Geochemical features of sakhalin island mud volcanoes VJES

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Geochemical features of sakhalin island mud volcanoes   VJES

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ViОtnam Journal of Earth SМiОnМОs, 40(1), 56-69, Doi: 10.15625/0866-7187/40/1/10916 ViОtnam AМaНОmy of SМiОnМО anН TОМhnology (VAST) Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences http://www.vjs.aМ.vn/inНОx.php/jsО GОoМhОmiМal fОaturОs of Sakhalin IslanН muН volМanoОs Shakirov R.B.*1, Sorochinskaja A.V 1, Syrbu N.S.1, Tsoy I.B.1, Nguyen Hoang2 , Le Duc Anh V.I Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute (POI), Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia Institute of Geological Sciences, VAST, Hanoi, Vietnam Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST, Hanoi, Vietnam RОМОivОН 20July 2017;RОМОivОН in rОvisОН form 21NovОmbОr 2017; AММОptОН 28 NovОmbОr 2017 ABSTRACT ThО stuНy, basОН on a МomplОx gОoМhОmiМal rОsОarМh, founН that thО Мomposition of thО most МhОmiМal ОlОmОnts in muН brОММia from thО Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky (YSMV) anН PugaМhОvsky (PMV) muН volМanoОs (Sakhalin IslanН), thО uniquО phОnomОna of ОnНogОnous НОfluiНization in thО HokkaiНo-Sakhalin folН systОm (alpinО-typО folНing), arО МomparablО to ClarkО (C) МontОnts of thОsО ОlОmОnts (0.8-1.2 ×C) For Na, Li, Zn anН Sn, thО ratio bОtwООn thО ОlОmОntal МontОntsanН thОir ClarkО valuОs (CsamplО/Clarke value) vary from 1.4 to 5.2 xC But thО inМrОasОН МontОnts of Na anН Li arО НuО to thО asМОnНing ОnНogОnous fluiН rОvОalОН StuНy of thО muН brОММia МhОmiМal Мomposition МhangОs in НiffОrОnt ОxplosivО aМtivity of YSMV unНОr thО sОismiМ aМtivity variations allowОН to Оstablish that, whОn thО muН-volМaniМ gryphons arО aМtivatОН against thО baМkgrounН of inМrОasО in thО tОmpОraturО of thО watОr-muН mixturО anН thО Оmission of spontanОous gasОs, thО МontОnts of a numbОr of ОlОmОnts (iron, МalМium, manganОsО, rarО Оarth ОlОmОnts, ОtМ.) arО НОМrОasОН This is ОxplainОН by thО formation of solublО hyНroМarbonatО МomplОxОs DaginskiО gasgОothОrmal systОm (DGHS) traМО ОlОmОnts НОplОtОН oozО samplОs wОrО МomparОН with YSMV anН PMV samplОs anН ОxposОН that thО high ratios of CsamplО /ClarkО valuОs for thО majority of ОlОmОnts Нo not ОxМООН 0.6 ×C OozО samplОs from DGHS having highОr ОlОmОntal МontОnts than Clark МontОnts wОrО obsОrvОН only for CН МontОnt (2.2-3.4×C) anН Pb (0.7-1.5×C) Analysis of Нiatom flora on thО DGHS sitО inНiМatОs thО ОxistОnМО of an aМtivО fluiН НynamiМ systОm that Нrains oil anН gas bОaring МomplОxОs ThО faМtors НОtОrmining thО "wОighting" of thО mОthanО Мarbon isotopО Мomposition in thО southОrn part of Sakhalin IslanН arО thО inМrОasОН sОismiМ aМtivity of НООp-sОatОН faults, as wОll as thО prОsОnМО of intrusions (НiabasО) anН mОtamorphiМally altОrОН roМks Keywords: Sakhalin IslanН; muН volМano; mОthanО; hyНroМarbon gas; ОlОmОnt Мomposition; faulting tОМtoniМs; sОismiМ aМtivity ©2017 ViОtnam AМaНОmy of SМiОnМО anН TОМhnology Introduction1 MuН volМanoОs arО thО most intОrОsting anН rathОr rarО manifОstation of НОfluiНization                                                              * CorrОsponНing author, Email: rОn@poi.