Allosteric functioningofdimericclassC G-protein-coupled
J-P. Pin
, J. Kniazeff
, V. Binet
, C. Goudet
, P. Rondard
and L. Pre
1 Institut de Ge
nomique Fonctionnelle, Montpellier, France
2 CNRS, UMR5203, Montpellier, France
3 INSERM, Montpellier, France
4 Universite
Montpellier-I, France
5 Universite
Montpellier-II, France
Most membrane receptors, including ligand-gated
channels, tyrosine kinase receptors, cytokine receptors
and guanylate cyclase receptors form oligomers. This
was rapidly recognized as being crucial for the func-
tioning of these receptors. In the case of ligand-gated
channel receptors, association of 4–5 subunits is
required to form an ion channel. In the case of recep-
tors that have a single transmembrane domain, it was
difficult to imagine how the signal could be transduced
from the extracellular to the intracellular side of the
membrane without subunit association. In that case, it
was rapidly proposed that ligand binding in the extra-
cellular domain induces receptor dimerization, allowing
the associated intracellular enzymatic domains to inter-
act and become activated. More recent data from the
determination of the three-dimensional structure of the
extracellular domains of such receptors with and with-
out agonists, revealed that they can even be consti-
tutive dimers, agonists stabilizing a specific active
conformation of the dimer [1,2].
In contrast, all G-protein-coupled receptors
(GPCRs) have a large membrane core domain com-
posed of seven transmembrane-spanning helices, which
is responsible, in most cases, for both ligand recogni-
tion and activation of the intracellular effector, i.e. the
heterotrimeric G-protein. This, plus other biophysical
data, lead to the conclusion that GPCRs work as
monomers that can oscillate between various confor-
mations, the active conformations being stabilized by
agonists, whereas the fully inactive conformations are
stabilized by inverse agonists. However, it was difficult
to explain some cooperativity phenomena observed in
activation mechanism; allosteric modulators;
dimerization; GPCR
J-P. Pin, Institut de Ge
Fonctionnelle, 141 rue de la Cardonille,
F-34094 Montpellier cedex 5, France
Fax: +33 467 54 2432
Tel: +33 467 14 2988
(Received 16 February 2005, accepted
6 April 2005)
Whereas most membrane receptors are oligomeric entities, G-protein-
coupled receptors have long been thought to function as monomers. Within
the last 15 years, accumulating data have indicated that G-protein-coupled
receptors can form dimers or even higher ordered oligomers, but the gen-
eral functional significance of this phenomena is not yet clear. Among the
large G-protein-coupled receptor family, classCreceptors represent a well-
recognized example of constitutive dimers, both subunits being linked, in
most cases, by a disulfide bridge. In this review article, we show that
class CG-protein-coupledreceptors are multidomain proteins and highlight
the importance of their dimerization for activation. We illustrate several
consequences of this in terms of specific functional properties and drug
Acc, active-closed-closed conformation; Aco, active-closed-open conformation; CaS, receptor, calcium-sensing receptor; CRD, cystein-rich
domain; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; HD, heptahelical domain; mGlu, receptor, metabotropic glutamate receptor; Roo, resting-open-open
conformation; T1R: taste receptor type 1; VFT, Venus flytrap domain.
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2947–2955 ª 2005 FEBS 2947
ligand binding. This led to the demonstration that
most GPCRs can oligomerize as shown by both bio-
chemical and energy transfer technologies [3]. In recent
years, several publications have indicated that this phe-
nomenon is involved in trafficking of the receptor to
and from the plasma membrane, and in specific cross-
talk between receptor subtypes [4]. However, the pre-
cise role and importance of GPCR oligomerization in
the activation process remains unknown.
Five main classes of GPCRs can be defined in mam-
mals based on sequence similarity [5–7]. Whereas the
large number of rhodopsin-like receptors form class A,
secretin-like and metabotropic glutamate (mGlu)-like
receptors are members of classes B and C, respectively.
