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Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience Third Professional Year Students Shadowing Experience PHPR 424

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Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience Third Professional Year Students Shadowing Experience PHPR 424 https://courses.pnhs.purdue.edu/phpr424/ Purdue University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2009/2010 Contact Information: Patricia Darbishire, PharmD Director, Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience Purdue University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Room 304A 575 Stadium Mall Drive West Lafayette, IN 47907-2091 Ph (765) 494-1380 E-mail: darbishi@.purdue.edu The best preparation for tomorrow is to today's work superbly well William Osler Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience The Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) at Purdue University was developed in response to the Accreditation Standards set forth by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) to provide early experiential learning opportunities for pharmacy students throughout the curriculum Students explore the concept of professionalism, develop practice skills, explore a variety of career opportunities, and gain hands-on experience with patients and healthcare providers in the delivery of holistic pharmaceutical care Multiple opportunities for reflection and group discussion are provided throughout the IPPE program The Purdue IPPE course series includes: PHPR 421 The Professional Service Experience for first professional year students PHPR 423 The Practice Skills Experience for second professional year students PHPR 424 The Shadowing Experience for third professional year students PHPR 468 The Patient Services Experience for third professional year students This manual focuses on the third professional year requirement referred to as the Shadowing Experience Shadowing Opportunities Benefits to Mentees  Personal relationship with an upper classman  Pharmacy career path exposure  Observation of clinical pharmacist’s role  Understanding of clerkship expectations  Improved communication skills  Representative for the School of Pharmacy  Feedback on professionalism; enhanced professional development  Access to other health care professions / professionals  Contact with future preceptors  Employment opportunities  Relief of anxiety about clerkship rotations  Sharing of career goals Benefits to Mentors and Preceptors  Personal relationship with a student  Role model and mentor  Teaching and use of interview skills  Provision of positive reinforcement  Impact curricular changes through the evaluation process Benefits to the School of Pharmacy  Communication between students, preceptors and the School of Pharmacy  Professionalism issues addressed before rotations  Assessment of student’s verbal and written communications skills  Enhanced student confidence and rotation performance  Feedback from mentors for the School  Community involvement Goals of the Shadowing Experience The goals of the Shadowing Experience for third professional year students include preparation for clerkship rotations, enhanced professionalism, career path exploration, and ultimately designation of a personal career plan The student will gain insight through interaction with advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) clerkship students and through observation of a previously unexplored pharmacy career path Additionally, the Shadowing Experience provides an opportunity for APPE students to act as mentors to third professional year students, promoting a tiered system of teaching and learning Student Objectives (Linked to 2007 Professional Program Outcome Ability Goals) Upon completion of this experience, the student should be able to: Demonstrate personal characteristics of a pharmacy professional (7.1) Describe two previously unexplored pharmacy practice settings (10.1) Describe advantages and disadvantages associated with two career paths (5.1) Describe education and/or training necessary to work in each practice setting (5.1) Describe any special skills needed in each practice setting (5.1) Describe opportunities for advancement within each career option (5.1) Define individual areas of interest in the field of pharmacy (9.2) Formulate a personal career plan (9.2) Course Description Third professional year students are required to complete the Shadowing Experience (PHPR 424) including two 4-hour shadowing experiences in two different pharmacy settings plus submission of associated Career Options Worksheets, documentation forms, and an IPPE evaluation form The Shadowing Experience is a zero credit-hour course, which reflects its designation as a graduation requirement for the professional Doctor of Pharmacy program and meets pharmacy education accreditation standards Student Accountability / Grading The Shadowing Experience is graded using a point system resulting in a grade of satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U) Failure to satisfactorily complete both shadowing experiences or submit the appropriate forms and worksheets will result