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Dưới đây là danh sách các bài viết mẫu essay IELTS Writing band 8.0 để các bạn có nhu cầu thi IELTS được điểm cao tham khảo. Với số lượng đến 500 bài viết mẫu, hi vọng đây sẽ là một tài liệu hữu ích để các bạn ôn tập thật tốt và chinh phục điểm cao trong kỳ thi IELTS.

NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION TỔNG HỢP 500 BÀI VIẾT ESSAY IELTS WRITING Band 8.0 Dưới danh sách viết mẫu essay IELTS Writing band 8.0 để bạn có nhu cầu thi IELTS điểm cao tham khảo Với số lượng đến 500 viết mẫu, hi vọng tài liệu hữu ích để bạn ôn tập thật tốt chinh phục điểm cao kỳ thi IELTS International travel is becoming cheaper and countries are opening their doors to more and more tourists Do the advantage if increased tourists overweigh disadvantages? The past few decades have seen a considerable increase in the number of global tourists By decreasing the travelling costs, more countries have changed their tourism trade policies to accept more travellers Although there are many drawbacks associated with this global trend, this essay will discuss why tourism trade is more advantageous to the countries On the one hand, a potential disadvantage may be destructive effects on historical buildings Excess capacity of visitors flooding into historical areas causes the damage and erosion of these valuable buildings In addition, the damage that global tourism has caused to the environment in many places is even more worrying For instance, Some visitors who travel to Africa for illegal hunting have endangered and extinction some species of animals On the other hand, a primary advantage of more tourism is its positive impact on economic income In fact, for many countries, a large proportion of their national income is provided by tourism One particularly salient example of this is Italy - the countless number of visitors visiting this country bring them millions of dollars each year and several related job opportunities A further benefit is the influence of the tourism industry on the recognition of the country's culture at the global level It means that by increasing interaction between the host country and other nations, they can introduce their cultural products and traditions to other countries In conclusion, damaging nature and the historical section would indeed seem disadvantageous under certain circumstances However, its positive effects in terms of economic and cultural points of view override the disadvantages NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION These days, people work in more than one job and often change career several times during their life What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? Career progression is of pivotal importance in everyone’s life The contentious argument that whether frequent switching between various jobs is beneficial or not erupts a heated debate among many This essay will discuss the merits and demerits of such practice, generally adopted by a person The advocates believe that changing jobs is more advantageous than being stuck in the same place forever Firstly, if a person grabs an opportunity, he will surely experience a boost in his remuneration which indeed is an added advantage because everything in this world can be bought with the money you have For example, the incremental amount received can be invested to secure the future of the family Secondly, one will get a chance to work on the new systems and technologies and expand his learning According to a survey conducted by Harvard University, 60% of successful managers are those who have incessantly increased their professional learnings throughout their careers On the other hand, the opponents, however, think that there are some disadvantages as well Firstly, a new environment sometimes proves to be challenging For example, one might not be comfortable enough to get along with the new people and thus end up having a cultural shock Furthermore, you may lose all your reputation which you have built-in several years when you leave an organization In other words, despite having a very good relationship with your peers, what happened when you would not be able to maintain effective contact with them ? In conclusion, I firmly believe that the merits of acquiring new roles undoubtedly out weight’s the drawbacks and thus allow a person to learn more and achieve more in his life The best way to solve the traffic and transportation problem is to encourage people to live in cities rather than suburbs and countryside To what extent you agree or disagree? Increasing metropolises transport issues have become to the vital headache and try to find an efficient solution At the same time, several communities through migration to rural and urban areas will help to reduce and decline traffic problems In my opinion, I agree entirely with top of this strategy To Analysis from the restriction of downtown space development as well as decline, societies use a wagon to increase the centre living environment Will prove this Overloading caused by migration flow from the countryside to the major centre is the primary cause of the deterioration of the public transport system To be more specific, the metropolis's current bus and train scheme could not meet its residents' NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION demand for travelling and moving since the urban residents are growing due to people relocating from urban areas Moreover, these poorly operating systems would not be appropriately maintained since it is costly to so frequently As a result, road safety and efficiency would be affected immensely For example, the rate of road accidents in Hanoi increased dramatically within a 5-year period from 2000 to 2005 with the increase of its resident Apart from worsening the existing traffic problems, the policy of promoting people to live in big cities would take a significant toll on the environment, which has been damaged already The growing urban population also puts enormous pressure on the urban ecosystem, with many pollutants emitted into the air and the water These wastes consist of exhausted fumes released by transportation means and other human activities Most of the cities with high population density have to confront air contamination and water pollution Deli would be the best example of a big city being affected profoundly by a reduced environmental condition, which is significantly caused by it being overcrowded Rather than solving traffic issues, the suggested solution would push the cities toward a living condition crisis To sum up, while people, mainly residing in big cities occasionally shorten the traveling time and distance, it more often poses a high risk of overloading trains, and lower living conditions environmentally in these places Thus, the government should consider the limitation of this suggestion; otherwise, the transport system and urban living conditions would suffer The society would benefit from a ban all forms of advertising because it serves no useful purpose and can even been damaging To what extent you agree or disagree? All kinds of advertising have surrounded us recently Therefore, people will misunderstand the purpose of buying a product In my opinion, I agree that we should make a law in order to stop many advertisements to be exaggerated by the companies In addition, the companies have the duty for further impact to sell promoting quality items instead of selling non-practical items to all clients Firstly, it is significant for punishing the advertisement if they have a negative subliminal message to all customers For example, I have seen broadcasts, relating to cigarettes, which tended to use cheerful, energetic and positive ways to encourage the younger generation to purchase them As a result, this may cause young people to misunderstand the real effect of the products if they not have a doubt Governments have responsibilities for setting a law before advertisements are revealed Secondly, an improper advertisement has to be forbidden in order to improve the atmosphere for environmental advertising because they are lacking the insights for marketing practical and useful items to society For instance, the Taiwanese' NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION government monitors each advertisement, relating to lottery tickets before they are released in public Furthermore, citizens will not get the wrong recognition for the products To conclude, it is essential to have a regulation for huge amounts of advertisements to be confronted frequently If we consider mental health and expect