Frizzled receptors and a subgroup of pheromone
receptors form two additional classes. ClassC GPCRs
have been shown to be constitutive dimers and therefore
represent a good model for studying the functional rele-
vance of GPCR dimerization. These receptors include
those for the main neurotransmitters, glutamate and
GABA, as well as a receptor activated by extracellular
, some pheromone receptors and receptors for the
sweet and umami taste compounds [8]. In this review
article, we summarize our knowledge on the functioning
of classC GPCRs and illustrate how allosteric inter-
actions between the subunits play a fundamental role
in their activation. Of interest, we see that this com-
plex functioningofclassCreceptors offers a number
of possibilities to regulate their activity with synthetic
ligands acting at sites different from the natural ligand-
binding site, the so-called allosteric modulators.
The multiple domains ofclassC GPCRs
In contrast to most class A rhodopsin-like GPCRs,
class Creceptors are composed of three main struc-
tural domains, not including the C-terminal tail which
can be very long (up to 376 residues for mGlu5b) and
where a multitude of intracellular scaffolding and sig-
nalling molecules bind. These domains are the Venus
flytrap domain (VFT), which contains the agonist-
binding site, the cysteine-rich domain (CRD) and the
heptahelical domain (HD) involved in G-protein acti-
vation (Fig. 1).
The VFT module is a bilobate domain that shares
structural similarity with bacterial periplasmic amino
acid-binding proteins. The structure of the mGlu1
VFT has been solved by X-ray crystallography in the
absence and presence of either agonist or antagonist
[9,10]. These studies revealed that both types of ligand
bind in the cleft that separates both lobes. As already
shown for bacterial proteins, these studies also
revealed that the VFT ofclassC GPCRs can adopt
either an open or a closed conformation (Fig. 1). Inter-
estingly, both conformations have been seen in the
absence of ligand, as well as in the presence of agon-
ists. In contrast, only the open conformation was
observed with bound antagonist. It was therefore pro-
posed that the VFT can naturally oscillate between
these two states, the closed state being stabilized by
agonists, whereas antagonists prevent the closure.
Further studies performed on full-length receptors
confirmed this functioningof the VFT. For example, by
removing steric or ionic hindrance that prevents mGlu8
VFT closing upon antagonist binding, two antagonists
were converted into full agonists [11]. Moreover, the
introduction of two cysteine residues that are expected,
based on modelling studies, to cross-link both lobes of
the GABA
receptor and lock it in a closed state,
generates a fully constitutively active receptor [12].
The CRD links the VFT to the HD in most class C
GPCRs. The structure of this CRD is not known
although a three-dimensional model has been proposed
recently [13] (Fig. 1). Although the CRD is absent in
the GABA
receptor subunits, it appears necessary for
the activation of either mGlu or calcium-sensing (CaS)
receptors [14], but its specific mode of action is not yet
Like any other GPCRs, classCreceptors possess a
HD that shares very low sequence similarity with rho-
dopsin-like receptors (Fig. 1). Indeed, few residues are
conserved in these two groups ofreceptors and model-
ling studies suggest that both types of HD share a
similar structure [8]. As in class A receptors, the intra-
cellular loops ofclassC GPCRs as well as the
C-terminal tail are involved in G-protein coupling. For
various classC GPCRs, including the mGlu5,
and CaS receptors, the HD can fold correctly
and be trafficked to the cell surface when expressed
alone after deletion of both the large extracellular
domain and the long C-terminal tail [15–17]. More-
over, these isolated HDs retain their ability to activate
G-proteins as illustrated by their constitutive activity,
an activity that can either be inhibited by inverse agon-
ists known to bind in the HD, or further stimulated by
other molecules known as positive allosteric modula-
tors. Accordingly, the HD ofclassC GPCRs appears
to behave like rhodopsin, oscillating between various
states each being possibly stabilized by specific com-
pounds (Fig. 1).
In summary, classC GPCRs are multimodule pro-
teins and both major modules (the agonist-binding
VFT and the G-protein-activating HD) retain their
specific functional properties when isolated. As expec-
ted for allosteric proteins, these modules can oscillate
between various states, each being stabilized by specific
Class CG-protein-coupledreceptors J-P. Pin et al.
