Deamidationoflabileasparagineresiduesinthe autoregulatory
sequence ofhumanphenylalanine hydroxylase
Structural and functional implications
Therese Solstad
, Raquel N. Carvalho
, Ole A. Andersen
, Dietmar Waidelich
and Torgeir Flatmark
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the Proteomic Unit, University of Bergen, Norway;
Department of
Chemistry, University of Tromsø, Norway;
Applied Biosystems, Applera Deutschland GmbH, Langen, Germany
Two dimensional electrophoresis has revealed a micro-
heterogeneity inthe recombinant human phenylalanine
hydroxylase (hPAH) protomer, that is the result of sponta-
neous nonenzymatic deamidations oflabile asparagine
(Asn) residues [Solstad, T. and Flatmark, T. (2000) Eur. J.
Biochem. 267, 6302–6310]. Using of a computer algorithm,
the relative deamidation rates of all Asn residuesin hPAH
have been predicted, and we here verify that Asn32, followed
by a glycine residue, as well as Asn28 and Asn30 in a loop
region ofthe N-terminal autoregulatorysequence (residues
19–33) of wt-hPAH, are among the susceptible residues.
First, on MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry ofthe 24 h
expressed enzyme, the E. coli 28-residue peptide, L15–K42
(containing three Asn residues), was recovered with four
monoisotopic mass numbers (i.e., m/z
of 3106.455, 3107.470,
3108.474 and 3109.476, of decreasing intensity) that differed
by 1 Da. Secondly, by reverse-phase chromatography,
isoaspartyl (isoAsp) was demonstrated in this 28-residue
peptide by its methylation by protein-
-isoaspartic acid
O-methyltransferase (PIMT; EC Thirdly, on
incubation at pH 7.0 and 37 °C ofthe phosphorylated form
(at Ser16) of this 28-residue peptide, a time-dependent
mobility shift from t
34 min to 31 min (i.e., to a more
hydrophilic position) was observed on reverse-phase chro-
matography, and the recovery ofthe t
34 min species
decreased with a biphasic time-course with t
-values of 1.9
and 6.2 days. The fastest rate is compatible with the rate
determined for the sequence-controlled deamidation of
Asn32 (in a pentapeptide without 3D structural interfer-
ence), i.e., a deamidation half-time of 1.5 days in 150 m
Tris/HCl, pH 7.0 at 37 °C. Asn32 is located in a cluster of
three Asn residues (Asn28, Asn30 and Asn32) of a loop
structure stabilized by a hydrogen-bond network. Deami-
dation of Asn32 introduces a negative charge and a partial
b-isomerization (isoAsp), which is predicted to result in a
change inthe backbone conformation ofthe loop structure
and a repositioning oftheautoregulatorysequence and thus
affect its regulatory properties. The functional implications
of this deamidation was further studied by site-directed
mutagenesis, and the mutant form (Asn32fiAsp) revealed a
1.7-fold increase inthe catalytic efficiency, an increased
affinity and positive cooperativity of L-Phe binding as well as
substrate inhibition.
Keywords: phenylalanine hydroxylase; microheterogeneity;
deamidation; asparagine; structure and function.
The irreversible, spontaneous, nonenzymatic deamidation
of asparagine (Asn) residues is a common post-trans-
lational modification known to occur in a large number of
mammalian proteins [1], and it represents an important
source of protein instability at biologically relevant
conditions [2,3]. Thedeamidationof Asn at neutral pH
has been reported to proceed primarily by a succinimide
mechanism involving the formation of a succinimide
intermediate via nucleophilic attack on the amide carbonyl
of Asn by the nitrogen ofthe peptide group linking the
Asn to the following residue [4–6]
. As hydrolysis of this
intermediate may occur on either side ofthe imide
nitrogen, the Asp residue produced by the deamidation
reaction will be linked to the subsequent residue by a
a-aspartyl (Asp) or by a b-aspartyl (or isoaspartic
acid – isoAsp) bond. Inthe latter case, the b-carbon is
part ofthe polypeptide backbone, and the a-carboxyl
group is present as an atypical one carbon carboxylic acid
side-chain available for methylation by isoaspartyl
O-methyltransferase [7]. In general, Asn residues deami-
date faster and more frequently than do glutamine
residues, due to a more energetically favourable formation
of a cyclic intermediate (reviewed in [8,9]). The rate of Asn
deamidation in proteins has been shown to depend
primarily on their nearest (to the Asn [10]) neighbour
amino acid C-terminal, their localization inthe 3D
Correspondence to: T. Flatmark, Department of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, University of Bergen, A
rstadveien 19,
N-5009 Bergen, Norway. Fax: +47 5558600, Tel.: +47 55586428,
Abbreviations: hPAH, humanphenylalanine hydroxylase; rPAH, rat
phenylalanine hydroxylase; H
, biopterin (6R)-
tetrahydrobiopterin; PIMT, protein-
-isoaspartate O-methyltrans-
ferase; MALDI-TOF, matrix-assisted desorption/ionization time of
flight; IPTG, isopropyl-thio-a-
MBP, maltose binding protein; wt, wild-type.
