Báo cáo khoa học: Trigger factor interacts with the signal peptide of nascent Tat substrates but does not play a critical role in Tat-mediated export pptx
Triggerfactorinteractswiththesignalpeptideofnascent Tat
substrates butdoesnotplayacriticalroleinTat-mediated export
Wouter S. P. Jong
, Corinne M. ten Hagen-Jongman
, Pierre Genevaux
, Josef Brunner
, Bauke Oudega
and Joen Luirink
Department of Molecular Microbiology, Institute of Molecular Cell Biology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands;
Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine, Centre Me
dical Universitaire, Geneva, Switzerland;
Institute of Biochemistry,
ssische Technische Hochschule Zu
rich, Zu
rich, Switzerland
Twin-arginine translocation (Tat)-mediated protein trans-
port across the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane occurs only
after synthesis and folding ofthe substrate protein that
contains asignalpeptidewitha characteristic t win-arginine
motif. This implies that p remature contact between the T at
signal peptidea nd the T at translocon inthe membrane must
be prevented. We used site-specific photo-crosslinking to
demonstrate that t he signalpeptideofnascent T at proteins
is in close proximity to the c haperone and peptidyl-prolyl
isomerase trigger f actor (TF). The contact with TF was
strictly dependent on the context ofthe translating ribosome,
started early in biogenesis when thenascent chain left the
ribosome near L 23, and p ersisted until the c hain reached i ts
full length. Despite this exclusive and prolonged contact,
depletion o r o verexpression of TF had little effect on the
kinetics and efficiency oftheTatexport process.
Keywords: Escherichia coli; protein targeting; signal peptide;
trigger f actor; twin-arginine translocation.
In Escherichia coli, most proteins that reside in the
periplasmic space are synthesized as preproteins with a
cleavable N-terminal signalpeptide that mediates targeting
to the inner membrane. Signal peptides classically have a
tri-partite structure witha positively charged N-region, a
hydrophobic core, and a polar C-region that contains the
signal peptidase cleavage site [1]. The majority of periplas-
mic proteins are targeted to the main protein-conducting
channel, the SecYEG complex, via the post-translational
SecB/SecA pathway (reviewed in [2]).
Recently, the cytosolic chaperone and folding catalyst
trigger factor (TF) was shown to have a significant impact
on the efficiency of Sec-mediated transport. Inactivation of
the gene e ncoding TF increased the rate of transport and
suppressed the requirement for the chaperone and targeting
factor SecB, whereas overproduction of TF impeded
transport [ 3]. TF is in part associated withthe ribosomal
protein L23 that is located near t he major n ascent ch ain
exit site [4]. In vitro crosslinking studies showed that TF
can be crosslinked to a variety of n ascent polypeptides
when they emerge from the ribosome near L23 [5–9].
Interestingly, L23 also serves as a docking s ite f or the
bacterial signal recognition particle (SRP) that delivers
preproteins at the SecYEG complex ina cotranslational
targeting mechanism [9]. Whether or not TF c ontrols the
entry o f proteins i nto the SRP pathway is not fully clear
(reviewed in [10]).
The twin -arginine translocation ( Tat) pathway has been
identified as a second post-translational targeting/trans-
location pathway t hat operates i ndependently ofthe Sec
pathway (reviewed in [11]). In contrast to the Sec pathway,
the Tat pathway has the striking a bility to mediate the
export o f s ubstrates that have acquired a fully folded or even
oligomeric confo rmation inthe c ytoplasm. T at substrates
possess asignalpeptideofthe ÔclassicalÕ tri-partite stru cture
but including a h ighly conserved ( S/T)RRxFLK consensus
motif between the N-region and the hydrophobic core [ 12].
This motif provides specificity for theTat machinery
consisting ofthe i ntegral membrane proteins TatA/E, TatB
and TatC [11].
Little is known about the molecular mechanism of
targeting and exportof Tat-dependent proteins. In partic-
ular, information on the generic and s pecific interactions of
the T at signalpeptide and mature domain with targeting
factors, chaperones a nd folding catalysts is scarce. The
cytosolic DmsD protein was s hown to have affinity for
immobilized Tatsignal peptides of both dimethylsulfoxide
reductase (DmsA) and trimethylamine N-oxide reductase
(TorA) [13] and for the TatB/TatC components [14],
suggesting a r ole for DmsD i n guiding substrates to the
Tat machinery. H owever, recent in vivo studies suggested
that DmsD is not required f or targeting but rather has a
chaperone-like function inthe assembly of certain Tat
proteins [15].
Correspondence to J. Luirink, Department of Molecular Micro-
biology, Institute of Molecular Cell Biology, Vrije Universiteit,
De Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV Amst erdam, the Netherlands.
Fax: +31 20 4446979, Tel.: +31 2 0 4447175,
E-mail: joen.luirink@falw.vu.nl
Abbreviations: HA, hemagglutinin; Tat, twin-arginine translocation;
TF, trigger factor; OmpA, outer membrane protein A; TorA, tri-
methylamine N-oxide reductase; (Tmd)Phe-tRNA
methyl)-3-diazirin-3H -yl]phenylalanine-tRNA
; IMVs, inverted
inner membrane vesicles; Ffh, fifty-four homologue; SRP, signal
recognition particle.