2948 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2947–2955 ª 2005 FEBS
molecules. However, how can the ligand-binding
domain control the activity of the HD? In other
words, how is the signal transduced from one domain
to the other?
Class C GPCRs are constitutive dimers
An important piece of information to understand the
activation process ofclassC GPCRs came with the
discovery that these receptors are constitutive dimers.
The first observation came from the mGlu5 receptor,
which was shown in western blot and immunopreci-
pitation experiments to be a homodimer in both
transfected cells and native tissue [18]. Only upon di-
thiothreitol treatment was the monomeric form detec-
ted. Soon after, the CaS receptor was also shown to
form dimers stabilized by a disulfide bridge via Cys129
located in the VFT [19], and this was confirmed in
both mGlu1 and mGlu5 receptors [20]. Because this
residue is conserved in all mGlu receptors, as well as
in the taste and pheromone receptors, these are also
expected to be disulfide-linked dimers. Mutation of
this Cys residue does not prevent dimer formation [21].
Indeed, the VFT, even when produced as a soluble
protein, forms stable dimers via a hydrophobic surface
area located on one side of lobe-I, as clearly revealed
in the crystal structure of the dimers of mGlu1 VFTs
[9,10] (Fig. 2A). Mutation of the Cys residue involved
in the covalent linkage of the subunit also does not
affect functioningof the receptor [22]. Although the
role of this disulfide bridge remains elusive, it certainly
prevents any possible dissociation of the subunits
under normal conditions, making these receptors con-
stitutive dimers.
To date, no heterodimeric mGlu receptors have been
described. Only mGlu1–CaS heterodimers have been
open closed
Fig. 1. The main domains ofclassC GPCRs
and their various conformational states.
Class C GPCRs are composed of three main
structural domains, the Venus flytrap
domain (FVT) where agonists and competit-
ive antagonists bind, the cysteine-rich
domain (CRD) that interconnects the VFT to
the heptahelical domain (HD), and HD,
which if similar to rhodopsin-like GPCRs.
Each structural domain is shown in a ribbon
view. Both the VFT and HD are coloured
according to the succession of secondary
structure elements from dark blue (N-termi-
nus) to red (C-terminus). Both the open
unliganded and agonist-bound closed confor-
mation of the VFT are shown. The three
expected conformational states for the HD
are indicated, as also proposed for the
rhodopsin-like GPCRs: HDg, ground totally
inactive state; HD, basal state; HD*, fully
active state. The ribbon views were gener-
ated using the coordinates of the mGlu1
VFT (protein data bank Accession nos
1EWT:A and 1EWK:A, respectively), the pro-
posed model of the CRD, and the coordi-
nates of rhodopsin (protein data bank
Accession no. 1F88).
J-P. Pin et al. ClassCG-protein-coupled receptors
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2947–2955 ª 2005 FEBS 2949
observed [23], but more work is required to validate
their functional and physiological relevance. However,
the related taste receptors need to heterodimerize to
form functional receptors. The association of taste
receptor type 1 (T1R1) and taste receptor type 3
(T1R3) results in the formation of umami receptors
[24], whereas taste receptor type 2 (T1R2) and T1R3
constitute the sweet receptors [25]. Although not
observed in heterologous expression systems, T1R3
may also be able to form a functional low-affinity
sweet receptor in the absence of T1R1 and T1R2 [26].
In contrast to the other classC GPCRs, the GABA
receptor is not a disulfide-linked dimer. However, this
receptor was the first GPCR identified as an obligatory
heterodimer composed of two distinct subunits,
and GABA
[27]. During evolution, a sys-
tem has been selected to ensure that only the func-
tional heterodimer reaches the cell surface. Indeed, the
subunit contains an endoplasmic reticulum
(ER) retention signal in its intracellular tail, preventing
it from reaching the surface alone [28]. Only when
associated with GABA
can this subunit reach the
cell surface and be functional. Although no covalent
linkage between the subunits has been observed, these
dimers are likely very stable due to a coiled coil inter-
action at the level of their intracellular tail, as well as
by direct interaction of their VFTs and also likely their
HDs [29].