in a grade of incomplete (I) and prohibit progression to the final year’s APPE rotations A description of required assignments and the point breakdown for each assignment is found below Form #1-A Form #1-B Career Options Worksheet-A and questions Career Options Worksheet-B and questions Form # 50 points 50 points 50 points 50 points 50 points 250 Total possible points In order to satisfactorily complete the Shadowing Experience, all components described above must be completed in full and a minimum of 85 % must be achieved out of a maximum of 250 points A late worksheet or form will result in a reduction of % of total possible points each day late Initiation and Registration Students may begin the Shadowing Experience after completion of the first and second professional year IPPE requirements and after introduction to the Shadowing Experience course manual and evaluation methods Registration for PHPR 424 will occur on the student’s course schedule the spring semester of the third professional year when the student will be evaluated for completion of all IPPE requirements Dissemination of Course Information After introduction to the Shadowing Experience in PHRM 402 Integrated Lab, there is no regularly scheduled classroom time Course information is disseminated throughout the semester via email, course web-site, and classroom announcements The Director of IPPE is available on a walk-in basis or by scheduled appointment to answer any questions and provide guidance and assistance with program requirements Students are responsible for complying with all deadlines Student Requirements Instructions Each student is required to complete two shadowing experiences in two different pharmacy settings, which represent previously unexplored career paths Each shadowing experience should be approximately four hours in length A portion of the shadowing time must take place at the APPE site Students can continue the shadowing experience at another location after orientation to the site if desired Checklist for First Shadowing Experience Due Friday, September 4, 2009 5:00 PM Form #1-A Career Options Worksheet-A List of Questions-A Please note that an additional form (Form #2: Evaluation of the Shadowing Experience) is due with the second shadowing experience Checklist for Second Shadowing Experience Due Friday, December 4, 2009 5:00 PM Form #1-B Career Options Worksheet-B List of Questions-B Form #2 Form #1 Shadowing students must provide the appropriate copy of Form #1 (A or B) to the APPE student for completion APPE students may mail in the form to the experiential learning office or submit Form #1 electronically to bennercm@pharmacy.purdue.edu (preferred method), or third year students may bring the form to Mrs Benner in a sealed envelope signed by APPE student If the APPE student submits the form electronically, it must be sent as a Microsoft Word attachment FROM THE APPE STUDENT’S PURDUE EMAIL ACCOUNT or it will not be accepted It is the shadowing student’s responsibility to ensure that the form has been submitted by the APPE student for each experience by the designated due date Points will be deducted for late forms Shadowing students may access the course website in the Grades section to determine if the form has been received in the IPPE office Please allow two weeks for posting grades Career Options Worksheets and Five Questions The Career Options Worksheets should be completed with the assistance of the APPE mentor at the shadowing site At the end of each Career Options Worksheet is a blank sheet where students should prepare for the Shadowing Experience by composing a List of Five Questions to ask the APPE student while at the shadowing site The list should be entitled “What I want to know about APPE clerkship rotations but was afraid to ask” Take these questions with you to the site They may be general in nature or may require the APPE student to reflect on their own personal experiences The APPE student will be expecting you to bring the questions and will be prepared to discuss their personal insights with you You must attach this list of questions and the APPE mentor’s responses at the end of each Career Options Worksheet All blank forms and assignments may be accessed electronically on the course website: https://courses.pnhs.purdue.edu/phpr424/ Log in Click on the link: access course materials – Resources (documents and links) Blank forms and assignments may also be found as an addendum to this manual and are available outside of RHPH Room 304A E-mail all completed forms and assignments to Mrs Benner, IPPE secretary, at bennercm@pharmacy.purdue.edu Clearly identify the course, the form or assignment you are sending in, and your name in the subject line Examples for subject line: PHPR424-Form1A-Ann Jones (Remember Form #1 must be sent from the APPE clerkship student’s Purdue email account) PHPR424-COWA (Career Options Worksheet A)-Jane Smith To check record of forms received in IPPE office: https://courses.pnhs.purdue.edu/phpr424/ Access Course Materials log in with your career account and password Grade Reports Your score should be recorded if received “NY” indicates the form has not yet been received or recorded *Please allow the course secretary at least two weeks to post information on the website Selection of a Clerkship Site  Selection of the Purdue APPE sites is made by the third year student based on his/her area(s) of interest  Both sites must represent different pharmacy career paths (e.g community, hospital, industry, sales, research, nuclear, academia, consulting, regulatory, management, law, etc.)  