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Báo cáo khoa học: "Coreference Resolution across Corpora: Languages, Coding Schemes, and Preprocessing Information" pptx

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Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1423–1432, Uppsala, Sweden, 11-16 July 2010. c 2010 Association for Computational Linguistics Coreference Resolution across Corpora: Languages, Coding Schemes, and Preprocessing Information Marta Recasens CLiC - University of Barcelona Gran Via 585 Barcelona, Spain mrecasens@ub.edu Eduard Hovy USC Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey CA, USA hovy@isi.edu Abstract This paper explores the effect that dif- ferent corpus configurations have on the performance of a coreference resolution system, as measured by MUC, B 3 , and CEAF. By varying separately three param- eters (language, annotation scheme, and preprocessing information) and applying the same coreference resolution system, the strong bonds between system and cor- pus are demonstrated. The experiments reveal problems in coreference resolution evaluation relating to task definition, cod- ing schemes, and features. They also ex- pose systematic biases in the coreference evaluation metrics. We show that system comparison is only possible when corpus parameters are in exact agreement. 1 Introduction The task of coreference resolution, which aims to automatically identify the expressions in a text that refer to the same discourse entity, has been an in- creasing research topic in NLP ever since MUC-6 made available the first coreferentially annotated corpus in 1995. Most research has centered around the rules by which mentions are allowed to corefer, the features characterizing mention pairs, the algo- rithms for building coreference chains, and coref- erence evaluation methods. The surprisingly im- portant role played by different aspects of the cor- pus, however, is an issue to which little attention has been paid. We demonstrate the extent to which a system will be evaluated as performing differ- ently depending on parameters such as the corpus language, the way coreference relations are de- fined in the corresponding coding scheme, and the nature and source of preprocessing information. This paper unpacks these issues by running the same system—a prototype entity-based architec- ture called CISTELL—on different corpus config- urations, varying three parameters. First, we show how much language-specific issues affect perfor- mance when trained and tested on English and Spanish. Second, we demonstrate the extent to which the specific annotation scheme (used on the same corpus) makes evaluated performance vary. Third, we compare the performance using gold- standard preprocessing information with that us- ing automatic preprocessing tools. Throughout, we apply the three principal coref- erence evaluation measures in use today: MUC, B 3 , and CEAF. We highlight the systematic prefer- ences of each measure to reward different config- urations. This raises the difficult question of why one should use one or another evaluation mea- sure, and how one should interpret their differ- ences in reporting changes of performance score due to ‘secondary’ factors like preprocessing in- formation. To this end, we employ three corpora: ACE (Doddington et al., 2004), OntoNotes (Pradhan et al., 2007), and AnCora (Recasens and Mart ´ ı, 2009). In order to isolate the three parameters as far as possible, we benefit from a 100k-word portion (from the TDT collection) that is common to both ACE and OntoNotes. We apply the same coreference resolution system in all cases. The re- sults show that a system’s score is not informative by itself, as different corpora or corpus parameters lead to different scores. Our goal is not to achieve the best performance to date, but rather to ex- pose various issues raised by the choices of corpus preparation and evaluation measure and to shed light on the definition, methods, evaluation, and complexities of the coreference resolution task. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 sets our work in context and provides the motiva- tions for undertaking this study. Section 3 presents the architecture of CISTELL, the system used in the experimental evaluation. In Sections 4, 5, 1423 and 6, we describe the experiments on three differ- ent datasets and discuss the results. We conclude in Section 7. 2 Background The bulk of research on automatic coreference res- olution to date has been done for English and used two different types of corpus: MUC (Hirschman and Chinchor, 1997) and ACE (Doddington et al., 2004). A variety of learning-based systems have been trained and tested on the former (Soon et al., 2001; Uryupina, 2006), on the latter (Culotta et al., 2007; Bengtson and Roth, 2008; Denis and Baldridge, 2009), or on both (Finkel and Manning, 2008; Haghighi and Klein, 2009). Testing on both is needed given that the two annotation schemes differ in some aspects. For example, only ACE includes singletons (mentions that do not corefer) and ACE is restricted to seven semantic types. 1 Also, despite a critical discussion in the MUC task definition (van Deemter and Kibble, 2000), the ACE scheme continues to treat nominal predicates and appositive phrases as coreferential. A third coreferentially annotated corpus—the largest for English—is OntoNotes (Pradhan et al., 2007; Hovy et al., 2006). Unlike ACE, it is not application-oriented, so coreference relations be- tween all types of NPs are annotated. The identity relation is kept apart from the attributive relation, and it also contains gold-standard morphological, syntactic and semantic information. Since the MUC and ACE corpora are annotated with only coreference information, 2 existing sys- tems first preprocess the data using automatic tools (POS taggers, parsers, etc.) to obtain the infor- mation needed for coreference resolution. How- ever, given that the output from automatic tools is far from perfect, it is hard to determine the level of performance of a coreference module act- ing on gold-standard preprocessing information. OntoNotes makes it possible to separate the coref- erence resolution problem from other tasks. Our study adds to the previously reported evi- dence by Stoyanov et al. (2009) that differences in corpora and in the task definitions need to be taken into account when comparing coreference resolu- tion systems. We provide new insights as the cur- rent analysis differs in four ways. First, Stoyanov 1 The ACE-2004/05 semantic types are person, organiza- tion, geo-political entity, location, facility, vehicle, weapon. 2 ACE also specifies entity types and relations. et al. (2009) report on differences between MUC and ACE, while we contrast ACE and OntoNotes. Given that ACE and OntoNotes include some of the same texts but annotated according to their re- spective guidelines, we can better isolate the effect of differences as well as add the additional dimen- sion of gold preprocessing. Second, we evaluate not only with the MUC and B 3 scoring metrics, but also with CEAF. Third, all our experiments use true mentions 3 to avoid effects due to spuri- ous system mentions. Finally, including different baselines and variations of the resolution model al- lows us to reveal biases of the metrics. Coreference resolution systems have been tested on languages other than English only within the ACE program (Luo and Zitouni, 2005), prob- ably due to the fact that coreferentially annotated corpora for other languages are scarce. Thus there has been no discussion of the extent to which sys- tems are portable across languages. This paper studies the case of English and Spanish. 4 Several coreference systems have been devel- oped in the past (Culotta et al., 2007; Finkel and Manning, 2008; Poon and Domingos, 2008; Haghighi and Klein, 2009; Ng, 2009). It is not our aim to compete with them. Rather, we conduct three experiments under a specific setup for com- parison purposes. To this end, we use a different, neutral, system, and a dataset that is small and dif- ferent from official ACE test sets despite the fact that it prevents our results from being compared directly with other systems. 