| | Received: 3 June 2019 Revised: 31 July 2019 Accepted: 30 August 2019 DOI: 10.1002/cbe2.1200 C A SE STUDY Developing a competency‐based education training programme for university tutors Lucy R Betts | Bethany Huntington | Lai‐Sang Iao | Gayle V Dillon | Thom Baguley | Phil Banyard Department of Psychology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK Correspondence Lucy R Betts, Department of Psychology, Nottingham Trent University, 50 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham NG1 4FQ, UK Email lucy.betts@ntu.ac.uk Abstract Recently, there has been an increase in the adoption of competency‐based approaches (CBA) in higher education and, for some practitioners, this involves modifying exist‐ ing provision This case study describes the development, delivery, and evaluation of a transnational training program that was developed for Chinese university tutors who planned to implement CBA into their teaching The 25‐hr training program was designed to be experiential in nature, so practitioners learnt about and experienced CBA simultaneously Although the participants rated the program favorably, we iden‐ tified two main challenges associated with the training course: anxiety around the CBA and the need to be aware of the learners’ cultural climate Recommendations for others who are developing similar training programs that model a CBA are discussed KEYWORDS competency‐based approach, higher education, training, transnational training 1 | BAC KG RO U N D (Lassnigg, 2017) Sturgis (2016) reported five key elements of CBA: (a) students advance upon demonstrated mastery, (b) explicit and The origins of competency‐based approaches (CBA) to education transparent learning objectives empower students and improve have been traced back to the 1950s in America (Morcke, Doran, & instruction, (c) students receive timely and differentiated support, Eika, 2013) with many iterations of the approach reported (Brown, (d) aligned assessments are rooted in the cycle of learning, and (e) 1994).1 However, as Nodine (2016) notes there has been a rise in students develop and apply a broad set of skills and dispositions the number of competency‐based programs in higher education (Sturgis, 2016) Consequently, CBA empowers learners to take re‐ over the last few years, especially in the United States This rise in sponsibility for their own learning by shifting the focus from grades popularity may reflect Sturgis’ (2016) observation that educators are to learning through having courses with defined competencies that implementing CBA when “they realise the traditional system isn't are aligned to the learning outcomes so that the learners’ mastery working for many students – and it is never going to work for all stu‐ can be assessed (Educause, 2014) dents” (p 6, emphasis from the original source) CBA is underpinned When designing courses that integrate CBA, Gruppen et al by the key principles of mastery of learning and criterion‐referenc‐ (2016) note that, although a clear framework is provided by the un‐ ing of assessment with learning, teaching, and organization sup‐ derpinning philosophy of CBA, the implementation of CBA presents ported by clearly specified competencies that learners must achieve a number of challenges For example, Gervais (2016) argues that a considerable amount of time is required to develop competency‐ Note this paper was created within the Project Building Up Chinese Teacher Competences through a Global Competence-based Framework with the reference 586415‐EPP‐1‐2017‐1‐ ES‐EPPKA2‐CBHE‐JP and co‐funded by the European Commission Six universities are involved in this project (University of Barcelona, University of Coimbra, Nottingham Trent University, Beijing Normal University, Northwest Normal University, and Southwest University) based programs and that support from all key stakeholders including university staff and learners is crucial Consequently, in some cases, it is not always practical to develop degree programs from scratch © 2019 The Authors The Journal of Competency-Based Education © 2019 Western Governors University Competency-based Education 2019;4:e01200 https://doi.org/10.1002/cbe2.1200 wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/cbe2 | 1 of | of 6 BETTS ET al but rather integrate CBA into existing courses as Johnstone and who are new to the approach, four general areas must be taken into Soares (2014) propose For courses in higher education adopting a consideration Specifically, Lowrie et al argue training must include: (a) CBA into an existing course structure, Johnstone and Soares recom‐ a description of CBA, (b) awareness raising of the challenges associ‐ mend that educators ensure that the degree reflects robust and valid ated with CBA for the teacher, (c) warnings about the “bad” aspects of competencies, students should be able to learn at a variable pace CBA, and (d) suggestions about how to ameliorate the negative aspects with their learning supported, effective learning resources should of CBA More recently, Sturgis (2016) proposed a design philosophy be made