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MODULE :V-ING/TO-V/V1 V + V-ing Avoid (tránh) Admit (thừa nhận) Advise (khuyên nhủ) Appreciate (đánh giá) Complete (hoàn thành) Consider (xem xét) Delay (trì hỗn) Deny (từ chối) Discuss (thảo luận) Dislike (khơng thích) Enjoy (thích) Finish (hồn thành) Keep (tiếp tục) Mention (đề cập) Mind (phiền, ngại) Miss (nhớ, bỏ lỡ) Postpone (trì hỗn) Practice (luyện tập) Quit (nghỉ, thôi) Recall (nhắc nhở, nhớ) Recollect (nhớ ra) Recommend (nhắc nhở) Resent (bực tức) Resist (kháng cự) Risk (rủi ro) Suggest (đề nghị) Tolerate (chịu đựng, bao dung) Understand (hiểu) Can’t help (không nhịn được) It is no use/ no good (vơ ích) Would you mind Be used to (quen với) Be/ get accustomed to (dần quen với) Be busy (bận rộn) Be worth (xứng đáng) Look forward to (trông mong) Have difficulty/ fun/ trouble V + to V Afford (đủ khả năng) Agree (đồng ý) Appear (xuất hiện) Arrange (sắp xếp) Ask (hỏi, yêu cầu) Beg (nài nỉ, van xin) Care (chăm sóc) Claim (địi hỏi, u cầu) Consent (bằng lòng) Decide (quyết định) Demand (yêu cầu) Deserve (xứng đáng) Expect (mong đợi) Fail (thất bại) Hesitate (do dự) Hope (hi vọng) Learn (học) Manage (sắp xếp) Mean (ý định) Need (cần) Offer (đề nghị) LÝ THUYẾT V + O + to V Advise (khuyên) Allow (cho phép) Ask (yêu cầu) Beg (van xin) Cause (gây ra) Challenge (thách thức) Convince (thuyết phục) Dare (dám) Encourage (khuyến khích) Expect (mong đợi) Forbid (cấm) Force (buộc) Hire (thuê) Instruct (hướng dẫn) Invite (mời) Need (cần) Order (ra lệnh) Permit (cho phép) Persuade (thuyết phục) Remind (nhắc nhở) Require (đòi hỏi) Teach (dạy) Tell (bảo) Urge (thúc giục) Want (muốn) Warn (báo trước) THỰC HÀNH Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer Couldn't help………………… at his jokes A laugh B laughing C to laugh D laughed Tom offered ……………………………Jane a ticket to the theater, but she refused to take it A to give B give C giving D to be given Those workers stopped……………………… their coffee because they felt tired of their new work A drink B drank C drinking D to drink He asked them……………………… A help him B should help him C to help him D help to him Mr Minh advised my family………………………………… leaving Vietnam A to think B not to think C against D against to I hope…………………… that woman again A to see D have seen B of seeing C seeing She wasted much time……………… her old pair of shoes A mend B to mend C mending D to be mended He regrets……………………lazy last year He lost his job A to be B be C been D being Willy denied……………………a whole bag of chocolate chip cookies before lunch A eat B to eat C having eaten D eaten I was delighted ………………….my old friends again A to see B seeing C seen D to be seen 10 We regret………………… you that we cannot approve your suggestion A inform B to inform C informing D informed 11 Have you ever considered………………….a pharmacist? A become B becoming C to become A staying B stayed C to stay D stay 12 I remember……………………… my mother said the grass in the garden needed A to hear; cutting B hear; cut C heard; to cut D hearing; cutting 13 My teacher doesn't allow us …………………….while he is explaining the lesson A talk B to talk C talking D talked 14 We have plenty of time We needn't …………………… A hurry B to hurry C hurrying D hurried 15 I promised ……………… on time I mustn't lateA be; be B to be; to be C to be; be D be; to be 16 My daughter sometimes practices English with her friends after school A to speaking B to speak C speak D speaking 17 When Tommy started to learn French, he had a difficult time _ the words correctly A pronounce B pronunciation C pronouncing D to pronounce 18 Most women expect more help with the housework from their husbands A to get B getting C get D to getting Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets I wish I (know)…………………… something about computers knew He ran as if life (depend)…………………… on it depended If only it (be)…… warm and sunny today I’m fed up with snow and cold were My neighbors always treat us as if we (be)…………………… their servants were I wish it (not rain)………………………… heavily last Sunday hadn’t rained I wish I ( be )………………………… a doctor when I grow up would be I feel as if my head (be)………………………… on fire were We request that she ………………………… the window (to open) open They demanded that he ………………………… the room (to leave) leave 10 I will ask that she ………………………… me (to accompany) accompany 11 They recommended that he ………………………… to Bermuda (to fly) fly 12 The recommendation that she ………………… a holiday was carried out (to take) 13 It is necessary that you ………………………… able to come with us (to be) 14 They asked that we ………………………… standing (to remain) 15 The requirement that he ………………………… work will be hard to meet (to find) Rewrite the following sentences He appears to be running away from your fierce dog =>It looks as if he is running away from your fierce dog I would love to be rich and famous =>If only I were rich and famous I’d love to be in a secluded beach in Mexico =>I wish I were in a secluded beach in Mexico I really think you ought to acquire a few manners =>It’s high time you acquired a few manners I’m really sorry I didn’t invite her to the party =>I really wish I had invited her to the party Would you mind not smoking here? =>I’d rather you didn’t smoke here Please don’t say things like that =>I wish you wouldn’t say things like that I would prefer you deliver the sofa this afternoon =>I’d rather you delivered the sofa this afternoon They advise her to eat less meat and fat to keep herself healthy =>It is advisable that she should eat less meat and fat to keep herself healthy _ 10 Naturally, a child had better respect his parents =>It is natural that a child respect his parents _ 11 He needs to come to the interview early =>It is necessary that he should come to the interview early 12 She must find it important to take two medicines every day =>It is important that she take two medicines everyday 13 Every student must wear uniform It is obligatory =>It is obligatory that _every student wear uniform 14 They recommended her to go to the best doctor in town =>They recommended that she _should go to the best doctor in town 15 The man demanded to be told everything about the accident =>The man demanded that everything _about the accident should be told _ MODULE :SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENTS take be remain find LÝ THUYẾT A Một số trường hợp động từ chia số : Danh từ không đếm danh từ đếm số làm chủ t V-ing; to V1, V1, mệnh đề làm chủ ngữ : Đại từ bất định: everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one, nobody, anyone, anybody, everything, something, anything Đề cập đến khoảng cách, thời gian, tiền, số lượng, đo lường, tựa đề Ex1: Water is very necessary to our life Ex2: The film is very interesting Ex1: Collecting stamps and coins is my hobby Ex2: That you get very high grades in school is necessary Ex: Somebody has taken my books away Ex1: Six miles is a long distance Ex2: Two years is long enough Ex3:The fifty dollars he gave me was soon spent Danh từ số tận “s” : measles, mumps, rabies, Ex: Physics is my favourite subject diabetes, physics, mathematics, statistics, linguistics, news, billiards, Naples, Marseilles, the United States, the Philippines, the Netherlands… Each/ Every/ One/ Neither/ Either + N (s ố ít)/ Ex1: Every seat has a member + of + N ( số nhiều) Ex2: Neither of my sisters likes film Ex3: Each of children has a toy Each/ Every + N(s ố ít) + and + each/every + N (s ố ít) Ex: Each boy and each girl has a book N + and + N (khi danh từ đề cập đến người, vật) biểu thức toán học với “and” Ex: fish and chip; meat pie and peas, bread and butter, bed and breakfast, … Những danh từ thuộc loại không đếm ln dùng với động từ số ít: information, furniture, knowledge, equipment, advice, traffic, scenery, machinary, homework, housework, work, music, money, luggage, baggage, rubbish, garbage, weather, English Ex1: Fish and chips is Tom’s favourite Ex2 : Two and two is four B Một số trường hợp động từ chia số nhiều : Danh từ số nhiều làm chủ t Ex1: These students are very good Ex2: Water and oil not mix Danh từ tập hợp ( the + adj) Ex: the rich , the poor, Ex: The rich are not always happy the blind, the young, the old, the injured, the disabled,… số trường hợp DT số nhiều bất qui tắc: people, police, staff, cattle, children, men, women, feet, teeth, ( bacterium- bacteria; medium- media; criterioncriteria; datum-data; fungus-fungi; stimulus-stimuli …) Ex:Cattle are domestic animals C Một số trường hợp vừa số vừa số nhiều : Either Neither Not only + S1 or + nor + S2 + V (S2) but also There/ Here + is/was/has + N (số ít) are/were/have+ N (số nhiều) The number of + N (số nhiều ) -> V số A number of + N (số nhiều ) -> V số nhiều All/Some / Most/ A lot of / None of Half / phân số or phần trăm nhiều) + N (số ít) =>V (số ít) + N (số nhiều) =>V (số S1 + with / along with / together with /in addition to /as well as/ accompanied by/ giới từ + S2 + V(S1) No + N (số ít) + V (số ít) + N (số nhiều) + V ( số nhiều) Ex1: Either you or I am here Ex2: Neither Tom nor you are here Ex3: Not only my sisters but also my father knows you Ex1: There is a picture on the wall Ex2: There are two sides to every problem Ex1: The number of students in this class is small Ex2: A number of my students are keen on learning English Ex1: Most money is needed Ex2: One third of the population is unemployed Ex3: One third of the villagers are unemployed Ex: My brother as well as my sisters is here Ex1: No example is relevant to this case Ex2: No students are here THỰC HÀNH Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer One of a goldfish bowl on her kitchen table a my friend keep b my friends keep c my friend keeps d my friends keeps Every love a man, woman and child needs c man, woman and child need b men, women and children needs d men, women and children need One of the girls who in this office my niece a works / is b works / are c work / is d work / are Neither Lan nor her parents the film a like b likes c is like d are like Each the same as the day before (Tài liệu biên soạn Trần Trường Thành Thầy cô liên hệ zalo 0369904425 để nhận mức phí thích đáng) a days was b day was c days were More men than left handed a woman are b woman is c women are Every one of the students on time for class a is b are c were There some money on the table a are b were c have been This information about taxes helpful a were b have been c is The vegetables in the bowl on the table fresh a looks b smells c are 10 Writing her happy d day were d women is d have been d is d are d is a letter makes b letters makes c letter make 11 None of the money robbed from the banks last year yet a has been found b have been found c has found 12 My father and mother for the same company a works b work c is working 13 The elderly this kind of music, but the young a don’t like / does b doesn’t like / does c don’t like / d doesn’t like / 14 A large number of students in this school…………….English quite fluently A speaks B is speaking C has spoken 15 Beauty as well as health………….failed her this term A has B have C is 16 Not only John but his brothers……… ……also in debts A is B have C was The quality of these recordings……… not very good C is being D has been A is d letters make d have found d has worked D speak D are D were B are 17 To what place……….… either the man or his son wish to go? A is B does C D are 18 We have had………….….homework in Mathematics recently A lots of B many C several D any 19 The use of credit cards in place of cash………… …increased rapidly in recent years A have been B has been C has D have 20 Three years in a strange land…………… ….like a long time for lonely people A is seeming B are seeming C seems D seemed 21 For most of these children, poverty……….…… them from having enough schooling A makes B avoids C prevents D refuses 22 If anyone………….… , tell him I’ll come back later A was calling B called C call D calls 23 About 60% of students in this class…………….…from China A was B were C are D is 24 The writer and poet………… …at the meeting yesterday A have been B was C were D had been 25 The Browns………………… here since 1950 A are living B is living C have lived D has lived 26 The science classes at this……………… difficult A schools are B school is C school are D school’s is 27 She isn ’t used to………… in these bad conditions A work B working C worked D be working 28 One of the…………… from Italy A student is B students are C student are D students is Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets Three months (be) _ a long time to wait is Five dollars (be) _ too much to pay for that book is A number of books (be) _on the table over there are The number of students in this class (be) _limited to thirty is It (be) _ my two brothers who (be) _ hurt was/were It (be) _the children playing upstairs is Neither of the answers (be) correct is Many of the girls in my school (wear) _white shirts wear What we need most (be) _ books is 10 Either your key or my key (be) _ missing is 11 John or his brothers (be) _ going to help me tomorrow are 12 Bread and butter (be) _all he asked for was 13 The author and lecturer (be) _arriving today is 14 My old friend and colleague, George (be) _in town right now is 15 Three fourths of the wall (be) _ painted so far habeen 16 There (have) _ been more excitement in this city about a sporting event has 17 The ship with its load of timer (be) _leaving the port today is 18 The package of cigarettes (be) _on the table over there is 19 Oranges and cream (be) _ perishable and should be refrigerated are 