3 Experimental Setup 3.1 System Description The system architecture used in our experiments, CISTELL, is based on the incrementality of dis- course. As a discourse evolves, it constructs a model that is updated with the new information gradually provided. A key element in this model are the entities the discourse is about, as they form the discourse backbone, especially those that are mentioned multiple times. Most entities, however, are only mentioned once. Consider the growth of the entity Mount Popocat ´ epetl in (1). 5 3 The adjective true contrasts with system and refers to the gold standard. 4 Multilinguality is one of the focuses of SemEval-2010 Task 1 (Recasens et al., 2010). 5 Following the ACE terminology, we use the term men- tion for an instance of reference to an object, and entity for a collection of mentions referring to the same object. Entities 1424 (1) We have an update tonight on [this, the volcano in Mexico, they call El Popo] m3 . . . As the sun rises over [Mt. Popo] m7 tonight, the only hint of the fire storm inside, whiffs of smoke, but just a few hours earlier, [the volcano] m11 exploding spewing rock and red-hot lava. [The fourth largest mountain in North America, nearly 18,000 feet high] m15 , erupt- ing this week with [its] m20 most violent outburst in 1,200 years. Mentions can be pronouns (m20), they can be a (shortened) string repetition using either the name (m7) or the type (m11), or they can add new infor- mation about the entity: m15 provides the super- type and informs the reader about the height of the volcano and its ranking position. In CISTELL, 6 discourse entities are conceived as ‘baskets’: they are empty at the beginning of the discourse, but keep growing as new attributes (e.g., name, type, location) are predicated about them. Baskets are filled with this information, which can appear within a mention or elsewhere in the sentence. The ever-growing amount of in- formation in a basket allows richer comparisons to new mentions encountered in the text. CISTELL follows the learning-based corefer- ence architecture in which the task is split into classification and clustering (Soon et al., 2001; Bengtson and Roth, 2008) but combines them si- multaneously. Clustering is identified with basket- growing, the core process, and a pairwise clas- sifier is called every time CISTELL considers whether a basket must be clustered into a (grow- ing) basket, which might contain one or more mentions. We use a memory-based learning clas- sifier trained with TiMBL (Daelemans and Bosch, 2005). Basket-growing is done in four different ways, explained next. 3.2 Baselines and Models In each experiment, we compute three baselines (1, 2, 3), and run CISTELL under four different models (4, 5, 6, 7). 1. ALL SINGLETONS. No coreference link is ever created. We include this baseline given the high number of singletons in the datasets, since some evaluation measures are affected by large numbers of singletons. 2. HEAD MATCH. All non-pronominal NPs that have the same head are clustered into the same entity. containing one single mention are referred to as singletons. 6 ‘Cistell’ is the Catalan word for ‘basket.’ 3. HEAD MATCH + PRON. Like HEAD MATCH, plus allowing personal and possessive pro- nouns to link to the closest noun with which they agree in gender and number. 4. STRONG MATCH. Each mention (e.g., m 11 ) is paired with previous mentions starting from the beginning of the document (m 1 –m 11 , m 2 – m 11 , etc.). 7 When a pair (e.g., m 3 –m 11 ) is classified as coreferent, additional pairwise checks are performed with all the mentions contained in the (growing) entity basket (e.g., m 7 –m 11 ). Only if all the pairs are classified as coreferent is the mention under consider- ation attached to the existing growing entity. Otherwise, the search continues. 8 5. SUPER STRONG MATCH. Similar to STRONG MATCH but with a threshold. Coreference pairwise classifications are only accepted when TiMBL distance is smaller than 0.09. 9 6. BEST MATCH. Similar to STRONG MATCH but following Ng and Cardie (2002)’s best link approach. Thus, the mention under anal- ysis is linked to the most confident men- tion among the previous ones, using TiMBL’s confidence score. 7. WEAK MATCH. A simplified version of STRONG MATCH: not all mentions in the growing entity need to be classified as coref- erent with the mention under analysis. A sin- gle positive pairwise decision suffices for the mention to be clustered into that entity. 