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Báo cáo Y học: A catalytically inactive b1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III (GnT-III) behaves as a dominant negative GnT-III inhibitor potx

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A catalytically inactive b1,4- N -acetylglucosaminyltransferase III (GnT-III) behaves as a dominant negative GnT-III inhibitor Hideyuki Ihara, Yoshitaka Ikeda, Souichi Koyota, Takeshi Endo, Koichi Honke and Naoyuki Taniguchi Department of Biochemistry, Osaka University Medical School, Suita, Osaka, Japan b1,4 -N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase III (GnT-III) plays a regulatory role in the biosynthesis of N-glycans, and it has been suggested that its product, a bisecting GlcNAc, is involved in a variety of biological events as well as in regu- lating the b iosynthesis of t he oligosaccharides. I n t his s tudy, it was f ound, on the basis of sequence homology, that GnT- III contains a small region that is signi®cantly homologous to both snail b1,4GlcNAc transferase and b1,4Gal trans- ferase-1. Subsequent mutational analysis demonstrated an absolute requirement for two conserved Asp residues (Asp321 and Asp323), which are located in the most homologous region of rat GnT-III, for enzymatic activity. The overexpression of Asp323-substituted, catalytically inactive GnT-III in Huh6 cells led to the suppression of the activity of endogenous GnT-III, but no signi®cant decrease in its expression, and led to a speci®c inhibition of the f or- mation of bisected sugar chains, as shown by s tructural analysis of the total N-glycans f rom t he cells. These ®ndings indicate that the mutant serves a dominant negative eect on a speci®c step in N-glycan biosynthesis. This type of Ôdomi- nant negative glycosyltransferaseÕ, identi®ed has potential value as a powerful tool for d e®ning the precise biological roles of the bisecting GlcNAc structure. Keywords: GnT-III; glycosyltransferase; bisecting G lcNAc; N-glycan synthesis; dominant negative eect. b1,4 -N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase III (GnT-III) cata- lyzes the transfer of GlcNAc from UDP-GlcNAc, a glycosyl donor, to a core b-mannose residue in N-linke d oligosac- charides via a b1 ® 4 linkage, resulting in the formation o f a bisected sugar chain [1]. The resulting GlcNAc r esidue is referred to a s a bisecting G lcNAc, and i s known to p lay a role in regulating the biosyn thesis of N-glycans, as the addition of this unique structure inhibits the action of other N-acetylglucosaminyltransferases, such as GnT-IV and GnT-V, both o f which are i nvolved in t he formation o f multiantennary sugar chains [2]. Thus, GnT-III can be regarded as a key glycosyltransferase in N-glycan biosyn- thetic pathways. It has been suggested that GnT-III and/or the bisecting GlcNAc residue are involved in a variety of biological processes, such as the intracellular s orting of glycopro- teins [ 3], secretion of apo B100 from the liver [4], cell adhesion [5] a nd cancer metastasis [6,7], as evidenced by gene transfection experiments using GnT-III cDNA. Although studies using GnT-III-de®cient mice have revealed that a defect in GnT-III suppresses diethylni- trosamine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis [8,9], they do not provide any explanations for the changes c aused b y an overexpression of GnT-III, as mentioned above. The mechanisms that u nderlie such a v ariety of biological events, which are c aused by ectopic expression, overex- pression and defects in GnT-III, remain obscure. In addition, the issue of whether phenotypes associated with altered expression of GnT-III are the actual consequences of N-glycan modi®cation by GnT-III r emains unresolved. To address these issues, a catalytically inactive GnT-III and/or dominant negative mutant GnT-III would be valuable because i t may potentially de®ne whether bisected N-glycan structures are actually important. Alternatively, the i ssue of whether G nT-III protein i s directly involved regardless of formation of bisected sugar chains could also be examined. The i denti®cation of catalytic residues, the absence of which leads to the complete loss of activity, is required to produce a catalytically