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Students Emma Wilkinson OXFORD Workbook Em m a W ilkinson Q Who a r e y o u r fam ily a n d f r ie n d s ? Unit 1 2 Unit 2 10 Q W here c a n we s e e c o lo rs ? Unit 3 20 Unit 4 28 Q W here do a n im.

S tu d en ts Emma Wilkinson OXFORD W orkbook Em m a W ilkinson Q Q Q Q Who a r e y o u r fa m ily a n d f r i e n d s ? Q W hat we n e e d ? Unit Unit 11 .42 Unit 10 Unit 100 W h e re c a n w e s e e c o lo r s ? Q W h e re d o w e liv e ? Unit 20 Unit 110 Unit 28 Unit 118 W h e re d o a n im a ls liv e ? How c a n w e m a k e m u s ic ? Unit 38 Unit 128 Unit 46 Unit 136 How a r e s e a s o n s d i f f e r e n t ? Q W h a t a r e liv in g t h in g s ? Unit 56 Unit 146 Unit 64 Unit 154 How d o n u m b e rs h e lp u s ? S t u d e n t s W riting R e s o u r c e 164 Unit 74 Unit 82 OXFORD U N I V E R S I T Y P RE SS W ords Match the words to the picture mother grandfather sister Think about the Big Question Write W h a t d o you k n o w ? W h a t you w a n t to k n o w ? grandmother U nit Vocabulary: Family father brother Student Book page Look and circle the correct words This is my friend / family This is my friend / family Look and write the words mother father sister grandmother grandfather brother L J _sister r * ô ã ' w O Complete the words and match s i s t f gr a mother e r h b grandfather r dm t r c brother Vocabulary: Family U n it l Before you read, look at the pictures W hat you think the text is about? Check (/ ) one answer A boy A girl and her friends A boy and his fam ily and friends ^ Read the text Were you right? My Family and Friends This is my friend Adam He’s eight years old His family is big He lives with his mother, father, and two sisters I ’m Harry I ’m seven years old I live with my grandmother We are a family This is our house I like our house We play together and we share our toys We go to school together, too U nit Reading: Predicting from Pictures Student Book page C o m prehension © o W hat you like about the text? Draw (CT), ( Q ) or © ■ Harry G Adam O Harry's family O Adam's fam ily O Answer the questions Write Yes or No Is Harry seven years old? Yes Does Harry live with his grandfather? Is Adam seven years old? Does Adam live with his sisters? Is Harry's fam ily like Adam's family? Do Adam and Harry play together? Do Adam and Harry share their toys? Do Adam and Harry go to school together? Read and check (/ ) the things that are the sam e for you Then draw your family Q Harry lives with his grandmother Q Harry likes his house Q Adam's fam ily is big Q Harry is seven years old Q Adam has two sisters Q Harry and his friend play together Q Harry and his friend share toys Q Harry and his friend go to school together Comprehension U n it G ram m ar in U se © Study the gram m ar am / am not I Is Are © © He She It is / is not You We They a re /a re not seven years old six years old friends he / she / it six years old? you / we / they friends? Yes, he is / No, he is not Yes, we are / No, we are not Circle the correct words I is / am eight years old You is not / are not my sister I like you We am / are friends Lucy and Annie are / is friends My house is / are small My family is not / am not big Look and complete the sentences with the correct form of be She is two years old T h e y _ friends U nit Grammar: Verb: Be small S h e my grandmother Student Book page 13 O Write the words in the correct order to m ake questions Then follow the lines to the answ ers A re/b ro thers/yo u / ? Yes, you are Are you brothers1 G Is /your mother / s h e / ? Yes, it is th e y /six years o ld / A re / ? No, we aren't s m a ll/ Is / y o u r h o u se /? Yes, she is I/ A m / y o u r frien d /? No, they aren't Study the gram m ar Verb: Be We can use shorter forms of the verb be after I, you, he, she, it, we, and they 'm = am 'm not = am not 's = is isn't = is not 