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240 writing topics with sample essays

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Tiêu đề 240 Writing Topics with Sample Essays
Trường học Like Test Prep
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Năm xuất bản 2017
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240 Writing Topics with Sample Essays LIKE TEST PREP Copyright © 2017 LIKE TEST PREP All rights reserved ISBN: 1484920562 ISBN-13: 978-1484920565 DEDICATION To the LIKE Family Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and not of the publisher, LIKE TEST PREP Contents H ow to W rite an E ssay Q 121 W h ich season—w inter, spring, su mmer, or fall—is y ou r favorite? W h y ? Q 122 If y ou cou ld plan th e perfect d ay to spend w ith y ou r close friend s, w h ere w ou ld y ou go and w h y ? Q 123 W h at is th e most frigh tening experience y ou h ave ever h ad in y ou r life? Q 124 Sh ou ld a cou ntry ’s government tell its citizens h ow many ch ild ren th ey can h ave? W h y or w h y not? Q 125 W h en y ou begin w orking, w ou ld y ou rath er a) earn a lot of money w orking in a job th at y ou d on’t like, or b) earn less money d oing someth ing y ou tru ly enjoy ? Q 126 Sh ou ld stu d ents w ork w h ile th ey stu d y ? W h y or w h y not? Q 127 W h ich d o y ou th ink is better for th e environment, to bu ild few er factories or to create more w ild life preservation areas? Q 128 W h en ch ild ren misbeh ave in pu blic, sh ou ld parents scold th em righ t aw ay ? Q 129 Sh ou ld stu d ents consu lt th eir parents abou t th eir majors and career or sh ou ld th ey consu lt th eir teach ers and friend s instead ? Q 130 In ord er to get h ealth y , sh ou ld people exercise more or sleep more? Q 131 If y ou cou ld give a meaningfu l gift to a family member, w h at w ou ld it be? Q 132 Different stu d ents h ave d ifferent learning sty les Some learn best by listening to lectu res, and some from read ing E xplain y ou r learning sty le Q 133 W h at d o y ou th ink are cau ses of obesity in ch ild ren? Q 134 Do y ou th ink th at seeing violence in vid eo games or movies cau ses people to beh ave violently ? Q 135 Sh ou ld parents force ch ild ren to eat food th ey d on’t like, or sh ou ld th ey be allow ed to eat only th e food s th ey w ant? Q 136 Sh ou ld ch ild ren be given th e freed om to d ress any w ay th ey w ant? Q 137 W ou ld y ou save y ou r money at a bank or at y ou r h ome? W h y ? Q 138 If y ou cou ld ch oose y ou r ow n stu d y h ou rs, h ow many h ou rs w ou ld y ou stu d y ? Q 139 Is it important for ch ild ren to learn h ow to sw im at an early age? Q 140 Sh ou ld old er ch ild ren learn to cook so th ey can h elp prepare th e family meals? Q 141 Among listening, speaking, read ing, and w riting, w h ich skill d o y ou th ink is most important in langu age learning? Q 142 W h ich is y ou r favorite eth nic (e.g Italian, Ch inese, Mexican, etc.) food ? Q 143 Are lau gh ter and joy essential aspects for a h ealth y life? Q 144 W h at d o y ou d o to h elp y ou rself feel better w h en y ou are sad ? Q 145 Is it a good id ea to loan money to friend s? W h y or w h y not? Q 146 Is it important to h ave expensive bu t beau tifu l th ings, su ch as fancy cars and d esigner label cloth es? Q 147 W h at is y ou r favorite ty pe of exercise? Q 148 W h ich is more important in ch oosing a friend , h onesty or look? Q 149 If th ere w as a fire or some oth er ty pe of d isaster in y ou r h ou se, w h at w ou ld y ou take w ith y ou ? Why? Q 150 W h o is y ou r best friend ? W h y is h e/sh e important to y ou ? Q 151 If y ou cou ld be famou s for someth ing, w h at w ou ld y ou w ant to be famou s for? Q 152 Sh ou ld teenagers be allow ed to d rive? Q 153 If y ou cou ld meet one w orld lead er, w h o w ou ld it be and w h y ? Give specific reasons and d etails for y ou r answ er Q 154 W h ich d o y ou th ink is better, going to college righ t after h igh sch ool or after taking a few y ears off? Q 155 W h ich d o y ou th ink is better—to live on campu s or to rent an apartment off campu s? Q 156 Some people prefer going to a movie th eater instead of w atch ing a movie at h ome W h ich d o y ou prefer? W h y Q 157 W h at is y ou r favorite w ay to spend y ou r free time? E xplain and inclu d e d etails and examples to su pport y ou r explanation Q 158 Some people prefer learning from books, w h ile oth ers prefer learning from experiences W h ich one d o y ou prefer? Q 