(Received 2 8 July 2 004, revised 6 October 2004,
accepted 18 October 2004)
Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 4779–4787 (2004) Ó FEBS 2004 doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.2004.04442.x
Here, we have used an unbiased in vitro translation and
photo-crosslinking appro ach to probe the molecular inter-
actions of model Tatsubstrates during synthesis and p rior
to tar geting to t he Tat machinery. We f ound that the signal
peptide of Tat-dependent proteins is extensively a nd exclu-
sively crosslinked t o r ibosomal components and TF during
synthesis. Interestingly, TF was found crosslinked until late
in translation but only inthe context ofthe translating
ribosome. However, in vivo experiments revealed only a
small effect of TF on the kinetics and efficiency of Tat-
mediated export.
Experimental procedures
Strains, plasmids and media
E. coli K-12 strains and plasmids used in this study are listed
in Table 1 . Strains were routinely grown in M9-medeu m
[16] containing 0.1% casaminoacids (Difco, Detroit, MI,
USA). Where appropriate, streptomycin ( 50 lgÆmL
chloramphenicol ( 15 lgÆmL
), kanamycin (30 lgÆmL
spectinomycin (50 lgÆmL
) a nd ampicillin (100 lgÆmL
were added to the medium.
Reagents and sera
Restriction enzymes and t he Expand-Long template PCR
system were supplied by Roche M olecular Biochemicals
GmbH (Mannheim, Germany). T4-DNA ligase was from
Epicentre Technologies ( Madison, WI, USA). Megashort
T7 transcription kit was f rom A mbion (Austin, TX, USA).
S]Methionine and protein A–Sepharose were obtained
from Amersham Biosciences (Uppsala, Sweden). All other
chemicals were supplied by S igma-Aldrich (Steinheim,
Germany). Antisera against L 23 and L29, TF, SufI, and
OmpA were provided by R. Brimacombe (Max Planck
Institute for Molec ular G enetics, Berlin, Germany), W.
Wickner (Dartmouth Medical School, Hannover, NH,
USA), T . P almer ( University of East Anglia, Norwich,
UK), and J. W. de Gier (Stockholm University, Sweden),
respectively. The rabbit polyclonal antiserum against the
human influenza hemagglutinin (HA)-epitope was from
Plasmid construction
Plasmid pC4Meth-100TorA/P2 was constructed by PCR,
using pTorA/P2 [ 17] a s a template and the primers
RRTorA-SacI-fw (5¢-GCGCG
AGAAAAATAATGAAC-3¢, SacI site underlined) and
TorA/Lep2-BamHI-rv (5¢-GCAT
TTGATGTAATC-3¢, BamHI site underlined). The result-
ing PCR fragment was cloned into pC4Meth [5] u sing the
SacI/BamHI sites. Amber (TAG) codons were then incor-
porated at position 13 or 24 via nested PCR as described
[18], resulting in pC4Meth-100TorA/P2TAG13 a nd
pC4Meth-100TorA/P2TAG24. Plasmids pC4Meth-57SufI,
pC4Meth93-SufI and pC4Meth-SufIHA (encoding SufI
with a C-terminal HA-epitope, preceded by a Pro-Gly-Gly
spacer) w ere constructed b y PCR using pNR30 (gift
from T. Palmer) as a t emplate. The fo rward primer w as
SufI-EcoRI-fw (5¢-GCCG
AGTCGGCGTC-3¢, Eco RI site underlined). The reverse
primers were 51SufI-BamHI-rv (5¢-ACGC
TCATAAACAGCGGTTGC-3¢, Bam HI site un derlined),
87SufI-BamHI-rv (5 ¢-ACGC
CCTTCCA-3¢, BamHI site underlined) and SufIHA-
XbaI+ClaI-rv (5¢-ACTG
GTACCGGATTGACCAAC- 3¢, ClaI site underlined,
XbaI site in italics, HA-epito pe sequence in boldface). The
resulting fragments were cloned into pC4Meth using the
EcoRI/BamHI or EcoRI/ClaI restriction sites where appro-
priate. The amber codon at position 8 was incorporated
via nested PCR, resulting in pC4Meth-57SufITAG8,
pC4Meth-93SufITAG8 and pC4Meth-SufIHATAG8. The
in vivo expression plasmid pBAD18-SufIHA was construc-
ted as follows. First, the EcoRI/XbaI f ragment from
pNR30, including the SufI coding region and the first
18 bp upstream ofthe ATG-start codon, was c loned into
pBAD18 [19]. The resulting plasmid pBAD18-SufI w as
then used as a template i n PCR using the primers SufI-
EcoRI-fw and SufIHA-XbaI+ClaI-rv (see above).