10 3.3 Features We follow Soon et al. (2001), Ng and Cardie (2002) and Luo et al. (2004) to generate most of the 29 features we use for the pairwise model. These include features that capture in- formation from different linguistic levels: textual strings (head match, substring match, distance, frequency), morphology (mention type, coordi- nation, possessive phrase, gender match, number match), syntax (nominal predicate, apposition, rel- ative clause, grammatical function), and semantic match (named-entity type, is-a type, supertype). 7 The opposite search direction was also tried but gave worse results. 8 Taking the first mention classified as coreferent follows Soon et al. (2001)’s first-link approach. 9 In TiMBL, being a memory-based learner, the closer the distance to an instance, the more confident the decision. We chose 0.09 because it appeared to offer the best results. 10 STRONG and WEAK MATCH are similar to Luo et al. (2004)’s entity-mention and mention-pair models. 1425 For Spanish, we use 34 features as a few varia- tions are needed for language-specific issues such as zero subjects (Recasens and Hovy, 2009). 3.4 Evaluation Since they sometimes provide quite different re- sults, we evaluate using three coreference mea- sures, as there is no agreement on a standard. • MUC (Vilain et al., 1995). It computes the number of links common between the true and system partitions. Recall (R) and preci- sion (P) result from dividing it by the mini- mum number of links required to specify the true and the system partitions, respectively. • B 3 (Bagga and Baldwin, 1998). R and P are computed for each mention and averaged at the end. For each mention, the number of common mentions between the true and the system entity is divided by the number of mentions in the true entity or in the system entity to obtain R and P, respectively. • CEAF (Luo, 2005). It finds the best one-to- one alignment between true and system en- tities. Using true mentions and the φ 3 sim- ilarity function, R and P are the same and correspond to the number of common men- tions between the aligned entities divided by the total number of mentions. 4 Parameter 1: Language The first experiment compared the performance of a coreference resolution system on a Germanic and a Romance language—English and Spanish— to explore to what extent language-specific issues such as zero subjects 11 or grammatical gender might influence a system. Although OntoNotes and AnCora are two dif- ferent corpora, they are very similar in those as- pects that matter most for the study’s purpose: they both include a substantial amount of texts belonging to the same genre (news) and manu- ally annotated from the morphological to the se- mantic levels (POS tags, syntactic constituents, NEs, WordNet synsets, and coreference relations). More importantly, very similar coreference anno- tation guidelines make AnCora the ideal Spanish counterpart to OntoNotes. 11 Most Romance languages are pro-drop allowing zero subject pronouns, which can be inferred from the verb. Datasets Two datasets of similar size were se- lected from AnCora and OntoNotes in order to rule out corpus size as an explanation of any differ- ence in performance. Corpus statistics about the distribution of mentions and entities are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Given that this paper is focused on coreference between NPs, the number of mentions only includes NPs. Both AnCora and OntoNotes annotate only multi-mention entities (i.e., those containing two or more coreferent mentions), so singleton entities are assumed to correspond to NPs with no coreference annotation. Apart from a larger number of mentions in Spanish (Table 1), the two datasets look very sim- ilar in the distribution of singletons and multi- mention entities: about 85% and 15%, respec- tively. Multi-mention entities have an average of 3.9 mentions per entity in AnCora and 3.5 in OntoNotes. The distribution of mention types (Ta- ble 2), however, differs in two important respects: AnCora has a smaller number of personal pro- nouns as Spanish typically uses zero