Những bài nghe trong cuốn sách Phương pháp luyện nghe Tiếng Anh - Tactics for listening expanding được biên soạn phức tạp hơn, với những cuộc độc thoại, hội thoại dài mang rất nhiều thông tin. Người học buộc phải nghe được nội dung chính của bài và tránh các bẫy có thể gặp phải trong quá trình làm bài. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung phần 2 cuốn sách.
u NIT : iíầ m ố íis ílĩe ề i; Getting Ready Match the famous people on the left with the descriptions on the right C iK o o ê Leonardo Da Vinci a She changed her nam e to Marilyn Monroe M o z a rt b He was an actor who became a U.S president Norma Jean B a k e r c He invented the lightbulb Ronald R e a g a n d He wrote his íirst piece of music at the age of five Thomas E d iso n e He painted the M o n a Lisa Jacqueline Onassis f She was m aưied to a U.S president Lers Listen cù These conversatlons are about tamous people Listen and circle each famous person^s job a political leader b actress a political leader b actor a actor b vvriter a painter b athlete a actor b singer a singer b scientist 82 Political ỉeader n [paiitikl ìi:da(r)] lãnh đạo chỉnh trị Painter n [’peint0 (r)] thợ sơn, hoạ s ĩ Unit 21 Scientist n [saiantist] nhà khoa học Singer n fsiQ3(r)] ca s ĩ 'mmí M Let's Listen (J.j 1200 Peopỉe are discusslng the life of the actor James Dean Dld these events in Dean's llfe happen in Indlana, Calitornla, or New York? Listen and check ( / ) the correct answer Ịndỉana Calitornia New York He was born Eí □ □ His mother passed away □ □ □ He lived w ith his aunt and uncỉe □ □ □ He went to college □ □ □ He did more stage acting □ □ □ He died in a car crash □ □ □ ầ tiíS>J Listen again How did James Dean become famous? Number the events from to He w on an aw ard as "Most Promising Nevvcomer." He h í\â a starríng role in E ast o f E d e n He acteò in school plays He w en: to colíege _ Rcbeỉ W ith ou ỉ a C a u se m ade him ía m o u s. He d id modeling for ad v e rtise m en ts. Unit 21 83 Let^s Listen Task This person Ì5 talking about the life of the South Aírican ỉeader Neỉson Mandela When dld these events happen? Listen and vvrite the years ẤlỉA He was born He joined the ANC He became deputy president of the ANC He was sentenced to life in prison He was released from prison He became State President H eretired CS39 Listen again Are these statements true or false? Check ( / ) the correct ansvver Ví"' 84 Mandela'$ tather was an assistant to a chief □ □ Mandela studied ỉaw □ □ The ANC encouraged people to be violent □ D Mandela helped poor people stay on the land vvhere they íived □ □ Even w hile he was in prison, he inspired people □ □ As soon as he was released from prison, he retỉred □ □ Unit 21 Deputy president n ['depiuti 'prezidant] phó thù tướng Assistant n [9 sistant] người giúp đỡ Prison n fpnzn] nhà tù, nhà Lao Chief n [tji:f] người lãnh đạo, chỉnh Over to You: Betore they were íamous W orK im g ro u p s Choose a fa m o u s p etscn e veryon e in y o u r q ro u p k n o w s Then ccímplete