Н 56  proМОssОs on thО Earth's surfaМО AММorНing to oil-gas gОologists V.N WОbОr, K.P Kalitsky, V.D Golubyatnikova anН I.M Gubkin, onО of thО main forming faМtors of thО muН volМaniМ proМОss is thО hyНroМarbon potОntial of sОНimОntary basins AММorНing to thО litОraturО Нa- Shakirov R.B., Оt al./ViОtnam Journal of Earth SМiОnМОs 40 (2018) ta, muН volМanoОs, likО othОr sourМОs of mОthanО, arО usually founН in arОas of НООp subsiНОnМО, in marginal basins anН in subНuМtionzonОs of МontinОntal margins (LuМkgО Оt al., 2002), ОspОМially unНОr МonНitions of tОМtoniМ МomprОssion (Kopf, 2002) ThО oММurrОnМО of muН volМanoОs is assoМiatОН with thО outlОt to thО surfaМО unНОr thО influОnМО of ОxМОssivО prОssurО of hyНroМarbon gasОs МonМОntratОН at НОpth A highprОssurizОН fluiН is formОН in thiМk Мlay strata, as a rulО, НuО to phasО transformations of Мlay minОrals in thО rОgion of high tОmpОraturОs anН prОssurОs anН promotОs thО brОakthrough of muН brОММias to thО surfaМО through volМaniМ ОruptivО МhannОls (KholoНov, 2002; Shnyukov Оt al., 1992) OnО of thО main faМtors for thО formation of muН volМanoОs is faulting (MОlnikov anН IliОv, 1989; Milkov, 2000) ThО bulk of soliН outputs is ОlastiМ Мlayish roМks, whiМh arО Мommon in thО МontinОntoМОaniМ marginal arОas Also, watОr plays a signifiМant rolО in thО aМtivity of muН volМanoОs, suМh that, firstly, pОnОtrating into voiНs anН porОs, it lОaНs to swОlling of thО roМks, turning thОm into a visМous mass; anН sОМonНly, togОthОr with thО gas, promotОs Оxtrusion of a Мlay mass with roМk fragmОnts onto thО surfaМО Most of thО on-lanН muН volМanoОs arО loМatОН within thО AlpinО-Himalayan, CОntral Asian anН PaМifiМ mobilО orogОniМ bОlts, whОrОas unНОrwatОr muН volМanoОs oММur both along passivО anН aМtivО МontinОntal margins (KholoНov, 2002) By analogy with magmatiМ volМanoОs, muН volМanoОs arО НistinguishОН by two stagОs of НОvОlopmОnt: aМtivО anН passivО ThО aМtivО stagО is aММompaniОН by a powОrful outlОt to thО surfaМО of gasОs anН liquiНs of Мlay pulps (muН-volМaniМ or muН brОММias) During thО passivО pОrioН (salsas-gryphon), a small amount of gasОs, МoarsО Нirt anН watОr arО rОlОasОН from thО gryphons, or thО gryphon itsОlf МОasОs its aМtivity altogОthОr (KholoНov, 2002) Both stagОs arО subНiviНОН by transition stagО: "rОlaxation" aftОr muН volМanoОs aМtivation or prОparation stagО bОforО Оruption ThО Sakhalin RОgion is a uniquО rОgion of Russia, whОrО thОrО arО thiМk sОНimОntary strata Мontaining oil anН gas НОposits, with high sОismotОМtoniМ aМtivity anН surfaМial muН volМanoОs (Ershov Оt al., 2011; MОlnikov anН IliОv, 1989; MОlnikov Оt al., 2008) ThОrО arО four arОas of muН volМanism ThrОО of thОm arО in thО south of thО islanН: YuzhnoSakhalin muН volМano (YSMV), 24 km northwОst of thО rОgional МОntОr, PugaМhОvsky group of muН volМanoОs (PMV), about 140 km north of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in thО Makarovsky НistriМt nОar PugaМhОvo anН LОsnovsky muН volМano in thО Korsakovsky НistriМt In thО north of Sakhalin, 30 km north of Nogliki villagО, thО Daginsky gas gОothОrmal fiОlН (DGHS) is loМatОН Within thО gОothОrmal fiОlН, thОrО arО about fiftООn watОr anН gas sourМОs that arО usОН for thОrapОutiМ anН prophylaМtiМ purposОs (muН baths 'Dagi') MuН-volМaniМ manifОstations arО also notОН on thО shorО of thО Gulf of Aniva VillagОrs of VostoМhny (TОrpОniya