subjects, and it has a smaller number of bare NPs as the definite article accompanies more NPs than in English. Results and Discussion Table 3 presents CIS- TELL’s results for each dataset. They make evi- dent problems with the evaluation metrics, namely the fact that the generated rankings are contradic- tory (Denis and Baldridge, 2009). They are con- sistent across the two corpora though: MUC re- wards WEAK MATCH the most, B 3 rewards HEAD MATCH the most, and CEAF is divided between SUPER STRONG MATCH and BEST MATCH. These preferences seem to reveal weaknesses of the scoring methods that make them biased to- wards a type of output. The model preferred by MUC is one that clusters many mentions together, thus getting a large number of correct coreference links (notice the high R for WEAK MATCH), but AnCora OntoNotes Pronouns 14.09 17.62 Personal pronouns 2.00 12.10 Zero subject pronouns 6.51 – Possessive pronouns 3.57 2.96 Demonstrative pronouns 0.39 1.83 Definite NPs 37.69 20.67 Indefinite NPs 7.17 8.44 Demonstrative NPs 1.98 3.41 Bare NPs 33.02 42.92 Misc. 6.05 6.94 Table 2: Mention types (%) in Table 1 datasets. 1426 #docs #words #mentions #entities (e) #singleton e #multi-mention e AnCora Training 955 299,014 91,904 64,535 54,991 9,544 Test 30 9,851 2,991 2,189 1,877 312 OntoNotes Training 850 301,311 74,692 55,819 48,199 7,620 Test 33 9,763 2,463 1,790 1,476 314 Table 1: Corpus statistics for the large portion of OntoNotes and AnCora. MUC B 3 CEAF P R F P R F P / R / F AnCora - Spanish 1. ALL SINGLETONS – – – 100 73.32 84.61 73.32 2. HEAD MATCH 55.03 37.72 44.76 91.12 79.88 85.13 75.96 3. HEAD MATCH + PRON 48.22 44.24 46.14 86.21 80.66 83.34 76.30 4. STRONG MATCH 45.64 51.88 48.56 80.13 82.28 81.19 75.79 5. SUPER STRONG MATCH 45.68 36.47 40.56 86.10 79.09 82.45 77.20 6. BEST MATCH 43.10 35.59 38.98 85.24 79.67 82.36 75.23 7. WEAK MATCH 45.73 65.16 53.75 68.50 87.71 76.93 69.21 OntoNotes - English 1. ALL SINGLETONS – – – 100 72.68 84.18 72.68 2. HEAD MATCH 55.14 39.08 45.74 90.65 80.87 85.48 76.05 3. HEAD MATCH + PRON 47.10 53.05 49.90 82.28 83.13 82.70 75.15 4. STRONG MATCH 47.94 55.42 51.41 81.13 84.30 82.68 78.03 5. SUPER STRONG MATCH 48.27 47.55 47.90 84.00 82.27 83.13 78.24 6. BEST MATCH 50.97 46.66 48.72 86.19 82.70 84.41 78.44 7. WEAK MATCH 47.46 66.72 55.47 70.36 88.05 78.22 71.21 Table 3: CISTELL results varying the corpus language. also many spurious links that are not duly penal- ized. The resulting output is not very desirable. 12 In contrast, B 3 is more P-oriented and scores con- servative outputs like HEAD MATCH and BEST MATCH first, even if R is low. CEAF achieves a better compromise between P and R, as corrobo- rated by the quality of the output. The baselines and the system runs perform very similarly in the two corpora, but slightly better for English. It seems that language-specific issues do not result in significant differences—at least for English and Spanish—once the feature set has been appropriately adapted, e.g., including fea- tures about zero subjects or removing those about possessive phrases. Comparing the feature ranks, we find that the features that work best for each language largely overlap and are language inde- pendent, like head match, is-a match, and whether the mentions are pronominal. 5 Parameter 2: Annotation Scheme In the second experiment, we used the 100k-word portion (from the TDT collection) shared by the OntoNotes and ACE corpora (330 OntoNotes doc- 12 Due to space constraints, the actual output cannot be shown here. We are happy to send it to interested requesters. uments occurred as 22 ACE-2003 documents, 185 ACE-2004 documents, and 123 ACE-2005 docu- ments). CISTELL was trained on the same texts in both corpora and applied to the remainder. The three measures were then applied to each result. Datasets Since the two annotation schemes dif- fer significantly, we made the results comparable by mapping the ACE entities (the simpler scheme) onto the information contained in OntoNotes. 