the form Nam»e - - _ _ Occuipation _ I Born//Died _ i Education C h i ỉ d l h o o d _ Achiesvements otheir {M3QI Work im new groups Tell your group members about the famous person you chose Unit21 85 1.Getting Ready Pind these foods in the nutrition pyramid Write the correct letter next to each item ice cream a p p le s n o o d le s c h ic k e n h am b u rg e rs c a n d y c a rro ts pancakes p in e a p p le s 10 t u n a _ Let's Listen Cb Peopỉe are talkỉng about their eating habits What does each person eat now? Listen and check ( / ) the correct picture 86 Apple n [ '3^pl] tảo Noodỉe n [ nu:dl] mì sợi ưnit 22 Pancake n rp^nkeik] bánh rìgọí ỉ ùm trm g Tuna n [’tju:ns] cớ ngừ Let's Listen (J j EBB A doctor is talking to her patients about nutrition What advlce does she give each person? Listen and circỉe the correct answer a eat íevver vegetables b cat less cheese c eat a lot of fat a eat less breađ b eat more meat a d o n 't eat fish a eat more eggs and cheese b d o r/t eat cheese c eat ỉess fruit b eat mort^ v egetables c eat more vegetables c eat m oiv fn ù t a eat less m eat e a i ỉess m e a t b Cdt ỉess íru it b dc»n'í c eat more meat c eat: •nor^;' vegabks chocolate ữ sm ten agiaịn What Is eaclì Write the correct ỉetter Mr Cirạnt đ a is ỉosing too miich vvdght L in đ a b fias a skin prob)en\, C l\ri^ c, ĩ i w d s to lo s e vvc>ií.ỵht ỈIÍÍ S Ms Barcon cholesterol M i O B rieii k"' b(}€P ^ired and weak Mrs !ohruS'ín { ■■■s hieh olchj>d pressure Unit 22 87 C ỉie e s e n [t/i:z ] p h ó m ả i C’h c c o la re r< ftjD k Ỉ0 tj s ô c ô 1(1 B re a d n [b re d ] h ả n h r m w g C b o ler.te ro ! n [k a le s ta ro l] c h ấ t b é o g â v XO' c ứ n g đ ộ n g m c h P re s s u re fp re /a (r)] p lự c Let's Listen C1j Ì^JU ĩh is person Is giving a talk about cheese Are these statements true or talse? Listen and check ( / ) the correct ansvver >* the news B: Thaf s pmbably why you get headaches Why đon i you slop đriỉiking tea for a while? A How's your điot going? B: Well, í'm eating saỉads íor lunch and đinner now But ĩm stiU hungry a íot l think about ice cream ali the time! k: You should try eating more vegetables, like carrots The/re a much healthier snack than ice cream I knovv you don't vvant to eat vegetables, but you need to if you vvant to be strong and healthy So how about peas? Everyone iikes peas! •; 1hate peas Do I have to? ì: VVell Vm raid you ru tell your moiher to give you more peas vvith every meal So how are you íeeling now that you're eating more íresh íru il and vegetables? k I fee) a \oị better, thanks V: Now le^s try eating more bread That should give you more energy Okay ril try that inít 23 Test _ I Let'$ Usten Áy life's a mess right novv I don't :now hơvv I got in these íerribie >ređicaments First, vvhen I tried lo ook some eggs in the microvvave this nonìing, they explodeđ all over the )lace! ỉ (iiđn't have time to clean it up )ecause 1vvàs late for school But then left my homevvork on the bus, so my eacher got mad at me Then 1lost the vveater thai