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MINISTRY OF FINANCE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE - MARKETING FOREIGN LANGUAGE FACULTY - - AN INTERNSHIP REPORT ON DESIGNING PACKAGE TOURS FOR FOREIGN TOURISTS AT DOMESTIC TRAVEL CENTER OF BENTHANH TOURIST (March – Ma 021) Reporter: Nguyễn Thị Ái Vân Code: 1721001842 Class: 17DTA3 Course: 2017 - 2021 Supervising lecturer: Trần Thúy Quỳnh My, M.A Ho Chi Minh City, May 2021 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com ACKNOWLEDGMENTS With the sincerest gratitude, the reporter would like to express her deepest thanks to everyone for helping her to complete the internship report on “Designing Package Tours for Foreign Tourists at Domestic Travel Center of BenThanh Tourist” from March – Ma 021 First of all, the reporter would like to express her sincere thanks to Ms Trần Thúy Quỳnh My, the lecturer who assisted her in completing the report With the dedication of a lecturer, Ms My guided, and explained the author's questions during the report writing process Then, the reporter is grateful to Mr Cao Văn Tùng, Director of Domestic Travel Center of BenThanh Tourist, who directly guided her work during the internship Mr Tùng has dedicatedly trained the reporter with the basic knowledge and skills on tourism and helped her to carry out daily tasks Besides, she also thanks the other staff who enthusiastically helped her and gave her many valuable experiences Next, the reporter would like to thank the leadership of the and the lecturers who have taught her for four years The knowledge that she learned during the course is a solid foundation for finding an excellent job in the future Finally, she thanks her family for supporting and motivating her to complete her report and university course Sincerely, Reporter, Nguyễn Thị Ái Vân i TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com ABSTRACT For decades, the smokeless industry, especially trade and tourism, has been thriving worldwide Vietnam has strengths in tourism, a territory stretching through many terrains, diverse cultures, and long history UNESCO recognizes many destinations in Vietnam as world cultural heritages From these advantages, over the years, Vietnam has promoted tourism development, focused on investing in tourism exploitation and attracting foreign tourists BenThanh Tourist (BTT) was established in 1989, after more than three decades, BTT has achieved many achievements Above all, BTT has consistently received the trust of domestic and foreign tourists Operating in many fields in tourism such as travel, restaurants, hotels, air ticket agents, jewelry, but BTT always focuses on developing the travel segment, which is the strength of BTT After learning about BTT, the author was impressed and wanted to retain knowledge and gain practical experience in the working process Born and grown up in Ben Tre province, the author realizes the development potential of eco-tourism - culture - cuisine here More and more tourists have come to Vietnam to enjoy these types of tourism in recent years With the dream of developing tourism in Ben Tre, the author has decided to choose the theme of designing a package tour in her hometown The main purpose of this report is to complete the graduation thesis of the university program majoring in Business English The report also sent some recommendations to the Foreign Language Faculty and herself The five-chapter report begins with information on BTT and Domestic Travel Center in chapter Next, she presents the basic concepts that she applied during her work in chapter Chapter describes the work she did during her 3-month internship at BTT The knowledge and experience accumulated during her internship are presented in chapter Finally, she concludes the report and gives some recommendations in chapter ii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com TÓM TẮT Trong nhiều thập kỷ qua, ngành công nghiệp không khói, đặc biệt thương mại du lịch phát triển mạnh toàn giới Việt Nam quốc gia mạnh du lịch, lãnh thổ trải dài qua nhiều địa hình, văn hóa đa dạng lịch sử lâu đời Nhiều điểm đến Việt Nam UNESCO công nhận di sản văn hóa giới Từ thuận lợi đó, nhiều năm qua Việt Nam đẩy mạnh phát triển du lịch, tập trung đầu tư khai thác du lịch thu hút khách nước BenThanh Tourist (BTT) thành lập vào năm 1989, sau ba thập kỷ, BTT đạt nhiều thành tựu, hết BTT nhận lịng tin du khách ngồi nước Hoạt động nhiều mảng lĩnh vực du lịch lữ hành, nhà hàng khách sạn, đại lí vé máy bay, trang sức BTT phát triển mảng lữ hành vốn mạnh BTT Sau tìm hiểu BTT, tác giả ấn tượng mong muốn thực tập để học hỏi kiến thức tích lũy kinh nghiệm thực tế Sinh lớn lên tỉnh Bến Tre, tác giả nhận thấy tiềm phát triển loại hình du lịch sinh thái – văn hóa - ẩm thực Trong năm gần đây, lượng du khách Âu – Mỹ Úc đến Việt Nam ngày nhiều để trải nghiệm loại hình Cùng với mong muốn phát triển du lịch quê hương, tác giả