13 The mapping allowed us to focus exclusively on the differences expressed on both corpora: the types of mentions that were annotated, the defi- nition of identity of reference, etc. Table 4 presents the statistics for the OntoNotes dataset merged with the ACE entities. The map- ping was not straightforward due to several prob- lems: there was no match for some mentions due to syntactic or spelling reasons (e.g., El Popo in OntoNotes vs. Ell Popo in ACE). ACE men- tions for which there was no parse tree node in the OntoNotes gold-standard tree were omitted, as creating a new node could have damaged the tree. Given that only seven entity types are annotated in ACE, the number of OntoNotes mentions is al- 13 Both ACE entities and types were mapped onto the OntoNotes dataset. 1427 #docs #words #mentions #entities (e) #singleton e #multi-mention e OntoNotes Training 297 87,068 22,127 15,983 13,587 2,396 Test 33 9,763 2,463 1,790 1,476 314 ACE Training 297 87,068 12,951 5,873 3,599 2,274 Test 33 9,763 1,464 746 459 287 Table 4: Corpus statistics for the aligned portion of ACE and OntoNotes on gold-standard data. MUC B 3 CEAF P R F P R F P / R / F OntoNotes scheme 1. ALL SINGLETONS – – – 100 72.68 84.18 72.68 2. HEAD MATCH 55.14 39.08 45.74 90.65 80.87 85.48 76.05 3. HEAD MATCH + PRON 47.10 53.05 49.90 82.28 83.13 82.70 75.15 4. STRONG MATCH 46.81 53.34 49.86 80.47 83.54 81.97 76.78 5. SUPER STRONG MATCH 46.51 40.56 43.33 84.95 80.16 82.48 76.70 6. BEST MATCH 52.47 47.40 49.80 86.10 82.80 84.42 77.87 7. WEAK MATCH 47.91 64.64 55.03 71.73 87.46 78.82 71.74 ACE scheme 1. ALL SINGLETONS – – – 100 50.96 67.51 50.96 2. HEAD MATCH 82.35 39.00 52.93 95.27 64.05 76.60 66.46 3. HEAD MATCH + PRON 70.11 53.90 60.94 86.49 68.20 76.27 68.44 4. STRONG MATCH 64.21 64.21 64.21 76.92 73.54 75.19 70.01 5. SUPER STRONG MATCH 60.51 56.55 58.46 76.71 69.19 72.76 66.87 6. BEST MATCH 67.50 56.69 61.62 82.18 71.67 76.57 69.88 7. WEAK MATCH 63.52 80.50 71.01 59.76 86.36 70.64 64.21 Table 5: CISTELL results varying the annotation scheme on gold-standard data. most twice as large as the number of ACE men- tions. Unlike OntoNotes, ACE mentions include premodifiers (e.g., state in state lines), national adjectives (e.g., Iraqi) and relative pronouns (e.g., who, that). Also, given that ACE entities corre- spond to types that are usually coreferred (e.g., people, organizations, etc.), singletons only rep- resent 61% of all entities, while they are 85% in OntoNotes. The average entity size is 4 in ACE and 3.5 in OntoNotes. A second major difference is the definition of coreference relations, illustrated here: (2) [This] was [an all-white, all-Christian community that all the sudden was taken over by different groups]. (3) [ [Mayor] John Hyman] has a simple answer. (4) [Postville] now has 22 different nationalities For those who prefer [the old Postville], Mayor John Hyman has a simple answer. In ACE, nominal predicates corefer with their subject (2), and appositive phrases corefer with the noun they are modifying (3). In contrast, they do not fall under the identity relation in OntoNotes, which follows the linguistic under- standing of coreference according to which nom- inal predicates and appositives express properties of an entity rather than refer to a second (corefer- ent) entity (van Deemter and Kibble, 2000). Fi- nally, the two schemes frequently disagree on bor- derline cases in which coreference turns out to be especially complex (4). As a result, some features will behave differently, e.g., the appositive feature has the opposite effect in the two datasets. Results and Discussion From the differences pointed out above, the results shown in Table 5 might be surprising at first. Given that OntoNotes is not restricted to any semantic type and is based on a more sophisticated definition of coreference, one would not expect a system to perform better on it than on ACE. The explanation is given by the ALL SINGLETONS baseline, which is 73–84% for OntoNotes and only 51–68% for ACE. The fact that OntoNotes contains a much larger number of singletons—as Table 4 shows—results in an ini- tial boost of performance (except with the MUC score, which ignores singletons). In contrast, the score improvement achieved by HEAD MATCH is much more noticeable on ACE than on OntoNotes, which indicates that many of its coreferent men- tions share the same head. The systematic biases of the measures that