Enzyme: Phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase or phenylalanine
hydroxylase (EC
(Received 9 October 2002, revised 23 December 2002,
accepted 8 January 2003)
Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 929–938 (2003) Ó FEBS 2003 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2003.03455.x
structure [9,10] as well as on environmental factors such as
pH, temperature and ionic strength [8,11] and including
some specific ion effects [12]. Two dimensional electro-
phoresis ofthe 50-kDa subunit of purified monkey,
human and recombinant human PAH (hPAH) has
revealed a marked microheterogeneity in which the
individual molecular forms ofthe protomer have the
same apparent molecular mass ( 50 kDa), but differ in
their pI by about 0.1 pH unit [13]
. The microheterogeneity
was proven to be the result of progressive, spontaneous,
nonenzymatic deamidations oflabile amide containing
amino acid residues [13]. Based on the specific deamida-
tion rates in a cellular system (expression in E. coli)and
the experimental conditions in vitro required for the
deamidation reactions to occur, thelabile amide groups
were concluded to represent Asn residues [13]. Interest-
ingly, a comparison ofthe catalytic properties of non-
deamidated and highly deamidated enzyme revealed that
the catalytic efficiency (k
higher for the tetramer (as isolated by size-exclusion
chromatography) with multiple deamidated protomers
(generated by 24 h expression in E. coli at 28 °C) than for
the essentially nondeamidated form (generated by 2 h
expression) [13]. Therefore, the unambiguous identification
of the Asn residues susceptible to deamidation at biologi-
cally relevant conditions represents a major challenge for the
characterization and understanding ofthe catalytic, regula-
tory and stability properties of this homotetrameric enzyme
Using a recently developed computer algorithm [9,10], that
accurately ( 95%) predicts the relative deamidation rates
of Asn residues within a single protein, when its 3D
structure is known, several candidate Asn residues have
been predicted in hPAH and rPAH [14]. Interestingly, based
on this predictive algorithm and the 2D electrophoretic
patterns of wt-hPAH and the truncated form DN(1–102)/
DC(429–452)-hPAH, two ofthelabile Asn residues have
been located inthe catalytic domain structure. In addition,
three residuesinthe designated N-terminal autoregulatory
sequence (residues 19–33), extending over the active site
pocket as a ÔlidÕ [15], were also predicted to be susceptible to
deamidation. This sequence contains a cluster of three Asn
residues (Asn28, Asn30 and Asn32) as well as the
phosphorylation site for PKA (Ser16) in close proximity,
and we here present experimental data verifying the
computational prediction of Asn32 as the most susceptible
residue to undergo deamidation to Asp/isoAsp.
Materials and methods
The restriction protease, enterokinase, was delivered by
Invitrogen (the Netherlands). The IsoQuantÒ protein
isoaspartic acid detection kit was purchased from Promega.
The Sigma Chemical Co. delivered TPCK-treated trypsin
and soybean trypsin inhibitor. The catalytic subunit of
cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) was purified to
homogeneity from bovine heart and was a generous gift
from S. O. Døskeland, Department of Anatomy and Cell
Biology, University of Bergen. A synthetic 28-residue
peptide representing the N-terminal tryptic peptide, LSD
synthesized by Research Genetics, AL,
USA. [c-
and S-adenosyl-
H]methionine were obtained
from Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, U.K. Other chemicals
were ofthe highest purity available, and some specific
chemicals are referred to inthe text.
Site-specific mutagenesis
The Asn32fiAsp mutation was introduced into the
pMAL-hPAH expression system containing the entero-
kinase cleavage site (D
K) (New England Biolabs) using the
site-directed mutagenesis kit (Stratagene).
The following primers (provided by MWG-Biotech AG)
were used for mutagenesis: (forward) 5¢-AAGACAACT
T-3¢ (the mismatched nucleotides are
shown in boldtype). The authenticity ofthe mutagenesis
was verified by DNA sequencing in an ABI Prism
DNA Sequencer (Perkin Elmer) using the oligonucleotides
malE, 13B [16] and A
[17] and the Big Dye
Ready Reaction Mix (Perkin Elmer Applied Biosystems).
The analysis ofthe electropherograms was carried out
with the programs
1.6 (Technelysium Pty, Ltd)
(1.8). The DNA was introduced into E. coli
TB1 cells by electroporation using a Gene PulserÒ II
Expression and purification of recombinant hPAH
The pMAL expression system was used for the production
of the wild-type fusion protein MBP-(D
-hPAH [18]
with maltose binding protein as the fusion partner. Cells
were grown at 37 °C, and expression was induced at 15 °C
or 28 °C by the addition of 1 m
isopropyl thio-b-
-galactoside (IPTG); the cells were harvested after 2 h or
24 h of induction. The fusion protein was cleaved by
enterokinase for 5 h at 4 °C using 4 U protease per mg
fusion protein, and the tetrameric forms were isolated to
homogeneity by size-exclusion chromatography [18].
Protein measurements
Purified enzyme was measured by the absorbance at
280 nm, using the absorption coefficient A
(1 mgÆmL
) ¼ 1.63 for the fusion protein MBP-(D
and 1.0 for the isolated hPAH protein [18].
Phosphorylation of hPAH
The enzyme was phosphorylated by PKA as described
previously [19]. The standard reaction mixture contained
15 m
Na/Hepes (pH 7.0), 0.1 m
ethylene glycol bis-
(a-amino ether)-N,N,N¢,N¢-tetraacetic acid, 0.03 m
EDTA, 1 m
dithiothreitol, 10 m
60 l
ATP, 100 n
of the catalytic subunit of PKA and
20 l
of hPAH; 30 °C for 30 min.
