Thepropagationofhamster-adaptedscrapie PrP
can be
enhanced byreducedpyridinenucleotidein vitro
Song Shi, Chen-Fang Dong, Chan Tian, Rui-Min Zhou, Kun Xu, Bao-Yun Zhang, Chen Gao,
Jun Han and Xiao-Ping Dong
State Key Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, China
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs),
also known as prion diseases, are lethal neurodegener-
ative diseases, including Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,
Gerstmann–Straussler–Scheinker syndrome and fatal
familial insomnia in humans, bovine spongiform
encephalopathy in cattle, scrapiein sheep and goats,
and chronic wasting disease in deer and elk [1,2]. TSEs
are caused by a proteinaceous infectious agent, termed
a prion, which is considered to consist of a misfolded
and aggregated protease-resistant isomer of a host-
encoded glycoprotein (PrP
) [3,4]. The pathological
isomer present inthe tissues of infected individuals is
called PrP
. Although the clinical and pathological
characteristics of TSEs have been recognized for a long
time, the mechanisms underlying prion conversion are
only partially settled.
Recently, some endogenous factors encoded by
prion hosts have been proposed as essential during the
propagation of prions in studies in animal models and
cell-culture systems, i.e. protein X and some chaperons
[5–10]. Polyanions and sulfated glycans are also
thought to be involved in converting PrP
into the
abnormal isomer invitro [11–14]. Moreover, pyridine
nucleotides, a group of coenzymes ubiquitous in bio-
synthesis and metabolism, are associated with the
aggregation of recombinant prion protein (rPrP).
Following incubation with reducedpyridine nucleo-
tides, e.g. NADPH, rPrP can accumulate in fibrils and
acquire weak proteinase resistance [15,16]. Several
studies have shown that the amount of NADPH-
diaphorase increases during the early stage of prion
disease [17], but there is no direct molecular evidence
PMCA; prion; propagation; pyridine
nucleotide; transmissible spongiform
X P. Dong, State Key Laboratory for
Infectious Disease Prevention and Control,
National Institute for Viral Disease Control
and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease
Control and Prevention, Ying-Xin Rd 100,
Beijing 100052, China
Fax: +86 10 63532053
Tel: +86 10 83534616
(Received 16 September 2008, revised 15
November 2008, accepted 22 December
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion diseases, are
fatal neurodegenerative disorders caused by an infectious agent termed a
prion, which can convert normal cellular prion protein (PrP
) into a patho-
logically misfolded isoform (PrP
). Taking advantage of protein misfolding
cyclic amplification (PMCA), a series of experiments was conducted to
investigate the possible influences ofpyridine nucleotides on the propaga-
tion activities ofhamster-adaptedscrapie agents 263K and 139A in vitro
using normal hamster brain homogenates and recombinant hamster PrP as
the substrates. The results showed that PrP
from both scrapie agent
263K- and 139A-infected brains propagated more efficiently in PMCA with
the addition ofreduced NADPH, showing an obvious dose-dependent
enhancement. Reduced NADH also prompted PrP
propagation, whereas
NADP, NAD and vitamin C failed. Moreover, following incubation with
NADPH, recombinant hamster PrP could be efficiently converted into the
proteinase K-resistant form when exposed to the trace of PrP
infected hamsters. Our data provide evidence that thereduced pyridine
nucleotide plays an important role inthepropagationof prion and this
process seems to target PrP
NBH, normal brain homogenate; PK, proteinase K; PMCA, protein misfolding cyclic amplification; rPrP, recombinant PrP; ScBH, scrapie-
infected brain homogenate; SHa, Syrian hamster; TSEs, transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.
1536 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 1536–1545 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
to clarify the mechanism by which reduced pyridine
nucleotides affect PrP molecules.
A novel technology, named protein misfolding cyclic
amplification (PMCA) has been described in recent
years [18], providing an efficacious, unique and conve-
nient experimental approach to evaluating the replica-
tion and infectivity of newly formed PrP
in vitro [19].
