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Optimisation ofArtemiabiomassproductioninsaltpondsin
Vietnam anduseasfeedingredientinlocalaquaculture
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh
Promoter: Prof. Dr. Patrick Sorgeloos
Laboratory ofAquaculture & Artemia Reference Center
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University
Co-promoter: Dr. Nguyen Van Hoa
College ofAquaculture & Fisheries, Can Tho University, Vietnam
Dean: Prof. Dr. ir. Guido Van Huylenbroeck
Rector: Prof. Dr. Paul Van Cauwenberge
Examination Committee and Reading Committee (*):
Prof. Dr. ir. Jacques Viaene (Chairman)
Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent
University. Jacques.Viaene@UGent.be
Prof. Dr. Peter Goethals (Secretary)
Department of Applied ecology and environmental biology, Faculty of Bioscience
Engineering, Ghent University. peter.goethals@ugent.be
Prof. Dr. Patrick Sorgeloos (Promoter), Department of Animal Production,
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University), patrick.sorgeloos@ugent.be
Prof. Dr. ir. Peter Bossier (Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Bioscience
Engineering, Ghent University), peter.bossier@ugent.be
*Dr. Nguyen Van Hoa (Co-promoter), College ofAquaculture & Fisheries, Can Tho
University, Vietnam. nvhoa@ctu.edu.vn
*Prof. dr. Johan Mertens (Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Ghent University)
*Prof. Dr. Josse De Baerdemaeker (Laboratory of Agricultural Machinery & Processing,
Department of Agro-Engineering and Economics, Katholic University of Leuven).
*Dr. Roeland Wouters (INVE Technologies, Belgium), r.wouters@inve.be
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh
Optimisation ofArtemiabiomassproductioninsaltpondsin
Vietnam anduseasfeedingredientinlocalaquaculture
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor
(PhD) in Applied Biological Sciences
Dutch translation of the title:
Optimalisatie van Artemia biomassa productie in zoutpannes inVietnamand gebruik als
voeder-ingredient in lokale aquacultuur
To cite this work:
Anh, N.T.N. (2009) OptimisationofArtemiabiomassproductioninsaltpondsinVietnam
and useasfeedingredientinlocal aquaculture. PhD thesis, Ghent University, Belgium.
The author and the promoters give the authorisation to consult and to copy parts of this
work for personal use only. Every other use is subject to the copyright laws. Permission to
reproduce any material contained in this work should be obtained from the author.
ISBN 978-90-5989-308-5
This study was funded by Vietnamese government, PhD scholarship of the Vietnamese
Overseas Scholarship Program (322 project), and the CWO scholarship of the Faculty of
Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium.
First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my promoter, Prof. dr. Patrick
Sorgeloos for giving me the opportunity to study at Ghent University. His scientific
orientation, encouragement, and support during my four year study, especially his patience
in correcting the papers and final thesis drafts during his already busy time.
Special thank to my co-promoter Dr. Nguyen Van Hoa (Can Tho University, Vietnam) for
his scientific guidance, encouragement and experience on Artemia research.
My sincere thanks go to my supervisors Dr. Gilbert Van Stappen and Mathieu Wille for
their devoted and thoughtful revision and recommendations in the preparation and
completion of all chapters of the thesis.
I sincerely thank Prof. Dr. Josse De Baerdemaeker (Catholic University of Leuven,
Belgium), Nguyen Thuan Nhi (College of Technology, Can Tho University) for giving me
the basic knowledge and critical suggestions in the design of the experimental solar drier,
and Dr. Vu Quang Thanh for instruction in indoor drying techniques and allowing me to
utilize the drying machines and equipment, and Phan Thanh Dung for his help during the
drying experiment in the College of Technology, Can Tho University.
I am grateful to Prof. Dr. Truong Quoc Phu, Dr. Tran Thi Thanh Hien, Dr. Vu Ngoc Ut and
Duong Thuy Yen (College ofAquacultureand Fisheries, Can Tho University) for their
proper suggestions on experimental designs, feed formulation and for providing me with
facilities and space to perform the feeding trials.
I am greatly indebted to Peter Baert for his valuable recommendations with data-processing
on the Artemia experiments and also willing to help me whenever needed.
I am especially thankful to the members of the examination and reading committee, Prof.
Dr. ir. Jacques Viaene; Prof. Dr. Patrick Sorgeloos, Prof. Dr. ir. Peter Bossier, Prof. Dr.
Johan Mertens, Prof. Dr. Peter Goethals (Ghent University), Prof. Dr. Josse De
Baerdemaeker (Catholic University of Leuven), Dr. Nguyen Van Hoa (Can Tho University)
and Dr. Roeland Wouters (INVE Technologies NV, Belgium) for their critical reviews and
extremely valuable suggestions to improve this thesis.