to live in a great environmental society, it will be one of the methods to target it The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend Obesity among kids in developed states has risen by approximately twenty per cent in the last decade In this essay, I discuss the causes and effects of this problematic distribution First, children in western countries are exposed to high fat and sugar content which makes them prone to weight increases Every other street in Europe has a McDonald's shop or ice cream spot with specific sights on these young people Secondly, another cause is that a majority of these kids suffer from the lack of direct supervision from their parents who spend most of their time at work leaving them in the care of domestic workers Young people refuse any instruction from domestic helpers or order them around; this is how they get hold of foods that increase their weight As an illustration, my friend in Belgium once worked part-time as a nanny and told me that there was nothing she could when the boy in her care demanded ice cream The problem with this trend is that affected countries might have their health budgets constrained due to the rise in patients with obesity and other related ailments This is why the French government, for instance, once encouraged older citizens to exercise with their offspring saying this practice is beneficial to both groups Furthermore, another effect could be that of schools and other social spaces becoming centres of abuse and name-calling as the youthful population with big bodies interact with others Stereotypes are never healthy for the functioning of a society To illustrate this, the USA recently reported the tripling of suicide cases in a space of four months and stereotypes based on race and the size of the body were significant causes In summary, therefore, the statistics on overweight children in western countries are not only alarming but also disturbing This is because of the causes and effects I have discussed in the essay above There is a need to attend to the situation as soon as possible NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION Some people think human behaviors can be limited by laws, others think laws have little effect What is your opinion? People have always wondered about the possibility of forming a person's character just by enacting some strict rules and regulations Others, however, argue that such rigid laws cannot deter criminals from committing crimes I personally agree with the latter, and think that other measures must be taken abreast of the former group Firstly, the human mind rejects any limitations imposed on its freedom and thus denies any confinement Additionally, if one is not properly educated on how to be a prosperous member of society, there would be no guarantee he would behave well and inhibits any wrongdoings For example, drivers are being fined by the police more and more on a regular basis, which has no tangible effect on reducing the rate of road accidents Therefore, a robber who is sentenced to jail for a long period suffers mentally, leading to his rehabilitation On the other hand, a vast majority of individuals state that internalizing the culture of obedience is what can lead to a law-abiding society In other words, a child who knows the consequences of his actions would never turn to a felony and is scared of the death penalty or life imprisonment Thus, schools play an indispensable role in bringing up our children according to the most practical and functional standards of morality For instance, a Canadian education centre has conducted an educational program for primary school students to hear about the negative drawbacks of murder from a murderer To conclude, even though the presence and importance of some laws can act as a deterrent in modern society, the benefits of responsible parents to teach the best human behaviours to children is not negligible Lastly, obeying the rules can avoid chaos in a community Some people think that it is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illnesses, rather than funding the treatment for people who are already ill To what extent you agree or disagree? Some people argue that allocating the public budget for ill people is not as important as encouraging them to have a healthy lifestyle to prevent diseases In my perspective, it's better to nip the devil from the bud, so prevention is more logical than treatment First and foremost, a huge part of ailments can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle Doing workouts on a daily basis, avoiding eating process foods, drinking sugary drinks and smoking play an important role in preventing illnesses If governments invest more budget on educating people and informing them about these potential threats to their welfare, they can save billions of dollars Taking as an example, in my country dealing with diabetic people's costs is one of the hardest issues for the NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION government But by regular examination and avoiding sugary foods individuals can protect themselves from this illness Furthermore, many maladies cannot be cured Since lots of scientists have not found any actual remedies for abundant diseases, it is better to consider personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle to avoid these For example, once individuals become HIV positive, they will be infected for the rest of their lives This is also true for other infections such as HPV positive and HBV positive However, governments should educate people about these viral diseases, which can be prevented by following some simple protocols Some may argue that there are so many fatal diseases with heredity causes that cannot be prevented They think governments should have enough medical infrastructures for curing these people, however, I think if governments save finance by preventing preventative diseases, they can invest more funding on heretical diseases In conclusion, I completely agree with investing in giving education and awareness to people to prevent illnesses, since most of the time treatments cost more and many ailments cannot be treated Nowadays more people are choosing to live with friends or alone rather than with their families This trend is likely to have a negative impact on communities To what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion? In recent years many people prefer to spend their lives alone or with friends rather than with their own families This particular trend is impacting negatively on communities I completely agree with this notion because people who are living without their families are the ones who are suffering from major psychological issues Furthermore, when they choose to live with their friends then most of the people are indulged in different activities The family comprises of various individuals who have strong relationships with each other Despite the fact that family is a support system, most people desire to live alone or with their friends which is giving negative results among the communities Firstly, when people choose to live alone then they have no one to talk to them or listen to them Most of the time they follow the same routine due to which they become stressed, anxious and depressed These psychological disorders sometimes lead to suicide For instance, there was an article about suicides in which it was written that most of the people especially youth end their lives because they go through hard times and when they are not able to manage the situation then, at last, they take their lives Secondly, when people live with their friends then they mostly get indulged in a lot of different unethical activities due to peer pressure For example, the use of drugs is prohibited in Islam, however, when there is a group of friends they force each other NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION to various activities which give them pleasure This affects the community in the wrong way In a nutshell, when people prefer to live alone or with friends rather than their family then it affects the community in a negative way because they sometimes suffer from psychological distress and also get into various sorts of activities which have consequences in later life Pollution is becoming a major environment problem what are causes and solutions to solve this 