Following incubation of PrP
from TSE-infected ani-
mals with homologous PrP
from normal brains, large
quantities of PrP
can be achieved after a short cycle of
alternate sonication and incubation [20,21]. This tech-
nology is considered the most appropriate approach to
understanding the fundamental mechanisms involved in
propagation, aggregation and neuroinvasion
in vivo [22]. In this study, possible influences of pyridine
nucleotides on thepropagationof PrP
from scrapie-
infected hamsters in PMCA were investigated. We
found that reducedpyridinenucleotide NADPH pro-
moted PrP
-propagating activity in PMCA using PrP
from normal hamster brains as the substrate, and that
this was a dose-dependent response. Other reduced ana-
logues ofpyridine nucleotides also showed enhanced
capacity, whereas an oxidized analogue failed. Further-
more, we proposed that after incubation with NADPH,
recombinant hamster PrP could be converted to the
proteinase K (PK)-resistant isoform inthe presence of
scrapie PrP
in PMCA.
The propagating activities of PrP
in PMCA are
remarkably enhancedinthe presence of NADPH
To see the influence of NADPH on the ability of PrP
to propagate in PMCA, a serial PMCA protocol con-
sisting of seven rounds was conduced (Fig. 1A). Prior
to mixing with a 10
dilution of ScBH prepared from
scrapie 263K-infected hamsters (SHa-263K), hamster
NBH was mixed with 10 lm NADPH (referred as
NBH + NADPH, lanes 3–9) and subjected to 12
PMCA cycles. Thereafter, 10 lL of PMCA product
was added to 90 lL of fresh NBH with 10 lm
NADPH and the next round was performed. This was
repeated several times, leading to the original ScBH
being diluted to 10
. Meanwhile, mixture containing
only NADPH and ScBH inthe conversion buffer, but
without NBH (referred as NADPH control, lanes 3–9),
or one containing NBH and ScBH but without
NADPH (referred as NBH control, lanes 3–9), was
prepared as above. Each PMCA product was digested
with PK and subjected to western blotting. PK-resis-
tant PrP signal was detected only inthe first NADPH
control preparation (upper gel), representing the initial
input PrP
(Fig. 1A, lane 2 in all gels). Inthe NBH
control, the PrP
signal was strongest during round 1,
weakened gradually and vanished from round 4 (mid-
dle gel), indicating lower PMCA-propagating activity
under these conditions. By contrast, inthe presence of
NADPH, obvious PrP
signals were seen in all prepa-
rations from round 1 to round 7 (Fig. 1A, lower gel),
highlighting a more actively propagating capacity for
. This suggests that NADPH can prompt the
propagation ofscrapie agent 263K. In addition, no sig-
nificant propagationof PrP
was observed in seeded
preparations without sonication (Fig. S1A) or in
PMCA samples without seeding ScBH (Fig. S1B),
Fig. 1. NADPH induced more efficient propagationof PrP
scrapie agents in PMCA. Ten microliters of a 100-fold dilution of
ScBH of SHa-263K or SHa-139A were used as the seed in each prep-
aration. PMCA was conducted over 12 cycles per round, with seven
rounds in total. (A) Propagationof PrP
from hamster-adapted scra-
pie agent 263K in PMCA. The NADPH control (upper gel) contained
10 l
M NADPH in conversion buffer and ScBH, but without NBH. The
NBH control (middle gel) contained NBH and ScBH, but without
NADPH. NBH plus NADPH (lower gel) contained NBH, ScBH and
NADPH. (B) Propagations seeded with hamster-adapted scrapie
agent 139A underwent the same PMCA procedure containing NBH
alone (upper gel) or NBH plus NADPH (lower gel). In all gels, NBH
was loaded directly inthe first lane without proteolysis as a refer-
ence for comparison of electrophoretic mobility (PrP
PK)). All other
samples were treated with 50 lgÆmL
PK (PK+). 0 indicates reac-
tions containing ScBH before PMCA process. Round numbers are
given on top. The molecular markers are indicated on the right.
S. Shi et al. NADPH can enhances PrP
FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 1536–1545 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS 1537
implying that NADPH can neither enhance PrP
propagation without PMCA nor induce spontaneous
conversion of PrP
into PrP
with PMCA in vitro.
To test whether NADPH-related enhancement was
also appropriate to another scrapie agent, hamster-
adapted scrapie strain 139A (SHa-139A) was used in
PMCA following the same procedure. In order to
avoid possible environmental contamination, all mate-
rials and reagents were freshly prepared, including the
homogenizer, chemicals and conversion buffer. NBH
and ScBH (SHa-139A) were prepared in another labo-
ratory that had never been exposed to prions. Like
SHa-263K, PK-resistant signals were detected in reac-
tions from round 1 to round 7 inthe presence of
NADPH (Fig. 1B, lower), but only inthe first three
rounds without NADPH (Fig. 1B, upper). These
results indicate that propagationof SHa-139A in vitro
can also be prompted by NADPH, and therefore this
enhancement of PrP
propagation in PMCA is not
limited to only one prion strain.
