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TEACHING EXPERIENCE TITLE USING SOME COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES TO ADAPT POST - READING PARTS IN TIENG ANH 12 AT TAN KY HIGH SCHOOL NGHE AN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING TAN KY HIGH SCHOOL =====  ===== TEACHING EXPERIENCE TITLE USING SOME COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES TO ADAPT POST - READING PARTS IN TIENG ANH 12 AT TAN KY HIGH SCHOOL Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tình Group : English Tel : 0334949667 Email : thanhtinh.spk3d@gmail.com APRIL, 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PART I: INTRODUCTION 1 Reasons for the study Aims of the study Methods of the study Object for study Scope of the study PART II: CONTENT Theoretical and practical background 1.1 Theoretical background 1.1.1 Definition of adaptation 1.1.2 The roles of adaptation in teaching 1.1.3 Steps to adapt an activity 1.1.4 What are communicative activities? 1.1.5 The importance of English communicative skill 1.2 Practical background Solutions 2.1 Reporting the video 2.2 Roleplay and report 2.3 Miming a story 2.4 Discussion 11 2.5 Oral presentation through pictures 12 2.6 Talk show 13 2.7 Summarizing the passage by using mindmap 15 Findings and evaluation 17 Some images were taken in classes which were applied this teaching method 17 PART III: CONCLUSION 28 Conclusion 28 Suggestion 28 PART IV: REFERENCES 29 PART I: INTRODUCTION Reasons for the study According to Oksana Bratanish:”Education must create and integrade new teaching methods in order to be able to capture the fundamental changes that are taking place with new technology” His words give a deep impression on my mind and urgue me to find suitable methods to teach better To be one of English teachers at Tan Ky high school, I always want my students to be full of energy to study English If they become eager, they will be easier to get knowledge That is why, I have made every effort to think of activities getting my students’attention It is obvious that students can collect a wide range of information thanks to reading skill so that every activity in reading part should be clear and interesting for them to learn and discover For that reason above, I would like to conduct teaching Experience for 12th graders namely: “Using some communicative activities to adapt post - reading parts in Tieng Anh 12 at Tan Ky high school.” Aims of the study The aim of study is to investigate a lot of different communicative activities to improve and develop students’ communicative skill in post - reading part Methods of the study To complete my study, I - Read reference books - Draw from experience of my own teaching - Learn and exchange teaching experiences with my colleagues - Carry out surveys and tests among grade 12 students Object for study Students in grade 12 Scope of the study Apply in the reading lessons in Tieng Anh 12 PART II: CONTENT Theoretical and practical background 1.1 Theoretical background 1.1.1 Definition of adaptation Here are a large number of definitions of adaptation mentioned in some believable sources as follow + Cambridge dictionary: Adaptation is the process of changing to suit different conditions + Collins English dictionary: Adaptation is the act of changing something or changing your behaviour to make it suitable for a new purpose or situation + Policy Document: Special Education: Adaptations are teaching and assessment strategies especially designed to accommodate a student’s needs so he or she can achieve the learning outcomes of the subject or course and to demonstrate mastery of concepts Essentially, adaptations are “best practice” in teaching A student working on learning outcomes of any grade or course level may be supported through use of adaptations 1.1.2 The roles of adaptation in teaching Below are some basic characteristics of effective communication: + Motivate students to get knowledge effective and eager + Change teaching activities abundantly to be able to acclimate in the Covid -19 epidemic + Encourage students to discover and get acquainted with new methods in 4.0 period 1.1.3 Steps to adapt an activity + Try to find out what is appealing for students like: role play, discussion, talk show, miming a story, etc + Know what students want to find out and approach them + Use everything that is part of their lives to build knowledge 1.1.4 What are communicative activities? + Communicative activities include any activities that encourage and require a learner to speak with and listen to other learners, as well as people in the program and community + Communicative activities have real purposes: to find information, break down barriers, talk about self and learn about culture 1.1.5 The importance of English communicative skill + Help students become more confident and talk a lot + Motivate students to use English in various situations + Encourage students to get on well together in pairs, teams, and groups 1.2 Practical background Through my teaching, I have realized that my students are really curiuos about post - reading parts Honestly, they don’t know what they want to talk and how they can express their ideas naturally and fluently They have difficulties in respresenting effectively a post - reading activity More often, they mainly concentrate on vacabulary, grammar and they not pay attention to communicative skills Finding useful solutions is