 problem? The most alarming environmental issue is pollution in the present era It is mainly because of traffic congestion and deforestation However, there are a number of solutions that could be implemented such as stringent rules for traffic control and tree plantation campaigns Prominently the reason for pollution is air contamination by dust and hazardous gases like carbon dioxide In other words, an increase in the number of vehicles, which run on petrol or diesel emits such gases that pollute the air Next, because of the growing population, people are in need of more land Hence, they cut jungles and that results in the loss of green trees and fresh air For instance, in India, the city 'Mumbai' became a jungle of cement with huge skyscrapers and tremendous air pollution made residents suffer from various air-borne diseases There are two effective solutions One way to tackle this is to ensure that the strict rule for traffic control should be implemented The vehicles should be checked regularly to avoid air- pollution By doing this the air quality will definitely improve and so the human life Another method of dealing with pollution is, encouraging tree plantation This can be done by motivating school children and other people to plant a tree, nurture it so that it could provide clean and healthy air into the atmosphere To exemplify, 'Chandigarh', a city in India developed man-made forests in the city which makes it not only look beautiful but also incredibly diminishes air pollution In conclusion, tree-plantation and traffic control are effective ways If implemented properly, the air pollution due to vehicles and deforestation would be controlled 10 Nowadays, online shopping becomes more popular than in-store shopping Discuss the positive and negative aspects of online shopping and give your own opinion about the topic In this advanced technological era, shopping through various digital commercial platforms has been flourishing than ever before In this essay, I will discuss its NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION benefits and drawbacks and the reason why I believe online shopping has more advantages than disadvantages Firstly, for its negative influences, online shopping is not one of the believable ways for customers to buy things This is due to the fact that the quality and authenticity of products especially those that are expensive such as technological devices or cosmetic products are not fully assured As a result, buyers can receive orders that are completely different from displayed images Secondly, people nowadays spend most of their time surfing in numerous commercial flatforms instead of going outside which can easily lead to repercussions such as unproductive work, unhealthy body, sedentary lifestyle, etc On the other hand, we cannot deny various positive impacts that shopping on the Internet brings to our lives nowadays First of all, there is a variety of products for customers to choose from when shopping through shopping websites Additionally, with the flourish of e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Shopee,… buyers can consider numerous products with many different prices, reviews to make the optimal decision In addition, online shopping is considered as one of the most efficient and convenient ways to purchase things, especially through the outbreak of Covid-19 When cities were lockdown due to the pandemic, buyers can easily pay for their basic needs with a click on the mouse, all the products would be packed and delivered right to their houses In conclusion, there are some drawbacks and benefits to the improvement of online shopping In my point of view, I believe that its advantages were outweighed the disadvantages because shopping online plays a vital role in the selling industry and this is also an unavoidable improvement in humanity history mostly in the industrial revolution 4.0 11 The position of women has changed a great deal in many societies over the past 50 years But these societies cannot claim to have achieved gender equality To what extent you agree or disagree? Over the recent years, women made a vast amount of changes and achieved a great position in society More and more women are achieving great things in their life which lead them to have a better life However, the question is, despite the success of women, how far has society achieved gender equality? Society somehow rather claimed that gender equality is still not achieved I absolutely agree with this statement This essay will discuss this topic further in detail First and foremost, if we look at the achievements made by women, they are immensely remarkable In most aspects of life, women have already overtaken men who are said to be dominant in every part of our lives For example, in the career aspect, women are becoming great leaders, owners of businesses and chief executive officers in most companies Additionally, the most fascinating thing is that NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION women even reached the position to become prime minister of a country where we have been taught that only men have the capability to achieve these positions Therefore, it is apparently clear that the exceptional success of women is increasing day by day While women are succeeding and breaking records in many aspects, society is still struggling to practice gender equality If inequality continues to exist, the transformation of women over the years are still meaningless We can see inequality practices start even from home To illustrate, the majority of families contribute to gender inequality , in which only men have the right to make decisions at home not only for the family but, for the women too I believe that equality to women means that the choices in their lives must be completely their own decisions Whenever women prioritize their choices, society tends to have negative perceptions of women for not considering other people’s opinions and disobeying instructions of elders, mainly family members Thus, conflicts are often being created in society and sometimes physical violence also can be seen in some families This is where we are lacking in achieving gender equality To conclude, the success of women has been proven in this new era, nevertheless, gender inequality is still being implemented in some areas of life and the root cause of this issue is from the way of upbringings by the family which leads to stereotypes Rather than giving negative opinions for women’s life on what to and what not to do, society should focus more on how to achieve gender equality in order to combat the dominance and violence in society Once we realize that gender equality is important for both men and women, only then we will be able to live in a successful nation 12 Popular events like the football world cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way To what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion? Popular events such as global sporting cups or other World cups can be a good reason for reducing world-spread pressure between nations and a safe way for splashing feelings This essay completely agrees with this statement I believe that play events can be necessary for international affairs and ethnic unity First of all, I really think that sports events may reduce tension among different nations, and give a chance to understand each other deeply For instance, In the past, the Olympic Games were a big, essential occasion During the Olympic games wars and any other skirmishes stopped People of different nationalities that were tired of the war, gathered at the stadium and watched exciting competitions together That led to peace and mutual understanding between the sport supporters On the other hand, certain groups of people blame sports events for excessive cruelty Usually, sport such as football, boxing, or other active sport falls under the NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION charges Since it is the fans of these sport who manifest themselves the most Because in some cases, several athletes fought with each other because they could not cope with their temperament, and the situation provoked the fans to also fight with each other As a result, it also caused some tension in relations between the countries In conclusion, I believe that international business games such as the European Football Cup or other games are an effective tool in easing the tensions among nations, but I think it is also important for sportsmen to control their emotions 13 Recent research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison commit crimes after they are released Why is this case? What can be done to solve this problem? Nowadays, many offenders are likely to be more engaged in illegal activities after serving their first sentence This happens due to several reasons like applying