Saccharomycescerevisiaecoq10nullmutants are
responsive toantimycin A
Cleverson Busso
, Erich B. Tahara
, Renata Ogusucu
, Ohara Augusto
Jose Ribamar Ferreira-Junior
, Alexander Tzagoloff
, Alicia J. Kowaltowski
and Mario H. Barros
1 Departamento de Microbiologia, Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
2 Departmento de Bioquimica, Instituto de Quimica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
3 Escola de Artes, Cie
ncias e Humanidades, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
4 Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone) is an essential electron car-
rier of the mitochondrial respiratory chain whose main
function is to transfer electrons from the NADH-
coenzyme Q and succinate-coenzyme Q reductases to
the coenzyme QH
–cytochrome c reductase (bc1) com-
plex [1]. Electron transfer in the bc1 complex occurs
through the Q-cycle [2–4], in which electrons from
reduced coenzyme Q (QH
) follow a branched path to
the iron–sulfur protein and to cytochrome b
Biosynthesis of coenzyme Q in eukaryotes occurs
in mitochondria. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the ben-
zene ring of coenzyme Q
) has a polyprenyl side
chain with six isoprenoid units [5]. The size of the iso-
prenoid chain varies among species, and affects coen-
zyme Q diffusion through cell membranes [6]. On the
other hand, at least nine yeast nuclear genes [7–9] have
been shown to be involved in the synthesis of Q
COQ10 is not involved in the synthesis of Q
interestingly, the respective mutants have Q
tory deficiencies [10–12]. All products of COQ genes,
including Coq10p, are located in the mitochondrial
inner membrane [1]. There is genetic and physical evi-
dence that enzymes of Q
biosynthesis, but not
Coq10p, form part of a multisubunit complex [13–15].
coenzyme Q; mitochondria;
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
M. H. Barros, Departamento de
Microbiologia, Instituto de Ciencias
Biomedicas, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av.
Professor Lineu Prestes, 1374, 05508-900,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Fax: 55 11 30917354
Tel: 55 11 30918456
(Received 16 June 2010, revised 3 August
2010, accepted 3 September 2010)
Deletion of COQ10 in Saccharomycescerevisiae elicits a respiratory defect
characterized by the absence of cytochrome c reduction, which is correct-
able by the addition of exogenous diffusible coenzyme Q
. Unlike other
coq mutants with hampered coenzyme Q
) synthesis, coq10 mutants
have near wild-type concentrations of Q
. In the present study, we used
Q-cycle inhibitors of the coenzyme QH
–cytochrome c reductase complex
to assess the electron transfer properties of coq10 cells. Our results show
that coq10mutants respond toantimycin A, indicating an active Q-cycle in
these mutants, even though they are unable to transport electrons through
cytochrome c and are not responsiveto myxothiazol. EPR spectroscopic
analysis also suggests that wild-type and coq10 mitochondria accumulate
similar amounts of Q
semiquinone, despite a lower steady-state level
of coenzyme QH
–cytochrome c reductase complex in the coq10 cells.
Confirming the reduced respiratory chain state in coq10 cells, we found
that the expression of the Aspergillus fumigatus alternative oxidase in these
cells leads toa decrease in antimycin-dependent H
release and improves
their respiratory growth.
AOX, alternative oxidase; bc1, coenzyme QH
–cytochrome c reductase; BN, blue native; GSH, reduced glutathione; GSSG, oxidized
glutathione; Q
, coenzyme Q
, reduced coenzyme Q; ROS, reactive oxygen species.
4530 FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 4530–4538 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS
Coq10p is a member of the START domain super-
family [10,12]. Members of this family were shown to
bind lipophilic compounds such as cholesterol [16].