're = a re a ren't = a re not Ella and Jake are friends They’re six G She is my cousin She’s ten Complete the sentences with the words below 're Sam isn ’t six He's seven You _ my friend 's aren't S&rfT Ben and Luke _ my brothers They're my cousins The car isn't blue I t _ red Grammar: Verb: Be U n it C o m m u n ica te W ords o Look and put a check ( / ) or cross (X) in the box ® He is my aunt She is my sister Q They are my Q She is my daughter Q He is my aunt parents Q He is my sister Q He is my son (I* H O Look and complete Max's fam ily tree Write the words o Max © U nit son Vocabulary: Family Words o Student Book page 14 Word Stu d y Match the words to the pictures a old / hot big young small cold f W riting o Think about your family Complete the chart Name Age Family (big / small) I live w ith Brothers and sisters O brothers and sisters Read about Joe and his family Then write about you and your family My name is Joe My name is I am My family is big I live My family I live with my mother and with my _ father I have two I have I am seven years old brothers and two sisters Student Book page 15 Opposites U n it e Look and write the letters in the correct order to m ake sentences p s t o _S_ _ I_ _Q_ _p_ n u r w y a a t c a h c O k e a b Complete the sentence with the words below You can bake You can food a flower You can play and your friend Your friend can run You c a n _ a road You can a door Vocabulary: Verbs U nit 18 155 Read © Look at the pictures W hat you think the play is about? Check (/ ) one answer © Q A snowman and a squirrel Q A snowman and two squirrels Q Two snowmen and a squirrel Read the play Were you right? The Sqairrefs and the Snowman Narrator It is a snow y night It is cold and d ark in the garden Two squirrels find a sn o w m an The squirrels look a t the snow m an Squirrel "W hat is it?" Squirrel "I don't know Let's sm ell it!" Narrator So the squirrels look a t the snow m an, and they smell it, but they don't know w h a t it is Squirrel "It can't move." Squirrel "So it can't chase us!" Squirrel "We should p lay on it!" Narrator The squirrels run all over the snow m an Th ey pull off his hat and the carrot for his nose But, s u d d e n ly Snowm an "W hat's this? Who are you?" Squirrel "Oh, no!" Snowm an "You shouldn't clim b on me! I can move! I can chase you!" Squirrel 156 U nit 18 "Run aw ay!" Reading: Sequence Student Book page 177 C o m prehension © W hat you like about the play? Draw (C?), ( Q ) or © The squirrels pull off It is cold and dark, h his hat The squirrels smell ^ The snowman can the snowman o chase the squirrels Number the pictures in the correct order c © Complete the sentences with the words below chase move cold smell The squirrels find a snowman on a At night, it is dark and play snewy snow y pull carrot night in the garden The squirrels the snowman The squirrels on the snowman The snowman has a for its nose The squirrels off the snowman's hat Suddenly, the snowman c a n _ ! The snowman can the squirrels Comprehension U nit 18 157 G ram m ar in U se © Study the gram m ar W f T T T t Should and Shouldn't I You H e / S h e / It We They Should ■ | O should run away I You He / S h e /It We They I Yes, you cross the river? he / she / it run away we No, they shouldn't I you h e / s h e / it we they cross the river should | i shouldn't J Write the words in the correct order to m ake sentences and questions s h o u ld / c lo s e /h e / d o o r/th e / He should close the door. _ s h o u ld n 't/y o u /fa s t/ru n / ro a d /w e /c ro ss/th e /sh o u ld / ? s h e /c o o k ie s/sh o u ld /b a k e /? s to p / th e y / a t/ s h o u ld / ro a d / th e / shouldn't / ice cream / eat / lots of / / th e / c h a s e / s h o u ld / it/ b a ll/ 158 U nit 18 Grammar: Should and Shouldn't Student Book page 181 o W hat should or shouldn't they do? Look and complete the sentences O drink/w