Tổ chức phi chính phủ - NGO dành mức lương rất cao cho nhân viên
UNV Employment Skills Development Program !"#!$ %&'()!'"("*(+,$-.!/$,!!0&+ $ ,$!$1%!%2/%&-&- ,$,-$3!,&2/%&&!+$!!, &--!! ,2 4!!!!5&&-"!!%26!&2$Feb 5th , 2014 !!&-&2"*!!$'(*"*(+5 &&&2 *UNV Viet Nam is an UN agency which promotes volunteerism for peace and sustainable development. TENTATIVE CURRICULM Applica)on Form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nglish cercate is not necessary to aend course. The scores would be used as a guide to measure English level. *Only selected candidates would be noed through email or telephone to aend the workshop. $!&-$--2 /%-%& G#;=%26!&2 /=LB++><+>(+<MGH2"AM