Students must shadow in areas previously unexplored through work, volunteer, internship, or course experiences The shadowing experiences may not be completed at the same sites used to complete PHPR 421, 423, 468, or previous 424 requirements  Students will select shadowing sites from the Experiential Learning APPE Site List provided on the PHPR 424 course website The site list will be available by the last week of April  The student will make the initial contact with the APPE student or the site preceptor as specified on the Experiential Learning APPE Site List  It is the responsibility of the third professional year student to make all final arrangements with the APPE student regarding the meeting time, place, length of stay, completion of Form #1 and the Career Options Worksheet  Students must make every attempt to schedule their shadowing experiences outside of class time Students will not be given permission to shadow on a day when an exam or quiz is scheduled If the student plans on missing a lecture, it is recommended he/she discuss the absence from class with the instructor prior to the scheduled shadowing experience It is the decision of the instructor as to whether any “pop” quizzes can be made up Experiential Learning APPE Site List The list of potential sites may be found on the PHPR 424 course web-site at: https://courses.pnhs.purdue.edu/phpr424/ Log in with your career account ID and password Click on the link: access course materials – Resources (documents and links) Read the posted instructions before accessing the list Do NOT print the list The list is 40-50 pages in length and contains password-protected information and should not be in general distribution It is strictly for viewing The grid lists only the APPE student’s name and when he / she is at a particular site The APPE student’s email address may be obtained at: http://www.itap.purdue.edu/directory/ If for some reason an address is not available, you may contact the site directly and ask to speak with the current APPE clerkship student An APPE student is not allowed to mentor a third professional year student until he/she has been at the site for a full week The available shadowing dates are listed UNDERNEATH the student’s rotation schedule on the second row of the grid Shadowing students may contact APPE students by email ANYTIME during the scheduled rotations DO NOT - UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES - SEND OUT MASS EMAILS TO APPE STUDENTS REQUESTING SHADOWING This will be grounds for disciplinary action APPE students should be contacted individually, in a professional manner Some sites have specific conditions or requirements that must be fulfilled prior to shadowing For instance, a site may require completion of a one hour HIPAA orientation in addition to the shadowing experience or may require specific immunizations before shadowing When setting up a shadowing experience, ask about any special requirements Please note that most sites not have an APPE student every month of the year and most APPE students are not at the site on weekends or in the evenings Additionally, not all sites are suitable for shadowing Every attempt has been made to remove these sites from the list Students may need to contact several sites before finding the right fit APPE Student Responsibilities and Activities Provide an orientation, tour of the site facilities and your work area The APPE student may take the shadowing student to the patient care area (if applicable AND the preceptor/facility allows) Introduce shadowing student to preceptor and other key personnel if available Discuss the following items with the shadowing student:  Current rotation and advantages and disadvantages of this career path  Past clerkship rotations (if any)  PharmD project and requirements  Rotation projects completed  Rotation presentations completed  Any end-of-block exams  Residency information  HIPAA issues encountered  How to prepare for board exams      Any collaborative efforts with other healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses, etc.) Personal insights on “things you wish you had known” prior to rotations APPE student’s career plans The shadowing student’s List of Five Questions Assist shadowing student in completion of the Career Options Worksheet Confidentiality Students will be expected to refrain from sharing any patient-specific information associated with the site Adherence to all site-specific HIPAA policies is mandatory Transportation The student is required to provide his or her own transportation to and from the site Shadowing in pairs is encouraged if acceptable with the APPE student, the preceptor, and site policy Frequently Asked Questions How I approach the site to set up a shadowing experience? Contact the site of interest as specified on the Experiential Learning