I had borrovved from my riend Michael Then, 1had to borrovv ĩìy ừiencỉ Daviđ's car, and I got in a raííic accident Ai\d David vvants his :ar back today! Then there's the vvorst ^redicament oí alỉ—my íriend Nancy aiđ she's in love with me The 5roblem is, Tm not in love with her Dh, man! Everyone is going \ hate ne! l L«fs Usten t rhere's this guy in my class vvho I ■eally like The other day he Iiivited me :o go to a movÌL*! I got all dressed up, 7uị vvhen I met him at the theater, he íVas vvith h is^irlírie n d had no idea had a girịfnt*nd! I felt so stupid l brolher is in the army and no one ìas heard from him in over a month I\0W Tm not sure vvhat to think Vlaybe he's doing some secrel mission md can't communicate with his íamily Or maybe he got captured by the eiíemy Or I get really upset when I (hink about it! I ịust vvent to a new doctor and he said I shoulđ eat more meat But my last doctor said meat was bad and should eat only íruits and vegetablcs Now I don't knovv what to think! My husband came home late again last nighí He said he'd been vvorking, but 1couỉd tell he'd been out at a nightclub vvith his /riends I was furious—not because he was la te, but because he had lied to me Tm íeeling really blue I just íound out thai someone else got that job vvanted so badly ỉt vvas the períect job íor me, and 1thought the inỉervievver really liked me I vvas really hoping to get that job Unit 24 Test _ Let^s Usten This City has become so dangerous at night There aren't enough Street lights, and you never see the police anywhere 1'm really sick of it Le n Usteiì The topic of my lecture tonight is suburban sprawỊ That^s the movement of people from the center of the City to thê suburbs— the smaller tovvns around the dty Everyone knovvs that cities are centers of culture Almost any city will have a university, a concert hall, theaters, and maybe even an opera company In adđition, there is usually plenty of nightliíe in cities But even with all of Ihese positive aspects, more and m ore peopie are m oving from the City to the suburbs People move to the suburbs for many reasons The most important reason is crime Many people think that the su burbs are saíer than the City Also, many people believe that people who live in the suburbs are íriendlier than City people Hovvever, there are disadvantages to Iife in the suburbs For one thing, people who move to the suburbs often have less free time, because they spend more time driving to and from work Some people spend two or ihree hours a day in their cars Also, the suburbs aré not alvvays safe In some suburbs, there is as mucb crime as there is in ciỉies Millions of peopỉe in this vvorld have AIDS, and sometimes they don't even know how they got il I think the schools should teach us more about how lo prevent AIDS The air in my City is so dirty that sometimes I can't see vvhen I drive That's why I started recycling my plastic Novv, more and more peopỉe are starting to recycle, too So the air is getting a [ittle better VVhen