SQ discipline (psychokinesis) Gear dagger, backpack, bedroll, blanket, waterskin SPECIAL ABILITIES Telekinetic Hurl (Su) Bean can telekinetically hurl objects of up to lb as a ranged attack at an enemy within 30 ft Such attacks deal 1d4 points of damage Owl: Owl doesn’t remember most of her life Her first memory is from several months ago when Jordon Wright found her wandering the ruins near Wright Town Jordon took Owl under her wing and befriended the young woman Despite her amnesia, Owl is extremely proficient in a range of skills, including advanced martial arts In truth Owl is a synth, an artificial human that has a robotic brain controlling an organic body She was programed to serve as a sleeper assassin, but she was not yet deployed when the Great War struck She was trapped for many years in stasis beneath Superior, Wisconsin, until the computer overseeing her stasis reactivated Owl for an unknown reason Since she awoke, Owl stays close to Jordon and does what she can to help That’s how she came to be on the boat that was attacked by the pirates of New Tortuga, and how she wound up at the camp Owl appears to be a woman in her early twenties with tanned skin and long black hair she usually keeps in a single braid Owl CR XP 600 Female synth fighter 1/rogue N Medium humanoid (synth) Init +6; Senses Perception +5 DEFENSE AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 19 (1d10+2d8) Fort +2, Ref +5, Will -1 Defensive Abilities evasion, fortified skeleton OFFENSE Speed 30 ft Melee unarmed strike +4 (1d3+2/x2) Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6 STATISTICS Str 14, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 12 Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 16 Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stealthy Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +12, Knowledge (engineering) +6, Linguistics +7, Perception +5 (+6 to locate traps), Stealth +12 Languages English SQ accelerated healing, computer sympathy, original programing (stealth, escape artist), rogue talents (fast stealth), trapfinding +1 Adventure Hooks These adventure hooks begin in the North Woods, though some may take them elsewhere 102 Uniting the Survivors Where: Madeline, Survivor’s Camp, New Tortuga, Cody’s Camp When: Any time A few months before the adventure began, six companions set out from Wright Town: Jordon Wright and her brother Cody Wright, Jordon’s lover Bean, her friends Owl and Nicky, and Bean’s ally Jazz They had discovered a stash of pre-war technology, and were leaving Wright Town with their find They thought they had made it; then the pirates attacked Unwilling to give up the find of their life, the companions fought back The pirates sank their boat (causing them to lose most of their find) The companions survived, but they were divided by the attack Some were taken by the pirates, while others swam to the nearby shore These groups were further split when one of the captives escaped, and one of those who washed up on shore broke off hoping to walk back to civilization Any of these survivors can tell the heroes about the others, and all, except for Jazz, try to recruit the group to find what happened to the rest of their companions The current locations of the survivors are as follows: Madeline: Jazz washed ashore and walked the coast until he came to Madeline He has settled there for now at least He is the only one not planning to search out his former companions, though he might be persuaded to so Survivor’s Camp: Jordon Wright, Bean, and Owl are all camped nearby where they landed They remained stationary at first because Jordon was too injured to move, then because winter was upon them, and now that it is warm again, they are constructing a boat to go looking for their friends New Tortuga: Nicky was captured by the pirates and is being forced to produce black powder weapons for them Cody’s Camp: Cody was captured by the pirates, but has fled from their settlement and is hiding elsewhere on Isle Royale The Great Gathering Where: The holiest statue of Palbun When: Midsummer Every year at midsummer, the bands of the Axe Tribe hold a Great Gathering at their holiest site: the great statue of Palbun and his mighty battle steer The Great Gathering is a time to trade, share news, and mingle with other members of the tribe Since marrying within a band is taboo, the Great Gathering is also when most members of the Axe Tribe meet potential spouses The Great Gathering lasts up to two weeks, with a week on either side of midsummer, though start and end times are informal, and groups frequently arrive on different days The trip also takes days to weeks, and thus attending the Great Gathering is a major undertaking, and only about a quarter to a third of each band attends each year Young children and the elderly are most likely to stay behind, and parents who have young children frequently alternate who attends the gathering The Great Gathering features many feasts and competitions (a few of which are outlined below) There are also daily trade meetings and nightly stories and songs While the tribesfolk bring some food along with them, they also hunt and pick berries at the gathering to provide more food for the feast This Year: Assuming members of the Axe Tribe are in the group’s community, the tribesfolk start talking about the gathering