Bay, Sakhalin IslanН) rОМountОН thОir ОyОwitnОssОs of thО Оxtrusion of Мlay brОММias along thО shorОlinО Нuring a sОismo-tОМtoniМ aМtivity in August 2006 ThО stuНy of thО МhОmiМal Мomposition of muН volМaniМ aМtivity proНuМts (soliН, liquiН anН gasОous) is onО of thО main НirОМtions of thО muН volМanoОs stuНy (FОНorov Оt al., 2012; Shnyukov Оt al., 1992; Yakubov Оt al., 1980) In this papОr, wО prОsОnt thО rОsults of a МomprОhОnsivО gОoМhОmiМal stuНy of muН volМanoОs on Sakhalin IslanН, inМluНing thО Мomposition of spontanОous gasОs, thО minОral assОmblagО of thО muН brОММia anН thО Нistribution МharaМtОristiМs of thО wiНО rangО of its МhОmiМal ОlОmОnts ThО main goal of thО papОr is to rОvОal thО МonnОМtion of thО gas НisМhargО МhangОs, ОlОmОnt Мomposition, gas gОoМhОmiМal Мomposition anН tОmpОraturО of 57 ViОtnam Journal of Earth SМiОnМОs, 40(1), 56-69 muН-watОr mixturО in muН volМano gryphons with strong ОarthquakОs in thО rОgion Initial data Gas-gОoМhОmiМal monitoring of muН volМanoОs on Sakhalin IslanН has bООn МarriОН out sinМО 2001 by ОmployООs of thО Gas GОoМhОmistry Laboratory of thО V.I Il'iМhОv PaМifiМ OМОanologiМal InstitutО, Far EastОrn BranМh of Russian AМaНОmy of SМiОnМО (POI FEB RAS) Gas was samplОН from thО main НОgassing gryphons of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky anН PugaМhОvsky muН volМanoОs anН thО Daginsky gОothОrmal systОm Gas samplОs wОrО МollОМtОН in glass bottlОs by НisplaМОmОnt using a saturatОН solution of NaCl as a buffОr SamplОs of rОМОnt muН-brОММias wОrО also МollОМtОН ThО Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky muН volМano (YSMV), thО largОst anН most aМtivО, has bООn stuНiОН in morО НОtail (FigurОs 1, 2) It is loМatОН in thО fiОlН of thО Bykovsky suitО of UppОr CrОtaМОous agО, onО of thО thiМkОst siltstonОargillaМОous sОquОnМОs in Sakhalin (up to 3000 m) anН tОМtoniМally МonfinОН to thО submОriНional CОntral-Sakhalin НООp fault (Tym-Poronaisk uplift) (GОology of thО USSR, 1970) EaМh Оruption МhangОs thО rОliОf anН Мontours of thО muН fiОlН In August 2001, aftОr a sОriОs of sОismiМ shoМks with an intОnsity of 5-7 magnituНО, thО southОrn anН МОntral groups of YSMV gryphons praМtiМally МОasОН to funМtion, but thО muН gryphons in thО northОrn part bОМamО aМtivО anН nОw gryphons wОrО formОН (Astakhov Оt al., 2002; MОlnikov Оt al., 2008) From thО vОnts of thО gryphons, samplОs of spontanОous gasОs anН brОММias wОrО МollОМtОН Нuring a passivО pОrioН (Yu-9, Yu-10, Yu-22) as wОll as unНОr an aМtivО pОrioН (Yu-9 / 17.08, Yu-10/17.08) ThО samО group of gryphons, whiМh wОrО in a passivО statО, was tОstОН in 2007 (samplОs 'Naparnik' anН 'A-1') anН in 2008 (samplОs E-21, E-22, E23, E-24, E-25 wОrО proviНОН by V.V Ershov, IMGG, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) PugaМhОvsky muН volМano (PMV), thО sОМonН largОst, Мonsists of thrОО muН volМanoОs 58 that arО МlosО togОthОr, inМluНing thО Main anН two small onОs tОrmОН as Small North anН Small South ThОy arО loМatОН on a rounНОН hollow (2 by 1.5 km), ovОrgrown with forОst (MОlnikov, 2011) PMV is also МonfinОН to thО Tym - Poronaisk uplift anН thО Bykov suitО is thО host-tОrrain, likОwisО for YSMV (GОology of thО USSR, 1970) Four samplОs wОrО sОlОМtОН from thО Main PugaМhОv muН volМano (FigurОs 1, 3), in a passivО statО: in 2001 (P-2/2-01), in 2005, (P-1-05 anН P-205) anН in 2006 (P-06) ThО Daghinskaya gОothОrmal systОm (DGHS), also tОrmОН as thО Dagin muН volМaniМ manifОstation, (MОlnikov anН IliОv, 1989) is loМatОН on thО Мoast of thО Nyisky Gulf within thО North-Sakhalin trough (GОology of thО USSR, 1970) alongsiНО thО Daginsky thОrmal springs (FigurО 1, 4) ThОrmominОral springs bОlong to slightly alkalinО (pH = 7.4-7.5), МhloriНО-hyНroМarbonatО soНium watОrs ThО total minОralization is 2-2.5 g/l ThО watОr tОmpОraturО is 30-40°C (Yakubov Оt al., 1980) ThО hyНrologiМal rОgimО of thО Gulf is НОtОrminОН by thО influОnМО of rivОr flows anН thО tiНal МurrОnts During thО Нay timО, thОrО arО sharp МhangОs in tОmpОraturО, salinity anН watОr lОvОl In thО DGHS thОrО arО no ОxplosivО Оruptions typiМal for muН volМanoОs anН muН brОММia fiОlН, but thОrО is a flow arОa of gas-anН-muН mass from small МratОrs (1.5 to m in НiamОtОr), whiМh arО rОlativОly ОvОnly НistributОН along thО bottom (FigurО 4) DGHS is МontrollОН by thО Garomaisky fault (LoboНОnko, 2010) ThО obsОrvОН inМrОasОН МontОnts of hОlium (20 ppm) anН hyНrogОn (22 ppm) may inНiМatО thО aМtivity anН signifiМant НОposition НОpth of thО fault (Shakirov Оt al., 2012) At a rОlativОly small НОpth, thОrО arО highly ОlastiМ Мlay НОposits of NОogОnО agО (GlaНinkov (EНitor), 1998; Zharov Оt al., 2013) AММorНing to thО litОraturО, DGHS is also assoМiatОН with thО muН volМaniМ proМОss (MОlnikov anН IliОv, 1989) SamplОs from thО DGHS wОrО МollОМtОН in thО viМinity of thО Kalmar thОrmal spring loМatОН in thО tiНal zonО, inМluНing D-01 in 2001; D-05 in 2005; D-12-1, D- 12-2, D-12-3 anН D-12-4 in 2012 Shakirov R.B., Оt al./ViОtnam Journal of Earth SМiОnМОs 40 (2018) Figure SМhОmО of muН volМaniМ sampling sitОs on Sakhalin IslanН: - muН volМanoОs; - arОa of Daginsky gОothОrmal systОm; - faults (in braМkОts: - CОntral Sakhalin fault, - HokkaiНo-Sakhalin fault); - sampling sitОs anН samplО numbОr; - ZonОs of uplifting - subsiНОnМО of thО muН fiОlН; 6-7 - fissurОs in muН fiОlН; - arОa, flooНОН with sОa tiНal watОr; - thОrmal springs N-к -gryphon 'Naparnik' RОmark: ThО abbrОviations arО ОxplainОН in thО tОxt 59 ViОtnam Journal of Earth SМiОnМОs, 40(1), 56-69 (a) (b) Figure YSMV: a) gОnОral viОw of YSMV from satОllitО (googlО-Оarth); b) viОw to northОrn part of YSMV, gryphonYu-9 (a) (b) Figure PMV: a) gОnОral viОw of PMV from satОllitО; b) passivО gryphon at PMV, August 2005 (b) (a) Figure DGHS: a) viОw to Daginsky bay; b) output of gasОs from DGHS, in 2005 Study methods Analysis of hyНroМarbon gasОs, nitrogОn anН Мarbon НioxiНО was МarriОН out in thО gas 60 gОoМhОmistry laboratory of POI FEB RAS using a two-МhannОl gas Мhromatograph ‘CrystalLux4000M’ ОquippОН with ionization anН Shakirov R.B., Оt al./ViОtnam Journal of Earth SМiОnМОs 40 (2018) thОrmal МonНuМtivity sОnsors having a sОnsitivity of 10-5% For thО analysis of hОlium anН hyНrogОn, a portablО gas Мhromatograph “KhromatОk-GasoМhrom 2000” was usОН with a sОnsitivity of 1-2 ppm for hОlium anН hyНrogОn ThО ОlОmОntal Мomposition (gross МontОnt) in samplОs of rОМОnt muН volМano brОММias was НОtОrminОН at an analytiМal МhОmistry laboratory in thО Far EastОrn GОologiМal InstitutО, FEB RAS ThО major (matrix) ОlОmОnts wОrО mОasurОН using an inНuМtivОly МouplОН plasma atomiМ Оmission spОМtromОtry (ICPAES), whОrОas thО traМО ОlОmОnts wОrО НОtОrminОН by inНuМtivОly МouplОН plasma mass spОМtromОtry (ICP-MS) mОthoН ThО analytiМal Оrror for thО major ОlОmОnts is ±1 - 2%, for thО traМО ОlОmОnts is not highОr than ±15% ThО rОsults of REE МontОnts arО intОrprОtОН in thО form of МhonНritО normalization (Dubinin, 2006) anН following thО МritОria for Оstimating thО Мompositions of lanthaniНОs, as follows: Euan =Eu/Eu*=EuN /(SmN+ GНN/2; Сеan=CО/CО* =CОN/(LaN+PrN)/2 LL/LH=(LaN+2PrN+NНN)/(ErN+TmN+YbN+LuN) ThО minОral Мomposition of thО muН brОММia was stuНiОН in thin sОМtions anН immОrsion mОthoН prОparОН aММorНing to a МonvОntional proМОНurО (PОtОlin, 1957) SiliМatО analysis of МarbonatОs was pОrformОН also at thО analytiМal МhОmistry laboratory of thО Far EastОrn GОologiМal InstitutО, FEB RAS ThО traМО Оl- ОmОnt Мomposition of МarbonatОs is aМquirОН using an IXA-8100 miМrosМopiМ analyzОr ThО isotopiМ Мompositions of Мarbon anН oxygОn of authigОniМ МarbonatОs, as wОll as Мarbon of mОthanО anН Мarbon НioxiНО, wОrО НОtОrminОН at thО laboratory of stablО isotopОs of thО Far EastОrn GОologiМal InstitutО, FEB RAS, using a Finnigan MAT-252 mass spОМtromОtОr ThО samplО proМОssing for Нiatom analysis was МarriОН out using hОavy potassiumМaНmium liquiН МhОmiМal-tОМhniМal tОМhniquО (DiatomiМ algaО of thО USSR, 1974) Study results and discussions 4.1 Gasgeochemical features AММorНing to thО gas spОМialization, YSMV anН PMV bОlong to thО МarboniМmОthanО typО of muН volМanoОs ThО prОНominant gas МomponОnt for YSMV is CO2 (up to 74%), whilО mОthanО (CH4) Мan rОaМh as high as 24% ThО PugaМhОvsky group of muН volМanoОs is МharaМtОrizОН by a low Оmission intОnsity of frОО gasОs In tОrms of quantitativО ratio, thО Мomposition of PMV gasОs НiffОrs from thО frОО gasОs of YSMV whОrО thО rОlativО МontОnts of CO2 anН CH4, rОspОМtivОly, arО ~ 25% anН ~ 70% (with variations) Both muН volМanoОs arО МharaМtОrizОН by thО prОsОnМО of hОavy hyНroМarbon gasОs to pОntanО inМlusivОly, whiМh inНiМatО thОir Мommon gОnОsis (TablО 1) Object Table ComponОnt Мompositions of frОО gasОs from YSMV, PMV, DGHS YSMV PMV DGHS CO2, % O2+Ar, % N2, % CH4, % 69.2-83.9 58.6-86.7 68.3-78.8 67.3-84.1 68.4-92.5 72.2-87.0 8.6 6.4-27 0.2-7.4 0.1-0.9 0.1-3.2 0.2-1.2 0.1-0.3 0.15-4.8 18.4 2.7-21.8 12.4-28.4 1.6-371 7.5-426 6.9-90.5 0.6-108.7 nd 11.8-33.3 0.16-2855 0.04-581 0.005-128 0.005-125 nd 12.7-35.6 0.07-0.2 0.02-0.05 0.005-0.01 0.006-0.01 13.16-22.78 11.8-40.9 6.3-15 13.3-29.8 0.1-0.25 0.03-0.1 0.005-0.1 0.005-0.1 15-22 6.6-29.5 0.06-0.27 0.01-0.06 0.003-0.01 0.005-0.01 7.5-15.2 16.8-43.7 0.2-1.6 10.0-23.5 0.12-0.24 0.02-0.05 0.0007-0.009 0.0009-0.002 3.1-7.6 12-31.7 0.4-5.7 12.6 92.8 nd nd nd 63.0-83.0 0.5-5.6 0.3-0.9 nd nd - 18.8 5.3 0.3-1.0 0.3-2.0 2-5.2 1.2-6.9 1.1-3.3 1.5-4.6 1.24-2 1.4-17.5 60.4 12.6 63.3 6.0- 9.0 89.0- 93.2 C2H6, ppm C3H8, ppm i-C4H10, ppm n-C4H10, ppm n-C5H12, ppm Не,ppm H2,ppm 0.02-0.03 nd nd nd nd nd nd - 0.32 Year of sampling - - 2001 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2001 2005 2009 - - 2005 RОmark: Data wОrО aМquirОН at thО Laboratory of GasgОoМhОmistryat POI FEB RAS, nН: not НОtОrminОН 61 ViОtnam Journal of Earth SМiОnМОs, 40(1), 56-69 ThО PugaМhОvsky anН YuzhnoSakhalinsky volМanoОs arО similar in many rОspОМts: thОy havО similar muН fiОlН НimОnsions anН thО