was a boy, the rain íorest vvas so big and beautưul Now it's all being cut dovvn to make room for boring íarms It's depressing, you knovv? That's why I gi ve money to an organization that protects the íoresls I đoiì't understand why people all over the vvorld are killing each other in horribỉe vvars We've been taught in schooỉs hovv to read, vvrite, and maỉh But nobody teaches that it's vvrong to hate Tapesơipt Tt^ack List TVdck Content Introduction Unit Test, Let's Listen Track Unit 13 Test, Let's Lísten Unit 13 Test, Let's Listen 44 Unit 22Test, 1.Let's Listen Unit 14Test Let's Listen 45 46 47 48 49 Unlt 22 Test, Let's Listen 18 19 Unit Test, Let's Listen Unit lOTest Let's Listen Unit Test, Let's Listen 13 Unit Test, Let's Listen 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 14 Unit Test, Let's Listen 31 Unit 15 Test, Let's Listen 15 16 17 Unit Test, Let's Listen 32 33 34 Unỉt 16 Test Let's Llsten 10 11 12 Tradc List Unit Test, Let's Listen Unit Test, Let's Listen Unit Test, Let's Listen Unit Test, Let's Lỉsten Unit Test, Let's Listen Unít Test, Let's Listen Unít Test, Let's Listen Unit Test, Let's Listen Unit Test, Let's Listen Unit Test Let's Listen Unit 8Test, Let's Listen Unit Test, Let's Listen Content Track 35 36 37 18 39 40 41 42 43 Content Unlt 10 Test, Let's Listen unít 11 Test, Let's Listen Unit 11 Test Lefs Listen Unit 12 Test Let's Lísten Unit 12 Test, Let's Listen Unit 14 Test, Let's Listen Unỉt 15 Test, Let's Listen Unit 16 Test Lefs Listen Unit 17 Test Let's Listen Unit 17 Test, Let's Listen Unit 18 Test, Let's Listen Unit 18 Test, Let's Llsten Unlt 19Test, Let's Listen Unit 19Test,2 Let's Lỉsten Unit 20Test, Let's Lỉsten Unit 20 Test, Let's Listen Unit 21 Test, Let's Listen Unit 21 Test, Let's Listen Unit 23Test, Let's Listen Unit 23 Test, Let’s Listen Unit 24Test, Let's Listen Unit 24 Test, Let’s Lísten n it ^ầSẾ í % A partm ents n Ị a ’p a : t m 0nt] câu Ị?hịng, cãỉì hộ A i z a i n [ a ‘g e n ] B oyữ iend Ịại, ỉ (hì nữa, x iìi chko ỈI [ s k u : l j ĩrưòni^ học P a m i l y /7 f ' f ae m0!i] C lass iịìa đình E m ployee ìì [ i m ' p b i i : ] ngư ời làm C ounsellor n f ' k a u n s a l a ( r ) ] cố vấn n [ di ’l ivar i] phân phôi, qiao hàng D elivery Clerk n [ k l a : k ] ĩh ir ký D esserts n [ d i ‘z : t ] M ón tráng miệng quần áo Popcorn n [’pDpkD: n] hẳp rang W eathcr ỉĩ [‘w e ỏ 0( r ) l thời tìếí V acation n [ v a ' k e i | n ] kỳ Uịịhi nọ^hĩ T h i n k \ ’ [ 0iQk] B c f o r e [ b i ’f D: (r)ị Hobby n riaifga:d] vệ sĩ, ngur/i ả m đăm Liíeguard n [ k l a : s l lớp hục C l o t h /7 [ k l o e ] Sm all n [ k a n V l i n i a n s ] tiện lợi, thuận Ịợi C onvenience n [’bDifrend] bọn ĩra i H c ỉ l o [ha lao] School n it £ ĩn rớ c (uỉị [smD:l] nhó n fhDbi] ỉhíi riêng, sớ thích riêng Eĩigineering n [ e n d i’n i a n n | nghề kỹ sư DiíTicuỉt acỉj [' dif ĩk0ltl khó khăn C hildrcn n r t j i l d r a n | trẻ em L ocation n [ l u ' k e i j n ] vị ĩ r í U niíorm n Ị j u : n i f b : m ] đồng phục O utdoor adị Ị aut dD; (r)] nịỊoài ười, nqoài Iiiteresting