APPE Site List State your name; explain that you are a third professional year Purdue pharmacy student and that you are required to set up two different shadowing experiences Every attempt has been made to orient all APPE students and preceptors to the Shadowing Experience program, but you may need to remind them about this professional requirement If your initial contact is the APPE student, he/she must discuss the time and date with his/her preceptor Provide your contact information and ask for a response within 24 hours if possible Be prepared to follow-up if you have not heard back from the student or preceptor within two days If either the APPE student or preceptor is unwilling or unable to have you shadow at the site at that time, you must either contact a different site or ask if you might be able to arrange shadowing at a different time Will I be shadowing the preceptor or the APPE student? You will be under the direct supervision of the APPE student The student, along with the preceptor, will decide exactly what you will be doing while you are at the site The student will help you work through the Career Options Worksheet, answer your five questions, and will submit your documentation form after you leave Will I be involved with patients / clients while shadowing? The goals for this program center on career exploration, upcoming rotations and professionalism You are not expected to have patient contact while shadowing at the site, although some preceptors may provide you with this opportunity What is the dress code? You will be representing the Purdue School of Pharmacy It is suggested you discuss the dress code with the APPE student prior to shadowing Most sites require professional dress, a lab jacket, and a nametag Many sites also require that you have a copy of your Intern/Extern license and a record of immunizations Do I need malpractice insurance? Yes, since you are representing the Purdue School of Pharmacy and may be privy to patient information, you are required to carry malpractice insurance The cost of this insurance is built into your course fees Will I need immunizations if I am shadowing in an institutional setting? Students should have two MMR vaccines, one Hepatitis B series, and a current PPD skin test (good for one year only) prior to entering the third year of the professional pharmacy program These vaccinations may be obtained from your family physician or from the Purdue Student Health Center Additional information, including cost, may be obtained by calling the Purdue Student Health Center Immunization Clinic at 494-1818 You should check with the individual institution for additional immunization requirements Organizations may require a criminal background check or drug screen Requirements across sites vary May I shadow a Purdue pharmacy resident rather than an APPE student? Yes, with approval from the Director of IPPE Additional Information:  Begin contacting APPE sites early during the summer, preferably near your hometown Lafayette sites fill quickly Consider contacting sites in the greater Indianapolis area, or in your hometowns You may be required to drive up to an hour to find a suitable site  You are strongly encouraged to complete both shadowing experiences during the summer and turn in your paperwork ahead of the due date  Ask the APPE student to recommend the best time of day for shadowing For instance, a clinic may only administrative work from 8-11 AM and see patients from 1-5 PM  Check on the preceptor's title ahead of time so you can feel comfortable addressing him or her properly  Make a good first impression You may see these preceptors again later in the program  Exude professionalism while at the site  Be punctual  Turn off cell phones during shadowing  Recognize this as an opportunity to learn Do not trivialize the experience to the APPE student Most APPE students take the mentoring role very seriously  Do not ask the APPE student to cut the session short for your benefit  Thank the preceptor and your mentor (either in person or by email) for allowing you the opportunity to shadow Shadowing requires time from their schedules  Ask the APPE student to fill out the evaluation after you leave, but share any constructive criticism with you before you leave  Please note the professional program establishes standards for student performance Information in areas of attitudinal, behavioral, knowledge or skill-based performance may be shared among experiential program directors and faculty if believed to be in the best interest of the student This page intentionally left blank Third Professional Year Student Name APPE Student Name Shadowing Date PHPR 424 1st Shadowing Experience Form # 1-A Clerkship Student Questionnaire / Documentation of Shadowing Due September 4, 2009, 5:00 PM A late form will result in a deduction of 5% of total possible points each day late This assignment is worth a maximum of 50 points toward your PHPR 424 grade APPE student: Please rate the third professional year student on the following aspects and answer the questions below Submit the completed form to the IPPE office by one of the following methods:  Electronically to bennercm@pharmacy.purdue.edu Blank Microsoft Word