When overexpressed in yeast, purified Coq10p contains
bound Q
[10,11]. The inability of Q
in coq10 mutants
to promote electron transfer to the bc1 complex sug-
gests that Coq10p might function in the delivery of Q
to its proper site in the respiratory chain. A direct role
of Coq10p in electron transfer is not completely
excluded, although it appears to be unlikely, because
of stoichiometric considerations [10]. The present stud-
ies were undertaken to assess the respiratory function-
ality of Q
in coq10mutants that are defective in the
reduction of cytochrome c. Using bc1 complex inhibi-
tors, we observed that coq10 mitochondria were
responsive toantimycinA but not to myxothiazol,
indicating an active Q-cycle and defective transfer of
to the bc1 Rieske protein. EPR spectroscopic
analysis also suggests that wild-type and coq10 mito-
chondria have similar amounts of Q
even with a lower steady-state level of bc1 complex.
On the other hand, the expression of Aspergillus fumig-
atus alternative oxidase (AOX) [17], which transports
electrons directly from QH
to oxygen, reduced H
release in coq10 cells and improved their respiratory
Effect of antimycinA and myxothiazol on
semiquinone formation in the coq10 mutant
Antimycin A and myxothiazol are well-known inhibi-
tors of the bc1 complex, acting, respectively, at the
N-site and P-site of the Q-cycle [18–21]. Both inhibi-
tors enhance the formation of oxygen radicals from
the P-site [20,21]. AntimycinA binds to the N-site and
blocks oxidation of cytochrome b
, resulting in a
reverse flow of electrons from cytochrome b
coenzyme Q to form the semiquinone (Fig. 1).
Myxothiazol, on the other hand, binds to the P-site
and prevents the reduction of cytochrome b
, but
allows slow reduction of the Rieske iron–sulfur protein
[4,20]. An increase in the amount of myxothiazol-
dependent semiquinone is thought to occur at the
P-site, owing to incomplete inhibition of ubiquinone
oxidation [20–22]. However, the existence of semiqui-
nones at the P-site is still controversial [20,23].
The functionality of the P-site in acoq10 mutant
was studied by examining antimycin A-dependent or
myxothiazol-dependent production of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) by assaying for H
[21,22]. Yeast
strains with different respiratory capacities were also
used as controls. Therefore, the effects of the two
inhibitors were also tested in the parental wild-type
strain, in a coq2 mutant lacking Q
as a result of a
deletion in the gene for p-hydroxybenzoate:polyprenyl
transferase (which catalyzes the second step of coen-
zyme Q biosynthesis [24]), in a bcs1 mutant arrested in
assembly of the bc1 complex [25], and in wild-type and
coq10 cells harboring the pYES2–AfAOX plasmid,
expressing A. fumigatus AOX under the control of the
GAL10 promoter [17]. A. fumigatus AOX transfers
electrons directly from QH
to oxygen [17].
Antimycin A increased H
release in wild-type
and coq10 mitochondria. However, a clear my-
xothiazol-dependent increase occurred only in the wild
type (Fig. 2A). On the other hand, the spontaneously
high H
release seen in the coq2 and bcs1 mutants
suggests greater accumulation of flavin free radicals at
the NADH and ⁄ or succinate dehydrogenase sites.
Under conditions of Q
deficiency, when the oxidation
of reduced Q
is blocked as a result of a defective bc1
complex or respiratory inhibitor, keeping the FMN
flavin reduced, NADH-coenzyme Q reductase (com-
plex I) of mammalian and other mitochondria, includ-
ing those of most yeast, has been shown to produce
Fig. 1. Protonmotive Q-cycle of electron transfer and proton trans-
location in the bc1 complex. The Q-cycle depicted schematically is
based on Trumpower et al. and Snyder et al. [4,32], showing the
pathway of electron transfer from reduced QH
to cytochrome c.
At the P-site, two electrons are transferred in a concerted manner
from QH
to the iron–sulfur protein and to cytochrome b
. My-
xothiazol (Myx) binds to the P-site and prevents electron transfer to
the Rieske protein. At the N-site, coenzyme Q (Q) is reduced by
cytochrome b
, first to the semiquinone and then to QH
. This step
is inhibited by antimycin (Ant), which binds to the N-site. The stip-
pled arrows show the pathway of reduction of coenzyme Q to the
semiquinone at the P-site in the presence of antimycinA or my-
xothiazol. The semiquinone formed in the presence of myxothiazol
is the result of a slow leak of electrons to the iron–sulfur protein
C. Busso et al. Coq10p function in coenzyme Q delivery
FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 4530–4538 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS 4531
ROS [26]. NADH-coenzyme Q reducta se of S. cerevisiae
also contains FMN but is evolutionarily distinct from
complex I. Even so, conditions that prevent reduction
of Q
in S. cerevisiae may be expected to also favor
increased production of H
through accumulation
of flavin semiquinones.