These observations revealed that classC GPCRs are
complex multidomain molecules and raised an import-
resting active
Fig. 2. General structure ofdimericclass C
GPCRs. (A) Ribbon view of the crystal struc-
ture of the resting Roo (left, pdb Accession
no. 1EWT) and fully active Acc (right, pdb
Accession no. 1ISR) state of the mGlu1 VFT
dimer, and apposition of two rhodopsin
structures. The yellow subunit is in the
front, whereas the blue subunit is in the
back. Note the difference in the relative ori-
entation of the two VFTs probably leading to
a different mode of association of the two
HDs within the dimer. (B) Scheme illustra-
ting that agonist binding in one VFT can
activate the HD of the same subunit
(cis-activation) and ⁄ or the HD of the other
subunit (trans-activation). In the wild-type
heterodimeric GABA
receptor only trans-
activation occurs (agonist binding in the
VFT leads to the activation of the
HD), but both cis- and trans-activa-
tion occur in the homodimeric mGlu recep-
Class CG-protein-coupledreceptors J-P. Pin et al.
2950 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2947–2955 ª 2005 FEBS
ant issue: the interplay between the various states of
each domain in the dimer, and how this can be con-
trolled by agonists.
Activation mechanism ofclass C
GPCRs involves allosteric interaction
between the VFTs
As described above, the mGlu1 VFT can reach a
closed state stabilized by agonists, and form dimers via
a hydrophobic area on one side of its lobe-I [9,21].
This contact between the VFTs is likely required for
receptor activation, because a point mutation in that
area results in a loss of function of the receptor, even
though agonist binding can still be measured [30].
Comparison of the crystal structure of the VFT dimer
in the absence or presence of glutamate also revealed a
major change in the relative orientation of the two
VFTs [9]. In a first orientation, lobe-IIs are far apart
in the absence of agonist or in the presence of antag-
onist. This orientation is, therefore, called ‘resting’. A
second orientation is observed in the presence of agon-
ist and is therefore considered active. In that case,
lobe-IIs are in close contact and one VFT is closed,
whereas the other remains open. More recently, a
structure has been solved in the presence of both agon-
ist and Gd
[10]. In that case, the same active orien-
tation is observed, but both VFTs are in a closed state
(Fig. 2A). These data illustrate that the dimer of mGlu
VFTs can have at least three conformations: the
resting-open-open (Roo, resting orientation with both
VFTs in an open state), the asymmetric active-closed-
open (Aco) and the symmetric active-closed-closed
(Acc) conformations.
How can agonist binding affect the relative orienta-
tion of the VFTs? Much can be deduced from analysis
of the interface between the subunits at the level of
lobe-II when both VFTs are maintained in the active
orientation. This interface revealed major charge repul-
sion if both VFTs are open, consistent with the great
instability of this form of the dimer (note this is
deduced from modelling studies, because this form of
the receptor has never been observed) [10]. In contrast,
in the Aco state, the interface consists of a number of
ionic interactions between the two subunits. Finally,
when both VFTs are closed (Acc state), four acidic
side chains are facing each other, creating a cation-
binding site that likely needs to be occupied for this
state to be stable [10].
We recently examined whether both Aco and Acc
conformations lead to similar properties of the dimeric
mGlu receptor [31]. To that aim, we used the quality-
control system of the GABA
receptor to generate
mGlu receptor dimers composed of two distinct bind-
ing sites, either from two distinct mGlu receptors or
from a wild-type and a mutated VFT. This allowed us
to show that a single ligand per dimer stabilized the
Aco conformation, leading to partial activation of the
receptor (Fig. 3A). Only upon binding of two agonists
per dimer was the Acc state reached, leading to full
activity [31]. Of interest, this fully active state is further
stabilized by cations such as Ca
or Gd
Although two glutamates bind in a dimeric mGlu
receptor, no strong cooperativity could be measured
by analysing the Hill coefficient. However, functional
analysis suggests a positive cooperativity between both
sites. Indeed, agonist potency is 3–5 times lower in a
receptor dimer that possesses a single wild-type site.