159 W h o d o y ou ad mire th e most? Give specific reasons to explain y ou r answ er Q 160 Describe an important social or political event in y ou r cou ntry Q 161 W h at are th e ad vantages and d isad vantages of moving to a new h ome? Q 162 You fou nd $20 u nd er y ou r d esk at sch ool W h at w ou ld y ou d o, tell th e teach er or keep it? Q 163 W h at is y ou r preferred place to visit on w eekend s? Q 164 E xplain in d etail y ou r h appiest ch ild h ood memory and provid e reasons as to w h y it is y ou r h appiest Q 165 W h at is y ou r most valu ed possession non-reflective of monetary valu e, bu t of sentimental valu e? Q 166 T alk abou t a teach er w h o h as inspired y ou E xplain w h y th is person is an inspiration Q 167 W h at is y ou r favorite location or establish ment to eat at? Q 168 W h ere in y ou r tow n is a good place to h ave fu n? Q 169 T alk abou t an embarrassing experience in y ou r life Q 170 W h at is y ou r favorite su bject in sch ool? Q 171 Discu ss an interesting tou rist attraction th at y ou h ave visited Q 172 Discu ss a time in y ou r life w h en y ou felt su ccessfu l d u e to a goal or obstacle being overcome Q 173 W h en h iring a new employ ee, sh ou ld th e employ er h ire a person based on th eir know led ge or on th eir experience? Q 174 T h ere is su ch a th ing as being too ind epend ent Do y ou agree or d isagree? Q 175 Sh ou ld th e mistakes a person makes in th e past affect a person’s fu tu re? W h y or w h y not? Q 176 Describe a tactic th at h elps y ou to stu d y better Q 177 Is 18 an appropriate age to make a d ecision abou t th e fu tu re of a cou ntry , state, or city ? W h y or w h y not? Q 178 Libraries, bookstores, coffee sh ops, parks, and oth er locations are w h ere people stu d y W h ere is y ou r favorite place to stu d y and w h y ? Q 179 E xplain th e one food y ou can’t live w ith ou t Q 180 W h at place h as given y ou fond memories? Q 181 Describe a person w ith h istorical significance in y ou r cou ntry E xplain th e reason for h is or h er importance Q 182 W h at ty pes of places, tropical, d esert, rainforest, etc., w ou ld y ou like to go to spend a vacation? Q 183 Describe an activity th at y ou and y ou r family enjoy d oing togeth er Q 184 W h o is th e w isest person y ou know ? W h at makes h im or h er w ise? Q 185 W h at are more effective rew ard s, intrinsic rew ard s, su ch as praise, or extrinsic rew ard s, su ch as money ? Q 186 W h at cu stom or trad ition th at is u niqu e to y ou r cou ntry Q 187 W h ich person d o y ou d epend on for ad vice w h en d ealing w ith a problem? Q 188 Name a place th at y ou h ave visited in y ou r cou ntry th at y ou w ou ld recommend to oth ers to visit Q 189 O f all th e ty pes of w eath er, rainy , su nny , snow y , etc., w h ich is y ou r favorite ty pe of w eath er? Q 190 If y ou ’re given a month of leisu re to d o w h atever y ou ’d like to d o, w h at w ou ld y ou d o in th at month ? Q 191 W h at is y ou r most memorable moment th at y ou h ave experienced in sch ool? Q 192 Compare th e ad vantages of positive rew ard s against th e ad vantages of negative pu nish ments Q 193 If a close friend w as in need of an organ, su ch as a kid ney , and y ou w ere a viable option, w ou ld y ou give th em th e organ need ed ? Q 194 W h at w ou ld y ou like to know if y ou cou ld learn one th ing abou t th e fu tu re? Q 195 Describe a pecu liar d ream of y ou rs Q 196 Describe w h at y ou w ou ld miss from y ou r h ome if y ou w ent abroad to stu d y Q 197 Do y ou prefer to relax or to d o anoth er activity w h en y ou are taking a break from stu d y ing? Q 198 Do y ou prefer learning abou t movies before y ou see th em or not know ing any th ing abou t th em and being su rprised ? Q 199 W h at mu st be consid ered w h en ch oosing a job or career? Q 200 If y ou h ad th e opportu nity to learn a mu sical instru ment, w h at w ou ld y ou learn? Q 201 Describe an experience of going on a picnic w ith y ou r sch ool Q 202 Describe h ow y ou d ress W h y d o y ou d ress th is w ay ? Q 203 Describe y ou r favorite h olid ay W h y is it y ou r favorite h olid ay ? Q 204 Describe h ow y ou learn a foreign langu age W h y d o y ou learn th is w ay and is it th e best w ay for y ou to learn? Q 205 Describe y ou r favorite sport Q 206 W h at is th e most important su bject y ou stu d y at sch ool? Q 207 W h at h as been y ou r most important acad emic ach ievement? Q 208 W h at ty pe of mu sic d o y