định chọn thiết kế tour trọn gói làm đề tài tốt nghiệp với mục tiêu thiết kế tour q hương Mục đích báo cáo hồn thành khóa luận tốt nghiệp chương trình học đại học ngành Ngơn ngữ Anh, chun ngành Tiếng Anh Kinh doanh Báo cáo gửi vài kiến nghị đến khoa Ngoại ngữ thân tác giả Bài báo cáo gồm chương bắt đầu thông tin BTT Domestic Travel Center chương Tiếp theo, trình bày khái niệm mà cô vận dụng trình làm việc chương Chương mơ tả công việc cô thực tháng thực tập BTT Các kiến thức kinh nghiệm tích lũy q trình thực tập thể chương Cuối cùng, cô kết luận báo cáo gửi gắm vài kiến nghị chương iii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com SUPERVISING LECTURER’S REMARKS Progress score: The report’s score & comments: INTERNSHIP ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Number SCORE Form Accuracy Images, graphics References, sources Academic style Introduction Company Department Basic concepts Job description Findings Experiences Conclusions Recommendations Total Supervising lecturer’s signature v TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com REVIEWER’S REMARK INTERNSHIP ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Number SCORE Form Accuracy Images, graphics References, sources Academic style Introduction Company Department Basic concepts Job description Findings Experiences Conclusions Recommendations Total Reviewer’s signature vi TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS i ABSTRACT ii TÓM TẮT iii COMPANY’S COMMENTS iv SUPERVISING LECTURER’S REMARKS v REVIEWER’S REMARK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF TABLES ix INTRODUCTION CHAPTER AN OVERVIEW OF BENTHANH TOURIST AND DOMESTIC TRAVEL CENTER 1.1 An overview of the company 1.2 An overview of the department 12 CHAPTER BASIC CONCEPTS 14 2.1 Tourism 14 2.2 Package tours 15 2.3 The importance of tourism to the economy 17 2.4 Foreign tourists to Việt Nam 19 2.5 Package tour design process 25 CHAPTER JOB DESCRIPTION 28 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND EXPERIENCES 37 4.1 Findings 37 4.2 Experiences 39 CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION40 5.1 Conclusions 40 5.2 Recommendations 40 vii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com REFERENCES 42 APPENDIXES 44 Tour itinerary 44 Selling price 45 Cost list 46 viii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com LIST OF FIGURES Figure BenThanh Tourist Headquarters in Hồ Chí M Figure Company structure Figure Statistics on the foreign tourists markets to Việt Nam in the period 2015 2019 LIST OF Table BenThanh Tourist basic information Table Department basic information Table The tour “3 coconut islands for day Table The tour “3 coconut islands for day Table The tour’s cost list ix TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com Classification by territory of operation: international tourism, domestic tourism Classification by geographical characteristics of tourist destinations: coastal tourism, mountain tourism, urban tourism, country tourism Classification by means of transport: bicycle travel, car travel, train travel, boat travel, air travel Classification by type of accommodation: hotel, youth hostel, camping, bungaloue, tourist village Classification by age of tourism: teen tourism, youth tourism, middleaged tourism, elderly tourism Classification by trip length: short-term travel, long-term travel Classification by form of organization: group travel, individual travel, family travel Classification by contract type: package tours, partial tours (Tổng hợp loại hình du lịch Việt Nam nay) 2.2 Package tours 2.2.1 Definition In the world, there are many concepts of package tours According to Holloway's definition in 1983, a package tour is an integrated tourism product that includes travel, TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com accommodation, meals, and entertainment for tourists Similar to Holloway, Gregorg (n.d) assumes that a tour package is an itinerary that includes specific elements, arranged and promoted by the tour operator with a brochure and paid for in full by tourists before commencing the trip Technically, a package tour is an overall tourism product as it often includes transportation, accommodation, food, and sightseeing activities, managed and operated by tour operators Saving time, increasing the seasonality of a destination cost, earning foreign currency, giving a better quality of products, professional services, widening various package tours, provide bulk business to organizers are vital benefits of package tours 15 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com At the same time, this type of tourism also offers many services for tour operators and tourists In addition, the package tour is also a smart choice for many travelers who are looking for deals The package tour also ensures tourist’s safety, and the tour guide always supports them (Tour Package) 2.2.2 History of