insufficient methods to rectify the guilty’s behaviour The key to tackling this problem lies in creating an in-depth approach in order to understand the person’s psyche and purposes behind committing again There are several reasons why offenders continue to commit crimes after being punished First and foremost, a wrong strategy can worsen a person’s mind by soaking him with the feeling of anger and revenge For example, a harsher treatment for minor crimes can motivate them to re-offend their misdeed Similarly, short-term sentences for major crimes may not influence their behaviours Furthermore, there may be a human need involved in the act of crime, which cannot be addressed by just sentencing the guilty because they not know the ways to overcome the difficulties in their life To deal with such cases, it is necessary to create a more intrinsic approach that can deter people from repeating their wrong behaviour and respect the rules Firstly, the form of punishment should be based on the root cause or purposes of doing illegal activities This is more likely to change their mind for a positive outcome For example, community rehabilitation centres should assess offenders’ mental abilities through psychological tests to ensure that the wrongdoers are mentally and emotionally fit before getting back to their normal life TO sum up, there are many factors that lead crimes to be committed again such as social situation, family background Therefore, it is vital to pay attention to what kind of mistake and take appropriate corrective methods 14 Teleworking has been on the increase in recent years Do you think this is a positive or negative development? 10 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot? It is undeniable that technological and scientific developments have brought tremendous benefits to people's lives in various ways However, arts still receive a great deal of attention This essay will explore some insights and values of arts that a person cannot obtain from science and technology Firstly, arts give humans the opportunity to see things from different viewpoints This is because ,in the world of science and technology, people can evaluate objects in a logical way while arts might allow them to use their creativity and imagination to see things as they want For example, although a cat is just an animal with four legs in researchers' view, it could stand as a hero or a traditional symbol of a culture to a writer As a result, this will help individuals gain deeper insights into the world and think from various perspectives Secondly, another point about the advantages of arts contributing to human beings is that artworks instil religious and spiritual values into each individual, which helps them become a more well-rounded person For instance, there might be several students having a tendency to listen to their favourite songs or pray to God, which always give them a feeling of relaxation and calm if they felt depressed and spiritless Therefore, that can eliminate their anxiety and enhance their motivation And individuals hardly receive this kind of feeling when conducting research or doing a technological project In conclusion, for the reasons mentioned above, It is believable that art can broaden people's horizons in various sides that scientific and technological improvements fail to 481 Some people view teenage conflict with their parents as a necessary part of growing up, whilst others see it as something negative which should be avoided Discuss both views and give your own opinion There is no doubt that adolescence can be a difficult period for both youngsters and their parents Although some people believe that conflict at this time does more harm than good, I would argue that it is an essential stage of teenagers’ development On the one hand, those who believe teenage conflict is harmful might argue that it can damage relationships between parents and their children This is because such disputes can create tension in the family For example, it is quite common for young people to begin smoking at their age to impress their peers, but the resulting confrontations with parents can lead to difficulties with communication afterwards 355 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION In contrast, if there is no conflict between parents and teenagers, there will be a much greater sense of happiness among family members On the other hand, my view is that this conflict is important because it can help teenagers to mature The reason for this is that by having disagreements adolescents can form and develop their own opinions For instance, a child may grow up in a family of meat-eaters but feel very strongly about not eating meat If this child does not voice their opinion, they will be going against their principles However, if they are willing to engage in conflict with their parents, their conscience will be much clearer despite the agony of the argument In conclusion, despite the danger of damaging relationships which teenage conflict can create, it is my firm belief that this time of friction is a vital step on the path to teenagers becoming mature and independently-minded adults 482 In some countries, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough What are advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message? In some countries, people are calling into question stimulating children to be more hard-working and being more successful in their life Although there are a number of drawbacks involved with this belief, the benefits accruing to people who are in their childhood are by no means negligible I believe the drawbacks will outweigh the advantages On the plus side, the advantages of deriving children to work hard can be manifold To begin with, it would bring about increasing the likelihood of learning in the future by allocating plenty of time to various activities As a result, this is highly likely to stimulate offspring to be more constructive and more aware of people who might bear a proper level of well-being For instance, a child encouraged to vigorous workouts in their childhood, is more likely to be a well-known athlete in their adulthood Furthermore, it can lead to having a homogenous and unified society that has fewer unemployed individuals because they always their best to find a proper occupation opportunity However, the downside can be ignored First of all, placing a premium on working is bound to result in being more isolated and having a sedentary lifestyle Consequently, this might trigger obesity and chronic diseases like depression, back pain and etc Moreover, some studies have shown that forcing children to work hard are more likely to be hateful about other activities For example, if students are driven to study a subject that is not their desire about ten hours a day, they will probably be angry about all fields of study generally because of compulsory studying In conclusion, advising offspring to be more hardworking can be both rewarding and problematic simultaneously While bringing about more productivity and more success in their future, it can lead to being overweight and disliking other tasks to 356 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION 483 Many people think that the government should spend more money on providing faster and cheaper means of public transport Some other think that there are other important factors to take into consideration like (petrol, cost and environment) Discuss both views and give your opinion? These days, many believe that governing bodies must plan a budget that will focus on cheaper and faster means of transportation rather than the fuel, economics and environmental issues, which are again the outcomes of accessibility My essay will discuss both the opinions to a better road-system and I personally strongly support that the cheap means to transport must be given preference Proceeding with a more practical perspective, no doubt that if any regime wants its people to succeed, they must invest in faster and lesser priced automobiles like tubes and buses, which not only help the general public to save time on errands, but it will spare them more time to concentrate on developing on their other interests For instance, in Japan, the public is multi-tasking as their state has constructed the city route network and tubes or trains utilizing the artificial intelligence technique Hence, this has saved the Japanese's time spent on transportation On the other hand, there is no denying how important is for any regime to concentrate on issues of petrol, its growing costs and its effect on the environment