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Moleculardynamicsstructuresofpeptide nucleic
acidÆDNA hybridinthewild-typeandmutated alleles
of Ki-ras proto-oncogene
Stereochemical rationale for the low affinity of PNA inthe presence
of an A C mismatch
Thenmalarchelvi Rathinavelan and Narayanarao Yathindra
Department of Crystallography and Biophysics, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai, India
Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology, ITPB, Bangalore, India
Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) stand out from the rest
of thenucleic acid mimetic, in that they consist of an
uncharged N-(2-aminoethyl) glycine (Fig. 1) backbone
scaffold [1,2]. These enable them to defy protease and
nuclease digestion, and therefore serve as promising
contenders as antigene and antisense agents [3–10].
PNA mediated transcription inhibition occurs either
by strand invasion or by conventional triplex forma-
tion [1,2]. Inthe former, PNA displaces one of the
strands ofthe DNA duplex by forming Watson and
Crick (WC) base pairs leading to a PNAÆDNA duplex
(duplex invasion) or by forming WC and Hoogsteen
enthalpy-entropy contribution; fluctuating
A .C mismatch hydrogen bond; mismatch
containing PNAÆDNA hybrid; point mutation
N. Yathindra, Institute of Bioinformatics and
Applied Biotechnology, G-05, Tech Park
Mall, ITPB, Bangalore-560 066, India
Fax: +91 80 2841 2761
Tel: +91 80 2841 0029
E-mail: yathindra@ibab.ac.in
(Received 13 April 2005, revised 3 June
2005, accepted 14 June 2005)
The low affinity ofpeptidenucleic acid (PNA) to hybridize with DNA in
the presence of a mismatch endows PNA with a high degree of discriminat-
ory capacity that has been exploited in therapeutics for the selective inhibi-
tion ofthe expression of point-mutated genes. To obtain a structural basis
for this intriguing property, moleculardynamics simulations are carried
out on PNAÆDNA duplexes formed at theKi-ras proto-oncogene, compri-
sing the point-mutated (GAT), andthe corresponding wild-type (GGT)
codon 12. The designed PNA forms an A. C mismatch with the wild-type
sequence and a perfect A T pair with the point mutated sequence. Results
show that large movements inthe pyrimidine base ofthe A C mismatch
cause loss of stacking, especially with its penultimate base, concomitant
with a variable mismatch hydrogen bond, including its occasional absence.
These, in turn, bring about dynamic water interactions inthe vicinity of
the mismatch. Enthalpy loss andthe disproportionate entropy gain associ-
ated with these are implicated as the factors contributing to the increase in
free energy and diminished stability of PNAÆDNA duplex with the A C
mismatch. Absence of these inthe isosequential DNA duplex, notwith-
standing the A C mismatch, is attributed to the differences in topology of
-vis DNA duplexes. It is speculated that similar effects
might be responsible for the reduced stability observed in PNAÆDNA
duplexes containing other base pair mismatches, and also in mismatch con-
taining PNAÆRNA duplexes.
, DNA duplex with A .C mismatch; DD
, DNA duplex with A .T pair; LNA, locked nucleic acid; MD, molecular dynamics; PD
PNAÆDNA duplex with A. . .C mismatch; PD
, PNAÆDNA duplex with Watson and Crick A .T pairing; PNA, peptidenucleic acid; RMSD,
root mean square deviation; T
, melting temperature; WC, Watson and Crick.