inactive GnT-III. The enzymatic properties of t his enzyme h ave been extensively studied in terms of s ubstrate speci®city t owards acceptors a nd donors, and these collective data p rovide an enzymatic basis for the role of the bisecting GlcNAc in the regulation of N-glycan biosynthesis [1,10,11]. Nevertheless, because the catalytic mechanism of GnT-III has not yet been analyzed in suf®cient detail, the chemical basis of the enzymatic reaction is not known. The r eaction catalyzed by GnT-III is accompanied by inversion at the anomeric center of the transferred monosaccharide and the forma- tion of a b1 ® 4 linkage, while chemically similar reactions are a lso catalyzed by other g lycosyltransferases such as b1,4GlcNAc transferase (b1,4GlcNAcT) from snail, Lymnaea stagnalis [12], and mammalian b1,4Gal transferases, (b1,4GalTs), both of w hich ar e mutually homologous [13]. It s eems more likely that the common properties of these three enzymes are associated with the catalytic mechanism, rather t han substrate binding, a s the Correspondence to N. Taniguchi, Department of Biochemistry, Osaka University Medical School, 2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, O saka 565-0871, Japan. Fax: + 81 6 6879 3429, Tel.: + 81 6 6879 3420, E-mail: proftani@biochem.med.osaka-u.ac.jp Abbreviations: GnT-III, b1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III; PNGase, peptide-N-glycosidase; H RP, horseradish peroxidase; DMEM, Dulbecco's modi®ed Eagle's medium. Enzyme: b1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III (EC Note: a web site is available at http://www.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/pub/ biochem/index.html (Received 17 April 2001, revised 15 October 2001, accepted 29 October 2001) Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 193±201 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002 donor and acceptor substrates are d ivergent. Therefore, a s the residues that are conserved among these enzymes would be expected to be involved i n the presumed common catalytic mechanism, such residues must be essential for enzyme activity. In this study, amino-acid residues of GnT-III, which are conservedinmammalianb1,4GalT-1 a nd snail b1,4GlcN- AcT were identi®ed by a c omparison of s equences using a dot matrix analysis, a nd were then e xamined for their requirement with respect to GnT-III activity. In addition, the effect of the inactive m utant G nT-III, in which a residue identi®ed as being essential was replaced, was examined in the biosynthesis of bisected sugar chains in cells. These experiments were performed, in order to determine if the mutant serves as a Ôdominant negative g lycosyltransferaseÕ toward a speci®c step in the oligosaccharide biosynthesis. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Materials Restriction endonucleases and DNA-modifying e nzymes were purchased from Takara (Kyoto, Japan), Toyobo (Shiga, Japan) a nd New England Biolabs ( UK). UDP- GlcNAc and GlcNAc w ere obtained f rom Sigma (MO, USA). O ligonucleotide p rimers wer e synthes ized b y Greiner Japan (Tokyo, Japan). Antibodies were obtained from following sources: monoclonal anti-(GnT-III) Ig from Fujirebio Inc. (Tokyo, Japan); horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated anti-(mouse IgG) Ig from Promega (WI, USA). Peptide-N-glycosidase F (PNGase F) was obtained from Roche Diagnostics (IN, USA). Standards of pyridylaminated sugar chains were purchased from Takara and Seikagaku Corp. (Tokyo, Japan). Other common chemicals were obtained from Wako pure chemicals (Osaka, Japan), Nacalai Tesque (Kyoto, Japan) and Sigma. Construction of expression plasmids For transient expression in COS-1 cells, a cDNA encoding rat GnT-III [14] was subcloned into t he Ec o RI sites of an SV40-based expression vector, pSVK3 (Amersham Phar- macia Biotech, Buckinghamshire, UK). Wh en the enzyme was stably expressed in Huh6 cells, the cDNA was subcloned into the EcoRI sites of another expression vector, pCXNII, which contains a neo r gene [15]. In this vector, the GnT-III was expressed under the contro l of t he b-a ctin promoter and the CMV enhancer. Site-directed mutagenesis Site-directed mutagenesis experiments were carried out according to Kunkel [16], as