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PRO 3M/3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn CHUẨN BỊ CHO KÌ THI THPT QUỐC GIA LUYỆN GIẢI ĐỀ THI THỬ TRƯỚC KÌ THI Đề số 16 VIDEO chữa chi tiết cô Vũ Mai Phương Ngoaingu24h.vn Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three tin the pronunciation in each of the following questions Question A whisper B who C whistle D why Question A ocean B commercial C necessary D technician Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions Question A invention B obstacle C discover D bacteria Question A continental B alternative C revolution D explanation Mark the letter A, B, C or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question Thomas knows Paris like the back of his He used to be a taxi driver there for years A head B mind C hand D life Question Despite playing under strength, our football team, U23 Viet Nam, beat their rivals such as Qatar and Iraq A could B couldn't C weren't able to D were able to Question I will manage to the problems and find the solution for you as soon as possible A take out B bring out C get out D sort out Question It was not until he took off his dark glasses I realized he was a famous film star A as B that C though D since Question I only tell my secrets to my friend as she never reveals them to anyone A creative B enthusiastic C trustworthy D unrealizable Question 10 Everyone thinks that the concert last night was extremely successful, ? A don't they B doesn't he C was it D wasn't it Question 11 In developed world, there are hardly jobs left which don't use computers to carry out many daily tasks A some B any C none D much Question 12 Quang Hai's in the final match between Vietnam and Uzbekistan was voted the most beautiful goal on AFC's website A corner kick B free kick C penalty D goal kick Question 13 Your hair needs You'd better have it done tomorrow A cut B to cut C being cut D cutting Question 14 Mont Blane, we visited last summer, is the highest mountain in Europe A which B where C what D that Question 15 I should have asked her for a plan of the house If I , I would have found everything A did B would C have D had KHÓA HỌC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG PRO 3M/3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn Question 16 The woman asked get lunch at school A can the children B whether the children could C if the children can D could the children Question 17 I know it works in theory, but try putting it into and you'll find out it's failure A procedure B exercise C performance D operation Question 18 the age of 21, he was able to gamble in Las Vegas A When reached B Reached C As he reaching D Upon reaching Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined bold word(s) in each of the following questions Question 19 The experimented vaccine seems to have both desirable and detrimental effects on the subject's immune system A beneficial B neutral C needy D harmful Question 20 The fact that space exploration has increased dramatically in the past thirty years indicates that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar system A seriously B gradually C significantly D doubtfully Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 21 The mountainous region of the country is thinly populated It has only 300 inhabitants A sparsely B greatly C densely D largely Question 22 Josh may get into hot water when driving at full speed after drinking A get into trouble B stay safe C fall into disuse D remain calm Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges Question 23 A: "Help yourselves to the beef and chicken, children!" - B: “ ” A Yes Why not? B Yes, please C Oh, thank you! D Just feel at home Question 24 A: "Would you mind closing the window?" - B: “ ” A Yes, of course Are you tired? B No, not at all I'll it now C Yes, I You can close it D Don't worry Go ahead! Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to 29 Humans are destroying the earth's tropical rain forests About 80,000 square kilometers are being destroyed every year About a quarter of the (25) comes from people cutting trees for fuel Another quarter is to make grassland for their cattle The (26) trees are cut down to sell the wood to start farms The population in cities all over the world is growing, and more and more wood is needed to build huge new buildings For example, 5,000 trees from Sarawak rain forest in Malaysia were used to build just one tall building (27) people continue cutting down that many trees in Sarawak rain forest, all the trees could be gone in eight years The world needs more food, and it (28) like a good idea to clear the rain forests and use the land for agriculture Many people think that the land under these huge, thick forests must be in rich nutrients, but it isn't This is another surprising thing about rain forests Most of the land in tropical rain forest is very (29) KHÓA HỌC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG PRO 3M/3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn Question 25 Question 26 Question 27 Question 28 Question 29 A destruction A staying A Unless A seems A short B destroying B remaining B If B looks B poor C destroy C standing C While C tastes C unfortunate D destructive D dwelling D Although D sounds D ill Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34 There has been a trend over recent decades for families to become less close than they were in the past and this situation is largely accepted in society This essay will discuss the reasons for this and examine the benefits and drawbacks of this development One of the first reasons for a decline in the closeness of families is connected to the busy lifestyles that we now lead Most people are having to work longer hours and often both parents work, so they simply not have as much time to spend with each other as they did in the past Another factor is the materialistic and consumer driven culture we now live in, which has led to less value being placed on family relationships Modern technology also means that people are more interested in their online life than interacting with their family in their free time It could be argued that this has benefits If people are not so close with their family, they are free to pursue their own dreams and aspirations, and to focus on improving their own lifestyle However, I believe that there are far more negative outcomes The most important factors leading to a fulfilled and happy life are emotional security and comfort Without these we are in danger of feeling lost It is a difficult world we live in and we need the support of people close to us to cope with modern life We are seeing a rise in mental health problems in many countries and this may well be a factor in this To conclude, busy modern lifestyles, changing cultural values and modern technology are causing families to become less close We should try to halt this trend as it has more negative than positive outcomes Question 30 What is the passage mainly about? A The materialistic culture B Busy family C The decline in the family closeness D The change of cultural value Question 31 According to the passage, the families becoming less close have all of the following EXCEPT A members' support B longer-hour work C online life D materialistic culture Question 32 The word “these" in paragraph refers to A emotional security and comfort B benefits C a fulfilled and happy life D dreams and aspirations Question 33 Why does the writer mention a difficult world where we live? A We are in emotional security B We make ourselves comfortable C We are rising our mental health D We are in danger of feeling lost Question 34 The word "halt" in paragraph mostly means A develop B worsen C reduce D stop KHĨA HỌC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MƠN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG PRO 3M/3MPLUS – ÔN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42 Garbage cans are not magical portals Trash does not disappear when you toss it in a can Yet, the average American throws away an estimated 1,600 pounds of waste each year If there are no magic garbage fairies, where does all that trash go? There are four methods to managing waste: recycling, landfilling, composting, and incinerating Each method has its strengths and weaknesses Let's take a quick look at each Recycling is the process of turning waste into new materials For example, used paper can be turned into paperboard, which can be used to make book covers Recycling can reduce pollution, save materials, and lower energy use Yet, some argue that recycling wastes energy They believe that collecting, processing, and converting waste uses more energy than it saves Still, most people agree that recycling is better for the planet than landfilling Landfilling is the oldest method of managing waste In its simplest form, landfilling is when people bury garbage in a hole Over time the practice of landfilling has advanced Garbage is compacted before it is thrown into the hole In this way more garbage can fit in each landfill Large liners are placed in the bottom of landfills so that toxic garbage juice doesn't get into the ground water Sadly, these liners don't always work Landfills may pollute the local water supply Not to mention that all of that garbage stinks Nobody wants to live next to a landfill This makes it hard to find new locations for landfills Compositing is when people pile up organic matter, such as food waste, and allow it to decompose The product of this decomposition is compost Compost can be added to the soil to make the soil richer and better for growing crops While composting is easy to onsite somewhere, like home or school, it's hard to after the garbage gets all mixed up This is because plastic and other inorganic materials must be removed from the compost pile or they will pollute the soil There's a lot of plastic in garbage, which makes it hard to compost on a large scale One thing that is easier to is burning garbage There are two main ways to incinerate waste The first is to create or harvest a fuel from the waste, such as methane gas, and burn the fuel The second is to burn the waste directly The heat from the incineration process can boil water, which can power steam generators Unfortunately, burning garbage pollutes the air Also, some critics worry that incinerators destroy valuable resources that could be recycled Usually, the community in which you live manages waste Once you put your garbage in that can, what happens to it is beyond your control But you can make choices while it is still in your possession You can choose to recycle, you can choose to compost, or you can choose to let someone else deal with it The choice is yours Question 35 Which of the following serves as the best title for this passage? A The Magic of Recycling: Bringing Back What Was Once Lost B Recycling, Landfilling or Composing: Which is Best for You? C Do Your Part How to Save the Earth by Recycling and Composting D Methods of Waste Management: Advantages and Disadvantages Question 36 According to the passage all of the following are mentioned as an issue with landfilling EXCEPT that A landfills are smelly B landfills may pollute the water supply C it is difficult to find locations for landfills D usable materials are wasted in landfills KHÓA HỌC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG PRO 3M/3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn Question 37 What does the word "stinks” in paragraph mean? A smells unpleasant B seems dirty C looks attractive D feels soft Question 38 Which of the following best explains why composting is not feasible on a large scale? A People wouldn't want to touch all of that gross rotting food B Plastic would get into the compost and turn it into a pollutant C It would smell too bad in densely populated cities D It would attract rodents that would spread disease Question 39 According to the passage which of the following best defines "incineration"? A buying waste materials in a large hole B allowing waste products to decompose and become fertilizer C turning waste materials into products like book covers D burning waste materials and harvesting the energy Question 40 The word "it" in the last paragraph refers to A community B garbage C waste D possession Question 41 According to the passage how many main ways to incinerate waste? A one B three C two D four Question 42 Which conclusion could be drawn from the passage? A Recycling is without a doubt the best way to handle waste B Each method of waste management has its drawbacks C Incineration is the best way to process waste D All large cities should create massive compost piles Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 43 Some people say often that using cars is not so convenient as using motorbikes A say often B using cars C.so D as Question 44 They are having their house being painted by a construction company A having B their C being painted D construction Question 45 To remove stains from permanent press clothing, carefully soaking in cold water before washing with a regular detergent A from B soaking C washing D a Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions Question 46 “I agree that I am narrow-minded” said the manager A The manager denied being narrow-minded B The manager admitted being narrow-minded C The manager refused to be narrow-minded D The manager promised to be narrow-minded Question 47 A supermarket is more convenient than a shopping center A A shopping center is not as convenient as a supermarket B A shopping center is more convenient than a supermarket C A supermarket is not as convenient as a shopping center D A supermarket is as inconvenient as a shopping center Question 48 It was a mistake for Tony to buy that house A Tony couldn't have bought that house B Tony can't have bought that house C Tony needn't have bought that house D Tony shouldn't have bought that house KHĨA HỌC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MƠN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG PRO 3M/3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions Question 49 Julian dropped out of college after his first year Now he regrets it A Julian regrets not having dropped out of college after his first year B Julian wishes he didn't drop out of college after his first year C If only Julian hadn't dropped out of college after his first year D Only if Julian had dropped out of college after his first year would he not regret it Question 50 Seth informed us of his retirement from the company He did it when arriving at the meeting A Only after his retiring from the company did Seth tell us about his arrival at the meeting B Not until Seth said to us that he would leave the company did he turn up at the meeting C Hardly had Seth notified us of his retiring from the company when he arrived at the meeting D No sooner had Seth arrived at the meeting than we were told about his leaving the company KHÓA HỌC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG ... accepted in society This essay will discuss the reasons for this and examine the benefits and drawbacks of this development One of the first reasons for a decline in the closeness of families is connected... problems in many countries and this may well be a factor in this To conclude, busy modern lifestyles, changing cultural values and modern technology are causing families to become less close We... landfill This makes it hard to find new locations for landfills Compositing is when people pile up organic matter, such as food waste, and allow it to decompose The product of this decomposition is compost

Ngày đăng: 14/10/2022, 08:36

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