Moreover, our data also revealed that when one VFT
Fig. 3. Activation mechanism of homodimeric classC GPCRs and
its regulation by allosteric modulators. (A) In the absence of agon-
ist, the receptor is in a resting state (Roo-HD), and switches to a
partially active state upon binding of a first agonist [Aco-HD
], and
to a fully active state upon binding of a second agonist (Acc-HD*).
Binding of an inverse agonist in the HD stabilizes the fully inactive
ground state of the receptor, whereas binding of a positive allo-
steric modulator further stabilizes the fully active state of the agon-
ist-bound dimer. (B) Schematic representation of the functioning of
the classC GPCR after deletion of the large extracellular domain,
and illustrating the main three states: the basal state HD that can
generate basal activity of the receptor, the ground inactive state
HDg stabilized by inverse agonists, and the fully active state stabil-
ized by positive allosteric modulators.
J-P. Pin et al. ClassCG-protein-coupled receptors
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2947–2955 ª 2005 FEBS 2951
is in the closed state, it stabilizes the associated VFT
in the closed state. Such observations are in contrast
to the negative allosteric interaction reported between
the mGlu1-binding sites using binding experiments on
purified and soluble VFTs [32]. However, this may be
explained by the absence of the other part of the
receptor (the CRD and the HD), as well as by the
absence of cations that stabilize the Acc state.
Although two agonists per dimer are required for full
activation of homodimeric classC GPCRs, a single
agonist is sufficient to fully activate the heterodimeric
receptors. This has been demonstrated in the case of
the GABA
receptor in which GABA binds in the
VFT only [33]. Surprisingly, although the
subunit also possesses a VFT, no natural
ligand probably binds in this domain, as illustrated by
the absence of selective conservation of residues in the
putative binding pocket during evolution. Even though
the GABA
VFT does not bind GABA, it is necessary
for GABA
receptor activation. Indeed, among the
various combinations of GABA
chimera generated, only those possessing both the
and GABA
VFTs display agonist-induced
activity [34]. This is consistent with the proposal that a
change in the relative orientation of the VFTs in the
dimer is associated with receptor activation. As shown
for the mGlu receptors, isolated GABA
and GABA
VFTs form dimers (heterodimers in that case), and this
increases affinity for agonists but not for antagonists
[29]. This effect likely results from a stabilization of the
closed state of the agonist-bound GABA
VFT by
the GABA
VFT, a proposal that is reminiscent to the
positive allosteric coupling between the VFTs of mGlu
receptors described above. Although closure of the
VFT is sufficient to fully activate the recep-
tor, whether the associated GABA
VFT also has to
reach a closed empty form remains unknown.
As observed in the GABA
receptor heterodimer, a
single agonist is also likely to be sufficient to activate
the sweet and umami taste receptors, the sweeteners
aspartame and neotame interacting in the T1R2 VFT
of the sweet taste T1R2 : T1R3 heterodimer, whereas
glutamate binds in the T1R1 VFT in the umami taste
T1R1 : T1R3 heteromer [35]. However, in contrast to
the GABA
subunit, the T1R3 VFT-binding site is
very well conserved during evolution, suggesting that
natural ligands bind in this subunit also. Such ligand
remains to be identified, but may likely act in synergy
with the oligosaccharides and glutamate.
In summary, interaction between VFTs is crucial for
class C GPCR activation. Although agonist binding
stabilizes the closed state of the bound VFT, this does
not correspond to the major difference in the resting
and active conformation of the VFT dimer. Indeed,
whether one or two ligands interact in this dimeric
unit, the main consequence is the stabilization of a
new relative orientation of the VFTs. But how is this
transmitted to the HDs within the dimer?