available, and assessments should be reliable and secure for educators adopting CBA including: (a) assessment for learning; (b) mastery‐based education; (c) flexible learning environments; (d) strong culture of learning for students and teachers; (e) focus on equity by 2 | PROJ EC T BAC KG RO U N D ensuring every student gets what they need to thrive; (f) grading that helps students know where to focus and how they are progressing; What follows is a case study of how a program that teaches CBA was (g) students have voice and choice on how they learn and demon‐ developed and delivered to Chinese university teachers These teach‐ strate learning; and (h) students receive more instruction, support, and ers had planned to implement CBA into their teaching during the fol‐ time when they are struggling Therefore, following Lowrie et al.'s and lowing academic year by modifying their existing programs Developing Sturgis’ principles, a 3‐day face‐to‐face training program, targeted at effective training programs and staff development to support the im‐ university‐level teachers, was developed by the authors to train tu‐ plementation of CBA for tutors is a crucial factor when moving toward tors on incorporating CBA into their own teaching contexts In order a competency‐based approached (Lowrie, Smith, & Hill, 1999; Smith, to meet the brief of the TKCOM project, the training was designed 1999) Therefore, underpinning the development of the training program with university tutors who taught primary education courses to the discussed in this case study are two principles: ensuring tutors are ap‐ intended audience propriately briefed (Caverzagie et al., 2017; Hoogveld, Paas, & Jochems, The overall goal of the face‐to‐face training was to create a 2005; Smith, 2010) and that traditionalists understand the potential ben‐ teaching plan2 that integrated competency‐based approaches into efits of CBA (Ferguson, Caverzagie, Nousiainen, & Snell, 2017) education which the participants would then integrate into their The training program described in this paper was developed as part own practice during the next academic year A further output of of the 3‐year TKCOM Erasmus+ capacity building project The overall the training was that participants would develop a resource data‐ aim of the project was to instill capacity in Chinese higher education base that could be used to support their practice during the next institutions (HEIs) to move toward a CBA in primary education courses academic year The resource database was an important part of the with the ultimate aim of fostering competency‐based education in pri‐ training because, as Smith (1999) notes, sharing good CBA practice mary schools As Ding (2016) notes, Chinese educators tend to adopt is a significant aspect of staff development In addition, we were also teacher‐centered teaching methods and knowledge‐based evaluation able to model aspects of competency‐based tasks through the cre‐ methods in the delivery of primary teacher training courses However, ation of the resource database evidence suggests that adopting competency‐based approaches to The training had two specific learning outcomes: (a) to design education improves student learning and outcomes (Rainwater, 2016) teaching plans that are adjusted to a competency‐based approach, Therefore, this case study is an account of our experiences while and (b) to design, develop, and assess tasks from a competency‐ developing and delivering a face‐to‐face training program on CBA based approach The learning outcomes underpinned the develop‐ for university teachers The training program was delivered at three ment of all of the activities and tasks that comprised the training; Chinese universities as the first step in the implementation of CBA in consequently, activities were designed so that they were aligned the Chinese HEIs Prior to implementation of this phase of the project, to at least one of the learning outcomes Activities were also de‐ the Global Teacher Key Competency Framework (GTKC) was devel‐ signed to model various CBA, as recommended for transnational oped through undertaking a review of international documents that learning and teaching of new concepts (Bovill, Jordan, & Watters, discussed teachers’ professional competencies (TKCOM, 2018) Also, 2015) Table outlines the content of the face‐to‐face training and an online training package associated with the GTKC framework was the distribution of topics across the days Together, the schedule designed and delivered to teacher trainers The online training pack‐ for the training was designed so that it enabled participants to: (a) age was designed to introduce participants to the GTKC and CBA as a revise an existing teaching plan to implement a CBA and (b) apply prerequisite for attending the face‐to‐face training However, it should their new knowledge and understanding with each completed activ‐ be noted that not all of the participants attending the face‐to‐face ity The revised teaching plan, adapted to a CBA, formed the assess‐ training had completed the online training