Trypsination of hPAH
Tryptic proteolysis of hPAH was performed in 20 m
Na/Hepes buffer, pH 7.0 at 30 °C for 2 h at a trypsin to
930 T. Solstad et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
substrate ratio of 1 : 10 (by mass). Soybean trypsin inhibitor
was added at the end with a protease to inhibitor ratio of
1 : 1.5 (by mass) for the analyses of peptides by reverse-
phase chromatography.
Methylation of tryptic peptides
-isoaspartate O-methyltrans-
ferase (PIMT; EC catalyses the methylation of the
a-carboxyl in isoAsp residues with S-adenosyl-
as the methyl donor. The products of this reaction are the
formation of peptide/protein
-isoaspartartyl methyl ester
and S-adenosyl-
-homocysteine. The reaction was per-
formed as described inthe manual for the IsoQuantÒ
protein isoaspartic acid detection kit with S-adenosyl-
H]methionine as the methyl donor.
Reverse-phase chromatography
Reverse-phase chromatography ofthe tryptic peptides was
performed using a ConstaMetric Gradient System (Labor-
atory Data Control) and a 4.6 mm · 10 cm Hypersil
ODS C18 column (Hewlett Packard, USA) fitted with a
2-cm guard column ofthe same material. Solvent A was
50 m
ammonium acetate (pH 8.0) and solvent B, 50 m
ammonium acetate in 70% (v/v) acetonitrile (pH 8.0), and a
linear gradient of 10–50% solvent B was used at a flow rate
of 1 mLÆmin
for 60 min. Samples were collected every
15 s and the elution pattern of
P-labelled and
peptides was analysed and resolved into individual compo-
nents, assuming a Gaussian distribution of each peptide,
using the
software program (SPSS Inc., IL, USA);
the ÔAutoFit-peak II-ResidualsÕ was used with the confid-
ence level set at ‡ 95%.
2D electrophoresis
Isoelectric focusing (IEF) was performed as described [13].
SDS/PAGE was performed at 200 V for 3–4 h on 10%
(w/v) polyacrylamide gels [20]. The gels were stained by
0.5% (w/v) Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 (Bio-Rad) in
30% (v/v) ethanol and 10% (v/v) acetic acid. The apparatus
used for IEF and electrophoresis (EPS 3500XL power
supply, Protean Xi 2D Cell and Tube cell) were from
Bio-Rad. Finally, the 2D gels were dried on a slab gel dryer
(Bio-Rad model 443) and scanned on a Hewlett Packard
Scan Jet 4C/T.
Mass spectrometry
Matrix-assisted desorption/ionization time of flight
(MALDI-TOF) spectra and tandem (MS/MS) mass spec-
trometry of target peptides were acquired on a 4700
Proteomic Analyser (Applied Biosystems) inthe reflectron
positive-ion mode, and the spectra were mass calibrated
externally. The tryptic peptides were diluted (1 : 100 or
1 : 50) in 25% (v/v) acetonitrile and 0.1% trifluoroacetic
acid with a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (Aldrich) as the
matrix. Samples were spotted on the sample plate and
allowed to crystallize at room temperature. The instrument
was supplied with a software tool that uses a scanning
algorithm to isotopically deconvolute the mass spectra; for
theoretical consideration see [21]. The deconvolution
method is particularly useful to detect labile Asn residues
in peptides as deamidationof Asn to Asp/isoAsp increases
the monoisotopic mass ([M + H]
) ofthe peptide by only
Assay of hPAH activity
The hPAH activity was assayed as described [18], the
catalase concentration was 0.1 lgÆlL
and the enzyme was
activated by prior incubation (5 min) with
-Phe. The
enzyme source was the isolated tetrameric forms and the
reaction time was 1 min 0.5% (w/v) BSA was included in
the reaction mixture to stabilize the diluted, purified
enzyme. The steady-state kinetic data were analysed by
nonlinear regression analysis using
Scientific Software) and the modified Hill equation of
LiCata and Allewell [22] for cooperative substrate binding
as well as substrate inhibition [13,23].
Expression, purification and 2D electrophoresis
of recombinant hPAH
The expression of wild-type hPAH and its Asn32fiAsp
mutant form inthe E. coli pMAL-system resulted in the
expected high yields ofthe recombinant fusion protein MBP-
-hPAH [18] using an IPTG induction period of
2–24 h at 28 °C or 24 h at 15 °C. After cleavage of the
affinity purified fusion proteins with the restriction protease
enterokinase, the tetrameric forms were isolated by size-
exclusion chromatography. Whereas the wild-type protomer
gave a single band on 1D SDS/PAGE, this was not the case
when subjected to 2D electrophoresis. As described previ-
ously [13,24], recombinant wt-hPAH expressed as MBP-
-hPAH fusion protein for 24 h at 28 °C revealed
multiple ( 5) molecular forms ofthe protomer (Fig. 1) that
differed in their isoelectric point by about 0.1 pH unit, but
shared the same apparent molecular mass ( 50 kDa).
Labile asparagineresiduesinthe regulatory domain
Based on the microheterogeneity ofthe protomer in a
double truncated form of hPAH (DN(1–102)/DC(428–452)-
Fig. 1. 2D-electrophoresis pattern of full-length wt-hPAH obtained as a
fusion protein after 24 h of induction in E. coli at 28 °C. Approximately
30 lg of enterokinase cleaved fusion protein MBP-(D
was subjected to 2D electrophoresis and stained with Commassie
Brilliant Blue. The multiple molecular forms ofthe protomer (denoted
hPAH I-IV [13]) differed in pI by 0.1 pH unit, but shared the same
apparent molecular mass of 50 kDa.