ou like th e most? Q 209 W h at expectations d o y ou h ave of y ou r parents? Q 210 W h at w ou ld w ish for if y ou h ad one w ish ? Q 211 Some parents give th eir ch ild ren money on a month ly basis At w h at age sh ou ld ch ild ren receive an allow ance and h ow mu ch sh ou ld th ey receive? Q 212 W h o d o y ou like th e better, ath letes or entertainers? Q 213 Describe y ou r most u nforgettable d ay W h y w ill y ou never forget th is d ay ? Q 214 W h o w ill y ou remember th e most after y ou finish sch ool, y ou r friend s or y ou r teach ers? Q 215 Describe y ou r id ea of a h appy life Q 216 W h ich genre of books d o y ou enjoy read ing th e most? W h y ? Q 217 W h ich fru it d o y ou like th e most? W h y ? Q 218 W h at is y ou r favorite T V sh ow and w h y ? Q 219 W h at is y ou r favorite movie and w h y ? Q 220 Compare th e ad vantages and th e d isad vantages of Smart Ph ones Q 221 W h ich option is h ealth ier, eating th ree large meals a d ay or eating fou r to five small meals a d ay ? Q 222 If y ou cou ld w in a lot of money , h ow mu ch w ou ld y ou w in and w h y ? Q 223 W e are continu ou sly learning and d oing new th ings in life and often times w e fail at ou r first attempt Describe y ou r first attempt to gain someth ing new Q 224 Describe y ou r id eal h olid ay resort Q 225 W h at is y ou r biggest ambition in life? Q 226 W h ich family member h as influ enced y ou th e most? W h y is th is person a positive or negative role mod el in y ou r life? Q 227 W h ere d o y ou see y ou rself in tw enty y ears? Q 228 W h at qu ality or qu alities d o y ou look for in a best friend ? Q 229 Parents sh ou ld be requ ired to pay for th eir ch ild ren’s u niversity ed u cation Do y ou agree or d isagree w ith th is statement? Q 230 Describe th e qu alities of a good citizen? Q 231 W h at are th e most important qu alities of a good teach er? Q 232 W h at qu alities d oes a good stu d ent h ave to h ave? Q 233 W h at w ou ld y ou ch ange abou t y ou r cou ntry opportu nity ? Q 234 Do y ou agree or d isagree w ith th e follow ing statement? An ey e for an ey e W h y or w h y not? Q 235 W h at is th e most important job or task y ou h ave ever h ad ? W h y w as it important? Q 236 W h at are th e ad vantages and d isad vantages of stu d y ing abroad ? Q 237 Describe y ou r d ream job W h y is it y ou r d ream job? Q 238 At w h at age is it appropriate to allow a ch ild to stay at h ome alone? Q 239 Some people say th at th e qu ality of a prod u ct is more important O th ers say th at th e price of a prod u ct is more important W h ich statement d o y ou agree w ith and w h y ? Q 240 H ow w ill y ou h elp a foreigner learn abou t y ou r cou ntry ? How to Write an Essay: Outline Outline your argument and ideas in the following way so that you can easily form an introduction paragraph In order to write an essay in 25-30 minutes, you should train yourself so that you can finish your outlines in 5-10 minutes Here is how to so Prompt (question): “If you have an opportunity to send your child to study abroad, would you have him/her educated in the US or in your home country?” Argument: I will have my child educated in the United States Support 1: My child can learn English better Support 2: My child can experience various languages and cultures Support 3: My child can play sports Thesis: Since my child can be better educated in the United States, I will send him/her to study in the United States (argument+why) Argument: State your argument clearly Support 1: Give specific reasons and examples Support 2: Give specific reasons and examples Support 3: Give specific reasons and examples Good writers not give similar reasons to support their argument In other words, their three reasons (supports) should be distinguishable from each other Thesis: Usually a thesis appears in the middle or at the end of the introduction It has to contain the rephrased main argument (should not be the same as the main argument) + why Q237 Describe your dream job Why is it your dream job? A Essay Outline Argument: My dream job is work at an all English immersion program for infants through Kindergarten Support 1: To begin with, I have been teaching for 17 years now Support 2: Furthermore, I truly enjoy the rewards I receive from the light-bulbs clicking on in young learners Support 3: Finally, it has been scientifically proven that learning a new language at a young age is easier for the ‘student,’ so I want to help encourage