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TOPIC 1 ONLINE LEARNING In recent years, there has been a lot of online learning because of the pandemic Some people assume that online learning is inefficient However, others argue that online learni.

TOPIC 1: ONLINE LEARNING In recent years, there has been a lot of online learning because of the pandemic Some people assume that online learning is inefficient However, others argue that online learning has some advantages In this essay, I will focus on the positive aspects of online learning One of the most notable benefits of online education is the provision of a flexible learning schedule which meet the needs of working students, parents and adults It allows learners to study at a time and place of their choice It also gives them the option to continue with school from whatever location they choose, be that from home, workplace or any other location that is convenient to them Additionally, online education provides superior quality learning opportunities Course materials are accessible all the time, enabling students to read and re-read discussions, lectures and explanations This provides students the chance to take time composing their thoughts on lectures as well as to mix and match courses One more thing is that learning online brings students more study options Students can study entirely on their own, or they may have the option of teaming up with a group of fellow students to form a study group that meets online for class They may also have the option of joining an online chat room or forum where they can network with other students who share their interests In conclusion, there are potential benefits of learning online that learners can experience such as increasing educational access, providing high quality learning opportunities, and expanding options for educational choice TOPIC 2: SMOKING In recent decades, heated debates have centered on the smoking in public places Some people suggest smoking should be banned in the public I totally agree with this view for the following reasons The first reason which drives governments to ban smoking relates to fire risk Smoking can increase the risks of fire in places with highly flammable materials For example, lots of forest fires have been caused because a smoker has thrown a cigarette lit up in the forest Therefore, thousands of trees and animals have died The second reason is that it is harmful for passive smokers It runs a high risk of serious health problems for non-smokers Apart from heart diseases, other health hazards that are becoming increasingly are cancer and cirrhosis Also, many people these days suffer from asthma and as reported by a research, most of them are non-smokers The last reason is that smoking pollutes the environment Smoking one cigarette results in the releases a huge quantity of CO2 and other toxins into the atmosphere that pollutes the air seriously This pollution could harm human and animal life But the damage to the environment does not stop there Discarded cigarette butts are frequently littered on public streets and entryways, which worsens the beauty of landscape In conclusion, it is clear that government should ban smoke in public places This could have positive impacts on both community health and development of society TOPIC 3: WATCHING TV It is argued that children shouldn’t be allowed to watch TV, whereas other people believe that TV brings various benefits to them I personally agree with the second group On the one hand, there are a number of reasons why some people think that children’s development would be negatively affected by watching TV The first reason is that sitting in front of TV screens for too long is detrimental to children’s health Many kids these days suffer from various health problems such as obesity, eye strain or fatigue due to prolonged television watching Another reason is that many TV programmes and movies contain violent contents or sexual images which are inappropriate for children to watch Heavy exposure to violent movies can put a child at a higher risk of violent behaviour, which could ruin their future On the other hand, I personally believe that television has an essential role to play in the development of children Watching educational TV programmes gives children the opportunity to widen their horizons and enrich their knowledge of the world they live in Planet Earth and Discovery Channel are prime examples Their programmes not only take the viewer into unknown natural habitats which are home to various plants and animals, but also educate them about the importance of preserving the wonders of the Earth In addition, many TV shows and channels provide children with limitless knowledge of almost every aspect of life A programme called ‘Talent show for kids?’, for example, not only gives children enjoyable moments but also informs them about various subjects In conclusion, although some people say that watching TV is harmful to children, I would argue that it is very beneficial for them TOPIC 4: STUDYING ABROAD In recent years, more and more students tend to survey abroad When pursuing educational opportunities overseas is widely considered as a life – transforming chance, studying abroad brings some disadvantages to learners The very first and inevitable obstacle when studying overseas is how to be well adapted to new environment Students may experience a variety of “culture shocks” and have to adjust to these For example, a Vietnamese college junior may find it difficult to drive on the left; while a British one may encounter problems using chopsticks during meals Moreover, one cannot exclude the fact that to maintain their lives in another country costs a great amount of money Rental fees, tuition fees and living expenses are three main financial problems for students to confront Even for those who succeed in handling their budget, they may feel obliged to study hard to meet the money their families support Another challenge awaiting the students is how to maintain the relationship with their families People may no longer find their link with their acquaintances as close-knit as it used to be after some years living abroad This remains a great moral problem to be taken into account, especially in the present modern era In conclusion, students studying abroad may have to combat problems of adaptability, finance and relationship However, there is no insoluble problem as long as people are keen enough to overcome it TOPIC 5: INTERNET We need the internet for our daily activities Although the internet has several advantages, we cannot turn a blind eye to its disadvantages Firstly, the use of the internet is a significant source of distraction to youngsters Surfing the web causes addition to people of all ages It consumes our valuable time of study and work We are unable to concentrate on essential things Children spend their time playing games, connecting with friends on social media, exchanging pictures, etc Secondly, continuously sitting on the internet causes several illnesses, such as obesity, backaches,eye defect, poor posture, etc It gives rise to an unhealthy lifestyle, which lacks the movement of the muscles – sitting on the computer for a long duration results in adverse health issues Thirdly, since the invasion of the internet, there is an increase in cybercrime which people may commit through the internet network It threatens the security of an individual, national security, or banking Several internet crimes include hacking, scamming, infecting the computer through viruses, stealing identity, stealing personal data, etc Lastly, the children who are in their molding years can get easily swayed by the inappropriate content on the internet If children are using the internet without adult supervision, they may land on a website that may misguide them They are too young to understand what is right or wrong information Being aware of the harmful effects of the internet, we should not let it dominate our lives Instead, we should spend quality time with family, and indulge in playing outdoor games, which can bring us a healthier mind and soul

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2022, 22:56