mainly duty of my experience Solutions To help students improve their communicative skills in post - reading parts, I have organized these following communicative activivies in the classroom - Reporting the video - Role play and report - Miming a story - Discussion - Oral presentation through pictures - Talk show - Summarizing by using mind map 2.1 Reporting the video Objective: Help students recall the important events mentioned in the lesson and improve students’ video reporting skill Time: - 10 minutes Preparations: Lesson plan, handouts, recorders… Procedure : Step 1: Teacher lets students work in two teams Step 2: Teacher tells them to make a video relating to the lesson Step 3: Teacher asks them to try to remember the events happening in the cenes of the video then talk about them in front of the class Step 4: Teacher calls on each group to take turn saying them out Step 5: Teacher gives help when needed Step 6: Teacher gives comments and chooses the best presentation Example 1: UNIT 1: HOME LIFE Lesson A: Reading Objective: Help students know how to talk about their family through some stunning videos made by themselves Time: 7- minutes Procedure: - Teacher asks students to work in group of five to talk about their family - Teacher lets students use Animiz app to make videos relating to their topic - Teacher invites some representatives to report their videos Suggessted questions: How many people are there in your family? What are their jobs? What are their hobbies? How you share house work? How you feel about your family? Suggested anwers: There are people in my family / I come from a family of four people My parents work as teachers at Tan Ky primary school My younger brother is a pupil at Thi Tran primary school My mother loves cooking and playing sports, my father is a big fan of doing the gardening and my brother is really interested in learning English I always make time to help my mother with housework and my brother with homework 5.We are a very close knit family and I’m really proud of my family Example 2: UNIT 8: Life in the future Lesson A: Reading Objective: Help students to express their ideas and make predictions about life in the future Time: - 10 minutes Procedure: - Teacher asks students to work in groups of four to discuss the following topic: “ The influences of technology on future life “Before reporting, teacher lets students use Capcut app to make a short video relating to the topic - Teacher calls on some students from groups to share their videos Suggested ideas: - Work - Travel Suggested answers: The influences of technology on the future - Work + Factories will be run by robots + Offices will go electronic + Many people will work from home - Travel + Traveling by space shuttle is very fast + Car could run on electricity or methane gas 2.2 Roleplay and report Roleplay is an imaginary situation where students play characters and roles and interact with each other There is the fact that, students are really keen on this activity because they can observe, laugh and play the role of the characters in the story Objective: Help students with the language and make them more comfortable and confident to the same in the real life What is more, this activity encourages not only weak students to cooperate but also challenges good students to discovery and win themselves Time: - 10 minutes Preparation: Lesson plan, handouts, pictures… Procedure : Step 1: Teacher divides the class into teams or groups and gives them clear instructions about the topic Step 2: Teacher assigns situation for each group Step 3: Teacher asks students to make up their roleplay basing on information provided A roleplay should consist of three stages: greetings, content and closing Step 4: Teacher sets time and asks them to act Step 5: Teacher gives feedback to each group after they have finished their duties Example 1: UNIT 2: Cultural diversity Lesson A: Reading Objective: Help students act out many characters in a family and talk about differences between a traditional Vietnamese family and a morden Vietnamese family Time: - minutes Procedure: - Teacher breaks the class into six groups - T assigns groups of student to discuss of a traditional family and the other three a morden family in Vietnam - Teacher lets students play the role of members of each kind of family - Teacher calls on some groups to role play and report Suggested information for role play: - Number of children - The role of parents in the family - The head of the family - Who works - Who takes care of children and does the house work Suggested answers:  A traditional Vietnamese family: - There are many children in a family - Parents often decide who their children will get married Men often achieve a dominant position in the family while women never decide to great things in the family - The father is the head of the household chores, who makes all the important decisions - His wife takes the responsibility for the domestic side of family life Therefore, cooking and taking care of children are considered women’s tasks  A morden Vietnamese family: - There are only two children in the family - Parents allow their children to decide whom they will marry - Both the father and mother work to earn the living - The mother takes care care of the housework and children with the help of the father - The father can look after his children and the household chores Example UNIT 14: International organizations