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Cấu trúc

  • Location

  • Starting building

  • The Great Wall of Chine Atractive characteristics at present

  • Main tourist attractions

  • Their features

  • Discussion: Work in groups to summarize the passage by filling in each gap with a suitable word. [ 6 ]

  • National Parks are to protect and …1………the natural beauty of land. They……2…….a variety of scenic features. There are ……3…..national parks in the USA and …4………..of people visit it every year. Many national parks are in………5………..of being destroyed. If their problems are not solved, they will be……6……completely.


  • Activity 1: Complete the summary of the listening passage by using the information you have listened. [ 4 ]

  • Natural resources are divided into two groups:………1…..and………2…….If the resource can be replaced quickly, it is called……3…….If it ……4……..,it is……5…….nonrenewable.They are very important to our life, so we must…6………them.

  • Activity 2:(homework)Name some renewable resources and nonrenewable resources that you kwow.

  • Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES


  • 1.Activity 1:Talk about the events with numbers and pictures [ 5 ]

  • 1. 1969.

  • 2. On July 16, 1969.

  • 3. On July 20, 1969.

  • 4. On July 24, 1969.

  • 2.Activity 2: (Homework)Rewrite the some main points of the listening passage .


  • 1. Activity 1: Discussion: Work in groups to talk about the Geat Wall.