We reasoned that the presence of a bypass for
reduced coenzyme Q might alleviate the production of
ROS in the coq10 mitochondria, and, indeed, we did
observe less H
in the mutant expressing the AOX
of A. fumigatus.
Indeed, ROS production in the coq10 mutant was
enhanced by a factor of 4–6 (Fig. 2A), whereas in the
coq10 ⁄ AOX transformant, H
release was only two
times that observed in the wild-type cells. There was
also a decrease in antimycin A-dependent release in
the mutant strain expressing AOX. AntimycinA stim-
ulation in the coq10 mutant, however, was qualitatively
different from that seen in the coq2 or bcs1 mutants.
Antimycin A elicited a three-fold increase in ROS
formation in the coq10 mutant when normalized to
the rate measured in the absence of inhibitor. In
agreement with a previous report [21], antimycin A
increased the rate of H
release in wild-type and
AOX transformants, but had no effect in the coq2 and
bcs1 mutants over and above the rate seen without the
inhibitor (Fig. 2B). The ability of antimycinAto stim-
ulate ROS formation in the coq10 mutant suggests that
electron transfer from the low-potential cytochrome b
to Q
at the P-site does not depend on Coq10p.
Myxothiazol also increased H
production in wild-
type mitochondria, although the increase over the
basal rate was less pronounced (three-fold). However,
in the coq10 mutant and in the coq10 ⁄ AOX transfor-
mant, there were no significant effects on H
attributable to the addition of myxothiazol. Overex-
pression of COQ8 partially suppresses the coq10
mutant respiratory defect [10]. Accordingly, we found
that the presence of extra COQ8 in these experiments
decreased the rate of H
release, whereas antimy-
cin A treatment promoted H
levels similar to those
in the wild-type strains and coq10 ⁄ AOX transformant.
On the other hand, we also observed that the COQ8-
overexpressing strain showed a slight, but statistically
significant, increase in H
release when in the
presence of myxothiazol.
The expression of the GAL10–AfAOX fusion in
coq10 cells also improved their respiratory growth
when they were preincubated in media containing
galactose (Fig. 2B). However, the specific enzymatic
activity of NADH-cytochrome c reductase of coq10 ⁄
AOX transformants did not change significantly
(Fig. 2C). Curiously, wild-type cells harboring the
Fig. 2. Antimycin-dependent and myxothiazol-dependent production
of H
. Mitochondria were isolated from the following strains:
wild-type W303-1A; the coq mutants aW303DCOQ2 (coq2) and
aW303DCOQ10 (coq10); the bc1-deficient mutant aW303DBCS1
(bcs1); and wild-type cells and coq10mutants transformed with
pYES2–AfAOX (wt + AOX and coq10 + AOX) and YEp352–COQ8
[10] (coq10 + COQ8). (A) Mitochondria (100 lg of protein) were
assayed as described in Experimental procedures for H
before and after the addition of 0.5 lgÆmL
antimycin A or myxo-
thiazol at a final concentration of 0.5 l
M. Both inhibitors increase
the basal rate of single-electron reduction of oxygen, which gener-
ates the superoxide radical O
[21], which then dismutates to
[30]. The vertical bars indicate ranges of four independent
experiments. *P < 0.01 versus absence of inhibitor; statistical analy-
sis and comparisons were performed with an unpaired Student’s
t-test, conducted by
GRAPHPAD PRISM software. (B) Respiratory
growth properties of wild-type cells, coq10 mutants, and respective
transformants with pYES2–AfAOX (wt + AOX, coq10 + AOX) after
pregrowth on glucose medium (YPD) or galactose medium (YPGal).