Lesson A: Reading Objective: Help students know some more information about the international Red Cross and let students have an unforgetable chance to participate in a special VTV programme Time: - 10 minutes Procedure: - Teacher asks students to work in pairs to act out the conversation that happens in special VTV programme - Teacher lets students imagine that one student takes on the role of a MC of this special VTV and the other takes on the role of a member of the Red cross to ask and answer about this organization - T calls on some pairs to act out their conversations in front of the class The instructed information about this special VTV programme must be included in the role play: - Name of the organization - Foundation + who ? + where ? + when ? - Symbol - Head quarters (where?) - Activities Suggested answers: MC: Hello miss Trang, welcome to our special VTV today Miss Trang : Good morning Mr Tai, I’m so happy to be here MC: Our programme is as special as its name I know that you are a member of the Red Cross for years Now can you share some information with us about this wonderful organization Miss Trang: Honestly, the international Red Cross started over 135 years ago, inspired by a Swiss bussinessman, Henry Dunan in 1864 MC: What are the symbols of the Red Cross? Miss Trang: It has a white flag with a red cross MC: Where is its headquarter? Miss Trang: The international Red Cross has its headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland Guest: Good morning, Mr Tuyen I’m really happy to be joined this programme MC: I know that, you’re a big fan of reading books so can you share with us some advantages of reading boooks? Guest: Well, reading books is an enjoyable way to take a break after long hours of working First of all, this habit helps me to get information and a better understanding of life Secondly, it widens and improves our knowledge Moreover, reading books also raises our awareness of the good things and the bad things to avoid Last but not least, books bring me wonderful moments to relax my mind when I feel stressfull To sum up, I will last this terrific hobby in my life MC: I’m sure, many people will love more reading books after listening your talk Thank you for your sharing Guest: It’s my pleasure Good bye and see you later 2.7 Summarizing the passage by using mindmap Objective: Help students to have an overview of the topic and remember events appearing in the passage Time: - 10 minutes Preparations: Lesson plan, handouts,posters… Procedure : Step 1: Teacher divides the class into groups Step 2: Teacher dilivers big pieces of paper and some marker, colour pencils to each group Step 3: Teacher asks students to draw a mindmap to summarize the passage they have just learnt Step 4: Teacher has students hang their posters on the board Step 5: Teacher calls on one representative of each group to present their group’s ideas Step 6: Teacher asks other students to comment Step 7: Teacher takes note for indirect correction Step 8: Teacher gives comments and good marks to the good representatives Example UNIT 10: Endangered species Lesson A: Reading Objective: Help students understand the passage about endangered species 15 Time: - 10 minnutes Procedure: - Teacher divides the class into groups - Teacher dilivers posters to students and asks each group to draw a mindmap to summarize the lesson - Teacher calls on each group to present their mindmap Suggested information: - Species extinction - The main causes of species extinction - Biodiversity - Different efforts Suggested answer: Today, we’re going to talk about the topic”Endangered species” which is really familiar to every one Looking at our mind map, you can not belive that over fifteen thousand plant and animal species around the globe threatened with extinction You can see some different causes of this species extinction They are habitat destruction, commercial exploitation and pollution Everyone knows clearly that biodiversity is important for humans since it provides food, clean water, air and other products For that reason, different efforts have been made to save and conserve endangered species such as introducing the Red list, enacting laws to protect wildlife and establisting a lot of wildlife habitat reserves On behalf of our group, we want to give you our deep message “Taking care of environment is not an obligation - our environment is our life” That’s all for my talk today I’d like to thank you for taking time to listen to my presentation Example UNIT 15: Women in society Lesson A: Reading Objective: Help students understand the passage about endangered species Time: - 10 minnutes Procedure: - Teacher puts students in group of eight - Teacher dilivers posters to students - Teacher asks them to draw mindmap basing on suggested information to summary the lesson - Teacher calls on some students to give their presentations Suggested information: 16 - Women in the past - The struggle for women’s right - Women today Suggested answer: Today, our group would like to introduce you some information about women in society Our mindmap shows clearly that women in old society were considered to be unequal to men They play the roles of mothers and house wives, they weren’t allowed to work in business and education Therefore, it was men who controlled most positions of employment and politics in society Thanks to women’s liberation since the 18th century, women nowadays have gained many