Nội dung

THANH HOA EDUCATION AND TRAINING SERVICE LE HOAN HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE IDEA TOPIC: SOME ACTIVITIES IN PART “POST LISTENING" FOR THE GRADE 11 STUDENTS AT LE HOAN HIGH SCHOOL Author: Dinh Thi Ngoc Anh Ocupation: Teacher Field: Methodology THANH HOA 2017 Page: download by : skknchat@gmail.com CONTENTS PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1.Reasons for choosing the topic………………………………… page: 1.2.Aims of the study……………………………………………… page: 1.3.Objectives and scope of the study…………………………… page: 1.4.Methods of the study……………………………………………page: 3,4 PART 2: DEVELOPMENT 2.1.Justification………………………………………………………page: 2.2.The realities of the problems…………………………………… page: 4,5,6 2.3.Solutions to these problems…… ……………… page: 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 2.4.Results after applying the research in teaching……………… page: 14 PART 3: CONCLUSION AND REQUEST 3.1.Conclusion…………………………………………………………page: 14 3.2.Request…………………………………………………………page: 14,15 References……………………………………………………………page: 16 Appendix…………………………………………………………… page: 17 Page: download by : skknchat@gmail.com PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1.Reasons for choosing the topic: These days, English is the most widely used language in the world It is the language of science, technology, commerce and communication English becomes the score subject in all schools in Viet Nam In fact, students have many difficulties studying this subject because general foreign language and English in particular is one of the difficult subjects for students Most students are afraid to study this subject because most of them not have the communication environment, knowledge and vocabulary are limited Their skills are slow Previously, the children studied passively They mainly focused on grammar points and did not promote good skills - particularly listening skills The majority of them depended on the available answers in the playbook They have not really focused on comprehension content Listening lessons became boring, less effective From this fact, I think how to stimulate and generate excitement for the children to promoted skills well-especially listening skills I have studied and applied redesign initiative: "Some activities in part “PostListening” - English Grade 11 - standard program” for being new and more attractive; to attract their interest in comprehension listening lessons That is why I chose this topic 1.2 Aims of the study: Through process of researching, learning and analyzing the problem, the author hopes to give out a way to learn listening in order to exploit the sense of initiative and creativity of students during the skills training in teaching English Besides, the author hopes to help train and develop the skills of listening to students: Listening-> Understanding -> Summarizing [ ]1 Students know how to analyze and exploit listening texts, and then summarize, recall the content they have just heard to some extra work to help them better understand what they were listening In addition, students can explore and learn the grammatical structure or vocabulary in listening text to express their way creatively 1.3 Objects and scope of the study: Post-Listening is an important part in the Listening However, due to limited experience of the author as well as the time to carry out the topic, in the content of the experience ideas, the author only wish to introduce some activities for comprehension listening lessons in English textbooks 11 - Program for high school students in grades 11 at Le Hoan high school in the academic year 20162017 1.4 Methods of the study: In this page , part 1.2 I consulted in the reference book – number Page: download by : skknchat@gmail.com 1.4.1 Method of theoretical research: Reading materials and curriculum related to research problems by analysis, synthesis, comparison to draw the theoretical issues that have orientation to make basis to solve problems and tasks in study 1.4.2 Method of investigation: Understanding the current status of teaching and learning of teachers and students, in particular in acquiring new knowledge to discover problems that need to be solved, determine the popularity of the cause, prepare for the next step of the research 1.4.3 Method of conversation: Discussion with colleagues about the advantages and difficulties in planning lessons and using new methods today 1.4.4 Method of observation: Through attending as an observer writing lessons to directly observe the situation of students Thereby we can know student’s ability to acquire and grasp the knowledge through lectures Besides acquiring and learning colleagues to discover the limitations of teaching 1.4.5 Method of examination and assessment: Through the own lessons, colleagues’ to check and survey students PART 2: DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Justification: Through lessons, I found myself the purpose of the comprehension listening lesson is to develop comprehension listening skills of students such as scanning, skimming, listening for specific information and listening for gist, For that reason, I think we need to redesign some of the activities in the "Post listening" in the listening lessons After each lesson, it is necessary to change the form and have different activities to promote comprehension skills of students Some activities after listening are: asking and answering (question & Answer), using the suggested words to say the meaningful sentences (using these cues words to make a meaningful sentence), filling in the blank (Gap-fill), playing (Roleplay), discussing (discussion), games (games) [ ]2 Listening activities in the "Post-listening" are no more than 10 minutes in each lesson listening.These activities must be linked to the content of each lesson and must be consistent with the ability of students; not too hard but not too easy to cause boredom for students It is necessary to create real excitement for the students; make them more active when listening; no longer dependent on the available answers of the guide