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4055–4070 ª 2005 FEBS 4055
base pairs leading to a PNAÆDNAÆPNA triplex (triplex
invasion). Duplex strand invasion mechanism has the
advantage of targeting any sequence in a DNA duplex,
without the stringent prerequisite of a polypurine tract
as inthe conventional triplex-mediated transcription
PNAÆDNA duplexes are more stable than their iso-
sequential DNA duplexes at moderate salt levels, as a
consequence of reduced electrostatic repulsion caused
by the conspicuous absence of phosphates inthe PNA
strand [11,12]. Another distinctive characteristic of
PNAÆDNA complex formation has been the high
degree of discrimination for sequence selectivity with
the complementary strand of DNA [11,13] given the
significantly less stable nature ofthe PNAÆDNA
duplex inthe presence of even a single mismatch. This
is found to be true for a variety of mismatches [14–16],
a property that is in sharp contrast to mismatch con-
taining DNA duplexes. This unique feature is utilized
to detect point mutation [17–24], selective amplifica-
tion ⁄ suppression of DNA target using PCR clamping
[25–27], and selective suppression of replication [28]
and gene expression [29,29a] by suitable choice of base
sequence in PNA. A case in point is its utility in selec-
tive inhibition of gene expression inthe mutational
hotspots of ras proto-oncogenes. Normal ras proto-
oncogenes express p21, an important signal transduc-
tion protein, and a single mutation at one ofthe few
critical positions of ras proto-oncogenes results in a
single amino acid substitution in p21 [30] causing
malignancy [31]. One such point mutation, occurring
in codon 12 oftheKi-ras proto-oncogene, replaces
GGT with GAT [32] (capped region in Scheme 1) in
one oftheallelesof pancreatic cells. This leads to pan-
creatic cancer [32], as Asp (GAT) replaces Gly (GGT)
in p21. A selective inhibition ofthemutated Ki-ras
proto-oncogene can be effected by designing a PNA so
as to form a mismatch (PD
) with thewild-type allele
(unmutated proto-oncogene), and a perfect WC base
pair (PD
) with themutated allele (mutated proto-
oncogene). The logic is that the former, in view of the
mismatch, is rendered a less stable PNAÆDNA complex
promoting normal expression, while the latter
(mutated) forms a stable PNAÆDNA duplex (without
mismatch) causing inhibition of gene expression. Using
this strategy, a differential proliferation effect of the
wild-type (with A C mismatch), andmutated (with
A T pair) allelesofKi-ras proto-oncogene, has been
reported recently [29,29a]. Needless to say, a structure-
based rationale is obligatory to comprehend the causa-
tive factors for the destabilization of PNA ÆDNA in the
presence of mismatch compared to DNA duplex. Inci-
dentally, no structural information either from NMR,
X-ray crystal structure or modelling is available for
PNAÆDNA duplex with a mismatch. It is in this con-
text, moleculardynamics (MD) simulations have been
carried out on PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes, formed
out of a sequence present intheKi-ras proto-onco-
gene, inthe presence and absence of an A C mis-
match. Results reveal that enthalpic loss and the
concomitant, but disproportionate entropic gain due to
interrupted stacking, fluctuating nature ofthe hydro-
gen bond and water organization inthe vicinity of the
mismatch might be the contributing factors for the
increase in free energy and diminished stability of
-vis DNA duplex.
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a section ofpeptide nucleic
acid (PNA) chain along with notations for the backbone and side
chain torsion angles: a(C6¢-N1¢-C2¢-C3¢), b(N1¢-C2¢-C3¢-N4¢), c(C2¢-C3¢-
N4¢-C5¢), d(C3¢-N4¢-C5¢-C6¢), e(N4¢-C5¢-C6¢-N1¢), n(C5¢-C6¢-N1¢-C2¢),
v1(C8¢-C7¢-N4¢-C3¢), v2(N9 ⁄ N1-C8¢-C7¢-N4¢)andv3(C4 ⁄ C2-N9 ⁄
N1-C8¢-C7¢). Planar peptide unit is enclosed in a rectangle. Peptide
hydrogen atom alone is shown for clarity.
