Bounty Where: Moose Town, Wright Town When: Any time The people of Moose Town and the neighboring farms have been hit hard by raiders many times over the years Recently, they have especially lived in fear of a band of raiders led by a man called Reaper They want to see Reaper dead, and they’re looking for just about anybody brave (or fool hardy) enough to it The people of Moose Town offer a reward including several bolts of cloth, bushels of potatoes, and a shotgun with 24 shotgun shells Once they’ve accepted the mission, tracking down Reaper will not be easy, as nobody outside of raider country knows where he is Raider Attack: As they travel through raider country, the heroes doubtlessly encounter a band of raiders These raiders almost certainly recognize the heroes as outsiders and attack them on sight Raiders (8): See page 120 Questioning the attackers: If the group capture any of the raiders alive, they might be able to find out a little bit about Reaper With a successful DC 24 Diplomacy or DC 11 Intimidate check, a captured raider gives the heroes the rough location of the City of Bones City of Bones: Reaper and his gang operate out of a base called the City of Bones (page 120) If the heroes find the city, there is only a 50% chance Reaper and his band are there, unless it’s winter, in which case they are certainly there If the band is away, they come back in 2d10 days (these dice can Ace) If the group chooses to go out looking for the band they can attempt a DC 20 Survival check each hex they travel through to locate signs of the raiders Raiders (16): See page 120 Reaper: See page 119 Turtle Soup Where: Agate or Wright Town, and the surrounding area When: Any time Crackers are a species mutated from snapping turtles that are hazardous to water travel everywhere On popular shipping lanes they are hunted to keep them from posing much risk Most crackers grow to be over eight feet long and weigh nine hundred pounds, but they never stop growing, and an ancient cracker can get truly massive That is how the legendary Old Bart came to be He is a massive mutant turtle who stretches nearly 20 feet long In his old age Bart goes through cycles of inactivity, often lying dormant at the bottom of Lake Superior for weeks or months When active, he ranges up and down the coast of Lake Superior, though he always stays close to shore Because of this, every few years Bart interferes with the fisher folk living at Agate or Wright Town, or the trade route that runs between them Normally the boaters just try to steer clear of him, but lately they have had some extra trouble He’s taken out three ships and killed two sailors Now the authorities in both Wright Town and Agate are looking for somebody to get rid of him They offer 1,000 worth of Trade to anybody who can eliminate the beast The first trick is finding Old Bart A DC 15 Knowledge (nature) check allows a character to know that crackers prefer to live in shallow water, as does a DC 20 Survival check The heroes can also get the locations of the previous attacks, which are all off the coast of Lake Superior between Wright Town and Agate Tracking Old Bart is almost impossible given he travels through water Characters would need to search underwater themselves, and even then they need to pass a DC 30 Survival check to track Old Part It is probably easiest for the heroes to simply take a boat out on the water in hopes of getting attacked For every day they spend close to the Lake Superior coast between Wright Town and Agate, there is a 10% chance Old Bart attacks Old Bart starts by attempting to sink their boat, attacking the hull from underneath (which also makes him difficult to attack) Once the boat sinks, he looks for tasty treats sinking in the water and tries to crush one in his beak Old Bart is looking for a snack, not an all-out war If he is reduced to 40 hp or less, he attempts to swim away Similarly if he incapacitates a hero, he tries to swim away with the character in his mouth Old Bart CR XP 3,200 N Huge animal Init -3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11 DEFENSE AC 24, touch 4, flat-footed 24 (-4 Dex, +20 natural -2 size) hp 135 (10d8+90) Fort +17, Ref +3, Will +6 OFFENSE Speed 10 ft.; swim 30 ft Melee bite +16 (2d6 + 13/x3 plus grab) Special Attacks bone breaker, capsize, grab (Medium) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft STATISTICS Str 28, Dex 3, Con 26, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha Base Atk +7; CMB +18 (+20 to sunder, +24 to grapple); CMD 26 Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Toughness Skills Swim +19, Perception +11; Racial modifiers Swim +8 SQ: hold breath SPECIAL ABILITIES Capsize (Ex) Old Bart can attempt to capsize a boat or ship by ramming it as a charge attack and making a CMB check The DC of this check is 25, or the result of the captain’s Profession (sailor) check, whichever is higher For each size category the ship is larger than Huge, Old Bart takes a cumulative –10 penalty on this CMB check Bone Breaker (Ex) After Old Bart has grabbed an opponent, if it makes a subsequent grapple check to damage the target, the target must also make a DC 23 Fortitude save or suffer 1d8 Dexterity damage The save DC is Constitution-based Hold Breath (Ex) Old Bart can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to times its Constitution score before it risks drowning Grab (Ex) When Old Bart hits a Huge or Small creature with its bite attack, it can attempt to start a grapple as a free action 117