documents are available from the course website at https://courses.pnhs.purdue.edu/phpr424/ at “Resources”  Return the completed form to the shadowing student in a sealed envelope  Mail to: P Darbishire, 575 Stadium Mall Drive, Heine Pharmacy Building, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 The student arrived on the scheduled date A D The student was punctual A D Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Please circle the appropriate response: Strongly Agree The Director of IPPE will discuss any professionalism issues noted by the APPE student with the shadowing student prior to initiation of clerkship rotations The student was prepared with a list of five questions SA A U D SD The student demonstrated effective communication skills SA A U D SD SA A U D SD SA A U D SD SA A U D SD SA A U D SD The student exhibited a sincere interest in learning about the site The student’s attitude / behavior demonstrated professional readiness for clerkship rotations The student dressed professionally / appropriately for the setting I feel that I contributed to the student’s knowledge regarding this career path 9 I feel that I provided insight into the clerkship program to this student 10 I have an interest in becoming a preceptor after obtaining pharmacy employment SA A U D SD SA A U D SD Advice or suggestions you have for this student or students in general prior to entrance into clerkship rotations: Please list the positive aspects of this experience: Suggestions for improvement to the Shadowing Experience: Documentation of Shadowing Experience Name of Site Address of Site City, State, Zip Code Phone Number of Site ( ) Preceptor’s Name APPE Student’s Name APPE Student’s E-mail Date the student shadowed APPE Student’s Signature _ 11 Verification of a ~4 hour Shadowing Experience 12 Third Professional Year Student Name APPE Student Name Shadowing Date PHPR 424 2nd Shadowing Experience Form # 1-B Clerkship Student Questionnaire / Documentation of Shadowing Due December 4, 2009, 5:00 PM A late form will result in a deduction of 5% of total possible points each day late This assignment is worth a maximum of 50 points toward your PHPR 424 grade APPE student: Please rate the third professional year student on the following aspects and answer the questions below Submit the completed form to the IPPE office by one of the following methods:  Electronically to bennercm@pharmacy.purdue.edu Blank Microsoft Word documents are available from the course website at https://courses.pnhs.purdue.edu/phpr424/ at “Resources”  Return the completed form to the shadowing student in a sealed envelope  Mail to: P Darbishire, 575 Stadium Mall Drive, Heine Pharmacy Building, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 The student arrived on the scheduled date A D The student was punctual A D Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Please circle the appropriate response: Strongly Agree The Director of IPPE will discuss any professionalism issues noted by the APPE student with the shadowing student prior to initiation of clerkship rotations The student was prepared with a list of five questions SA A U D SD The student demonstrated effective communication skills SA A U D SD SA A U D SD SA A U D SD SA A U D SD SA A U D SD The student exhibited a sincere interest in learning about the site The student’s attitude / behavior demonstrate professional readiness for clerkship rotations The student dressed professionally or appropriately for the site I feel that I contributed to the student’s knowledge regarding this career path 13 I feel that I provided insight into the clerkship program to this student 10 I have an interest in becoming a preceptor after obtaining pharmacy employment SA A U D SD SA A U D SD Advice or suggestions you have for this student prior to his/her entrance into clerkship rotations: Please list the positive aspects of this experience: Suggestions for improvement to the Shadowing Experience: Documentation of Shadowing Experience Name of Site Address of Site City, State, Zip Code Phone Number of Site ( ) Preceptor’s Name APPE Student’s Name APPE Student’s E-mail Date the student shadowed 14 APPE Student’s Signature Verification of ~4-hour Shadowing Experience 15 PHPR 424 Name Career Options Worksheet-A Date _ Due September 4, 2009, 5:00 PM This assignment is worth a maximum of 50 points toward your PHPR 424 grade A late form will result in a deduction of 5% of total possible points each day late Submit the completed form electronically to bennercm@pharmacy.purdue.edu You are encouraged to seek input from the clerkship student when filling out the worksheet, but express your own opinions Describe the practice setting where you have chosen to shadow Describe four major advantages (most appealing aspects) associated with this career option (e.g salary, work schedule/holidays, stress level, autonomy/chain of command, job satisfaction, use of clinical skills, technician assistance, etc.) Describe four major disadvantages (least appealing aspects) associated with this career option Describe four key skills and/or abilities that someone pursing this career option should have or acquire 5 Describe any additional education, training, and/or