Effect of A .C mismatch in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes T. Rathinavelan and N. Yathindra
4056 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4055–4070 ª 2005 FEBS
For convenience of discussion, and to be consistent
with the strategy of designing of PNA for gene suppres-
sion through PNAÆDNA duplex formation (see above),
the 15mer PNAÆDNA duplexes formed with an A C
mismatch (wild-type allele) and with WC A T pairing
(mutated allele) are referred to as PD
and PD
respectively (Scheme 1). Likewise, the corresponding
isosequential DNA duplexes are referred to as DD
(with an A C mismatch) and DD
(with A T
pair), respectively. Because base stacking and base pair-
ing interactions are the major sources of stabilization
of nucleic acid duplexes, their comparison, especially in
the vicinity ofthe mismatch in PD
compared with
duplex may give clues towards deciphering the
origin ofthe destabilization and hence, diminution of
the melting temperature (T
) inthe former.
Base stacking inthe vicinity of A C mismatch
in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes
Intra strand base stacking at the AC(6–7) (Fig. 2A) &
CC(7–8) steps (Fig. 2B) ofthe DNA strand, and
GA(23–24) (Fig. 2C) and AT(24–25) (Fig. 2D) steps of
the PNA strand, flanking the A24 C7 mismatch in
(Scheme 1), andthe corresponding AT(6–7) &
TC(7–8) steps ofthe DNA strand (Fig. 2E,F), and
GA(23–24) & AT(24–25) (Fig. 2G,H) steps of the
PNA strand in PD
(Scheme 1) are monitored.
Base stacking at the CC(7–8) step of PD
(Fig. 2B),
and the TC(7–8) step of PD
(Fig. 2F) ofthe DNA
strand show significant differences. This is due to con-
siderable movement of cytosine (C7) ofthe A24 C7
mismatch of PD
, leading to large fluctuations in its
interaction with the adjacent pyrimidine base (C8).
This results in hardly any stacking between them.
Only occasionally, C5-H group of cytosine (C8) over-
laps with C7 and, O2 of C7 overlaps with C8. On the
other hand, sustained stacking persists by way of par-
tial overlap of T7 and C8 (Fig. 2F) at the correspond-
ing TC(7–8) step of PD
. A totally unstacked
situation is seldom seen here indicating that occur-
rence of an A24 C7 mismatch brings about signifi-
cant reduction in adjacent base stacking in PD
compared to PD
On the other hand, stacking at the AC(6–7) step in
the DNA strand of PD
is retained during the entire
simulation in spite ofthe large movement of C7
(Fig. 2A). This occurs due to the coordinated move-
ments of C7 and A6 which ensure stacking through-
out. Similarly, stacking persists at the corresponding
AT(6–7) step in PD
(Fig. 2E) through interaction of
A6 with either the six-member ring of T7 or through
the methyl group and ⁄ or O4 of T7. Thus, base stack-
ing prevails at the AC(6–7) step (Fig. 2A) of PD
and the AT(6–7) step of PD
(Fig. 2E). Likewise, the
extent of intra strand base stacking at the GA(23–24)
and AT(24–25) steps ofthe PNA strand in both PD
(Fig. 2C,D) and PD
(Fig. 2G,H) is essentially sim-
ilar. Thus, A24 C7 mismatch leads to an almost
complete loss of stacking only at the CC(7–8) step
), while the stacking is maintained inthe other
steps that flank the mismatch.
Scheme 1. Sequences encompassing codon 12 (capped) oftheKi-rasproto-oncogeneof wild type (wt) andmutated (mut) alleles. Bold-italic
regions in both wild-typeandmutated sequences represent the PNAÆDNA duplex. Mismatch (wild-type) andthe corresponding ideal WC
base pairs (mutated) are underlined. The C- and N-termini ofthe PNA are considered as equivalent to 3¢ and 5¢ ends of a nucleic acid chain,
T. Rathinavelan and N. Yathindra Effect of A C mismatch in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4055–4070 ª 2005 FEBS 4057
It is clear from Fig. 3A–D that presence of an A C
mismatch in DD
, seemingly does not influence adja-
cent base stacking at the mismatch site. Although
stacking at the CC(7–8) step is found to be only margi-
nal in DD
during the first 220 ps, quite similar to
that seen inthe PD
, it is enhanced significantly
beyond 220 ps, so much so that almost a complete
overlap of adjacent pyrimidines is observed (Fig. 3B).
