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TỔNG ÔN NƯỚC RÚT TIẾNG ANH ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT CHUYÊN ĐỀ 1 DẠNG CÂU TỪ LOẠI – WORD FORM Lý thuyết thu gọn Nhóm công thức cơ bản 1 Adj – Noun 4 The A An ( Adj ) – Noun 2 Be – Adj 5 Be – Adv – Adj 3 Verb.

CHUYÊN ĐỀ DẠNG CÂU TỪ LOẠI – WORD FORM Lý thuyết thu gọn Nhóm cơng thức Adj – Noun Be – Adj Verb – Adv The / A / An - ( Adj ) – Noun Be – Adv – Adj Be – Adv – V3ed TÍNH TỪ Đi bản: -able, -ible, -ous, -ive, -ent, -ful, -less, -ant, -ic, -ny, -al,… DANH TỪ Đuôi bản: -sion, -tion, -ment,-acy,-ance, -er, or,-ist,-dom,-ty,-ness,-ship,-ism,-th -able Comfortable, renewable, capable, noticeable -sion, -tion decision, instruction, introduction, competition, -ible Responsible, possible, flexible -ment government, environment -ous Dangerous, mountainous -acy accuracy, privacy efficiency, -ive Captive, active, attractive -ce -ent Intelligent, confident, independent, different intelligence, ignorance, difference, importance, trainer, competitor, doctor, plumber, protractor -ful Careful, beautiful, remorseful -ist -less Careless, homeless, childless -dom -ant important, significant -er, or -ty biologist, scientist, motorist, economist, pharmacist freedom, kingdom, wisdom, activity, responsibility, ability, -ic Economic, heroic, chronic, specific -ness beautifulness, shyness, skillfulness, carelessness, -y Funny, sunny, runny, rainy -ship -al national, physical, graphical, -ism Friendship, hardship, leadership capitalism, terrorism -th Health, strength, length Động từ: đuôi –fy, -ize, -en,… DIVERSIFY mordenize widen Question 1: Movie directors use music to complement the on the screen A actively B active C action D act Question 1: We received your of 11 March and are sorry to inform you that we won't be attending the conference A communicate B communication C communicative Question 1: This is an interesting and highly book D communicatively A inform B information C informatively D informative Question 1: The has been made to move UN troops in to try and stop the fighting A decide B decision C decisive D decisively Question 1: How can I find the time to courses when I have a full-time job? A attendantly B attendant C attendance D attend Question 1: The of people to get involved has impressed the organizers of the event A willing B willingness C willingly D will Question 1: Despite many recent advances, there are parts where schools are not equipped with computers A technologist B technologically C technological D technology Question 1: We have the in his ability A confident B confidently C confidence Question 1: I enjoy the course because it is D confide A interest B interesting C interested 10 Question 1: A diet includes lots of green vegetables D interestingly A healthy B health C healthily D healthiness 11 Question 1: She sent me a letter thanking me for my invitation A polite B politeness C politely D impoliteness 12 Question 1: We have to fight against the of our air and water A poisonously B poisonous C poisoning D poison 13 Question 1: We picked up some material on holiday tours to Europe A promotion B promote C promotional D promotionally 14 Question 1: To my parents’ , I passed the exam with flying colors A amazing B amazed C amaze D amazement 15 Question 1: Light refreshments will be at the back of the hall A availably B availability C avail 16 Question 1: We need to the language in this report D available A simplify B simple C simplicity D simply 17 Question 1: Monica, his mother, agrees to _ David, a robotic boy capable of human emotions A activate B activation C active 18 Question 1: My car is very , it uses very little petrol D activator A economically B economical C economist D economy 19 Question 1: The equator is an line running around the center of the earth A imagination B imagine C imaginary D imaginarily 20 Question 1: The coronavirus, known as COVID-19, spreads from person to person in close proximity, similar to other _ illnesses A respirator B respiration C respiratorily 21 Question 1: The house is _ situated near the centre of town A conveniently B convenient C convenience 22 Question 1: She decided to walk home alone A wise B unwise C wisdom D respiratory D inconvenient D unwisely 23 Question 1: More , can she be depended on? A importantly B important C importance D import 24 Question 1: Phone calls are _ cheap, with a mix of monthly packages and pay-as you-go services A relative B relate C relation D relatively 25 Question 1: Products in this shop were arranged, displayed and presented on the shelves A attract B attraction C attractively 26 Question 1: In the near future, these devices will be tested D attractive A automation B automatical C automatic D automatically 27 Question 1: This safe, friendly city is like a paradise for its inhabitants who can enjoy the highest quality of life A environment B environmental C environmentally D environmentalist 28 Question 1: You will be surprised at how Joe is in French after a year A fluency B fluent C fluently 29 Question 1: The two men were middle-aged and dressed D influence