NADPH increased the sensitivity for detection of
in brain homogenates by PMCA
To test the potential of using NADPH as an assistant
chemical in increasing the detection sensitivity of
PMCA, comparative analysis of serial PMCA, with or
without NADPH, was conducted using serially diluted
ScBH from agent 263K as the seed. Dilutions of the
original ScBH ranged from 10
to 10
by 100-fold
serial dilution. One round of PMCA consisted of 24
cycles (24 h), which was considered to be more effi-
cient at increasing PrP
aggregation [19] and allowed
low levels of PrP
to be detected [23]. After one round
of PMCA, 10 lL of product was mixed with 90 lLof
fresh NBH for the next round, up to seven rounds.
Figure 2 shows that PrP
signals were detected at
dilutions of 10
and 10
in the second round in the
presence of 10 lm NADPH (second gel, lanes 2 and
3), whereas PrP
signals could be observed at a dilu-
tion of 10
in the third round (third gel, lane 7) and
in the fifth round (fifth gel, lane 8) inthe absence
of NADPH. After seven rounds of PMCA, clear PrP
signals were observed at ScBH dilutions of 10
, and even at a 10
-fold dilution a weak band
was observed inthe presence of NADPH (lower gel,
lane 5). However, no PrP
signal was detected at
dilutions of 10
and 10
without NADPH (lower
gel, lanes 9 and 10). This indicates that NADPH can
increase, by at least 10
-fold, the sensitivity for the
detection of PrP
in brain homogenates under these
experimental conditions. At the concentration of PrP
in ScBH used in this study (see Materials and
methods), a 1 · 10
dilution of ScBH contained
7.265 · 10
, or 12.5 molecules of ini-
tial PrP
per lL. Thereby, one can speculate that
12.5 monomeric PrP
molecules can successfully
induce detectable amplification in a seven-round
PMCA with NADPH, whereas inthe absence of
NADPH at least 1250 molecules of PrP
are required
for the same amplification.
generated from PMCA inthe presence of
NADPH had further propagation ability
To determine whether newly generated PMCA PrP
by addition of NADPH could further propagate in the
PMCA system inthe absence of NADPH, 10 lLof
PMCA product (PMCA-product
) from a 10
dilution inthe seventh round (Fig. 2, lane 4) was
diluted in 90 lL of NBH and subjected to one round
of PMCA (24 cycles) without NADPH (i.e. eight
rounds in total). Obvious PrP
signals were detected
Fig. 2. Comparative evaluation for serial PMCA detecting the sensi-
tivity of PrP
in ScBH inthe presence or absence of NADPH.
Aliquots of SHa-263K ScBH were 100-fold serially diluted with ham-
ster NBH, reaching dilutions of 10
and 10
Each dilution was divided equally into two PCR tubes, one mixed
with 10 l
M NADPH and the other added to an equal volume of
NaCl ⁄ P
. After 24 cycles PMCA as the first round, 10 lL of product
was mixed with 90 lL of fresh NBH for the next round of PMCA.
The five left-hand lanes are fresh NBH plus NADPH (NADPH+) and
the five right-hand lanes are without NADPH (NADPH-). After seven
rounds, the digested PMCA products of each round were analysed
by western blotting. ScBH dilutions are shown on top. PMCA round
numbers (1–7) are shown on the left. All samples were digested
with 50 lgÆmL
PK. Molecular markers are indicated on the right.
NADPH can enhances PrP
propagation S. Shi et al.
1538 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 1536–1545 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
in all samples from rounds 1–8, without significant
alterations in signal intensity (Fig. 3). This indicates
that PMCA-product
is able to utilize native
as a substrate to replicate in PMCA in the
absence of NADPH.