this behavior for the future native English speakers Thesis: As you can see, I have the experience, the knowledge, and the passion for teaching young children, which is why working in an all English immersion program for young children is my dream job B Model Essay I love my current job of being an elementary/middle school/high school/university-aged English Language teacher, but it is not my dream job My dream job still entails working with children, but just in a different environment I would love to work at an all English emersion program for infants through Kindergarten First, it is what I am best at and have more experience in Second, I can enjoy the rewards of the environment Third, it is the most appropriate age level to expose children to learning a new language To begin with, I have been teaching for 17 years now I started assisting my step-mother when I was 13 years old in her Sunday school classes and fell in love with teaching Through this experience, I was able to grow and learn as a teacher and to learn my preferences I graduated from my university with a teaching degree in early childhood and elementary education; however, my specialty was in the early childhood portion I excelled in all of my classes and received top marks for my experience and knowledge of the younger children’s mentalities So, working in a younger learners’ environment is definitely my dream job Furthermore, I truly enjoy the rewards I receive from the light-bulbs clicking on in their young minds In teaching, we call it the ‘a-ha’ moment It’s the moment when somebody finally understands something, or they finally use something properly I’ll never forget an ‘a-ha’ moment I experienced in my current school with a Kindergarten-aged child Throughout the past few months, she always had a candy, and she always wanted her candy to be opened So, I kept reinforcing the words, “Open my candy, please.” Well, one day, I was downstairs in the lobby waiting for someone, and this little girl was with her mom She had a piece of candy in her hand as usual, and the long awaited moment happened! She said in a sweet and confident voice using English, to her Korean mother, “Open my candy, please.” I was so shocked and excited at the same time These are the moments that teachers live for, that reward us, and that show us our students listen to us! Finally, it has been scientifically proven that learning a new language at a young age is easier for the ‘student’ I struggle in learning a new language because I am constantly trying to translate the unfamiliar language into my own familiar language This takes time, brain power, and causes a great deal of frustration to me On the other hand, an infant through Kindergarten-aged child doesn’t translate words Rather, they learn the context of a word and use it in a trial and error process, until they realize the pattern the word should be used in For example, young children learn the word ‘cat’ and then they see a dog They call the dog a ‘cat’ because they don’t know any better That is until somebody corrects them Now, all four legged animals are cats and dogs to them They continue this pattern throughout their early life learning new words and making mistakes So, I want to help encourage this behavior for the future native English speakers As you can see, I have the experience, the knowledge, and the passion for teaching young children Through my numerous years of experience in educating the youth, I hope that one day in the future, I will be able to work in a full immersion English as a Second Language program I am very happy with my current job, but I hope that in 20 years or so, I can achieve my dream job C Useful Expressions First, it is what I am best at and have more experience in Second, I can enjoy the rewards of the environment Through this experience, I was able to grow and learn as a teacher and to learn my preferences So, working in a younger learners’ environment is definitely my dream job It’s the moment when somebody finally understands something, or they finally use something properly I’ll never forget an ‘a-ha’ moment I experienced in my current school with a Kindergarten-aged child Finally, it has been scientifically proven that learning a new language at a young age is easier for the ‘student’ On the other hand, an infant through Kindergarten- aged child doesn’t translate words Rather, they learn the context of a word and use it in a trial and error process, until they realize the pattern