Stacking interactions at the neighbouring AC(6–7),
GA(23–24) and AT(24–25) steps ofthe A24 C7 mis-
match site are also maintained (Fig. 3A,C,D). It is
noteworthy that although stacking at the AC(6–7) step
fluctuates, a complete loss of stacking is seldom found
(Fig. 4A). Stacking persists either through the overlap
Fig. 3. Stereo diagram of adjacent bases at
various steps flanking the A24 .C7 mis-
match in DD
: (A) AC(6–7); (B) CC(7–8); (C)
GA(23–24) and (D) AT(24–25), and their
equivalent steps in DD
: (E) AT(6–7); (F)
TC(7–8); (G) GA(23–24) and (H) AT(24–25).
Notice that stacking prevails in all the steps,
both in DD
and DD
. C7 and A24
involved in A .C mismatch in DD
and the
equivalent T7 and A24 in DD
are col-
oured red. Trajectories corresponding to
every 20 ps are shown.
Fig. 2. Stereo diagram of adjacent bases at
various steps flanking the A24 .C7 mis-
match in PD
: (A) AC(6–7); (B) CC(7–8);
(C) GA(23–24) and (D) AT(24–25), and their
equivalent steps in PD
: (E) AT(6–7); (F)
TC(7–8); (G) GA(23–24) and (H) AT(24–25).
Note the interruption ofthe stack at the
CC(7–8) step (B) in PD
, while base stack-
ing prevails at all the steps in PD
Large movements of C7 at CC(7–8) step (B)
are apparent. C7 and A24 bases involved in
A .C mismatch in PD
and, the equivalent
T7 and A24 bases in PD
are coloured
red. Trajectories corresponding to every
20 ps are shown.
Effect of A .C mismatch in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes T. Rathinavelan and N. Yathindra
4058 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4055–4070 ª 2005 FEBS
of the amino group of C7 with A6 (Fig. 4B) or
through the overlap ofthe six-member ring of C7 with
A6 (Fig. 4C). Thus, unlike in PD
(Fig. 2B), uninter-
rupted stacking prevails at all the steps of DD
Interestingly, the extent of stacking at the TC(7–8)
step of DD
with A T pair (Fig. 3F), is similar to
that at the CC(7–8) step of DD
(Fig. 3B). Further-
more, it is evident that although the exact mode of
stacking interactions at the AT(6–7) (Fig. 3E), GA(23–
24) (Fig. 3G) and AT(24–25) (Fig. 3H) steps in DD
appear to be different from the equivalent steps in
(Fig. 3A,C,D), the degree or extent of stacking is
comparable. This suggests that the stacking interaction
persists inthe adjacent steps of both DD
and DD
On the other hand, as noted above, stacking is inter-
rupted in PNAÆDNA duplex with an A C mismatch.
Variation of A C mismatch hydrogen bond
in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes
Fluctuations inthe position of C7 ofthe A24 C7
mismatch in PD
discussed above are also found to
influence the nature of A24 C7 mismatch hydrogen
bond. It is found that hydrogen bond fluctuates
between N6(A24) N3(C7) and ⁄ or N6(A24). O2(C7)
(Fig. 5). As C7 approaches A24, it engages in
N6(A24) N3(C7) hydrogen bonding, and when C7
moves away from A24 along the major groove, the
other possible hydrogen bonding schemes emerge
(Fig. 5A–C). Extreme movement of C7 away from
A24 can even result inthe absence of both the hydro-
gen bonds (Fig. 5D). These are apparent in Fig. 5E.
MD simulations extended up to 4 ns further substanti-
ates the variable nature ofthe hydrogen bond (Fig. 5).
