing Minority Participation in Mathematics - Based Fields, University of District of Columbia, May 27-28, 1988, 50-62 The San Antonio Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (PREP): A Model for a Successful Precollege Science and Engineering Minority Intervention Program, Proceedings of the First Hispanic Symposium on Increasing Participation in Science, Engineering, and Technology Careers, CASET of Houston-Tillotson College, Austin, Texas, August 9-12, 1988, 103-112 Why Hasn’t Mathematics Worked for Minorities? UME TRENDS, News and Reports on Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Volume 1, Number 2, May 1989 The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program: An Effective Precollege Intervention Program, Conference Proceedings, Pre-College Education of Minorities in Science and Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, May 22-25, 1988, 7-11 Importing Brains Does Not Solve Shortage of Technical Personnel, San Antonio Express News, VISTA Magazine, February 3, 1991, page 10 Making Mathematics Work for Mexican-Americans, Proceedings, The Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists Annual Symposium, San Antonio, April 22-25, 1992, 200-207 How Successful Can Intervention Programs Become? Number 1, June 1993, page SUMMAC Forum, Volume 1, The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program: A Mathematics-Based Minority Intervention Program, Proceedings of an AMS Special Session at Knoxville, March 26-27, 1993, “Interventions to Assure Success”, Calculus Through Junior Faculty, 37-38; and “Ideas and Resources for Preparing College Teachers,” MAA Notes, number 35, 106-108 TexPREP and The Technology Pipeline, Proceedings, The Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists Annual Symposium, Long Beach, April 28-May 1, 1993 The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program: Filling the Pipeline for Workforce Diversity (Proceedings), The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists National Symposium and Career Fair, Los Angeles, March 26-29, 1995, B1-B14 20 Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program: Filling the Pipeline for Workforce Diversity, IDRA Newsletter, Volume XXV, No 3, March 1998, pages 13-14 (update of 1995 paper) PROYECTO ACCESS: HACU’s Vision into the Technology Future, The Voice of Hispanic Higher Education, 1999, pages 6, 12 (with Julio Guillen) TexPREP and PROYECTO ACCESS: Making Mathematics Work for Minorities, Changing the Faces of Mathematics, Perspectives on Latinos National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999, pages 123-132 (with Julio Guillen) The Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program: Developing Diversity and Equity in the Technological Professions, NACME Journal, 2001-2002, pages 102-105 What It Takes: Pre-K-12 Design Principles to Broaden Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, BEST (Building Engineering and Science Talent), April 2004, 86 Pages (I was a member of the BEST panel which helped prepare the report) 19 PROFESSIONAL CITATIONS: MATHEMATICS NOTE: Most Citations from 1966 to 1974 were take directly from the Science Citation Index and those after 1974 updated from the WEB of SCIENCE H Gaifman, Remarks on Complementation in the Lattice of All Topologies, Cand J Math., 18 (1966), 83-88 (cf Page 87) H Herrlich, Tv-Abgeschlossenheit and Tv-minimalitat, Math, Z., 88 (1965), 285294 H Herrlich, Nicht alle T2-minimal Raume sind von Kategor-ie, Ibid., 91 (1966), 185 H Herrlich, and G.E Strecker, H-closed Spaces and Reflexive Subcategories, Math Annalen, 177 (1968), 302-309 S Ikenaga, Product of Minimal Topological Spaces, Proc Japan Acad., 40 (1964), 329-331 C.T Liu, Absolutely Closed Spaces, Trans Amer Math Soc., 130 (1968) 86104 J Porter and J Thomas, On H-closed and Minimal Hausdroff Spaces, Amer Math Soc., 124 (1966), 131-147 Trans C.T Scarborough and A.H Stone, Products of Nearly Compact Spaces, Trans Amer Math Soc., 124 (1966), 131-147 C.T Scarborough, Minimal Urysohn Spaces, Pac Journal of Math., 27 (1968), 611-617 C.T Scarborough and R.M Stephenson, Jr., Minimal Topologies, Colloq Math XIX (1968), 215-219 P.S Schnare, Multiple Complementation in the