(C) Measurements of NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity in isolated
mitochondria from wild-type cells and coq10mutants and respective
transformants with pYES2–AfAOX (wt + AOX, coq10 + AOX), with
or without the addition of 1 l
M of synthetic coenzyme Q
). The
vertical bars indicate ranges of four independent experiments.
Coq10p function in coenzyme Q delivery C. Busso et al.
4532 FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 4530–4538 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS
AOX plasmid had less NADH-cytochrome c reductase
activity than untransformed cells, but the addition of
synthetic Q
to wild-type ⁄ AOX mitochondria re-estab-
lished the enzymatic activity to wild-type levels, indi-
cating that the AOX electronic bypass is responsible
for this decrease.
Detection of semiquinones by EPR spectroscopy
and the steady-state level of bc1 complex in the
coq10 mutant
The presence of Q6 semiquinones in coq10 mutants
was checked by low-temperature EPR spectroscopy of
wild-type, coq10 and coq1 mitochondria. The mito-
chondria of coq1 mutantsare completely devoid of Q
whereas coq10 organelles have near wild-type levels of
[10]. Spectra were obtained from mitochondria with
membrane potentials maintained at 65 mV by the
addition of extramitochondrial KCl [27] and with suc-
cinate as a respiratory substrate, to minimize the con-
tribution of flavins to the semiquinone signal at
g 2.005 [28,29]. Under these conditions, the magni-
tude of the g 2.005 signal was comparable in wild-
type and coq10 mitochondria, but was significantly
lower in the coq1 mutant (Fig. 3). Because of the
absence of Q
in the coq1 mutant, this signal is most
likely derived from flavin semiquinones (Fig. 3A).
Semiquinone concentrations in these samples were
estimated by double integration of the EPR spectrum
and comparison with the standard 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-
tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy solution scanned under
the same conditions. The calculated value for the wild-
type mitochondria was 1.3 nmolÆmg protein
, whereas
that for the coq10 mutant was 1.7 nmolÆmg protein
Fig. 3. Detection of semiquinone by EPR spectroscopy and bc1 steady-state level. (A) Representative low-temperature EPR spectra of mito-
chondria isolated from W303 wild-type cells (wt) and coq10 and coq1 mutants maintained at 65 mV by the addition of KCl and succinate.
The experimental conditions were as described in Experimental procedures. Spectra were obtained with a microwave power of 10 mW, a
modulation amplitude of 5 G, a time constant of 81.920 ms, and a scan rate of 5.96 GÆs
. The receiver gain was 1.12 · 10
. Arrows corre-
spond to the expected signal peaks for semiquinones (g 2.004) and iron–sulfur centers (g 1.94). (B) Western blot of bc 1 complex
subunit polypeptides. Mitochondrial proteins from wild-type cells (wt) and coq10mutants (5, 15 and 30 lg) were separated on a 12%
polyacrylamide gel as indicated. The proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose, and separately probed with antiserum against Rieske iron–
sulfur protein, core 1, cytochrome c
, and cytochrome b. (C) Mitochondria from wild-type cells (wt) and coq10 and coq2 mutants were
isolated with 2% digitonin, and samples representing 250 mg of starting mitochondrial protein were analyzed by BN-PAGE, the immunoblot
of which was probed with antiserum against cytochrome b. Estimated molecular masses are indicated, and were based on the migration of
⁄ F
-ATPase dimmers and monomers [42].
C. Busso et al. Coq10p function in coenzyme Q delivery
FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 4530–4538 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS 4533
The semiquinone concentration in the coq1 mutant
was not calculated, because the spectrum obtained for
this mutant contained a depression close to the semi-
quinone signal, precluding quantification by double
integration. The signals detected at g 1.94, corre-
sponding to the iron–sulfur centers, were similar in the
two mutants. Approximately half of the coq10 q
and one-fifth of the coq1 q
cells were converted to q
and q
after cell growth for mitochondrial preparation.