Ó FEBS 2003 Deamidationoflabileasparagineresidues (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 931
hPAH), expressed in E. coli, it has been concluded that at
least two ofthelabile Asn residues are located in the
catalytic domain ofthe protomer [13]. Furthermore, on
the basis of a nearest neighbour amino acid analysis of all
the Asn residuesin wt-hPAH and taking into account the
contribution ofthe 3D structure (PDB accession numbers,
1PAH and 1PHZ) to the instability of Asn residues [10],
three residuesinthe N-terminal regulatory domain are
predicted to deamidate nonenzymatically at biologically
relevant conditions ([14] and Table 1). Notably, Asn32 in
hPAH and rPAH (and in addition, Asn8 in rPAH) is thus
predicted to be a very labile residue with a theoretical
deamidation coefficient (C
) of 0.5 and a theoretical first-
order half-time of 1.5 days in 150 m
Tris/HCl, pH 7.5
at 37 °C ([14] and Table 1). Asn32 is located in a small
cluster of Asn residues, including Asn28 and Asn30, that
have predicted higher deamidation coefficients (7.9 and 5.0)
and longer deamidation half-times (54 and 60 days). From
structure and that Asn30 Od1 is stabilized by a hydrogen
bond to Gln134 Ne2. The conformation ofthe loop
structure is further stabilized by hydrogen bonds as shown
in Fig. 2. As can be seen from Table 1, none ofthe other
Asn residuesinthe N-terminal regulatory domain are
predicted to contribute to the microheterogeneity of the
wild-type protomer. Asn58, which is located at the end of an
a-helix (Ra1) [15], is particularly unlikely to undergo
nonenzymatic deamidation [25].
Table 1. Asn residuesinthe N-terminal domain, their nearest neighbour amino acids, secondary structure position and their theoretical half-times for
nonenzymatic deamidation/deamidation coefficients. N.D., not determined.
Asn residue Sequence Secondary structure position
First-order deamidation
half-times (t
coefficient (C
Asn8 ENP N.D. >500 N.D.
Asn28 DNC Loop 54.1 7.9
Asn30 CNQ Loop 60 5.0
Asn32 QNG Loop 1.45 0.5
Asn58 END End of Ra1 helix 32 8.4
Asn61 VNL b-Turn between Ra1 and Ra2 291 130
Asn93 TNI Middle of Ra2 helix 271 >500
The values were obtained from the estimated half-times of penta-peptides containing thesequence GlyXxxAsnYyyGly [1].
The values
were predicted by the computer algorithm developed by Robinson and Robinson [10] based on the crystal structure data obtained for the
truncated dimeric rat PAH (PDF id. code, 1PHZ) containing the regulatory and catalytic domains [15].
Fig. 2. Stereo picture ofthe three Asn residuesinthe N-terminal autoregulatorysequenceof rPAH. Figure based on the crystal structure ofthe ligand-
free, phosphorylated dimeric DC(428–452)-rPAH (PDB id. code, 1PHZ), which contains both the regulatory and the catalytic domains (residues
1–427). The N-terminal autoregulatorysequence is highly homologous in rPAH and hPAH, including the conserved Asn residues at positions 28,
30 and 32 [14]. The Asn residues and the surrounding residues are shown by ball-and-stick representation. The figure was produced using
932 T. Solstad et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
Mass spectrometry
To identify thelabile Asn residuesinthe N-terminal
autoregulatory sequence, tryptic peptides of wt-hPAH
(Fig. 3) were analysed by MALDI-TOF using a scanning
algorithm to isotopically deconvolute the mass spectra. The
theoretical isotopic distribution was calculated on the basis
of the elemental composition (C135 H209 N34 O48 S1) for
the peptide L15–K42 (Fig. 4A,D). This acidic and hydro-
phobic 28-residue tryptic peptide (containing Asn28, Asn30
and the predicted most labile residue, Asn32) revealed an
isotopic mass spectrum identical to the theoretical spectrum,
and on deconvolution, a single monoisotopic mass peak
([M + H]
)ofm/z 3106.514 Da when obtained from
wt-hPAH isolated after 2 h at 28 °C of induction with
IPTG (Fig. 4B,C). Tandem (MS/MS) mass spectrometry of
this peptide revealed a fragmentation pattern which iden-
tified Asn residuesin positions 28, 30 and 32. By contrast,
the same tryptic peptide obtained from wt-hPAH isolated
after 24 h induction at 28 °C, revealed three additional
monoisotopic mass peaks (m/z 3107.470, 3108.474 and
3109.476) of decreasing intensity on deconvolution of the
mass spectrum (Fig. 4E,F)
. This increase of 1 Da for each
of the additional peaks corresponds to the increase in mass
as expected from deamidationof 1, 2 or 3 Asn residues,
respectively. The apparent intensity ratio of 3106.455 to
S (3107.470, 3108.474 and 3109.476) was 4:3andmay
give an estimate ofthe residual amount of nondeamidated
peptide (m/z 3106.455); note, however, the lower S/N ratio
of the spectra in Fig. 4E than in 4B that has an effect on the
accuracy ofthe deconvoluted spectrum.