described previously [17]. A 0.6-kb fragment obtained by digestion of rat GnT-III cDNA with EagIandHindIII was subcloned into pBluescript KS + , and the r esulting plasmid was used for t ransformation of CJ236 (dut ± , ung ± ). The uracil-substituted ssDNA was prepared by infection of the transformed CJ236 with a helper phage M13K07. This template was then used with oligonucleotide primers to replace the conserved aspartic acid residues with alanine. The primers used in this study were 5¢-TTTATCATCGACGCCGCGGACGAGATCC- 3¢ for replacement of Asp321 (designated D321A), 5¢-ATCATCGACGACGCCGCGGAGATCCC TGCGT- 3¢ for Asp323 (D323A), and 5¢-ATCCCTGCGCGTGCC GGCGTGCTGTTCCTGAAG-3¢ for Asp329 (D329A). The resulting mutations were veri®ed by dideoxy sequencing using a DNA sequencer (model 373 A, Applied Biosystems, CA, U SA), and t he entire sequences that had been subjected to mutagenesis were also veri®ed. T he corresponding region of the wild-type cDNA was replaced by each mutant sequence. The plasmids for the expression of these mutants were constructed, as were those for the wild-type enzyme, and used for transfection. Cell culture Huh6 cells, a human hepatoblastoma cell line, and C OS-1 cells were maintained in Dulbecco's modi®ed Eagle's medium (DMEM) containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 U ámL )1 penicillin, 1 00 lgámL )1 streptomycin and 5gáL )1 glucose under a humidi®ed atmosphere of 95% air and 5% CO 2 . Protein determination Protein concentration was determined with BCA Kit (Pierce, IL, USA) using BSA as a standard. Electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis SDS/PAGE was carried out on 8% gels, according to Laemmli [18]. The separated proteins were transferred onto a n itrocellulose membrane (PROTORAN, Schleicher & Schuell Inc., NH, USA). The resulting membrane was blocked with 5 % skimmed m ilk and 0.5% BSA in NaCl/P i containing 0.05% Tween-20, and was then incubated with an anti-(GnT-III) Ig. After washing with NaCl/P i that contained 0.05% Tween-20, the membrane was reacted with a HRP-conjugated goat anti-(mouse I gG) Ig. The i mmuno- reactive protein bands w ere visualized by chemiluminescence using an ECL system (Amersham Pharmacia). Ponceau staining of the t ransferred membrane was performed b efore blocking with skimmed milk and B SA to verify equal amounts of proteins loaded. For digestion by PNGase F, the samples were denatured by boiling for 3 min in 20 m M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 0.2% SDS, 1% 2-mercaptoethanol and 0.5% Triton X-100. Deglycosyla- tion by PNGase F was performed according to the manu- facturer's instructions. DNA transfection Expression plasmids were transfected into cells by electro- poration [19] using a Gene Pulser (Bio-Rad, CA, USA), as described p reviously [14]. In a typical experiment, the cells were washed with Hepes-buffered saline and resuspended i n the same solution. Plasmids (30 lg), puri®ed by CsCl gradient ultracentrifugation, were added to the cell suspen- sion, followed by electri®cation. For t ransient expression in COS-1 cells, the transfected cells were harvested after an appropriate growth period. When stable tran sfectants of Huh6 cells were established, the transfected cells were subjected to s election by geneticin resistance. The expression of GnT-III was veri®ed by immunoblot analysis and enzyme activity assay for GnT-III. 194 H. Ihara et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002 Enzyme activity assays for glycosyltransferases GnT-III and GnT-V activities were assayed using a pyridylaminated b iantennary sugar chain as an acceptor substrate, as described previously [20,21]. A large-scale preparation of pyridylaminated biantennary sugar chain was performed as reporte d previously [22±24]. Standard assays were performed in a ®nal volume of 15 llof125 m M Mes/NaOH buffer (pH 6.25) containing 0.5% Triton X-100, 200 m M GlcNAc. The assay mixture also contained 10 m M MnCl 2 for GnT-III assay or 10 m M EDTA for GnT-V. The concentration of pyridylaminated biantennary sugar chain was 10 l M for both enzymes. The concentra- tions of the donor, UDP-GlcNAc, for GnT-III and GnT-V were 20 and 40 m M , respectively. After incubation for 2±4 h, the reactions were terminated by