ater cro ss/the road They should drink water He run aw ay /fa st w e a r / a jacket T h e y _ She p lay /th e drums make / a swing He W e _ Look and write the answ ers Should she eat all the cookies? Should we go to the beach? No, she shouldn't Should he fly a kite? Should she run fast? Grammar: Should and Shouldn't U nit 18 C o m m u n ica te W ords o Match the pictures to the words a go to bed early healthy food junk food play outside go to bed late Complete the phrases Put a check ( / ) in the box for the things you should and put a cross (X) in the box for the things you shouldn't ( / ) eat h ealthy food O Q play o Q got Q eat j f O got b b I _ e _ W hat you do? Write true answ ers for you I eat food I go to bed 160 U nit 18 Vocabulary: Taking Care o f Yourself I don't eat food I don't go to bed Student Book page 182 W riting Stud y © Complete the sentences with periods (.), question m arks (?), or exclam ation points (!) O Can it move ? Do plants need water_ 2You shouldn't cross here It's dangerous She lives in a big city That music is awful _ It's a sunny day today Find these words in Activity Q Write Noun, Verb, or Adjective move dangerous Verb day water _ lives awful W r i t i n g © Think about a living thing Complete the notes What is it? What does it need? What should you to take care of it? O Read about a hamster Then write about a living thing and how you should take care of it It's important to take care of a hamster It needs food, water, and a safe place to live You should give a hamster food and water every day It's important to take care of a It needs You should Student Book page 183 Writing: Punctuation Review U nit 18 161 W h a t d id yo u l e a r n ? I * © Find a n d w rite th e w o rd s :< D = air _ m * o Look and match the questions and answers Can he fly a kite? O Should she go to bed early? a No, it can't, c Yes, she should, e No, he shouldn't, b Yes, they should d Yes, she can f No, he can't Complete the sentences with the words below Use periods (.), question m arks (?), or exclam ation points (!) can't Ji-vfrrg People and anim als are grows living run should water things Do living things need food a n d Nonliving things _ breathe or move _ You should _ aw ay _ G ss isa liv in g th in g lt and it needs water we look after nonliving things S tu d e n t.siW ritin g lR e s o u rc e W r itin a P r o c e s s BEFORE YOU WRITE: • Read the example text • Think about what it means • Think about your own ideas • Choose an idea to write about J _ ^ _ WHEN YOU WRITE: r+ + ,, • Start your sentences with a capital letter , , , , • Use punctuation: commas, periods, and question marks • Write full sentences AFTER YOU WRITE: • Read your text • Think about your spelling Look in the dictionary if you don't know • Correct your mistakes • Ask your friend or teacher to read your text M ■my name is Rosa I am six C h ecklist fymih M yiam fyis big I can check my work for: • punctuation (✓) 164 I have two s isters • spelling (✓) ? Is your family bigj^_ • full sentences (✓) Student's Writing Resource I can correct my mistakes (✓) C a p ita l L e tte r s Capital Letters for Names The first letter of a name is a capital letter a Gus Layla Dot Capital Letters in Sentences The first letter of a sentence is a capital letter There is a red seashell on the sand I have an orange hat My name is Jenny P u n ctu a tio n Periods There is a period at the end of a sentence There is a red seashell on the sand I have an orange hat My name is Jen n y a Question Marks There is a question mark at the end of a question Where is the frog? Who’s this? What’s that? Student's Writing Resource 165 n Exclam ation Points Use an exclamation point to show strong feelings I love ice cream! Let’s go! Be careful! Commas Commas separate three or more words in a list There is a fro g, a m ouse, and a squirrel The flow ers are yellow, purple, and