Lability ofthe Asn residuesinthe autoregulatory
The 28-residue tryptic peptide, L15–K42 with the cluster of
Asn residues also contains the phosphorylation site (Ser16)
which is a preferred substrate for PKA [26].
tetrameric hPAH (obtained after 24 h of induction at 15 °C
Fig. 3. Tryptic peptides of wt-hPAH containing Asn28, Asn30 and
Asn32. The alternative cleavage sites for trypsin are indicated by
arrows, which may contribute to the heterogeneity of phosphopeptides
after reverse-phase chromatography (Fig. 5).
Fig. 4. MALDI-TOF mass spectra ofthe N-terminal 28-residue tryptic peptide L15–K42 obtained from wt-hPAH isolated after 2 and 24 h of induction
at 28 °CinE. coli. Panels A and D represent the theoretical isotopic mass spectrum ofthe 28-residue peptide L15–K42 (elemental composition
C135 H209 N3 O48 S1). Panels B and E represent the mass spectra of this peptide obtained from the 2 h and 24 h expressed wt-hPAH at 28 °C,
respectively, and panels C and F represent the corresponding deconvoluted monoisotopic mass spectra ([M + H]
). Note that the S/N ratio is
slightly better inthe isotopic mass spectrum of B than in E.
Ó FEBS 2003 Deamidationoflabileasparagineresidues (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 933
in E. coli), that had been fully phosphorylated by PKA, was
digested with trypsin and subjected to reverse-phase chro-
matography that resolved one major (t
34 min) and
some minor phosphopeptides (Fig. 5, inset). The minor
components represent peptides generated by alternative
tryptic cleavage (see Fig. 3) and/or the presence of a mixture
of peptides with either
Asn, Asp and isoAsp at position 32
(and eventually at positions 28 and/or 30). In order to study
further the stability ofthe three Asn residues, the phospho-
peptides were incubated at 37 °C and pH 7 (15 m
Hepes containing 1 m
dithiothreitol), and at timed
intervals, aliquots were subjected to reverse-phase chroma-
tography. The main phosphopeptide (with t
34 min)
revealed a time-dependent mobility shift to a more hydro-
philic position with t
31 min. By making corrections for
the decay of
P-radioactivity and any loss of peptide, the
amount of phosphopeptide with t
34 min was found to
decrease with a biphasic time-course and with calculated
half-times of 1.9 days (r ¼ 0.98) and 6.2 days (r ¼ 0.92),
assuming pseudo first-order kinetics for the deamidation
Demonstration of isoaspartate in tryptic peptides
of wt-hPAH
-isoaspartate O-methyltransferase
(PIMT) specifically methylates isoAsp residuesin peptides
and a broad range of proteins [7] at substoichiometric levels
formed due to nonenzymatic deamidation or spontaneous
isomerization of Asp [30]. In order to detect the presence of
isoAsp residuesin hPAH, the wt-hPAH (obtained after 24 h
induction with IPTG at 28 °C) was digested with trypsin,
and the peptides methylated by PIMT with S-adenosyl-
H]methionine as the methyl donor and analysed
by reverse-phase chromatography. The
H-labelled peptides
were resolved into several components with retention times
in the range of 20–60 min (Fig. 6A), with major peaks at
28 min, t
34 min, t
36 min and t
51 min.
H-labelled peptide was eluted at the end of the
gradient, this was also the case for the synthetic 28-residue
peptide L15–K42 (Fig. 6B). Inthe latter case, multiple,
closely spaced, but nonresolved peaks of
were observed and indeed expected from the MALDI-TOF
mass spectrum ofthe peptide as isolated (Fig. 6B, inset),
including the full-length form with a monoisotopic m/z of
3106.396 (theoretical monoisotopic m/z of 3106.467); such
a heterogeneity was expected on the synthesis of this
28-residue peptide and possibly also as a result of partial
deamidation to Asp/isoAsp during the synthesis procedure.
However, the pattern of nonresolved methylated peptides
eluted between 50 and 60 min (Fig. 6B) demonstrated the
presence of isoAsp residues that increased markedly upon its
incubation in 150 m
Tris/HCl buffer, pH 7.5 at 37 °C; i.e.,
at the standard incubation conditions previously selected for
deamidation of model peptides [1].
In order to demonstrate that the phosphopeptides of
wt-hPAH (Fig. 5) also contained isoAsp, the
tryptic peptides of wt-hPAH were incubated for 1 week at
37 °C, pH 7.5 and then subjected to methylation by PIMT
and reverse-phase chromatography. The elution pattern of
the tryptic peptides revealed distinctly different profiles for
P (phosphopeptides) and
H (methylated peptides), but
with some major overlapping peaks at t
29 min,
36 min and 39 min. In addition, several minor over-
lapping peaks were also observed, thus proving that the
presence of one or more isoAsp residuesinthe N-terminal
tryptic peptide of wt-hPAH are generated because of
nonenzymatic dedamidation in vitro.
Steady-state kinetic analysis of tetrameric wt-hPAH
and its Asn32fiAsp mutant form
The progressive deamidation events observed on 24 h
expression of hPAH in E. coli have been shown to alter
the catalytic properties ofthe tetrameric form when isolated
by size-exclusion chromatography [13]. Partially deamida-
ted enzyme (24 h induction at 28 °CinE. coli) revealed a
3-fold higher catalytic efficiency (k
), resulting from a
higher V
and an increased affinity for the substrate
-Phe, a lower affinity for its pterin cofactor and a
Fig. 5. Time-course for the spontaneous deamidationofthe major
tryptic phosphopeptide of wt-hPAH containing theresidues Asn28,
Asn30 and Asn32. Full-length wt-hPAH expressed for 24 h at 28 °C
was phosphorylated by PKA and subjected to digestion with trypsin.
