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1994b new data for correlation of early devonian bearing the euryspirifer tonkinensis fauna

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IS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES COMMISSION ON STRATIGRAPHY SUBCOMMiSSION ON DEVONIAN STRATIGRAPHY Subcominission on Devonian Stratigraphy — Newsletter No n (D ecem ber 1994) New, Data for Correlation of Early Devonian Bearing the Euryspirifer tonkinensis fauna in Vietnam and South China T o n g -D zuy Th a n h & Ta H o a Ph uo ng Lower Devonian deposits are wide­ spread in North Vietnam and South China and thanks to the similar faunal assemblages each psử of formationsTn both areas is easilv correlated as fol­ lows: baoan et al.1992) (Zhong keng, wuyi, yinbaoanetall.1992) In the Dong VanSong No Due section marls, shaies and limestone lens of the Mia Le formation lie conformably on the Bac Bun Forma­ tion bearing the Howittia xoangi (=oriSika Formation of North Vietnam entospirifer xvangi in China) assemblage correlates with Lianhuashan Formation The rocks of Mia Le formation con­ in South China tain abundant associations of benthic Bac Bun Formation = Nagaoling For­ faunas in particular corais: Fsvosites goldfussi, F.saurini, Fstynacus, Emmonmation sia yenLicensis,E.iniricatus, SquamsofaMia Le formation = Yukiang Forma­ vosiies ccchicus, Sqf.abiauessvinus, Echytion rovora gnndiporcsa, Rcemeripor: bohzrtncNew data on the Eunsvirư er ionkin- us, Hslioiites praepcrosus, Cslceciz ssndaliensis assemblage characteristic for Mia na Hzdrcphyium? Srancai, Trypiasma sp., Le formation in Vietnam and Its equiv­ Pseudomicroplasma sp., aillingszstrea sp alent in South China (Yukiang forma­ and others Bracniopods: Eurvspirifer tion) are provided in this comment The tonkinensis, Indospirifer kwangsiensis, Mia Le formation bearing the Eurjspiri- Giypicspirifcr chui, Stropheodor.x pattei, :er tonkinensis fauna was first described Megastrophia aff concava, Dicoelostrcvhia bv the french geologist J.Deprat (1915) annamiiica, Parachor.etes zeili, Howeilella as the Mia Le series in Đong Van-Song sp, Megastrophia oricntûiis, Cymostrcphia Nho Q ue section, Hagiang Province, sp., Thiemella (?) communis and others northernmost Bac Bo, near the Vietnam- B iv a lv es: M ytilarca (P lecicm vtiiu s) ese-Chinese frontier, and has been re­ oviform is.Pteria (corneiites) dochotoma, vised bv Tong Dzuv Thanh et al.(1988) Pterinea (tolmaia) linealacrezta, Fcsidonia The latter author dated this formation sp Triiobites: Proetus indosiner.sis, Praeas Pragian in age, while its eauivalent decheneila sp in south china bearing the similar EuConformably on the Mia Le forma­ rjsvtrifer ionkincr.sis assemblage is dat­ tion are beds of black grey, fine-grained ed as Emsian (Zho g keng, wu vi, vin lim estone with marl, peiitomoxphic limestone and coaly shale interbeds In addition.some black, thin (2-8 cm), very hard siliceous interbeds are observed in the sequence In these beds an abun­ dant tentaculites association has just been collected and indentified,from the bottom upwards the following species have been identified: Nowakia acuaria, N z lic h o v r s is , N.mana, N.praecursor, N ex gr.tu rran dei and ch itin ozoan s Bursachitina riclcmer.sis (paris et al 1993) At the same level Pham kim ngan 1981 has discovered conoaonts Polvgnatkus perbonus, Spathognsrhodus steinhornertsis, S optimus, Hindeoddla denckmanni, Trichonoddla symciricz From the upper layers of these beds some conodonts have just been identified by Ta Hoa Phuong :3eloaeUa devonica, Panderodus unLjstatatus , Pandorinellina sp, Polyg­ nathus linguifomus linguijomris CONCLUSION' The above-mentioned data provide a convincing basic far identifying the Mia Le formation bearing the Euryspirifer tonkinensis fauna in the Dong Van Song No Due secr.or in particular, and in North Vietnam :n common as Pragian in age Its equivalent (Yukiang For­ mation) in South China bearing the sim­ ilar Eurysvirifer :onhncr.sis inur.a may be of the same age Integrated study of conodont biostratigraphy and physical stratigraphy of the Beaverhill Lake Group (Late Givetian to Early Frasnian), Western Canada T o m Uyen o a nd Ja c k W en d t e (G e o l o g ic a l The authors are conducting an in­ tegrated study of conodont biostratig­ raphy and physical stratigraphy of the Beaverhill Lake Group (BhLGr) (210 m thick; late Givetian to early Frasnian) across the Western Canada Sedimenta­ ry Basin of Alberta We recognize ma­ jor depositionai successions from the study of cores and they are correlated across the basin using wireline logs Cores are extensively sampled in each of the m ajor depositionai successions Sur v ey o f Ca n a d a Point Gr to the platformal carbonates of the Cooking Lake Fm or the deeperwater basinal equivalents, the Duvernay Fm, both of the Woodbend Gr The underlying Watt Mountain Fm includes carbonates, evaporites and terrigenous sediments deposited on a coastal plain or in a very shallow sea The BhL Gr is divided into nine major depositionai cycles, and the shifts of facies in these depositionai cycles define two major transgressive-regressive (T-R) succes­ sions The lower major T-R cycle ex­ The BhL Gr extends from the Watt tends from the top of the Watt Moun­ M ountain Formation (Fm) of the Elk tain Fm to the the top of Cycle D, a po­ -69- , Ca l g a r y, A l be r t a ) sition equivalent to about the middle of the Moberlv Member (Mbr) of the Waterways Fm (of the old stratigraphic terminology; see Uyeno, 1974) This cycle includes conodont zones ranging from w ithin the subterm inus Fauna (approximately Upper disparilis Sub­ zone; see Klapper, in Witzke et ai„ 1985; Klapper and Johnson in Johnson, 1990) to the lower part of Klapper's (1989) Zone MN3 The upper major T-R cycle extends from the top of Cycle D to the base of the Woodbend Gr and corre­ sponds to the upper naif of the Mober­ lv Mbr and '.he Mildred M br of the ...Subcominission on Devonian Stratigraphy — Newsletter No n (D ecem ber 1994) New, Data for Correlation of Early Devonian Bearing the Euryspirifer tonkinensis fauna in Vietnam and South... yinbaoanetall.1992) In the Dong VanSong No Due section marls, shaies and limestone lens of the Mia Le formation lie conformably on the Bac Bun Forma­ tion bearing the Howittia xoangi (=oriSika Formation of North... sions The lower major T-R cycle ex­ The BhL Gr extends from the Watt tends from the top of the Watt Moun­ M ountain Formation (Fm) of the Elk tain Fm to the the top of Cycle D, a po­ -69- , Ca l g

Ngày đăng: 15/10/2022, 11:24