were observed in Table 3 appear again in the case of 1428 MUC and B 3 . CEAF is divided between BEST MATCH and STRONG MATCH. The higher value of the MUC score for ACE is another indication of its tendency to reward correct links much more than to penalize spurious ones (ACE has a larger proportion of multi-mention entities). The feature rankings obtained for each dataset generally coincide as to which features are ranked best (namely NE match, is-a match, and head match), but differ in their particular ordering. It is also possible to compare the OntoNotes re- sults in Tables 3 and 5, the only difference being that the first training set was three times larger. Contrary to expectation, the model trained on a larger dataset performs just slightly better. The fact that more training data does not necessarily lead to an increase in performance conforms to the observation that there appear to be few general rules (e.g., head match) that systematically gov- ern coreference relationships; rather, coreference appeals to individual unique phenomena appear- ing in each context, and thus after a point adding more training data does not add much new gener- alizable information. Pragmatic information (dis- course structure, world knowledge, etc.) is proba- bly the key, if ever there is a way to encode it. 6 Parameter 3: Preprocessing The goal of the third experiment was to determine how much the source and nature of preprocess- ing information matters. Since it is often stated that coreference resolution depends on many lev- els of analysis, we again compared the two cor- pora, which differ in the amount and correctness of such information. However, in this experiment, entity mapping was applied in the opposite direc- tion: the OntoNotes entities were mapped onto the automatically preprocessed ACE dataset. This ex- poses the shortcomings of automated preprocess- ing in ACE for identifying all the mentions identi- fied and linked in OntoNotes. Datasets The ACE data was morphologically annotated with a tokenizer based on manual rules adapted from the one used in CoNLL (Tjong Kim Sang and De Meulder, 2003), with TnT 2.2, a trigram POS tagger based on Markov models (Brants, 2000), and with the built-in WordNet lem- matizer (Fellbaum, 1998). Syntactic chunks were obtained from YamCha 1.33, an SVM-based NP- chunker (Kudoh and Matsumoto, 2000), and parse trees from Malt Parser 0.4, an SVM-based parser (Hall et al., 2007). Although the number of words in Tables 4 and 6 should in principle be the same, the latter con- tains fewer words as it lacks the null elements (traces, ellipsed material, etc.) manually anno- tated in OntoNotes. Missing parse tree nodes in the automatically parsed data account for the con- siderably lower number of OntoNotes mentions (approx. 5,700 fewer mentions). 14 However, the proportions of singleton:multi-mention entities as well as the average entity size do not vary. Results and Discussion The ACE scores for the automatically preprocessed models in Table 7 are about 3% lower than those based on OntoNotes gold-standard data in Table 5, providing evidence for the advantage offered by gold-standard prepro- cessing information. In contrast, the similar—if not higher—scores of OntoNotes can be attributed to the use of the annotated ACE entity types. The fact that these are annotated not only for proper nouns (as predicted by an automatic NER) but also for pronouns and full NPs is a very helpful feature for a coreference resolution system. Again, the scoring metrics exhibit similar bi- ases, but note that CEAF prefers HEAD MATCH + PRON in the case of ACE, which is indicative of the noise brought by automatic preprocessing. A further insight is offered from comparing the feature rankings with gold-standard syntax to that with automatic preprocessing. Since we are evalu- ating now on the ACE data, the NE match feature is also ranked first for OntoNotes. Head and is-a match are still ranked among the best, yet syntac- tic features are not. Instead, features like NP type have moved further up. This reranking probably indicates that if there is noise in the syntactic infor- mation due to automatic tools, then morphological and syntactic features switch their positions. Given that the noise brought by automatic pre- processing can be harmful, we tried leaving out the grammatical function feature. Indeed, the results increased about 2–3%, STRONG MATCH scoring the highest. This points out that conclusions drawn from automatically preprocessed data about the kind of knowledge relevant for coreference reso- lution might be mistaken. Using the most success- ful basic features can lead to the best results when only automatic preprocessing is available. 