Enhancement of NADPH for PrP
in PMCA was dose–response and
oxidation/deoxidation related
To estimate the influence ofthe NADPH concentra-
tion on promoting propagationof PrP
in vitro, two-
fold serially diluted NADPH from 160 to 1.25 lm
was mixed with NBH, and seeded with 1000-fold
diluted ScBH of 263K. Preparations were subjected
to PMCA for 24 cycles (24 h) followed by PK treat-
ment. Western blot analysis showed that the effi-
ciency of PrP
propagation was enhancedby the
addition of NADPH, which was closely related to
increasing NADPH concentrations (Fig. 4A, compare
lane 1 and lanes 2–9). After densitometric quantifica-
tion ofthe PrP
signals from three independent
assays, the relationship between the concentration of
propagation was analysed. We
found that PrP
propagation was gradually
enhanced with increasing NADPH concentration
(from 1.25 to 10 lm), and reached a plateau at
10 lm NADPH (Fig. 4A, lane 5; Fig. 4B). Calculat-
ing the signal intensity ofthe reactions of 0 and
10 lm NADPH revealed that the efficiency of PMCA
was increased by 2.59-fold inthe presence of
NADPH. To evaluate whether the effect of NADPH
on PrP
propagation was due to its reduced state,
NADPH oxidized by overnight incubation at room
temperature was serially diluted and amplification
was performed as above. Interestingly, although
signals could be detected in all preparations,
there was no promotion effect of PrP
formation in
PMCA compared with the preparation without
NADPH (Fig. 4C, compare lane 1 and lanes 2–9).
This suggests that oxidized NADPH cannot enhance
the propagationof PrP
, and only its reduced state
is enhances PrP
propagation in vitro.
The reduced, but not oxidized, structural
analogue of NADPH possessed similar promoting
ability on PrP
propagation as NADPH
As a pyridine nucleotide, NADPH is believed to be an
electron donor in some biochemical reactions [24]. To
Fig. 3. NADPH-induced PMCA product (PMCA-product
) prop-
agated efficiently in further PMCA inthe absence of NADPH. Ten
microliters of PMCA product from the 10
dilution inthe seventh
round with NADPH (Fig. 2, lane 4 inthe lower gel) was mixed
90 lL of hamster NBH without NADPH. PMCA was conducted
over 24 cycles per cycle, eight rounds in total, the dilution of the
original ScBH reaching 10
in the final round. The PMCA products
of each round were digested with 50 lgÆmL
PK and analysed by
western blotting. NBH without PK treatment was loaded directly
onto the gel as a reference for comparison of electrophoretic mobil-
ity (PrP
PK)). PMCA round numbers (0–8) are shown along top.
PK+ represented the preparations digested with PK. Molecular
markers are indicated on the right.
Fig. 4. The enhancement of NADPH for PrP
propagation in
PMCA was dose dependent and oxidation ⁄ deoxidation related. (A)
Samples seeded with a 1000-fold dilution of ScBH (SHa-263K) were
mixed with different concentrations of NADPH (0, 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10,
20, 40, 80 and 160 l
M). PMCA was conducted over 24 cycles. (B)
Quantitative analyses of each gray numerical value of PrP
. PrP
signals from each preparation were quantified densitometrically.
Relative gray values ofthe PrP
signals in each experimental con-
dition were normalized by division with that ofthe respective reac-
tion without NADPH [0 l
M, lane 1 in (A)]. The average values were
calculated from three independent experiments and presented with
as mean ± SD. (C) Oxidized NADPH, rather than fresh NADPH,
was added into seeded preparations to undergo the PMCA proce-
dure as in Fig. 4A. All samples were treated with 50 lgÆmL
NADPH concentrations are shown on top ofthe gels. Molecular
markers are shown on the right.
S. Shi et al. NADPH can enhances PrP
FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 1536–1545 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS 1539
address whether other pyridine nucleotides or an elec-
tron donor also help PrP
to propagate in PMCA,
some NADPH structural analogues, including NADP,
NADH and NAD, were selected and subjected to
serial PMCA using 100-fold diluted ScBH of SHa-
263K as the seed. In total, six rounds were performed,
each consisting of 12 cycles (Fig. 5, lanes 3–8). NADH
enhanced PrP
propagation inthe reactions from
rounds 1–5 (fourth gel, lanes 3–7), comparable with
NADPH (second gel) which induced PrP
tion in all reactions. However, compared with the
NBH control (upper gel), both NADP (third gel) and
NAD (fifth gel) failed to promote PrP
in PMCA. In addition, ascorbate, which is also
believed to be an electron donor in some biological
reduction–oxidation reactions, was applied as a func-
tional analogue of NADPH in this experiment. Nota-
bly, ascorbate did not significantly enhance PrP
propagation in PMCA (lower gel). These results indi-
cate that only reducedpyridine nucleotides, i.e.
