Tài liệu tham khảo công nghệ thông tin Lập trình hướng đối tượng C++
Trang 1Giáo viên hướng dẫn : Nguyễn Đức Hiển
Sinh viên thực hiện : Nguyễn Tiến Hoài Nam Lớp : 06I
Câu 1:
Trang 2void swap(int *a,int *b){ int c;
void main(){
clrscr();int a,b,i,j,n;int d[50];
cout<<"\nso phan tu cua day la n=";cin>>n;
cout<<"nhap so d["<<i<<"]=";cin>>d[i];
cout<<"day duoc sap sep tang dan :\n";for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(j=i+1;j<n+1;j++) if(d[i]>d[j])
cout<<"\nday duoc sap sep giam dan :\n";for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(j=i+1;j<n+1;j++) if(d[i]<d[j])
Câu 2:
struct PhanSo {
int TuSo; int MauSo; };
PhanSo operator + (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b);PhanSo operator - (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b);
Trang 3PhanSo operator * (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b);PhanSo operator / (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b); int operator > (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b); int operator >=(PhanSo a ,PhanSo b); int operator < (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b); int operator <=(PhanSo a ,PhanSo b); int operator ==(PhanSo a ,PhanSo b); int operator !=(PhanSo a ,PhanSo b);
PhanSo RutGonPS (PhanSo a);}
void main() {
clrscr(); PhanSo a,b,c;
cout<<"Tu So a="; cin>>a.TuSo; cout<<"MauSo a="; cin>>a.MauSo; cout<<"Tu So b="; cin>>b.TuSo; cout<<"MauSo b="; cin>>b.MauSo; cout<<"\na="<<a.TuSo<<"/"<<a.MauSo; cout<<"\nb="<<b.TuSo<<"/"<<b.MauSo; c=a+b;
cout<<"\na+b="<<c.TuSo <<"/"<<c.MauSo; c=a-b;
cout<<"\na-b="<<c.TuSo <<"/"<<c.MauSo; c=a*b;
cout<<"\na*b="<<c.TuSo <<"/"<<c.MauSo; c=a/b;
cout<<"\na/b="<<c.TuSo <<"/"<<c.MauSo; if (a==b)
cout<<"\nPS a bang PS b"; else cout<<"\nPS b khac PS a"; if (a!=b)
cout<<"\nPS a khac PS b"; else cout<<"\nPS b bang PS a"; if (a>b)
cout<<"\nPS a lon hon PS b"; else if(b>a)
Trang 4cout<<"\nPS b lon hon PS a"; else cout<<"\na=b";
if (a>=b)
cout<<"\nPS a lon hon hoac bang PS b"; else cout<<"\nPS b lon hon hoac bang PS a"; if (a<b)
cout<<"\nPS a be hon PS b"; else if (b<a)
cout<<"\nPS b be hon PS a"; else cout<<"\nb=a"; if (a<=b)
cout<<"\nPS a be hon hoac bang PS b"; else cout<<"\nPS b be hon hoac bang PS a"; getch();
// Dinh Nghia Cac Ham
PhanSo operator + (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b) {
PhanSo c;
c.TuSo=a.TuSo*b.MauSo+a.MauSo*b.TuSo; c.MauSo=a.MauSo*b.MauSo;
return c; }
PhanSo operator - (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b) {
PhanSo c;
c.TuSo=a.TuSo*b.MauSo-a.MauSo*b.TuSo; c.MauSo=a.MauSo*b.MauSo;
return c; }
PhanSo operator * (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b) {
PhanSo c;
c.TuSo=a.TuSo*b.TuSo; c.MauSo=a.MauSo*b.MauSo; return c;
PhanSo operator / (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b) {
PhanSo c;
Trang 5c.TuSo=a.TuSo*b.MauSo; c.MauSo=a.MauSo*b.TuSo; return c;
int operator > (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b) {
if(a.TuSo*b.MauSo>b.TuSo*a.MauSo) return 1;