program ment for the course Time was also built into the course to enable the participants to receive peer feedback on their teaching plan on the final day of the course Following the course, the participants 3 | TR A I N I N G D E S I G N were required to submit the teaching plan for expert review The plans were reviewed by experts in CBA and Chinese Education, and A 25‐hr training course delivered over days was developed Lowrie feedback was given to facilitate the participants’ use of the teaching et al (1999) suggests that when designing training on CBA for staff plan in their practice | 3 of BETTS ET al TA B L E The topics covered during face‐to‐face training Day Day Day • • • • • • • • • • • • • • What is CBA? How is CBA fostered? CBA activities and characteristics GTKC competencies that will be fostered through CBA CBA resource search Strengths and weaknesses of CBA CBA teaching methods CBA lesson plans Quality assessments Constructive alignment Assessment tools Self‐assessment versus peer assessment Teaching plan adjustment Peer review of teaching plans Note: CBA denotes competency‐based approach and GTKC denotes global teacher key competencies In line with the underlying principles of CBA, the training pro‐ review focused on two main areas: to ensure that the course was (a) gram was designed to be experiential in nature such that the training consistent with CBA principles and (b) culturally appropriate Both modeled a competency‐based approach to education Drawing on sets of reviews suggested that the training followed the CBA and experiential learning principles (Kolb & Kolb, 2005, 2009), learners was culturally appropriate The training materials were written in were given concrete experiences that they could reflect on, with the English and translated into Simplified Chinese reflections being used to drive abstract conceptualization and active experimentation of the course content that could be applied to their practice This also ensured that we followed Smith's (1999) recom‐ 4 | TR A I N I N G I M PLE M E NTATI O N mendation that CBA training, as part of staff development, should be contextualized for the trainees’ student groups, something that The training was delivered to 91 (61 women, 30 men) university and was particularly important given the transnational element of the primary school teachers at three universities in China Although the project The training was delivered through a combination of struc‐ training had been designed to explicitly target university tutors, tured activities, group discussions, and tutor‐led presentations We some primary school teachers who had completed the online train‐ deliberately included a number of group discussions and collabora‐ ing also participated in face‐to‐face training At University and 3, tive activities, as collegial support has been found to enhance fa‐ the training was implemented as per the training schedule in a face‐ cilitators’ engagement with CBA (Lowrie et al., 1999) Similarly, we to‐face setting over days in July 2018 included inquiry‐based activities, as these are routinely highlighted At University 2, the training schedule was revised (See Table 2) as a key technique to encourage deep learning through CBA (Colby, due to a canceled flight which meant that the training facilitators were 2017) unable to attend the university in person for days Therefore, the An example activity, designed to enable participants to imple‐ content of Day was changed so that it could be delivered remotely ment their knowledge of CBA and assessment, involved participants We used the video call function through WeChat, and our video call receiving a piece of student work (a 2500 word essay) and the ac‐ was connected to a projector so that we were projected to the par‐ companying assessment specification In the first part of the activity, ticipants Through the video call function, we were able to deliver the the participants worked in small groups to create an assessment tool tutor‐led activities of the course We also used WeChat to create a of their choice (either a rubric, checklist, or grading scale) that could real‐time text‐based discussion group that all the trainees were mem‐ be used to assess the sample student's work Once the assessment bers of The discussions primarily took place in Simplified Chinese tool had been created, participants then swapped their tool with an‐ and we used WeChat's inbuilt translation tool to constantly monitor other group The participants then assessed the essay using the tool the posts and respond appropriately Throughout the day, over 250 Following marking the essay, the participants then fed back to the posts were made between us and the participants with participants authors of the tool in terms of the effectiveness of the assessment asking questions, for clarification, and discussing the content with us tool Although, Park and Bonk (2007) recommend students are trained to After the training course had been developed, it was reviewed by use such synchronous discussion groups, we found that our trainees five experts in CBA