I {hlld \ Queen Victoria's Highlanders CONTENTS INTRODUCTION BASIC CHRONOLOGY REGIMENTAL EVOLUTION • f\lllt'\t IJllluul llrt"tI.I,");lllll,"U" , IIIOd -ruAJIT "l!IO'" """'""""_ P"Q4"~ Illjotlll,IIUI llU ,"lll ,Inml\ Illlt • Lur~h!kIlJHII U1d llll.d~un,llhm - Ih C';;mhu"lI• :-tl.;ml " 1011 Ulll(lt"I"rdllllll l~i:!","""",1 M+ohr WNI , -In Ivn 1ftt "'~liU!., • 19V1Ant\IdH.T'lMIn • l _ l r - , wha -.-d IrIIt1e 8riil1ih 1'IIM" An-tst -lU•• a t I HIGHLAND UNIFORM: GENERALITIES ~1J"IliI~f9UltJ'l' \·HIUIllI,~I IN'lI ·ltWI,lol • ·Ur \!.' IIJs,:hl.Ulfl \11-11 - I t' :hur'lII,d In 'Ullllll·tll 1C:IIJ~~Hlllal\1l • 1\lItlnt'h _1flI T ~ • Ju·L.rr: • Nll~ pl.tilb UUllln\' PrwbHl-rb lOI"~., ~j~KilJvO'O'V' AIIft)""~ -llf'W • !i;1):.U" ,.,u , ~ • Sjll)lTOm~ t140-UtllJ PLATE COMMENTARIES I·",hll "n ",llll1lhlrtn 7~lb ~n't 41 rl,-glmcnl.11 ,h,llud :.n I ullcnmllllKhl.mdcn I 3th • U 'jIlIIJlf\llll.mdt;! , 1,H.lo- • l.: 721111 (Illll,t.· ,.r • ~hl 1.\rK'1U II\; ~t~rd j~Hthcrl;JIld1 AII",ut\-"l 111'j(lll"I(ld':-I", 1)I,j4~ • U;~:!lld ((tOnlurl) 111~111.U1d IK( th I hlolhJ.Lml.-r~ Uiitl!i _I.u,I(I.W,llth.l~ • C,; ;donll IliRI.I;uulf'I~ ltortil'k , It 1h~hl.uullJ~llI In'.unn, IUU' Q,(RRY {:"'O\CTON l'aa " " " • .,.",~\n[of.aNI ~.t teriuI "'*' 11M '1011, Mdi t; IWM ru.llhalnd .", wrltlwl 0NtlIf'lll ~ .- 0Il fIIriM ~ _ _ UloM2Cl Iont-U!;InItItr ,",,".ItdI UI«Il~ on I It"'· ""IU1'1"1la1n!wfy~ ""~,"""""'1In -S'.'fll: lin'l\" ._ nu d"lLlJhll~ Ihr io\o;olluiuC' 1"11)111 11,\ of Ih~ Illiothl;:mri tl"l:::illwnI'" In U1l.lIld ibt'H _ Iidirrillg tlu.·[[· h.ld "1'1\.1\ been r~1 tillite' hl~hl\ r H.It'tled Ih:m III tin" 191.h (eUIUr, l,he III.H,hliU1U tt'J,(llllt'tib Itoo~, ~t1 h\ tht" bl~l.lnd UI Ir~I.IIld In , ,.,., &Mt.·lIrini 1ht1ll' OM,TIiMIt _ _ thM.""W Of'Mo~ o-.lIt'pktl u " ~11111.~1n t ot'jtft 't"ki1t"l (!lIIMn 11J1lt11-71n, 7~nrl 7"1lh, 7&h, 7Thh.IIJ'1nt1.lru:l 9,,,:1 Hi~hl.uult"I"'; 73rd a.lld 7ulh R~IUl 'lib OrtkL 1;unhmir.lll.-,H 'a'J.ft-m~J ":mntln r, ," ral inR 'Rin~ \'tllLllll("(.'1 MlfIJNup-7hol 70th and LI.Jrp~ ~31'd I-frgllbudll:.B ,,\til,.l~ 91q (AfI;;)·ll~hir ) ~n\ellt be-cvll\(:I!lI~Il\l)nJ 1111 IIIghlJlldt" :.'9 July 18'i2 l.oGLH:!ii:ll.ion l\a hUM luu;lliun!o a.ud l.'3QW"hn brig;ul'" dt"J)Ul,S Yumll Uin- '1211t11f1)1;1JI.llldcn 01.,.1 dct !thlrH:lll rmlll 7Ulh 111~hl.lrul"='N IUJul\ IX7~ 'i~hh hef'On1c-cQuun' -.1 C:ulW'"mnlll.ghl tid\" 18iB-79 Smmd silkol,(fll mn - '72nd, 78th ljUltl !)2mll· i,KIII;lIId1:'n 'H?.l;""ltJOll) \"QIIIfII\n:rl,,,tI'l>" OldUlull- - lfonh IH'JI j\tJP1!l·Ui.v Imll',"(I'a:~mJl-Sv.;ul)nIQo 11'!I!i Xmll-UioJ hrlld.,.,.