These clearly indicate the absence of a stable hydrogen
bond for the A24 C7 mismatch in PD
In sharp contrast, a stable N1(A24) N4(C7) hydro-
gen bond (Fig. 6B) prevails in DD
, although the ini-
tial N6(A24) N3(C7) hydrogen bond (Fig. 6A) lasts
for a short duration (200 ps) (Fig. 6C–F). The transi-
tion to the favoured hydrogen bond occurs as a result
of movement of A24 rather than C7 (of the DNA
strand) as found in PD
and persists till the end of
4 ns dynamics. Further, A C mismatch hydrogen
bond in DD
is different from that found in PD
(Fig. 5). An earlier MD simulation (just over 100 ps)
based on NMR data on DNA duplex, pointing to the
Ki-ras proto-oncogene having an A23 C8 mismatch
(Scheme 1) instead of A24 C7 as inthe present study,
has indicated the possibility of all the three schemes
for A23 C8 mismatch hydrogen bonding [33], but
without preference for any one of them. However, it is
found here that A24 C7 favours N1(A24) N4(C7)
hydrogen bond.
In any case, the present analysis clearly points to the
greater changeability and destabilization ofthe A C
mismatch hydrogen bond in PNAÆDNA than in DNA
duplex. As expected, these bring forth significant varia-
bleness inthe water interactions surrounding the mis-
Water interaction inthe vicinity of A C
Figure 7A–L depicts the nature of water interaction in
the neighbourhood of A24 C7 mismatch in PD
Water interaction along the minor groove side of
A24 C7 mismatch is conserved to the extent that
either N1(A24) or O2(C7) or both, are involved in
interaction with water. This is true irrespective of
Fig. 4. Stacking interactions seen at AC(6–7) step of DD
. Note
the prevalence of stacking interaction (B and C) almost throughout
dynamics (see also text) despite the fluctuations. Complete loss of
stacking interaction is seldom seen (A).
T. Rathinavelan and N. Yathindra Effect of A C mismatch in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4055–4070 ª 2005 FEBS 4059
the presence or absence of N6(A24) N3(C7) and⁄ or
N6(A24) O2(C7) hydrogen bond. On the other hand,
water interaction along the major groove is influenced
by the nature ofthe mismatch hydrogen bond. When
N3(C7) is not involved in hydrogen bond with
N6(A24), it engages itself in a variety of interactions
with water along the major groove side as shown
in Fig. 7A,E,F,I. Inthe absence of both
N6(A24) N3(C7) and N6(A24) O2(C7) hydrogen
bonds due to the displacement ofthe C7 towards the
major groove, N3(C7) and O2(C7), both are engaged
in interaction with water (Fig. 7D). These are demon-
strative of significant fluctuations inthe water structure
in the vicinity of A24 C7 mismatch in PD
. In con-
trast, such variation is not observed in DD
due to
the strong preference for N1(A24) N4(C7) hydrogen
bond (Fig. 7M–T). As a result, N6(A24) and N4(C7)
are involved in a variety of water interaction on the
major groove side (Fig. 7N–T). Similarly, N3(A24),
N3(C7) and O2(C7) are also engaged in water interac-
tion most ofthe time (Fig. 7N–T). Thus, it is apparent
that water interaction associated with the atoms parti-
cipating in A24 C7 mismatch does not show fluctu-
ation as inthe case of PD
Fig. 5. Interaction between the A24 (blue)
and C
mismatch bases in PD
(A–D) and
variation of N6(A24). . .N3(C7) and
N6(A24) .O2(C7) hydrogen bond distances
(F & H), and angles (G & I) over 4 ns dyna-
mics. Large movement of C7 andthe asso-
ciated variable hydrogen bonding pattern for
A24. . .C7 mismatch are clear from the
superposition (E).