(Inset) The elution pattern ofthe phosphopeptides separated by
reverse-phase chromatography on a Hypersil C18 column; the column
was equilibrated with 50 m
ammonium acetate (pH 8.0) and the
peptides eluted with a linear gradient of 10–50% (v/v) of 50 m
ammonium acetate in 70% (v/v) acetonitrile (pH 8.0) at a flow-rate of
. Detection of the
P-radioactivity revealed a heteroge-
neity ofthe phosphopeptides that may be related to alternative cleavage
sites for trypsin (see Fig. 4) and partial deamidation(s) of AsnfiAsp
and AsnfiisoAsp; main peak at t
34 min. (Main figure) The
phosphopeptides were further incubated in phosphorylation medium
at pH 7.0 and 37 °C, and at timed intervals, aliquots ( 150 lgpep-
tide) were subjected to reverse-phase chromatography. Fractions
(250 lL) were collected every 15 s followed by scintillation counting
and analysis ofthe data by the
software program. Each data
point represents the average value obtained in three separate experi-
ments, and the two lines were calculated by linear regression analysis
with the correlation coefficients r
¼ 0.98 and r
¼ 0.92. The time-
course for the remaining
P-radioactivity inthe t
34 min peak (log
d.p.m. t
34 min) was thus resolved into two deamidation half-times
of 1.9 and 6.2 days, assuming pseudo first-order kinetics.
934 T. Solstad et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
pronounced substrate (
-Phe) inhibition when compared to
the nondeamidated tetramer (2 h induction at 28 °C).
Steady-state kinetic analysis ofthe Asn32fiAsp mutant
form (2 h induction at 28 °C), demonstrated kinetic
properties that where comparable qualitatively to those
observed for highly deamidated wt-hPAH with a 1.7-fold
increase in its catalytic efficiency, a 34% decrease in the
-value for
-Phe, increased cooperativity on
binding and substrate inhibition (Fig. 7, Table 2).
The observed microheterogeneity of recombinant wt-hPAH
on isoelectric focusing and 2D electrophoresis (Fig. 1) has
been demonstrated to be the result of spontaneous non-
enzymatic deamidationoflabile amide containing amino
acid residues and has implications both for the catalytic
efficiency and stability properties ofthe enzyme [13]. Based
on the rate ofthe multiple deamidation reactions, their pH
and temperature dependence, thelabile amide residues were
concluded to be Asn, and at least two of them were found to
be present inthe double truncated form DN(1–102)/
DC(428–452)-hPAH including the catalytic core domain
of the enzyme [13].
Deamidation of Asn residues can occur by several
alternative mechanisms, but in proteins and peptides the
most common is a nonenzymatic deamidation via the
b-aspartyl shift mechanism (see Introduction), that proceeds
with a high frequency in proteins at neutral to basic pH [31].
Asn, followed by Gly, Ser, Thr or Lys residues are most
commonly subjected to deamidation [9,31], particularly
when the Asn residue is located in a flexible segment of the
protein [32]. Under physiological conditions (with respect to
temperature, pH and ion composition) the ratio of Asp to
isoAspisreportedtobe 1 : 2 for Asn–Gly or Asn–Ser
sequences [33], and ratios of 1 : 3 have been reported in
model pentapeptides [6,34], however, conformational con-
straints inthe protein may have an effect on this ratio.
Labile Asn residue(s) inthe N-terminal regulatory
domain of wt-hPAH
On the basis of nearest neighbour analyses ofthe Asn
residue in wt-hPAH and the recently solved 3D crystal
structures of rPAH and hPAH, a computer algorithm has
predicted that the most labile Asn residue in rPAH/hPAH is
Asn32, together with Asn8 in rPAH ([14] and Table 1). Its
nearest neighbour amino acid (Gly33), in a loop structure,
favours thedeamidationof Asn32 with the formation of
Asp and isoAsp at a ratio of 1 : 2 [33]. MALDI-TOF
mass spectrometry analyses have confirmed this prediction.
Thus, the 28-residue tryptic peptide {residues 15–42 with a
theoretical monoisotopic ([M + H]
) m/z of 3106.467, see
Fig. 4A or D} obtained from wt-hPAH isolated after 24 h
induction at 28 °C revealed on deconvolution ofthe mass
spectrum four monoisotopic peaks (Fig. 4F) at m/z values
of decreasing intensity (3106.455, 3107.474, 3108.474 and
3109.476; Fig. 4F)
.Thesem/z values correspond to that
expected for nondeamidated (m/z 3106.455), mono-deami-
dated (+ 1 Da), double-deamidated (+ 2 Da) and triple-
deamidated (+ 3 Da) forms ofthe peptide. This conclusion
is further supported by the existence of only one monoiso-
topic peak (i.e., at m/z 3106.514) for the peptide obtained
from the 2 h expressed enzyme (Fig. 4C). That this peptide
represents the nondeamidated form, with Asn residues at
positions 28, 30 and 32, was confirmed by the fragmentation
pattern obtained by tandem (MS/MS) mass spectrometry.