Allosteric coupling between the
extracellular and heptahelical domains
within the dimer
Whether agonist binding interacting in one VFT of the
dimer activates the HD of the same subunit and ⁄ or
that of the associated subunit has been carefully exam-
ined in both heterodimeric GABA
and homodimeric
mGlu receptors (Fig. 2B).
In the case of the GABA
receptor, it was soon
observed that the GABA
subunit could not activate
the G-protein even when its ER retention signal was
mutated [28,36]. As such it was soon proposed that the
subunit was responsible for G-protein activa-
tion. This was firmly demonstrated in several ways.
First, mutations into either the i2 or i3 loop of
suppressed G-protein activation by the het-
erodimer, whereas the equivalent mutation in GABA
had a minor effect [37,38]. Second, a receptor combi-
nation composed of the VFTs of both GABA
, but of two HDs from GABA
, can activate
G-proteins upon agonist application, although with a
much lower efficacy than the heterodimer, demonstra-
ting that the HD of GABA
possesses enough of the
molecular determinants required for G-protein coup-
ling [34]. Finally, it has recently been shown that this
HD expressed alone can be activated by
CGP7930 [17], a positive allosteric modulator of the
receptor. It was therefore concluded that
trans-activation occurs in the GABA
receptor, GABA
binding in the GABA
VFT leading to activation of
the GABA
Although GABA
VFT binds the agonist and the
HD couples to G-protein, a chimeric con-
struct composed of these two domains cannot be acti-
vated by agonists when expressed alone [34]. Normal
functioning can be restored when such a chimeric con-
struct is coexpressed with the reverse chimera bearing
the GABA
VFT and the GABA
HD, demonstra-
ting the importance of dimer formation for function.
Of interest, note that in the case of this combination
of chimeric subunits, cis-activation occurs, because the
agonist binding domain and the G-protein coupling
domain are part of the same subunit.
Coupling between ligand binding and HD activation
has also been recently examined in the homodimeric
mGlu receptors. As described above, by manipulating
Class CG-protein-coupledreceptors J-P. Pin et al.
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each subunit in a receptor dimer, it was shown that
the monoliganded dimer of VFTs in the Aco confor-
mation led to partial activity, whereas the Acc confor-
mation with two bound agonists led to a full activity
of the receptor [31]. By examining the effect of a point
mutation known to prevent G-protein activation in the
i3 loop of either HD, it was shown that both the Aco
and Acc conformations of the VFT dimer activate
either one or the other HD [31]. This demonstrates
that both cis- and trans-activation occur in homo-
dimeric mGlu receptors (Fig. 2B).
Taken together, these data highlight the need for
dimer formation for the signal transmission from the
VFT to the HD, and also show that in homodimeric
receptors, the signal from one VFT can be transmitted
to either HD. These observations fit nicely with the
proposal that the stabilization of a specific relative
orientation of the VFTs by agonists, also stabilizes a
specific association of the HDs leading to their activa-
tion (Fig. 3A). Such a proposal is supported by recent
data obtained using a FRET approach and showing a
specific change in the general conformation of the HD
dimer upon receptor activation [39].
Allosteric functioningof the HD
of classC GPCRs
As observed for class A GPCRs, some classC recep-
tors display constitutive, agonist-independent activity.
As described above, because the VFTs have the ability
to close in the absence of agonist, spontaneous closure
may well be at the origin of constitutive activity in
some of these receptors, as observed for the GABA
receptor [40]. Indeed, in that case, competitive antago-
nists act as inverse agonists by preventing the sponta-
neous closure of GABA
VFT. However, in the case
of the mGlu1 and mGlu5 receptors, their constitutive
activity was not inhibited by competitive antagonists,
demonstrating that their HD can reach an active state
even when the VFTs stay open. This was further dem-
onstrated in two ways. First, noncompetitive mGlu1
and mGlu5 antagonists known to bind directly in the
HD of these receptors were found to have inverse
agonist properties [41,42]. Second, the HD of mGlu5
expressed alone (mGlu5 receptor deleted of its large
extracellular domain) was found to display the same
constitutive activity as the full-length receptor, an
activity that can be inhibited by inverse agonists bind-
ing in this domain [16].