There area number of cellular events that lead to
mitochondrial DNA instability in yeast [30]. We can
speculate that changes in the mitochondrial redox state
may trigger the observed instability in these coq
mutants. Nevertheless, this fact could also explain their
lower iron–sulfur signal as compared with wild-type
mitochondria. In order to evaluate the presence of the
bc1 complex in the coq10 mutant mitochondria, the
steady-state concentrations of some bc1 subunits were
checked and compared with those of wild-type mito-
chondria, using different amounts of mitochondrial
proteins for quantitative evaluation (Fig. 3B). Western
blot analyses with subunit-specific antibodies revealed
six-fold less cytochrome b, and half to two orders of
magnitude decreases in the amounts of cytochrome c
Rieske iron–sulfur and core 1 proteins in the coq10
mitochondria, probably as a consequence of the coq10
mitochondrial DNA instability. On the other hand, in
a coq2 mutant, the steady-state levels of these bc1 com-
plex proteins were one-quarter lower than that of the
wild type (not shown). Accordingly, the addition of
diffusible Q
to the coq10 mitochondria restored less
than half of the NADH-cytochrome c reductase activ-
ity of the wild type (Fig. 2C), which is also observed in
other coq mutants [9,14,24]. In agreement with this
lower concentration of bc1 complex subunits in the
coq10 mutant, Fig. 3C shows one-dimensional blue
native (BN)-PAGE of wild-type, coq10 and coq2 mito-
chondrial digitonin extracts, immunodetected with
apocytochrome b. The predominant signal indicates
the presence of high molecular mass complexes in the
wild-type and in the coq10 mitochondrial digitonin
extracts, but with altered size in the coq2 extract, as
detected previously in a coq4 point mutant [31]. These
high molecular mass complexes correspond to respira-
tory supercomplexes, which in yeast should involve the
association of cytochrome c oxidase and bc1 complex
dimer [32]. Immunodetection with antibodies against
Cox4p also revealed the same high molecular mass
complexes at the same size and intensity (not shown).
It is noteworthy that coq10 mitochondrial extracts
revealed complexes of apparently the same size as
those of the wild type, but much less abundant. Alto-
gether, the EPR spectra and bc1 complex steady-state
levels suggest that even with less active bc1 complex in
the coq10 mitochondria, they accumulate semiquinone
concentrations similar to those of the wild type.
Superoxide anion formation and redox state of
coq mutants
Leakage of electrons emanating from NADH and suc-
cinate reduce oxygen to the superoxide anion, which is
dismutated to H
[33]. As already noted, the H
assays indicated substantially higher rates of superox-
ide production in the coq10 mutant and in the coq2
mutant (lacking Q
) (Fig. 3B). Measurements of cellu-
lar glutathione, a natural ROS scavenger, were used to
further assess the redox state of mutants blocked in
electron transfer at the level of the bc1 complex. The
increased oxidant production in coq10 and coq2
mutants was supported by their significantly greater
content of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) than of
reduced glutatione (GSH) and total glutathione
(Fig. 4).
The yeast COQ10 gene codes for a mitochondrial inner
membrane protein that binds Q
and is essential for
respiration [10–12]. Unlike coq1–9 mutants, which fail
to synthesize Q
[7–9], yeast coq10mutants have nor-
mal amounts of Q
, but respiration is completely
restored by the addition of the more diffusible Q
The ability of Coq10p to bind Q
suggested that one
of its functions might be the delivery ⁄ exchange of Q
Fig. 4. Whole-cell glutathione in wild-type cells and coq10 mutants.
(A) GSSG and total glutathione were assayed in whole cells as pre-
viously described [33]. Briefly, total glutathione was determined
with 76 l
M 5,5¢-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) in the presence of
0.27 m
M NADPH and 0.12 UÆmL
glutathione reductase. The
GSSG level was estimated by incubation of cells for 1 h in the pres-
ence of 5 m
M N-ethylmaleimide at pH 7. The concentration of GSH
was calculated from the difference between total glutathione and
GSSG, and used to express the GSSG ⁄ GSH ratio. The values
reported are averages of three independent measurements with
the ranges indicated by the vertical bars.
Coq10p function in coenzyme Q delivery C. Busso et al.