Thus, the MALDI-TOF spectra in Figs 4E, F are compa-
tible with a progressive deamidationofthe Asn residues at
positions 28, 30 and 32. However, attempts to further
confirm this conclusion by the MS/MS fragmentation
pattern ofthe selected precursor ion were not successful. As
Fig. 6. Reverse-phase chromatography of
H-labelled methylated tryptic
peptides of wt-hPAH and the synthetic N-terminal peptide, L15–K42.
(A) The pattern of
H-labelled methylated tryptic peptides obtained
from wt-hPAH isolated after induction for 24 h at 28 °C. Peptides
from 2.5 mg of enzyme were subjected to methylation and reverse-
phase chromatography as described inthe legend to Fig. 5. Fractions
(250 lL) were collected every 15 s and the
H-radioactivity was
counted. (B) Approximately 100 lg ofthe 28-residue synthetic peptide
(L15–K42 of hPAH) was subjected to methylation by protein iso-
aspartyl methyltransferase and then to reverse-phase chromatography.
The bottom trace (thin line) represents the radioactivity profile of the
peptide as isolated and the upper trace (thick line) the profile obtained
after its incubation for 7 days at 37 °C in 150 m
Tris/HCl, pH 7.5.
(Inset) The MALDI-TOF mass spectrum ofthe synthetic peptide
isolated with a main component of m/z 3106.396 (theoretical m/z-value
for the peptide is 3106.467) and several minor components, including
peptides with nonreleased blocking groups (in the high-molecular-
mass region).
Ó FEBS 2003 Deamidationoflabileasparagineresidues (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 935
a further approach to study the multiple deamidations in
this 28-residue tryptic peptide, the wt-hPAH was labelled
P-phosphate (at Ser16) and the phosphopeptides
separated by reverse-phase chromatography (Fig. 6, inset).
When the phosphopeptides were further incubated at 37 °C
and pH 7.0 (15 m
Na/Hepes), a half-time of 1.9 days
(Fig. 6) was estimated for the nonenzymatic deamidation of
the major phosphopeptide (as estimated by its time-
dependent change in retention time from t
34 min to a
more hydrophilic position (with t
31 min). This is close
to the half-time estimated for an Asn in a pentapeptide
containing the identical nearest neighbour amino acids
xQNGx as in hPAH, i.e., 1.5 days when incubated at
37 °C and 150 m
Tris buffer, pH 7.5 [1]
. As there is no
other Asn–Gly sequenceinthehuman enzyme, our data
(Fig. 6) support the conclusion that Asn32 is the most labile
Asn residue in hPAH. The longer t
–value (6.2 days)
calculated from the second slope in Fig. 6 most likely
reflects thedeamidationof Asn28/Asn30 which are both
predicted to be more stable than Asn32 (Table 1), notably
Asn30 which is stabilized by a hydrogen bond to Gln134
(Fig. 2). The deamidations of these Asn residues were
further substantiated by the chromatography
of peptides
P-labelled S16 and
H-labelled (methylated)
isoAsp of wt-hPAH on reverse-phase chromatography and
the demonstration of isoAsp in a synthetic peptide contain-
ing both the full-length species, L15–K42 – ofthe expected
monoisotopic mass 3106.467 – and a number of lower
molecular mass peptides, recovered as a mixture of peptides
on reverse-phase chromatography.
Deamidation of Asn32 during isoelectric focusing
and 2D electrophoresis
The rapid rate ofdeamidationof Asn32 in wt-hPAH
observed in vitro inthe present study (Fig. 6) explains why
we have not been able to obtain a single component on
isoelectric focusing and 2D electrophoresis ofthe 2 h
(28 °C) expressed enzyme [13] as expected from its
MALDI-TOF mass spectrum. Thus, no microheterogeneity
was observed for the Asn containing peptides on MALDI-
TOF and tandem (MS/MS) mass spectrometry of tryptic
peptide obtained from wt-hPAH (2 h induction at 28 °C),
in particular not for thesequence L15–K42 (containing the
Fig. 7. Effect of L-Phe (A and C) and H
biopterin (B and D) concentration on the
catalytic activity of recombinant wt-hPAH
and hPAH(Asn32fiAsp) obtained after 2 h
of induction in E. coli at 28 °C. Assay
conditions and nonlinear regression ana-
lysis are described inthe Methods section.
In each graph, both the experimental
(closed circle) and fitted (open circle) data
are shown. The kinetic constants obtained
are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Steady-state kinetic parameters for recombinant wt-hPAH and hPAH(Asn32fiAsp). Wt-hPAH was obtained after 2 h and 24 h of
induction with IPTG in E. coli at 28 °C. The Asn32fiAsp mutant form was obtained after 2 h at 28 °C. The PAH activity was assayed and the
apparent kinetic constants were calculated by nonlinear regression analysis as described inthe Materials and methods section. The substrate
concentrations were 1 m
-Phe (H
biopterin variable) and 75 l
biopterin (
-Phe variable). Values are shown as means ± SEM, n ¼ 3.
-Phe H
) h
Wt (2 h) 3484 ± 162 238 ± 18 0.72 1.5 ± 0.1 ‚ 5325 ± 137 31 ± 3
Wt (24 h) 4946 ± 281 135 ± 11 1.83 1.9 ± 0.1 + 6392 ± 281 40 ± 5
N32D 3736 ± 470 159 ± 30 1.20 2.2 ± 0.1 + 4725 ± 133 34 ± 2
The kinetic parameters were calculated from a modified Hill equation as described inthe Materials and methods section.