Finally, the AatII/XbaI f ragment of t he ob tained PCR
product was inserted into pBAD18-SufI. Nucleotide
sequences were confirmed by semi-automated DNA
In vitro
transcription, translation and crosslinking
Truncated mRNA was prepared as described previously
[20] from HindIII linearized pC4Meth-100TorA/P2,
pC4Meth-57SufI o r p C4Meth-93SufI derivative plasmids.
Full-length SufIHATAG8 mRNA was prepared from ClaI
linearized pC4Meth-SufIHATAG8. In vitro translation,
photo-crosslinking and sodium carbon ate e xtraction were
carried out as described [18,21]. Samples were analyzed
Table 1. Bacterial strains and plasmids use d in this study.
Strain/plasmid Relevant genotype Reference
MC4100 F’araD139D(argF-lac)U169
rpsL150 relAI flb5301
ptsF25 rbsR
MC4100Dtig MC4100Dtig::Cm
MC4100DdnaKdnaJ MC4100DdnaKdnaJ
MC4100DtigDdnaKdnaJ MC4100Dtig::Cm
MC4100DtatA/E MC4100DtatADtatE [41]
MC4100DtatB MC4100DtatB [41]
MC4100DtatC MC4100DtatC::XSpec
HDB37 MC4100araD [3]
pC4Meth, 94torA/
This study
pC4Meth, 94torA/
This study
pC4Meth-57SufITAG8 pC4Meth, 51sufITAG8 This study
pC4Meth-93SufITAG8 pC4Meth, 87sufITAG8 This study
pC4Meth-SufIHATAG8 pC4Meth, sufIHATAG8 This study
pBAD18-SufIHA pBAD18, sufIHA This study
pJH42 pBAD18, tig [3]
4780 W. S. P. Jong et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
directly by SDS/PAGE or immunoprecipitated first using
3-fold the amount used for direct analysis.
Pulse-chase analysis
Strain MC4100 and its Dtig , DdnaKdnaJ, Dtig DdnaKdnaJ
and DtatC mutant derivatives, all harboring pBAD18-
SufIHA, were grown overnight in M9-medium contain ing
0.4% glucose, diluted to a n a ttenuance a t 6 60 nm (D
of 0.35. Strains
HDB37 and MC4100DtatA/E, both harboring p JH42, were
grown overnight in M9-medium, diluted to a D
of 0.05 in
fresh M9-medium and grown to an D
of 0.3.
Upon reaching thea ppropriate D
, cells were washed
and r esuspended in M9-medium containing a cysteine- and
methionine-free amino acid mix. After recovery for 15 min
(pBAD18-SufIHA harboring strains) o r 90 min (pJH42
harboring strains) at the appropriate temperatures, cells were
pulse-labeled with 10 lCiÆmL
S]methionine for 1 min
cold methionine for the times
indicated. To stop the chase, cells were precipitated w ith
10% trichloroacetic acid at 4 °C. Sample s were analyzed
either directly or upon immunoprecipitation by SDS/PAGE.
Sample analysis
Radiolabeled proteins were visualized by phosphor imagin g
using a Molecular Dynamics PhosphorImager 473 and
quantified using the
software from Molecular
Dynamics/Amersham Biosciences.
The TorA signalpeptide is close to trigger factor
early in biogenesis
Tat preproteins fold inthe c ytosol, prior to export by t he
Tat machinery inthe inner membrane that specifically
recognizes theTatsignalpeptide [11,22]. It has been
suggested that t his signal p eptide is sheltered during
synthesis a nd folding by generic or specific f actors in the
cytosol to prevent premature interactions withthe Tat
translocon [23,24]. The molecular interactions ofthe signal
peptides of model Tatsubstrates early in biosynthesis were
studied using a n in vitro translation and crosslinking
approach. Nascent chains of TorA/P2, a strictly Tat-
dependent chimera comprising thesignalpeptideof TorA
fused to t he periplasmic P2 domain of leader p eptidase [17],
were generated from truncated mRNA to a length of 100
amino acid residues ina cell- and membrane-free E. coli
lysate without addition of any purified proteins. The nascent
chains were radiolabeled with [
S]methionine. To specific-
ally probe the m olecular environment ofthe TorA signal
peptide, TAG-stop codons were incorporated in 100TorA/
P2 either at position 13, two residues downstream of
the c onserved a rginine p air, or within the h ydrophobic
core at position 24 (Fig. 1A). The TAG-codons were
suppressed during in vitro synthesis by t he addition of
] which carries a photo-reactive probe.