rapidly heating to 100 °C. The reaction mixtures were t hen centrifuged at 10 000 g,for 10 min and the resulting supernatants were applied to an HPLC equipped with a TSK-gel, ODS-80TM column (4.6 ´ 150 mm) (Tosoh, Tokyo, Japan) in order to separate and quantitate the products. Elution was performed isocratically at 55 °Cusinga20-m M acetate buffer (pH 4 .0) containing 0.3% and 0.15% butanol for GnT-III and G nT-V assays, respectively. The column eluate was monitored for ¯uo rescence using a detector (model RF-10AXL, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) operating at excita- tion and e mission wavelengths of 320 and 400 nm, respec- tively. The amounts of products were estimated from the ¯uorescence intensity. b1,4GalT activity was also assayed using a pyridylaminated biantennary sugar chain as an acceptor substrate [25]. The assay mixture for b1,4GalT consisted of 50 m M Mops buffer (pH 7.4) containin g 20 m M MnCl 2 , 0.5% T riton X-100, 5 m M UDP-Gal and 1 0 l M pyridylaminated biantennary sugar chain. After incubation for 2 h, the reaction was stopped, and t he reaction mixture was a nalyzed b y norm al phas e HPLC. In this assay, a TSK- gel Amide-80 column (4.6 ´ 250 mm) (Tosoh) was used at 40 °C. The elution buffer was 1.14% acetic acid/triethyl- amine (pH 7.3) that also contained 62% acetonitrile. Structural analysis of sugar chains Huh6 cells and the transfectant cells, whic h were harvested from 10 10-cm dishes of con¯uent cultures were sonicated and lyophilized. Each preparation of the whole cells was then hydrazinolyzed to liberate Asn-linked o ligosaccharides, as described p reviously [23,24,26]. The free oligosaccharides were then re-N-acetylated in 10 mL saturated ammonium bicarbonate with 554 ll acetic anhydride, followed by desalting on a column of AG 50 W-X12 resin (Bio-Rad). Fluorescence labeling of the sugar chains was c arried out by reductive amination involving the use of a ¯uorescent reagent, 2-aminopyridine and sodium cyanoborohydride [24]. After pyridylamination, the excess reagents were removed b y gel ®ltration with H W-40F (Toy opearl, Tosoh). The pyridylaminated sugar chains were then desialylated, degalactosylated and defucosylated by sialidase (Arthro- bacter ureafaciens, N acarai tesque) , b-g a lactosidase (ja ck bean, Seikagaku Corp.) and a-fucosidase (bovine kidney, Sigma), respectively. The digested samples were then analyzed by HPLC using a TSK-gel ODS-80TM column (4.6 ´ 150 mm), and elution was performed at 55 °Cbya linear gradient of butanol from 0.1% to 0.25% in 20 m M ammonium/acetate buffer (pH 4.0). The eluted sugar chain peaks w ere i denti®ed by comparison with standard pyr- idylaminated sugar chains (Takara and Seikagaku Corp.). RT-PCR Total RNA from parental Huh6 cells and various transfec- tants was prepared using TRIZOL (Gibco-BRL, MD, USA), and the cDNAs were synthesized by reverse transcriptase with an oligo d T-adaptor p rimer from RNA LA PCR Kit (Takara). In order to speci®cally detect the expression of endogenous human GnT-III, PCR was performed with the selective primers for human GnT-III in a PCR Thermal Cycler 480 (Takara). The primers used in this study were designed to detect mRNA for human GnT- III but not rat GnT-III: 5¢-AAGACCCTGTC CTAT-3¢ (nucleotide position 85±99 in the ORF) for sense, and 5¢-GTTGGCCCCCTCAGG-3¢ (position 415±429) for antisense. This differential detection was con®rmed by PCR using plasmid DNA containing human and rat GnT-III cDNAs as templates. The primers to detect b-actin mRNA as a control were 5¢-CAAGAGATGGCCACGGCTGCT- 3¢ (nucleotide position 673±693 in the ORF of human b-a ctin)and5 ¢-TCCTTCTGCATCCTGTCGGCA-3¢(posi- tion 927±947), f or sense and antisense, respectively. T he sizes of the products that were yielded by the PCR using these primers were expected to be 345 bp and 275 bp for human GnT-III and b-actin, respectively. The absence of ampli®cation of the genomic DNA was veri®ed by subject- ing total RNA directly to the PCR without reverse transcription, because the open reading frame of GnT-III is encoded by a single exon. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Comparison of the amino-acid sequence of GnT-III with snail b1,4GlcNAcT and mammalian b1,4GalT-1 In order to identify the essential residues that are important for GnT-III activity, the candidate residues for examination were selected on the basis of amino-acid sequence homology amongratGnT-III,mammalianb1 ,4-galactosylt ransfera se-1 (b1,4GalT-1) and snail b1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltrans- ferase (b1,4GlcNAcT). Dot matrix analyses comparing the GnT-III sequence with that of either of the other enzymes showed signi®cant similarities in the small region, in which three aspartic acid residues and several other residues are perfectly conserved (Fig. 1A,B). Only this homologous region was detected in all three enzymes. These Asp residues correspond to Asp321, Asp323 and A sp329 in the rat GnT- III sequence, as shown by sequence alignment (Fig. 1C). The sequence of Asp321-Val322-Asp323 appears to corre- spond to the D -X-D motif, as have been suggested for the catalytic importance in many other glycosyltransferases [27±41], and, thus, the sequence comparison suggests that these Asp residues represent likely candidates for investiga- tion as having a role in GnT-III activity. Site-directed mutagenesis of the conserved aspartic acid residues in GnT-III To explore the requirement o f the cand idate amino acids, Asp321, Asp323 and Asp329, for enzyme activity, mutant Ó FEBS 2002 A dominant negative glycosyltransferase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 195 GnT-IIIs in which these Asp residues were replaced by Ala were prepared using site-directed mutagenesis, and the respective mutants were designated as D321A, D323A and D329A. When these mutants were transiently expressed in COS-1 cells, t heir protein expression levels were f ound to b e similar to that of wild-type, as indicated by immunoblot analysis (Fig. 2A,B). However, in the standard activity assay, the D321A and D323A mutants had no detectable catalytic activity, whereas the D329A mutant was fully active, a s shown by an activity similar to that of the wild- type enzyme (Table 1). No activity was detected in the D321A and D323A mutants even under the conditions of longer incubation time and UDP-GlcNAc concentration as high as 100 m M , ind icating that the replacement of Asp321 and Asp323 lead to a complete loss of activity. These d ata suggest that Asp321 and Asp323 play a n essential role in t he activity of enzyme, while Asp329 does not, even though t his Asp r esidue is conserved. Our previous study showed that three N-linked glycosylation sites in rat GnT-III are fully glycosylated when expressed in C OS cells [42], a nd all mutants used in this study were also found to be fully glycosylated, as indicated by the digestion with PNGase F (Fig. 2C). Immuno¯uorescence microscopic a nalysis showed that the i ntracellular localization of the mutants are identical to that of the wild-type enzyme, indicating that the replacements of Asp321 and Asp323 have no effect on intracellular localization (data not shown). Thus, it seems unlikely that t hese mutations lead to gross conformational alterations or misfolding of the protein, but it is more likely that the loss o f the activity is the result of the deletion of the active site residues. The possible role of Asp321 and Asp323 in the catalysis of GnT-III The absolute requirement for Asp321 and Asp323 and their conservation in b1,4GalT-1 a nd snail b1,4GlcNAcT sug gest that the short sequence of Asp321-Val322-Asp323 in GnT- III plays a role that i s a nalogous to the function of the D -X-D motif, found in b1,4GalT-1 [13]. Although an essential r ole for the D-X-D motif has been demonstrated in many glycosyltransferases [27±35], the function of this motif seemed divergent. While a large clostridial glucosyltransfer- ase requires the D-X-D m otif for UDP or UDP-sugar binding [27], this motif appears not to be critical for nucleotide binding in GM2 synthase [34] and Fringe [31] in Fig. 1. Dotplot analyses for rat GnT-III vs. snail b1,4GlcNAcT or bovine b1,4G alT-1. Dotplots for (A) rat G nT-III vs. L. stagnalis b1,4GlcNAcT and ( B) rat GnT-III vs. bovine b1,4GalT-1 are shown. The am ino-aci d sequences we re compared under the conditions of a window size of 10 residues and 50% of identity using the computer software program, ALIGN . The numbers beside the axis indicate