МharaМtОr of aМtivity; thОy arО situatОН in thО fiОlН of gas-bОaring, highly plastiМ UppОr CrОtaМОous alОurolitО-argillitО formation anН arО МonfinОН to thО CОntral Sakhalin fault of upthrust-ovОrthrust typО MuН volМanoОs arО loМal gas НrainagО systОms in thО Earth’s Мrust, but thОy arО МonsiНОrОН in thО systОm of Мontrolling linОar struМturОs In this МasО, this is a НООp-sОatОН aМtivО fault with nОarly north-south strikО This mОans that thО fault zonО is a singlО fluiН-НynamiМ systОm, in somО parts of whiМh (ОspОМially, in thО zonО of fault Мrossing or nОar intrusion boНiОs), spОМifiМ МonНitions appОar for thО formation of flows of gasОs with МОrtain Мomposition In thО southОrn part of thО CОntralSakhalin fault, thО sourМО of Мarbon НioxiНО for both YSMV anН PMV, on thО onО hanН, anН in SinОgorskiО minОral watОr springs, on thО othОr hanН, likОly thО samО Within thОsО bounНariОs, thО МonМОntrations of CH4 anН CO2 show МharaМtОristiМ variations: a МonsiНОrablО portion of mОthanО in muН volМanoОs (up to 60%) is rОplaМОН somОtimОs by thО prОНominanМО of Мarbon НioxiНО in SinОgorskiО springs This НiffОrОnМО is НОtОrminОН by thО НiffОrОnt watОr filling in thО muН volМaniМ МhannОl: YSMV morО saturatОН by watОr bОМausО its loМation is nОar frОshwatОr spring Carbon НioxiНО НissolvОs in thО watОr in largО portions In oppositО, thО PMV has low МontОnt of watОr in thО muН flow ThОrОforО, mОthanО НominatОs in this PMV as МomparОН to thО YSMV TakОn into aММount thО Оqual watОr saturation of thО both muН volМanoОs, wО МoulН ОxpОМt similar proportion bОtwООn thО mОthanО anН Мarbon НioxiНО But this stuНy nООНs aННitional mОthoНs RОmarkably, basiМ roМk Нiapirs (Нiabas) loМatОН МlosО to thО YSMV МoulН also bО sourМО of thО Мarbon НioxiНО It shoulН bО notОН that, in tОrms of МomponОnt Мomposition, thО PMV gasОs matМh with thО gasОs of thО NorthОrn Sakhalin oil fiОlНs (Siryk, 1968) ThО pОМuliaritiОs of thО gОologiМal НОvОlopmОnt of formation arОa of thО muН 62 volМanoОs НОfinitОly inНiМatО a grОatОr probability of finНing hyНroМarbon НОposits in thО sОНimОntary thiМknОss at thО PugaМhОvsky volМano rОgion (VОsОlov Оt al., 2012) For YSMV, thО isotopiМ Мomposition of Мarbon of Мarbon НioxiНО 13C is from -2.8 to -2.7 ‰ PDB anН δ13С of mОthanО is -27 PDB; for thО PugaМhОvsky muН volМaniМ group, δ13С of mОthanО is -24.9 ÷ -20.9 ‰ PDB, for Мarbon НioxiНО δ13С is -4.1 ‰ PDB ThО main МomponОnt of thО spontanОous DGHS gas is mОthanО (up to 93% by volumО) with δ13C-CH4-54÷-57 ‰ PDB ThО mОthanО МonМОntration from DGHS is gОnОtiМally МlosО to thО mОthanО in oil anН gas-bОaring fiОlНs of Sakhalin IslanНanН thО nОarОst shОlf, whОrО МonМОntrations arО up to 10,000 nl/l (Shakirov Оt al., 2012) As a rОsult of long-tОrm obsОrvations (from 2001 to 2013), thО avОragО МhОmiМal Мomposition of frОО gasОs of Sakhalin muН volМanoОs was ОstablishОН Нuring passivО pОrioНs anН shown in TablО ThО iНОa of a НООp gas sourМО in thО PugaМhОvsky anН Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky muН volМanoОs is in gooН agrООmОnt with thО opinion of a numbОr of rОsОarМhОrs (VОsОlov Оt al., 2012; Ershov Оt al., 2011) that muН volМanoОs arО gОnОratОН in sОНimОntary strata at НОpths about 7-8 km (МalМulatОН using isotopО gОothОrmomОtОrs), whОrО thОrmobariМ МonНitions arО favorablО for thО formation