4534 FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 4530–4538 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS
between the bc1 complex and the large pool of free Q
during electron transport [10]. This idea was supported
by the homology of Coq10p to the reading frame
CC1736 of Caulobacter crescentus, which codes for a
member of the START superfamily [10,12] that is
implicated in the delivery of polycyclic compounds
such as cholesterol. These compounds bind toa hydro-
phobic tunnel that is a structural hallmark of this pro-
tein family. Another possible function of Coq10p was
proposed to be in the transport of Q
from its site of
synthesis to its active sites in the bc1 complex, which
would also require Coq10p binding to Q
To better understand the function of Coq10p, we
tested the reducibility of Q
in acoq10null mutant in
the presence of inhibitors that block Q
binding to the
P (o)-site and N (i)-site of the bc1 complex. Reduction
of Q
was also examined by comparing the EPR sig-
nals associated with semiquinone radicals in wild-type
and mutant mitochondria, and by measuring their con-
centrations of GSSG and GSH. As glutathione is an
effective scavenger of ROS, the ratio of GSSG to GSH
serves as an index of redox state.
Inhibition of respiration in mammalian and yeast
mitochondria with antimycinA has previously been
shown to increase the rate of coenzyme Q reduction to
form oxygen radicals [20,21]. In agreement with these
data, addition of antimycinA and myxothiazol to
respiratory-competent yeast mitochondria was found
to stimulate oxygen radical formation by six-fold and
three-fold, respectively, as inferred by the rate of H
released. A significant (three-fold) antimycin A-depen-
dent increase in ROS production was also observed in
the coq10 mutant. The stimulation by antimycinA was
not observed in a bc1 mutant or in mutants lacking
, and was much lower in the coq10 mutant when
myxothiazol was used. The increase in ROS produc-
tion in the presence of antimycinA indicates that the
mutant is capable of transferring an electron from
cytochrome b
to Q
at the P-site. Coq10p is therefore
not required for the accessibility of Q
to the cyto-
chrome b
center at the P-site. Moreover, the presence
of the A. fumigatus AOX [17] as a bypass for reduced
coenzyme Q alleviates H
release from the coq10
mutant, and even improves respiratory growth. These
results are also supported by EPR spectroscopy of
mitochondria. The signal at g 2.005 corresponds to
semiquinones, and had a lower magnitude in coq1
mitochondria. As this mutant lacks Q
, the residual
signal at g 2.005 is most likely contributed by flavin
semiquinone. Because of the lower steady-state level of
bc1 complex in the coq10 mitochondria, the real mag-
nitude of the EPR signal should be larger in the
mutant than in wild-type cells.
The possible myxothiazol-dependent reduction of Q
to the semiquinone at the P-site has been proposed to
result from incomplete inhibition of electron transfer
to the iron–sulfur protein [19,20,34]. In the strains
tested, the presence of myxothiazol elevated H
release only in the wild-type cells and in the coq10
mutant overexpressing COQ8.
The Q
-deficient mitochondria of the coq2 mutant
had a higher basal rate of ROS production than the
wild type. The sources of the extra ROS are probably
NADH and succinate dehydrogenase-associated flav-
ins. Similar results were reported for a Q
coq7 mutant, but only when the mitochondria were
assayed at 42 °C [35]. As the assays in the present
study were performed at 30 °C, the difference in ROS
production may stem from the genetic background of
the W303 strain used in the present study, which
could engender a feebler oxidative stress response
[36]. Our experiments do not distinguish between fla-
vin and Q
as the source of the increased free radicals
in the bcs1 mutant. It is worth emphasizing that even
though the coq2 and bcs1 mutants both displayed
higher basal rates of ROS production, these were
not further enhanced by the addition of antimycin A,
as was the case with wild-type and coq10 mutant
Experimental procedures
Yeast strains and growth media
The genotypes and sources of the yeast strains used in this
study are listed in Table 1. The compositions of YPD,
YPEG and minimal glucose medium have been described
elsewhere [10].