((JuimJj - St-;tlunhs 2nd B.ltlitllon UulletUll lIiJ.;IlIOlJlden: rormnt "Mtll Un.t F~""',,.,.- {:or(!tI1l5 "'mml.\uIJIIJt 11;",- ·~.":"n"lh (:;-nM."ron ¥Cfmd fMxr Uilr-IlIIIJlghLlmi rl':lflIllC/lb (Ill(~ \'IJIUllu:er \p' 18'J7 1~7-9R 1II'1II 18'J'J-1W'1 ~1 1901l Jql< \H.:C tUllllU-llial o\"QflJ, W"" ,"'f1Jlltk? {MoNMlHWj - St: forlh~ OUlI)N.'~k nl Wof'lll W;wr I REGIMENTAL EVOLUTION OftliclW'IoI"'2ffld~ lt40.~'" AliLMMA Not.- 'IN ,all the~ '"'tUlo u oWM fCo/Ilc)IN UIMI _ _ wtUl ,- ""'"-Ct• -un mcetln ihr pnX'cu or:UrulpnuttiOiI 'luch n~lllu.lllyntlmltlJucci in lhren:d I[j,hlllll:::lll OJr I' iUIl,le :'Ullbh rqciment in 200G ww ol h uK Ullt,,', ,.\ the O~ll'\Cl 01 'hc N,1poiMIllC \\., wi,1 h hlJoCIl'l."dlhc 191h CCllli.lr}' J 1/J1\I.1 of II rl"gubr """"lrnC'nL!! ,,"'Cu' oflici;lll)' rffognvMI 0\-, 1hghl:lflllt!N., lUll I»· IlUS only Ii\~ oj tlu:m (willi mlo K1\'fillll lllt' Ann)' UAl for U~ll )'e"J.r) stili n=hl.lurtllhc ruB ll~ltlJ.t.lll1 drrss~ 42:nd (RI)'Ullllghl.lndl Rt1;Im III 78t.h (I hghbJu.I) krgt.llI~nl (KmKlurr UufM 79lh RcHil11CIlI (c llll"IOIl thM;hhwdcn.) 92m.l Rqcimclll 9~1'd Rr-gim nl xlh l'('glm('lll - rll 7hl p IIRhl:Wd) RCSllm::1I1 (ughl InLUlu») - h,ul-Ki\CIl lip iu kdu un tkilll( com fl".,j tu III liKlu iura.lu)' rule,- tHOY ~lm officially nd "'a!! ,hct',.'ort" prrmium 10 conulIlIt! W~lIS'" -&Ountt L'od:.m In tUll rN"Ogl1r.lNI rM ,JI IlI"~tnh("It'(~ Yo"=') :L'\:' Ilighl~nd ('QI'(H Rqculliliol) ·llIghl'~d p', ilnJ Lu Ila, pipc::N in f!Mb· Fl'II"t' or lla n~gllmmUilmdal~ IWillhr:ll' ktlL'lLD lB&.:! bu1 01 lhd.- ClUr 1.I1D; GUilt" aboUI w lht' rC1Ult Mill p~n'Lu.lil; de(:i:J:iOI) b).' 111 ~O\"('nllnclll Ih 11 (Jorder II) en('(\lll':tgto ~ hUllt:erirlg Ir'om or Englw.ll11lJjlJ;l r~imcnLl.:I number t-hghlaml UlliLa ':llihuuhJ d.i~ulIllllU~ IU 'I'1C"ooU' ill [uluJ'c dn~ dl h'I' ur Ih~ ~r."" lhc i(wlh III rilxd 'l'>ilh 11lIml~hn1 gllr .m\" ~ Ih\' hnnnuJ'li "I Ihe.- ~og1ll1t'm [~l\o,t-t'" lh(' 'j:m,)' ,I I.~·I\ h'l-".ld \lxnr thr Wlg'!l he-.ui 1\'10'0 ullin KraUs uliCn1.M:tl \'IoHh the rf'ln;unill~ h(lnuun or (he RegilllClll 'T\J,u IUIIK hl w.k hUI'IC"-h ul w~"C'b \\0;111 gilt ~1(:1o llo Sfw'l.cl" "o)(f';\\('d "ilh lhi"'lln l1\d 1,,,.1\ 1n lIlt' (~mlon IlightllU1t - \\ hLI(' ht,rv-I\fIlr (.i1t f»J'I,d It'll rllgl \1:d ""'UI tltCHJc""1lI1l1 OllloUUC111W cdg lJl LIre' (.('lIue tJ04dS('~ , " lor .Dludl III t.il\'t"r VJ\C" fl:CJkJ lJIIllhull t.l~' h;'U~UIK f'Ulli lw~ I(ukl undo TI,e.- 11C-'oIll}V/ fh"I:t~v'l\ III 11C'• -Iorml' In rl nlNo :111 11\ r"C1tltl~nl'" drt! "0' 'In ,hll:' RO)}olllliw.hl~11