the residue number of each enzyme. Diagonal plots show the homologous regions, which satisfy the ab ove conditions. T he sequences of the most ho mologous region are given outside the matrices. (C) Multiple alignment of the homologous regions of GnT-III, b1,4GalT-1 and L. stagnalis b1,4GlcNAcT were carried out by CLUSTALV . The amino-acid residues which are conserved in all enzymes are highlighted by shaded boxes, and two homologous residues are also indicated by grey-shaded boxes. The conserved asp artic acid residues that were examined by mutational a nalysis are indicated by arrowheads. GenBank a ccession numbers for the glycosyltransferases are: G nT-III (human), D13789; GnT-III (rat), NM_01 9239; GnT-III (mouse), NM_010795; b1,4GlcNA cT (L. stagnalis), X80228; b1,4 GalT-1 (human), X14085; b1,4 GalT-1 (bovine), X14558; b1,4 GalT-1 (mouse), J03880; b1,4 GalT-2 (mouse), AB019541. 196 H. Ihara et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002 spite of i ts requirement for their enzyme activities. On the other h and, crystallographic analyses of b1,4GalT-1 [36] as well as other glycosyltransferases [37±41] have sugg ested that this motif serves the coordination of a divalent cation such as Mn 2+ along with a phosphoryl group of the donor. The motif would thereby allow t he enzyme to interact with a nucleotide portion of the d onor nu cleotide sugar and also may facilitate the reaction via electrostatic catalysis involv- ing t he divalent cation. Although the function of the D -X-D motif is not known for GnT-III, it is possible t hat the D-X-D m otif in GnT-III plays a similar role to that in b1,4GalT-1 because of the signi®cant sequence homology in the region containing this motif. In a large clostridial glucosyltransferase mutant similar to the GnT-III D321A and D323A mutants, the activity could be recovered in the presence of extremely high concentrations of Mn 2+ , supporting the suggestion that the equivalent aspartic acid residues in the motif are involved in the coordination with the d ivalent cation [ 27]. Nevertheless, in the case o f GnT-III, activity was not detected even at concen trations of Mn 2+ as high as 100 m M , suggesting an a bsolute requirement of Asp321 and Asp323 for the coordination of Mn 2+ during the reaction of GnT-III (data not shown). Expression of a catalytically inactive GnT-III in Huh6 cells, a hepatoblastoma cell line In order to determine whether a catalytically inactive GnT- III mutant serves a dominant negative function by prevent- ing the action of the wild-type endogenou s e nzyme, Huh6 cells, a human hepatoblastoma cell line, were transfected with the rat GnT-III mutants because a structural pro®le of the N-glycans in these cells had been previously ch aracter- ized through a structural analysis of N-linked sugar chains of a-fetoprotein produced by the cells [43]. H uh6 cells express relatively high levels of GnT-III and produce bisected sugar chains, the products of this glycosyltransfer- ase [ 43]. Following the selection of the transfected cells by geneticin resistance, clones were grown separately, and the expression of the rat mutant enz yme was veri®ed by immunoblot analysis. As a result, we obtained three clones, which overexpress the D323A GnT-III mutant (Fig. 2D). In Huh6 cells, a s was in COS-1 cells, the D323A mutant was expressed a t a similar level to the wild-type, and appeared to be fully glycosylated (Fig. 2D,F). In the case of the other mutant, D321A, however, we were not successful in establishing such clones. The speci®c suppression of endogenous GnT-III activity by expression of the catalytically inactive D323A mutant in Huh6 cells When assays for GnT-III activity were performed in the transfected cells, it was found that the activity in the transfected cells were as low as less than 5 % of the activity in the parental or mock-transfected Huh6 cells, which were used as controls. On the other hand, the activities of GnT-V, another GlcNAc transferase which is involved in the formation of b1,6-branches, and b1,4GalT were not essen- tially affected in the transfe cted cells, indicating that the overexpression of the D323A mutant has no effect on these glycosyltransferase activities (Fig. 3). Therefore, it appears that the overexpression