Oxygen consumption
Mitochondrial and spheroplast oxygen consumption was
monitored on a computer-interfaced Clark-type electrode at
30 °C with 1 mm malate ⁄ glutamate, 2% ethanol or 1 lmol
of NADH as substrate in the presence of mitochondria at
400 lgÆmL protein
, or spheroplasts at 600 lgÆmL
cell protein. All measurements were carried out in the pres-
ence of 0.002% digitonin. In order to block cytochrome c
oxidase respiration, 1 mm KCN was added at the end of
the trace.
formation in mitochondria was monitored for 10 min
at 30 °C in a buffer containing 50 lm Amplex Red
(Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA), 0.5 UÆmL
C. Busso et al. Coq10p function in coenzyme Q delivery
FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 4530–4538 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS 4535
peroxidase (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA), 2% ethanol, 1 mm
malate, 6 mm glutamate and 100 lgÆmL
protein. Resorufin production was recorded with a fluores-
cence spectrophotometer at 563 nm excitation and 587 nm
emission. A calibration curve of known amounts of H
was used to convert fluorescence to concentration of H
Antimycin A and myxothiazol were added to final concentra-
tions of 0.5 lgÆmL
and 0.5 lm, respectively.
Glutathione assays
GSSG, GSH and total glutathione were determined in late
stationary phase with the 5,5¢-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid)
colorimetric assay [37].
EPR spectroscopy
EPR spectra were recorded at 77 K with a Bruker EMX
spectrometer equipped with an ER4122 SHQ 9807 high-
sensitivity cavity. For these experiments, 8 mg of mitochon-
drial protein suspended in 0.6 m sorbitol, 10 mm Tris ⁄ HCl
(pH 7.5) and 1 mm EDTA were maintained at 65 mV by
incubation for 2 min with KCl (12.4 mm), valinomycin
(0.1 lgÆmL
) and succinate (1 mm final) [27]. The samples
were immediately transferred toa 1 mL disposable syringe,
frozen, and stored in liquid nitrogen until analysis. Spectra
were acquired by extrusion of the samples from the syringe
into a finger-tip Dewar flask containing liquid nitrogen,
and were examined at 77 K in the region of g 2.000 [38].
The spectra shown here were corrected by baseline subtrac-
tions. The spectrum of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (g =
2.004), and those of known concentrations of 4-hydroxy-
2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy, acquired under the
same conditions, were used as standards for determining
the g-values and semiquinone concentrations, respectively.
Miscellaneous procedures
Measurements of respiratory enzymes were performed as
described previously [39]. Mitochondria were prepared from
yeast grown in rich media containing galactose as a carbon
source [40]. Western blot quantifications were performed
with 1dscan ex software (Scanalytics, Fairfax, VA, USA)
For BN-PAGE, mitochondrial proteins were extracted with
a 2% final concentration of digitonin, and separated on a
4–13% linear polyacrylamide gel [41]. Proteins were trans-
ferred toa poly(vinylidene difluoride) membrane and
probed with rabbit polyclonal antibodies against yeast cyto-
chrome b. The antibody–antigen complexes were visualized
with the SuperSignal chemiluminescent substrate kit (Pierce
Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL, USA).
We thank C. F. Clarke (University of California) for
providing yeast strains, and T. Magnanini and S. A.
Uyemura (Universidade de Sao Paulo) for the
A. fumigatus AOX plasmid. We are indebted to
E. Linares (IQ-USP) and F. Gomes (ICB-USP) for
technical assistance. This work was supported by
grants and fellowships from the Fundac¸ a
o de Amparo
a Pesquisa de Sa
o Paulo (FAPESP – 2007 ⁄ 01092-5;
2006 ⁄ 03713-4), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimen-
to Cientı
fico e Tecnolo
gico (CNPq 470058 ⁄ 2007-2),
and INCT de Processos Redox em Biomedicina-Red-
oxoma (CNPq-FAPESP ⁄ CAPES), and Research Grant
HL022174 from the National Institutes of Health.
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Cleverson Busso
, Erich B. Tahara
, Renata Ogusucu
, Ohara Augusto
Jose. Ribamar Ferreira-Junior
, Alexander Tzagoloff
, Alicia J. Kowaltowski
and Mario H. Barros
1 Departamento de Microbiologia, Instituto de Ciencias