In addition to the noncompetitive antagonists, posit-
ive allosteric modulators ofclassC GPCRs also bind
in the HD [43]. In most cases, these compounds do
not have agonist activity, but potentiate both the effic-
acy and the potency of agonists. However, when the
large extracellular domain was deleted from the recep-
tor these compounds act as full agonists [16], and are
therefore able to stabilize a new fully active conforma-
tion of the HD (Fig. 3B). As such, as observed with
rhodopsin, the HD ofclassC GPCRs can exist in at
least three major states: an HDg (ground) state, which
corresponds to the totally inactive state stabilized by
inverse agonists; an HD state, which is able to activate
G-proteins although with a low efficacy (this state
being responsible for the constitutive activity of some
receptors); and an HD* state, which corresponds to
the active state of the receptor stabilized by positive
allosteric modulators (Fig. 3B).
Why are the mGlu5 positive modulators unable to
activate the full-length receptor although they can fully
activate an isolated HD? This indicates that the HD*
state cannot be reached if the VFT dimer is not in the
active orientation. This suggests that the HD* state is
likely associated with a specific orientation of the HDs
in the dimer that can be reached when the extracellular
parts of the subunits are deleted (Fig. 3A).
Taken together, these observations show that the
HD ofclassC GPCRs can oscillate between various
conformational states, each being stabilized either by
synthetic ligand directly interacting in this domain, or
by specific conformations of the VFT dimer.
Although classC GPCRs appeared to be more com-
plex proteins than the class A receptors, because of
their multiple domains and their association into con-
stitutive dimers, much information on their activation
process has been gained in recent years. These findings
illustrate the importance ofallosteric transition
between various conformations of each domain. These
transitions can be summarized as follow. The extracel-
lular binding domains (the VFTs) can oscillate between
an open and a closed conformation, the latter being
stabilized by agonists. The relative orientation of the
VFTs also oscillate between at least two positions, the
resting ‘R’ orientation, and the active ‘A’ orientation,
the latter being stabilized when at least one VFT is in
a closed conformation, and further stabilized if both
VFTs are closed. The HDs can also exist in at least
three states, the HD state responsible for the constitu-
tive activity of some receptors, the fully inactive state
HDg stabilized by inverse agonist, and the fully active
state HD* stabilized by the active form of the dimer of
VFTs (the Acc conformation).
Such complex functioningof these receptors offers
a number of possibilities for allosterically regulating
J-P. Pin et al. ClassCG-protein-coupled receptors
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2947–2955 ª 2005 FEBS 2953
their activity using compounds acting at various sites
of the receptor. One such possibility is to further sta-
bilize the closed state of the VFT after agonist binding.
Such a possibility has been proposed for the positive
allosteric effect of Ca
on the GABA
receptor [44].
Another possibility is to stabilize the Acc conforma-
tion of the dimer of VFTs, as seen with Gd
in the
mGlu receptors [10]. As already reported for many
class C GPCRs, compounds directly interacting with
the central pocket of the HD also stabilize a specific
conformation of this domain and affect functioning of
the receptor (acting as inverse agonists or positive
modulators), but other possibilities exist, such as mole-
cules acting at the contact interface between the HDs.
Eventually, although the specific role of the CRD in
the activation process is not known, compounds acting
at this level may also influence functioningof the
receptor. In support of this idea, large sweet proteins
such as brazzein appear to contact the CRD of the
T1R3 receptor subunit [45]. Accordingly, class C
GPCRs represent good targets for drug development
not only because of their important physiological roles,
but also because the large number of possibilities for
regulating their activity.
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J-P. Pin et al. ClassCG-protein-coupled receptors
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2947–2955 ª 2005 FEBS 2955
. so-called allosteric modulators.
The multiple domains of class C GPCRs
In contrast to most class A rhodopsin-like GPCRs,
class C receptors are composed of. drug
Acc, active-closed-closed conformation; Aco, active-closed-open conformation; CaS, receptor, calcium-sensing receptor; CRD, cystein-rich