After translation, one half of each sample was irradiated
Fig. 1. Photo-crosslinking to thesignalpeptideofnascent TorA/P2. (A) S chematic representation ofnascent 100TorA/P2. The T orA signal peptide
is ind icated as a solid line. Posi tions ofthe conserved twin-arginine motif ( RR) and the sto p codons (TAG) t hat are suppressed with (Tmd )Phe-
are indicated. (B) In vitro translation o f 100TorA/P2TAG13. After translation, samples were irradiated with UV-light to induce
crosslinking or kept in th e dark as indicated. UV-irradiated ribosome-nascent chain complexes were immunoprecipitated (IP) with TF a ntiserum as
indicated. Prior to crosslinking, one sample was s plit into equal aliquots and incubated w ith 2 m
puromycin (Puro), 2 m
puromycin and 0.5
potassium acetate (HS), o r mock-treated with incubation buffer at 37 °Cfor10min.(C)In vitro translation of 100TorA/P2TAG13 and 100TorA/
P2TAG24 as f or (B ), carried out inthe p resence o r a bsence of IMVs. Samples with IMVs were extracted with sodium carbonate and t he re sulting
carbonate-pellet ( p) and -supernatant (s) fractions were analyzed. Crosslinked p roducts, nascent c hains (NC), peptidyl-tRNA (*) and molecular
mass markers ( at the left side ofthe pane ls in kDa) are indicated.
Ó FEBS 2004 RoleoftriggerfactorinTat-mediatedexport (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 4781
with UV-light to induce crosslinking, whereas the other half
was kept inthe dark to serve as a negative control.
The TAG-codons at both positions wer e efficiently
suppressed by (Tmd)Phe-tRNA
(data not shown),
resulting innascent T orA/P2 ofthe expected m olecular
mass carrying t he photo-reactive probe at the indicated
position. UV-irradiation o f 1 00TorA/P2TAG13 resulted in
two c rosslinked products of 70–80 kDa (Fig. 1B, l ane 2).
Both adducts represented crosslinks to the cytosolic
chaperone TF as shown by immunoprecipitation ( Fig. 1B,
lane 3). TF was also crosslinked to position 24 within the
hydrophobic core (Fig. 1C, l ane 8) butwitha different ratio
of the 70 and 80 kDa adducts (Fig. 1C, compare lanes 2 and
8). The observation that crosslink ing ofnascent c hains to
TF results ina double banded pattern has been made
previously [5,8] but is not yet understood.
To investigate w hether crosslinking of TF to 100TorA/P2
is dependent on the context ofthe ribosome, nascent
100TorA/P2TAG13 was released from the r ibosome with
puromycin or puromycin ina Ôhigh saltÕ buffer after
translation but prior to c rosslinking. Both t reatments
diminished crosslinking to TF (Fig. 1B, lane 5 a nd 6),
indicating that association w ith the ribosome is crucial for
the interaction with TF.
Molecular i nteractions of 100TorA/P2TAG13 a nd
100TorA/P2TAG24 were also investigated inthe presence
of inverted inner membrane vesicles (IMVs) that were
isolated from an E. coli MC4100 wild-type strain. After
translation a nd UV-irradiation, samples were extracted with
sodium carbonate to separate the membrane integrated from
the peripheral membrane a nd soluble p roteins. Using
100TorA/P2TAG13, no obvio us changes in crosslinking
pattern a ppeared compared to the situation when mem-
branes were notpresent (Fig. 1C, lanes 1–6). TF continued to
be the major crosslinking partner and no crosslinking
products were detected inthe integral membrane f raction
(Fig. 1C, lanes 4 and 6 ). Interestingly, u pon addition of
IMVs, pos ition 2 4 o f the TorA signalpeptide was found to
specifically crosslink, in addition to TF, two low molecular
mass proteins of 7kDaand 17 kDa (Fig. 1C, lane 10).
These adducts were detected inthe supernatant fraction a fter
carbonate extraction, indicating that the crosslinked p artners
are peripheral membrane proteins and not one ofthe known
Tat p roteins [25]. The adducts could not be immunoprecip-
itated with various antisera tested and remain to be identified.
Taken together, the twin-arginine motif and the hydro-
phobic core region ofthe TorA signal p eptide are adjacent
to TF early during biogenesis. Additional c ontacts with two
yet unknown peripheral m embrane proteins a ppeared
restricted to th e hydrophobic core region. Other cytosolic
factors with affinity for signal peptides w ere not detectably
The SufI signalpeptide is in close proximity to TF, L23
and L29 early in biogenesis
To investigate whether the observed contact o f TF with the
TorA signalpeptide is generic for Tat substrates, SufI was
included i n our crosslinking stud ies. SufI belongs t o the
multicopper oxidase superfamily butdoesnot contain
copper cofactors [26]. It has been used extensively as a
model Tat substrate [26–29]. SufI nascent chains were
generated (as described above for 100TorA/P2), carrying a
photo-reactive probe at positio n 8, t wo amino acids
downstream from the conserved arginine pair ( Fig. 2A).
Nascent chains of 5 7 a nd 93 amino acids were synthesized.
93SufITAG8 is comparable to 100TorA/P2TAG13 with
respect to the position ofthe photo-reactive probe relative to
the peptidyl-transferase center (compare Figs 2A and 1A).
57SufITAG8 w as analyzed to monitor t he earliest inter-
actions innascent SufI (Fig. 2A).