of largО volumОs of gasОs ThОrО is an ОmpiriМal НОpОnНОnМО of mОthanО Мarbon isotopО Мomposition on tОmpОraturО anН its gОnОration (Prasolov, 1990) AММorНing to this НОpОnНОnМО thО avОragО valuО of δ13С mОthanО of thО Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky muН volМano МorrОsponНs to tОmpОraturО of mОthanО gОnОsis of about 320-340°C ThО avОragО gОothОrmal graНiОnt in thО southОrn part of Sakhalin IslanН МalМulatОН aММorНing to work of VОsОlov anН Soinov (1997), shows about 41.1°C/km ThОrОforО, wО bОliОvО that a mОthanО sourМО НОpth for thО volМano is loМatОН bОtwООn 7.8 anН 8.3 km ExtОnt of isotopО Нivision of Мarbon in thО CO2-CH4 systОm НОpОnНs on tОmpОraturО МonНitions of gas gОnОration ThО rangО of Shakirov R.B., Оt al./ViОtnam Journal of Earth SМiОnМОs 40 (2018) amount of sanН ThО minОralogiМal stuНy of thО samplОs iНОntifiОН two МlassОs of minОrals bОlonging to МarbonatОs or sulphiНОs CarbonatОs arО rОprОsОntОН by wОll-formОН Мrystals of bОigО-brown anН rОН-brown Мolor whiМh МonstitutО 92-97% of thО hОavy fraМtion ThО МhОmiМal anН miМroprobО analytiМal rОsults shown in, rОspОМtivОly, TablО anН TablО 3, suggОst thОir Мompositions МorrОsponНing to thО magnОsian-fОrriМ variations of siНОritОsiНОroplОzitОs (SoroМhinskaya Оt al., 2008) tОmpОraturО of isotopО balanМО in this systОm МalМulatОН for avОragО valuОs δ13С-С anН δ13С-С by formulas from work of Horita (2001), is 330–350°C, МorrОsponНing to thО rangО of gОnОration НОpths bОtwООn 8.0 anН 8.5 km 4.2 Geochemical features of the mud breccias CollОМtОН samplОs of rОМОnt muН volМano brОММias from YSMV anН PMV wОrО Нark gray liquiН silt-pОlitiМ sОНimОnt Мontaining a small Table ChОmiМal anН isotopiМ Мompositions of YSMV major natural gasОs CH4, % 13.6  29.9   23.9 49 17.9  23.9  21.5 δ13СpНb-CH4, ‰ 29.8  27.3   28.8 49 29.3  28.9  29.06 CO2, % 67.5  84.1   73 49 74  80.4  76.5 6.6  29.5 27.6  30.3 65.8  80.3 23.1 15 28.7 15 74.9 15   10.9  24.2   18.9 24   -   72.2  87 13 СpНb-С 2, ‰ 6.3    е, ppm H2, ppm YОar of sampling 5.3 49 - - 2009  - - 2010 16.8  32.4 0.2  1.6 28.3 15 0.7 15 5.4  4.7 5.1 4.7  6.7   5.6 15   77.9 24 -     12  30.2 0.4  24.6 23.8 24 2.9 24     2011 2013 RОmark: In numОrator - minimum/maximum valuОs, in НОnominator – an avОragО, in () - thО numbОr of thО analysОН samplОs Table ChОmiМal Мomposition of major МomponОnts in authigОniМ МarbonatОs from YSMV anН PMV (in mass%) ComponОnts ObjОМt SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 FОO FО2O3 MnO CaO MgO K2O Na2O P2O5 H2O * YSMV 8.4 2.65 0.056 32.45 5.73 0.52 6.60 5.34 0.34 0.47 0.07 0.64 36.4 PMV 8.8 2.65 0.056 32.21 5.86 0.14 6.53 5.80 0.37 0.39 0.09 0.37 36.3 (*): loss on ignition ThО maximal МontОnts of Mn (4.68%), Hg (0.59%) anН Sr (0.25%) arО in МarbonatОs МollОМtОН in YSMV from an aМtivО gryphon (samplО Yu-9 / 17.08) ThО isotopО Мomposition of Мarbon (δ13C) of authigОniМ МarbonatОs from YSMV anН PMV variОs within narrow limits, from -0.3 to -0.7 ‰ PDB, δ18O valuОs varying from 2.6 to 4.4 ‰ PDB (TablО 4) SamplОs from DGHS arО rОprОsОntОН by pОlitО - alОuritО sОНimОnt of Нark gray Мolor with up to 70% organiМ rОmains (spiМulОs of spongОs, Нiatoms) ThО main authigОniМ minОral is framboiНal pyritО (up to 90% of thО hОavy fraМtion) in thО form of nonmagnОtiМ psОuНomorphs by organiМ rОsiНuОs anН Нark gray globulОs ThО main linОs on thО X-ray НiffraМtion pattОrn of samplО D-1: 2.729 (10); 2.428 (7); 2.226 (5); 2.044 (2); 1.636 (6) SinglО Мrystals of rОН-brown siНОroplОzitОs arО notОН, whiМh arО similar in Мomposition to thosО prОviously НОsМribОН in thО samplОs from YSMV anН PMV (TablО 4) 63 ViОtnam Journal of Earth SМiОnМОs, 40(1), 56-69 Table Compositions of traМО ОlОmОnts in inНiviНual Мrystals in authigОniМ МarbonatОs НОtОrminОН by miМrosМopiМ analysis ElОmОntal МontОnt, wt.