package tour The term ‘tour’ was in vogue as early as 1670 The introduction of a rail link between the major centers in 1830, had a profound impact on the pleasure travelers for the first time By the early 1730’s the small fishing resorts around the British coast begin to attract tourists seeking to their diseases by drinking the seawater or by immersing themselves in it The result of the process was that many European historic and cultural centers were opened to the British tourist Many entrepreneurs began to inspire rail travel by organizing excursions for the public at discounted offers The British people traveled to widen their knowledge of the continent, especially to study the culture and social life This practice was gradually adopted by other lovers of cultural centers To the origin of the package tour, in 1855, Thomas Cook extended his business operation to different countries by introducing the first "inclusive tour" to Paris Cook put together all the components of tourism products and sold them as 'inclusive tours to the tourists His pre-packaged tour inspired other tour organizations in the travel industry to organize similar tours to all parts of the globe Most of Cook's tours were linear tours, and the person went from place to place on a single destination Mr Cook developed the concept of "grand tour and escorted tour", which is still used Today, package tours are a vital segment of the world's travel and tourism industry According to World Travel and Tourism Council, the package tour sales generate 25 billion USD annually in the United States, 18 billion USD in Europe, 19 billion USD in Britain, and 21 billion USD in Asia Today tour sales represented 50 percent of all TIEU LUANleisuretravelMOIsalesdownloadand35percent :ofskknchat123@gmailalltravelgencyrevenues.(Tour.comPackage) 16 2.2.3 Types of package tour As stated by Deepti Verma, in the world, the types of package tours are increasingly diversified, mostly developing from four main types: independent tour, inclusive tour, escorted tour, business tour TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com Independent tour is a type of package tour organized based on the characteristics of each individual, tourists are free to choose any ingredient in the tour package There are two types of independent tour: ‘Foreign Independent Tours’ (FITs) and ‘Domestic Independent Tours’ (DITs) Inclusive tour is a form of tour in which the tour operator provides tourists with all the parts of the tour and is responsible for them This type of tour has a lower cost than independent tour Escorted tour is provided from the starting point back to the point of return to accompany the tour members Due to step by step guiding and escorting, these tours are also referred as 'Hosted Tours' The business tour is significantly different in many ways from that of other tour packages holiday Today, two business tours have received special attention from the tour operators: conference package and special events package The organization of business tours has become a profitable venture for many tour operators (Verma) In Vietnam, package tours are mainly classified according to the main elements of the tour There are attractive package tours in Vietnam: heritage tours, sightseeing tours, historical tours, and beach tours Based on the strengths of geography, climate, culture, and history of Vietnam, tour operators have fully exploited these strengths by organizing a series of package tours to attract tourists (4 popular types of Vietnam tour packages that foreign tourists need) 2.3 The importance of tourism to the economy According to Carl Bonham and James Mak, international trade in tourism services has grown spectacularly since the 1970s despite wars, political turmoil, natural 17 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com disasters, medical scares, terrorist attacks, and economic and energy crises in various parts of the world In 2012, international tourist arrivals worldwide reached more than one billion Slightly over half of them were on leisure trips By comparison, there were just 166 million international tourist arrivals worldwide in 1970 The 2012 tourists spent trillion USD on travel (excluding international passenger transportation expenses valued at 213 billion USD) Their spending directly accounted for nine percent of the world’s GDP and six percent of its exports For tourism-dependent countries and destinations, tourism’s share of GDP can exceed twice the world average Today, international tourism receipts exceed billion USD per year in 90 countries Domestic tourism is typically several times more extensive in almost countries Tourism indeed has become a global economic and social force (Bonham & Mak, 2014) In Việt Nam, the tourism industry is now considered as one of the three key economic TIEU LUANsectors, focusingMOIdownloadninvestment,:skknchat123@gmailcostantlydeveloping,making.com