A respect B respectable C respecter D respectably 30 Question 1: A endangered species is a species that is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild A criticize B critical C criticism D critically CHUYÊN ĐỀ DẠNG CÂU HỎI ĐUÔI – TAG QUESTIONS Lý thuyết tóm gọn Quy tắc chung - Phần trước phần đuôi dạng đối + Khẳng định, phủ định? + Phủ định, khẳng định? Chú ý: Khi phần trước có từ phủ định như: seldom, rarely, hardly, no, without, never, no one, nobody, nothing phần dạng khẳng định Eg: He seldom goes to the movies, does he? - Động từ phần + Nếu động từ phần câu nói động từ “to be” hay động từ khuyết thiếu lặp lại phần Helen can speak English very well, can’t she? + Nếu động từ phần câu nói động từ thường ta sử dụng trợ động từ “do/does/did” cho phù hợp He often goes to the movies, doesn’t he? Một số trường hợp đặc biệt I am - aren’t I? / Am I not? This/ That  It These/ Those  They Mệnh lệnh  Will you? Let’s  Shall we There be  be there? –thing  It –body, -one  they You are going to the party, _? A is you B are you C aren’t you You don’t know him, _? A you B don’t you C are you John has worked very hard, _? A does he B did he C has he You aren’t too busy to talk with us, _? A are you B have you C aren’t you Claudia wasn’t in the class, _? A was she B wasn’t she C did she You’ll be home before midnight, _? A will you B aren’t you C are you James owns a restaurant, _? A does he B is he C doesn’t he The film is good, _? A is it B does it C isn’t it The tall man there can speak English, _? A can he B can’t he C isn’t he 10 This isn’t Bill driving, _? A is it B is he C isn’t this 11 Let's go out tonight, _? A shall we B will we C are we 12 I’m a bit late, _? A am not I B aren’t you C are you 13 Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, _? A have they B haven’t they C has he 14 He never acts like a gentleman, _? D were you D aren’t you D hasn’t he D haven’t you D didn’t she D won’t you D isn’t he D doesn’t it D is he D isn’t it D we D aren’t I D hasn’t he A does he B doesn’t he C is he 15 Nothing about me is true, _? A is it B isn’t it C are they 16 No one is a better cook than your mother, ? A is she B isn't she C are they 17 Nobody was late for the meeting last night, _? A wasn't he B weren't they C were they 18 I am writing a letter, _ I? A are B aren’t C don’t 19 Nothing has changed in this town, _? A has it B doesn’t it C hasn’t it 20 Let him go, _? A shall we B should you C will you 21 There are a lot of wonderful books in this library, _? A aren’t they B are they C aren’t there 22 She will be flying to New York this time tomorrow, _? A will she B won’t she C is she 23 This shirt is too big for me, _? A isn’t it B isn’t this C doesn’t it 24 You’re Cynthia, you? A aren’t B Are C didn’t You are going to come to the party, ? A aren’t you B you C will you D isn’t he D aren’t they D aren't they D was D am not D does it D should we D are there D isn’t she D doesn’t this D were D won’t you CHUYÊN ĐỀ DẠNG CÂU GIỚI TỪ – PREPOSITIONS Lý thuyết tóm gọn Giới từ thời gian (Prepositions of time): • IN (trong, vào) dùng để buổi ngày (ngoại trừ at night), tháng, năm, mùa, thập niên, kỷ khoảng thời gian tương lai Ex: in the morning, in January, in 1990, in the summer, in the 1990s, in the 20th century, in the Middle Age, in ten minutes IN TIME: lúc, kịp lúc Ex: Will you be home in time for dinner? • AT (vào lúc) dùng để thời điểm kỳ nghỉ (tòan ngày kỳ nghỉ) Ex: at o’clock, at night, at noon, at midnight, at bedtime, at dawn, at the weekend, at Christmas, at New Year, at Easter At : dùng số cụm từ thời gian: at the moment, at present, at the same time, at once, at that time, at first, at last • ON (vào) dùng để ngày tuần, ngày tháng năm, ngày kỳ nghỉ buổi ngày cụ thể Ex: on Monday, on 5th January, on Christmas Day, on Monday morning, on one’s birthday ON TIME: Ex: The train arrived right on time • FOR (trong) + khoảng thời gian: for two months, for a long time • SINCE (từ, từ khi) + mốc thời gian: since last Monday, since 2002 • UNTIL/ TILL (đến, cho đến): until o’clock, till midnight • BEFORE (trước, trước khi): before lunchtime • AFTER (sau, sau khi): after luchtime • DURING (trong, suốt): during World War II • BY (vào lúc): by the end of May • FROM … TO (từ … đến): from morning to noon Giới từ nơi chốn (Prepositions of place): • AT (ở, tại) dùng để vị trí điểm Ex: at home, at school, at the bus stop, at the airport, at the office, at the cinema, at the seaside, at the grocer’s, at the top/ bottom, at the beginning/ end, at the front/ back * Lưu ý: arrive at the village/ the airport/ the railway station But: arrive in Vietnam/ Ho Chi Minh City • IN (trong, trong) dùng để vị trí diện tích, không gian; dùng trước tên đường, tên thị trấn, thành phố, quốc gia, miền, phương hướng dùng với phương tiện lại xe (car) Ex: in a box, in a small room, in the countryside, in the world, in Oxford Street, in London, in Vietnam, in the east, in a car/ taxi • ON (trên, trên) dùng để vị trí bề mặt, số tầng tòa nhà, trước tên đường (US) dùng với số phương tiện lại Ex: on the table, on the wall, on the ground, on the first