20 The newspaper and the dictionary (be) _on the table are Correct the mistakes in these sentences I like a classical music very much I like classical music very much Cattle was driven hundreds of miles Cattle were driven hundreds of miles That’s a wonderful news That’s wonderful news Has the police arrived yet? Have the police arrived yet? I don’t like hot weather Thirty degrees are too hot for me I don’t like hot weather Thirty degrees is too hot for me Every girl and boy have to wear uniform at this school Every girl and boy has to wear uniform at this school Where is my trousers? Have you seen it anywhere? Where are my trousers? Have you seen them anywhere? There are some water in the bottle There is some water in the bottle The trees over the hill is green The trees over the hill are green 10 China, a country with many people, grow a lot of rice China, a country with many people, grows a lot of rice MODULE :CONDITIONAL SENTENCES AND WISHES LÝ THUYẾT CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN Câu điều kiện dùng để nêu lên giả thiết việc, hành động có th ể xảy ều kiện nói đến xảy Câu điều kiện gồm mệnh đề: mệnh đề If nêu lên điều kiện mệnh đề nêu lên kết mệnh đề Conditional sentences type and (Câu điều kiện loại lo ại 2) Conditional sentences type (Câu điều kiện loại 1) Use: Chỉ việc, hành động xảy tương lai (Câu điều kiện có th ực) Form: If clause Main clause S + will / can/ may/ might + If + S + V (present tense) V (bare-inf) E.g: If I get the scholarship, I will study in England (Nếu tơi nhận học bổng h ọc n ước Anh.) If the weather is nice, I will go fishing (Nếu thời tiết đẹp tơi câu cá.) If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation (N ếu tìm thấy đ ịa ch ỉ c tơi g ửi thi ệp mời cho ấy.) - Đảo ngữ: If + S + V (present tense), = Should + S + V bare-inf, E.g: If he calls me, I’ll answer immediately = Should he call me, I’ll answer immediately (N ếu anh có gọi tơi tơi trả lời lập tức.) Conditional type (Câu điều kiện loại 2) Use: Chỉ việc, hành động xảy tương lai, điều kiện giả thiết, ước muốn trái ngược với thực tế (Câu điều kiện khơng có thực tại) Form: If clause Main clause If + S + V (past tense)/ S + would/ could + V (bare-inf) could + V (bare-inf) E.g: If I were a millionaire, I would buy that house (Nếu triệu phú, mua nhà ) If I had money, I could buy a new car (Nếu tơi có tiền tơi mua tơ m ới.) • Note: Trong câu điều kiện loại động từ to be “were” thường đ ược dùng v ới t ất c ả ch ủ ngữ Tuy nhiên, “was” sử dụng - Đảo ngữ: If + S + V (past tense), = Were + S + to V/ Were + S + , E.g: If I were you, I would follow his advice => Were I you, I would follow his advice (N ếu b ạn tơi nghe theo lời khun anh ấy.) If I had time, I woud visit you => Were I to have time, I would visit you (N ếu tơi có th ời gian tơi đến thăm bạn.) CÂU AO ƯỚC ( I wish = If only) Ước cho tương lai (khơng có thật) S1 + wish + S1/S2 + would + Ved (be = were) Ví dụ: I am short of money I wish I had a lot of money now Ước cho q khứ (khơng có thật) S1 + wish + S1/S2 + had + P2 Ví dụ: I wish I had gone to her party last week Phàn nàn việc không vừa ý xảy S1 + wish + S1/S2 + would + V Ví dụ: I wish you would stop making so much noise THỰC HÀNH Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer If the weather good tomorrow, we swimming A is/ go B is/ will go C will be/go D will be/ will go If Tom were late again, he his job A loses B lose C will lose D would lose If I were offered the job, I think I it A take B will take C would take D would have taken If he comes here, I it (Tài liệu biên soạn Trần Trường Thành Thầy cô liên hệ zalo 0369904425 để nhận mức phí thích đáng chủ làm) A make him B make him will C will make him D will make him will If she understands the lesson, she it well A will explain B explain C won’t explain D explains If I were in her place, I a trip to Singapore to visit you A will make B had made C made D would make If I you, I wouldn’t buy that ticket A am B was C were D would be If I had enough money, I abroad to boost my career A will learn B should learn C would learn D should have learnt If I didn’t want to go to the party, I go A don’t B didn’t C won’t D wouldn’t 10 If you time, please write to me A have B have had C had D has 11 Will you be angry if I your pocket dictionary? A stole B have stolen C were to steal D steal 12 It’s impossible to pass the exam we study harder A in case B unless C if D whether 13 Kathy more if she more time A will read/ had B would read/ has C read/ had D would