NADPH and NADH, promote PrP
in vitro.
rSHaPrP could be converted into the PK-resistant
isoform by addition of NADPH in PMCA
To investigate whether NADPH helps native PrP
induce the conformation change in recombinant PrP,
purified recombinant hamster PrP23–231 and human
PrP23–230 (rSHaPrP and rHuPrP) were incubated
with 10 lm NADPH in PMCA conversion buffer.
After mixing with 10
to 10
-fold diluted ScBH, the
preparations were subjected to PMCA (24 cycles).
Each product was exposed to PK digestion and wes-
tern blotting (Fig. 6). Compared with the PK-resistant
signal of preparations treated without NADPH, in
which only a faint signal at M
25 kDa appeared in
the 10
dilution (lane 2, upper gel), more PK-resistant
bands were observed in all reactions with NADPH,
among them a 17 kDa PK-resistant band was pre-
dominant (lanes 6–9, upper gel), which may represent
the PK-resistant fragment of rSHaPrP. Unseeded
assays revealed that rSHaPrP could not be induced
spontaneously by NADPH and alternative
sonication ⁄ incubation to PK-resistant forms (lane 10,
upper gels), even serial PMCA failed to induce the
PK-resistance of rPrP spontaneously (Fig. S2). This
indicates that rSHaPrP canbe used as a substrate for
propagation inthe presence of NADPH using
Fig. 5. Influence of other analogues of NADPH and ascorbic acid
on PrP
propagation in PMCA. ScBH of SHa-263K were mixed
with NBH at 1 : 100 dilutions bythe addition of 10 l
NADP, NADH, NAD or ascorbate, respectively. NBH control seeded
with ScBH was also prepared (upper gel). PMCA was conducted
with 12 cycles per round, for a total of six rounds. Identical aliquots
of each PMCA product of each round were treated with
50 lgÆmL
PK and subjected to western blotting. NBH without PK
treatment was directly loaded into gel as a reference for compari-
son of electrophoretic mobility (PrP
PK)). PMCA round numbers
(0–6) are shown at the top. PK+ represents the preparations
digested with PK. Individual chemicals are indicated on the left.
Molecular markers are shown on the right.
Fig. 6. rSHaPrP, but not rHuPrP, could be converted into a
PK-resistant isoform inthe presence of NADPH. Aliquots of ScBH
of SHa-263K were serially diluted into solutions of rSHaPrP or rHu-
PrP, with final ScBH dilutions of 10
and 10
. Each
preparation was divided equally into two PCR tubes, one incubated
with 10 l
M NADPH and the other with NaCl ⁄ P
. PMCA was con-
ducted with 24 cycles per round. Identical aliquots of each PMCA
product were treated with PK and subjected to western blotting.
rPrP was the directly loaded recombinant protein without PK diges-
tion as a reference for comparison of electrophoretic mobility
(lane 1 in all gels). 0 represents the preparation of rPrP with
NADPH, but without ScBH (lane 10 in all gels). Arrow indicates the
PK-resistant fragment of rPrP. ScBH dilutions are shown at the top.
PK+ represents preparations digested with 20 lgÆmL
PK. Mole-
cular markers are indicated on the right.
NADPH can enhances PrP
propagation S. Shi et al.
1540 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 1536–1545 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
One ofthe hallmarks of prions is their species speci-
ficity inpropagation [24]. Our previous experiments
confirmed that PrP
from scrapie agent 263K-infected
hamsters could not utilize PrP
from mice or rabbits
as a substrate to replicate in PMCA (data not shown).
To test the possible species barrier when recombinant
PrPs were used as the substrate in PMCA, especially
in the presence of NADPH, rHuPrP was subjected to
PMCA using the above protocol. Almost no PK-resis-
tant signals were detected any preparation, regardless
of the presence or absence of NADPH (Fig. 6, lower
gel). These results correspond well with the pheno-
menon that PrP
from hamster cannot convert recom-
binant mouse PrP into the PK-resistant form [25],
showing clear species specificity at the level of recom-
binant PrP in PMCA, while NADPH fails to break
this limitation.
The crucial event in prion infection is the conforma-
tional change of PrP
into PrP
. It has been reported
that several compounds or chemicals can enhance the
conversion of PrP
into aggregations invitro [26,27].