14 In order to make the set of mentions as similar as possible to the set in Section 5, OntoNotes singletons were mapped from the ones detected in the gold-standard treebank. 1429 #docs #words #mentions #entities (e) #singleton e #multi-mention e OntoNotes Training 297 80,843 16,945 12,127 10,253 1,874 Test 33 9,073 1,931 1,403 1,156 247 ACE Training 297 80,843 13,648 6,041 3,652 2,389 Test 33 9,073 1,537 775 475 300 Table 6: Corpus statistics for the aligned portion of ACE and OntoNotes on automatically parsed data. MUC B 3 CEAF P R F P R F P / R / F OntoNotes scheme 1. ALL SINGLETONS – – – 100 72.66 84.16 72.66 2. HEAD MATCH 56.76 35.80 43.90 92.18 80.52 85.95 76.33 3. HEAD MATCH + PRON 47.44 54.36 50.66 82.08 83.61 82.84 74.83 4. STRONG MATCH 52.66 58.14 55.27 83.11 85.05 84.07 78.30 5. SUPER STRONG MATCH 51.67 46.78 49.11 85.74 82.07 83.86 77.67 6. BEST MATCH 54.38 51.70 53.01 86.00 83.60 84.78 78.15 7. WEAK MATCH 49.78 64.58 56.22 75.63 87.79 81.26 74.62 ACE scheme 1. ALL SINGLETONS – – – 100 50.42 67.04 50.42 2. HEAD MATCH 81.25 39.24 52.92 94.73 63.82 76.26 65.97 3. HEAD MATCH + PRON 69.76 53.28 60.42 86.39 67.73 75.93 68.05 4. STRONG MATCH 58.85 58.92 58.89 73.36 70.35 71.82 66.30 5. SUPER STRONG MATCH 56.19 50.66 53.28 75.54 66.47 70.72 63.96 6. BEST MATCH 63.38 49.74 55.74 80.97 68.11 73.99 65.97 7. WEAK MATCH 60.22 78.48 68.15 55.17 84.86 66.87 59.08 Table 7: CISTELL results varying the annotation scheme on automatically preprocessed data. 7 Conclusion Regarding evaluation, the results clearly expose the systematic tendencies of the evaluation mea- sures. The way each measure is computed makes it biased towards a specific model: MUC is gen- erally too lenient with spurious links, B 3 scores too high in the presence of a large number of sin- gletons, and CEAF does not agree with either of them. It is a cause for concern that they provide contradictory indications about the core of coref- erence, namely the resolution models—for exam- ple, the model ranked highest by B 3 in Table 7 is ranked lowest by MUC. We always assume eval- uation measures provide a ‘true’ reflection of our approximation to a gold standard in order to guide research in system development and tuning. Further support to our claims comes from the results of SemEval-2010 Task 1 (Recasens et al., 2010). The performance of the six participating systems shows similar problems with the evalua- tion metrics, and the singleton baseline was hard to beat even by the highest-performing systems. Since the measures imply different conclusions about the nature of the corpora and the preprocess- ing information applied, should we use them now to constrain the ways our corpora are created in the first place, and what preprocessing we include or omit? Doing so would seem like circular rea- soning: it invalidates the notion of the existence of a true and independent gold standard. But if ap- parently incidental aspects of the corpora can have such effects—effects rated quite differently by the various measures—then we have no fixed ground to stand on. The worrisome fact that there is currently no clearly preferred and ‘correct’ evaluation measure for coreference resolution means that we cannot draw definite conclusions about coreference reso- lution systems at this time, unless they are com- pared on exactly the same corpus, preprocessed under the same conditions, and all three measures agree in their rankings. Acknowledgments We thank Dr. M. Ant ` onia Mart ´ ı for her generosity in allowing the first author to visit ISI to work with the second. Special thanks to Edgar Gonz ` alez for his kind help with conversion issues. 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