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MINISTRY OF FINANCE UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE- MARKETING FACULTY OF MARKETING &&& INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION TOPIC: STAR KOMBUCHA INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR THE FIRST MONTHS OF 2022 Supervisor: MS Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc Member's name Nguyen Thi Ngoc Trang Tran Quoc Tien Pham Nguyen My Hoa Duong Khac Huy Doan Minh Phuoc Luong Ngoc Hieu Ho Chi Minh 2021 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com Table of Contents Executive summary The fermented tea market Star Kombucha target market: Goody group: SWOT analysis Campaign objectives Creative strategy 6.1 Advertising campaign 6.2 Creative brief 6.3 Major selling idea: 6.4 Creating brand image: Creative strategy: Implementation and evaluation 7.1 Print advertising: 7.2 Online advertising: Media planning, strategy and tactic 8.1 Press releases: 8.2 Traditional support media: 8.3 Non-traditional support media: 8.4 Influencer marketing: 8.5 Digital marketing and social media: 8.6 Direct Marketing: 8.7 Target market coverage: Sales promotion: 9.1 Consumer-oriented 9.2 Trade-oriented 9.3 Display and Point-of-purchase materials: 10 Public Relation 10.1 Objectives: 10.2 Determining PR audiences 10.3 Implementing PR program 11 Timing and budgets: 12 Measuring the effectiveness of the program I TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com 13 Evaluation and control 38 14 Summary 41 15 Appendix 42 II TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com Executive summary STAR KOMBUCHA is a healthy fermented drink with 100% natural ingredients from tea, SCOBY, natural fruits and herbs It is rich in probiotics (lactobacillus), organic acids, antioxidants, vitamin B, polyphenols, EGCG that have wonderful health benefits, especially for your gut and immune system Kombucha originated from the Eastern regions around 2,000 years ago It was widely known as the “Tea of 2020 Immortality” Kombucha fermentation process takes 30 days, fresh ingredients include pure tea, SCOBY, pressed juice, and herbs In the modern world, Kombucha has become a daily beverage preference to nourish mind, body & soul People around the world, from the U.S to Canada, France, Germany, and many more countries are drinking kombucha as a healthy alternative beverage, and its amazing taste The mission of Star Kombucha is to spread our craft to the world, the journey to improving health, one gut at a time However, when it came to accessing the Vietnamese market, Star Kombucha faced several hurdles and challenges For Vietnamese customers, fermented tea is an unusual drink, therefore they are still wary of it Furthermore, Star Kombucha's communication operations in the Vietnamese market have not significantly increased the brand's appeal Our company will suggest communication actions directed at the target audience in the article "STAR KOMBUCHA INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR THE FIRST MONTHS OF 2022" The first section will include research on the fermented tea market in Vietnam, Star Kombucha's target market, and a SWOT analysis Then we'll establish the strategy's objectives, create innovative tactics, plan and strategize communication, sales promotion, and public relations Then, we will design a timetable and a budget Finally, measuring effectiveness and control The fermented tea market Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, 57% of global consumers said they were worried about their body's immunity As consumers seek to boost their TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com immune system, they are increasingly interested in products that boost their immune system and overall health In addition, the consequences of the pandemic are more severe for people with hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, making consumers realize the importance of weight management This anxiety is likely to increase the need for functional solutions that support healthy weight management More specifically about the concern of consumers when type diabetes is still a threat to all of humanity In 2019, there were 88 million people in Southeast Asia with diabetes, the trend will increase sharply in 2045, increasing by 75% or 153 million people In particular, it entails the risk of obesity, lipid metabolism disorders, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, Market trends have changed, requiring products to meet this demand This is an opportunity for the development of health care products according to the general trend of the world Kombucha is a new product that promises to explode in the future The size of the world's Kombucha market is forecast to grow, reaching from $3.5 billion to $5 billion by 2025 (Kim & Adhikari) Star Kombucha target market: Although we call it a drink, Star Kombucha is not a beverage, but a dietary supplement, flavored to make it easier to drink