Lattice of Topologies, Fund, Math., LXIV (1968), 249-255 A.K Steiner, The Topological Complementation Problem, Bull Amer Math Soc., 72 (1966), 125-127 21 A.K Steiner, The Lattice of Topologies: Structure and Complementation, Trans Amer Math Soc., 122 (1966), 379-398 A.K Steiner, and E.F Steiner, A T1-Complement for the Reals, Proc Amer Math Soc., 19 (1968), 177-179 E.F Steiner and A.K Steiner, Topologies with T1-Complements, Fundamenta Mathematicae, LXI (1967), 23-28 R.M Stephenson, Jr., Spaces for which the Stone Weierstrass theorem holds, Trans Amer Math Soc., 133 (1968), 537-546 D.C Kent and G.D Richardson, Minimal Convergence Spaces, Trans Amer Math Soc., 160 (1971), 487-499 P.L Sharma and S.A Naimpally, On Two Problems of Harris Concerning RCproximaties, Proc Amer Math D.E Cameron, Maximal and Minimal Topologies, Trans Amer Math Soc., 160 (1971), 229-248 S Willard, Functionally Compact Spaces, C-Compact Spaces and Mappings of Minimal Hausforff Spaces, Pac Journal of Math., 38 (1971), 267-292 R.M Stephenson, Jr., Two R-Closed Spaces, Canadian Journal of Math., 24 (1972), 286-292 D Harris, Structures in Topology, 435-469 Memoirs of Amer Math Soc., 168 (1972), J Williams, Locally Uniform Spaces, Colloquium Mathematicum, 24 (1972), 219-223 M.K Sengal and S Mathur, Math., 12 (1972), 77-84 D.E Cameron, American Math A Note on Minimal Topological Spaces, Israel J of The Min-Max Property of the Tychoneff Product Topology, Monthly, 80, No (1973), 925-927 C E Aull, A Separation Axiom of Riesz, ACT Mathematica Hungaricae, 24 (1973), 77-84 J.R Porter and C Votaw, S Spaces and Regular Hausdorff Extension, Journal of Math., 45 (1973), 327-345 L Friedler, Products of RC-Proximity Spaces, Proc (1974), 226-228 Amer Math Pac Soc., 43 D.C Kent, G D Richardson, and R.J Gagik, Regular Closed Convergence Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 52 (1975), 318-389 T.C Lim and K K Tan, Functional Compactness and C-Compactness, J Math Soc., (1974), 371 Lond J.R Porter, Strongly Hausdorff Spaces, Act Math H., 25 (1974), 245 J.R Porter and C Votaw, H-Closed Extension, Trans Amer Math Soc., 202 (1975), 1983-2009 C.E Aull, C- and C+ Embeddings, P Kon Hed A., 78, (1975), 26-33 P.T Lambrino, Locally Bounded Spaces, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 19 (1975), 321-325 22 D.W Hajek and A.R Todd, Lightly Compact Spaces and Infra H-Closed Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 48 (1975), 479-482 L.L Herrington and P.E Long, Characterizations of H-Closed Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 43 (1975), 417-426 T R Hamlett and P.E (1975), 470-476 Long, Inverse Cluster Sets, Proc Amer Math Soc., 53 T.R Hamlett and P.E Long, Applications of Cluster Sets in Minimal Topological Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 53 (1975), 477-480 D.C Kent, G.D Richardson, and R.J Gazik, T-Regular-Closed Convergence Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 51 (1975), 469-475 R.M Stephenson, Not Every Minimal Hausdorff Space is E-Compact, Proc Amer Math Soc., 52 (1975), 381-389 L.L Herrington, Characterizations of Completely-Hausdorff Closed Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 55 (1976), 140-144 C.E Aull, C- and C+ Embeddings, P Kon Hed A., 78, (1975), 26-33 J E Joseph, H-Closed Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 55 (1976), 223-226 J.R Porter, Extension Function and Subcategories of Hausdorff, Can Math B., 18 (1975), 587-590 D.H Pettey, Minimal Regular Space That Is Not Strongly Minimal Regular, Can J Math., 28 (1976), 875-878 L.L Herrington, Remarks on H(1) Spaces and Strongly-Closed Graphs, Proc Amer Math Soc., 58 (1976), 277-283 C.E Aull, Functionally Regular Spaces, Proc Kon Ned A 79 (1976), 281-285 J R Porter, Extension Function and Subcategories of HAUS, Canadian Math Bull., 18 (1975), 587-590 J.E Joseph, H-Closed and Minimal Hausdorff Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 60 (1976), 321-326 J.E Joseph, Characterizations of Minimal Hausdorff Spaces, Proc Amer Soc., 61 (1976), 145-148 L.L Herrington, Characterization of Uniform Closed Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 55 (1976), 140-144 L.L Herrington, Characterization of Urysohn