floor, on Albert Street, on a bus/ train/ plane/ (motor)bike/ horse, on foot On dùng số cụm từ: on the left/ right, on the farm, on the coast/ beach, on TV/ radio… BÀI SỐ 1 The headquarters of the United Nations is New York A in B on C at D by In the most countries people drive the right A on B by C in D at I usually buy a newspaper my way to work A at B by C in D on Last year we had a lovely skiing holiday the Swiss Alps A by B at C in D on San Francisco is the west coast of the United States A in B on C at D by She spends most of the day sitting the window A on B by C in D at The report about the accident was the front page of the newspaper A at B from C in D on In the theatre we had seats the front row A by B at C in D on Write the name and address the front page of the envelope A in B on C at D by 10 It's dangerous to play football the streets A on B by C in D at 11 I'll meet you the corner of the street at 10 A at B by C in D on 12 We got stuck in a traffic jam the way to the airport A by B at C in D on 13 Look at the horses that field A in B on C at D by 14 the end of the street is a path to our house A on B by C in D at 15 Do you want sugar your coffee? A at B from C in D on 16 Her brother lives a small town the south coast of Spain A by / at B at / in C in / on D on / in 17 The sports results are the back page of the paper A in B on C at D by 18 They got married Birmingham A on B by C in D at 19 Vienna is the river Danube A at B by C on D in 20 His office is the third floor A by B at C in D on 22 We decided not to go car A by B at C in D on 23 She studied Paris for two weeks A in B on C at D by 24 The exhibition the art gallery finished last Sunday A by B at C in D on 25 I saw Ken Dave's wedding A on B by C in D at BÀI SỐ Linda is a student Cambridge University A in B from C by The picture is the wall A on B by C in We meet the station at A by B at C in She was ill and stayed bed A at B from C in Are there any good films the cinema this week? A with B at C in After some years he arrived back Scotland A by B at C in The train arrives platform A in B on C at D at D at D on D on D on D on D by What time did you arrive the hotel? A by B in C at Turn left the traffic lights A at B at C in 10 When are you going Greece? A at B to C in 11 He was tired and went bed A to B by C in 12 The train stopped every station A in B on C at 13 I saw Bill this morning He was a bus which passed me A on B by C in 14 I missed the bus and had to go foot A at B by C in 15 The easiest way to go there is underground A at B from C by 16 Tom is sitting an armchair A in B on C at D on D by D on D at D by D at D on D on D by CHUYÊN ĐỀ DẠNG CÂU TỪ NỐI - CONNECTORS Lý thuyết tóm gọn  Clauses and phrases of concession: Although/ Even though/ though/even if/ in spite of the fact that/ Despite of the fact that + MỆNH ĐỀ Despite / in spite of/ regardless of + CỤM TỪ ( noun phrase/ V-ing phrase) ADJ/ ADV/ N + though/ as + MỆNH ĐỀ Ex: Although/ even though/ though he took a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert I’m no better despite the fact that I’ve taken the pills Despite / in spite of being a millionaire, Henry’s friend hates spending money Because/ since/ as/ for/ seeing that/ in that / inas much as/ now (that) = because of the fact that/ due to the fact that + MỆNH ĐỀ Because of/ due to/ owing to/ thank to + CỤM TỪ ( noun phrase/ V-ing phrase) Ex: Because/ since/ as pollution is something that other folk do, we’re just enjoying our day Unfortunately, my company does not produce recycle paper since/ because/ as it is more expensive to make than regular paper _ he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat it A As B Though C Since D Despite He is a very intelligent boy, _he is very lazy A but B and C or D so _I moved house, I haven’t had much contact with those friends A Though B Since C Because of D So that Last night we came to the show late _the traffic was terrible A although B despite C and D because Lan couldn’t pass the exam _she was too lazy A because B because of C although D in spite of _ his broken leg, he didn’t come to class yesterday A Because B Because of C Despite D So _there is a lot of noise in the city, I prefer living there A Despite B In spite of C Becacuse of D Though _ the weather, we went sailing A Despite B In spite of C Although D A and B _Hudson led early, he lost the race A Though B Although C Eventhough D All are correct 10 Bruce was not praised _ he was a hard worker A despite B in spite of C although D no matter how 11 It looks like they are going to succeed _ their present difficulties A despite B although C in spite D even though 12 Mary usually goes to parties She likes meeting people and crowded places she is rather shy A In spite of B Even though C On the contrary D In other words 13 we were in town, we often met him A For B Although C So D When 14 it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat A If B Since C Although D Because 15 He went to work _ his headache A despite B although C because D because of 16 rain or snow, there are always more than fifty thousand fans at