is represented, along with all roads, trails, and areas of vegetation Tactical maps are not available for all areas Mesh Vest: This is a lightweight vest with a series of pockets for items such as a compass, spare ammunition magazines, pressure bandages, and a radio, along with loops for attaching grenades, knives, or tools It can hold up to 40 pounds of equipment A mesh vest provides a +2 equipment bonus to Strength for the purpose of determining carrying capacity Portable Stove: This small stove works on kerosene or white gasoline, and can easily be broken down and carried for backpacking Roller Skates / Inline Skates: These skates increase the wearer’s base speed by 10ft However any time the wearer takes damage, she must make an Acrobatics check with a DC equal to 10 plus the damage dealt Failure means the wearer falls prone Rope: Climbing rope can support up to 1,000 pounds Sleeping Bag: This lightweight sleeping bag rolls up compactly It can keep a character warm even in severe weather and can also double as a stretcher in an emergency Snow Shoes: Characters wearing snow shoes suffer no penalty to overland movement while traveling in winter Skis: During winter, characters wearing skis increase their base speed by 20ft for the purposes of overland movement only Tent: A tent keeps a character warm and dry in severe weather, providing a +2 equipment bonus on Fortitude saves against the effects of cold weather Trail Rations: Trail rations come in a number of commercial options They all provide the necessary energy and nutrition for survival The purchase price given is for a case of 12 meals Weapon Accessories Laser Sight: This small laser mounts on a firearm, and projects a tiny red dot on the weapon’s target A laser sight grants a +1 equipment bonus on all attack rolls made against targets no farther than 30 feet away However, a laser sight can’t be used outdoors during the daytime Scope: A scope is a sighting device that makes it easier to hit targets at long range However, although a scope magnifies the image of the target, it has a very limited field of view, making it difficult to use Standard: A standard scope increases the range increment for a ranged weapon by one-half (multiply by 1.5) However, to use a scope a character must spend a standard action acquiring his target If the character changes targets or otherwise loses sight of the target, he must reacquire the target to gain the benefit of the scope again Electro-Optical: An electro-optical scope functions as a standard scope in normal light In darkness, however, the user sees through it as if he had the darkvision ability granted by night vision goggles Suppressor: A suppressor fits on the end of a firearm, capturing the gases traveling at supersonic speed that propel a bullet as it is fired This eliminates the noise from the bullet’s firing, dramatically reducing the sound the weapon makes when it is used For handguns, the only sound is the mechanical action of the weapon (Listen check, DC 15, to notice) For longarms, the supersonic speed of the bullet itself still makes noise However, it’s difficult to tell where the sound is coming from, requiring a DC 15 Perception check to locate the source of the gunfire 40 Modifying a weapon to accept a suppressor requires a DC 15 Craft (gunsmithing) check Once a weapon has been modified in this manner, a suppressor can be attached or removed as a move action Suppressors cannot be used on revolvers or shotguns A suppressor purchased for one weapon can be used for any other weapon that fires the same type of ammunition Super Drugs Super drugs are designed to push the human body beyond its normal limits Some pre-war ruins still house viable stocks of super drugs once developed before the War A few chem-heads in Broken Earth still possess the knowledge to create such devices Mechanically they function similarly to potions It’s possible to find super drugs for any chem-head formula of 3rd level or less, but those listed below are a few of the most common All super drugs are rare items at tech level Super Drugs Drug Equivalent Spell Cost Black-I darkvision 400 Buff bull’s strength 400 H to O waterbreathing 400 HealUp I cure light wounds 50 HealUp II cure moderate wounds 400 HealUp III cure serious wounds 1,050 Radish Radish (new) 400 Tosser bomber’s eye 50 Quix expeditious retreat 50 Vroom haste 1,050 Formula Level Caster Level Cost 1st 50 2nd 400 3rd 1,050 Black-I: These cloudy eye drops grant the ability to see in complete darkness Buff: A syringe injected drug that increases Strength for a short time H to O: A blue gelcap that, when swallowed, allows the character to breath water HealUp (I, II, or III): These drug-soaked adhesive patches can be placed over wounds, causing them to heal at an incredible rate Different versions have higher and more potent drugs Radish: A chewable tablet taken orally that makes the consumer resistant to radiation Tosser: These clear eye drops enhance vision and hand-eye coordination Quix: This drug comes as a mist and is taken by inhaler It increases speed and reflexes Vroom: Administered through an auto-injecting pen (similar to an epee-pen) this drug increases running speed