of the m utant does not impair Fig. 2. Expression of the wild-type and mutant GnT-III proteins. The wild-type and mutant enzymes were transiently expressed in COS-1 cells (A±C), and stably expressed in Huh6 c ells (D ±F). (A,D) The cell homogenates were separated on 8% SDS-gels and were analyz ed by immunoblot using a nti-(GnT -III) Ig. (B ,E) The amounts of protein loaded were veri®ed by Ponceau staining, prior to t he immunoblot analysis. (C,F) The s amples were treated w ith PNGase F, followed b y SDS/PAGE and immunoblotting. COS-1 an d pSVK3 indicate non- transfected and vector-transfected (mock) COS-1 cells, respectively. Huh6, H uh6/D 323A a n d H uh6/WT represent parental nontrans- fected, D323A-transfected and wild-type-transfected Huh6 cells, respectively. Details of the conditions are described in Experimental procedures. Table 1. Activities of the wild-type and mutant GnT-IIIs transiently expressed in CO S-1 cells. Gn T-III ac tivity wa s determ ined a s descr ibed in Experimental procedures. The mock plasmid w as transfected with a vector, pSVK3. ND, not d etectable . Plasmid GnT-III activity (nmoláh )1 ámg protein )1 ) Not transfected ND Mock ND Wild-type 0.98 D321A ND D323A ND D329A 1.0 Ó FEBS 2002 A dominant negative glycosyltransferase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 197 glycosyltransferase a ctivities in a nonspeci®c manner, for example, via the downregulation of their expression or damage to the Golgi apparatus. Quite s imilar r esults were obtained in all three of the obtained clones. These results suggest that the overexpression of the D323A mutant speci®cally suppresses the activity of endogenous GnT-III. To examine whether the mutant GnT-III inhibits the intrinsic G nT-III in vitro, the extracts from t he parental cells were mixed with the extract from the D323A- transfected ce lls, and were then analyze d by the activity assay. As shown in Fig. 4, no inhibitory effect of the mutant was observed, and, thus, it seemed unlikely that the in vivo inhibition by the mutant is due to direct competition for substrate. Furthermore, RT-PCR using a primer set that is speci®c to the human GnT-III sequence showed that the mRNAs for endogenous human GnT-III were not signif- icantly d ecreased (Fig. 5), suggesting t hat the decreased GnT-III activity is not due to the downregulation of expression of the intrinsic human GnT-III gene. Therefore, it is more likely that t he activity of the i ntrinsic human enzyme is decreased as the result of control at the translational or post-translational level including protein± protein interactions. Blockage of a speci®c step, namely the formation of a bisecting GlcNAc residue, in N-glycan biosynthesis via the expression of the D323A mutant In order to further examine the issue of whether the biosynthesis of bisected sugar chains are inhibited by overexpression of the D323A mutant, total N-linked sugar chains were prepared from the cells and labeled with 2-aminopyridine, a ¯uorescent reagent. The resulting free oligosaccharides were digested wi th sialidase, b- galactosi- dase and a-fucosidase, and then s ubjected to r eversed phase HPLC, in order to analyze the core structures, i.e . the addition of a b isecting GlcNAc and t he extent of branching. As shown in Fig. 6, when parental cells, which express various sugar chains with bi-, tri- and tetra-antennae were examined, substantial fractions (20±30%) of these sugar chains were found to contain t he bisecting GlcNAc. Almost Fig. 4. Eect of the D323A mutan t on the endogenous GnT-III activity in vitro. After indicated amounts of the extracts from parental Huh6 cells and the D323A-transfected cells were mixed, GnT-III activity was assessed. The data are expr essed as the relative value to the activity determined in the absence of the m utan t extract. Fig. 3. GnT-III, b1,4GalT and GnT-V activities in the D323A-trans- fectant. Activities of GnT-III (A), b1,4GalT (B) and GnT-V (C) were assayed using a pyridylaminated oligosaccharide a cceptor, as desc ribed in Exp erimental proc ed ures. D ata f or the transfectants are expressed as mean values from three dierent clones for D323A and 2 clones for the wild-type GnT-IIIs and mock-transfect ed cells. In the D323A-trans- fectants, standard deviations are also shown. 