Also because there are many different flavors, the product is easily confused with soft drinks The product is recommended to use whenever the body feels tired or to drink 1-2 cans daily to maintain good health In the same segment of Star Kombucha are functional food supplements, not soft drinks or fermented juices The market for this drink are consumers (or private buyers) (B2C) and business (B2B) Demographic: Health is the most important market This product is aimed at a target group of women aged 18-44 (gen Z & Y) who are starting to care about their health and beauty They are well-informed and educated adults Therefore they are professional occupations and of upper-middle class So they are not only ready to purchase a TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com product which is good for their health but also able to pay more for it They are most likely to already own a functional food supplement or similar Supermarkets and agents are also the customers that Star Kombucha is aiming for Although less than 10 years of existence, the strong development of modern distribution channels (Bach Hoa Xanh, Vinmart, convenience store chains, ) in recent years has had a great influence on consumption trends Retailers have great influence in bringing products to consumers, so they are important partners that Star Kombucha aims to promote products, convincing them to bring Star Kombucha to put on shelves in the store According to statistics, the customers who come to these stores are the consumers that Star kombucha is aiming for Psychographic: Retail systems are notoriously difficult to choose for companies that supply products But the development of this distribution system will greatly contribute to the development of product reputation Health care Those who are recognizing the health issues and would like to improve them This group is likely to be exposed to internet advertising and effects from acquaintances but that is not the only reason to motivate them to purchase The size of this group is growing everyday and promises huge growth potential for this market Looking for supplement product A common problem among this target group is chronic stress The root of this problem comes from the pressure of life plus the lifestyle and way of living of each person If everyone is interested in a healthy lifestyle and eating, there will be no need for additional foods like Kombucha If not, Star Kombucha will help balance and supplement the missing nutrients Kombucha fermented drink is effective in maintaining and restoring health thanks to its high antioxidant, detoxifying and antibacterial ingredients, good for the digestive system and strengthening the immune system Geographic: TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com We are working on a plan to educate all consumers in the country with the right knowledge about the product as well as change the existing misconceptions about drinking water for health However, we are still focusing on customers living in big cities including: Ho Chi Minh city, Hanoi and Danang because consumers in this area are modern citizens, care about health and ready to accept new products faster With a system of stores stretching across the country, especially in big cities (Star Kombucha's main market) Cooperation with large retailers will help products close to consumers and easy to purchase when there is a need Goody group: SWOT analysis Threats Opportunities - Consumption is conscious as - The majority of the well as higher spending on population is still healthy products unaware of healthy - The market has potential in SWOT the future products -Pressure from - Enhance investment competitors - Abundant substitute attraction - High quality raw materials products contribute to improve product quality TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com Strengths S-O S-T -M ali - High-tech eet ty production lines, cu - Stan modern dardi zatio n production proces s from USA quality raw s - Mod technology, easy of ern access, modern fo chann consumer tastes, el with these factors distrib the company sto m er ne ed od su pp le m en ts -1 0 % n at u l p r o d u ct q u ution syste m facilities, highmaterials, fastdeveloping invests in developing new product development -C nt ould nks on - The - Compe u s lead the company has tition is st fo the market not yet built very o r com a product to fierce m q pany - Cons distribute with er u to umers abroad competit s' al deve also combined ors in hi it lop not with modern the g y new have a consumer market h a prod clear tastes, so the and re n ucts unders company substitut q d tandin needs to e ui d g of focus on products re es the market , high m ig produc development requirem e n t, high strategy ents of sh W e a k n e s s e s risks W-O W-T Finan cial sourc es is not stron customer s for quality and design, so the company focuses -T o hi h d gh e u co developi p c m ng new ri t pa products c i re e s d - Strengt to hen f q ot