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STEM Networks and Social Media January 2010

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Networks and Social Media for STEM Educators, Policymakers, and Researchers Below are STEM education networks and social media sources that may be of interest to DR-K12 grantees for the purposes of (1.) disseminating knowledge and products and (2.) developing partnerships with stakeholders and end-users These networks and social media were chosen because they provide researchers and developers with an opportunity to present their work to individuals that could use, promote, or improve the work They were also chosen because they provide opportunities to learn from and participate in dialogue about current salient issues facing STEM educators, policymakers, and researchers We gave preference to networks and social media used primarily by practitioners and policymakers, though we also include some used by STEM researchers and developers Information for this index was collected primarily through organization websites Where possible, we identify individual authors/moderators along with their host organizations With few exceptions, access to these networks and social media is open to the public This information will be updated semiannually for DR-K12 grantees For the purposes of this index, we use the below definitions of social media types Types of social media are identified for each source in index table Network – communicative social structure that engages educators, policymakers, or researchers around STEM education issues; these networks often use various social media for communication Blog – website with content posted from an individual or group of authors that addresses STEM education; unlike a forum or wiki, a blog is not an typically an open-source medium Twitter – short text-based online posts on STEM education topics, often including links to other STEM education content Forum – interactive discussion medium through which users post on STEM education topics; includes online discussion sites, message boards, and email listservs Wiki – open-source collaborative website that addresses STEM education; a wiki’s content can be developed and modified by users Newsletter – a regularly distributed publication addressing STEM education topics such as research, news, issues, products, practices, and events; includes paper and electronic newsletters, as well as RSS news feeds Broadcast – audio and/or video content transmitted broadly to audiences interested in STEM education; includes radio broadcasts, podcasts, webcasts Type of Name of Network or Social Media Social Media MATHEMATICS Blog Mathematics Education Research Blog Twitter Blog: http://mathedresearch.blogspot.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/mathedresearch Network The Math Forum @ Drexel ©January 2010, CADRE Author, Moderator, or Host Target Audience or Member Type of Content Reidar Mosvold, Associate Professor in Mathematics Education at the University of Norway Math education researchers, Math teacher educators, Math teachers Summaries of math education research, Links to math education events and publications Drexel University School of Math teachers, Math teacher Math teacher resources, Discussion of Forum Blog http://mathforum.org/ Education educators, Math education researchers, Mathematicians and faculty, Students Network Forum NCTM Facebook Group http://www.facebook.com/home.php# /group.php? gid=10510219268&ref=search Administered by Matthew J Campbell, NCTM member; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics NCTM members, Math teachers, Math teacher educators, District math coordinators Network Newsletter Twitter National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics District math coordinators, Math education leaders Math education trends and issues, Pedagogical approaches, Reviews, Professional development opportunities, Events Network Blog Forum NCSM Newsletter: Leadership in Mathematics Education Newsletter: http://www.mathedleadership.org/res ources/index.html Twitter: http://twitter.com/MathEdLeaders MSP2: Middle School Portal Math & Science Pathways http://www.msteacher2.org/ Middle school STEM teachers, STEM teacher educators, District STEM coordinators, Students Math and science teacher resources, STEM news and links, STEM blogs, New product alerts, Professional development events Wiki Forum Planet Math.Org planetmath.org MAA Focus: Newsmagazine of the Mathematical Association of America Newsletter: http://www.maa.org/pubs/focus.html Twitter: twitter.com/maanow twitter.com/maareviews Mathematicians, Researchers, Math teachers and students Mathematicians, Math professors, Math teacher educators, Math teachers Research, Math encyclopedia, Math pedagogy Twitter Newsletter Partnership of Ohio State University, National Middle School Association, and Education Development Center, Inc.; Funded by the NSF as a component of the National Science Digital Library Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Digital Library Research Lab The Mathematical Association of America American Educational Research Educational researchers Synopsis of recent science and SCIENCE Network AERA Science Teaching and Learning ©January 2010, CADRE of math education, Resources for other others involved in math and math education, Teacher to teacher tools Discussion of math education, Math teacher resources, Math education news and research Math book