Closed Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 55 (1976), 435-439 C.E Aull, Note on Absolute Z-Embedding, Proc Kon Ned A., 80 (1977), 141-144 L.M Friedler and D.H Pettey, Inverse Limits and Mappings of Minimal Topological Spaces, Pac Journal of Math., 71 (1977), 429-448 J.E Joseph, More Characterizations of H-Closed Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 63 (1977), 160-164 R.M Stephenson, Symmetrizable-closed Spaces, Pac Journal of Math., 68 (1977), 507-514 23 R.F Dickman and J.R Porter, Theta-Perfect and Theta-Absolutely Closed Functions, 21 (1977), 19-23 T.S Vinson and R.F Dickman, Inverse Limits and Absolute of H-Closed Spaces Proc Amer Math Soc., 66-2 (1977), 351-358 L.M Friedler, Resolution of H-Closed Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 71 (1978), 309-312 J.E Joseph, Characterizations of Completely Hausdorff-Closed Spaces Via Graphs and Projections, Canadian Journal of Math., 30-1 (1978), 154-160 J.E Joseph, Urysohn-Closed and Minimal Urysohn Spaces, Proc Amer Math Soc., 68 (1978), 235-242 W Weiss, Countably Compact Spaces and Martin’s Axiom, Canadian Journal of Math., (1978), 243-249 D.C Kent and R.J Gazik, Minimal Uniform Convergence Spaces, Rocky Mt Journ of Math., (1979), 251-258 R A Hermann, A Nonstandard Approach to Pseudo-Topological Compactifications, Z Math Log., 26 (1980), 361-384 L.M Friedler, R.F Dickman, and R.L Krystock, Hyperspaces of H-Closed Spaces, Can J Math., 32 (1980), 1072-1079 J.E Joseph, Pseudo-compactness via graphs and Projections, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 99 (1981), 123-130 M.N Mukherjee, On Pairwise Almost Compactness and Pairwise H-Closedness in a Bitopological Space, Ann Brux 1, 96(2) (1982), 98-106 H Vermeer and E Wattel, Projective Elements in Categories with Perfect ThetaContinuous Maps, Can J of Math., 33(4) (1981), 872-884 D.H Pettey, Products of Regular-Closed Spaces, Topology and Its Applications, 14 (1982), 189-199 R.M Stephenson, Pseudocompact And Stone-Weierstrass Product Spaces, Pac J of Math., 99 (1982), 159-173 C.E Aull, Absolutely C-Embeddings and Z-Embeddings in Functionally Hausdorff Spaces, P Kon Ned A., 85 (1982), 97-100 A Dow and J.Porter, Embedding in R-Closed Spaces, Topology and Its Applications, 15 (1983), 45-48 K.P Hart and J Vermeer, Non-Tychonoff E Compactifiable Spaces, Proc Amer Math., S., 89 (1983), 725-729 M.N Mukherjee, Pairwise Category Properties of Some Pairwise Minimal Bitopological Spaces, Ann Brux 1, 96 (1983), 117-127 M.I Zahid, Minimal Topologies of Para-H-Closed Spaces, Proc Amer Math S., 88 (1983), 363-366 A Dow and J Porter, Cardinalities of 1st Countable R-Closed Spaces, Proc Amer Math., S., 89 (1983), 527-532 D.H Pettey, Locally P-Closed Spaces and Rim P-Closed Spaces, Proc Amer Math S., 87 (1983), 543-548 D.H Pettey, Continuous Functions and Minimal Regularity, Rocky Mountain 24 Journal of Mathematics, 14 (1984), 585-597 J Porter and J Vermeer, Spaces with Coarser Minimal Hausdorff Topologies, Trans Amer Math S., 289 (1985), 59-71 K Matolcsy, Synthopogenous Spaces with Preorder (Regularity, Normality), Act Math Hun., 45 (1985), 107-120 K Matolcsy, T3-Closed Extensions, Systems of Filters, Proximities, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 45 (1985), 237-250 B Clark and V Schneider, The Meet Operator in the Lattice of Group Topologies, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 29 (Dec 1986), 478-481 T.G Rghavan and I.L Reilly, On Semi-Metrizable-Closed Spaces, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 18 (March 1987), 219-225 D Dikranjan and I Gotchev, Sequentially Closed and Absolutely Closed Spaces, Bollettino Della Unione Matematica Italiana, 18 (Mar 1987), 219-225 C E Aull, Some Embeddings Related to CStar-Embeddings, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A-Pure Mathematics and Statistics, 44 (Feb 1988), 88-104 D Dikranjan and E Giuli,S(N)-Theta-Closed Spaces, Topology and Its Applications, 28 (Feb 1988), 59-74 R L Krystock, On H-Sets and Open Filter Adherences, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 31 (March 1988), 37-44 T R Hamlett and D Jankovic, Compactness with Respect to an Ideal, Bollettino Della Unione Matematica Italiana, 4B (Dec 1990), 849-861 