Fig. 2. Photo-crosslinking to thesignal p eptide ofnascent SufI. (A)
Schematic represen tation o f nascent Su fI c onstructs. T he SufI signal
peptide is ind icated as a solid line. Positions ofthe conserved twin-
arginine motif (RR) and the stopcodons (TAG) that are suppressed
with (Tmd)Phe-tRNA
are indicated. (B) In vitro tran slation of
57SufITAG8 an d 93SufITAG8. After translation, one hal f of each
sample was irradiated with UV-lig ht to induce crosslinking and one
half was kep t in t he dark. UV-irradiated ribosome-nascent ch ain
complexes were i mmunoprecipitated (IP) with antiserum aga inst TF,
L23 or L29 as indicated. Molecular mass markers (kDa) are indicated
at th e left side of t he panels.
4782 W. S. P. Jong et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
Upon irradiation o f 57SufITAG8 a nd 93SufITAG8 w ith
UV-light, adducts o f 65–75 kDa were detected (Fig. 2B,
lanes 2 and 7) that represented crosslinking to TF, as shown
by immunoprecipitation (Fig. 2B, lanes 5 and 10). Using
57SufITAG8, two adducts of lower molecular mass w ere
identified as the ribosomal subunits L23 (Fig. 2B, l ane 3)
and L29 ( Fig. 2 B, lane 4). L23 a nd L29 are l ocated near the
major r ibosomal exit site [30]. 93SufITAG8 was also found
to crosslin k to L23 an d L29 (Fig. 2B, lanes 8 and 9), but to a
much lower e xtent. In con trast, t he 93-mer crosslinked
much more strongly to TF than the 57-mer (Fig. 2B,
compare lanes 2 and 7) .
Together, t he data suggest that nascent SufI leaves the
ribosome via the major ribosomal exit site and that, upon
extension o f thenascent c hain, the SufI signalpeptide moves
away from L23 and L29 and interacts w ith TF. Further-
more, the combined data obtained withnascent TorA/P2
and SufI constructs strongly suggest that interaction of TF
with thesignalpeptide early i n biosynthesis i s generic for
Tat substrates.
The SufI signalpeptide is close to TF until late
in translation
In the crosslinking experiments described above we
showed th at TF interactswith t he signalpeptide of
relatively short nascentTatsubstratesin which the signal
peptide is barely exposed. T o investigate the influence of
nascent chain l ength on the ability of TF to crosslink to
the Tatsignalpeptide we made u se ofa full-length
version of SufI that carries an immunogenic HA-epitope
at its C-terminus (SufIHA), and a photo-reactive probe
at position 8 inthesignalpeptide (SufIHATAG8).
Translation o f this construct resulted ina ladder of
distinct truncates (Fig. 3 , lane 2) that could be released
from the ribosome upon incubatio n with EDTA (data
not shown). Only a small yield of full-length product was
obtained, as sho wn by i mmunoprecipitation using a n
antiserum d irected against the C-terminal HA-epitope
(Fig. 3, lane 1). UV -crosslinking of this random array of
translation intermediates resulted in numerous distinct
adducts (Fig. 3, lane 4). TF antiserum immunoprecipi-
tated many of these adducts up to a mass o f 120 kDa
(Fig. 3, lane 5), corresponding to a complex of TF and
an approximately full-length version of SufIHATAG8.
This suggests that thesignalpeptideof SufI interacts
with TF until completion of translation. As observed
before (Fig. 2B, lanes 2 and 7), efficient crosslinking to
TF started from a nascent-chain length between 57 and
93 amino acid residues (Fig. 3, compare lane 5 with lanes
A crosslinked c omplex at 170 kDa [Fig. 3, lane 4,
indicated with (*)] was not precipitated withthe TF
antiserum. Strikingly, this band appeared more intense
upon incubation ofthe translation mixture with EDTA
and was immunoprecipitated witha n antiserum against
the HA-epitope (data not shown), indicative of cross-
linking to the released full-length form of SufIHA.
Notably, an identical 170 kDa crosslinked complex
was observed upon completion of synthesis and release
of SufIHATAG8 from the ribosome ina tr anscription/
translation system optimized for t he production of full-
length SufIHA (data not shown). T he crosslinked
partner(s) in this complex h ave not been identified yet.
In the presence of membrane vesicles derived from a
strain that overproduces all components ofthe Tat
translocase, released full-length S ufIHA was crosslinked
to TatB (data not shown) consistent with earlier data
obtained by Alami and coworkers [29] and confirming
that our in v itro system sustains faith ful targeting o f Tat
TF is dispensable for theexportof SufI
in vivo
The in vitro crosslinking experiments described above
suggested that TF s equesters thesignalpeptideofa Tat
substrate while it is being synthesized on the r ibosome. To
investigate whether this interaction is functionally relevant
for theexportofTat p roteins, we monitored the effect of the
intracellular TF level on the efficiency and kinetics of SufI
export in vivo.