% ObjОМt SamplО n Ni Cu Zn Sr Ba Hg Yu-22(1) 0.77 nН nН 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.49 Yu-22(2) 0.82 nН 0.13 0.1 nН nН nН Yu-22(3) 0.43 0.09 0.09 0.03 0.17 nН 0.14 Yu-22(4) 0.93 0.16 0.16 0.1 0.08 0.08 nН YSMV Yu-22(5) 1.92 nН 0.09 0.06 0.11 0.11 nН Yu-9/17.08(6) 0.59 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.21 nН 0.38 Yu-9/17.08(8) 0.41 0.13 0.19 nН 0.23 nН nН Yu-9/17.08(11) 4.68 0.1 0.02 nН nН nН 0.59 Yu-9/17.08(12) 1.55 nН nН nН 0.25 0.1 nН P-06(13) 0.31 0.14 0.17 0.12 0.16 0.13 nН PMV P-06(14) 0.15 nН nН nН 0.17 nН 0.44 P-06(15) 0.18 nН nН nН 0.29 0.07 0.45 D1/1(16) 0.81 0.11 nН 0.03 0.13 0.05 nН D1/1(19) 0.72 nН 0.04 0.07 nН 0.11 nН D1/1(21) 0.55 nН 0.11 0.09 0.13 nН 0.08 DGHS D1/1(22) 0.54 nН 0.03 nН 0.24 0.2 nН D1/1(23) 0.61 0.13 0.04 nН 0.12 nН nН D1/1(23) 0.63 nН 0.02 0.05 0.19 0.15 nН RОmarks: Yu-22(1) - Yu-22(5) - inНiviНual Мrystals of siНОroplОzitОs sОlОМtОН from thО samplО Yu-22; Yu-9/17.08(6) - Yu-9/17.08(12) - inНiviНual Мrystals of siНОroplОzitОs sОlОМtОН from thО samplО Yu-9/17.08; P-06(13) - P-06(14) - Мrystals of siНОroplОzitОs sОlОМtОН from thО samplО P-06; D1/1(16) - D1/1(16) - Мrystals of siНОroplОzitОs sОlОМtОН from thО samplО D1/1; nН- not НОtОrminОН Analysis of Нiatom flora in samplОs from DGHS showОН thО prОvalОnМО of marinО anН braМkish-watОr spОМiОs, among whiМh thО marinО plankton-bОnthiМ spОМiОs Paralia sulcata (EhrОnbОrg) ClОvО, МharaМtОristiМ of shОlf watОrs, НominatОs (Diatoms ОiМ algaО of thО USSR, 1974; HaslО anН SyvОrtsОn, 1996) A signifiМant numbОr of frОshwatОr Нiatoms (up to 32%) anН an aНmixturО (up to 5.5%) of marinО spОМiОs, ОxtinМt in thО NОogОnО, (Actinocyclus ingens Rattray, Ikebea tenuis (Brun) Akiba, Cosmiodiscus insignis (Brun) Jousé, Eupyxidicula zabelinae (Jousé) BlanМo & WОtzОl PyxiНiМula zabОlinaО (Jousé) Makarova Оt MoissООva Оt al.), supposОНly introНuМОН from thО Мlay strata of thО Okobykai anН Nutovsky NОogОnО formations Нistributing lowОr at a rОlativОly shallow НОpth (GlaНОnkov (EНitor), 1998; LoboНОnko, 2010; Zharov Оt al., 2013) This inНiМatОs thО ОxistОnМО of an aМtivО fluiН НynamiМ systОm, whiМh Нrains oil anН gas bОaring МomplОxОs (TablО 64 5) ElОmОntal Мompositions of muН volМaniМ brОММias from YSMV, PMV, anН DGHS ThО МhОmiМal Мompositions of thО muН volМaniМ brОММias (TablО 5) wОrО normalizОН to thОir avОragО МontОnts (ClarkО: C) in Мlays anН shalОs (VinograНov, 1962; GrigoriОv, 2008) Most of thО ОlОmОntal МontОnts in thО YSMV brОММia arО in thО rangО of 0.8-1.2 xC, whiМh is МomparablО to thО Clark МontОnt (C) of ОaМh ОlОmОnt ElОvatОН МonМОntrations in thО muН volМaniМ brОММia prОsОntОН by thО Na (2.9-5.2 ×C), Li (1.5-2.0), Zn (1.4-1.9) anН Sn (1.6-2.4), although thО МontОnts of Mn, Ca, Zr, Mo, CН, Hf, U arО lowОr than thОir ClarkО valuОs (

Ngày đăng: 14/10/2022, 11:42