positive contributions to the national economy and promoting economic development support contributions to the national economy and promoting economic development support such as transportation, post and telecommunications, insurance, financial services, accommodation, and food services The result of tourism also brings about a large consumer market, thereby promoting the rapid growth of the gross national economic product (Thủy, 2020) The development of international tourism has benefited from attracting foreign investment capital, on-spot export activities, and increasing foreign currency income In addition, the development of international tourism also helps to consolidate and develop economic relations with countries worldwide and promote the development of international traffic Việt Nam's tourism industry in recent years has attracted more and more tourists In 2018, Việt Nam welcomed 80 million domestic tourists, 15.5 million international tourists, contributing to the country's total GDP by 8.3% The year 2019 had reached 18 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com 18 million international tourists in the year (General Department of Tourism data), continues to strengthen the position of a critical economic sector in Việt Nam (Thủy, 2020) 2.4 Foreign tourists to Việt Nam 2.4.1 Overview about tourists In the opinion of Phương (2021), nowadays, tourism has become an indispensable demand in socio-cultural life, and tourism activities are being developed more intensely People travel to satisfy their needs that leads to many different purposes: visiting scenic spots, scene, vacation, treatment, learn cultural history, public service For the tourism industry to function and develop, "tourist" is the decisive factor Tourism would be meaningless and tour operators would not be able to business without tourists From the perspective of market researchers, the relationship between tour operators and tourists is a "supply-demand" relationship However, Jozep Stemder (n.d) (Australia) and Olgilvi (n.d) (UK) have other opinions about tourists Jozep Stemder has defined tourists as unique people, staying at their leisure outside of their regular residence to satisfy upscale needs without pursuing economic pursuits In addition to Jozep's definition, Olgilvi argued that being a tourist requires two conditions: the first is being away from home for less than a year and the second is to use the money earned elsewhere (Phương, 2021) In 1963, the Rome Conference organized by the United Nations had the first official TIEU LUANinternationalMOIdefinitiondownloadoftourists::skknchat123@gmail“Aninternationaltouristis.acomperson who t il t b d d li t id th h Th i t id f temporarily stays abroad and lives outside the home Their permanent residence for 24 hours or more than that” According to the United Nations, there are three groups of tourists: international tourists, including those who come to another country to visit and stay at least one night; day tourists are guests who not stay overnight in the country they are 19 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com visiting; a transit tourist is a guest who stays only within the airport area while waiting for the next flight In Việt Nam, tourists are mainly divided into two groups: international tourists and domestic tourists There are also many different types of customer classification, such as classification by ethnicity and payment ability (Phương, 2021) 2.4.2 Statistics on the foreign tourists markets to Việt Nam in the period 2015 – 2019 Figure Statistics on the foreign tourists markets to Việt Nam in the period 2015 – 2019 (CSDL Thống kê du lịch) According to statistics from the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, in the 2015-2019 period, the markets for foreign tourists to Vietnam increased significantly In particular, the number of tourists coming from Korea and China accounts for the highest proportion and grows the fastest Specifically, from 2015 to 2019, Korean tourists increased from 1,112,978 to 4,290,802 and Chinese tourists increased from 20 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com 1,780,918 to 5,806,425 In addition, the number of tourists from Russia, The United States, and Japan also increased rapidly and gradually accounted for a higher share 2.4.3 Characteristics of foreign tourists by continents According to the tourist psychology statistics on the website “Hướng dẫn viên du lịch”, tourist psychology is divided based on the continent in which they live That means tourists from all continents will have their preferences and characteristics based on their culture and daily habits on their continent TIEU LUANEuropeMOItouristsdownload : skknchat123@gmail.com The basic psychological characteristics of Europeans: They have a rational lifestyle, like to conquer, conquer, and improve the surrounding natural environment, make