the word should be used in So, I want to help encourage this behavior for the future native English speakers 10 Through my numerous years of experience in educating the youth, I hope that one day in the future, I will be able to work in a full immersion English as a Second Language program Q238 At what age is it appropriate to allow a child to stay at home alone? A Essay Outline Argument: I will state that a child, who is responsible and has some other variables included, can be left home alone at the age of ten Support 1: The first reason is based on the child’s personality Support 2: This leads me into my next point that it depends on why the child needs to be left alone in the first place Support 3: Lastly, the length of time affects the age that is appropriate for a child to be alone in their home Thesis: To sum up my thoughts, a child at the age of ten can be left unattended, but only meeting certain conditions B Model Essay This is a very challenging question; at what age is it appropriate to allow a child to stay at home alone? I strongly believe that it depends on the child’s personality, the reason the child needs to be left alone, and the length of time the child is left unattended No one child is the exact same as another, so to give an exact age is not accurate So, I will state that a child, who is responsible and has some other variables included, can be left home alone at the age of ten As stated above, there are a variety of factors that determine whether a child can be left home alone or not The first reason is based on the child’s personality In my case, I was left home alone as early as eight years old My mother felt that I was independent enough to take care of myself and responsible enough to what was right I was able to cook microwaveable meals, brush my teeth and get ready for bed, all on my own This leads me into my next point that it depends on why the child needs to be left alone in the first place Again, in my situation, my mother had to work, and she couldn’t afford to pay for a babysitter Sometimes, circumstances arise that make it difficult to provide for your children successfully, but my mother did the best she could She did ask a neighbor to keep an eye on me from her house, by just observing me and calling me once and a while So, I was not completely unattended Lastly, the length of time affects the age that is appropriate for a child to be alone in their home At the age of ten, a child can be left alone for a few hours and should not have any major catastrophes occur, just as long as strict guidelines are observed A ten year old child should not be left alone for more than five hours though, because they might have difficulty preparing their meals or going to bed on time To sum up my thoughts, a child at the age of ten can be left unattended, but only after following the suggestions listed above They should have set rules to follow, contact numbers to call, and somebody to observe them from a distance By being left alone at a younger age, children learn a great deal of independent skills that will be vital to them in their adult lives C Useful Expressions I strongly believe that it depends on the child’s personality, the reason the child needs to be left alone, and the length of time the child is left unattended Not one child is the exact same as another, so to give an exact age is not accurate So, I will state that a child, who is responsible and has some other variables included, can be left home alone at the age of ten As stated above, there are a variety of factors that determine whether a child can be left home alone or not The first reason is based on the child’s personality This leads me into my next point that it depends on why the child needs to be left alone in the first place Again, in my situation, my mother had to work, and she couldn’t afford to pay for a babysitter Lastly, the length of time affects the age that is appropriate for a child to be alone in their home At the age of ten, a child can be left alone for a few hours and should not have any major catastrophes occur, just as long as strict guidelines are observed 10 To sum up my thoughts, a child at the age of ten can be left unattended, but only after following the suggestions listed above Q239 Some people say that the quality of a product is more important Others say that the price of a product is more important Which statement you agree with and why? A Essay Outline Argument: I believe quality is more