and the Chinese education system The expert did not require such training but rather engaged with the discussion TA B L E The revised schedule of topic for University Day Day Day • • • • • • • • • • • • • • What is CBA? How is CBA fostered? CBA activities and characteristics Constructive alignment CBA teaching methods CBA lesson plans Strengths and weaknesses of CBA CBA resource search GTKC competencies that will be fostered through CBA Note: CBA denotes competency‐based approach and GTKC denotes global teacher key competencies Quality assessments Assessment tools Self‐assessment versus peer assessment Teaching plan adjustment Peer review of teaching plans | of 6 BETTS ET al activity from the start Day was reworked so that the learners could examples relating to the Chinese primary education system There complete activities independently, with any questions arising from was also a desire for additional time to complete the activities and for the material then discussed on Day Day comprised face‐to‐face more content to be explicitly delivered rather than using self‐directed training with a clear emphasis on the content covered in the previous approaches Although the mechanism of delivery was different for days Therefore, although the program at University was slightly University 2, participants remained very positive about the course com‐ different to what was initially planned, the participants still received menting that they had gained a lot of knowledge However, a comment all aspects of the course In addition, the virtual delivery parts of the that was unique to University was that the participants would have course confirmed that the material was flexible enough to be deliv‐ preferred additional interaction opportunities with the facilitators ered via a range of media and in a blended manner Throughout the training, we encouraged students to provide feedback on their un‐ derstanding of the content and also their experiences of the training, so that appropriate modifications could be made 6 | CO N C LU S I O N S A N D R ECO M M E N DATI O N S FO R I M PLE M E NTI N G The training program was developed to ensure that tutors were ap‐ 5 | E VA LUATI O N propriately briefed in CBA and that traditionalists understood the potential benefits of CBA The feedback from participants suggested Following the training, the participants at each of the three uni‐ that the training course ensured that tutors were appropriately versities were invited to complete an online survey Forty‐one briefed in CBA However, although we included a number of activi‐ participants (73% women) completed the survey Generally, all the ties that highlighted the benefits of CBA to ensure that traditionalists participants gave very favorable reviews to the training (Table 3) could understand the potential benefits of adopting CBA, the feed‐ Participants also had the opportunity to provide free‐text com‐ back from participants did suggest an initial reluctance in engaging ments on the training program, and these reflected some of the ob‐ with CBA Therefore, for those developing similar training programs servations made by the team delivering the training For example, in the future, it may be appropriate to include more research evidence one participant highlighted their initial reluctance to the approach on the effectiveness of CBA as Ferguson et al (2017) recommend and then discussed how they could see the benefit of the training: Ferguson et al also recommend that when adopting new approaches such as CBA, traditionalists are reassured that change is not being I learnt a lot and now need to apply it in my own made for changes sake but rather CBA is being implemented for the teaching At the beginning I didn't think it would be many benefits that the approach affords learners appropriate for me but the course was productive and useful We found that there were two main challenges associated with designing and delivering a training course using CBA First, we found that for some of our participants, adopting CBA initially caused anx‐ Similarly, a number of participants also commented on how they iety which was particularly heightened during the first days of the planned to integrate CBA and aspects of the course into their practice training and had abated by Day Specifically, there was a desire Participants also highlighted that the translation of the material should for the “right” or “perfect” answer for each of the activities This be more adjusted to the Chinese educational context with additional desire for the “right” answer may be reflective of the tendency for Average The goal of the training is defined clearly 4.2 To encourage mobile participation and interaction in face‐to‐face training 4.1 The topics and contents of the training are relevant to me 4.0 The content of face‐to‐face training is reasonable and easy to keep up with 4.1 The information provided in face‐to‐face training is helpful 4.2 The experience of face‐to‐face training is very helpful for my work 4.1 The trainer has profound background knowledge about the topics and contents