T R Hamlett and D Jankovic, Ideals in Topological Spaces and the Set Operator PSI, Bollettino Della Unione Matematica Italiana, 4B (Dec 1990), 863-874 D Dikranjan and E Giuli, Factorizations, Injectivity and Compactness in Categories of Modules, Communications in Algebra, 19 (1991), 45-83 L M Friedler and S Williard, Nu-Projective Spaces in Noncompact Categories, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 21 (Fall 1991), 1259-1277 J R Porter, R M Stephenson, R G Woods, Maximal Feebly Compact Spaces, Topology and Its Applications, 52 (Oct 1993), 203-219 S Watson, The Number of Complements in the Lattice of Topologies on a Fixed Set, Topology and Its Applications, 55 (Jan 1994), 101-125 W G Jun, Minimal Hausdorff L-Fuzzy Topological Spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 62 (Mar 1994), 239-244 Y Bdeir and R M Stephenson, Minimally Totally Disconnected Spaces, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 20 (1994), 721-744 D Dikranjan, Recent Advances in Minimal Topological Groups, Topology and Its Applications, 85 (May 1988), 53-91 S G Li, H-1 Topological Molecular Lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 107 (Nov 1999), 355-363 S G Li and Z B Xu, Characterizations of Minimal T-3 L-Fuzzy Topological 25 Spaces, Information Sciences, 128 (Sep 2000), 119-126 D Dikranjan and M Tkacenko, Sequentially Complete Groups: Dimension and Minimality, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 157 (Mar 2001), 215-239 D Dikranjan and M Tkacenko, Weakly Complete Free Topological Groups, Topology and Its Applications, 112 (Jun 2001), 259-287 S L Chen and Z X Wu, Urysohn Separation Property in Topological Molecular Lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 123 (Oct 2001), 177-184 S G Li, Characterizations of Minimal T-3 (1/2) L-Topological Spaces, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 47 (May-Jun 2004), 1739-1743 O V Gutik and K P Pavlyk, On Topological Semigroups of Matrix Units, Semigroup Forum, 71 (Dec 2005), 389-400 MATHEMATICS EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Programs That Work, Change, TexPREP is cited as one of 14 successful national intervention programs, May-June 1988, p 64 Educational Opportunity Planning Committee of the Texas Coordinating Board for Higher Education, Higher Education Opportunity Plan for a Multicultural Texas TexPREP is cited as a specific successful program that prepares minorities for college science and engineering studies, 1988, p 26 Teaching Programs That Work, Focus, Retiring Presidential Address of Dr Leonard Gillman to the Mathematical Association of America Dr Gillman cited San Antonio PREP as one of five mathematics-based programs, which have successfully provided access for minorities to science and engineering January-February 1990, p.7 Moving Beyond Myths, The National Research Council Mathematical Sciences Education Board Report, cited TexPREP as an exemplary minority intervention program, 1991 Congressional Record, TexPREP was cited by U.S Representative Henry B Gonzalez of Texas in the November 29, 1994 issue What Works for Latino Youth, White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans Report, TexPREP listed, 1999 Raymond Johnson, Minority Mathematicians: Who Is Responsible?,Mathematics and Education Reform Forum, Summer 2000, Volume 12 , Number 3, page Higher Education in the 21st Century - Moving Every Texan Forward, Governor’s Special Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities Report TexPREP is cited as a model for a statewide initiative to promote the development of Pre K - 16 programs that expand participation in college preparatory studies, especially in advanced math, English, science and computer courses, 2001 The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute 2000 Issues Conference Policy Recommendations, TexPREP and Proyecto Access were cited as examples of initiatives to promote Hispanic academic performance, 2001 26 Henry L Adler, Yueh-Gin Gung and Dr Charles Y Hu Award to Manuel P Berriozábal for Distinguished Service to Mathematics, The American Mathematical Monthly, February 2001, Volume 108, Number 2, 97-99 Susanna S Epp, The Role of Logic in Teaching Proof, American