pink My friends are Tom , M aria, So fia, and Omar d Apostrophes and possessive s Use an apostrophe + s to show that something belongs to someone This is Luke’s house That is Nada’s cookie Where is Kate’s backpack? d Apostrophes and contractions Use an apostrophe when you make a contraction I am six I ’m six You are my friend She is a doctor It is summer She’s a doctor It ’s summer It is not Saturday What is your nam e? That is a lion 166 You’re my friend It isn’t Saturday What’s your name? That’s a lion Student's Writing Resource P a r t s o f S p e e ch Nouns i Verbs Nouns are naming words A noun Verbs are action words is a person, place, or thing Let’s go! This is my sister I can jump I live in Egypt We make apple pie W here’s your backpack? Adjectives Subject-Verb Agreement Adjectives describe nouns They When you're writing, check that you tell you more about the nouns have the correct form of the verb The statue is big He w as in the kitchen this morning It ’s a hot day They are very excited about the party M arco is lonely We weren’t hungry at lunchtime Com plete s e n te n c e s Nouns and Verbs A complete sentence has a noun or nouns, and a verb in it The boy is hungry noun verb Ben goes to the park noun verb noun Student's Writing Resource 167 OXFORD UN1VKRS1TY PRESS 198 M adison A venue N ew York, NY 10016 USA G reat C larendon S treet, O xford, x d p , U nited Kingdom O xford U niversity P ress is a d ep a rtm e n t o f th e U niversity o f Oxford It furthers th e U niversity's objective o f excellence in research, scholarship, a n d ed u c atio n by publishing w orldw ide O xford is a registered trade m ark o f O xford I Jniversity Press in th e IJK and in certain o th e r co u n tries © O xford I Iniversity Press 2014 T he m o ral rig h ts o f th e a u th o r have b ee n asserted eB ook E dition ishn: o 42796:5 Interactiv e ebook i s b n : 9 Interactiv e ebook - ap p version First published in 2014 N o c o p y in g o r file s h a r in g T his digital p u blication is p ro tected by in te rn atio n al copyright laws No p art o f tliis d ig ital p u b licatio n m ay be reproduced, m odified, adapted, stored in a retriev al system , o r tran sm itted , in any form o r by any m eans, to any o th e r p erso n o r com pany w ith o u t th e p rio r p erm issio n in w riting o f O xford t Iniversity Press, o r as expressly p erm itte d by law E nquiries cernin g rep ro d u ctio n o utside th e scope o f th e above should b e se n t to th e ELT R ights D ep artm en t O xford U niversity Press, at th e address above You m u st n o t m odify, ad ap t, copy, store, tran sfer o r circu late th e co n ten ts o f th is p u blication u n d er any o th e r b ran d in g o r as p art o f any o th e r product You m ay n o t p rin t out m aterial fo r any com m ercial p u rp ose o r resale A ny w ebsites referred to in th is p u blication a re in th e p ublic d om ain and th e ir addresses are provided by O xford 1Iniversity Press for in fo rm atio n only O xford 1Iniversity P ress disclaim s all an d an y responsibility for th e co n te n t o f such w ebsites ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Illustrated characters Billy Dot Gus and Layla by: Luispa Salm on/Lem onade Illu stratio n Agency Illustrations by: P eter Bay A lexandersen/Shannon A ssociates L.I C p p ,13, 22, 23, T , 50 (no t Gus), 6 , 67 84 85, 94, , , 130,131, 138,156,157; D aniel Griffo/MB A rtists pp.2, , , 1 , 21, 28, 29, 31, 38, 39 ,4 ,4 , 56, 57, 59, 64, 65, 77, 82, 83, 92, 93, 100, 1 , 111.118 (Ex B), 119, 128, 129, 136, 137, 46 ,1 ,1 ,1 5 ; R oger Sim o/advocate-art p p (Ex (1), 14 (not Gus) 15, 24 (Ex B), 25, 32 (not Dot), 3 ,4 (Ex B), 43, 51, 60 (Ex C), 61, (Ex B), 69, 78 (not Gus), 79, 87, 96 (Ex 15), 97, 105, 114 (Ex B, C), 115 (Ex F) 123, 132 (Ex B) 133, 141.150 (Ex B), 151,158 (Ex B), 159; Jam ie Sm ith/M B A rtists pp.70, 