It has been noticed worldwide that the growing numbers of vehicles on roads have given rise to environmental problems like pollution and global warming as well For example, in a country like India, where the general public has to travel a lot for survival, they are buying their own vehicles for faster transportation, moreover, they have to that for work reasons, instead of public buses Conversely, they are spending a splendid amount on petrol which in turn is resulting in environmental issues like air pollution and traffics, and thus any state has to alter remedies to focus on a better roadway system rather than increasing the petroleum costs In conclusion, after providing appropriate evidence, I strongly support people’s view who think the regime should focus more on constructing better and faster public transport systems like railways with artificial intelligence, connecting every part of the city for a better transport system rather than just increasing the costs of oil 484 Children are engaged in different kind of paid work Many of people consider it inappropriate and many think it as a learning experience for taking responsibility? Give your opinions and views on this statement? Nowadays, children are keeping themselves busy with various types of work and are earning money along the way While some people think it is absolutely unnecessary, others believe that it is an experience for them to gain knowledge or to build a skill 357 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION which would make them responsible in future I feel that the children should not work at an early age I will explain my view with reasons and examples Firstly, when kids start working part-time, they lose time to focus on their studies They will not be able to complete the assignments that are given in the school Furthermore, they cannot prepare for any upcoming tests or exams For instance, some children will go to work in the evening as soon they come back from school and return home late in the evening and sleep thereafter As a result, they will not get good grades in their academics Secondly, it is the phase of their life which is meant to play games with friends and enjoy their life in every possible way When the little ones begin to take up responsibilities on their shoulders at a young age, they become more serious in the process They will fail to appreciate the little things that bring joy such as, playing cricket with friends in the evening or listening to bedtime stories by their mother Kids need to understand this fact before going for paid work To conclude, childhood is a beautiful part of everybody's life and one has to fully cherish it Kids should focus on studies as it will help them become knowledgeable In addition, they need to indulge themselves in various games or in learning new things 485 Some people say that it is more important to spend time for developing a career Some people say that it is important to share time with family and friends Discuss both views and give your opinion Time is money, which ought to be invested wisely Hence, many people believe in spending some extra hours on their careers rather than socializing with family and friends I tend to agree with the latter and in the forthcoming ,paragraphs the above proposition will be discussed in detail To begin with, individuals who give importance to their occupation, there could be many reasons for this Firstly, their income, which plays a vital role in raising their family For instance, suppose a family has six members and only one earning person Therefore, automatically that one human has to focus on the job to provide the basic necessities for each member Another reason could be the huge competition in the market where they are bound to prove themselves every moment Evidently, in these ,cases that guy is forced to concentrate more on their vocation On the other hand, people who think they ought to spend quality moments with their kit and kins may come up with several other reasons Human beings are social animals and need to talk to someone to unwind their minds, which might not be possible at work For example, a man returning home after hard work feels relieved as well as relaxed at that moment when he interacts with his family Moreover, it is generally seen that a family man is a healthier version than a professional man 358 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION Furthermore, he has to take care of the upbringing of his children in order to inculcate good values in them; e.g., empathy, sharing, co-operation, sharing and caring are some of the virtues which a parent only can teach properly to their offspring as schools usually focus on academics and these life skills are learned at home only To conclude, bearing in mind the above information and deliberating all facts, it can be deduced that although earning money and at the same time keeping in mind the performance pressure in their office for which extra duration efforts have been invested, I believe that the regular unwinding from the job and teaching life skills to children are more justified, in my view is paramount 486 Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life What are the the reasons? Do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages In modern society, the decision to have offspring is postponed to later in life In this essay, I will describe the reasons for this trend, pros and cons as a consequence of this decision Firstly I will give examples of possible causes, secondly, I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of this situation To begin with, we live in a very busy lifetime which, is driven by growing expectations from nations and families, focusing on material achievements We are more stressed and self-absorbed, constantly worrying about our future and careers choices, therefore, we can not afford to have children Another example which, explains an increasing trend, is the lack of support from the male side, regardless of looking after their offspring Women are most of the time left with babies at home to provide them with the required care, moreover, ladies spend their time having unpaid housework such as laundry, babysitting, cooking, cleaning Many females don't want to risk their careers and become housewives Advantages clearly work in favour for women hence, they become independent from their partners and have freedom of choice and get a better education, progress in their chosen profession before they decide to create their families Furthermore, females can grow in power and become leaders of society, providing peace to this world because they are driven much less by their egos compared to males However, disadvantages become significant; causing a decreased number of youngsters, for instance, European countries have calculated that soon number of elderly people will reach 60% of all population for that reason we might experience a growing economic problem, lacking people to work for older generation's pensions In conclusion, I believe that the positive side of this trend outweighs the negative sides, giving more opportunities for better woman's education and jobs Females can build their careers and after feeling secure create families 487 359 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION Open plan office no walls no barriers Do the disadvantages of open-plan offices outweigh the advantages? Recently, there have been a number of designs of working areas following the trend of the open-space style From my own perspective, the good sides and shortcomings that result from this kind of layout are equivalent to the performance and productivity of all employees On the one hand, an office without workers in private cabins will facilitate the connection between people The first thing to be mentioned is better communication in terms of both verbal and non-verbal gestures For instance, twenty colleagues work together in an open-plan room It is the space without barriers that enables all of the co-workers to exchange information and ongoing events in the fastest way They may feel free to express their opinions because once they speak, others can listen to them This freedom of speech leads to the second benefit of the open arrangement If an idea of a person is heard and discussed by his colleagues, he can feel the sense of being respected Therefore, when this mutual respect is spread among them, it is conspicuous that the connection between each person will be enhanced On the other hand, this type of office may be troublesome to certain kinds of jobs whose priority is confidentiality It is