certification preferred or required in order to qualify for this career option Is this career option immediately available for new pharmacy graduates? Describe the opportunities for advancement with this type of position How has this experience influenced your view of this type of pharmacy setting? Would you consider pursuing this career path? Explain 17 Five Questions “What I want to know about APPE clerkship rotations but was afraid to ask.” Submit both your questions and your mentor’s responses PHPR 424 Name Career Options Worksheet-B Date _ Due December 4, 2009, 5:00 PM This assignment is worth a maximum of 50 points toward your PHPR 424 grade A late form will result in a deduction of 5% of total possible points each day late Submit the completed form electronically to bennercm@pharmacy.purdue.edu You are encouraged to seek input from the clerkship student when filling out the worksheet, but express your own opinions Describe the practice setting where you have chosen to shadow Describe four major advantages (most appealing aspects) associated with this career option (e.g., salary, work schedule/holidays, stress level, autonomy/chain of command, job satisfaction, use of clinical skills, technician assistance, etc.) Describe four major disadvantages (least appealing aspects) associated with this career option Describe four key skills and/or abilities that someone pursing this career option should have or acquire 5 Describe any additional education, training, and/or certification preferred or required in order to qualify for this career option Is this career option immediately available for new pharmacy graduates? Describe the opportunities for advancement with this type of position How has this experience influenced your view of this type of pharmacy setting? Would you consider pursuing this career path? Explain 10 Define your individual area(s) of interest in the field of pharmacy and describe your personal career plan 20 Five Questions “What I want to know about APPE clerkship rotations but was afraid to ask.” Submit both your questions and your mentor’s responses Form #2 Name _ Evaluation of The Shadowing Experience Please circle your response: Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree The deadline for submission of this form is December 4, 2009 at 5:00 PM Submit the completed form electronically to bennercm@pharmacy.purdue.edu A late form will result in a deduction of 5% of total possible points each day late The verbal introduction to the Shadowing Experience was clear SA A U D SD The written manual for the Shadowing Experience was organized SA A U D SD The Director of IPPE was knowledgeable regarding IPPE program content SA A U D SD The Director of IPPE appeared well prepared and well organized SA A U D SD The Director of IPPE was helpful and willing to answer my questions SA A U D SD The Director of IPPE was readily available to address my concerns SA A U D SD SA A U D SD SA A U D SD SA A U D SD SA A U D SD SA A U D SD SA A U D SD Shadowing helped me understand clerkship expectations SA A U D SD Shadowing helped me clarify my areas of interest SA A U D SD Shadowing provided insight into an unexplored career path SA A U D SD The first APPE student I shadowed was professional SA A U D SD The first APPE student I shadowed was an enthusiastic mentor SA A U D SD The first APPE student provided a beneficial learning experience SA A U D SD I preferred being able to choose the clerkship site myself (opposed to selection by the Director of IPPE) The opportunity to shadow in various practice settings is a valuable experience I felt this was an appropriate learning activity prior to clerkship rotations Shadowing at two sites was reasonable (If prefer more or less, mention below.) I had little difficulty in locating a clerkship site willing to let me shadow I believe shadowing eased some of the anxiety associated with clerkship rotations The second APPE student I shadowed was professional SA A U D SD The second APPE student I shadowed was an enthusiastic mentor SA A U D SD The second APPE student provided a beneficial learning SA A U D SD experience List the names of any sites you contacted that were unavailable for shadowing and state the reason why What was the most positive aspect of this experience for you? I have the following suggestion(s) regarding the Shadowing Experience: If one or both of your APPE mentors was outstanding, please state his/her name and why you feel they deserve recognition 23 Congratulations upon completion of all IPPE requirements! 24 ... includes: PHPR 421 The Professional Service Experience for first professional year students PHPR 423 The Practice Skills Experience for second professional year students PHPR 424 The Shadowing Experience. .. Shadowing Experience for third professional year students PHPR 468 The Patient Services Experience for third professional year students This manual focuses on the third professional year requirement... of pharmacy (9.2) Formulate a personal career plan (9.2) Course Description Third professional year students are required to complete the Shadowing Experience (PHPR 424) including two 4-hour shadowing

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