Steady state analysis of e ndogenous SufI in w hole cell
samples o f a Dtig mutant strain did not show accumulation
of the precursor of SufI (pre-SufI) (Fig. 4A, lane 4),
Fig. 3. Photo-crosslinking of TF to thesignalpeptideofnascent SufI
chains of various lengths. In vitro translation o f f ull-length Su fIHA-
TAG8 from non-truncated mRNA inthe presence of (Tmd)Phe-
. Translation products were immunoprecipitated (IP) with
antiserum against the HA-epitope as indicated. After translation, half
of the sample w as irradiated with UV-light to induce crosslinking and
half was kept inthe dark. C rosslinked material w as im munoprec ipi-
tated with TF antiserum as indicated. An 170 kDa complex that
could be precipitated witha nti-HA, butnotwith anti-TF serum is
indicated with an asterisk. Samples were a nalyzed by SDS/PAGE. F or
comparison, cro sslinks o f TF to 57SufI and 93SufI, im munoprec ipi-
tated with antiserum against TF (corresponding with Fig. 2B, lanes 5
and 10), were run on the same gel (lanes 6 and 7). Molecular m ass
markers ( kDa) are i ndicated at the left s ide ofthe pa nels.
Ó FEBS 2004 RoleoftriggerfactorinTat-mediatedexport (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 4783
suggesting SufI export i s not significantly affected. TF has
been shown to o verlap withthe DnaK chaperone machinery
with respect t o f olding and substrate specificity [31,32].
Interestingly, DnaK has also been shown to interact with an
immobilized Tat s ignal peptide [13]. In light of this evidence,
we monitored the effect of deletion of DnaK and its
co-chaperone DnaJ on SufI export. Notably, a s mall but
reproducible accumulation of pre-SufI was observed i n a
DdnaKdnaJ double mutant (Fig. 4A, lane 5). This effect was
enhanced ina Dtig DdnaKdnaJ triple mutant (Fig. 4A, lane
3). The latter strain was recently constructed and is viable
only ina narrow temperature range [33]. The precursor o f
the SecB-dependent outer membrane protein A (OmpA)
was not detected in any of t he mutants t ested. This is
consistent with published data that suggest acceleration
rather than deceleration of t he exportof SecB-dependent
secretory proteins inthe absence of TF [3].
We next investigated the kinetics o f SufI e xport by pulse-
chase analysis in t he different genetic backgrounds
(Fig. 4B). In this a ssay we h ad to rely on SufI, provided
with a C-terminal HA-tag, expresse d from an exp ression
vector to obtain detectable SufI signals. I n a wild-type
strain, tagged pre-SufI was processed to its mature form
with the slow kinetics characteristic of T at proteins (Fig. 4 B,
lanes 1–5) [17,23,26]. Furthermore, pre-SufIHA w as not
processed ina tatC minus background during t he chase
period (Fig. 4B, lanes 21–25), confirming that the HA-tag
does not change targeting pathway specificity. The kinetics
of processing appeared not significantly affected ina Dtig,
DdnaKdnaJ or Dtig DdnaKdnaJ mutant as compared to the
wild-type M C4100 s train (Fig. 4B, lanes 6 –10, 11 –15 and
Together, the results demonstrate a s mall, additive and
specific effect of dnaKdnaJ and tig deletion on SufI e xport.
The e ffect is only observed in steady state and may be the
result ofa s mall subpopulation of pre-SufI that accumulates
in an export-incompetent conformation due to impaired
folding or premature targeting.
To investigate the effect of increased i ntracellular TF
levels on the efficiency ofTat-mediated export, steady state
signals and export kinetics of endogeneous SufI were
monitored upon overproduction of TF from an inducible
expression vector (pJH42) (Fig. 5 B). When TF expression
was induced for 9 0 min prior to labeling, no significant
effect on the kinetics of SufI e xport was apparent (Fig. 5B,
compare l anes 5– 8 and 1–4). Massive overexpression of TF
under these conditions was c onfirmed by trichloroacetic
acid precipitation ofthe labeled cells (Fig. 5B, lanes 5–8). As
a control, export o f SufI ina Tat-deficient MC4100DtatA/E
strain w as completely blocked inthe presence of pJH42
(Fig. 5B, lane 10). Similarly, steady state analysis did not
Fig. 4. In vivo analysis of S ufI exportin Dtig, DdnaKdnaJ and Dtig
DdnaKdnaJ mu tants. S teady state (A) and pulse-chase (B) analysis of
SufI e xport in strains M C4100, MC4100Dtig,MC4100DdnaKdnaJ,
MC4100DtigDdnaKdnaJ and MC4100DtatC at 30 °C. (A) Cells were
grown i n medium c ontaining glucose (0.2%) t o an D
of 0.6 and
analyzed by SDS/PAGE an d immun oblotting using a nti-SufI (top )
and a nti-OmpA se rum (bottom). (B) Cells, harboring pBAD18-
SufIHA, were grown in medium containing glucose (0.4%) to an D
of 0.35, radiolabeled with [
S]methionine for 1 min and chased for the
times indicated. Expression of SufIHA was induced by addit ion o f
-arabinose (0.2%) 5 min prior to labeling. Samples were immuno-
precipitated using a n tiserum against SufI.