important than its price tag Support 1: For starters, cheap prices usually mean a cheap quality product Support 2: Next, I can have trust in the product that it will work properly Support 3: To conclude, if my product did break down, I have a guaranteed warranty with higher quality products Thesis: Since money is of no importance when it comes to the functioning capabilities of a product, I prefer quality over price B Model Essay Imagine you are in the market to buy a computer You have the choice between a high quality laptop, and a less pricy computer Which would you choose? I without a doubt would buy the higher quality laptop for the following three reasons: cheap prices usually mean cheap quality, trust in the product to work properly, and guaranteed warranty For starters, cheap prices usually mean a cheap quality product In the case of the laptop, a cheap computer doesn’t come with some of the desired programs I just bought a laptop myself, and the cheaper computers did not have the programs I wanted So I went for a more expensive product that had higher quality Next, I can have trust in the product that it will work properly When it comes to quality versus price, the price doesn’t matter when it comes to my product functioning properly In the example of the laptop, if I bought a cheap computer, it would most likely break down in a few short months The cheaper products are generally made from cheaper quality products Therefore, cheap prices mean a lower quality computer To conclude, if my product did break down, I have a guaranteed warranty with higher quality products Most high quality products are produced by a name-brand Because of this, they almost always come with a warranty on their products Mistakes can happen, and something might happen to my computer, so I want to be ensured that my money spent on something is not wasted Since money is of no importance when it comes to the functioning capabilities of a product, I prefer quality over price I don’t want to lose out on my money due to faulty materials used in the production of a cheap product To me, my time in fixing a broken cheap product is more of a hassle and frustration than buying a more expensive product that I know will work C Useful Expressions Imagine you are in the market to buy a computer You have the choice between a high quality laptop and a less pricy computer Which would you choose? I without a doubt would buy the higher quality laptop for the following three reasons: cheap prices usually mean cheap quality, trust in the product to work properly, and guaranteed warranty For starters, cheap prices usually mean a cheap quality product In the case of the laptop, a cheap computer doesn’t come with some of the desired programs When it comes to quality versus price, the price doesn’t matter when it comes to my product functioning properly In the example of the laptop, if I bought a cheap computer, it would most likely break down in a few short months Because of this, they almost always come with a warranty on their products Mistakes can happen, and something might happen to my computer, so I want to be ensured that my money spent on something is not wasted Since money is of no importance when it comes to the functioning capabilities of a product, I prefer quality over price 10 I don’t want to lose out on my money due to faulty materials used in the production of a cheap product Q240 How will you help a foreigner learn about your country? A Essay Outline Argument: I feel that the best way to help a foreigner learn about America is through three things: sightseeing, movies and music, and socializing with my friends and family Support 1: The first way I can help a foreigner learn about my country is my taking them around the various tourist spots in America Support 2: Secondly, I can introduce them to American movies and music Support 3: Finally, socializing with my friends and family will be the best way for the out-of-towner to see my culture Thesis: Since using a variety of tactics will be the best options for a foreigner to learn about my country, I would show them tourist spots, movies and music, and my friends’ and family’s lifestyles B Model Essay There are so many ways to assist a foreigner in learning about my country America has a large variety of places to see and things to I feel that the best way to help a foreigner learn about America is through three things: sightseeing, movies and music, and socializing with my friends and family