adj ['intrastin] thứ vị Terriíic cidị [ taVi í ik] khùng khiếp Plexible cidị [ n e k s a b l ] linh hoạt, mềm dèo Im portanl adj [ i m ' p D : t n t J qiicin írọng Experience Excellent n [ i k s p i a r i a n s ] kinh ngỉệm acỉị f ‘e k s 0l0 n t ] xuất sắc Restaurant n [VestrDnt] nhà hàng W ork Fun n [ w : k ] côỉĩiị việc adj [fAnì niểm vui Scenery T crrible n r s l : n 0ri] plìong cảnh, cánh vậĩ ổưlj [ ' t e r s b l Ị kinh khủng Husband n [’hAzb8nd] chồng E nough fi'n A f] đủ Sec V [si:] nhìn L o v e V [lAv] yêu H our 77 faưa(r)] g iờ M oney n ['rriAni] tiên W ork Pay N ice n f w : k ] công việc n f pe i ] ĩ rả adị [ n a i s ] đẹp Hom e n [haưm] nhà W aiter n ['w eita(r)] n g ò i p h ụ c vụ Cook V [kĩĩk] n a u Easy acỉj [i:z i] d ễ dàn g Can V [k n] có th ể % Touch V [tAtJÌ sờ, mó, đụrĩỊị nit Rinse V [nns] rửa C arry V [’kaeri j mang, vác P o p u la rity n [.pDpiuìasrati] tính phơ hiến, tính đại chúng Service n [’s3:vis] dịch vụ Speed n [spi:d] íơc Atm osphere fĩ ['aetmasfi0 (r)] klĩí quyên Q u a lity n f'kwDlati] chắt ỉượn^ D isplay [displei] truTìg bày C ustom er n [‘kAstama(r)] khách hàng A ttra ct V [a’traekt] íỉm hút Price n [prais] g iá L o ca tion n [Ỉ u’keựn] vị trí S ta ff n [sta:f] hội đẳng Size n [saiz] kích cờ Course n [kD:s] khố học, kỳ’ Language n [’laer]gwid3 ] ngơn ngữ Fish n [fi/] cá W ebsite n [’websait] trang web W ill V [w il] Open V [eưpan] mờ M achine n [r.->^ji:n] m y m óc Gadget n [’gaed3 it l đồ dụng, đồ yậí Invent V [inventì p h i minh, scirtg chẻ Velcro n [velkraơ] khoá (ác\ quần ) C ell phone n ['self0 ưn] điện thoụi ưse V’ [ju :z] sử dụng Probably a d v [probabli] có thê C ould [kud] có í M o re [mD:(r)] ho7ì T oo [tu :] quâ B ig udj [big] to ĩce n [ais] đá, bãnịị In pre [in] írong Law n n [b :n ] vải haĩit M o w e r /7 fm9i59(r)] th ợ gậí, m y gật Case n [keis] ĩrưịiĩg hợp, hồn cánh L im n [lin t] x vải huộc vêt thương P rint V [pnnt] in ấn W heel n [w i:ll bcíiih xe M enu n ['m enju:] thực đon O f [av] cùa L ik e p re [la ik] giống % n it Have V [hav] có K in d n [kaind] ìoạỉ Patient n [p e ự n t] kiên nhân S trict acỉj [stn ktỊ nghiêm khắc Persuasive acỉj [pa’sweisiv] có sức thuyết phục Sensitive a d j [ sensativ] nhạy cám M icrophone Film n [ f i l m] phim W rong Dust n [’maikrafaưn] m icrô cicỉj [ rDol sai n [ dAs t] hụi F r u i t /1 [ f r u : t ] trá i câỵ R em o te control n [n m a u t ksntraưl] điểu khiên từ xa Pilter n [’f i l t a (r ) ] máy lọc, lọc Honest ad j [o n ist] thành thật Enthusiastic a d j [in eju:zi’aestik] lìàĩĩí^ hái, nhiệt ĩĩnh, say mê M edica l a d j [m e d ikl] V khoa Concert n ['konsat ] bu hồ nhạc Vegetable n [’ved tabl] rau Appearance n [a'pi9rans ] s ự x u ắ ỉ Poor adj [p :(r)l nghèo H ave ĩì [havỊ có vSick a d ị Ị s i k ] ỉ ì ì S c h o o l 77 [ s k u : l ì ĩrư ị v ^ lìọc ỉì Ị n a i t ] hiídi tdi N ight H im s e ir/? /Y ;[h im 's e lf] anh ắy Ycar n [ j i ( r) ] ỉiâỉìì B r e a k ì' [ b r e i k Ị L o s e I' f l u : z ì F^ersonalily làm ỉ^ày, hẻ ^ ã \ mâĩ khơng cịn n Ị p : s ’neel9ti] cá nhãn, Counlĩ-y