In this study, we have proposed that inthe presence of
reduced pyridinenucleotide chemicals, NADPH and
NADH, two scrapie agents propagate more efficiently
in PMCA. This implies that endogenous reduced pyri-
dine nucleotide chemicals may play an important role
in the infection process of prions in vivo. Our observa-
tions also indicate that reducedpyridine nucleotide
chemicals as ubiquitous agents may convert normal
into PrP
more easily when PrP
is exposed to
exotic PrP
. Because both native PrP
in brain homo-
genates and recombinant PrP canbe converted more
efficiently into PK-resistant isoforms by PrP
with the
help of NADPH, enhancing the conversion from PrP
to PrP
in PMCA seems to target PrP
Our study has also shown that NADPH-enhanced
propagation in PMCA increases the detection
sensitivity of PrP
by ‡ 10
-fold and does not lead to
any false positives. This suggests the potential use of
this chemical as an accelerant in PMCA to detect trace
levels of prions in biosamples.
Reduced pyridine nucleotides have been shown to be
involved in many reduction–oxidation reactions.
can bind the active site of
glucose phosphate dehydrogenase competitively to
regulate the speed ofthe pentose phosphate pathway
[28] and NADPH also participates inthe synthesis of
cholesterol [29]. Recent studies have revealed that
NADPH-diaphorase, which is known to catalyse
NADPH to transfer electrons to their targets, is associ-
ated with neuronal death [30]. Increasing hippocampal
NADPH-diaphorase has been observed at early stages
in the murine model ofscrapie agent ME7, however,
the level of NADPH-diaphorse decreases inthe late
stages of TSEs in animal models [17]. Interestingly, we
also find that the presence of NADPH enhances
de novo PrP
propagation in PMCA. PMCA-derived
maintains a stable propagating capacity in nor-
mal brain homogenates after NADPH is removed.
Because the increased level of NADPH-diaphorase
may correlate with the active synthesis of NADPH,
one may think that inthe early stage of TSE more
NADPH in brain tissue helps the trace levels of exotic
replicate more efficiently. Although NADPH
synthesis may decrease along with the loss of neurons
and spongiform degeneration during the pathogenesis
of TSE, PrP
maintains its replication.
Our data showed that oxidized NADPH will lose its
enhancing activity for PrP
propagation in PMCA,
indicating that the role as an electron donor might
contribute to this enhancement. This enhancement is
also observed in other reduced structural analogues,
such as NADH. Neither oxidized structural analogue,
such as NADP and NAD, nor ascorbate, which merely
works as an electron donor, possess this activity.
Therefore, it outlines that this enhancement depends
on both electron transfer and structural similarity.
Nevertheless, the presence of oxidized pyridine nucleo-
tides does not influence the efficacy of PrP
tion compared with the reaction without pyridine
nucleotides. It is clear that pyridine nucleotides are not
absolutely necessary during prion propagation.
Because a large amount of NADPH is oxidized during
the long incubation time in PMCA, it also will be
interesting to know whether there is a competitive rela-
tionship between reducedpyridinenucleotide and its
oxidized counterpart.
Our study illustrates that inthe presence of
NADPH, hamster rPrP is successfully converted to
the PK-resistant form when seeded with native PrP
from experimental scrapie hamsters. Similarly, many
other chemicals or compounds may function as
co-factors to facilitate thepropagationof PrP
in vitro, including sulfated glycan, RNA molecules,
DNA molecules and chaperons [6]. More strikingly, it
has been proposed that polyanions, especially poly(A)
RNA, can induce normal hamster PrP
to convert
into infectious agents directly without any prion in
PMCA, which may mimic the process of Creutzfeldt–
Jakob disease [31]. NADPH has the ability to bind
with recombinant PrP and induce PrP aggregation
when the rPrP are refolded by some ions, such as
and Mn
[32,33]. We cannot exclude
S. Shi et al. NADPH can enhances PrP
FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 1536–1545 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS 1541
the possibility that the NADPH-induced formation of
PK-resistant rPrP in PMCA is due to interaction with
other unknown cellular components ofthe ScBH.
This implies that reducedpyridine nucleotides mainly
act on the PrP molecules directly, because farthing of
ScBH (10
dilution) used in PMCA is able to pro-
duce large quantity of PK-resistant rPrP. Therefore,
we speculate that certain binding domains of pyridine
nucleotides may exist within the PrP molecule.
Through transferring electrons, the energy class of
PrP may change, leading to an unstable status.