reviews, Math news and resources, Math education, Research of Forum Special Interest Group Network: http://www.aera.net/Default.aspx? menu_id=218&id=816 Association Network Blog Forum Broadcast Newsletter National Science Teachers Association website http://www.nsta.org/ Newsletters: http://www.nsta.org/publications/ene wsletters.aspx Forum: http://www.facebook.com/home.php# /group.php? gid=4734309314&ref=search MSPnet: The Network of the Math and Science Partnership Program http://hub.mspnet.org/index.cfm/hom e Newsletter: http://hub.mspnet.org/index.cfm/new sgsub STEM Education Coalition www.stemedcoalition.org/ National Science Teachers Association Science teachers, Science teacher educators, District science coordinators, School administrators Resources for science educators and leaders, Math education practice and news, Professional development, Math advocacy, Products, Links to math education sites Math and Science Partnerships’ Learning Network; Managed by TERC as a component of the Math and Science Partnership Program; Supported by the NSF MSP Grantees, some resources for non-grantees MSP project tours and products, PI contact information, Math and science education resources, News Co-Chaired by the American Chemical Society & National Science Teachers Association; 600 member groups National Association for Research in Science Teaching STEM advocates and interest groups, Policymakers STEM education legislation and advocacy, STEM news, Links to most of 600 member groups Science education researchers, Science teachers, Science teacher educators Science education research and trends, Events, NARST committee work Network Newsletter Network Newsletter Network NARST News and Listserv Newsletter: http://www.narst.org/news/enarst.cfm Listserv: http://www.narst.org/listserv.cfm ©January 2010, CADRE learning research, Science Teaching and Learning of Network Forum Network Network Newsletter Broadcast Broadcast American Association of Physics Teachers Facebook Page Network: http://www.aapt.org/ Forum: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ame rican-Association-of-PhysicsTeachers/43948086085 comPADRE: Physics and Astronomy Education Communities http://www.compadre.org/ Physics Teacher Education Coalition http://www.compadre.org/ptec/ Newsletter: http://www.compadre.org/ptec/featur es/featurearchive.cfm? Type=CommunityNews This Week in Science http://www.twis.org/audio/ Science Friday http://www.sciencefriday.com/feeds/r adio/ ENGINEERING Newsletter ASEE Engineering Go For It! (eGFI Blog K12) Center Network http://teachers.egfi-k12.org/ Newsletter: http://teachers.egfik12.org/newsletters/ TECHNOLOGY Network ISTE Community Ning Forum http://iste-members.ning.com/ ©January 2010, CADRE American Association of Physics Teachers Physics teachers Current physics research, Resources for teachers A partnership of associations; Funded by the NSF as a component of the National Science Digital Library Physics Teacher Education Coalition Physics and astronomy teachers, professors, teacher educators, and students Resources for teachers, Research Physics teacher educators, Physics education advocates and leaders, Researchers, Physics teachers Physics education research and resources, Physics teacher preparation and professional development, News and events Kristen Sanford, neurophysiologist; Broadcasting from UC Davis Ira Flatow, science journalist; Associated with NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” Scientists and science enthusiasts, large audience through radio and podcast Science enthusiasts and scientists, science teachers and students, large audience through radio and podcast Current science and technology research, interviews, call-in questions Science news and issues, call-in questions American Society for Engineering Education Engineering teachers, Students Engineering teacher resources, Research and news, Engineering program database, Developing partnerships Administered by Jennifer Ragan-Fore, Director of ISTE members, educators Educational technology, Events, of Blog Wiki Network Forum Consortium of School Networking website http://www.cosn.org Blog Digital Education: Tech Topics and Trends in K-12 http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/Digit alEducation/ Classroom 2.0 http://www.classroom20.com/ Network Blog Forum Broadcast Blog Twitter Blog Twitter Blog High Techpectations: Ideas and Resources for Educators Blog: http://elemenous.typepad.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/elemenous Teach 42 Blog: http://www.teach42.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/teach42 Discovery Educator’s Blog Network http://blog.discoveryeducation.com/ New Media; International Society for Technology in Education Consortium of School Networking District technology coordinators and leaders, Educational technology specialists Education technology specialists, Teachers, Policymakers Educational technology, Networking, Educational technology policy and advocacy Steve Hargadon, Director of the K12 Open Technologies Initiative; Hosted by the Consortium for School Networking and Elluminate Lucy Gray, Technology Integration Specialists at University of Chicago Teachers Educational technology trends and solutions, Resources for teachers, Special interest group issues Teachers, Education technology specialists Educational technology resources, Promising practices in technology integration Steve Dembo, Online Community Manager for Discovery Education