marketin t u he g to h i r e t so p e ft o r dri g on expand the market a r uct n t s d to e p the x r ma p o rk o d et TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail com Vehicles Coverage Reach Frequency F a c e b o o k 130K people 72 times/ months 19 Instagra TIEU LU 70% AN MOI 102Kpe download ople : 69 skknchat123 times/6mo @gmail nths com m m TikTok Google YouTube 8.5.1 Banner: According to a report by Hootsuite (2021) that 70.3% of Vietnamese people use the Internet and 94.7% of them use Social Networking sites Therefore, Star Kombucha chooses to run banners on media vehicles including: - Facebook is currently the most popular social networking site in Vietnam with 68 million users Running banner ads on Facebook helps brands easily reach the public quickly and the audiences easily accessing the brand's official page on the platform With the current figure of likes on Facebook at 16,000 likes, using banners will increase engagement with the brand's post and increase the number of page likes, also increasing traffic of Star Kombucha's website with the attached link - The brand decided to run the banner on Facebook with the ads “Kombucha trà cho sức khoẻ" in 14 days 20 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com SEO and Behavioral Targetting (Shopping Ads) Brand Activism 13 Evaluation and control Evaluation Star Kombucha is aimed at female customers who are always interested in health in work and life with dynamic, young and healthy characteristics Star Kombucha is a new brand appearing in the Vietnamese market and is a pioneer brand for healthy beverage line Strengthen the attribute of “meaningful message” in brand positioning Increase brand awareness, increase brand value - By using a combination of communication strategies to increase awareness and increase brand value - Star Kombucha reaches and attracts consumers' attention with diverse approaches such as organizing promotions, discounts, giving gifts, using influence or trial programs In particular, interwoven with sales promotion programs, businesses also cleverly collect customer information and their reactions to this product line - By correctly identifying target customers who are female customers, and customers who care about health, the team has built an appropriate communication 38 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com and sales promotion strategy Bring product information to the right audience and bring products to consumers - Choosing to use reasonable sales promotion methods such as discounting from sales revenue, giving incentives to the sales force That way has convinced the sales force to focus on consuming the brand's products - Use support packages for wholesalers and retailers to encourage distribution intermediaries to display existing products and actively sell them to create high profits for wholesalers and retailers Control Risk management is one of the decisive factors for effective implementation of any project Risk management is the process of identifying problems that may occur during the implementation process, and propose appropriate solutions to increase the chances of success and reduce damage to the project With market volatility, contingency plans are also put in place to address rapid environmental changes such as changing consumer preferences, new products, and new competition The risks that may occur during the planning process are as follows: Risk prediction Cannot invite Influencers as expected Backup plan Choose other backup Influencers to replace like Phan Nu Uyen Nhi, Uyen Pu and Chloe Nguyen Cannot rent the place for the Brand Make an alternative list of other places Activism activity as expected like Big C, Crescent Mall, The Brand Activism activity was not Boost seeding posts and running ads for attended by amount of audiences as posts on Facebook and Instagram expected The Covid-19 epidemic leads to the Replace with hiring reviewers to write 39 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com implementation of Brand Activism at product review contents on Facebook, Aeon Mall and Lotte Mart Instagram and Tiktok MC has a problem and can't come to Prepare a list of replacement MCs host the Brand Activism activity When the event took place, there was Carefully check and prepare equipment to an unexpected power outage, the sound promptly handle problems, estimate and light equipment, the stage portable power station malfunctioned The content of the review post in the Star Kombucha staffs join the group and two Facebook groups of Administrators support article by seeding will not receive high interaction Unexpected problems occur when Carefully check the quality and expiry shoppers try samplings date of the product for sampling, prepare m e di c al c o nt a ct in fo r m ati on be for e for m at io n, th e n th e br a n d w ill d el iv er ti m el y nd lin g PB/PG and MC are sending incorrect Sales employees and MCs must be trained th e gi ft to th ei r h o m e la te r messages to