Another aspect may bethe potential metal-catalysed
oxidation of PrP. Reduced Cu
from Cu
NADPH can react with H
and produce
in vivo, which contributes to the structural alternation
seen in a variety of diseases [34]. NADPH may cause
copper-bound PrP to be a transient reduced state,
which might result in uncertain structural changes in
or rPrP, leading to the protein being more easily
converted to PrP
. The level of extracellular NADPH
or NADH has not been determined [35], so it is
unclear whether PrP
on the cell surface can be
influenced by this chemical. However, PrP
is not
exclusively a cell-surface protein. Detectable cytoplasm
PrP in neurons [36] leads us to presume that the
abundant NADPH in cytoplasm [37] may affect PrP
molecules during the protein trafficking in endo-
plasmic reticulum or Golgi. These processes may
result the PrP
misfolds to PrP
Materials and methods
Preparation of brain homogenates
Frozen scrapie agents 263K- and 139A-infected brains [38]
were homogenized in PMCA conversion buffer, containing
1· NaCl ⁄ P
, 1% Triton X-100, 5 mm EDTA, 150 mm NaCl
and protease inhibitor cocktail tablets (Roche Applied Sci-
ence, Basel, Switzerland) as described elsewhere [23]. Crude
homogenates were centrifuged for 30 s at 5000 g, aliquots
of the supernatant (10% scrapie-infected brain homogenate,
indicated as ScBH) were serially diluted with PMCA con-
version buffer by 10-fold dilution to reach a 10
as the stock seeds. These homogenates were used immedi-
ately in subsequent experiments.
Whole normal brains were removed surgically from
purchased 5-week-old male hamsters. Brains were washed
thoroughly in cold NaCl ⁄ P
containing 50 m m EDTA to
remove as much blood as possible. After homogenization
in PMCA conversion buffer, 10% (w ⁄ v) NBH were
centrifuged for 30 s at 5000 g, and aliquots ofthe super-
natant were immediately frozen at )80 °C for subsequent
experiments. All processes of experiments, including
anaesthetic and surgical procedures, as well as animal man-
agement, have been reviewed and approved, and were
performed in accordance with the relevant China national
legislations and regulations.
Recombinant protein expression and purification
The recombinant plasmid pQE-haPrP 23–231 expressing
hamster PrP residues 23–231 and pQE-huPrP 23–230
expressing human PrP residues 23–230 were generated as
described previously [39]. The expression and purification
of the recombinant His-tagged PrP proteins (rPrP) were
performed by using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography (Qia-
gen, Hilden, Germany) as described previously [40].
Refolding ofthe recombinant PrP
After filtering with a 0.22 lm filter membrane (Millipore,
Bedford, MA, USA), the concentration ofthe purified pro-
tein solution was estimated by measuring A
. Each recom-
binant PrP was refolded by a 10-fold molar ratio of Cu
oxidation ofthe disulfide bond at room temperature for
3 h. Thereafter, the protein solution was dialysed into a
100-fold volume of NaCl ⁄ P
, pH 6.0, containing 10 mm
EDTA for 4 h. The protein solution was transferred into
fresh dialysis buffer (NaCl ⁄ P
, pH 6.0) without EDTA and
this procedure was repeated five times as described else-
where [25,41]. After filtering the pooled fractions, the con-
centration of oxidized rPrP was determined by measuring
. Estimates of rPrP purity were made by SDS ⁄ PAGE
and Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining. All final protein
preparations were diluted to 0.2 mgÆmL
in PMCA con-
version buffer and frozen at )80 °C. Solutions were kept at
4 °C once thawed.
In vitro amplification procedure
PMCA was performed on a water-bath sonicator (Misonix
sonicator 3000; Misonix, Farmingdale, NY, USA), which
had a microplate horn for PCR tubes. Ninety microliters of
NBH or 0.2 mgÆmL
rPrP were mixed with 10 lL of vari-
ous concentrations of ScBH in a volume of 100 lLin
0.2 mL PCR tubes. The tubes were positioned on the soni-
cator and amplification cycles were programmed as
described elsewhere [20,21]. One PMCA cycle consisted of
sonication at 60% potency ( 140 W) for 40 s and fol-
lowed by incubation at 37 °C for 59 min 20 s. In this study,
one round of PMCA contained 12 or 24 cycles. After each
round, 10 lL of amplified product was added to 90 lLof
fresh normal homogenates (10-fold dilution), or 1 lLof
product was added to 99 lL of fresh normal homogenates
(100-fold dilution). New mixtures were subjected to another
round. This was repeated several times to reach an ideal
NADPH can enhances PrP
propagation S. Shi et al.