obvious that in a workplace where everyone is allowed to talk or to look at others’ screens without asking for permission, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed Take the example mentioned above It would be hard to keep secrets as all of the employees are permitted to communicate whenever they want Hence, the walls are required to ensure privacy In addition, private working spaces are also essential for those who need absolute silence to accomplish their tasks In this case, working in a place without being disturbed is completely ideal to improve productivity In conclusion, both advantages and disadvantages can be created by the open style of a workplace Thus, it is the features of each job that determine which types of arrangement should be chosen 488 Recently published figures show that the wildlife population around the world has decreased by around fifty per cent over the last fifty years What can we to help protect the wildlife round the world? Experts throughout the world have debated how to protect species from extinction Over and above this, the substantial importance of being environmentally friendly has sparked in recent years Additionally, humans must have a responsible attitude to preserve the world 360 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION At the outset, there are numerous ways to protect wildlife, but the most successful is sustainable exploration This comprises extracting a certain limit of raw materials from the forest, allowing it not to disrupt the natural food chain When there is a disbalance, the overpopulation of some animals can certainly overwhelm the existence of others For example, after a vast number of rabbits were hunted in the 15th century, the population of lions decreased, and consequently, less food for mankind For this reason, people can not take from the forest as much as they want Nevertheless, some drawbacks about the impact on human life remain, and some people believe there are no consequences to humanity due to nature damage However, looking at carbon footprint as a dysregulation among human production and plants consumption, climate change happens, so floods and droughts around the globe kill societies For instance, some researches show that unless civilians start a net-zero carbon dioxide policy, there will be even human beings living on Earth in the next ten years In this way, to preserve other species and themselves, the population must stop depending on fossil fuel as soon as possible by replacing it with renewable energy To conclude, wildlife preservation is not just a solitary action, but it is a question of whether human beings will survive As a result, humankind must explore without disrupting the chain, also decrease the usage of coal and oil 489 Some people believe that life in a big city is difficult while others say that it is more convenient What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in big cities? Most population think that survival in metropolitan cities is hard While others disagree and believe that it is more easy and suitable Living in developed cities will aid in better job opportunities and convenience but there also will be some drawbacks One evident benefit to settling in the urban metropolises is that it will enable the residents to avail wider employment opportunities As developed places have big companies established, they need labour and this gives a chance for the crowd to apply for the most suitable position For instance, I live in Calgary city which offered me a wide range of options to choose my career Another reason that living in the modernised city is advantageous is that it makes people's life extremely simple and easy by way of existence of schools and varied stores at doorstep without people having to travel distance For example, in each community educational institutions and multiple stores are developed for society's ease On the other ,hand there are obvious disadvantages to having lived in a giant centre Firstly, lack of time for personal growth and leisure activities as a result of sustaining a busy life This happens because people in the capital mostly two jobs and make a lot of wealth but eventually not have enough time for family and self Secondly, 361 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION living in the concrete jungle has to face more traffic and hence pollution which leads to an unhealthy lifestyle Although the public earns a lot sum they gradually end up spending it on the devastating effects on their health To illustrate, city residents are more prone to diseases as compared to communities residing in the countryside To conclude, while there are merits to settling in cosmopolitan cities, there are few demerits too It is each citizens choice whether they want to spend their life in advanced cities or in rural areas bearing in mind the positive and negative points attached to the respective option they choose to live in 490 Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down Others, however, believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals Discuss both views and give your opinion Wild animals should spend their entire life in a sanctuary that is much farther away from civilization Few citizens think that a zoo is a dangerous location for any animal so it must be closed down whereas others believe that it is useful for safeguarding wild animals In this essay, I will look at both sides of the argument and give my opinion To begin with, zoos are a great place to keep species from getting extinct Moreover, young children can visit this place to see various kinds of wild animals which are intricated to see in the jungle For instance, if an animal suffers from a disease it would be very easy to provide him with proper treatment and he may recover quickly rather than dying in the jungle with no aid Therefore, zoos are a safe place for all creatures On the contrary, authorities are only interested in zoos because it has enhanced their economy Furthermore, there are lots of restrictions applied to the animals, because they can't roam freely and enjoy their life For example, these zookeepers pretend to treat this creature in an appropriate way when the citizens arrive but after the place is empty, opposite behaviour is visible Hence, sanctuaries must be opened where wild animals can spend their time with their families To summarize, I believe this creature must be present in the jungle in their natural habitat rather than locked up inside a cell Even though, if zoos are open then government authorities should keep a clear eye on the wildlife and their health which is a crucial matter 491 Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person's culture and character from their choice of clothes 362 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION Do you agree or disagree? What people believe about others is a daily topic A few individuals think that others' character and culture are a clothing reflection I agree with the statement due to the remarkable differences between some cultures On the one hand, there are several cultural styles worldwide For example, less globalised countries such as Mexico and Peru uses a wide range of colours to produce clothes Fabrics production is different in most regions as well Then, people from Mexico would choose cotton clothes and inhabitants from first world countries would prefer leather Moreover, in some countries like the US, it is more common to purchase fast fashion than in some other places In addition, it is known that women from some regions have to cover their entire bodies However, there are too many inter-cultural options, as formal clothing and international brands that have been shared between several places On the other hand, in order to feel confident, many individuals select their clothes in accordance with their characters For instance, easy-going people, usually choose comfortable pants and t-shirts For some tennis is also an option So, how they behave is reflected by their appearance On the contrary, more serious and stronger minds commonly prefer formal suits or black dresses The reason is that they want to be noticed in every moment Yet, it is known that many inhabitants purchase products respecting a budget more than covering self-preferences To conclude, indeed it is fair to say that many individuals appearance is related to cultural roots and how they behave But, since it is not a rule, this statement could not be always applicable 492 Some people feel that the legal age at which people can marry should be at least 21 To what extent you agree or disagree? There