n ['kAntriỊ đất nước S u b iirb u [ ’sAb3:bl n g o i th ùn h n [ l o n d i / n ] điêu kiện Condilion W eckend n [ w i:k’end] cuối ĩiiần Períect adj f‘p : f i k t l hocỉìĩ háo W onderful r i eng ĩir T raffic H o b b y n 1'hDbi] \ ỏ ' ĩ h í c h I.arge cưìị [*wAnd0fiì tuyệí vời n f ' tr aef ik l giao ĩhơỉig íidj [ l a : d Ì /(9, ỉ&ri Yard n [ja :d ] sâỉĩ chơi Studio % ỉĩt _ Ể n Ị’s t j u : d i a ] xưìm ỵ vẽ, xưởng p lĩiỉìi B edroom ỉì [ p ' t e i t o | klìocii íây P otato N oodle n f n u : d l ] ỉìỉì sụi Líuce Ỉ1 [ ì e t i s ] rau diếp F'epper ìi [’p e p ( r ) ] ớt A \vful acỉị ['D:fl] đáììị:, kinh sợ, kỉĩLiỉĩ^ khicp L.iquid n [’l i k w i d | clìciỉ ỉong S lu r p \- [sỈ3:p| tỉẻtíg n h a i ììh ó p ỉìh é p Host ĩì [haost] clĩiỉ nhà L.eave V f!i:v] dời bỏ ( iiu iic n ['gG:likJ íói n f’b e d r u : m ] phịrìíỊ nẹú A irp o rt /7 [eapDit] sân chơi R c n t /? [ r e n t ] thuê s \ z t n |s a iz ] k íc lì c Cỉdj [ h j u : d ] to ỉ ớn Huge Near adj [ n i ( r ) ] ^ần M iic h [mAtJ] n h ỉề iỉ N oisc n Ị n3 iz ] ồn ùo N ic e ỊnaisỊ Cheap đẹp aclị [ t / ỉ : p ] re 1'om alo n [ta’ma:tao] cà chua Pcach u [ p i : t / | cỊỉiả đủo O n io n n l 'A n ja n | cu hanh H aỉlw ay n ['hD:lwei| hành lang C i i l V [kAtl cá ỉ M a ilb o x n [meilbDks] hộp thư R o lỉ lì [r.)ul] cuộn Ịrịn Lob by n [ iD bi] hành laiĩí’, tiền sảnh S p a g h e t t i n [ s p a g e ti] m ì n g Appỉiance n [aplaiansỊ ílĩieỊ hị, dụng cụ M ix V [miks] ĩihùo nặn E asily (.ưìv |’i:zali] m ộ ĩ cách d ê dàng Blend ìì 1' olendl thứ pha trộn D aniierous ad j f’d e i n d 3a r a s ] nguy hiêm adj [ ' h o r a b l ] kinh khùng, B o w l n fbaul] háĩ H orrible S u g a r n [ ’/u g 0(r ) ] d n^ khunỊị khìcp Drain n [drein] ơng dâiì nirớc, cỏỉĩ^ rãnh Reception n [n sep/n] đón tiếp C om rortabỉe o d j ['kAmftabl] íhoải mái Screen n [skri:nl màìì, chắn S a l e s p e o p l e /? [ s e i l z p : s n ] nhữriiị A r c h i t e c t u r e /7 [ ' a ; k i t e k t j a ( r ) ] kicn írúc người bán hànỊị T riv ia n ['trivia] chuyện tâm p h o ỉiiĩh K itch e n n [’k it/in ] nhà bếp tìnlĩ C urtain n [’k : t n ] cửa A d = advertisem ent T e ch n o lo g y n n [aed] quảng cáo ĩntorination n f inf9’m e ự n ] ĩhâng ĩin Floor n [ f b : ( r ) ] sàn nhà, tần^ O c e a n /ỉ [’a y j n ] N oisy ad j [’nDizi] ơn P uture Rrigeration n [rựrid39VeiJn] ìàrn lạnh vấn để n [ m a ’d i / n ] ĩhầy phũ thuv M agician W atch đại dương n [’f j u : t j a ( r ) ] nrm ìg ìai Expensive P ro b le m [problam ] công nghệ [te k 'n D la d il adj [ i k s p e n s i v ] đảỉ V [w D t/l xem Photoiiraphv lì [f 0tDgrafi] lìịịhê nhiêp ánh n it Ọ Pavorite adị rfeiv9ritl ira tlìícìĩ ỉìhât n [ p r a g r a e m ] trương trình Program n [ b a e k g r a n d ] nên hậu cành, bôi cảnh đ u r) X ’ Background S e n s i t i v i t y /7 [ s e n sa t i va t i ] Intelligence tính nhụy cảm n [ in’t e l i d n s ] sựỉhông minh C a r e e r [kaVia(r)] nghê nghiệp In v ita tio n n [.invúeựn] lời mời C ulture ad j [fri:] tự do, miễn p h í n [‘kA l t / 3( r) ] vãn hoá P ollution Price Refuse V [n ‘fju:z] ỉừ chối Free