1542 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 1536–1545 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
Treatment of chemicals
Chemicals, including NADPH, NADP, NADH, NAD and
ascorbate, were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis,
MO, USA). (The structures ofthe chemicals are shown in
Table S1.) All chemicals were freshly prepared as 10·
stock solutions in NaCl ⁄ P
before each experiment. Vari-
ous concentrations of chemicals were added to NBH or
rPrP solutions and gently shaken at room temperature for
10 min, followed by mixing with ScBH and subjecting to
PK digestion and western blotting assay
PMCA products were digested with PK at 37 °C for 1 h.
The concentration of PK was 50 lgÆ mL
for brain homo-
genates or 20 lgÆmL
for recombinant PrP solutions.
Reactions were stopped bythe addition of an equal vol-
ume of 2· SDS loading buffer and boiled for 10 min.
Samples were separated in 0.75 mm, 15% SDS ⁄ PAGE and
electronically transferred to poly(vinylidene diflouride)
membranes (Immobilon-P; Millipore) at 10 V for 1 h. For
immunoblotting, the membrane was blocked with 5% non-
fat milk in NaCl ⁄ P
-T and incubated with 1 : 5000 diluted
PrP mAb 3F4 (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark) in 0.5% nonfat
milk in NaCl ⁄ P
-T at room temperature for 2 h. After
washing three times in NaCl ⁄ P
-T, the membrane was
immersed in a 1 : 5000 diluted horseradish peroxidase con-
junct anti-mouse IgG (Boehringer, Ingelheim, Germany) in
NaCl ⁄ P
-T and incubated at room temperature for 2 h.
Signal detection was performed with an ECL detection kit
(GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences, Piscataway, NJ, USA).
Immunoblot images were scanned and quantified by densi-
tometry using a Gel-Pro analyser (Binta 2020D; Binta,
Beijing, China).
To estimate the concentration and number of PrP
cules, serial dilutions of scrapie-infected brain homogenate
were analysed by western blots inthe same gel as aliquots
of known concentrations of recombinant PrP (Fig. S3A)
according to the admitted protocol [18,23]. Signal intensities
were evaluated by densitometry, and the concentration of
PK-treated PrP
in these samples was calculated by extrap-
olation ofthe calibration curve calculated with recombinant
PrP (Fig. S3B). To minimize errors due to saturated or
weak signals, several dilutions were analysed and the experi-
ment was repeated three times for each dilution. In this
way, the average concentration of PrP
in scrapie-infected
brain homogenate in this study was measured to be
7.265 ngÆlL
. The number of molecules of PrP
was cal-
culated by a mathematical method, i.e. for 1 lL of ScBH,
no. of molecules = 7.265 · 10
⁄ monomeric PrP molecular
mass 35 000 · Avogadro’s number = 1.25 · 10
This work was supported by National Science and
Technology Task Force Project (2006BAD06A13-2)
National Basic Research Program of China (973 Pro-
gram) (2007CB310505), Institution Technique R&D
Grand (2008EG150300) and Chinese National Natural
Science Foundation Grants 30571672, 30500018,
30771914 and 30800975.
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Supporting information
The following supplementary material is available:
Fig. S1. (A) Evaluation the possible influence of
without sonication. (B) Evaluation
of the possible influence of NADPH on NBH during
Fig. S2. Evaluation ofthe possible influence of
NADPH on rSHaPrP during PMCA.
Fig. S3. Quantification of PrP
in scrapie-infected
brain homogenate.
Table S1. Structure of chemicals.
This supplementary material canbe found in the
online version of this article.
Please note: Wiley-Blackwell is not responsible for
the content or functionality of any supplementary
materials supplied bythe authors. Any queries (other
than missing material) should be directed to the corre-
sponding author for the article.
S. Shi et al. NADPH can enhances PrP
FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 1536–1545 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS 1545
. The propagation of hamster-adapted scrapie PrP
can be
enhanced by reduced pyridine nucleotide in vitro
Song Shi, Chen-Fang Dong, Chan Tian, Rui-Min. be involved in converting PrP
into the
abnormal isomer in vitro [11–14]. Moreover, pyridine
nucleotides, a group of coenzymes ubiquitous in bio-