Báo cáo khoa học: Limited mutagenesis increases the stability of human carboxypeptidase U (TAFIa) and demonstrates the importance of CPU stability over proCPU concentration in down-regulating fibrinolysis doc
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Limitedmutagenesisincreasesthestabilityof human
carboxypeptidase U(TAFIa)anddemonstrates the
importance ofCPUstabilityoverproCPU concentration
in down-regulating fibrinolysis
Wolfgang Knecht
, Johan Willemse
, Hanna Stenhamre
, Mats Andersson
, Pia Berntsson
Christina Furebring
, Anna Harrysson
, Ann-Christin Malmborg Hager
, Britt-Marie Wissing
Dirk Hendriks
and Philippe Cronet
1 AstraZeneca R & D Mo
lndal, Mo
lndal, Sweden
2 Alligator Bioscience AB, Lund, Sweden
3 Laboratory of Medical Biochemistry, University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium
The fragile balance between the activities ofthe coagu-
lation cascade (thrombin generation) andthe fibrino-
lytic system (plasmin generation) is essential to prevent
excessive blood loss upon damage of a blood vessel,
while maintaining the blood flow in parts of the
body distant from the injury. Procarboxypeptidase U
[proCPU, thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor
(TAFI), EC, MEROPS M14.009] belongs
to the metallocarboxypeptidase family and is a
human plasma zymogen, which is also known as
thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI),
plasma procarboxypeptidase B and procarboxypepti-
dase R [1,2]. ProCPU has been proposed to be a
molecular link between coagulation and fibrinolysis
[3,4]. The physiological role ofproCPUand its activa-
ted form, carboxypeptidaseU (CPU) is outlined in
Fig. 1. ProCPU is synthesized inthe liver and secreted
into the plasma following the removal of its signal
carboxypeptidase; coagulation; directed
evolution; fibrinolysis; protease
W. Knecht, Molecular Pharmacology –
Target Production, AstraZeneca R & D
lndal, 431 83 Mo
lndal, Sweden
Fax: + 46 317763753
Tel: + 46 317065341
E-mail: wolfgang.knecht@astrazeneca.com
(Received 5 November 2005, accepted
19 December 2005)
Procarboxypeptidase U [proCPU, thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhib-
itor (TAFI), EC] belongs to the metallocarboxypeptidase family
and is a zymogen found inhuman plasma. ProCPU has been proposed to
be a molecular link between coagulation and fibrinolysis. Upon activation
of proCPU, the active enzyme (CPU) rapidly becomes inactive due to its
intrinsic instability. The inherent instability ofCPU is likely to be of major
importance for thein vivo down-regulation of its activity, but the under-
lying structural mechanisms of this fast and spontaneous loss of activity of
CPU have not yet been explained, and they severely inhibit the structural
characterization of CPU. In this study, we screened for more thermostable
versions ofCPU to increase our understanding ofthe mechanism underly-
ing the instability of CPU’s activity. We have shown that single as well as
a few 2–4 mutations inhumanCPU can prolong the half-life of CPU’s
activity at 37 °C from 0.2 h of wild-type CPU to 0.5–5.5 h for the mutants.
We provide evidence that the gain in stable activity is accompanied by a
gain in thermostability ofthe enzyme and increased resistance to proteo-
lytic digest by trypsin. Using one ofthe stable mutants, we demonstrate
the importanceofCPUstabilityoverproCPUconcentrationin down-regu-
lating fibrinolysis.
BEVS, Baculovirus expression vector system; CLT, clot lysis time; CPB, carboxypeptidase B; CPU, carboxypeptidase U; EPP, error prone
PCR; Hip-Arg, hippuryl-
L-arginine; ORF, open reading frame; PTCI, potato tuber carboxypeptidase inhibitor; TAFI, thrombin-activatable
fibrinolysis inhibitor; WT, wild type.
778 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 778–792 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
peptide (prepeptide, see Fig. 2). It can be activated
from its zymogen form to CPU by thrombin, plasmin
or most efficiently the thrombin–thrombomodulin
complex by cleavage after R114 [1,5,6](Fig. 2). In con-
tact with a fibrin clot, CPU attenuates fibrinolysis
by removing carboxy-terminal lysines from partially
cleaved fibrin molecules, thereby diminishing its cofac-
tor activity for activation of plasminogen to plasmin
[7–9]. Following its activation, CPU’s activity is unsta-
ble both in vivo andinin vitro experiments (as an
isolated protein), with reported half-lives at 37 °C from
8 to 15 min, hence theUin its name stands for unsta-
ble [10,11]. The inherent and irreversible decay of
CPU’s activity is believed to be of major importance
for its in vivo down-regulation of activity and has been
linked to structural changes ofthe enzyme [3,12,13].
In vivo, CPU can also be inactivated by proteolytic
degradation, indicating more accessible and flexible
parts ofthe molecule exist. It was therefore suggested
that the instability of CPU’s activity is due to intrinsic
structural lability ofthe enzyme, priming its inactiva-
tion [14].
Because of its prominent bridging function between
coagulation and fibrinolysis, the development of CPU
inhibitors as pro-fibrinolytic agents is an attractive
concept [15,16]. But the instability ofthe enzyme has
prevented crystallization ofCPUandthe use of struc-
turally based drug design methods. A three-dimen-
sional model ofhumanproCPU based on the structure
of human pancreas procarboxypeptidase B, a closely
related protease exhibiting a higher stability, has been
published recently by Barbosa Pereira et al. [17].
Recently, it was reported independently by two
separate groups that CPU prevents clot lysis from
proceeding into the propagation phase through a
threshold-dependent mechanism [18,19]. The study of
this threshold phenomenon and, more generally, the
study ofthe effect ofCPU on fibrinolysis, are also
severely complicated by its intrinsic instability of
‘Directed evolution’ approaches allow the random
generation of a large number of mutants followed by
selection for the desired features. Several proteins have
been changed towards more desired properties using this
approach. Some examples include deoxyribonucleo-
side kinases for changed substrate specificities [20,21],
phosphotriesterase for improved catalytic rates [22],
haem peroxidase for exotic environments (for example,
inside a washing machine) [23], or amylase and sub-
tilisin for improved thermostability [24,25].
In this study, we present the generation of CPU
mutants with highly stable activity obtained by
molecular evolution techniques and selection for
decreased thermo-inactivation. To achieve this we used
a directed evolution approach comprising the genera-
tion of random libraries and recombination of advan-
tageous mutations by Fragment-INduced Diversity
) technology, as well as site-directed muta-
genesis. A high-throughput screen based on mamma-
lian cells expressing proCPU mutants was developed
to select CPU variants with more thermostable activ-
ity. Seven proCPU mutants were selected and purified.
After activation by thrombin–thrombomodulin, three
showed a remaining activity of more than 80% after
24-h incubation at 22 °C versus 20% for the wild type
(WT), and two of these three showed a more than
25-fold increase in half-life of activity at 37 °C. Using
one ofthe stable mutants, we have demonstrated the
importance ofCPUstabilityoverproCPU concentra-
tion indown-regulating fibrinolysis.
To investigate the role of exposed hydrophobic resi-
dues on thestabilityof CPU’s activity, 13 point muta-
tions were introduced inproCPU by site-directed
mutagenesis and expressed in 3T3 cells (F135Q, I147S,
F201T, I204Y, I205E, I204Y ⁄ I205E, L214N, F244T,
L281S, L335S, L376Q, T347I). Based on the alignment
of CPU sequence to the structure of carboxypeptidase
Fig. 1. Physiological role of CPU. CPU
attenuates fibrinolysis by removing C-ter-
minal exposed lysines from partially degra-
ded fibrin.
W. Knecht et al. Stable humanCPU mutants
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 778–792 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 779
B (CPB) [26] (Fig. 2), these mutants were chosen to
replace hydrophobic amino acids ofhumanCPU with
more hydrophilic residues located on the surface of
porcine CPB. In addition, the T347I naturally occur-
ring variation inCPU was reported to double the
half-life (T1 ⁄ 2) of its activity at 37 °C [11] and was
therefore included. We found that the T347I mutant,
when tested in cell culture supernatant, was only 50%
more stable than our WT CPU with threonin at posi-
tion 347 (Table 1). Recently, Barbosa Pereira et al.
[17] proposed, on the basis of their model of human
CPU, that the two consecutive I at positions 204 and
205 are exposed to the surface, and because they are
quite unique to CPU, might be ofimportance for the
process of CPU’s activity destabilization. When we
changed these two amino acids to their counterpart in
porcine CPB (I204Y ⁄ I205E), the T1 ⁄ 2 ofthe mutants’
activity was unchanged compared with WT CPU (data
not shown).
In order to create a high number of mutants, ran-
dom mutagenesis was done using either error prone
PCR (EPP) or creating a library of mutants with the
Genemorph PCR mutagenesis kit (GMK, Stratagene,
La Jolla, CA, USA). Sequencing ofthe full open read-
ing frame (ORF) of randomly picked clones from these
two approaches revealed a base mutation frequency of
0.41 ± 0.22% and 0.55 ± 0.23% per clone in 19
clones from the EPP library andin 17 clones from the
Fig. 2. Multiple alignment ofhuman preproCPU, human preproCPB and porcine proCPB. The amino acid sequences ofhuman preproCPU
(accession number AAP35582.1), human preproCPB (accession number P15086) and porcine proCPB (accession number 1NSA) were
aligned using
CLUSTAL W [40]. The pre- andthe propeptide in preproCPU are shaded in black and grey, respectively. Amino acid exchanges
found in mutants with increased thermostability of CPU’s activity are marked in yellow. ‘*’ means that the residues that column are identical
in all sequences inthe alignment. ‘:’ means that conserved substitutions have been observed ‘.’ means that semiconserved substitutions
are observed.
Stable humanCPU mutants W. Knecht et al.
780 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 778–792 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
GMK library, respectively. On the amino acid level
this corresponded to an average of 3.7 or 5.2
exchanges per enzyme for the error-prone PCR or the
Genemorph kit, respectively.
In total, 24 600 clones, 14 600 from the EPP library
and 10 000 from the GMK library were screened for
improved thermostability ofCPU activity inthe super-
natant of mammalian cells in an HTS format. The best
clones selected were more thoroughly analyzed using
an HPLC-based activity assay for CPU. The most sta-
ble clone, GMK1, is five times more stable than WT
CPU. From both libraries, about 1 in every 5000
clones exhibited a more than doubled T1⁄ 2 of activity
compared with WT. The best clones selected from the
random mutagenesis approach, as well as the site-direc-
ted mutagenesis, are summarized in Table 1 and consti-
tute the basis for the first round of FIND
treatment. It was also noted that all clones displayed
fewer mutations than the average number of mutations
present in randomly selected clones from both
To explore further combinations of activity stabil-
izing mutations identified inthe first screening step
(Table 1) FIND
was used. For the first round of
approach, the following clones from Table 1
were used in two different combinations: in F1.1:
EPP1, EPP2, GMK1, GMK2 and, in F1.2: all clones
in Table 1 except WT. FIND
libraries were
expressed and 5000 clones of each library screened for
improved thermostability. Table 2 summarizes clones
derived from this step. As shown in Table 2, six clones
with improved T1 ⁄ 2 of their activity compared to the
parental clones could be found inthe F1.1 treatment,
while only two clones were found inthe F1.2 treat-
ment with improved or equal properties, despite the
higher number of clones put into this library. It should
also be mentioned here that the FIND
not only recombined existing mutations, but also intro-
duces new mutations as observed in six out of the
eight selected clones (Table 2).
To ascertain the combination of mutations that are
very close in sequential space, the GMK2 clone
(Table 1) was modified by site-directed mutagenesis to
create the mutants YQ and YP, andthe T1⁄ 2 of their
activity was determined (Table 2). These combinations
increased thestabilityof CPU’s activity, especially the
YQ mutant.
Following the first round of FIND
50% ofthe mutants with improved thermal stability
of their activity appeared to bear mutations in the
region encompassing residues 327–357. New mutants
were made by site-directed mutagenesis, trying to
combine the mutations leading to the strongest
decrease in thermo-inactivation by site-directed muta-
genesis. Thestabilityof their activity was evaluated
either after expression in 3T3 cells or in insect cells
using the Baculovirus expression vector system
(BEVS) (Table 3) as an alternative expression system.
The S327P mutation was introduced because P is the
corresponding amino acid to S327 in porcine CPB
(Fig. 2).
A second round of FIND
treatment (F2) then
included the clones: GMK2 + T347I, F1.1.C +
R315H, F1.1.F + S327P, F1.1.A and YQ (see Tables 2
Table 1. Half-life (T1 ⁄ 2) of different CPU mutants’ activity at 37 °C
created by site-directed or random mutagenesis. WT and mutant
CPU were expressed in 3T3 cells and their stability was accessed
in the cell culture supernatant. The remaining enzymatic activity
after incubation ofCPU or its mutants at 37 °C was determined
using a HPLC assay.
Amino acid
in CPU
T1 ⁄ 2at
37 °C
Method of
EPP1 K166N, H357Q 31 Error prone PCR
EPP2 I251T, H357P 31 Error prone PCR
EPP3 I180F
, H357Q 55 Error prone PCR
GMK1 H315R, S327C 60 Genemorph
GMK2 H355Y 47 Genemorph
A L376Q 16 Site-directed
B T347I 18 Site-directed
WT – 12
This mutation was not present in all PCR products derived from
this clone.
Table 2. Half-life (T1 ⁄ 2) of different CPU mutants’ activity at 37 °C
derived from the first round of FIND
treatment and site-directed
mutagenesis. WT and mutant CPU were expressed in 3T3 cells
and their stability was accessed inthe cell culture supernatant. The
remaining enzymatic activity after incubation ofCPU or its mutants
at 37 °C was determined using a HPLC assay. New mutations, not
present inthe parental clones are underlined.
Clone Amino acid changes in CPU
T1 ⁄ 2at
37 °C(h)
F1.1.A I251T, H315R, S327C,
N350S, H357Q 2.2
F1.1.B K166N, H315R, S327C,
N350S, H357Q 1.5
F1.1.C K166N, H315R, S327C, H357P 4.4
F1.1.D H315R, S327C,
R352K 1.6
F1.1.E H315R, S327C,
N350S, H357Q 2.4
F1.1.F S327C,
S348N, H357Q 2.9
F1.2.A H315R, S327C, H355Y 2.2
V219A, H315R, S327C 1
H355Y, H357P 1.5
H355Y, H357Q 3
WT – 0.2
These mutants were generated by site-directed mutagenesis from
W. Knecht et al. Stable humanCPU mutants
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and 3). Libraries created from these clones by FIND
technology were expressed, screened and characterized
as described in material and methods. A total of about
14 200 clones were screened. Table 4 summarizes clones
derived from this second round of FIND
. The
same mutation combination as inthe best clone made
by site-directed mutagenesis (YQ + S327C) was also
generated by this second round of FIND
and identified by the screening. The subsequently
increased activity stabilization during the different steps
of directed evolution and screening is illustrated in
Fig. 3, displaying the most stable clones found in each
From the mutants created, seven clones (F1.2.A;
F1.1.F, YQ, YQ + S327C, F1.2.A + R315H,
F1.1.F + N348S, F1.1.F + H355Y) were chosen for
expression using the BEVS and purification of the
mutants for analysis as purified protein. WT proCPU
and mutants were expressed in Sf9 insect cells as
C-terminal His-tagged proteins and purified from the
supernatant of a 1-L culture using IMAC. Figure 4
shows as examples the homogenity ofthe WT
proCPU-CHis and YQ proCPU-CHis preparations
(0-min samples).
The parameters determined for these mutants are
summarized in Table 5. In contrast to the screening
and previous characterization in crude cell superna-
tants, assays were now carried out in a defined buffer
of 50 mm Hepes, pH 7.4. The T1 ⁄ 2 ofCPU activity at
37 °C increased from 0.2 h for WT CPU to more than
5 h for the two most stable clones (Table 5). It appears
that the T1 ⁄ 2 of activity measured directly in the
supernatant ofthe cell cultures deviates from the T1 ⁄ 2
of the purified proteins in a defined buffer system. It is
likely that cell culture medium components influence
the thermo-inactivation ofthe mutants. This was con-
firmed by putting purified YQ + S327C back into
insect cell culture medium, which prolonged the T1 ⁄ 2
of activity at 37 °C (data not shown).
A second estimation ofthe thermal stability of
activity of each mutant was measuring activity after
Table 3. Half-lives (T1 ⁄ 2) of different CPU mutants’ activities at
37 °C made from clones in Tables 1 and 2 by site-directed muta-
genesis. WT and mutant CPU were expressed in 3T3 cells or in
insect cells (as indicated) and their stability was accessed inthe cell
culture supernatant. The remaining enzymatic activity after incuba-
tion ofCPU or its mutants at 37 °C was determined using a HPLC
assay. The T1 ⁄ 2 ofthe parental clone is shown in brackets for easy
Clone Amino acid changes inCPU T1 ⁄ 2at37°C (h)
GMK2 + T347I
T347I, H355Y Not done (0.8)
F1.1.C + R315H K166N, S327C, H357P 1.6 (4.4)
F1.1.A + R315H I251T, S327C, N350S,
0.7 (2.2)
F1.2.A + R315H
S327C, H355Y 4.3 (2.2)
F1.1.F + N348S
S327C, H357Q 2.4 (2.9)
F1.1.F + H355Y
S327C, S348N, H355Y,
4 (2.9)
F1.1.F + S327P S327P, S348N, H357Q 0.3
YQ + S348N S348N, H355Y, H357Q 2.4 (3)
YQ + T347I T347I, H355Y, H357Q 3.5 (3)
YQ + S327P S327P, H355Y, H357Q 1.1 (3)
YQ + N350S N350S, H355Y, H357Q 1.4 (3)
YQ + S327C
S327C, H355Y, H357Q 26 (3)
WT – 0.2
Very low expression level did not allow T1 ⁄ 2 determinations for
GMK2 + T347I.
These mutants were expressed in insect cells and
have an 8xHis tag as described in Experimental procedures.
ity was determined using the Hippuricase assay.
The same combi-
nation was independently found within the second FIND
treatment (see Table 4).
Fig. 3. Subsequent increase instabilityof activity during the directed
evolution process of CPU. T1 ⁄ 2 data at 37 °C for the most stable
clones as determined inthe supernatant of 3T3 cells are presented.
More results for the different steps are presented inthe correspond-
ing tables: Random mutagenesis (Table 1), first FIND
(Table 2),
second FIND
⁄ site-directed mutagenesis (Tables 3 and 4).
Table 4. Half-life (T1 ⁄ 2) of different CPU mutants’ activity at 37 °C
derived from the 2nd round of FIND
treatment. WT and mutant
CPU were expressed in 3T3 cells and their stability was accessed
in the cell culture supernatant. The remaining enzymatic activity
after incubation ofCPU or its mutants at 37 °C was determined
using a HPLC assay. Mutations not found inthe parental clones are
Amino acid changes
in CPU
T1 ⁄ 2at
37 °C (h)
F2.A I251T, H355Y, H357Q 2
I204T, Y230C, S348N,
S327C, H355Y, H357Q 6.8
WT – 0.2
Identical to YQ + S327C (see Table 3).
Stable humanCPU mutants W. Knecht et al.
782 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 778–792 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
incubation at 22 °C for 24 h (Table 5). Mutants
YQ + S327C, F1.2.A and F1.1.F + H355Y were
again the most stable and only one mutant, F1.1.F +
N348S, lost more than 50% of its activity.
In order to exclude profound effects ofthe muta-
tions on enzymatic activity and inhibitor binding affin-
ity, the K
for hippuryl-l-arginine (Hip-Arg), the
specific activity at 24 mm Hip-Arg andthe IC
for the
specific inhibitor PCI were determined. As can be seen
in Table 5, the K
values ofthe mutants shift to lower
values, while all mutants except F1.1.F show an
increased specific activity. To detect any changes in the
positioning ofthe propeptide, or, in other words, to
see if the contact region between the catalytic domain
and the prodomain was changed by the mutations, we
also measured the residual activity without activation
by thrombin–thrombomodulin. A correct positioning
of the propeptide should keep the residual activity on
Fig. 4. Tryptic digest of WT and YQ proCPU-CHis. (A) SDS PAGE of a bovine trypsin digest of WT proCPU-CHis (1.3 lgÆlane
) and YQ pro-
CPU-CHis (2 lgÆlane
). Two proCPU-CHis to bovine trypsin ratios (w ⁄ w) were used: (i) 1 : 20 and (ii) 1 : 100. Digests were run at 26 °Cfor
the times indicated and then separated by SDS ⁄ PAGE andthe gel was Coomassie stained. Two major degradation products of WT- and
YQ-proCPU-CHis became visible and are indicated by arrows inthe figure. (B) WT and YQ proCPU-CHis were digested by bovine trypsin as
described under (A) (i) for the times indicated. Fifteen micrograms per lane were separated by SDS ⁄ PAGE and transferred to a polyvinylid-
ene difluoride membrane for N-terminal sequencing (Amidoblack staining). The bands indicated by numbers were identified as starting at the
N-terminus with (i) a mixture of A115 and F23, (ii) a mixture of A115 and F23, (iii) Y353 and (iv) A115.
Table 5. Kinetic andstability parameters for purified WT and mutant CPUs. The T1 ⁄ 2 of activity at 37 °C in cell culture medium is shown in
brackets for easy comparison. Specific activity was determined at 24 m
M Hip-Arg andthe IC
of PCI at 4 mM Hip-Arg. The specific activity
for 24 m
M Hip-Arg without activation by thrombin–thrombomodulin is given in brackets.
H315 S327 S348 H355 H357
T1 ⁄ 2
at 37
Activity left after
24 h at 22 °Cin
% (mean ± SD)
WT 0.2 (0.2) 20 ± 11 2.2 53 (1.9) 0.2
F1.2.A R C Y 5.2 (2.2) 89 ± 8.9 3.7 98 (2.4) 0.04
F1.1.F C N Q 2.2 (2.9) 56 ± 6.3 0.7 41 (1.8) 0.13
YQ Y Q 1.5 (3) 78 ± 7.9 0.9 88 (1.6) 0.16
YQ + S327C C Y Q 5.5 (26; 6.8) 81 ± 7.8 1.1 121 (2.3) 0.16
F1.2.A + R315H C Y 1.3 (4.3) 63 ± 2.2 1.5 150 (2.5) 0.06
F1.1.F + N348S C Q 1 (2.4) 45 ± 3.3 0.6 64 (3.7) 0.12
F1.1.F + H355Y C N Y Q 4.9 (4) 86 ± 6.6 1 89 (4.4) 0.18
W. Knecht et al. Stable humanCPU mutants
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the same level as for WT-proCPU until it is cleaved
away andproCPU activated to CPU. The activities
ranged from 1.6 to 4.4 UÆmg
, with 1.9 UÆmg
WT-proCPU-CHis, or, as a percentage ofthe specific
activity after activation, from 1.7 to 5.8% with 3.6%
for WT-proCPU-CHis. At 4 mm Hip-Arg as substrate
in the assay, inhibition of all mutants is achieved at
somewhat lower concentrations of potato tuber carb-
oxypeptidase inhibitor (PTCI). The YQ mutant, cho-
sen because it had the most stable activity of the
purified mutants having only two mutations, was used
for further extensive characterization.
To determine if the increased thermal stability of
CPU activity is connected to an increased thermosta-
bility ofthe protein itself, we monitored the thermal
unfolding of WT and YQ proCPU-CHis. Compared
with the WT, the midpoint temperature (T
) of the
protein-unfolding transition has increased for YQ
proCPU-CHis by 10.4 °C (Fig. 5a). Because in YQ
proCPU-CHis, H355 and H357 are replaced by nonio-
nizable amino acids, we monitored thermal unfolding
also at different pH values (Fig. 5b). Approaching low
pH values, when histidines become fully protonated, a
pronounced drop of T
was seen with WT proCPU-
CHis, while only a marginal one was recorded with
YQ proCPU-CHis. The drop in T
from pH 7.4 to
pH 4.5 was 12.8 °C for WT proCPU-CHis but only
2.3 °C for YQ proCPU-CHis. This indicates a role of
H355 and ⁄ or H357 inthe thermal stabilityof proCPU.
Furthermore, we digested WT proCPU-CHis and YQ
proCPU-CHis with bovine trypsin (Fig. 4), which
resulted inthe case of WT proCPU-CHis in one
prominent degradation product of approximately
25 kDa and a weak, probably intermediate band at
about 38 kDa (arrows in Fig. 4A), while for YQ
proCPU-His, a strong band at 38 kDa became visible
but none was visible at about 25 kDa. Subsequently,
N-terminal sequencing of these bands identified a clea-
vage site between R352 and Y353 in WT proCPU-
CHis, but not inthe YQ mutant. Consequently, the
two mutations of YQ make the mutant less sensitive
to tryptic digestion close to the positioning of its two
Next, we compared the affinity ofthe enzyme for
synthetic and physiological substrates, and determined
the K
constants of native CPU from plasma, recom-
binant WT CPUand YQ CPU for Hip-Arg and bra-
dykinin using an arginine kinase-based kinetic assay
[27]. Data are presented in Table 6. No differences
were seen inthe K
values ofthe three CPUs for bra-
dykinin and Hip-Arg when the kinetic assay was used,
proving that the mutations inthe YQ proCPU did not
alter the affinity ofthecarboxypeptidase for synthetic
and physiological substrates. However, when the K
for Hip-Arg was measured using HPLC (Table 5), YQ
shows K
value similar to the kinetic assay, while WT
CPU does not.
Fig. 5. Thermal unfolding of WT proCPU-CHis and YQ proCPU-
CHis. The thermal unfolding of WT and YQ proCPU-CHis was mon-
itored using the fluorescent dye Sypro orange. The unfolding pro-
cess results in increase in fluorescence, which was monitored. (A)
shows the means of three independent unfolding curves in 50 m
Hepes pH 7.4 andthe solid line present the best fit of equation 1
to all data. (B) shows the T
of thermal unfolding curves at differ-
ent pH values (best fit of equation 1 to all data ± SEM ofthe fit).
d, YQ proCPU-CHis; s, WT proCPU-CHis. Buffers used were
50 m
M sodium acetate, pH 4.5, 50 mM Mes pH 5.6–6.5, 50 mM
Hepes, pH 7.4.
Table 6. Comparison of K
constants of native, WT and YQ CPU
for Hip-Arg and bradykinin using an continuous enzyme assay.
values are expressed in lMÆL
and are the mean ± SEM of a
duplicate measurement.
Native CPU WT YQ
Bradykinin 39 ± 2 44 ± 6 35 ± 5
Hip-Arg 840 ± 21 825 ± 44 774 ± 39
Stable humanCPU mutants W. Knecht et al.
784 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 778–792 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
The hypothesis that CPU down-regulates fibrinolyis
by a threshold dependent mechanism was recently pub-
lished [18,19]. As long as theCPU activity remains
above this threshold (reported to be 8 UÆL
), fibrinoly-
sis does not accelerate but stays in its initial phase [19].
The study of this threshold phenomenon is severely
complicated by the intrinsic instability of CPU’s activ-
ity. YQ proCPU-CHis was consequently tested for its
antifibrinolytic potential in an in vitro clot lysis assay
and used for confirmation ofthe threshold hypothesis.
We reconstituted proCPU-depleted plasma with
increasing amounts ofthe activated stable YQ mutant
or with WT CPU (CPU activities ranging from 0 to
237 UÆL
) and used these in clot lysis experiments, as
described previously [19,28]. Recovery ofthe added
CPU was inthe range of 96–103%, as measured with a
kinetic plasma assay [27]. The final t-PA concentration
used was 40 ngÆmL
. The stable YQ mutant was able
to prolong thein vitro clot lysis time (CLT) in a way that
can be theoretically expected based on its stability.
The decay ofCPU can be expressed using the fol-
lowing simplified equation
N ¼ N
· e
–k ⁄ t
where k ¼ ln(2) ⁄ T, T ¼ half life of CPU.
Rearrangement of this formula gives the equation:
t ¼ [T log(2)
] · [log(No ⁄ N)], where t is the time
above the threshold, N
the initial CPU activity and N
the threshold activity value.
This equation indicates that the time above the
threshold is linearly related with theCPU half life and
only logarithmically with the initial CPU activity (gen-
erated from proCPU by first order kinetics). The hypo-
thesis that this time above the threshold determines the
CLT is strongly confirmed and illustrated in Figs 6
and 7.
Figure 6 shows representative clot lysis profiles at
different YQ CPU concentrations. Increasing the
enzyme activity below the ‘threshold value’ did not
show a significant increase in CLT. However, each
doubling oftheCPU activity in excess ofthe ‘thresh-
old value’ increased CLT with one CPU mutant half
life. Plotting log (CPU activity added) versus CLT
clearly confirms theCPU threshold hypothesis. The
estimated threshold value in our experiments was
12 UÆL
which corresponds very well with the
described by Leurs et al. [19].
Figure 7 illustrates the linear relationship between
CPU stabilityand CLT. Adding 40 UÆL
proCPU-depleted plasma increases CLT by 22 min.
However, the addition of 40 UÆL
YQ CPU (with a
7.5- fold increased stability) increases CLT by
153 min, which corresponds very well with the increase
one theoretically can expect (i.e. 7.5 · 22 min). When
the selective CPU inhibitor PTCI (20 lgÆmL
) was
added from the start, no significant prolongation of
CLT was seen by adding YQ or WT CPU.
1 YQ t
Fig. 6. Threshold hypothesis confirmation. The graph shows representative clot lysis profiles ofproCPU depleted plasma reconstituted with
increasing concentrations of activated YQ mutant (concentrations ranging from 0 UÆL
to 237 UÆL
). The threshold value is estimated by
plotting log oftheCPU activity added versus the clot lysis time (inset). Each doubling ofthe enzyme activity above the threshold value
increases clot lysis time with one CPU mutant half-life.
W. Knecht et al. Stable humanCPU mutants
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 778–792 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 785
Due to its physiological role andthe need for a very
tight regulation inthe blood coagulation cascade, it is
likely that CPU has been selected for intrinsic instabil-
ity, which ensures rapid inactivation of its activity at
the site of action. The irreversible decay in activity has
been shown to be accompanied by structural changes
of CPU [12,13], it is therefore very likely that the loss
of activity is caused by structural changes of the
enzyme triggered upon activation. This instability is a
serious challenge when dealing with overexpression
and purification ofthe protein. The mechanism behind
CPU’s activity inactivation is still not fully understood,
but several aspects contributing to CPU’s instability
are illuminated by our work.
CPB is a close homologue to CPU, but has a signifi-
cantly higher stability. Aligning theCPU sequence
onto the CPB structure [26] reveals the presence of
numerous potentially exposed hydrophobic amino
acids in CPU. Exposed hydrophobic residues lead to
aggregation, and replacing exposed hydrophobic resi-
dues with more polar residues has been reported to
stabilize proteins [29,30]. Ofthe 12 hydrophobic to
hydrophilic point mutations carried out in CPU, only
one, L376Q (clone A), had a stabilizing effect, in this
case, of about 33%. All the other mutants either did
not change the T1 ⁄ 2 of CPU’s activity more than
± 20%, or, inthe case of I147S, did not express at all
(data not shown), suggesting that the instability does
not result from hydrophobically driven aggregation of
the protein. This is further confirmed by the existence
of a natural variant of CPU, where T347 is subsituted
by an I. Although accentuating the hydrophobic
character ofthe protein surface, the mutation induces
a stabilization ofthe protein (Table 1 and [11]).
Random evolution ofthe enzyme has allowed us to
identify mutants of 2.5 to five-fold increased T1 ⁄ 2in
activity (Table 1), with one or two mutations per clone.
The following first round of FIND
treatment pro-
longed T1⁄ 2 from 12 min for the WT to 4.4 h for clone
F1.1.C. Further combination by rational site-directed
deletion or addition of mutations (Table 3) resulted in
more than half ofthe cases in a decrease of T1 ⁄ 2. A fur-
ther round of FIND
treatment did not improve T1 ⁄ 2
further compared with a combination of mutations pre-
viously found by site-directed mutagenesis, but inde-
pendently produced the same combination of mutations
that were also determined to display the most stable
activity (YQ + S327C ¼ F2.C). An overall view of the
evolution process is presented in Fig. 3.
A number of mutants with modifications in this
region ofthe polypeptide chain were expressed in
insect cells, purified and characterized (Table 5). The
mutant displaying the most stable activity at 37 °C
had mutations at the positions S327, H355 and H357,
and this is also reflected by the selection of proteins to
be purified, that all have at least two mutations at
these positions. The T1 ⁄ 2 of activity ofthe purified
mutants determined in a defined buffer system, as used
during purification procedures, differed significantly
from T1 ⁄ 2 determined in mammalian or insect cell cul-
ture supernatant. From a practical point of view, to
allow for high-throughput mutant screening, thermo-
stability had to be measured in cell culture superna-
tants. The corresponding values obtained from purified
proteins show that cell medium itself and ⁄ or unknown
substances secreted by the cells sometimes strongly
Fig. 7. CPUstability versus proCPUconcentrationin influencing clot lysis time. The graph shows the effect of adding increasing activities of
WT CPUand YQ CPU on the clot lysis time, clearly showing theimportanceoftheCPUstabilityoverproCPU concentration.
Stable humanCPU mutants W. Knecht et al.
786 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 778–792 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
prolonged or decreased thestabilityofthe activity of
the CPU mutants (Table 5). This is most striking for
YQ + S327C, with T1⁄ 2 of 5.5 h in Hepes buffer,
6.8 h in mammalian cell culture medium and 26 h in
insect cell culture medium. For mutants containing the
S327C mutation, conditions, such as pH, determining
how fast oxidation ofthe cystein might occur, may
play a role.
Because most ofthe purification andin vitro assays
are carried out at room temperature, we also determined
the activity after 24-h incubation at 22 °C. Of all puri-
fied mutants, three showed a remaining activity of more
than 80% after 24-h incubation at 22 °C versus 20% for
the WT, and two of these three showed a more than 25-
fold increase in T1 ⁄ 2 of activity at 37 °C. The decreased
and mostly increased specific activity may partially
reflect the improved stabilityof activity, especially at
low substrate concentrations during K
resulting in a higher velocity than for WT CPU and
thereby decreasing the observed K
in comparison to
WT CPU. This hypothesis is supported by the use of
a newly developed continuous coupled enzyme assay
instead ofthe discontinuous HPLC assay that demon-
strated similar K
values ofthe native and WT, and the
YQ mutant CPU with a synthetic and physiological
substrate of CPU. There seem to be no major changes
in the positioning ofthe propeptide, as indicated by
residual activities ofthe mutants close to WT-proCPU.
values for the inhibition by a specific inhibitor
PTCI [16] are maximally five-fold lower than for the
WT. With the exception ofstabilityof activity, the CPU
mutants appear surprisingly similar to the WT in their
enzymatic properties.
Marx et al. [31] also described the generation of
forms ofCPU with a highly stable activity, but in con-
trast to the work presented here, this refers to a hybrid
of CPU ending at position 314 (Fig. 2) fused to the
following C-terminal part ofhuman CPB. This chi-
mera had a half-life of 1.5 h at 37 °C. We therefore
show here that a stabilization of CPU’s activity that is
more than that which naturally occurs can already be
achieved with only one or a few mutations in the
region following position 314 in CPU.
Fifty per cent ofthe residues mutated inthe clones
selected from the first round of FIND
are located
in a distinct region encompassing residues 327–357
(Table 2 and Fig. 2), as well as the naturally occurring
and activity stabilizing mutation T347I. The mutants
with the most stable activity are achieved by combina-
tions of few conservative mutations, S327C, H355Y
and H357Q. Can the effects ofthe mutations reported
here andthe reasons for the increased stability of
activity if connected to structural changes be rationally
explained? The three residues correspond to P300,
Y327 and P329 in porcine CPB (numbering according
to Fig. 2). Keeping a strict orientation ofthe side
chains, replacing P300 with a serine would leave the
H-bond to the OH group ofthe side-chain nonsatis-
fied, thereby destabilizing the protein. Based on the
CPB structure, H355 lies in close proximity to a cluster
of charged residues: R324, K326, H330 and E360.
Introducing a Q at position 355 is likely to favour the
formation of H-bonds with one or several of these resi-
dues, attenuating the charge repulsions between some
of the basic amino acids. The stabilization induced by
the replacement of H357 by a Y is more difficult to
explain, but the aromatic nature ofthe side chain is
likely to interact favourably with the hydrophobic clus-
ter made up of I316, F318, A337 and V341. Another
contribution to the low stabilityofthe WT proCPU is
the close spatial proximity ofthe three His residues at
330, 355 and 357. Inthe YQ mutant, two histidines
are replaced by nonionizable amino acids. Although
not very pronounced at physiological pH, partial
charges on the His could induce a destabilizing
charge–charge repulsion effect. This hypothesis is sup-
ported by the findings that WT proCPU-CHis is less
stable in thermal unfolding at low pH, when H330,
H355 and H357 would be protonated, while the drop
of stabilityof YQ proCPU-CHis is a lot less pro-
nounced (Fig. 5b).
These observations suggest that our mutations
improve residue interactions in this region, leading to
an improved structural stabilityofthe protein. Limited
trypsinolysis of WT and YQ proCPU-CHis further
corroborate this scenario, as trypsin cleavage occurs at
R352 in WT CPU, but not inthe mutant harbouring
the H355Y ⁄ H357Q mutations (Fig. 4).
Recently, the hypothesis was put forward that CPU
can down-regulate fibrinolysis through a threshold-
dependent mechanism [19]. We used the stable
YQ CPU mutant to test this hypothesis. The antifi-
brinolytic potential ofthe stable mutant was tested in
an in vitro clot lysis assay. The YQ mutant was able to
prolong in vitro clot lysis time in a way that can be
expected based on thestabilityof its activity. Thus YQ
is the first described stable CPU form with conserved
antifibrinolytic potential. This threshold hypothesis
[19] could be confirmed by adding activated YQ pro-
CPU-CHis to proCPU depleted plasma and plotting
CLT versus the log oftheCPU activity added. The
threshold value in our experiments was 12 UÆL
which is in good agreement to the value reported by
Leurs et al. [19] of 8 UÆL
. As long as CPU remains
above this activity value, fibrinolysis does not proceed
into the acceleration phase. The threshold hypothesis
W. Knecht et al. Stable humanCPU mutants
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 778–792 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 787
[...]... according to the manufacturer’s instructions Reverse transcription-PCR using preproCPU-specific primers (CPU_ fwd_XhoI and CPU_ rev_NotI) were performed with the Titan RT-PCR kit (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) according to the manufacturer’s instructions The PCR products were subcloned into pGEM-T for sequencing Expression of WT proCPUin insect cells To express WT proCPU, the ORF of preproCPU was amplified in. .. sigma plot 8 F(T) is the fluorescence intensity at temperature T N-Terminal amino acid sequencing Characterization of purified WT and mutant proCPUs SDS ⁄ PAGE was carried out using 4–12% Bis-Tris Gels (NuPAGETM, Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions TheconcentrationofproCPU (mutants) in cell culture supernatants or purified samples was determined using a proCPU ELISA as described... System (Invitrogen), according to the manufacturer’s instructions Expression of mutant proCPUs in insect cells Determination ofthe half-life (T1/2) ofCPU s activity The T1 ⁄ 2 ofthe activity ofthe best mutants secreted inthe supernatant ofthe cells in both screens was then determined as follows: Activated (mutant-) CPU (activation as described above) was incubated at a constant temperature and samples... differences between mutant and WT CPU, except for a prolongation of clot lysis time proportional to the increase in T1 ⁄ 2 of activity ofthe mutant The YQ mutant was also used to demonstrate theimportanceofCPUstabilityoverproCPUconcentrationindown-regulatingfibrinolysis It is therefore very likely that the mutants presented here constitute a relevant model system for structural studies ofthe enzyme... stabilityof activity of purified WT and mutant CPUs were determined with the same protocol, but under defined buffer conditions of 50 mm Hepes, pH 7.4 Determination ofthe ORF of mutated preproCPU stably expressed in 3T3 cells After selection of more stable mutant proCPUs (see above), RNA was purified from selected stable 3T3 cell lines using The ORF of selected mutant preproCPUs were amplified by PCR using the. .. procedures Cloning ofhuman preproCPU cDNA The cloning ofhuman preproCPU, e.g pAM245, has been described by Stromqvist et al [32] ¨ Directed nucleotide substitutions were introduced into the preproCPU cDNA with the Quikchange XL site-directed mutagenesis kit (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions Error-prone PCR was performed according to Cadwell and Joyce [33,34] The. .. by increased CPUstability (e.g related to the 347 Thr ⁄ Ile polymorphism), the study ofthe naturally occurring functional polymorphism at position 347 should be included in clinical settings evaluating proCPU as a thrombotic risk factor In summary, of seven selected and purified mutants, three showed a remaining activity of more than 80% after 24 h incubation at 22 °C versus 20% for the WT; two of these... Random recombination of mutated preproCPU cDNAs was performed using in vitro molecular evolution of protein function procedure (now known as Fragment-INduced Diversity (FINDTM) technology) according to the methods disclosed in UK Patent Publication No GB 2370 038 A (UK Patent Of ce, London, UK) Generation of stable mouse cell lines expressing proCPUand mutant proCPUs A retroviral gene delivery and expression... described Further characterization of a selected mutant (YQ) Km constants of YQ CPU- CHis for Hip-Arg and bradykinin were also determined using a coupled enzyme assay for CPU activity [27] and compared with WT CPU- CHis and native CPU (purified according to the protocol described by Schatteman et al [6]) Thermal unfolding of WT and YQ proCPU- CHis was monitored using the fluorescent dye Sypro orange (Molecular... pFASTBac1 (Invitrogen) The primers C-HIS1rev and C-HIS2rev introduced the coding sequence for an octa-His tag at the C-terminus ofproCPU (amino acid sequence ofthe tag: LEPGDDDDKHHHHHHHHSGS) The resulting plasmid was named pAM1079 Recombinant Baculovirus for expression of recombinant proCPU with C-terminal octaHis tag (proCPU- CHis) was generated starting from pAM1079 with the Bac-to-BacÒ Baculovirus Expression . Limited mutagenesis increases the stability of human
carboxypeptidase U (TAFIa) and demonstrates the
importance of CPU stability over proCPU concentration
in. to the manufacturer’s
instructions. The concentration of proCPU (mutants) in cell
culture supernatants or purified samples was determined
using a proCPU