The first way I can help a foreigner learn about my country is my taking them around the various tourist spots in America Through these different locations, the foreigner will be able to learn the history and culture of my country For instance, if I take a foreigner to New York City, I would show them the Statue of Liberty By doing this, they can see how many people have come to America from other countries Secondly, I can introduce them to American movies and music I feel that music and movies show a skewed version of our culture, but it will still be an entertaining experience for them Movies, such as American Beauty, and Precious show a more realistic side of the American society If we can expose the foreigner to just a taste of the American music and movies, then they can better understand our differences and similarities to their own cultures Finally, socializing with my friends and family will be the best way for the out-of-towner to see my culture When I was in a new country, South Korea, hanging out with native people from that country helped me greatly to learn about the Korean culture If I had solely relied on movies and music or books, I would have not learned as much of the little nuances of this conservative, yet complex culture One example was that I gained knowledge about the things that are taboo in the Korean society Since using a variety of tactics will be the best options for a foreigner to learn about my country, I would show them tourist spots, movies and music, and my friends’ and family’s lifestyles By doing a mixture of all of these things, a person who is unfamiliar with the American culture will gain a better view of how people from the USA live, work, and play C Useful Expressions There are so many ways to assist a foreigner in learning about my country I feel that the best way to help a foreigner learn about America is through three things: sightseeing, movies and music, and socializing with my friends and family Through these different locations, the foreigner will be able to learn the history and culture of my country For instance, if I take a foreigner to New York City, I would show them the Statue of Liberty I feel that music and movies show a skewed version of our culture, but it will still be an entertaining experience for them If we can expose the foreigner to just a taste of the American music and movies, then they can better understand our differences and similarities to their own cultures Finally, socializing with my friends and family will be the best way for the out-of-towner to see my culture If I had solely relied on movies and music or books, I would have not learned as much of the little nuances of this conservative, yet complex culture Since using a variety of tactics will be the best options for a foreigner to learn about my country, I would show them tourist spots, movies and music, and my friends’ and family’s lifestyles 10 By doing a mixture of all of these things, a person who is unfamiliar with the American culture will gain a better view of how people from the USA live, work, and play ABOUT THE EDITOR LIKE TEST PREP LIKE TEST PREP Series Advanced Reading, Writing, and Grammar for Test Prep Teaches you how to better on reading and writing tests Tips based on reading, writing, and grammar research Vocabulary, Sample Questions, and Question Type Analysis 60 Model Essays 60 Challenging Essay Questions and Sample Essays 120 Writing Topics with Sample Essays 120 Essay Questions and Sample Essays 120 Speaking Topics with Sample Answers 120 Speaking Questions and Sample Answers 240 Writing Topics with Sample Essays 240 Essay Questions and Sample Essays 240 Speaking Topics with Sample Answers 240 Speaking Questions and Sample Answers 120 Writing Summaries 120 Reading/Listening Summary Questions 120 Sample Summaries Meet Amazing Americans Workbook Series Meet Amazing Americans Workbook Free mp3 at www.liketestprep.com .. .240 Writing Topics with Sample Essays LIKE TEST PREP Copyright © 2017 LIKE TEST PREP All rights reserved ISBN:... argumentative (persuasive) essays 1) experience & example 2) prefer 3) agree/disagree 4) compare and contrast or advantages and disadvantages With the first three essays, it is easier to write... because there were so many houses with lights on We would also only sleep inside with our parents nearby, so there was no sense of adventure But on the island, with the town so far away, we can

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