has been an assumption that 21 is the youngest age for people to get married legally From my perspective, I completely disagree with this opinion This essay will elaborate more on the reasons for the disapproval First of all, it is widely known that everyone is able to fully take legal responsibility when they reach 18 This means that they are recognized as citizens who have the right to make choices relating to their own matters, including marriage Marriage, instead of being considered as marital status, should be comprehended as the final decision of both sides whose agreement is accepted by the law For instance, two eighteen-year-old teenagers fall in love with each other; and they come to the decision of engagement It is the obligations to themselves and the society that makes their settlement an accurate decision Therefore, as long as they commit to 363 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION the life of living together, there is no reason to prevent them from making a new move Secondly, some may argue that people will normally be more mature in their 21 when compared with themselves three years before that, especially in terms of finance However, as a matter of fact, the two points of time make no significant financial difference These are the periods when a person starts his or her adventure whether it is to continue with the study or to figure out the passions Individuals who are aware of their responsibilities are kinds of independent persons from a young age They are capable of taking good care of themselves, working to earn their living, and dealing with a wide range of hurdles Take Mark Zuckerberg as an example He has become a millionaire since his college time because he was conscious of his selfrespect and the importance of working at that time Hence, 18 or 21 indeed has no distinction Once they comprehend the sense of being responsible, they will certainly their utmost to adapt and improve their living standards In conclusion, it is irrational to make people wait until they are 21 for getting married All individuals are able to settle down once they are legally responsible for their choices 493 In many countries, today there are many highly qualified graduates without employment What factors, may have caused this situation and what, in your opinion, should be done about it? In some nations, there are a lot of high guarantee graduates except they not have a job in recent In this essay, I will discuss the reasons and put my opinion at the last To begin with, it is evident that they have too much hope to work This means that they are likely to have an unrealistic desire in the working place For example, they want to have a high salary because they consider that they have the quality to everything without other repetitions Furthermore, they might be irritated about their rank because they hope their ability is incredible on their own Hence, they have to believe the suitable treatment during work Moreover, there is no doubt that they not tend to have a good conversation with colleagues This is because they may look down on others In particular, If their supervisor does not good at work, they consider that why am I low status in this job and I should not work as a normal worker Additionally, they not show politeness to others because they are not able to think about co-workers’ feelings For instance, they not want to go out and they always blame other people except they not get the reword in their job As the result, they might not fit in their place of work In the nutshell, from my point of view, people who have high intelligence can not have a certain job because they are too many believers In addition, they always 364 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION show rudeness to peers and can not fit work areas Lastly, they might be unemployed 494 Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together To what extend you agree or disagree? Nowadays, people are calling into question the effectiveness of music not only on unifying individuals ranging from children to the elderly but also on various cultures Although some people may dismiss this, I completely agree due to some compelling reasons that will be elaborated on in the following paragraphs To begin with, music has always been a reasonably priced entertainment that the public can access with ease simply put, it absorbs a substantial number of followers in different spots with just a click to download it through the internet freely To be more precise, the melody is more likely to inject happiness or thrill to a human’s mind at any moment of day-to-day life conveniently without paying attention to individuals’ gender or their nationality For example, joining and enjoying online concerts that would be at your disposal almost free on Facebook or a YouTube channel without travelling long distances to other countries Furthermore, music is highly likely to broaden humans’ horizons beyond their recognition In another word, when listening to a specific hit, melody lovers are inevitably bound to acquire knowledge about various cultures, conventions, costumes and foreign languages This can lead to stimulating people to be more enthusiastic about melodies and can be like a second-hand experience for individuals no matter they are in their childhood or adulthood As a result, the more lyrics the public listen to, the more experience they will acquire For instance, during a musical Spanish ,performance the bilingual learners who want to learn Spanish can intensify their language properly In conclusion, I strongly believe that humans all around the world can be gathered by listening to melodies with ease Because not only is it one of the more convenient and cheap hobbies that humanity has ever borne, but it can increase society’s awareness and expertise 495 Public places are noisy What are the causes of this and what you think should be done about it? Noise pollution is one of the widely discussed issues nowadays and no one can deny the fact that public places such as markets, playgrounds are the major contributors to this environmental problem Although people have time and again stood up for this, they are the main reason behind these loud surroundings In my opinion, with 365 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION certain laws and restrictions, the problem can be reduced The below paragraphs will discuss the causes and ways to reduce unwanted noises Firstly, society is the main culprit behind noise pollution People indulge in various activities, for example, parties, social or cultural events where they use loudspeakers to play songs and make announcements, causing an increase in noise levels Secondly, public places have become extra crowded these days, more people means more vehicles and the honking sound or engine sound from the vehicles also contributes to this issue Hence, directly or indirectly, human beings are the main reason for this Nevertheless, there are certain measures that can help the atmosphere around public places be more peaceful To start with, the government can make some rules like fixed timings to play the music in events; the safe volume levels Additionally, authorities can provide proper parking spaces for personal cars in marketplaces to avoid traffic in the areas that will reduce honking Furthermore, an individual can keep a self-check to minimise the unwanted noises, thus, providing a better place to live in for other human beings and animals To conclude, noise pollution is not something that cannot be reduced With proper awareness among the public about the problem and its effects, it can be controlled Together, the government and society can make the world a peaceful place to live in 496 In school or universities, girls prefer subjects related to art and boys prefer subjects related science Should this tendency be changed? What is your opinion? Common minds are thinking that some subjects divide due to students sex But, due to nowadays tendency girls prefer art lessons rather science , however, boys vice versa In this essay I will highlight my opinion with some examples to answer the question "should this trend be changed?" On the one hand, we know a woman with a great mind Although there are many famous women that fame and engaged in art, also we should know that a lot of females that not worse than men in science For example, the first programmer in the world is a woman Her name is Ada Lovelense She created her own computer to write code and make easier her routines ,and she has developed a term - binary Overall it shows that not only men can be the best in science Likewise, there are too many great men artists who exist too Moreover, nowadays most of the singers are men too Singing is one of the main pieces of art I look at history males are created many masterpieces, which are well known even now For instance, Beethoven, who is the most genius piano player in the world yet Even he has no hearing, he continued to play, he was possessed in it But if he stopped playing on account of these tendencies, we would have missed such a talent 366 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION To summarize, in my opinion, any tendencies should not stop people to make and perform masterpieces If she wants to be a scientist, she could try to be it, and maybe the world will get another genius like Ada Lovelense 497 Nowadays people around the world are choosing to self-medicate rather than seeing a doctor and using conventional medicine What are the growth of selfmedicate could be a serious issue all over the world Today, many citizens in the world often self-medicate at home instead of going to the doctor and using conventional medicine This essay will give the cause and effect of the problem There are many reasons why people believe in self-healing at home Firstly, people often don’t want to minimize costs Because if the people go to the doctor, they will pay double hospital fees and drug bills So they choose to go to the drug store near their house and buy medicine For example, the citizens only pay 10$ for drugs when they self-medicate but going to the doctor, they will pay 20$ for the doctor and 20$ for drugs Moreover, they want to be inconvenient in commuting Because when sick people are too tired, they often just like to lie down in one place and sleep From those reasons, it can be understood why they often choose self-medication However, those causes also have a great impact on their health To begin with, they may buy the wrong drugs Because the patient doesn’t know their exact illness and buys the right medicine to use For instance, if they feel a headache, just buy headache medicine without knowing it was the symptoms affecting the nerves Next, when they are sick and just want to lie down will make their illness worse Because if not functioned and treated properly, it will make the body more and more weak and tired So, the effect of not going to the doctor is small, but it can have serious health consequences later in life In conclusion, the growth of self-medication could be a serious issue all over the world It could be the result of minimizing costs and inconvenient commuting, which adversely affects their health and makes the illness worse 498 Some people think secondary school students should study international news as one of their subjects Other people say this is a waste of valuable school time Discuss both these views and give your opinion In this modern world, it has become a debatable issue what subject should be added for adults in their studies As some people believe that, they should have to teach regarding global updates, while, others consider it completely useless I will shed light on both these prospects along with my opinion 367 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION First of all, having global awareness is very crucial for the pupil's and it should be added to their courses.Because, this will help them to gain knowledge regarding every aspect around the world and eventually, it will help them to grasp their knowledge For instance, if youths will know all the happening around the world, they will learn so many things through this.For example, some will become good businessmen as they will know all the tricks or specific fields in which they will settle the business because of their information So global news should be included for young one's On the other hand, others disagree with this viewpoint 'Teenage ' is the time period in which the new generation will choose their preferences regarding their interest in a particular subject and they already have so much burden of their studies; as most of them consider some of the subjects really tough such as Science and Math.Thus, adding one more subject particularly the one that is just a wastage of time because they don't need to be aware of nature at a young age In conclusion, although adding earth news will consume some time for students but I personally believe that it will enhance their knowledge and will develop a key to learn about all the happening on the whole Earth 499 Some people think that schools not enough to teach young people about how to look after their health To what extent you agree or disagree People are considered to think that during studying at a school pupils not get enough information on how to take care of their health In my view, it seems to be false, because there are schools where well-qualified teachers learn looking after the health as well as solving mathematical problems In addition, school education consists of various subjects which help to understand how a human being's organism is working As soon as teachers are improving their pedagogical qualifications, they will study how to cope with basic life issues including being healthy At first, the teacher is not only a person who teaches defined the subject Actually, the teacher is the second parent who brings up pupils and educates them For this reason, many modern schools oblige employees to take some courses which are about treating common diseases, for instance, treat sore throat Furthermore, knowledge about processes in a human's body leads to realizing how to be healthy Consequently, biology is an important subject that allows students to be aware of how to preserve different diseases For example, biology explains why it is significant to sleep about eight hours every day because our brain recovers energy at night due to the hormone melatonin Thus, during biology classes, young people can understand how to be healthy 368 NGUYEN’S WRITING COLLECTION To summarize, teachers, who finished additional courses, provide pupils with all the necessary information about a healthy lifestyle Lastly, school education includes biology that learn students how to protect their organisms from different viruses and diseases 500 The nuclear family is well adapted to moving due to its size Do you think children benefit in any way from moving? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantage Nowadays, most families are nuclear, hence, it is easier for them to go from one place to another Children in these kinds of brood might gain some benefits However, in my opinion, in such a situation the cons outweigh the pros To begin with, when a clan migrates, the offsprings are at an advantage of getting more maturity and gaining more experience of diverse cultures as compared to the child who doesn't get the opportunity of frequently travelling For instance, juveniles from military kin travel a lot because of their father's profession and gain more knowledge of different civilizations as well as places, which aid them to become selfsufficient In addition, adolescents in the alike scenarios could get also get a break to learn various languages On the other hand, akin migrations for the youngsters, there are disadvantages that exceed the aforesaid advantages Firstly, if a minor is moving from one place to another repeatedly, most of the time they feel insured For example, a child who is introverted in nature suddenly finds himself in a new place, suffers from an identity crisis as the people are unknown around him Moreover, a kid may become selfcentred as his emotional and social needs may barely fulfil by his parents at this phase To conclude, bearing in mind the above information and deliberating all facts, it can be deduced that although relocation of a household is easier because of its small size and might be lucrative for the offspring, the cons can not be ignored as it affects the betterment of the youth in the future 369 ... example, the rate of road accidents in Hanoi increased dramatically within a 5-year period from 200 0 to 200 5 with the increase of its resident Apart from worsening the existing traffic problems, the... deforestation would be controlled 10 Nowadays, online shopping becomes more popular than in-store shopping Discuss the positive and negative aspects of online shopping and give your own opinion... positive impacts that shopping on the Internet brings to our lives nowadays First of all, there is a variety of products for customers to choose from when shopping through shopping websites Additionally,

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