book; and avoid boredom during school hours listening After listening, students can talk about some of the content has just heard in many different forms 2.2.The realities of the problem: Through listening lessons, I found most of the students are passive, not really like studying The reason is because most of them having available answers in the guide book When the teacher asks students to give their answers, they are not really focused on the content of all listening, just when the teacher In this page , part 2.1 I consulted in the reference book – number Page: download by : skknchat@gmail.com asked about the exercises in the text-book, they just give the absolutely correct answers although they not understand some of them Furthermore, in previous years teachers in team also agreed to listening test (15 minutes) in some times, but the quality of them is not high Based on a survey result of student grade11 at Le Hoan high school, and on the basis of subjective evaluation of researcher through practical lectures and classroom discussions with students, I can find that the current situation as well as practicing listening skills of students now as follows: -Most students agree that learning listening skills are the most difficult in all skills Time for this skill especially post-listening part is too short In addition, every student wants to hear and remember 100% the information and understand word by word in Vietnamese without specifying the content focus, not grasp the core information in the listening This makes students feel tired and express fears during listening lesson -Overcrowded classrooms and unequal levels also cause difficulties for the teachers in solving situations in class Besides, some students have learning attitude of passivity and rely on other in listening lesson because they believe that in the testing English has no content of comprehension listening Regarding teaching equipment, high schools today are equipped with relatively modern laboratories and other devices such as projectors, computers… but putting into operation and use are less effective From this situation, I think to redesign the listening exercises in the "Post-Listening" with many different activities to promote comprehension listening skills of students; these activities are in moderation, not too difficult and not too easy as well Morever, we can also organize activities for students to work in groups, pairs, or individuals in the “Post-Listening” These activities can encourage them to be more confident and more active in learning To this teachers and students need a great effort 2.2.1 For students: - Students must well prepare the vocabulary at home before the lesson Teachers may give words that will appear in the listening text and ask students to look up the meaning of those words before the lesson (Students not absolutely preview the tapescripts of the listening text) 2.2.2 For teacher: [ ]3 -Teachers should redesign the activities in the "Post-Listening" more attractive to avoid students having available answers in guide book Teacher can also use Pictures, Posters, Handouts to save time for students - The teacher divides the class into pairs, groups, teams appropriate to each activity - Using Pictures, Posters, Handouts for activities and instructions for how to perform in each activity for student In this page , part 2.2.2 I consulted n the reference book –number Page: download by : skknchat@gmail.com - Plus good mark if individuals, pairs or groups well to encourage them and to create excitement in studying 2.3.Solutions to these problems: Through teaching improvement program English 11- Standard program in many years-I have redesigned the activities in the "Post-Listening" for each listening lesson as follows: UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP Activity 1: -T asks ss to make questions and then answer about Lan and Long’s best friend (T gives the cues) Where / Ha and Lan/ used to/ live? How long / they/ be /friends? How / Ha? Where / Long and Minh/ meet? Long/ a singer? What / Minh’s good quality? Activity 2: (Homework) -Write a short passage about Lan and Long’s best friend UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Activity 1(Game: Lucky fruits) -T introduces the Game: I have fruits In these fruits, there are lucky fruits If you choose the lucky fruit you needn’t give the answer & you will get marks If you choose other fruits, you must give answer for my questions If you give the correct answer, you will get one mark The team having more marks will be the winner [ ]4 Melon: What does Christina do? Orange: When did the fire happen to her? Banana: (Lucky fruit) Strawberry: (Lucky fruit) Apple: What was she doing when the fire started? Grape: What did the experience affect her? Activity 2(homework): Retell the story of Christina UNIT 3: A PARTY In this page , activity I consulted in the reference book – number Page: download by : skknchat@gmail.com Activity 1: Role –play: Work in pairs, one is student A, one is student B Suppose that A was busy and didn’t come to Mai’s birthday party Now A asks B about Mai’s party [ ] Suggested question: -Can you tell me about Mai’s birthday party? -When and where was it held? -Who did you go with? -Did you know most people there? -What time did it finish? -What did you there? Activity 2:( homework) -Write a short passage about Mai’s birthday party by using some information which you have just listened to the tapescript UNIT 4: VOLUNTEER WORK Activity 1: (Game : Lucky numbers) [ ] -T introduces the Game: I have numbers In these numbers, there are lucky numbers If you choose the lucky number you needn’t give the answer & you will get marks If you choose other numbers, you must give answer for my questions If you give the correct answer, you will get one mark The team having more marks will be the winner Number1: What is the name of the school? Number 2: (Lucky number) Number 3: Where they come from? Number 4: How many students are there? Number 5: What is the aim of Spring School? Number 6: Which activities the children at the