else return 0; }
int operator >= (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b) {
if(a.TuSo*b.MauSo>=b.TuSo*a.MauSo) return 1;
else return 0; }
int operator < (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b) {
if(a.TuSo*b.MauSo<b.TuSo*a.MauSo) return 1;
else return 0; }
int operator <= (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b) {
if(a.TuSo*b.MauSo<=b.TuSo*a.MauSo) return 1;
else return 0; }
int operator == (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b) {
if(a.TuSo*b.MauSo==b.TuSo*a.MauSo) return 1;
else return 0; }
int operator != (PhanSo a ,PhanSo b) {
Trang 6return 1; else return 0; }
PhanSo RutGonPS (PhanSo a){
int UCLN;
int n=abs(a.TuSo),m=abs(a.MauSo); while (n != 0 && m != 0)
if (n>m) n -= m; else m -= n; if (n != 0) UCLN= n; else
UCLN= m;
a.TuSo=a.TuSo/UCLN; a.MauSo=a.MauSo/UCLN; return a;
Câu 3:
struct sophuc{
double thuc; double ao;};
sophuc lapsophuc(){
int x,y;sophuc tam;
tam.ao=y;return tam;}
void display(sophuc a){
sophuc operator + (sophuc a,sophuc b){
Trang 7sophuc tam;
tam.thuc=a.thuc+b.thuc; tam.ao=a.ao+b.ao; return tam;
tam.ao= ((b.thuc*a.ao)-(a.thuc*b.ao))/((b.thuc*b.thuc)+(b.ao*b.ao));
return tam; }
int operator == (sophuc a,sophuc b){
return ((a.thuc==b.thuc)&&(a.ao==b.ao));}
int operator != (sophuc a,sophuc b){
return ((a.thuc!=b.thuc)||(a.ao!=b.ao));}
void main(){
sophuc x,y,z,t,s,r;cout<<"\nso phuc x:";x=lapsophuc();
Trang 8cout<<"\nso phuc y:";y=lapsophuc();
cout<<"\ncong hai so phuc:";display(z);
public: char *ten;
float toan , ly ,hoa ,dtb; void nhap();
void xuat();
friend void hoanvi(float *a,float *b); };
void sinhvien::nhap(){
cout<<"vui long nhap cac thong tin sau :\n"; cout<<"ten sinh vien :";
cout<<"\ndiem toan :";
Trang 9cin>>toan;
cout<<"\ndiem ly :"; cin>>ly;
cout<<"\ndiem hoa :"; cin>>hoa;
void sinhvien::xuat(){
cout<<"\nten sinh vien :"<<ten;
cout<<"\ndiem trung binh :"<<dtb<<"\n";}
void main(){
clrscr(); int i,j;
sinhvien a[10];
for(i=0;i<=9;i++) //nhap thong tin 10 sinh vien {
a[i].nhap(); }
for(i=0;i<=9;i++) //sap xep theo diem trung binh giam dan for(j=i+1;j<=10;j++)
if((a[i].dtb)<(a[j].dtb)) {
float c; char *tam; c=a[i].dtb; tam=a[i].ten; a[i].dtb=a[j].dtb; a[i].ten=a[j].ten; a[j].dtb=c; a[j].ten=tam; }
cout<<"3 SV co diem trung binh cao nhat la : \n";
for(i=0;i<=2;i++) //in ra man hinh 3 sinh vien co dtb cao nhat a[i].xuat();
Câu 5:
class hcnhat
Trang 10private:
int chdai,chrong; public:
void nhap(); int chuvi(); int dientich(); void xuat();};
void hcnhat::nhap(){
cout<<"nhap chieu dai :"; cin>>chdai;
cout<<"nhap chieu rong :"; cin>>chrong;
int hcnhat::chuvi(){
return (chdai+chrong)*2;}
int hcnhat::dientich(){
return chdai*chrong;}
void hcnhat::xuat(){
cout<<"chieu dai la :"<<chdai; cout<<"\nchieu rong la :"<<chrong; cout<<"\nchu vi hcn la :"<<chuvi(); cout<<"\ndien tich hcn la :"<<dientich();}
void main(){
clrscr(); hcnhat a; a.nhap(); a.xuat(); getch();}
Câu 6:
class phanso{
Trang 11int tuso, mauso; public:
void nhap();
friend phanso rutgon(phanso p);
friend phanso cong(phanso p1,phanso p2); friend phanso tru(phanso p1, phanso p2); friend phanso nhan(phanso p1,phanso p2); friend phanso chia(phanso p1,phanso p2); void xuat();
void phanso::nhap(){
phanso p1,p2;
cout<<"nhap tu so cua ps a :"; cin>>p1.tuso;
cout<<"\nnhap mau so cua ps a :"; cin>>p1.mauso;
cout<<"\nnhap tu so cua ps b :"; cin>>p2.tuso;
cout<<"\nnhap mau so cua ps b :"; cin>>p2.mauso;
int ucln(int x,int y){
x=abs(x);y=abs(y); if(x*y==0)
return 1; while(x!=y) if(x>y) x-=y; else y-=x; return x;}
phanso rutgon(phanso p){
phanso q; int x;
x=ucln(p.tuso,p.mauso); q.tuso=p.tuso/x;
q.mauso=p.mauso/x; return q;
phanso cong(phanso p1,phanso p2){
p1.tuso=p1.tuso*(p2.mauso) + p2.tuso*(p1.mauso); p1.mauso=p1.mauso*p2.mauso;
return rutgon(p1);
Trang 12phanso tru(phanso p1,phanso p2){
p1.tuso=p1.tuso*p2.mauso - p2.tuso*p1.mauso; p1.mauso=p1.mauso*p2.mauso;
return rutgon(p1);}
phanso nhan(phanso p1,phanso p2){
p1.mauso=p1.mauso*p2.mauso; return rutgon(p1);
phanso chia(phanso p1,phanso p2){
p1.tuso=p1.tuso*p2.mauso; p1.mauso=p1.mauso*p2.tuso; return rutgon(p1);
void phanso::xuat(){
phanso p1,p2,c,t,n,ch; c=cong(p1,p2); t=tru(p1,p2); n=nhan(p1,p2); ch=chia(p1,p2);
cout<<"\na+b="<<c.tuso<<"/"<<c.mauso; cout<<"\na-b="<<t.tuso<<"/"<<t.mauso; cout<<"\na*b="<<n.tuso<<"/"<<n.mauso; cout<<"\na : b="<<ch.tuso<<"/"<<ch.mauso;}
void main(){
clrscr(); phanso a; a.nhap(); a.xuat(); getch();}
Câu 7:
class sophuc{
Trang 13double thuc;double ao; public:
void nhap() {
cout<<"\nthuc="; cin>>thuc;
cout<<"\nao="; cin>>ao;
void in(sophuc a) {
cout<<"("<<a.thuc<<","<<a.ao<<")"<<endl; }
sophuc operator + ( sophuc a) {
sophuc tam;
tam.thuc=this->thuc+a.thuc; tam.ao =this->ao+a.ao; return tam;
return tam; }
Trang 14int operator == (sophuc a) {
return ((this->thuc==a.thuc)&&(this->ao==a.ao)); }
int operator != (sophuc a) {
return ((this->thuc!=a.thuc)||(this->ao!=a.ao)); }
};void main(){
clrscr(); sophuc a,b,c;
cout<<"\nsophuc a"; a.nhap();
cout<<"\nsophuc b"; b.nhap();
cout<<"\na+b=" ; c.in(c); c=a-b;
cout<<"\na-b="; c.in(c); c=a*b;
cout<<"\na*b="; c.in(c); c=a/b;
cout<<"\na/b="; c.in(c); if(a==b)
cout<<"\nhai so phuc bang nhau"; else
cout<<"\nhai so phuc khong bang nhau"; if(a!=b)
cout<<"\nhai so phuc khac nhau"; else
cout<<"\nhai so phuc khong khac nhau";getch();
Câu 8:
struct matran{
double mt[20][20];
Trang 15int n;};
ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const matran& x){
os<<setprecision(2)<<setiosflags(ios::showpoint); for(int i=1;i<=x.n;++i)
for(int j=1;j<=x.n;++j) os<<setw(6)<<x.mt[i][j]; }
os<<"\n"; return os;}
istream& operator>>(istream& is,matran& x){
cout<<"cap ma tran vuong:"; is>>x.n;
cout<<"nhap cac phan tu :\n"; for(int i=1;i<=x.n;++i)
for(int j=1;j<=x.n;++j) {
cout<<"a["<<i<<"]["<<j<<"]="; is>>x.mt[i][j];
return is;}
matran operator +(matran a, matran b){ matran c;
for(int i=1;i<=a.n;++i) for(int j= 1;j<=a.n;++j)
c.mt[i][j]= a.mt[i][j] + b.mt[i][j];return c;