My warmest thanks go to Magda Vanhooren, who kindly helped me whenever needed.
I am greatly indebted to Geert Van de Wiele and Anita De Haese for HUFA and proximate
composition analyses of the Artemia samples.
I deeply thank the staff of ARC: Dorina Tack, Alex Pieters, Marc Verschraeghen, Jean
Dhont, Bart Van Delsen, Kristof Dierckens, Marijke Van Speybroeck, Christ Mahieu,
Sebastiaan Vanopstal, Brigitte Van Moffaert, Tom Baelemans, Jorg De Smyter, for their
help with administrative matters.
Special acknowledgements are due to Prof. Dr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, the rector of Can Tho
University and Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Phuong, the dean of the College ofAquaculture &
Fisheries, for allowing me to study abroad.
Many thanks to Dr. Duong Nhut Long, Dr. Nguyen Van Kiem, Dr. Tran Ngoc Hai and Dr.
Ngo Thi Thu Thao from the College ofAquaculture & Fisheries for their support and
providing me enough free time to accomplish this thesis.
I owe special thanks to my colleagues Huynh Thanh Toi for his endless kindness and all his
help in Ghent andin Vietnam, Nguyen Thi Hong Van for her provision of scientific
journals, encouragement and supporting experimental equipment, Tran Huu Le and Le Van
Thong for helping me with filtering chlorophyll a samples, transporting water samples to
Can Tho for analysis andbiomass collection.
I greatly appreciate Le Van Nhieu, Phan Thanh Phuoc, Giang Van Nghiep, Giang Van Hay,
Nguyen Duyen Hai, Nguyen Thi Phuong, Tran Thi Yen who have been devoted hard
workers in Bac Lieu salt works and for their enthusiasm and efficient support during my
field study in Vinh Hau station, Bac Lieu province.
Many thanks to my PhD colleagues: El-Magsodi Mohamed, Natrah Ikhsan, Kartik Sri
Barua, Gunasekara Asanka, Dang To Van Cam, Le Hong Phuoc, Dinh The Nhan, Nguyen
Duy Hoa, Nhu Van Can, Ho Manh Tuan and others for their encouragement and support
during my study in Ghent.
To all Vietnamese students in Ghent, I thank you for your moral support during my stays in
Ghent. I would like to express my warmest feelings to all my friends and my colleagues in
various institutions and universities, Can Tho University and College ofAquacultureand
Fisheries, who always were concerned about my PhD completion.
I am very grateful to the Ministry of Education & Training, Vietnamese Government for
providing me with a scholarship to pursue my PhD study and the Faculty of Bioscience
Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium through the CWO scholarship for the defence of
this thesis.
My great gratefulness goes to my grandmother, my aunts, my brothers and sisters who
always encouraged me to finish my PhD, especially my mother who always gave me all
physical and moral support, but unfortunately does not live anymore.
I wish to dedicate this thesis to my husband Phan Huu Tam, who has sacrificed a lot during
my four years intensive study. This thesis is a present for him.
Chapter 1 General introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature review 7
Chapter 3 Culture ofArtemiabiomass
Section I Effect of partial harvesting strategies on Artemiabiomassproductioninsalt
works 31
Section II Effect of different food supplements on proximate compositions and
Artemia biomassproductioninsalt works 47
Secttion III Effect of different ratios of N:P on primary productivity: its combination
with feeding strategies for Artemiabiomassproductioninsaltponds 69
Chapter 4 Drying Artemiabiomass
Section I Total lipid and fatty acid contents ofArtemiabiomass dried using different
drying techniques 109
Section II Effect of solar drying on lipid and fatty acid composition of dried Artemia
biomass 117
Chapter 5 Application ofArtemiabiomass for target aquaculture species
Section I Formulated feeds containing fresh or dried Artemiabiomassas live food
supplement for larval rearing of black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon 151
Section II Effect of fishmeal replacement with Artemiabiomassas protein source in
practical diets for the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Section III Effect of different forms ofArtemiabiomassas a food source on survival,
molting and growth rate of mud crab, Scylla paramamosain 157
Section IV Substituting fishmeal with Artemia meal in diets for goby
Pseudapocryptes elongatus: effects on survival, growth andfeed
utilization 173
Chapter 6 General discussion and conclusions 207
Chapter 7 References 216
Summary/Samenvatting 239
Curriculum vitae 247
List of abbreviations
Σ Total
°C Degree Cencius
ANOVA Analysis of variance
AOAC Association of Official Analytical Chemists
APHA American Public Health Association
ARA Arachidonic acid
BHT Butylated hydroxytoluene
C:N C-to-N ratio
C1 First crab stage
Ca Calcium
CF Commercial feed