the football games A Despite B Although C Despite of D Although 17 _it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat A In spite B In spite of C However D Although 18 _he wasn’t feeling very well; Mr Graham went to visit his aunt as usual A Although B However C Therefore D Still 19 He was offered the job his qualifications were poor A despite B in spite of C even though D Whereas 20 She didn’t get the job she had all the necessary qualifications A because B although C so D but 21 having the best qualifications among all the applicants, Justin was not offered the job A Although B While C In spite of D Despite of 22 the internet is very popular, many older people not know how to use it A However B Nevertheless C Even though D Despite 23 _ he wasn’t feeling very well, David was determined to take part in the sports events A Although B While C Whereas D yet CHUYÊN ĐỀ DẠNG CÂU TRẬT TỰ TÍNH TỪ – ORDERS OF ADJECTIVES Lý thuyết tóm gọn OpSASCOMP • Opinion – tính từ quan điểm, đánh giá Ví dụ: beautiful, wonderful, terrible… • Size – tính từ kích cỡ Ví dụ: big, small, long, short, tall… • Age – tính từ độ tuổi Ví dụ: old, young, old, new… • Shape - tính từ hình dạng Ví dụ: sphere ◯, round ◯, triangle △, square ⬡, rectangle ▭, circle ◯, trapezium ⏢, parallelogram ▱, rhombus ◊, • Color – tính từ màu sắc Ví dụ: orange, yellow, light blue, dark brown … • Origin – tính từ nguồn gốc, xuất xứ Ví dụ: Japanese,American, British,Vietnamese… • Material – tính từ chất liệu Ví dụ: stone, plastic, leather, steel, silk… • Purpose – tính từ mục đích, tác dụng Ví dụ: making, washing, fishing, BÀI TẬP PHÁT TRIỂN TỪ ĐỀ MINH HỌA Pass me the cups to have my sister clean them A red big plastic B big red plastic C red plastic big There’s a lamp in his room for him to read books every single day D plastic big blue A round small reading B small reading round C reading round small D small round reading When she came home, she gave me a to apologize to me for going home late at night A delicious small cupcake B small delicious cupcake C cupcake delicious lovely D delicious cupcake small It is a(n) woman I’m too lucky to work with her at the office 10 ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - A Only after his death did he receive the bravery award in 1970 B Because he died in 1960, he received the bravery award in 1970 C He died in 1960 so he received the bravery award in 1970 D Before his death, he received the bravery award in 1970 21 You can feel more at ease by taking part in group dating It’s the only way A By taking part in group dating can you only feel more at ease B Only by taking part in group dating can you feel more at ease C The only way you are by taking part in group dating can feel more at ease D The way you can feel more at ease is taking part in only group dating 22 Nancy failed to understand what the story was about She saw the film based on it A Nancy doesn’t understand what the story is about B Not until she saw the film based on it did Nancy understand what the story was about C It was until she saw the film based on it that Nancy understood what the story was about D Nancy went to see the film before she read the story 23 Tom didn’t understand the meaning of the comment He soon saw his wife’s avatar A Only when Tom saw his wife’s avatar did he understand the meaning of the comment B Hardly had Tom understood the meaning of the comment than he saw his wife’s avatar C Scarcely had Tom seen his wife’s avatar than he understood the meaning of the comment D Soon after Tom had understood the meaning of the comment did he see his wife’s avatar 24 Laura practised playing the instrument a lot She could hardly improve her performance A Hardly had Laura practised playing the instrument a lot when she could improve her performance B Had Laura practised playing the instrument a lot, she could have performed much better C However much Laura practised playing the instrument, she could hardly perform any better D As soon as Laura practised playing the instrument a lot, she could perform much better 23 The teacher had only just come in the room Then the fire alarm rang A While the teacher was coming in the room, she heard the fire alarm rang B As soon as the fire alarm had rung, the teacher came in the room C Before the teacher came in the room, the fire alarm rang D Hardly had the teacher come in the room when the fire alarm rang 24 She immediately turned up Everything changed A As soon as everything changed, she turned up B Upon appearing, everything changed C Soon after she turned up did everything change D No sooner had she appeared did everything change 25 A new pay was offered The workers stopped the walkout right after that A Not until a new pay was offered, the workers stop the walkout B A new pay was offered, which made the walkout stop C The workers stop the walkout only when a new pay offer D Not until a new pay was offered did the workers stop the walkout 26 They didn’t discover that the picture had been stolen They soon came back home A Until they came back home that they discovered that the picture had been stolen