Effect of A .C mismatch in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes T. Rathinavelan and N. Yathindra
4060 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4055–4070 ª 2005 FEBS
Conformation ofthe PNA strand in PNAÆDNA
Like in DNA, backbone conformation ofthe PNA
scaffold is governed by six backbone torsion angles,
a(C6¢-N1¢-C2¢-C3¢), b(N1¢-C2¢-C3¢-N4¢), c(C2¢-C3¢-
N4¢-C5¢), d(C3¢-N4¢-C5¢-C6 ¢), e(N4¢-C5¢-C6¢-N1¢) and
f(C5¢-C6¢-N1¢-C2¢). These are found to be confined to
the trans ⁄ gauche
, gauche
, gauche
, gauche
, near
cis and trans range of conformations, respectively, in
both PD
and PD
(Fig. S1A–F of Supplementary
material). The side chain torsion angles, v1(C8¢-C7¢-
N4¢-C3¢), v2(N9 ⁄ N1-C8¢-C7¢-N4¢) and v3(C4 ⁄ C2-
N9 ⁄ N1-C8¢-C7¢) favour the cis, trans ⁄ gauche
conformations, respectively (Fig. S1G–I of
Supplementary material). It is noteworthy that both
backbone, as well as side chain, conformations of the
PNA strand observed inthe present study generally
fall inthe same range of conformational angles seen in
the crystal structuresof PNAÆDNA duplex [34] and
ÆDNA triplex [35]. These are also broadly
similar to the results obtained from earlier MD simu-
lations on PNAÆDNA complexes [36,37]. Some differ-
ences seen from the NMR structure may be due to
under-determination ofthe backbone structure by
NMR as acknowledged by the authors [38]. Inciden-
tally, a designed PNA analogue with b ¼ gauche
region, similar to that observed inthe current investi-
gation, readily forms complex with both DNA and
RNA [39–41].
Fig. 6. Hydrogen bonding schemes (A and
B) observed for the A24 .C7 mismatch in
. Variation of hydrogen bond distances
(C and E) and angles (D and F) over 4 ns
dynamics. Note the strong preference for
N1(A24) .N4(C7) hydrogen bond beyond
220 ps (C and D).
T. Rathinavelan and N. Yathindra Effect of A C mismatch in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4055–4070 ª 2005 FEBS 4061
Base backbone hydrogen bonds and a(N1¢-C2¢)
and e(C5¢-C6¢) correlation inthe PNA strand
Interestingly, a near-neighbour bond correlation between
the torsion angles a(N1¢-C2¢)ande(C5¢-C6¢) associated
with thepeptide unit is recognized. It is observed that
whenever a undergoes a conformation change from the
most preferred trans ⁄ gauche
to the gauche
tion, a concomitant change occurs in e from a cis to a
trans conformation (Fig. 8) as found earlier [42]. These
ensure stacking as well as the WC hydrogen bond
(Fig. 9). Other transitions lead to a totally unstacked
situation (data not shown). Further, the (gauche
, trans)
conformational state for (a,e) promotes an intramolecu-
lar O6¢ H-N2 (G) hydrogen bond between guanine
and the carbonyl ofthepeptide (Fig. 10I). However,
this is not possible for the (trans ⁄ gauche
, cis) conforma-
tion as O6¢ orients towards the solvent with the amide
(N1¢) hydrogen pointing inside the helix. On the other
hand, this facilitates inthe formation of hydrogen
bond with N3 of purines and O2 of pyrimidines either
directly (Fig. 10A,C,E,G) or through water molecules
Fig. 7. Interaction of water (orange) with
A24. . .C7 mismatch in PD
(A–L) and DD
(M–T) during the dynamics. Variation in
hydration pattern in PD
(A–L) depending
on the A24 .C7 mismatch hydrogen bond-
ing is readily apparent.
Effect of A .C mismatch in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes T. Rathinavelan and N. Yathindra
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(Fig. 10B,D,F,H). Interestingly, water mediated N3 N1¢
[34] and O2 N1¢ [34,35] interactions are found in the
minor groove side ofthe PNAÆDNA duplex [34] and
ÆDNA tripl ex [35] crysta l structures.