shoppers in Brand as well as rehearsed before presenting the Activism activities event Promotional products sold out at POPs Apply the discount on the product for that da y or co lle ct th e sh op pe r's co nt act inf or 14 Summary In general, Star Kombucha is a relatively new brand in the Vietnamese market The Kombucha tea market in Vietnam is still quite new and full of potential for 40 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com development Since Star Kombucha is a new product that is also a leader in this field, it is both an opportunity and a challenge for the company To be able to find the company as the target audience, it is necessary to plan the product introduction campaigns carefully From marketing, social media, using social media to reach as well as create relationships with the target audience Through the analysis of the IMC plan, the team proposed an overview and integrated Marketing communication campaigns for Star Kombucha company to reach the target audience as well as gradually gain more market share; this campaign will be used in combination with frequency within months to get the most benefit for Star Kombucha 15 Appendix Member’s name Mission Completion rate Target market Nguyen Thi Ngoc Trang Campaign objectives 1921005728 Creative tactic Developing and implementing media strategy Tran Quoc Tien Essay outline Designing Powerpoint Leader Executive summary 41 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com 1921005705 Campaign objectives Developing and implementing media strategy Sales promotion Public relations Appendix References Final word and pdf Pham Nguyen My Hoa Campaign objectives Creative strategy 1921004404 Digital marketing and social media Measuring the effectiveness of the program Control Designing photos Luong Ngoc Hieu SWOT analysis 1921005429 Campaign objectives Advertising execution Developing and implementing media strategy Timing Sales promotion Evaluation Designing photos 42 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@ gmail.com Doan Minh Phuoc 1921005608 Duong Khac Huy 1921005448 Developing and implementing media strategy 16 Scheduling Sales promotion Budgets Bibliography & references Uyên, N T (2020, 07 28) Phát triển sản phẩm #4: “Đại dương xanh” thức uống lên men Star Kombucha From Brands Vietnam: https://www.brandsvietnam.com/congdong/topic/25325-Phat-trien-san-phammoi-4-Dai-duong-xanh-cua-thuc-uong-len-men-Star-Kombucha Thơ, K (2021, 08 27) Star Kombucha — Thương hiệu Kombucha Việt Việt Nam From Vietcetera: https://vietcetera.com/vn/cau-chuyen43 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com thuong-hieu-star-kombucha-thuong-hieu-kombucha-thuan-viet-dau-tien-taiviet-nam KEMP, S (2021, 02 11) DIGITAL 2021: VIETNAM From Data Reportal: https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2021-vietnam Câu chuyện thương hiệu: Star Kombucha — Thương hiệu Kombucha Việt Việt Nam (2020, 09 04) From Star Kombucha: https://www.starkombucha.com/en/blog-cau-chuyen-thuong-hieu starkombucha -thuong-hieu-kombucha-thuan-viet-dau-tien-tai-viet-nam-i27 Uyên, N T (2020, 07 15) New Direction #8: Ông Paul Nguyễn Hưng – “Từ khởi nghiệp Internet đến kinh doanh thức uống tốt cho sức khoẻ” From Brands Vietnam: https://www.brandsvietnam.com/congdong/topic/25153-NewDirection-8-Ong-Paul-Nguyen-Hung-Tu-khoi-nghiep-Internet-den-kinh-doanhthuc-uong-tot-cho-suc-khoe? fbclid=IwAR0eqbnrZMcYhVH6rKLY7otQuZjvQ8m6P2zmnIUEzg1a7Q3koG hBraEXAmQ Fermented Tea Market Size & Share 2021 - Global Business Review, Key Findings, Company Profiles, Growth Strategy, Developing Technologies, Trends and Forecast by Regions (2021, 11) From KTVN: https://www.ktvn.com/story/43862865/fermented-tea-market-size-share-2021 global-business-review-key-findings-company-profiles-growth-strategydeveloping-technologies-trends-and-foreca Mqflavor (2020, 07 27) From Thức uống lên men lâu đời Kombucha có đặc biệt?: https://mqflavor.com/thuc-uong-len-men-lau-doi-kombucha-co-gi-dac- biet/ 8.Ngân hàng Thế giới Việt Nam (n.d.) From WorldBank: https://www.worldbank.org/vi/country/vietnam 9.Statistics and Market Data on Vietnam (n.d.) From Statista: https://www.statista.com/markets/422/topic/1142/vietnam/ 44 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com 45 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com ... the article "STAR KOMBUCHA INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR THE FIRST MONTHS OF 2022" The first section will include research on the fermented tea market in Vietnam, Star Kombucha' s... the attention of target consumers As a result, for the first six months of 2022, Star Kombucha will sponsor one program aimed at the same audience as Star Kombucha: - The Next Face Vietnam: The. .. the attention of target consumers As a result, for the first six months of 2022, Star Kombucha will sponsor one program aimed at the same audience as Star Kombucha: - The Next Face Vietnam: The

Ngày đăng: 12/08/2022, 09:45

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