read/ had 14 If the wall weren’t so high, I it up to take the ball down A climbed B could climb C is climbing D climb 15 If you the truth, the police wouldn’t arrest you A tells B told C had told D would tell 16 If I _ in London now, I could visit British Museum A were B had been C have been D Would be 17 If she didn’t wear shabby clothes, she more good-looking A will be B would be C would have been D can be 18 All plants won’t grow there is enough water A if B when C unless D as 19 Many workers would be out of work if that factory down A closes B had closed C closed D would close 20 Grandparents would be disappointed if we to their 80th birthday party A hadn’t come B wouldn’t come C don’t come D didn’t come 21 I wish that the weather not so cold A.be B was C are D-were 22 I don’t understand this point of grammar I wish I it better A.understood B would be understand C had understood D will understand 23 This movie is terrible I wish we to see another one A.went B would be go C had gone D.go 24 My father is too busy today I wish A.my father is free today B.my father weren’t so busy today C.my father would be busy today D.my father wasn’t so busy today 25 “I’m not staying here any longer.”- “I wish you ” A.can B.will C are D.were 26 There is no snowing here I wish it snowing now A.is B willbe C.were D.was 27 I miss my friends I wish they here right now (Tài liệu biên soạn Trần Trường Thành Thầy cô liên hệ zalo 0369904425 để nhận mức phí thích đáng chủ làm) A.were B will be C had been D.are 28 I speak English terriblely I wish I English as fluently as you A.spoke B.speak C.had spoken D Will speak 29 My house is too small and old I wish I a bigger one A.have B will have C had had D.had 30 Sophie wishes her father here now to help her A.has been B is being C is D.were 31 I love California I wish I go there right now A.can B.went C could D.may 32 Iris is always moaning about others I wish she A.know how I am upset B.knew how I am upset C.will know how I am upset D.knows how I am upset 33 Stella hates having red hair She wishes she blonde hair A.have B will have C had D had had 34 They wish they the exam A.pass B passed C will pass D are passing 35 Diego is driving too fast I wish he more slowly A.drive B drove C were driving D will drive Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense We seldom (eat) _ breakfast before o’clock What _ you (do) _ every morning? We (build) _ this house five years ago It (be) _ often hot in the summer _ you (watch) _ TV yesterday? He often (go) _ fishing with his friends when he was a child 7 We (live) _ here for years I (not see) _ him since we (say) _ goodbye Nam and I (play) _ soccer at p.m yesterday 10 While I (cook) dinner, my sister (read) books last night 11 He always (forget) _ his homework He isn’t careful 12 We (be) _ close friends since last year 13 Uncle Ho (die) _ in 1969 14 We (buy) _ a new car next year 15 Keep silent! The baby (sleep) _ ĐÁP ÁN eat you built is Did you watch went have lived haven’t seen – said were playing 10 was cooking - was reading 11 is always forgetting 12 have been 13 died 14 will buy/ are going to buy 15 is sleeping 16 Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence given Study hard or you’ll fail the exam 17  If you don’t _ I don’t see you very often because you live so far 18  If you _ I don’t have enough money, so I’m not going to buy that skirt 19  I’d _ We don’t practice English very often - We can’t communicate with foreigners 20 We I can’t meet you now- I have to work 21  If 22 ĐÁP ÁN 23 If you don’t study hard, you will fail the exam If you didn’t live so far, I would see you very often I’d buy that skirt if I had enough money If we practiced English very often, we could communicate with foreigners If I didn’t have to work, I could meet you now ... (số nhiều ) -> V số A number of + N (số nhiều ) -> V số nhiều All/Some / Most/ A lot of / None of Half / phân số or phần trăm nhiều) + N (số ít) =>V (số ít) + N (số nhiều) =>V (số S1 + with / along... C Một số trường hợp vừa số vừa số nhiều : Either Neither Not only + S1 or + nor + S2 + V (S2) but also There/ Here + is/was/has + N (số ít) are/were/have+ N (số nhiều) The number of + N (số. .. MODULE :SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENTS take be remain find LÝ THUYẾT A Một số trường hợp động từ chia số : Danh từ khơng đếm danh từ đếm số làm chủ t V-ing; to V1, V1, mệnh đề làm chủ ngữ : Đại

Ngày đăng: 19/07/2022, 12:38


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