PNAÆDNA duplex structure
Average structure ofthe central 11mer of PD
2.5 ns dynamics is shown in Fig. 11A. Root mean
square deviation (RMSD) ofthe entire trajectory
(2.5 ns) with respect to the average structure lies in the
range 0.7–2.5 A
for both PD
and PD
Average value of helical twist corresponding to the
central 11mer is 27° in both PD
and PD
to a 13-fold duplex. This is similar to that observed in
an NMR study of a PNAÆDNA hybrid [38]. Average
value of rise, slide, X-displacement and propeller twist
correspond to values around 3.3 A
, )1.2 A
, )3.7 A
and )10.7°, respectively, for PD
, and 3.3 A
, )1.3 A
)4.0 A
and )10.6°, respectively, for PD
. Average
widths of minor and major grooves are around 9.5 A
and 25 A
in both PD
and PD
Sugar puckers in DNA strands favour the C2¢ endo
conformation in both PD
and PD
. Interestingly,
C7 involved in A C mismatch seems to favour the
C4¢ exo sugar pucker, although C2¢ endo is seen dur-
ing thedynamics (data not shown).
In general, stacking interaction is nearly similar in
both PD
and PD
(data not shown) except at steps
on either side ofthe mismatched A C hydrogen
DNA duplex structure
Average structure ofthe central 11mer of DD
2 ns dynamics is shown in Fig. 11B. RMSD of the
entire trajectory (2 ns) corresponding to DD
varies from 1.2–2.1 A
and 1.0–2.8 A
, respect-
ively, with respect to their average structure. Even
Fig. 8. Correlation between the backbone torsion angles, a(N1¢-C2¢)
and e(C5¢-C6¢)inPD
(red) and PD
(black). Notice the prefer-
ence for (a,e) . (trans ⁄ gauche
,nearcis) compared to (a,e) .
, trans) conformation.
Fig. 9. Stereo plots illustrating the stacking interaction at the GC step when (a,e) . (trans ⁄ gauche
, near cis) (A and B) and (a,e) . (gauche
trans) (C and D) conformations. O6¢(G). . .N2(G) hydrogen bond (C and D) is shown in dotted line (see also Fig. 10 and text). Hydrogens at
C2¢,C3¢,C5¢ and C8¢ are not shown for clarity.
T. Rathinavelan and N. Yathindra Effect of A C mismatch in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4055–4070 ª 2005 FEBS 4063
though RMSD is rather large for DD
during the
first 500 ps ofthe dynamics, it stabilizes later.
and DD
falls between 1.0 and
2.0 A
, beyond 500 ps representing the equilibrium
The overall conformation ofthe helix is of B type.
Average value ofthe major groove width is 16.8 A
and 18.0 A
for DD
, while the average widths
of the minor groove are 11.4 A
and 11.3 A
for DD
and DD
, respectively.