198 H. Ihara et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002 the s ame p ro®le was obtained in the case of the mock- transfected cells (data not shown). On the other hand, the D323A-transfected cells were found to expres s n egligible levels of bisected sugar chains. These results indicate that the overexpression of the D323A mutant blocks the biosynthe- sis of bisected sugar chains as the result of a decrease in the activity of endogenous GnT-III. The results demonstrate that the c atalytically inactive mutant enzyme acts as a dominant negative g lycosyltransferase toward the forma- tion of a bisecting GlcNAc in vivo. Fig. 5. Detection of m RNA for endogenous h uman GnT-III in the D323A-transfectant by RT-PCR. m RN A expression of endogenous human GnT- III in parental Huh6 cells and the transfectants for the D323A and wild-type GnT-IIIs were investigated by RT-PCR (upper panel). Reverse transcription was omitted t o verify the absence o f ampli®cation of genomic DNA in the lanes indicated by RT (±). Human b-actin mRNA expression was a lso examined as a control (lower pan el). S peci®city t o the endogenous h uman enzyme was con®rme d b y PCR using plasmid D NAs. Lanes: h uman GnT-III and rat GnT-III indic a te PCR-amp li®cation of plasmids c ontaining cDNAs for hu man and rat e nzym e, resp ec tively. D e tails regarding the PCR procedures are described in Experimental p rocedures. Fig. 6. Structural analysis of Asn-linked sugar chains from parental and transfected Huh6 cells. Elution p ro®les of pyridylaminated sugar chains in reversed phase HPLC are shown for parental Huh6 cells ( a), wild-type GnT-III- transfectant (b) and D 323A-transfectant (c). Numbers at the top indicate peaks for bisected sugar chain s: 1, as ialo -agala cto-bisec ted biantennary sugar chain; 2, asialo-agalacto- bisected tetraantennary sugar c hain; 3, a sialo- agalacto-bisected triantennary sugar chain containing a b1,4-GlcNAc residue on the Mana1,3 arm. Arro wheads in dicate nonbi- sected sugar chains: left arrowhead, overlap- ping peaks of asialo-agalacto biantenna ry and asialo-agalacto tetraantennary s ugar chains; right, asialo, agalacto triantennary sugar chain containing a b1,4-GlcNAc residue on the Mana1,3 arm. These structures are shown above the pro®le. Ó FEBS 2002 A dominant negative glycosyltransferase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 199 CONCLUSIONS Our present study identi®ed Asp321 and Asp323 as being essential residues in the enzyme activity of GnT-I II, and provides further support for the v iew that the D-X-D motif in glycosyltransferases is important and signi®cant, even though the exact roles of Asp321 and Asp323 in GnT-III remains to be elucidated. On the other hand , the utility of the catalytically inactive GnT-III as a dominant negative glycosyltransferase toward bisecting GlcNAc formation is clearly demonstrated. The ®ndings contribute to the estab- lishment of a distinct strategy for in vivo oligosaccharide manipulation, which permits the speci®c inhibition of a particular glycosylation step in the biosynthetic pathway in a manner that is independent of gene targeting. Although a similarattemptwasmadefora1,3GalT [44], the mechanism of the inhibition is not known. It is generally thought that dominant negatively acting molecules involve competition with the c orresponding endogenous wild-type molecules. Such competition could also occur in the case of the dominant negative GnT-III. Possible steps of the c ompeti- tion could involve: (a) competition for localization in the Golgi, as o bserved in competition for cell surface b1,4GalT-1 [45]; (b) homophilic interaction involved in the formation of the active enzyme; (c) association with a presently unknown molecule that activates the enzym e; a nd (d) activation of the enzyme by post-translational m odi®cation. Although the mechanism of a ction of the dominant negative mutant is not yet known, an understanding of this mechanism could lead to the discovery of a novel regulatory mechanism for glycosyltransferase activity. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Dr Milton S. Feather for correcting t his manuscript. 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