matran operator -(matran a,matran b){ matran c;
int i,j; if(a.n!=b.n) {
cout<<"\nkhong thuc hien duoc phep tru vi 2 MT khong cung cap"; getch();
return a; }
for(i=1;i<=a.n;++i) for(j= 1;j<=a.n;++j)
c.mt[i][j]= a.mt[i][j] - b.mt[i][j];
Trang 16return c;}
matran operator *(matran a, matran b){
if(a.n!=b.n) {
cout<<"\nkhong thuc hien duoc phep nhan vi 2 MT khong cung cap"; getch();
return a; }
else {
matran c; int i,j,k;
for(i=1;i<=a.n;++i) for(j=1;j<=a.n;++j) {
c.mt[i][j]+=a.mt[i][k]*b.mt[k][i]; }
return c; }
void main(){
matran a,b,c,d,e; int n,i,j;
cout<<"\nnhap ma tran A";cin>>a;cout<<"\nnhap ma tran B";cin>>b;c = a+b;
cout<<"\nket qua A + B :"; for(i=1;i<=a.n;++i)
cout<<"\nket qua A - B :"; for(i=1;i<=a.n;++i)
cout<<"\nket qua A * B :"; for(i=1;i<=a.n;++i)
Trang 17Câu 9:
class point {
int x,y; // hoanh do va tung do public:
void nhap() {
cout<< "\nhoanh do va tung do cua diem:" ; cin>>x>>y;
void xuat() {
cout<<x<<","<<y; }
double do_dai(point n) {
return sqrt(pow(x-n.x,2)+pow(y-n.y,2)); }
}; void main() {
clrscr(); point a,b; double c;
cout<<"\ntoa do diem a :"; a.nhap();
cout<<"\ndiem a:"; a.xuat();
cout<<"\ntoa do diem b:"; b.nhap();
cout<<"\ndiem b:"; a.xuat();
c= a.do_dai(b);
cout<<" \ndo dai giua hai diem:"; cout<<c;
getch(); }
Câu 10:
class DIEM
Trang 18int x,y;public :
DIEM(int x1,int y1){
int operator[](int i){
if(i==1)return x;else return y;}
class DUONG_TRON:public DIEM{
int r,md;public:
DUONG_TRON(DIEM d,int r1, int md1):DIEM(d){
void ve(){
int getmd(){
return md;}
void ktdh(){
int mh=0,mode=0;
Trang 19void main(){
DUONG_TRON dt(DIEM(100,100),80,MAGENTA);dt.ve();
Câu 11:
class DIEM{
private :
double x,y; public :
DIEM() {
x=y=0.0; }
DIEM(double x1,double y1) {
x=x1;y=y1; }
void in() {
cout<<"\nx="<<x<<" y="<<y; }
class HINH_TRON : public DIEM{
private :double r; public :
r=0.0; }
HINH_TRON(double x1,double y1,double r1):DIEM(x1,y1){
double getR() {
return r; }
Trang 20void main(){
HINH_TRON h(2.5,3.5,8); clrscr();
cout<<"\nHinh tron co tam :"; h.in();
cout<<"\nCo ban kinh ="<<h.getR(); getch();
Câu 12:
class nguoi{
private: char *ten; char *diachi; int ns; // nam sinh public:
nguoi() {
nguoi(char *ten1, char *diachi1, int ns1) {
int n=strlen(ten1);ten =new char[n+1];strcpy(ten,ten1);int m=strlen(diachi1);diachi =new char[m+1];strcpy(diachi,diachi1);ns=ns1;
~nguoi() {
delete ten;delete diachi;ns=0;
} }
void xuat() {
cout<<"\nho va ten:"<<ten<<"\nnam sinh:"<<ns<<"\ndiachi:"<<diachi; }
Trang 21};
class mon_hoc{
char*mon; int sotiet; public: mon_hoc() {
mon=NULL;sotiet=0; }
mon_hoc(char*mon1,int sotiet1) {
int n=strlen(mon1);mon=new char[n+1];strcpy(mon,mon1);sotiet=sotiet1; }
~mon_hoc() {
if(mon!=NULL)delete mon;sotiet=0; }
void xuat() {
cout<<"\nTen mon hoc:"<<mon<<"\nSo tiet hoc:"<<sotiet; }
giao_vien():nguoi(),mh() {}
giao_vien(char*ten1,char*diachi1,int ns1,char*mon1,int sotiet1):nguoi(ten1,diachi1,ns1),mh(mon1,sotiet1)
~giao_vien() {}
void xuat() {
nguoi::xuat() ;mh.xuat(); }
Trang 22void main(){
_♠The End♠