legal rights equal to men Among them, the most importances are the right to vote, the right to gain power and the right to get equal payment in work Sincerely thank you for your listening Findings and evaluation Having applied these activities to teach English 12 in this year, I have carried out some surveys among students The results of my work are counted as the table below: Communicating in English effectively School year Total number of students Before doing experiments After doing experiments Number of students % Number of students % 12C3 (40 Ss) 15 37.5% 25 62.5 % 12C5 (41 Ss) 10 24.39% 20 48.78% 12C9 (40 Ss) 20 % 18 45 % 12C10 (41 Ss) 13 31.71 % 22 53.66 % 2021 - 2022 As we can see from the table above, communication ability of students has a lot of clear improvements Although students may pronounce incorrecly and use wrong words in some situations, they become more confident and active In addition, they enrich their vocabulary and grammar Some images were taken in classes which were applied this teaching method 4.1 Images of reporting the video for Unit 1: Home life from 12C9 and Unit 8: Life in the future from 12C5 (school year 2021 -2022) 17 In this picture, Trung from 12C9 is talking about his family by using his group’s video Thu Trang from 12C5 is the representative of her group to report the topic” the influences of technology on the future” 18 4.2 Images of role play and report activity for Unit 2: Cutural diversity from 12C3, Unit 14: International organization from 12C3 and Unit 16: The association of Southest Asian nations from 12C5 (school year 2021 - 2022) Two representative groups of 12C3 play the parts of a traditional Vietnammese family and a morden Vietnammese family Tue and May from 12C3 role play in a special VTV 19 Members of group from 12C5 role play members of Asean 4.3 Images of miming a story for Unit 3: Ways of socilizing from 12C5 (school year 2021 - 2022) and Unit 13: The 22nd Sea games from 12C3 (chool year 2021 - 2022) 20 Ngan and Bao Yen from 12C5 are telling and miming some nonverbal forms of communication Members of group from 12C10 are reporting and miming water polo 21 4.4 Images of discussion activity for Unit 6: Future jobs from 12C10 (school year 2021 - 2022) Members of class 12C10 take an active part in the discussion 22 4.5 Images of oral presentation through pictures for Unit 5: Higher education from 12C10 (school year 2021 - 2022) and Unit 4: School education system from 12C5 (chool year 2021 - 2022) In the following images, Ngan and Nham from 12C10 are describing their high school through their group’s pictures 23 In these photographs, Hang and Thanh from 12C10 are describing their hopeful Universities through their group’s pictures 24 4.6 Images of Talk Show for Unit 11: Books from 12C10 (school year 2021 - 2022) Two pairs of 12C10 take part in a Talk Show 25 4.7 Images of summarizing by using mindmap for Unit 10: Endangered species from 12C3 (school year 2021 - 2022) and Unit 14: Women in society from 12C9 (school year 2021 - 2022) May, Thuy and Duc from 12C3 are using mindmaps to summarize their lesson 26 Thuc and Nhi talk about the topic “Women in society” by using their group’s mind maps 27 PART III: CONCLUSION Conclusion In my study, I have applied some communicative activities for post - reading parts and it brings students benefit things, I feel really happy when my students get more confident in speaking English and they are very fond of receiving knowledge used in different situations thanks to communication activities Obviously, this study has been of real help to my students Suggestion In order to make the study more successful, the study should be conducted a large number of students from all different levels Using communicative activities not only in reading but also in other skills to provide students with good chances to speak this language in English learning environment I hope to receive supportive comments and contributions to the source of communicative activities to better study Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to my family, my colleagues, and beloved students, who helped me without hesitation for me to be able to complete my study 28 PART IV: REFERENCES https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/adaptation PolicyDocument: SpecialEducation: http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/policy/policies/special_ed.htm Collins english dictionary, https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/adaptation Oksana Bratanish, http://www.giaoducdubai Tieng Anh 12 Sách giáo viên Tiếng Anh 12 Nhà xuất giáo dục Thiết kế giảng Tiếng Anh 12 Nhà xuất quốc gia Hà Nội 29 ... DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING TAN KY HIGH SCHOOL =====  ===== TEACHING EXPERIENCE TITLE USING SOME COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES TO ADAPT POST - READING PARTS IN TIENG ANH 12 AT TAN KY HIGH SCHOOL Teacher... ? ?Using some communicative activities to adapt post - reading parts in Tieng Anh 12 at Tan Ky high school. ” Aims of the study The aim of study is to investigate a lot of different communicative activities. .. Suggested information: Nonverbal forms of communications + Raising hand + Waving + Jumping up and down + Nodding slightly + Catching someone’s eye + Whistling + Clapping hands + Pointing at someone

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2022, 07:26

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