B It is not until they came back home did they discover that the picture had been stolen C Not until they came back home had the picture been stolen D Only after they came back home did they discover that the picture had been stolen 27 We had reached the top of the mountain We realized how far we had come A Not until we had reached the top of the mountain did we realize how far we had come 75 ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - B Hardly had we reached the top of the mountain than we realized how far we had come C Scarcely we had reached the top of the mountain did we realize how far we had come D No sooner had we reached the top of the mountain when we realized how far we had come 28 Ms Diem had turned up at the party She soon called home A Calling home, Ms Diem said that she had turned up at the party B No sooner had Ms Diem arrived at the party than she called home C Ms Diem turned up at the party sooner than he had expected D Ms Diem arrived at the party and called me to take her home CHUYÊN ĐỀ 22 DẠNG CÂU NHẬN DIỆN LỖI I SAI VỀ THÌ: Chú ý đến trạng ngữ thời gian câu để xác định động từ We are going to visit our grandparents when we will finish our final exams A B C D By the time the police come the robber had run away A B C D He said that he has done his homework since o'clock A B C D She has disappeared three days ago, and they are still looking for her now A B C D While you had been out , Tom came to see you A B C D He never goes home before he will finish his work A B C D Her last book is published in 20 languages years ago A B C D They will give her the message as soon as she arrived A B C D Although it is raining heavily, he went out without a raincoat A B C D 10.When I was a child, I was riding a bicycle to school everyday A B C D 11.I can’t go out now because I didn’t finish my homework yet A B C D 12.We had better wait here until the rain will stop A B C D 13.When the film started, I already arrived ten minutes before A B C D 14 While Mary did the washing up, she broke a cup A B C D 76 ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - 15 When Rita will get her driver’s license next week, she will be able to drive to school every day A B C D 16 So far she spends a lot of time there chatting with her friends A B C D 17 Jack is living in Spain now His Spanish had improved greatly since he moved there A B C D 18 Last month while we watched an exciting game on television in our living room, the electricity went out A B C D 19 I’m sure they have completed the new road by June A B C D 20 We have seen and tell you the situation next Monday Please wait for us A B C D II SAI VỀ CÁCH DÙNG TỪ ST T TỪ DỄ NHẦM NGHĨA Uninterested /ʌn’ɪntərestɪd/(a) Lãnh đạm, thờ ơ, không quan tâm, không ý, không để ý Disinterested /dɪ’sɪntrəstɪd/(a) Vô tư, không vụ lợi, không cầu lợi Formally /’fɔ:məli/(adv) (một cách) thức Formerly /’fɔ:məli/(adv) Trước Considerable /kən’sɪdərəbl/(a) Rất lớn, to tát, đáng kể Considerate /kən’sɪdərət/(a) Ân cần, chu đáo; cẩn thận, thận trọng Appreciable /ə’pri:ʃəbl/(a) Có thể đánh giá, thấy rõ được; đáng kể Appreciative /ə’pri:ʃətɪv/(a) Biết thưởng thức, biết ơn Forgettable /fə’getəbl/(a) Có thể quên Forgetful /fə’getfl/(a) Hay quên Expectation /,ekspek’teɪʃn/(n) Sự trông chờ, hy vọng (của người) Expectancy /ɪk’spektənsi/(n) Sự chờ mong, hy vọng (thường liên quan đến khoảng thời gian dự kiến để điều diễn ra) Respectable /rɪ’spektəbl/(a) Đáng kính trọng; đứng đắn, đàng 77 ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - hoàng; lớn, đáng kể 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 78 Respective /rɪ’spektɪv/(a) Riêng người/vật; tương ứng Respectful /rɪ’spektfl/(a) Thể tơn trọng, tơn kính, lễ phép Comprehensible /, kɒmprɪ’hensəbl/(a) Có thể hiểu được, lĩnh ngộ Comprehensive /, kɒmprɪ’hensɪv/(a) Bao quát, toàn diện Beneficent /bə’nefɪsənt/(a) Hay làm phúc, hay làm việc thiện Beneficial /,benɪ’fɪʃl/(a) Có ích, có lợi Complimentary /, kɒmplɪ’mentəri/(a) Ca ngợi, mời, biếu Complementary /, kɒmplɪ’mentəri/(a) Bổ sung, bù Farther /’fɑ:ðə(r)/ (a) Xa (thường để khoảng cách vật lý) Further /’fɜ:ðə(r)/ (a) Xa (dùng để khoảng cách vật lý khoảng cách khác không gian, thời gian; mức độ); thêm vào Sensible /’sensəbl/(a) Biết điều, hợp lý, nhận thấy Sensitive /’sensɪtɪv/(a) Nhạy cảm, dễ bị tổn thương, truyền cảm, thông cảm Responsible /rɪ’spɒnsəbl/(a) Chịu trách nhiệm; đáng tin cậy Responsive /rɪ’spɒnsɪv/(a) Đáp lại, phản ứng nhanh nhẹn Successful /sək’sesfl/(a) Thành công Successive /sək’sesɪv/(a) Liên tiếp, Classical /’klæsɪkl/(a) Cổ điển, thuộc truyền thống lâu đời Classic /’klæsik/(a) Kinh điển Deadly/’dedli/(a) Chết người; cực kỳ, Deathly /’deθli/(a) Như chết Continual /kən’tɪnjʊəl/(a) Liên tục có ngắt quãng Continuous /kən’tɪnjʊəs/(a) Liên tục, không ngừng Economical /,i:kə’nɒmɪkl/(a) Tiết kiệm (thời gian, tiền, ) Economic /,i:kə’nɒmɪk/(a) Thuộc kinh tế ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 79 Specifically /spə’sɪfɪkli/(adv) Đặc biệt (dùng để việc thực mục đích đặc biệt đó) Especially /ɪ’speʃəli/(adv) Đặc biệt (dùng để điều mà bạn nói đến có đặc biệt nhiều thứ khác) Terrible /’terəbl/(a) Khủng khiếp, tồi, chán, khơng Terrific /tə’rɪfɪk/(a) Tuyệt vời Favourite /’feɪvərɪt/(a) Được yêu thích, yêu thích Favourable /’feɪvərəbl/(a) Thuận lợi, tỏ ý tán thành Awful /’ɔ:ful/(a) Đáng sợ, khủng khiếp, mang tính tiêu cực Awesome /’ɔ:səm/(a) Đáng kính sợ (miêu tả ngạc nhiên, thú vị, mang tính tích cực) Historical /hɪ’stɒrɪkl/(a) Thuộc lịch sử (thường mơ tả liên quan đến q khứ việc nghiên cứu lịch sử hay thực q khứ) Historic /hɪ’stɒrɪk/(a) Có tính chất lịch sử (thường dùng để miêu tả quan trọng đến độ người ta phải ghi nhớ nó) Imaginary /ɪ’mỉdʒɪnəri/(a) Tưởng tượng Imaginative /ɪ’mỉdʒɪnətɪv/(a) Giàu trí tưởng tượng Imaginable /ɪ’mỉdʒɪnəbl/(a) Có thể tưởng tượng Restful /’restfl/(a) Tạo khơng khí nghỉ ngơi thoải mái, n tĩnh Restless /’restləs/(a) Luôn động đậy, không yên, bồn chồn Industrial /ɪn’dʌstriəl/(a) Thuộc công nghiệp Industrious /ɪn’dʌstriəs/(a) Cần cù, siêng Dependent /dɪ’pendənt/(a) Dựa vào, ỷ lại, phụ thuộc Dependable /dɪ’pendəbl/(a) Có thể tin cậy Every dayfadv) Mỗi ngày (trong thời kỳ, giai đoạn), thường xuyên ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 80 Everyday(a) Thông thường, lệ thường, ngày Effective /ɪ’fektɪv/(a) Có hiệu (được dùng để nói việc tạo ra/đạt kết mong muốn) Efficient /ɪ’fɪʃnt/(a) Có hiệu suất cao (máy móc cao), nũng suất cao (con người), dùng để cách làm việc tốt mà khơng phí thời gian, cơng sức, tiền bạc Principle /’prɪnsəpl/(a) Nguyên lý, nguyên tắc Principal /’prɪnsəpl/(a) Chính, chủ yếu Later /’leɪtər/(adv) Sau này, thời điểm tương lai Latter /’lætər/(n) Cái sau, người sau (trong số người) Illicit /ɪ’lɪsɪt/(a) Trái phép, lậu, vụng trộm Elicit /ɪ’lɪsɪt/(v) Moi Entrance /’entrəns/(n) Lối vào, cửa vào; quyền, khả để vào nơi Entry /’entri/(n) Sự vào; trình người/vật trở thành phần Drastically /’drỉstɪkli/(adv) Một cách mạnh mẽ, liệt Dramatically /drə’mætɪkli/(adv) Đột ngột Package /’pỉkɪdʒ/(n) Gói đồ, kiện hàng, hộp để đóng hàng Packaging /’pỉkɪdʒɪr)/(n) Bao bì Percent /pə’sent/(n) Phần trăm Percentage /pə’sentɪdʒ/(n) Tỷ lệ phần trăm Desert /’dezət/(n) Rời đi, bỏ đi; sa mạc Dessert /dɪ’zɜ:t/(n) Món tráng miệng Felicitate /fə’lɪsɪteɪt/(v) Khen ngợi, chúc mừng Facilitate /fə’sɪlɪteɪt/(v) Tạo điều kiện dễ dàng Heroin /’herəʊɪn/(n) Heroin, thuốc phiện Heroine /’herəʊɪn/(n) Nữ anh hùng Compliment /’kɒmplɪmənt/(n) Lời khen ngợi, lời chúc mừng Complement /’kɒmplɪment/(n) Phần bổ sung, số lượng cần thiết Intensive /ɪn’tensɪv/(a) Tập trung, sâu, nhấn mạnh, kỹ lưỡng ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 81 Extensive /ɪk’stensɪv/(a) Rộng, rộng lớn Foul /faʊl/(n) Hơi, bẩn Error /’erə[r]/(n) Sai sót, sai lầm Sometime /’sʌmtaɪm/(adv) Trước kia, nguyên Sometimes /’sʌmtaɪmz/(adv) Đôi khi, đôi lúc Beside /bɪ’saɪd/(prep) Bên cạnh Besides /bɪ’saɪdz/(adv) Ngoài ra, nữa, Advisory /əd’vaɪzəri/(n) Tư vấn Advisable /əd’vaɪzəbl/(n) Nên, đáng theo; khôn ngoan Suggested /sə’dʒestɪd/(a) Được gợi ý Suggestible /sə’dʒestəbl/(a) Dễ bị ảnh hưởng Ingredient /ɪn’gri:diənt/(n) Thành phần (thường đồ ăn) Component /kəm’pəʊnənt/(n) Nhân tố cấu thành (thường dùng máy móc) Wound /wu:nd/(v) bị thương chiến, đánh (bị thương súng, dao, vật đó) Injure /’ɪndʒə(r)/(v) Bị thương tai nạn Confident /’kɒnfɪdənt/(a) Tin tưởng, tin, tự tin Confidential /,kɒnfɪ’denʃl/(a) Kín, mật Invent /ɪn’vent/(v) Phát minh, sáng chế Discover /dɪs’kʌvə(r)/(v) Phát hiện, tìm ra, khám phá Ignore /ɪg’nɔ:r/(v) Làm ngơ, bỏ qua, không ý tới Neglect /nɪ’glekt/(v) Không quan tâm, lơ Found /faʊnd/(v) Thành lập, sáng lập Found /faʊnd/(v) Quá khứ đơn khứ phân từ động từ “find” Lie - lied - lied(v) Nói dối (động từ nguyên mẫu khứ, khứ phân từ) Lie - lay - lain(v) Nằm xuống (động từ nguyên mẫu khứ, khứ phân từ) Lay - laid - laid(v) Để, đặt (động từ nguyên mẫu khứ, khứ phân từ) Prolong /prə’lɒŋ/(v) Kéo dài (ngoại động từ) ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 82 Last /lɑ:st/(v) Kéo dài (nội động từ) Drop /drɒp/(v) Rơi, nhảy xuống, giảm xuống (nhiệt độ, gió, mực nước, ) Reduce /rɪ’dju:s/ (v) Giảm, hạ (ngoại động từ) Rise /raɪz/(v) Gia tăng số lượng (là nội động từ) Raise /reɪz/(v) Gia tăng, nâng từ vị trí thấp lên vị trí cao (là ngoại động từ) Finally /’faɪnəli/(adv) Cuối cùng, để kết luận( dùng để giới thiệu điểm, mục cuối hay hỏi câu sau cùng) Eventually /ɪ’ventʃʊəli/(adv) Rốt cuộc, cuối (để nói xảy giai đoạn cuối loạt kiện, thường kết chúng) A while Một khoảng thời gian (cụm danh từ) Awhile /ə’waɪl/ Một lát, chốc (phó từ) Reward /rɪ’wɔ:d/(n) Phần thưởng, thưởng (dùng để đền bù hay công nhận nỗ lực, đóng góp, vất vả cá nhân; hình thức tiền hay thăng chức) Award /ə’wɔ:d/(n) Trao thưởng, giải thưởng (dùng để trao dịp quan trọng, minh chứng thành tích, xuất sắc cá nhân hội đồng thơng qua, thường hình thức huy chương, giấy chứng nhận, danh hiệu, cúp, ) Forget /fə’get/(v) Quên, bỏ quên Leave /li:v/(v) Bỏ lại, để lại, bỏ quên (ở nơi đó, có địa điểm cụ thể) Hard /hɑ:d/ (a) Cứng rắn; gian khổ; nghiêm khắc Hardly /'hɑ:dli/ (adv) Hầu khơng Advantageous /,ỉdvən'teɪdʒəs/ (a) Có lợi, thuận lợi Advantaged /əd'va:ntɪdʒd/ (a) May mắn (Ở hoàn cảnh xã hội tài tốt) Outbreak /'autbreɪk/ (n) Sự bùng nổ, bùng phát ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 83 Breakout /'breɪkaʊt/(n) Sự vượt ngục Clothing /'kləʊðɪŋ/(n) Quần áo (đặc trưng cho quốc gia hay giai đoạn lịch sử đó) Cloth /klɒθ/(n) Mảnh vải Estimate /'estɪmɪt/ (n) Sự đánh giá, ước lượng (thường kích cỡ, số lượng, chi phí gì; dự đốn giá vật nào) Estimations ʌesti'meiʃən/ (n) Sự đánh giá; ước lượng (thường đánh giá đưa ý kiến giá trị phẩm chất ai/ gì; phán đoán mức độ số lượng thứ đó) Employment /ɪm'plɔimənt / (n) việc làm, tuyển dụng vào làm Employability/im,pbiə'biləti/(n) Khả tuyển dụng (những khả bao gồm kỹ năng, kiến thức, thái độ khiến họ phù hợp cho công việc trả lương) Well-paid /,wel 'peɪd/ (a) Được trả lương cao High-paid /,hai 'peɪd/ (a) Dùng để mô tả người kiếm nhiều tiền Competitive /kəm'petətɪv/ (a) Cạnh tranh (giữa tổ chức, người với nhau; dùng để diễn tả khả cạnh tranh (có thể tốt tốt hơn) so với thứ/ người khác) Competing /kəm'pɪ:tɪŋ/ (a) Khác nhau, đối chọi nhau, tồn (chỉ ý kiến, sở thích, lời giải thích, ); cạnh tranh để giành khách hàng để thành công đối thủ khác (dùng để sản phẩm, dịch vụ, doanh nghiệp khác nhau) Crushing /'krʌʃɪŋ/ (a) Làm tan nát, làm liểng xiểng (dùng để nhấn mạnh tệ, tàn khốc nào) Crushed /krʌʃt/ (a) Bị làm gãy, bị nghiền nát, bị đè nát, Comparative /kəm'pỉrətɪv/ (a) So sánh, tương đối Comparable /'kɒmpərəbl/ (a) Có thể so sánh được, có khả so sánh Comment /'kɒmentɪd/ (v) Bình luận, bày tỏ ý kiến Commentate /'kɒmənteɪt/ (v) Tường thuật, đưa mơ tả giọng nói kiện xảy ra, đặc ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - biệt truyền hình đài phát 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 84 Hang - hanged - hanged (v) Treo cổ ai( động từ nguyên mẫu khứ, khứ phân từ) Hang - - (v) Treo vật lên vật ( động từ nguyên mẫu khứ, khứ phân từ) Publication /,pʌbh'keɪʃn/ (n) Sự công bố, xuất (sách, báo, ) Publicity /pʌb'lɪsətɪ / (n) Sự công khai; làm cho thiên hạ biết đến; quảng cáo, rao hàng Spices /spaɪsiz/ (n) Đồ gia vị, điều làm thêm hấp dẫn, chất làm đậm đà; mắm muối (câu chuyện ) Species /'spi:ʃl:z/ (n) Loài Impressive /im'presiv/ (a) Gây ấn tượng sâu sắc, gây xúc động, gợi cảm Impressible /ɪm'presibl/ (a) Dễ cảm động, dễ cảm kích; dễ bị ảnh hưởng eommunieatɪve/kə'mju:nɪkətɪv/ (a) Dễ truyền; hay lan truyền; cởi mở, hay thổ lộ tâm Communicable /kə'mju:nɪkəbl/ (a) Có thể lan truyền, lây, truyền đạt Memorize /'meməʃraiz/ (v) Học thuộc lòng, ghi nhớ, đưa thơng tin vào trí nhớ (có chủ ý) Remember /rɪ'mɛmbər/ (v) Nhớ, nghĩ kỉ niệm việc khứ hay bạn tự nhớ điều Inflammable /in'flỉməbl/ (a) Dễ cháy (= flammable /'flỉməbl/) Nonflammable /.nɒn 'flỉməbl/ (a) Khơng dễ cháy, khơng bắt lửa Status /'steɪtəs/ (a) Tình trạng (làm việc, ăn ); địa vị (một người, nhóm, đất nước), thân phận, thân State /steɪt/ (a) Tình trạng (tinh thần, tình cảm thể chất người, vật), bang, quốc gia, nhà nước Outlook /'autʃluk/ (n) Quang cảnh, viễn cảnh, cách nhìn, quan điểm Lookout /'lukaut/ (n) Đài quan sát, người canh gác Careful /'keəful/ (aɔ Cẩn thận, thận trọng để khơng làm ƠN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - tổn thương phá hỏng gì; kỹ lưỡng, chu đáo (tập trung vào chi tiết) 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 85 Caring /'kɛəriŋ/ (a) Chu đáo, ân cần, thể bạn quan tâm đến người khác Romance /rou'mỉns/ (n) Mối tình lãng mạn; mơ mộng, tính lãng mạn; truyện tình lãng mạn Romanticism /rou'maenti'sizəm/ (n) Chủ nghĩa lãng mạn, lãng mạng hóa ( mơ tả thứ theo cách khiến chúng nghe thú vị bí ẩn thực tế) Differential /,dɪfə'renʃl/ (a) (Chỉ đứng trước danh từ) thể khác nhau, chênh lệch, không đồng Different /'difrənt/ (a) Khác Attraction /ə'trækʃn/ (n) Sự thu hút, hấp dẫn (địa danh, địa điểm kỳ quan, danh lam, ); Sự hấp dẫn vật lý lực hút trái đất, lực hút từ, Attractiveness /ə'træktivnɪs/ (n) (Danh từ không đếm được) hấp dẫn, thu hút người, thu hút khác giới chủ yếu ngoại hình Marriageable /'mỉridʒəbl/ (a) Có thể kết hôn; đủ tư cách để kết hôn Marital /'mỉritəl/ (a) (Thuộc) vợ chồng; (thuộc) nhân Married /'mỉrid/(a) Đã kết hôn Ageing /'eidʒiŋ/ (a) (Thường đứng trước danh từ) trở nên già đi, hữu ích, khỏe mạnh Aged /'eɪdʒɪd/ (a) Ở độ tuổi già(không đứng trước danh từ), già, cao tuổi Questionnaire /,kwɛstʃə'nɛər/ (n) Bảng câu hỏi (để điều tra, để thăm dò ý kiến) Question /'kwɛstʃən/ (n) Câu hỏi, vấn đề, điều bàn đến Quantity /'kwɒntəti/ (n) Số lượng thứ Quality /'kwɒləti/ (n) Chất lượng thứ Use /ju:z/ (n/v) Chỉ việc áp dụng/ sử dụng/ vận dụng thứ vào hồn cảnh cụ thể (Riêng biệt); sử dụng, dùng Usage /'ju:sɪdʒ/ (n) Cách sử dụng từ Quite / kwait / (adv) Hoàn tồn, Quiet /'kwaɪət/ (a) n lặng, n tĩnh ƠN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Attendee /ə,ten'dɪ:/ (n) Người tham dự Attendant / ə'tendənt / (n) Người phục vụ (ở kiện, hội thảo, ) Attendance /ə'tendəns/(n) Sự tham dự, số lượng người tham dự Functions (n) Chức năng, nhiệm vụ ai/cái Functionality /,fʌŋkʃə'nỉləti/ (n) Tính hữu dụng sản phẩm đó; tính Origin /'ɔridʒin/ (n) Nguồn gốc, ngun; dịng dõi, lai lịch Originality / ə,ridʤi'nỉlɪtɪ / (n) Tính chất độc đáo; tính chất sáng tạo, mẻ Inability ʌinə'biliti/ (n) Sự khơng có khả năng/năng lực làm Disability /,ɪnə'bɪləti/ (n) Sự ốm yếu tàn tật (khơng thể sử dụng phần thể hồn tồn dễ dàng khơng có khả học dễ dàng) Informative / in'fɔ:mətiv / (a) Cung cấp nhiều tin tức, có nhiều tài liệu Informed /in'fɔ:md/ (a) Có hiểu biết, am hiểu Powder /'paʊdə(r)/(n) Bột Power /'paʊə(r)/ (n) Sức mạnh, quyền lực Worth /wɜ:θ/ (a) Có giá Price /praɪs/ (v) Đặt giá, định giá Cost /kɑ:st/ (y) Trị giá; phải trả In your capacity as a judge, you have to work with high concentration You must make uninterested judgment A B C D The building was formally used as a bank, but it has been turned into a church recently A B C D A considerate amount of time and effort has gone into this exhibition A B C D I’m very appreciable of all the support you’ve given me A B C D Emotional problems, such as stress, anxiety, or depression, can make a person more forgettable 86 ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - A B C D Life expectation for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years A B C D Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we’d go to our respectful classes A B C D You should be more respectable of other people’s points of view Don’t embarrass someone even if they are wrong A B C D This type of computer jargon is barely comprehensive to most people A B C D 10 From our points of view, we not see how these changes will be beneficent to the company A B C D 11 She wasn’t very complementary about your performance, was she? A B C D 12 We discussed the problem but we didn’t get much farther in actually solving it A B C D 13 I think the sensitive thing to is call and ask for directions A B C D 14 We must develop more rapid, responsible systems for dealing with online messages A B C D 15 Our team won the trophy for the second successful season A B C D 16 The novel is regarded as one of the classical works I really love reading it in my free time A B C D 17 Doctors fear possible epidemics of cholera, malaria, and other deadthly diseases A B C D 18 Recovery after the accident will be a continual process that may take several months A B C D 19 With rents so high, it wasn’t economic to continue to live in the city A B C D 20 The newspaper, or more especially, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs A III SAI VỀ DUNG ĐẠI TỪ 87 B C D ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - Đại từ nhân xưng Tân ngữ Tính từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu Đại từ phản thân I me My mine myself You you Your yours yourself We us Our ours ourselves You you Your yours yourselves They them Their theirs themselves He him His his himself She her Her hers herself It it Its its itself Some trees have undergone remarkably little change during its long geological history, which extends back to the A B C D Devonian period The Earth’s poles not stand still but slowly shift its position A B C D The term technology refers to the discoveries and inventions that help people improve its way of life A B C D All matter resists any change in their condition of rest or of motion A B C D When sea water comes, some rivers routinely overflow its banks A B C D Many plants and its products, such as leaves, roots are effective in controlling disease A B C D The greatest natural resource of the state is their fertile farmland A B C D Trees often shed all or nearly all of its leaves each year A B C D The book is best- selling beacause their plot is really interesting A B C D 10 The element bromine is not found in nature in the free state because of their strong tendency to take up electrons A B C D 11 When eggs of some species of insects hatch, the newly born insects look almost like its counterparts 88 ÔN THI TN THPT 2022 – PHIÊN BẢN NƯỚC RÚT - A B C D 12 Tom’s jokes are inappropriate but we have to put up with them just because he’s its boss A B C D 13 My free trip, which they won on a television game show, included four days in London and a week in Paris A B C D 14 Mrs Mai and his friends from Vietnam are planning to attend the festival now A B C D 15 My brother usually asked me for help when he had difficulty with her homework A B C D 16 They are having her house painted by a construction company A B C D 17 What I told her a few days ago was not the solution to most of their problems A B C D 18 He was so exhausted that he fell asleep at our desk A B C D 19 John and Jane would like to have her own house in the future A B C D 20 I am going to a wedding on Saturday A friend of me is getting married A 89 B C D ... xảy giận ai, giơ nắm đấm dọa ngủ say chết tính tốn, xem xét tiếng, thành công bất ngờ thực tế vận may rủi lấy nhau, kết hôn thời gian không chờ đợi với tất khả thảo luận làm thời gian dài ko có... kế hoạch vơ trẻo, dễ nghe khơng thể sửa chữa không ghi chép công khai sống hồ hợp, có mối quan hệ tốt với Thận trọng, cảnh giác với Di chuyển, tiến chuyển, vận động bờ vực tan vỡ (về mối quan... thoại carry on; tiếp tục carry out: tiến hành close down: đóng cửa hẳn come about: xảy come across: tình cờ gặp/ thấy ai/ come off: thành cơng come along/ on: nhanh lên count on/ upon: tin vào/

Ngày đăng: 06/09/2022, 08:04