involved in the course 4.1 The trainers are well prepared 4.1 At the end of the training, the training objectives have been achieved 3.9 The face‐to‐face training time distribution is sufficient 4.0 The conference space and equipment for face‐to‐face training are well prepared and comfortable 4.1 Note: very unsatisfied, unsatisfied, basically satisfied, satisfied, and very satisfied TA B L E Evaluation of face‐to‐face training | 5 of BETTS ET al convergent rather than divergent thinking to be promoted in educa‐ content and style of delivery each day during the course We found tion systems (Colzato, Szapora, Lippelt, & Hommel, 2017) and ed‐ that providing participants with such a feedback opportunity helped ucators’ reluctance to accept that there is no single “right” answer to provide learners with choice on how they learn and to reduce any or best approach for most questions (Rothwell, 2001) Massey and potential resistance to the activity learning and CBA following previ‐ Clapper (1995) argue that brainstorming is one of the most effec‐ ous recommendations (Sturgis, 2016; Tharayil et al., 2018) We also re‐ tive ways to promote divergent thinking Therefore, those delivering sponded to the feedback to highlight where we would and would not similar training courses to promote CBA and who want to promote make changes to the course content or delivery style and explained to divergent thinking may wish to integrate several brainstorming the participants our reasons activities In conclusion, our case study has provided a critical reflection In the context of our training course, we addressed the learners’ on the challenges associated with delivering a CBA training pro‐ anxiety directly by highlighting to the participants that there was no gram to transnational learners We have provided some recom‐ correct answer but rather they needed to consider how their new‐ mendations for others who are developing training programs that found competency‐based education knowledge could be applied to model a CBA their own teaching context As Ferguson et al (2017) notes, such re‐ sistance to change is one of the challenges that is often faced when adopting a CBA In the context of our face‐to‐face training, a factor that contributed to participants’ anxiety was time and the desire for ORCID Lucy R Betts https://orcid.org/0000‐0002‐6147‐8089 extra time to complete tasks Touchie and ten Cate (2016) recognize that organizing time‐flexible programs is a common logistical chal‐ lenge for CBA Further, according to the principles of CBA, learn‐ ers should work at their own pace and only move on to new tasks N OT E S This project has been funded with support from the European Commission This publication reflects the views of only the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Note we are using the term teaching plan to denote a scheme of work for a specific module/unit This document would include information on module learning outcomes, degree learning outcomes, module/unit aims, assessment details, teaching and learning methods, contact hours, and module/unit content once proficiency has been demonstrated (Colby, 2017) Therefore, we suggest that others who adopt such approaches for training ex‐ pect such anxiety from their participants and think of strategies that they could use to alleviate their learners’ anxiety Research suggests two types of strategies can be used to successfully reduce student anxiety in active participation: explanation strategies and facilita‐ tion strategies (Tharayil et al., 2018) Explanation strategies involve explaining the: (a) purpose, (b) course expectations, and (c) activity expectations Facilitation strategies involve: (a) approaching non‐ participants, (b) assuming an encouraging demeanor, (c) grading on participation, (d) walking around the room, (e) inviting questions, (f) developing a routine, (g) designing activities for participation, and (h) using incremental steps The second challenge applies to those who develop CBA training programs for learners in a different culture, specifically the need to be aware of the cultural climate their learners are operating in We found that confusion arose because of how some of the pedagogic terms had been translated from English to Simplified Chinese Therefore, we would recommend that before implementing a training program, the course facilitators become familiar with the local pedagogic terms used by the participants Relatedly, the transnational teaching that we engaged in adopted the “in‐country/flying faculty” model discussed by Smith (2009), whereby we flew into deliver the training Similar to the observations made by Smith, we found that transnational teach‐ ing also gave us the opportunity to step outside of “comfort zones” where our pedagogic practice was developed However, we would advocate those planning to undertake similar transnational teaching follow Smith's guidance When delivering training using a CBA, we would recommend giving trainees regular opportunities to provide feedback on 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