Education technology enthusiasts, Teachers Education technology trends, New product alerts Discovery Educator Network Teachers Technology and science resources for teachers, Education technology trends, News Katie Ash and Kathleen Kennedy Manzo, Education journalists; Hosted by Education Week Educational technology news and resources, Educational technology policy Blog Twitter Free Technology for Teachers http://www.freetech4teachers.com/ http://twitter.com/rmbyrne Richard Byrne, Teacher Teachers Educational technology resources and resource reviews Network AERA Instructional Technology Special American Educational Research Education technology Educational technology research ©January 2010, CADRE of Interest Group http://www.aera.net/Default.aspx? menu_id=176&id=1446 Network AERA Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group http://tactl.unt.edu/ Network AERA Technology, Instruction, Cognition, and Learning Special Interest Group http://www.aera.net/default.aspx? menu_id=330&id=2160 Network AERA Design and Technology Special Interest Group http://www.aera.net/Default.aspx? menu_id=414&id=5688 Newsletter SIIA Education Division – Ed Tech Daily Broadcast Newsletter: http://www.siia.net/membership/news letters/samples/sample-ed.asp GENERAL RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND RESOURCES Blog Curriculum Matters blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/ Twitter Education Week Twitter twitter.com/educationweek Blog Wiki Leader Talk blogs.edweek.org/edweek/LeaderTalk/ Blog Inside School Research blogs.edweek.org/edweek/insideschool-research/ Forum Wiki PDK Connect www.pdkintl.org/connect/index.htm ©January 2010, CADRE Association researchers American Educational Research Association Education technology researchers Educational technology Joseph M Scandura, University of Pennsylvania; American Educational Research Association Education technology researchers Discussion of technology, instruction, cognition, and learning; Interdisciplinary research American Educational Research Association Education technology researchers Design and technology Software & Information Industry Association Education technology specialists; Publishers; Teachers and administrators News regarding education software industry, Law and policy; Resources for developers, publishers, and practitioners Erik Robelen and Catherine Gewertz, Education journalists; Hosted by Education Week Education Week Policymakers, Curriculum researchers and developers, Teachers Education policymakers, researchers, and practitioners School leaders Educational research, Curricular development, Curricular resources and new programs, Policy, News Links to education blog posts and news Content posted by school leaders; Hosted by Education Week Debra Viadero, Education journalist; Hosted by Education Week Phi Delta Kappa Education researchers and policymakers Teachers and administrators Education leadership, instructional and leadership strategies and programs Education research, research summaries and commentary, education policy, news Discussion of Kappan articles, networking of Blog EduWonk www.eduwonk.com Andrew Rotherman, co-founder of Education Sector Teachers and administrators, Policymakers Education policy Blog This Week in Education www.thisweekineducation.com Teachers and administrators General education Forum Commentary Page of the Teachers College Record www.tcrecord.org/Opinion.asp Alexander Russo, former journalist and Senate staffer; Hosted by Scholastic Teacher’s College Record Education researchers, Policymakers Commentary on research, policy, and practice Blog Newsletter Edutopia http://www.edutopia.org/ The George Lucas Educational Foundation Educational innovation and reform, Educational technology, Teacher resources Newsletter Blogs ASCD SmartBrief Daily Newsletter http://www.smartbrief.com/ascd/ Blogs: ascd.typepad.com/blog/ www.wholechildeducation.org Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Teachers and administrators, Policymakers, Educational technology specialists, Education advocates, General public Policymakers, Researchers, Teachers and administrators, Parents Forum Twitter Broadcast Newsletter Newsletter Learning Matters learningmatters.tv/community/ John Merrow, education journalist, and others; Hosted by Learning Matters Public, Policymakers, Teachers and administrators, Researchers Education issues, News, Policy, Interviews, Investigative reporting, Case studies PEN Weekly NewsBlast www.publiceducation.org Public Education Network Teachers and administrators, Policymakers, Researchers Education practice and policy ©January 2010, CADRE Education leadership and administration, Education practice and policy, K-12 general education, 21st Century Skills of ... http://www.msteacher2.org/ Middle school STEM teachers, STEM teacher educators, District STEM coordinators, Students Math and science teacher resources, STEM news and links, STEM blogs, New product alerts,... and science enthusiasts, large audience through radio and podcast Science enthusiasts and scientists, science teachers and students, large audience through radio and podcast Current science and. .. Network Teachers and administrators, Policymakers, Researchers Education practice and policy ? ?January 2010, CADRE Education leadership and administration, Education practice and policy, K-12

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 11:03

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