90, 98 (Ex A), 101, 118 (Ex A), 142 (Ex B), 160; I.isa W illiam s/Sylvie Poggio artists pp , 9, 16, 17, 19, 24 (Ex A except Billy), 26, 34, 35, 36, 37, 4 ,4 , 52, 55, 62 (Ex 15), 63, 72, 73, 80, 88 , 91, 98 (Ex B), 106, 108, 109, 116, 117, 124, 126, 134, 135, 142 (Ex A), 145, 152, 153, 162, 163 The Publishers w ould like to thank theJbllow ingfor their kind perm ission to reproduce photographs an d other copyright m aterial: Alam y pp.4 (1touse/David Gee), (grand 1110ther/B A.E Inc.), (B.A.E Inc.), 40 (eagle/Leo Keeler), 58 (apples/ D aniel Radicevic), 58 (flow ers/H oda Bogdan M ircea), 58 (leaves/d uisto pher lewis), 76 (pencil /Ingvar Bjork), 76 (cil 3/Ingvar Bjork), 76 (pencil 4/Ingvar Bjork), 76 (pencil 5/Ingvar Bjork), 76 (pencil 6/ingvar Bjork), 76 (pencil 7/Ingvar Bjork), 76 (pencil 8/Ingvar Bjork), 76 (pencil 9/lngvar Bjork), 102 (cupcake an d apple/w hiteboxm edia lim ited), 103 (cupcake an d apple/w hiteboxm edia lim ited), 12 (R oberto/Francisco Villaflor), 1 (city 3/B ernardo B) 112 (M arina/H em is), 112 (Saul/dbhnages), 112 (city 2/lTism a B ildagentur AG), 128 (C aucasian giri/U pperC ut Im ages), 148 (bike/A drian Turner); G etty Im ages pp.4 (fam ily/M oretti/V iant), 30 (Ian W oollam s), 40 (aquarium /by Dina M arie), 102 (children paying/A ndersen Ross), 102 (children videogam es/ M atthias Tunger), 1 (Lucy/© K evin Fishel), 127 (Asian girl/N om adic Luxury); O xford U niversity Press p p 76 (ball gam e/Photodisc), 1 (city 4/ Photodisc), 113 (Photodisc), 148 (girl sunflow ers/juice Im ages), 149 (Juice Images); sh u ttersto ck pp.40 (honeycom b/Przem yslaw W asilew ski), 58 (snow/ basell0 l6 ), 76 (pencil /Laborant), 76 (pencil 10/Laborant), 76 (pencil 1 / I.aborant), 76 (pencil /Laborant), 76 (pencil 13/Laborant), 76 (pencil 14/ Laborant), 76 (pencil 15/Laborant), 76 (pencil 16/Laboranl), 76 (pencil 17/ I.aborant), 76 (pencil 18/Laborant), 1 (city 1/Firdaus M ahadi) Cover illustration: M ike Boldt Cover photograph: C am ille tokerud/G etty Im ages O x f o r d D iscover ' C r e a t in g yo u n g t h in k e r s w ith g r e a t f u t u r e s Who are your family and friends? Where can we see colors? How can we make music? C r it ic a l T h in k in g Oxford Discover uses Big Questions like these to tap into children's natural curiosity and enable them to ask their own questions, find their own answers, and explore the world around them C o m m u n ic a t io n C o lla b o r a t io n C r e a t iv it y This approach to language learning and literacy, supported by a controlled gram m ar and skills syllabus, helps children achieve near-native fluency in English Oxford Discover gives teachers the tools to develop children's 21 st century skills, creating young thinkers with great futures • Student Book • Workbook • Workbook with Online Practice Lesley Koustaff • Integrated Teaching Toolkit Susan Rivers Teacher's B ook A ssessm ent fo r L e a rn in g C D -R O M R ecom m end ed R e a d e rs Big Q u e stio n D VD O n lin e P ractice Oxford Read and Im agine • Class Audio CDs • Picture Cards ã Poster Pack A t the âOOOtb ã Oxford iTools: Digital Classroom Resources • Oxford Discover Writing and Spelling Oxford Read and Discover • Oxford Discover Gram m ar • Parent website • Teacher website s h a p in g OXFORD Use with 9780194278584 U N I V E R S I T Y PRESS www.oup.com le a r n in g t o g e t h e r as part of a 9-level course ... Unit 11 .42 Unit 10 Unit 10 0 W h e re c a n w e s e e c o lo r s ? Q W h e re d o w e liv e ? Unit 20 Unit 11 0 Unit 28 Unit 11 8... 12 8 Unit 46 Unit 13 6 How a r e s e a s o n s d i f f e r e n t ? Q W h a t a r e liv in g t h in g s ? Unit 56 Unit 14 6 Unit 64 Unit 15 4... How d o n u m b e rs h e lp u s ? S t u d e n t s W riting R e s o u r c e 16 4 Unit 74 Unit 82 OXFORD U N I V E R S I T Y P RE SS W ords Match the words to the picture mother

Ngày đăng: 15/08/2022, 17:19