Fig. 10. Dependence of backbone .base
hydrogen bond interactions in PNA on a and
e correlation. Note that hydrogen bond
between N1¢ (backbone) and base (O2 ⁄ N3)
may be direct (A,C,E,G) or through water
(B,D,F,H) when (a,e) . (trans ⁄ gauche
, near
cis) and N1¢. . .N1¢ repeat is compact (5.5 A
Direct hydrogen bond between O6¢ and N2
(I) is seen for (a,e) . (gauche
, trans) when
N1¢. . .N1¢ repeat is extended (6.5 A
). Hydro-
gens at C2¢,C3¢ and C5¢ are not shown for
Effect of A .C mismatch in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes T. Rathinavelan and N. Yathindra
4064 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4055–4070 ª 2005 FEBS
[...]... nature ofthe structure and interactions ofnucleic acids, and especially so, in discerning the comparative in uence ` of base pair matches vis-a-vis normal ones Choice ofthe aforementioned sequence is because ofthe proven efficacy ofthe designed PNA to down-regulate the gene expression ofthemutated allelle, while sustaining the transcription ofthewild-type allele [29,29a] The present investigation... advantage ofinthe selective inhibition of gene expression of a point -mutated gene by appropriate design of a PNA [29,29a] Factors that contribute to the sharp decrease in free energy could arise from (a) reduced binding enthalpy caused by the loss of hydrogen bond and weak stacking and also (b) entropic and enthalpic contribution resulting from the nature of interaction of water inthe vicinity of mismatch... N3(C7) and N6(A24) O2(C7) in PDwt Further simulation (1 ns) indicates that even at 400 K, the fluctuating nature ofthe mismatch hydrogen bond (data not shown) prevails in PDwt In contrast, a stable N1(A24) N4(C7) hydro4066 T Rathinavelan and N Yathindra gen bond is favoured throughout thedynamicsin DDwt leading to an uninterrupted stacking at the steps flanking the mismatch The difference inthe A... duplex DNA contributes an element of instability resulting in lowering ofthe melting temperature and increase in free energy Surprisingly, the presence of a mismatch in PNAÆDNA duplexes [11,14–16] has a pronounced effect in reducing the Tm, FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4055–4070 ª 2005 FEBS Effect of A .C mismatch in PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes with a free energy penalty of about 15 kJÆmol)1 per base pair... [45,46] and tRNA [47,48] The above deductions are also expected to hold true for other mismatch containing PNAÆDNA duplexes, wherein a similar drastic reduction in Tm accompanied by increase in free energy is reported [16], although the nature ofthe stacking, mismatch hydrogen bond and its fluctuating character in these cases may be governed to some extent by the sequences flanking the mismatch Interestingly,... 3DNA: a software package for the analysis, rebuilding and visualization of threedimensional nucleic acid structuresNucleic Acids Res 31, 5108–5121 Supplementary material T Rathinavelan and N Yathindra Fig S1 Bar diagram illustrating the normalized frequency of different backbone (A–F) and side chain (G–I) torsion angles ofthe PNA strand of PDwt (red) and PDmut (black) Fig S2 Partial charges for the different... chain (Fig S3E–H ofthe Supplementary material) Periodic box of TIP3P waters and 14 Na+ counter ions to neutralize the charge on the DNA strands ofthe hybrids are added using LEaP module of amber 6 This results in 4294 and 4379 number of water molecules for PDmut and PDwt systems, respectively, and periodic boxes of sizes ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ 48 A · 51 A · 77 A and 50 A · 51 A · 77 A are obtained... investigation is the first report on the structure anddynamicsof a PNAÆDNA duplex with a mismatch The results ofthe analysis are also compared with the MD simulations on isosequential DNA duplexes inthe presence (DDwt) and absence (DDmut) of an A C mismatch Our results point to considerable fluctuations in cytosine base (C7) ofthe A C mismatch in PDwt leading to transition between the two possible... chem.msu.su/gran/gamess/index.html) and RESP [60] module of amber 6, because the same is not available inthe amber standard library Electrostatic potential calculated using the HF ⁄ 6–31G* basis set (pc gamess) is used inthe calculation of RESP charges (Figs S2 and S3A–D ofthe Supplementary material) It is noteworthy that the partial charges for the various atoms of bases are very similar to when they are part of DNA... hydrogen bond may therefore be attributed to the significant differences inthe topological features, namely, minor and major groove widths and X-displacement ˚ ( 9.5, 25, )4 vs 11, 18, )1 A) of PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes It is noteworthy that all of these A C mismatch hydrogen bonds (Figs 5 and 6) noticed during thedynamicsof PNAÆDNA and DNA duplexes are found inthe crystal structure of ribosomal . Molecular dynamics structures of peptide nucleic
acidÆDNA hybrid in the wild-type and mutated alleles
of Ki-ras proto-oncogene
Stereochemical. hydrogen pointing inside the helix. On the other
hand, this facilitates in the formation of hydrogen
bond with N3 of purines and O2 of pyrimidines either