Mathematical Monthly(110)10, Dec 2003, 886-899 What It Takes: Pre-K-12 Design Principles to Broaden Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, BEST (Building Engineering and Science Talent) Project, April 2004 (Also listed in Sections 15B and 18) This is a report from the BEST Panel of which I was a member OTHER PREP-RELATED CITATIONS Larry D Comer,Intervention program debunks myths, ATPE News, November/December 1989, pages 15-16 Hispanic Engineer Conference Issue, 1989 Blair Corning, He stands and delivers, San Antonio Express-News, October 30, 1989, page 11-B Ginger Hall, Model engineering program at UTSA in fund bind, San Antonio Express-News, April 15, 1990, page 15-A Bob Richmond, Pushy teachers deserve a salute and some help, San Antonio Light, 1990, page B2 Tracey Timpanaro, Hispanic society awards scholarships, San Antonio ExpressNews, August 25, 1990, page 15-A Marie E Ferrey, TexPrep: Math Camp for Tommorow’s Engineers, Hispanic Engineer, Winter 1990, page 34 & 35 Kim Phelan, At-risk students program facing $120,000 shortfall, San Antonio Light, February 16, 1991, Metro Section Ginger Hall, Summer science program in need of volunteers, funds, San Antonio Express-News, February 17, 1991, Metro Section Douglas Holt, A&M project minorities targets, San Antonio Light, March 6, 1991, page C1 Tom Rickhoff (Letter), Worthy program gives teens a shot at science career, San Antonio Light, July 25, 1991, page B6 Tony Cantu, Berriozabal ‘PREPs’ students for world beyond blackboard jungle, The Daily Commercial Recorder, September 30, 1991, page Precollege Intervention Program, UME TRENDS, December 1991, page Craig Phelan, S.A math, science plan may be model, Express-News, February, 1992, page 2C James Coburn, Free prep program needs teachers, director pleads, San Antonio Express-News, March 12, 1992, page 2B Patricia Konstam, San Antonio Works chooses summer youth agencies, San Antonio Light, March 25, 1992, page C2 1992 Bravo Award Winner Manuel Berriozábal, Hispanic Times, March/April 1992 Victor J Garcia, Summer classes need $510,000,says program director, Express27 News, May 2, 1992, page 12C Nora Lopez, Funding shortfall threatens minority summer program, San Antonio Light, May 5, 1992, page C2 Editorial, PREP deserves support,quickly Express-News, May 5, 1992, page 12A Editorial, Will commitment to goals reach students in classroom? San Antonio Light, May 6, 1992, page F4 Leon Nissimov (letter), Future engineers can’t get city aid, Express-News, May 13, 1992, page 19-A Michael J Major, Success Stories Dr Manuel P Berriozábal a Visionary with Ganas (Passion), EEO Bimonthly, May/June 1992, pages 13-15 Arlene Lisa Garza Johnson (Letter), While focus is on Barcelona, local Olympians working hard, San Antonio Light, August 6, 1992, page B6 Four outstanding San Antonians chosen for Hispanic Salute ’92, Express-News, August 31, 1992 Linda Germain, Summer months see swarm of specialty students, the PAISANO, September 9, 1992 Calvin Sims, MINORITIES IN SCIENCE: The Pipeline Problem, Science Magazine, 13 November 1992, page 1187 Beth Ann Hilbig, Summer academic program seeks funding to continue, Northwest Sun, May 5, 1993, page Alphonso Rincón, Math, science, engineering focus of ‘Visiting Scholars’, Casablanca Revue,1993 Juan Seguin Memorial Week, pages 1-2 Dan R Goddard, UTSA professor receives Hispanic Heritage Award, San Antonio Express News, September 20, 1994 PREP Program Celebrates 16 Years, CENTERLINE, October 1994, pages 2-3 Melissa Ludwig, Bridging the Gap, San Antonio Express News, pages 1,5B, July 14, 2007 28 ... Association of America National Association of Mathematicians National Council of Teachers in Mathematics Sigma Xi Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Texas Association of. .. Preparation of Mathematics Specialists for Elementary Schools in Educationally Disadvantaged Areas of Louisiana, 1969 - 1970, (See item 17B) Acting Chairman, Department of Mathematics, University of New... College Teachers Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education Texas Faculty Association 11 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND RESPONSIBILITIES: UTSA Member, UTSA Department of Mathematics FRAC Committee,