Fig. 5. In vivo analysis of SufI upon overexpression of TF. Steady state
(A) and pulse-chase ( B) analysis of SufI exportin strains HDB37 and
MC4100DtatA/E, both harboring TF-overexpressing pla smid pJH42,
at 37 °C. (A) Cells were grown to an D
of 0.4 an d induced f or TF
overexpression by thea ddition of
-arabinose (0.2%) as in dicated.
Samples were t aken 0.5 h and 4 h a fter i nduction as ind icated. Cells
were analyzed b y SDS/PAGE and im munoblotting using antiserum
against SufI (top) an d OmpA ( center), or Coomassie Blue staining
(bottom). (B) Cells were grown to an D
of 0.3, radiolabeled with
S]methionine for 1 min a nd chased for the tim es i ndic ated. W here
indicated, overexpression of TF was induced b y the addition of 0.2%
-arabinose 9 0 m in prior to labeling. Before analysis by SDS/PAGE,
samples were i mmunoprecipitated using antiserum against S ufI (top)
and OmpA (center), or pre cipitated with trichloroacetic acid (bottom).
4784 W. S. P. Jong et al.(Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
reveal any effect on pre-SufI processing after 4 h of TF
overexpression (Fig. 5 A). Here, overexpression of TF was
evident from t he Coomassie s taining of whole cell samples
used for the immunoblot analysis (Fig. 5A, lanes 2 and 4).
In marked contrast, overproduction of TF decelerated the
export of OmpA ina ccordance with published data [3]
resulting ina substantial accumulation of pre-OmpA after
4 h of TF overproduction (Fig. 5A, lane 4). A pparently, TF
overproduction has a differential effect on theexport of
proteins that follow disparate targeting/translocation path-
In conclusion, the d ata suggest that TF, althou gh
interacting withTatsignal peptides, doesnotplaya critical
role intheexportof Tat-dependent proteins.
Molecular interactions ofthesignalpeptideof two model
Tat proteins, TorA and SufI, were investigated during
in vitro biosynthesis ina n effort to identify ta rgetin g factors
or escort proteins that p lay arolein t he Tat targeting
process. Surprisingly, the chaperone and folding catalyst TF
was t he only cytosolic factor that was extensively cross-
linked to theTatsignal peptides. The association with TF
persisted during synthesis ofthe entire protein at the
ribosome. Deletion or overexpression of TF did not
significantly influence the efficiency or kinetics of Tat-
mediated translocation.
TF has been suggested to playa regulatory role in
controlling t he entry of secretory proteins in distinct
targeting/translocation pathways [ 6,8]. Photo-crosslink ing
experiments revealed contacts ofthesignalpeptide of
nascent OmpA (a SecB-dependent outer membrane protein)
with fifty-four homologue (Ffh, the protein component of
the E. coli SRP), SecA, S ecB and TF added to a semire-
constituted in vitro tra nslation system [8]. Ffh- a nd SecA-
crosslinking occurred when thesignalpeptide had just
emerged from the ribosome (up to 89 amino acid nascent
chain length) whereas T F was crosslinked to t he signal
peptide o f slightly longer nascent chains. SecB was only
crosslinked to thesignalpeptide upon release of nascent
OmpA from the r ibosome. In comparison, the molecular
landscape ofTatsignal peptides ina similar experimental
set-up is less complex ( this study). TF is the only photo-
crosslinked cytosolic protein that is detected, probed from
two postitions inthe T orA signal peptide, close to the twin-
arginine motif (position 13) and inthe (moderately hydro-
phobic) core region (position 24) (Fig. 1B,C). Similar results
were obtained using a l ysine-specific chemical crosslinker
(data not shown). Using SufI, photo-crosslinking to TF was
demonstrated from the shortest nascent SufI w ith exposed
Tat signal p eptide (57 amino acid nascent chain length;
probe at position 8 ) ( Fig. 2B) up t o full-length, but
ribosome associated SufI (Fig. 3).
What is therole o f TF inTat-mediated export? Does it
prevent the cotranslational engagement of Tat-dependent
proteins in other targeting/translocation pathways? We
have no evidence for this conjecture. First, in t he absence of
TF, we could not identi fy any other partners (e.g. Ffh,
SecA) for n ascent Tat proteins using thein vitro crosslinking
approach described above (data n ot shown). Possibly, the
relatively mild hydrophobicity oftheTatsignal peptide
prohibits inte raction w ith F fh [5,34,35]. Furthermore, the
ÔSec-avoidanceÕ motif inthe C-terminal re gion ofthe Tat
signal peptide [ 36] might p revent rerouting via the S ec
pathway e ven when TF is absent. Second, deletion of tig
does not affect th e exportof SufI which proceeds in vivo
with the slow kinetics that are characteristic for the Tat
translocation process ( Fig. 4). In contrast, t he export o f
SecB substrate s is markedly accele rated inthe absence of TF
probably by the disclosure ofa more direct cotranslational
targeting pathway to the Sec translocon [3]. Perhaps, the
proofreading activity ofthe Sec t ranslocase [37] prevents the
use of this alternative targeting p athway by Tat proteins. On
the other hand, overproduction o f TF inhibits SecB-
mediated transport [3] whereas Tat-mediated transport
proceeds unaffected (Fig. 5). The latter observation is not
unexpected because TF only associates withTat substrates
during s ynthesis prior to their folding in an export-
competent conformation [22].