The kinetic
parameters were calculated from the Michaelis–Menton equation.
936 T. Solstad et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
predicted most labile residue Asn32; Fig. 4B,C). hPAH
requires 20 h to reach the equilibrium position inthe pH
gradient at 20 °C, i.e., conditions that favour deamida-
tion of at least Asn32 and, therefore, represents a major
contributor to the observed microheterogeneity of hPAH
isolated after 2 h of induction with IPTG in E. coli [13].
Thus, the double spot seen, ) e.g., for the most basic
component ofthe protomers on 2D electrophoresis
(denoted hPAH I [13]) for the 24 h enzyme – (Fig. 1) is
most likely explained by a minor partial deamidation of
Asn32 during isoelectric focusing for 20 h (8
20 °C) and represents deamidated protomers where
Asp/isoAsp have not yet reached the equilibrium position
in the pH gradient.
Structural and functional implications of Asn32
In the reported crystal structure of DC(429–452)-rPAH
(PDB id. code, 1PHZ) [15], Asn32 is located inthe loop
structure including residues D27–G33 (Fig. 2), preceding
the first b-sheet (Rb1) ofthe regulatory domain [15], and is
stabilized by several hydrogen bonds, including a hydrogen
bond between Asn30 Od1 and Gln134 Ne2(seeFig.2).
Consequently, thedeamidationof Asn32 is likely to affect
the higher order structure ofthe NH
terminus in several
ways. First, on deamidationof Asn32fiAsp/isoAsp, the
resulting charge shift will lead to a repulsive electrostatic
interaction between the negatively charged carboxyl groups
of Asp/isoAsp32 and Asp84. Moreover, the presence of
isoAsp at position 32 in one ofthe generated isoforms will
also change the backbone conformation by adding an
extra carbon (methylene group) to the polypeptide chain
[35]. Interestingly, inthe reported crystal structure of
rPAH, thesequence around Asn32 revealed high displace-
[15] reflecting poor electron
density. High displacement factors are a consequence of
dynamic disorder (vibrations ofthe atoms) inthe crystal as
well as static disorder caused by discrepancies between the
different unit cells inthe crystal. Combining the crystal
structure information with the results of this study, we
conclude that the recombinant enzyme used inthe crystal-
lographic study of rPAH (PDB id. code, 1PHZ) most likely
contained a mixture of isomeric dimer forms with either Asn,
Asp and isoAsp at position 32 inthe protomers. Thus, the
conserved residue Asn32 is expected to be deamidated to the
same extent in hPAH as in rPAH, as its nearest neighbour
amino acids and the loop structure are the same inthe two
The perturbation ofthe overall conformation ofthe loop
structure as a result ofdeamidationof Asn32 to Asp/isoAsp
have immediate implications for the function of the
homotetrameric enzyme as they occur in a conformationally
sensitive part ofthe protein. Thus, the loop structure
including Asn32 is part ofthe designated autoregulatory
sequence (residues 19–33) [15] extending like a ÔlidÕ over the
active site pocket and thus may control the access of
substrate and pterin cofactor to this site [15,36]. Phosphory-
lation of hPAH at Ser16 by PKA results in a 1.4-fold
increase inthe basal activity and a 1.7-fold increase in
catalytic efficiency [37]. Molecular modelling based on the
crystal structure ofthe recombinant rat enzyme has revealed
that phosphorylation induces a local conformational change
that is in agreement with the observed increased accessibility
of the substrate to the active site [37]. The functional effect
of deamidationof Asn32fiAsp/isoAsp is rather similar and
can be explained by a related mechanism. Thus, the
substitution of Asn32fiAsp by site-directed mutagenesis
results in a 1.7-fold increase in its catalytic efficiency, a 34%
decrease inthe [S]
-value for
-Phe, an increased Hill
coefficient of substrate binding as well as substrate inhibi-
tion (Fig. 7, Table 2).
These changes in kinetic properties
are all characteristics observed because of multiple deami-
dations of wt-hPAH on 24 h expression ofthe recombinant
enzyme in E. coli [13]. It should be noted, however, that
the main-chain loop conformation may be slightly differ-
ent inthe Asn32fiAsp/isoAsp deamidated form and the
Asn32fiAsp mutant form, which may account for the
quantitative differences observed between the kinetic pro-
perties ofthe two events. That Asn32 has a regulatory
function in hPAH is further supported by experiments
demonstrating that both deamidationof Asn32 and muta-
tion of Asn32fiAspareaccompaniedbya 20% increase
in the initial rate of phosphorylation at Ser16 by PKA [39].
Thus, it appears that phosphorylation of Ser16 and
deamidation of Asn32 act synergistically inthe regulation
of hPAH.
This work was supported by grants from the Research Council (NFR),
the Norwegian Council on Cardiovascular Diseases, Rebergs legat,
L. Meltzers Høyskolefond, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the
European Commission and the Fundac¸ a
oparaaCieˆ ncia e Tecnologia,
Portugal (SFRH/BD/1100/2000). We thank Ali Sepulveda Mun
oz for
expert technical assistance in preparing the recombinant hPAH fusion
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938 T. Solstad et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
. Deamidation of labile asparagine residues in the autoregulatory
sequence of human phenylalanine hydroxylase
Structural and functional implications
Therese. micro-
heterogeneity in the recombinant human phenylalanine
hydroxylase (hPAH) protomer, that is the result of sponta-
neous nonenzymatic deamidations of labile asparagine