cm Centimeter
CMI Cumulative mortality index
DA Dried Artemia
DHA Docosahexaenoic acid
DIN Dissolved inorganic nitrogen
DRP Dissolved reactive phosphorus
DW Dry weight
EFA Essential fatty acid
EPA Eicosapentaenoic acid
FA Fresh/frozen Artemia
FAME Fatty acid methyl easters
FAO Food and agriculture organization
FFA Free fatty acid
FM Fish meal
g Gram
GW Green water
h Hour
HA Hot air
HUFA Highly unsaturated fatty acid
L Liter
[...]... general principles ofArtemiabiomass pond production in this area, and its various applications inlocalaquaculture It also provides a summary of drying methods currently used in food andfeed processing technology Chapter 3 (Culture ofArtemia biomass) describes the experimental work aiming to optimize Artemia biomass production in saltponds This chapter consists of three parts: - Effect of partial... partial harvesting strategies on Artemia biomass production in salt works (Section I) - Effect of different food supplements on proximate compositions andArtemia biomass production in salt works (Section II) - Effect of different ratios of N:P on primary productivity: its combination with feeding strategies for Artemia biomass production in saltponds (Section III) Chapter 4 (Drying Artemia biomass) describes... an increasing trend with the amount ofbiomass feeding Moreover, the two forms of processed Artemia biomass, frozen and ensiled, which were tested in nutritional bioassays with various aquatic species, only frozen Artemiabiomass showed an intermediate potential for application According to recent researches, live Artemiabiomass can be used as a feed for nursing mud crabs Scylla paramamosain from instar... water and marine areas In parallel, applied research, education and training activities have been developed to meet the need for the sustainable and effective development of the fisheries sector, particularly inaquaculture during the period 20052010 2 Trends in the useof fishmeal inVietnam Since aquaculture is developing rapidly in Vietnam, the future demand for fish meal (FM) as an ingredientin aquafeeds... Chapter 5 (Application ofArtemiabiomass for some target aquaculture species) evaluates the potential uses of different Artemiabiomass preparations as feeds in the larviculture and nursery phases of the important cultured species in the Mekong delta It contains four parts - Formulated feeds containing fresh or dried Artemiabiomassas live food supplement for larval rearing of black tiger shrimp,... (Final report of Ministry of Fisheries (MoFI) and World Bank, 2005) In 2006, the total area of water surface used for aquacultureinVietnam was 1,050 thousand ha, which represents a 64% increase over the 641.9 thousand ha used in 2000 A variety of species are cultivated in these waters, but shrimp and catfish are by far the most prevalent Total aquatic production increased almost 7% in 2006, while aquaculture. .. shrimp in the local market inVietnam 19 Chapter 2 6 History ofArtemia study inVietnam 6.1 Geographic areas of field study The area of Vinh Hau salt works, is situated at latitude of 9o38'9"N and longitude of 105o51'45"E and belongs to Bac Lieu province, South ofVietnam (Figure 3) Field study Figure 3 Location of the study area in the Mekong Delta ofVietnam Similar to other coastal areas in the... performance and larval quality (Babu et al., 2008) In Vietnam, previous investigation on the nutritional value of different forms ofArtemiabiomass was reported by Brands et al (1995), live Artemiabiomass can be used as a complete replacement of trash fish (fresh or cooked) for nursing of penaeid postlarvae Although the survival did not show any relation with the amount ofbiomass feeding, growth of nursed... generated from Asian countries, with China andVietnam ranking as the first and third global producers Among the top ten Asian producers, Vietnam experienced the fastest growth between 1985 and 2005, which has raised concerns among several stakeholders concerning the sustainability of the aquaculture sector inVietnam (Corsin, 2007) Vietnam has great potential for aquaculture development including marine, brackish... biomass) describes tests aiming to work out a simple and cheap drying method for Artemia biomass, resulting in a product with appropriate quality for usein aquafeeds It comprises two parts: - Total lipid and fatty acid contents ofArtemiabiomass dried using different drying techniques (Section I) - Effect of solar drying on lipid and fatty acid composition of dried Artemiabiomass (Section II) 4 Chapter .
Optimisation of Artemia biomass production in salt ponds in
Vietnam and use as feed ingredient in local aquaculture
Nguyen. biomass production in salt ponds in
Vietnam and use as feed ingredient in local aquaculture
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements