Effectofannealingtimeofanicecrystalonthe activity
of typeIIIantifreeze protein
Manabu Takamichi
, Yoshiyuki Nishimiya
, Ai Miura
and Sakae Tsuda
1 Functional Protein Research Group, Research Institute of Genome-based Biofactory, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology (AIST), Toyohira, Sapporo, Japan
2 Division of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Kita, Sapporo, Japan
Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are a structurally diverse
class of macromolecules that interact with water mole-
cules located in the surface ofanicecrystal at temper-
atures below the melting point ofthe solution [1].
Interaction of a substantial number of AFPs with the
ice surface modifies the shape oftheice crystal, result-
ing in unique morphologies, such as a hexagonal
bipyramid or hexagonal trapezohedron [2]. AFPs inhi-
bit ice growth by adsorbing onto theice surface
(adsorption–inhibition model) [3,4] as the temperature
is lowered, and such inhibition becomes insufficient
below a certain temperature that is favourable for the
initiation ofcrystal growth. For AFP solutions, this
‘ice-growth initiation temperature’ (T
) is different
from the melting point (T
) oftheice crystal, and the
is referred to as the nonequilibrium freezing point
(nonequilibrium T
). The difference between T
the nonequilibrium T
is defined as thermal hysteresis
(TH), and is generally used as a measure ofthe growth
inhibition ability ofan AFP [5]. Therefore, determina-
tion ofthe T
and T
of a seed icecrystal is an essen-
tial procedure to evaluate the TH activityof AFP.
However, the mechanism ofice binding that alters the
TH value remains unclear [6].
The TH value of AFPs has been evaluated using
a nanolitre osmometer and the ‘capillary technique’
[5,7]. In the former, submicrolitre volumes ofan AFP
solution are introduced into an oil droplet, the temper-
ature of which is controlled by a Peltier device. The
TH value is determined by observing the growth of an
adsorption–inhibition; annealing time;
notched-fin eelpout; thermal hysteresis;
type IIIantifreeze protein
S. Tsuda, Functional Protein Research
Group, Research Institute of Genome-based
Biofactory, National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),
2-17-2-1 Tsukisamu-Higashi, Sapporo
062-8517, Japan
Fax: +81 11 857 8983
Tel: +81 11 857 8912
E-mail: s.tsuda@aist.go.jp
Website: http://unit.aist.go.jp/rigb/fprg/
(Received 26 July 2007, revised 29 Septem-
ber 2007, accepted 24 October 2007)
Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) possess a unique ability to bind to a seed ice
crystal to inhibit its growth. The strength of this binding has been evalu-
ated by thermal hysteresis (TH). In this study, we examined the dependence
of TH on experimental parameters, including cooling rate, annealing time,
annealing temperature and the size ofthe seed icecrystal for an isoform of
type III AFP from notched-fin eelpout (nfeAFP8). TH of nfeAFP8 dramat-
ically decreased when using a fast cooling rate (0.20 °CÆmin
). It also
decreased with increasing seed crystal size under a slow cooling rate
(0.01 °CÆmin
), but such dependence was not detected under the fast cool-
ing rate. TH was enhanced 1.4- and 2.5-fold when ice crystals were
annealed for 3 h at 0.05 and 0.25 °C below T
, respectively. After anneal-
ing for 2 h at 0.25 °C below T
, TH activity showed marked dependence
on the size ofice crystals. These results suggest that annealingofan ice
crystal for 2–3 h significantly increased the TH value oftypeIII AFP.
Based on a proposed adsorption–inhibition model, we assume that type III
AFP undergoes additional ice binding to the convex ice front over a 2–3 h
time scale, which results in the TH dependence ontheannealing time.
AFGP, antifreeze glycoprotein; AFP, antifreeze protein; nfeAFP8, an isoform oftypeIII AFP from Notched-fin eelpout; TH, thermal
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 6469–6476 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 6469
ice crystalonthe device through a microscope within a
cooling gradient. Previous studies have used a similar
procedure for the capillary technique with a larger ice
crystal [5,6]. Duman (2001) demonstrated that consid-
erably higher levels of TH are determined using the
nanolitre osmometer compared with the capillary tech-
nique for the same AFP sample [6]. The sample used
was the AFP ofthe beetle Dendroides canadensis,
which displayed TH of 1.4 °C using the capillary tech-
nique, and 5.5 °C using the nanolitre osmometer [6].
In addition, several physicochemical factors influence
TH activity [8], and there is a linear and negative cor-
relation between TH activity and the logarithm of the
mass fraction ofice in a sample for cerambycid beetle
Rhagium inquisitor AFP [9,10]. A similar observation
was also reported for the common mealworm Tenebrio
molitor, for which differential scanning calorimetry
was employed [11].
For fish AFPs, TH activityof approximately 1 °Cis
close to the maximum value observed. Fish AFPs can
be classified into four types (I–IV) or as antifreeze gly-
coproteins (AFGPs). Type I AFP, with relative mole-
cular weights ranging from 3.3 to 5 kDa, contains
alanine-rich amphipathic a-helices [12]. Type II AFP is
a globular protein with an approximate relative molecu-
lar weight of 14 kDa that exhibits high structural
homology to a carbohydrate-recognition domain of
C-type lectin [13]. TypeIII AFP is a 6.5 kDa compact
globular protein characterized by a unique internal two-
fold symmetry motif [14]. Type IV is assumed to form a
four-helix bundle structure [15]. AFGPs are glycopro-
teins whose relative molecular weight ranges from 3 to
34 kDa, and comprises a repetitive tripeptide (Ala-Ala-
Thr) whose Thr side chain is modified by a disaccharide
moiety [16]. The structural characteristics of these fish
AFPs and their target icecrystal surface are different
from those of insect AFPs. A faster cooling rate
decreases the apparent TH value of fish AFPs, and lar-
ger ice crystals tend to initiate crystal growth at higher
temperatures [17]. The TH activityof a small species of
AFGP depends onthe freezing rate (i.e. cooling bath
temperature), while a large AFGP showed no such
dependence [18]. Chapsky and Rubinsky (1997) exam-
ined the kinetic ice binding of fish type I AFP using a
technique called temperature-gradient thermometry
[19]. For fish typeIII AFP, no time-dependence of TH
activity has been examined to date. These data raise the
question about the key determinant that has a signifi-
cant influence onthe TH activityofan AFP species.
The present study examined the TH value of a
recombinant 65-residue typeIII AFP called nfeAFP8,
which was recently discovered in the Notched-fin
eelpout [20]. nfeAFP8 exhibits 94% sequence identity
with HPLC12, a well-examined typeIII AFP isoform
found in the ocean pout Macrozoarces americanus [21].
For TH measurements, we utilized a custom-made
photomicroscope system equipped with a temperature
controller and a sample holder, for which data consis-
tency with a commercial freezing-point osmometer had
been verified. We then examined the dependence of
TH value onthe cooling rate, the seed icecrystal size,
crystal annealing time, and annealing temperature. The
data obtained revealed that the TH value is signifi-
cantly increased when theicecrystal is annealed for a
long time at a lower annealing temperature. Based on
these results, we discuss the ice-binding mechanism of
type III AFP that causes TH enhancement over a very
slow time scale.
Before determining the TH activityof nfeAFP8, the
performance of our photosystem was verified using
solutions of NaCl and glucose. The sample solution in
the capillary tube (Fig. 1) was initially cooled with the
temperature controller until completely frozen. The
sample was then warmed until anicecrystal was
apparent. As expected, theicecrystal prepared in each
sample exhibited a ‘disk-like’ morphology, which did
not subsequently change [22]. We carefully manipu-
lated the temperature controller to fix the diameter of
the seed crystal at approximately 20 lm, and examined
whether there was a difference between T
and T
It appeared that the temperatures were affected by
a change in the temperature controller of only
± 0.01 °C, consistent with equality between T
for the solutions of NaCl and glucose, affirming
that they possess no specific ice-binding ability (i.e.
¼ equilibrium T
). In Fig. 2A, the concentration
dependence ofthe equilibrium T
(¼ T
) for NaCl and
glucose are shown by open circles and open squares,
respectively. The corresponding data measured using a
freezing-point osmometer are also plotted in Fig. 2A
(closed circles and closed squares). The linear profiles
obtained with our photosystem and the osmometer
perfectly overlapped for the NaCl and glucose solu-
tions. These results indicated that our system precisely
evaluates the T
and T
values of a seed icecrystal in
a solution.
An example of TH determination for nfeAFP8 using
our photosystem is shown in Fig. 2B, for which
nfeAFP8 was dissolved to a final concentration of
0.1 mm. The figure depicts a series of images ofan ice
crystal formed in solution at )0.46 °C; the crystals had
a bipyramidal structure due to adsorption of nfeAFP8
onto their surfaces. Adsorption ofthe AFP stopped ice
Time-dependent enhancement of thermal hysteresis M. Takamichi et al.
6470 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 6469–6476 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
crystal growth during the 0.01 °CÆmin
decrease (images a and b), but failed to stop growth at
)0.81 °C (image c) and allowed subsequent crystal
growth (images d–h). The nonequilibrium T
nfeAFP8 was hence determined to be )0.81 °C. As a
separate experiment determined the T
to be )0.30 °C
for anicecrystal in the same sample, 0.51 °C is the
TH value of 0.1 mm nfeAFP8 under these experimen-
tal conditions.
Figure 3A shows the concentration dependence of
the TH activityof nfeAFP8 measured at cooling rates
of 0.01 °CÆmin
(closed circles) and 0.20 °CÆmin
(open circles). The TH activity obtained with a slow
cooling rate (0.01 °CÆmin
) was significantly (1.7-fold)
higher than that obtained with the fast cooling rate
(0.20 °CÆmin
). Figure 3B is a plot ofthe TH depen-
dence onthe cooling rate of 0.1 mm nfeAFP8. The TH
value decayed exponentially with increasing cooling
rate, and reached a plateau at a rate of approximately
0.10 °CÆmin
When the relationship between TH and crystal size
was assessed, a marked difference was noted between
the cooling rates of 0.01 and 0.20 °CÆmin
(Fig. 3C).
The TH activity for a slow rate of cooling
(0.01 °CÆmin
) markedly decreased with increasing ice
crystal size, while that measured using a fast cooling
rate (0.20 °CÆmin
) exhibited only a slight decrease. A
high TH value (approximately 0.7 °C) was obtained
only when a slow cooling rate (0.01 °C min
) was
used for a small ice crystal.
Figure 4A is a plot of TH activity measured for
0.1 mm nfeAFP8 after theannealingofanice bipyra-
mid for 0–3 h. Theannealing was performed at a T
of )0.05 °Cor)0.25 °C. Each experiment used the
same cooling rate of 0.20 °CÆmin
. The TH value
CCD Camera
Object glas s
Temp. controlle r
Crystal & Temp. monitor)
dewa r
Capillary holder
Viewing hole
Capillary (sample)
Sample solution
Capillary holde r
Freezing plate
Fig. 1. Experimental set-up (photosystem)
for viewing the growth and melting of ice
crystal to determine thermal hysteresis
value ofan AFP solution. (A) The photosys-
tem composed of a photomicroscope (Leica
DMLB100), a temperature controller (Lin-
kam THMS 600), a Colorvideo 3CCD camera
(Sony), and an image-processing computer.
(B) The capillary cell containing a 0.75 lL
sample solution, and setting ofthe sample
into the holder.
0 0 .25 1.000.75
photo-system & osmometer
Concentration (
Fig. 2. (A) Concentration dependence ofthe equilibrium freezing
point of NaCl and glucose solutions. Open symbols represent the
data determined using the photosystem, and closed symbols are
those obtained using a commercial osmometer (Vogel, model
OM802). The error bars represent standard deviations ofthe data
obtained from at least three experiments. (B) Snapshots showing
the change in anice bipyramid created in a 0.1 m
M solution of
type III AFP from Notched-fin eelpout (denoted nfeAFP8, cooling
rate 0.01 °CÆmin
). (a) T ¼ –0.46 °C; (b) T ¼ –0.61 °C; (c)–(h)
T ¼ –0.81 °C. The nonequilibrium freezing point of )0.81 °C was
evaluated from this experiment.
M. Takamichi et al. Time-dependent enhancement of thermal hysteresis
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 6469–6476 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 6471
tended to increase in proportion to thecrystal anneal-
ing time. When theice bipyramid was annealed for 3 h
at a T
of )0.05 °C, TH activity increased 1.4-fold
compared with time zero. This TH increase reached
2.5-fold when the 3 h annealing was performed at a
of )0.25 °C.
Dependence of TH onthe size ofthe seed ice crystal
was also examined for 0.1 mm nfeAFP8 at a cooling
rate of 0.20 °CÆmin
. The closed circles in Fig. 4B rep-
resent TH values obtained after 2 h annealingof the
ice bipyramid at a T
of )0.25 °C, and the open cir-
cles, which are reproduced from Fig. 3C, depict com-
parable data obtained without icecrystal annealing.
TH decreased exponentially with increasing crystal size
only after 2 h annealing at a T
of )0.25 °C, and no
TH dependence oncrystal size was evident when TH
was measured soon after creation oftheice bipyramid.
In the present study, we first examined the TH depen-
dence of nfeAFP8 onthe rate of cooling (Fig. 3), uti-
lizing our in-house-built photomicroscope system.
Data consistency between the system and a freezing-
point osmometer (Fig. 2) validated the performance of
the system for evaluating TH value. Using this system,
we demonstrated that a slower rate of cooling ampli-
fies TH, while a faster rate of cooling progressively
diminishes TH until it reaches a plateau. A similar,
but not identical, observation has been made for a
small species of AFGP using a freezing-point osmome-
ter; the AFGP exhibited significant antifreeze activity
upon slow cooling, but lacked such activity if cooled
quickly [18]. In addition, a time-dependent change in
of a type I AFP solution has been demonstrated
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Concentration (mM)
0 0.10 0.200.05 0.15
rate (
Thermal hysteresis (
Thermal hysteresis (
slow fast
Ice crystal size (
03515 252010 30
Thermal hysteresis (
Fig. 3. (A) Concentration dependence of TH for a 20 lm long icecrystal measured using 0.01 °CÆmin
(closed circles) and 0.20 °CÆmin
(open circles) rates of cooling. (B) Dependence of TH onthe rate of cooling (°CÆmin
). (C) Dependence of TH onthe size oftheice crystal.
Each point represents the mean of three experiments and the error bar represents the standard deviation. All experiments were performed
immediately after preparation ofanicecrystal in a 0.1 m
M solution of nfeAFP8.
Annealing time (h)
0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Annealing Temp.
= T
- 0.25 °C
Ice crystal size (
15 252010
30 35
Annealing Time
= 2 h
Annealing Time = 0 h
Thermal hysteresis (°C)
Thermal hysteresis (°C)
Annealing Temp.
= T
- 0.05 °C
Fig. 4. Influence ofannealingtime and icecrystal size on TH. (A)
Thermal hysteresis of nfeAFP8 measured after annealingofan ice
bipyramid for a certain period oftime (0–3 h). The measurement
was repeated for three times at theannealing temperatures of
)0.25 °C (closed circles) and T
)0.05 °C (open circles) using a
cooling rate of 0.20 °CÆmin
. (B) Dependence of thermal hysteresis
of nfeAFP8 onthe size ofthe seed ice crystal. Closed circles are
the data obtained after 2 h of annealing, and open circles are those
without annealing. All other experimental parameters are the same
as Fig. 3.
Time-dependent enhancement of thermal hysteresis M. Takamichi et al.
6472 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 6469–6476 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
using temperature-gradient thermometry [19]. No such
time-dependent change in TH was reported for insect
AFPs, while a linear and negative correlation was
detected between TH and the logarithm ofthe mass
fraction oficecrystal versus the total water mass for
AFP from cerambycid beetle R. inquisitor [9,10].
We examined the dependence of TH onthe crystal
size under fast (0.20 °CÆmin
) and slow
(0.01 °CÆmin
) cooling rates to clarify the correlation
between the cooling rate and seed icecrystal size.
These results show that TH decreases with increasing
crystal size at the slow cooling rate, and does not
depend onthecrystal size at the fast cooling rate.
These results imply that the cooling rate dominates the
TH dependence onthe seed crystal size. As actual tem-
perature control ofthe freezing plate in our system is
stepwise, a different cooling rate will produce a differ-
ent time lapse of cooling on a sample. In other words,
there is a longer annealing period before starting the
TH measurement at a slower cooling rate. We there-
fore examined whether anannealing period of 2–3 h
influenced the TH value of nfeAFP8. An annealing
experiment was performed within the hysteresis gap
(0.25 and 0.05 °C below T
), and TH was measured at
a fixed cooling rate (0.20 °CÆmin
). These parameters
revealed that theannealingtime amplifies TH, the
amplification level is enhanced by lowering of the
annealing temperature, and TH shows dependence on
crystal size only after 2–3 h of annealing. As the time-
dependent amplification of TH explains the detection
of a higher TH value at the slower cooling rate, it may
be concluded that thetimeofannealing is an essential
influence onthe TH value of nfeAFP8.
For typeIII AFP, the 3D structure and the ice-bind-
ing mechanism have been extensively examined. High-
resolution X-ray and NMR structures have revealed
that a remarkably flat and amphipathic surface is
constructed ontypeIII AFP, enabling complementary
binding to the flat ice prism plane [14,21]. When the
type III AFP solution contains a seed ice crystal, the
AFP molecules come closer to theice through the dif-
fusion process, for which an association constant of
can be assumed from the Smulochow-
ski model [23]. The AFP molecules then undergo
prompt binding onto the flat ice plane, which has been
thought to progress irreversibly according to the
adsorption–inhibition mechanism at the ice–water
interface [3,4]. Subsequently, convex ice fronts are
formed between the ice-bound AFPs onthe flat plane,
as depicted in Fig. 5A. At this stage, theice crystal
adopts a bipyramidal shape. During subsequent
TH measurements, the convex ice front overgrows
(Fig. 5B, dashed line), allowing uncontrolled growth at
the nonequilibrium T
. This leads to the detection of a
nonzero TH value at time zero (0 h of annealing).
The height and curvature ofthe convex ice front are
defined by spacing between adsorbed AFP molecules
(i.e. the Kelvin effect [24]), such that the TH value
reflects the fraction of ice-bound AFPs onthe flat ice
plane. Indeed, TH increases in proportion with the
total concentration of nfeAFP8, as can be seen in
Fig. 3A. The fraction of AFPs onthe flat ice plane is
not, however, changed during the present time-depen-
dent experiment on TH (Fig. 4) as we fixed the con-
centration of AFP at 0.1 mm. A plausible explanation
for the time-dependence of TH is that nfeAFP8 under-
goes ‘secondary’ binding onto the convex ice front
over a very slow time scale (2–3 h; Fig. 5C). Indeed, a
recent study onice etching revealed that typeIII AFP
can bind to several ice planes in addition to the (10–
10) prism plane [14]. TH is the level of supercooling
required to nucleate ice growth from the ‘weak’ convex
ice fronts, the growth of which is not strongly inhib-
ited by AFP. If AFP undergoes secondary binding
low TH
TH measurement
annealing time (2–3 h)
TH measurement
high TH
Fig. 5. Schematic drawing ofice growth
inhibition oftypeIII AFP based on the
‘adsorption–inhibition’ model [3,4]. (A) A
convex ice front is created after primary
binding oftypeIII AFP onto the flat ice
plane. (B) Overgrowth ofthe convex ice
front, giving a low TH value. (C) Possible
secondary ice binding oftypeIII AFP onto
the convex ice front during the annealing
period (2–3 h). (D) AFPs bound onto the
convex ice front narrow the growth area
(dashed line), leading to an enhancement of
TH activity.
M. Takamichi et al. Time-dependent enhancement of thermal hysteresis
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 6469–6476 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 6473
over a very slow time scale after the primary ice bind-
ing, it stabilizes the convex ice front (Fig. 5D), leading
to the time-dependent change in TH activity. This con-
cept further explains the increased level of time-depen-
dent amplification of TH at the lower annealing
temperature (Fig. 4A). The convex ice front will
become more accentuated by lowering the annealing
temperature, which will raise the opportunity for bind-
ing of AFPs to the growing convex ice front, thereby
enhancing TH activity. We recently monitored the flu-
orescence of seed ice crystals at 30 min intervals in a
solution of a fusion protein comprising nfeAFP8 and
green fluorescence protein (nfeAFP8–GFP) (see supple-
mentary Fig. S1). We observed a slight increase of
fluorescence intensity in a region proximal to the
seed ice surface, accompanying a slight growth of ice
crystals in proportion with theannealingtime (0–3 h).
It is noteworthy that such an intensity change was
observed only at the lower annealing temperature
)0.25 °C). These preliminary data are also consis-
tent with the idea of progressive binding of AFP over
a time scale of 2–3 h.
A larger number of convex ice fronts are presumably
located on a larger-sized ice crystal. If secondary
binding of AFP has the ability to stabilize convex ice
surfaces, such stabilization becomes imperfect with an
increasing number of weak points ontheice crystal.
This supposition is consistent with the data obtained
after 2 h ofannealing (Fig. 4B, closed circles), for
which a reduction in TH was apparent with increasing
size oftheice crystal. The lack of significant size
dependence of TH activity (Fig. 4B, open circles)
might be ascribed to nonstabilization ofthe weak
point of any size ofthe crystals, because ofthe lack of
secondary binding of AFP at time zero (0 h of anneal-
ing). It should be noted that no apparent time-depen-
dent TH increase was detected for different types of
AFP (type I AFP from great sculpin and type II AFP
from Japanese smelt; data not shown). Therefore, it is
not clear whether such a slow accumulation process is
a general mechanism for any typeof AFP. Several past
studies have shown that the bipyramidal ice crystal
can be maintained for a long time [25], but no TH
data have been reported for such anice bipyramid. We
believe that a simple TH measurement before and after
2 h will enable us to learn more about the secondary
binding of AFP over a very slow time scale, which will
be detected as enhancement ofthe observed TH value.
To summarize, we have successfully prepared a
recombinant typeIII AFP isoform and carefully mea-
sured its TH activity using an in-house-built photomi-
croscope system. Measurement of TH dependence on
various experimental parameters revealed, for the first
time, that annealingtime significantly causes an
enhancement of TH activityof fish typeIII AFP. The
adsorption–inhibition model may explain this time-
dependent change in TH if typeIII AFP undergoes sec-
ondary binding to the convex ice front following bind-
ing to the primary ice plane.
Experimental procedures
Sample preparation of AFPIII
A sample ofthetypeIII AFP isoform nfeAFP8 was pre-
pared for TH measurements as described previously [20]
with the following modifications. A soluble fraction con-
taining a recombinant nfeAFP8 after sonication of Escheri-
chia coli BL21 (DE3) was dialyzed against 50 mm citric
acid buffer (pH 2.9). After dialysis, cation-exchange chro-
matography was performed using an Econo-Pac High S
cartridge (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) with a linear NaCl
gradient (0–0.5 m)in50mm sodium citrate buffer (pH 2.9).
The purified nfeAFP8 was concentrated (approximately
), and then diluted prior to TH determination.
For all the TH experiments, the sample was dissolved in
0.1 m ammonium bicarbonate (pH 7.9).
TH measurement system
The experimental set-up using a commercial photomicro-
scope system (denoted as the ‘photosystem’) is illustrated in
Fig. 1. The two main instruments in this system were a Leica
DMLB100 photomicroscope (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar,
Germany) and a Linkam THMS 600 temperature controller
(Linkam Scientific Instruments Ltd, Tadworth, Surrey, UK)
equipped with a liquid nitrogen Dewar flask. The latter con-
trolled the temperature ofthe freezing plate with an accuracy
of 0.01 °C by combining the use ofan electric heater and
liquid nitrogen. The left portion of Fig. 1(B) illustrates the
position ofthe sample solution in a quarter of a Hirschmann
capillary tube (Hirschmann Labogera
te, Heilbronn, Ger-
many) (length 30 mm, diameter 0.92 mm); each end of the
tube was sealed using mineral oil (approximately 1 lL each)
to prevent vaporization ofthe sample solution (approxi-
mately 0.75 lL). The sample-containing capillary was then
loaded into a custom-made copper capillary holder (diameter
17 mm, thickness 2.5 mm) (Fig. 1B, right), which was placed
into the freezing plate onthe cooling stage (Fig. 1A). After
positioning ofthe capillary tube, 15 lL of ethylene glycol
was poured through the viewing hole (Fig. 1B, right) to
achieve thermal conductivity between the holder and capil-
lary tube. Theicecrystal image was captured using a Color-
video 3CCD camera (Sony, Tokyo, Japan) (Fig. 1A), and
the temperature status was simultaneously viewed on a dis-
play and saved as a video file on a personal computer
(Fig. 1A). We determined T
and T
by monitoring a slower
Time-dependent enhancement of thermal hysteresis M. Takamichi et al.
6474 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 6469–6476 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
playback ofthe video. The size and length oftheice bipyra-
mid was evaluated from thecrystal image captured by the
video. For accurate determination ofthecrystal length, we
initially captured the image of a 30 lm fiber inserted into the
sample solution, and found that the captured length needed
to be multiplied by 1.2 to determine the actual length of the
crystal. Measurement ofthe T
and T
values was repeated
at least three times, and the values were averaged. More
details ofthe TH measurement procedure are described in
A model OM802 commercial freezing-point osmometer
(Vogel, Giessen, Germany) was used to check the perfor-
mance ofthe photosystem. We initially placed a 50 lL sam-
ple into the cooling bath ()7 °C) ofthe osmometer. When
the sample temperature reached )7 °C, the instrument
automatically inserted a frosty probe into the sample solu-
tion to initiate the growth ofice crystals. Accordingly,
latent heat was emitted owing to the phase transition from
liquid to solid state, which raised the temperature of the
sample. After completion ofthe rise in temperature, an ice–
water equilibrium state was achieved at a certain negative
temperature, which was the T
value in this instrument.
Before performing measurements, the osmometer was nor-
malized with a standard fluid of 300 mOsmol.
We are grateful to Brian Sykes at the University of
Alberta (Edmonton, Canada) for fruitful discussions
on the ice-binding mechanism of nfeAFP8.
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Supplementary material
The following supplementary material is available
Fig. S1. Time-dependent changes in photomicroscope
image ofanice bipyramid in the solution of nfeAFP–
This material is available as part ofthe online article
from http://www.blackwell-synergy.com
Please note: Blackwell Publishing is not responsible
for the content or functionality of any supplementary
materials supplied by the authors. Any queries (other
than missing material) should be directed to the corre-
sponding author for the article.
Time-dependent enhancement of thermal hysteresis M. Takamichi et al.
6476 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 6469–6476 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
. Effect of annealing time of an ice crystal on the activity
of type III antifreeze protein
Manabu Takamichi
, Yoshiyuki Nishimiya
, Ai Miura
and. results in the TH dependence on the annealing time.
AFGP, antifreeze glycoprotein; AFP, antifreeze protein; nfeAFP8, an isoform of type III AFP