Does TF prevent a premature interaction ofTat substrates
with theTat translocase? It seems conceivable t hat interac-
tion ofnascentTat proteins withtheTat translocase
compromises the folding process that is a prerequisite for
export. On the o ther hand, when IMVs were added during
synthesis of n ascent Tat proteins, crosslinking to the T at
translocase w as not observed i rrespective o f t he presence of
TF (data not shown). Also, the lack of s ignificant effect in a
Dtig mutant strain (Fig. 4) argues against such a seemingly
important function for TF in T at export.
In light of this n egative evidenc e we are i nclined to
believe that TF interacts by default withnascent Tat
proteins due to its location near the n ascent chain exit site
(see below). At present it is unclear whether TF keeps the
signal peptide close to the exit site [8] forcing a looped
conformation ofthenascent chain or whether TF moves
from the ribosome withtheTatsignalpeptide for which it
may have a relatively high affinity. As p roposed for other
substrates, TF may prevent aggregation ofnascent Tat
substrates in polysomes, a function that can be t aken over
by the DnaK/DnaJ-chaperone machinery. DnaK/DnaJ
and TF possess an overlapping substrate specificity but
DnaK/DnaJ does n ot dock a t ribosomes and plays a more
prominent r ole in post-translational folding [31,32]. Strik-
ingly, inthe absence of DnaK/DnaJ a s mall s ubpopulation
of pre-SufI accumulated, an effect that was augmented in
the a bsence of TF (Fig . 4A). The relatively small effect,
even inthe Dtig DdnaKdnaJ triple mutant, may relate to
the capacity o f Tatsubstrates to fold rapidly. Also, other
chaperones such as SecB may protect nascent Tat
polypeptides from unwelcome interactions [38]. Photo-
crosslinking ofthe mature domain ofTat proteins will be
required to settle this point.
When emerging from the ribosome, the SufI signal
peptide also crosslinked to L 23 and L29 that are located
near the exit site of t he main ribosomal tunnel and
constitute the TF attachment site [4,30] (Fig. 2). Similarly,
SecB-dependent secretory p roteins such as OmpA [8], SRP-
dependent inner membrane proteins, such as FtsQ [9] and
cytosolic proteins, such as RpoB [38] were shown to
crosslink L23/L29 early during b iogenesis. This suggests
that, irrespective of their final l ocation, E. coli proteins
follow the same pathway through the ribosome and leave
the ribosome at a universal exit site near L23/L29.
Ó FEBS 2004 RoleoftriggerfactorinTat-mediatedexport (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 4785
The p resence of I MVs during synthesis ofnascent TorA/
P2 gave rise to two extra crosslinking products (Fig. 1C). T he
adducts ( 7and 17 kDa) appeared specific for the
hydrophobic core ofthe TorA signalpeptide (position 24)
and were sensitive to carbonate extraction, indicating that
they represent peripheral membrane proteins a nd are not
related to any ofthe known Tat translocase s ubunits. This
raises the i ntriguing possibility that (a subpopulation of)
TorA associates witha distinct membrane bound mach inery
early during translation. It has been suggested before that
translocation through theTat translocase is preceded by a
Tat-independent targeting and insertion process that was
speculated to function inthe quality c ontrol ofTat substrates
[39]. Translation, folding a nd membrane inse rtion may be
coordinated at this location. In this context, it is of interest to
note that the efficiency of translocation ofTatsubstrates is
dramatically improve d whe n the membrane v esicles are
present during translation instead of being added after
translation [28], an observation that has been difficult to
reconcile witha strictly post-translational t argeting and
translocation m echanism. Work is in progress to elucidate
the identity o f the 7and 17 kDa crosslinked partners.
We are g rateful to E .N.G. H ouben a nd M.L. Urbanus for their help
during initial stages ofthe project and to T . Palmer and F. Sargent f or
providing reagents a nd suggestions. We also thank C. Georgopoulos in
whose lab part ofthe work was carriedout.N.Harms,G.J.Haanand
M. Mu
ller are acknowledged for their comments on the manuscript an d
stimulating discussions. P .G. was suppo rted by Swiss National Science
Foundation Grant F N-31–65403.
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Ó FEBS 2004 RoleoftriggerfactorinTat-mediatedexport (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 4787
. Trigger factor interacts with the signal peptide of nascent Tat
substrates but does not play a critical role in Tat- mediated export
Wouter. disparate targeting/translocation path-
In conclusion, the d ata suggest that TF, althou gh
interacting with Tat signal peptides, does not play a critical