them serve human purposes Almost Europe people appreciate individualism, respect individual freedom and appreciate human activeness in all social activities: respect, lightheartedness, legal awareness and high self-esteem Europe is known for a long civilization and a high standard of living, experiencing a relatively long history of cultural and economic construction Asian tourists They have a lifestyle that respects the natural environment, is heavy-hearted, light-hearted and has a very high sense of community in the relationship, and behavior is the result of wet rice farming methods The majority of Asian people live on agricultural production, and are mentally small farmers and small producers, depending on the environment Asia people have community and lifestyle are respectful, light, easy to sympathize and share with each other in relationships and behavior 21 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com In general, compared to other countries in other regions in the world, Asian economy is not highly developed People's living standards are low, infrastructure has not been invested and developed strongly, especially in Southeast Asian countries The culinary culture has developed for a long time, their culinary needs are plentiful and diverse Due to the low standard of living, when traveling, Asians often spend sparingly when they travel They have great respect for nature, and are always cooperating, sharing and helping each other The majority of Asians follow Confucianism, Confucianism and Buddhism Therefore, communal houses, pagodas, temples, and sacred places help them satisfy their religious ritual needs They enjoy family travel, cultural (festival) and ocean travel African tourists TIEU LUANAfricatouristsMOIaredownloadsimple,straightforward:skknchat123@gmailpeopleandarevery.comdeanding in communication and relations They are lively, vibrant, active lifestyle, love music, and like dancing African culture still retains many unique cultural identities and values for a long time The festivals and traditional customs are unique to this day Each African ethnic group has traditional dances with their own cultural identities Africans have a high national dignity but are also very self-centered American tourists America countries, especially in South America, have great cultural interference Tourists from large countries in North America such as the United States, Canada, 22 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com and Mexico are often liberal in spending, open-minded and like to explore local cultures and cuisines South American countries have a multi-ethnic culture but have many outstanding features of the Spanish culture plus the cultural identities of the Indians (indigenous people) and mixed with the culture of some people migration from Africa and Asia They are direct and practical in their lives, evident in love and hate But they are also very enthusiastic about helping others when asked They usually use English, Spanish and Portuguese to communicate Personality is very bubbly, enthusiastic, and controversial The majority of South Americans are people who have a talent for eloquent speaking or presenting problems They love to gather and debate hot news and political issues With a multi-ethnic culture, the people of South America respect the cultural values and traditions of other ethnic groups Therefore, the ethnic communities here also retain their own cultural identities Oceania tourists Oceania includes countries with a pretty developed economy, culture and society, and high people's income The population of these countries is mainly immigrants from the UK, France, the US, and some Asian countries such as China, Indonesia, Việt Nam, and the Philippines The cultures of Oceania countries, mostly multiracial cultures, with unique customs and traditions, retain their own identities of cultural branches of different ethnic groups The primary language used in communication in this continent is English (Tâm lý khách du lịch- đặc điểm tâm lý khách quốc tế theo châu lục, 2017) As stated by this website, in Việt Nam, key international tourist markets come from TIEU LUANChina,Cambodia,MOIdownloadThailand,Russia,:skknchat123@gmailtheUSA,Canada,Kore,Japan,.comAustralia, ... outline The report on "Designing Package Tours for Foreign Tourists at Domestic Travel Center of BenThanh Tourist" is constructed with five different chapters TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com... Classification by trip length: short-term travel, long-term travel Classification by form of organization: group travel, individual travel, family travel Classification by contract type: package tours, ... gratitude, the reporter would like to express her deepest thanks to everyone for helping her to complete the internship report on ? ?Designing Package Tours for Foreign Tourists at Domestic Travel

Ngày đăng: 23/08/2022, 10:37