school take part in? Number 7: (Lucky number) Number 4: Who does the Spring School require? Activity 2: (homework) Page: download by : skknchat@gmail.com - Retell the story about the Spring School UNIT 6: COMPETITIONS 1.Activity :Look at the given words and tell about the relating information about the Boston Marathon [ ] USA Kuscsik/ 1972 1897 John Mcdermott 34/1984 Talk about the Boston Marathon ‘ of Mr Vy 1967/ women Activity 2:(homework) -Retell the history of the Boston Marathon UNIT 7: THE WORLD POPULATION 1.Activity 1:Summarise the main ideas of the passage by filling the information in the box in the sentences below a billion b c 67 billion d 76 million e The world population today is over………………………………… The world population increases by about…………… a year By the year 2015, the world population will be over……………… The number of problems which the expert mentions is…………… The number of sulution s which the expert offers is………………… Page: download by : skknchat@gmail.com 2.Activity 2: (homework) Summarize the passage you listenned again about 100 words and write it down in your notebook UNIT 8: CELEBRATION 1.Activity 1: work in pairs : compare the following aspect of the VietNamese New Year with those of the Japanese one [3 ]5 Activities Japan Vietnam Preparations: Begin a few days before the New Year Begin many days before the New Year Foods and clothes: Cook special food, special kimonos, or dress Traditional foods, dress Ao Dai ,suits, no Kimonos Activities on New Year’s Eve: Clean up, pine trees, watch the national singing contest on T.V Clean up, peach/ apricot flowers, watch T.V Pp to celebrate with: Is celebrated among family only Is celebrated with family, relatives, friends… Activity 2: (homework) [ ]6 -Write a passage about the similarities and differences between the VietNamese and The Japanese in the celebration of New Year UNIT 9: THE POST OFFICE 1.Activity 1: (Discussion) Summarize the main ideas of the listening passage with some points: -Viet Nam’s rapid growth in telephone numbers -The addition of digits to existing telephone numbers to meet the increasing demands -The reduction in monthly telephone fees -The expansion of the telephone networks to Vie Nam’s rul areas 2.Activity 2: (Homework) Rewrite the summarise of the listening passage into your notebooks UNIT 10: NATURE IN DANGER In this page , activity unit 8, I consulted in the reference book –number In this page , activity unit I consulted in the reference book – number ; discussion unit 10 I consulted in the reference book –number 6 Page: download by : skknchat@gmail.com Discussion: Work in groups to summarize the passage by filling in each gap with a suitable word [ ] National Parks are to protect and …1………the natural beauty of land They……2…….a variety of scenic features There are ……3… national parks in the USA and …4……… of people visit it every year Many national parks are in………5……… of being destroyed If their problems are not solved, they will be……6……completely UNIT 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY Activity 1: Complete the summary of the listening passage by using the information you have listened [ ]7 Natural resources are divided into two groups:………1… and……… 2…….If the resource can be replaced quickly, it is called……3…….If it …… 4…… ,it is……5…….nonrenewable.They are very important to our life, so we must…6………them Activity 2:(homework)Name some renewable resources and nonrenewable resources that you kwow Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES (Game: Lucky fruits) -T introduces the Game: I have fruits In these fruits, there are lucky fruits If you choose the lucky fruit you needn’t give the answer & you will get marks If you choose other fruits, you must give answer for my questions If you give the correct answer, you will get one mark The team having more marks will be the winner [ ] Melon: What is the name of the programme? Orange: (Lucky fruit) Banana: Who was the first athlete to mention in the report? Strawberry: (Lucky fruit) Apple: Where are LiLi and Lee Bong Ju from? Grape: Who is the last high jumper? UNIT 13: HOBBIES 1.Activity 1: Talk about the disadvantages of over –reading using the cues: [ ]8 *Health: -Blurry, short-sightedand under stress In this page , activity unit 11 I consulted in the reference book – number ; unit 12 ( game ) I consulted in the reference book – number In this page , activity 1( unit 13) I consulted in the reference book – number ; cativity ( unit 15 ) I consulted in the reference book number Page: 10 download by : skknchat@gmail.com -Not have enough physical exercise, get sick fromjust sittingdown and not moving *Knowledge: -Lacking practical knowledge -Not have enough time for studying *Life: -Become bookworms Activity 2: (Homework) Write a passage (about 70-100 words) to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of reading UNIT 15: SPACE CONQUEST 1.Activity 1:Talk about the events with numbers and pictures [ ] 1969 On July 16, 1969 On July 20, 1969 On July 24, 1969 2.Activity 2: (Homework)Rewrite the some main points of the listening passage UNIT 16: THE WONDER OF THE WORLD Activity 1: Discussion: Work in groups to talk about the Geat Wall The Great Wall of Chine Location Starting building Atractive characteristics at present Main tourist attractions Their features Activity 2: Write a description of the Great Wall of Chine 2.4 Results after applying the research in teaching: Through many years of implementation, I found myself that the activities in the "Post-Listening" have the following results: -These activities are suiable to the new program textbook -The students are more interested in studying, more active in creating to widen their kwowledge - The ability to listen and respond of student progress clearly They have used some of the information in the listening they have just heard is to switch to speaking and writing skills Therefore, other skills such as speaking and writing are also promoted Page: 11 download by : skknchat@gmail.com - Students have opportunities to practice in pairs “pairswork” and groups “groupwork” and to assert themselves -Lessons become more exciting and students are taken part in many different activities -The weaker students are also more progressive than previous They are more confident; also raise their hand to construct the lesson voluntarily - Creating the initiative, excitement for students when participating listened with new activities for each unit of lesson Classes became really exciting They thrilled to hear and listen exactly to all the contents of the listening text by their own effort - Creating agility when listening and responding after listening After one year of teaching in classes 11 (A2 and A3) (school year 20162017 ), comparing the average results of tests in two semesters, I have the following specific results: Semester I: (The average point of tests) Class Number Excellent of student students 11A2 45 (4.4%) 11A3 44 1(2.3%) Good student Average student Below Average student 10 20 10(22.2%) (22.2%) (44.4%) 7(15.9%) 19(43.2%) 12(27.3%) Weak student 3(6.7%) 5(11.4%) Semester II: (the average point of tests) Class 11A2 11A3 Nuber Excellent Good Average of student student student students 45 4(8.9%) 15(33.3%) 23(51.1%) 44 3(6.8%) 12(27.3%) 22(50%) Below Average student 3(6.7%) 6(13.6%) Weak student 1(2.3%) PART 3: CONCLUSION AND REQUEST 3.1.Conclusion: Like other skills, listening comprehension is an integral part in the teaching and using foreign language process.In the listening lessons, students practise listening, writing and speaking through activities.There are a lot of ways to teach listening comprehension for students, the duty of the teacher is to depend on each activity, the ability of students to apply the different skills actively so as to achieve the best results After each lesson, students can integrate all the knowledge that they have studied to some activities the most Page: 12 download by : skknchat@gmail.com effectively.They can also develop voluntary and active to receive the knowledge.The majority of the students understood, knew well the basic knowledge of the lesson and formed the studying method Through years of teaching, I see that the application of the activities in the "Post-Listening" has brought many positive results – Listening ability of students apparently progress, besides, the other skills such as speaking and writing is also enhanced The students also really enjoy the listening lesson In order to have an effective lesson, the teacher needs to prepare materials, and teaching aids such as: cassetle, CD, picture, poster and visual things…Those help for teaching and learning get a really good result These are small experiences that I have been gleaned through practice teaching in listening lessons English 11 at my school During the time I got access the theme perhaps there are still some shortcomings.I hope that the leaders and the colleagues will give more constructive feedback and experiences to my theme is better 3.2 Request: To apply effectively the topic in teaching listening, I have some suggestions below: - For students: need to prepare the vocabulary at home before the lesson - For teachers: To make the "Post-Listening" more lively and create excitement for the students in the listening lessons in listening program English 11- standard program - teachers need to invest more to redesign activities appropriate content for each lesson to improve the ability to listen and respond after listening of students When redesigning the activities, teachers must pay attention to the timing of each activity The activities must be consistent with the lesson content (not too long or too easy) In each activity it is necessary to create real excitement for each class, each student so that all children can attend In each activity the teacher should ask students to work in pairs, groups Besides, there should have some incentive reward for the teams, pairs doing these activities well Moreover, teachers should always provide opportunities for students to promote all the skills - Provide some documents related to the skills (such as listening, speaking, reading, writing) for teacher reference I think, the redesign of the activities in the "Post-Listening" does not stop at Grade 11 but can apply to grades 10 and 12 Confirmed by the headmaster Thanh Hoa, date: 30/04/2017 I assure that this experience idea is mine, not copied the other person’s content Page: 13 download by : skknchat@gmail.com DO THANH NAM DINH THI NGOC ANH REFERENCE BOOKS ******** [ 1] Dạy học theo chuẩn kiến thức kĩ môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11(Trần Xuân Điệp, Nguyễn Thùy Dương, Nguyễn Thị Mai Hương, Nguyễn Thị Hương Lan, Lưu Thị Kim Nhung, Thái Thị Cẩm Trang)-Nhà xuất đại học sư phạm) [2] Tiếng Anh 11 (Hoàng Văn Vân, Hoàng Thi Xuân Hoa, Đỗ Tuấn Minh, Nguyễn Thu Phương, Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn)-Nhà xuất giáo dục [3] Tiếng Anh 11-Sách Giáo Viên (Hoàng Văn Vân, Hoàng Thi Xuân Hoa, Đỗ Tuấn Minh, Nguyễn Thu Phương, Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn)-Nhà xuất giáo dục [4] Thiết kế giảng Tiếng Anh 11 (Chu Quang Bình) –Nhà xuất Hà Nội [5].Thư viện giảng điện tử violet [6] Tiếng Anh thông dụng lớp 11 (Trần Anh Tuấn , Mai Thị Vân )-Nhà xuất đại học quốc gia Hà Nội Page: 14 download by : skknchat@gmail.com APPENDIX These bellow questions are used for the topic of experience idea’s datas I would like you spend a little time answering the questions honestly and correctly Thanks for your co-operation Put the tick ( ) in the answer that is suitable for you Question 1: How you evaluate the result of your listening today? a Very weak b Weak c Everage d Good e Excellent Question 2: Do you think that redesigning some activities in part “postlistening” is suitable? a Yes b No Question 3: What are your reasons that make you like practicing some activities in part “post- listening”? a I can understand the listening better b I feel the listening lessons more interesting c I can sumarise the listening d All the answers are correct Question 4: Which activities you like most in part “post –listening”? a Playing games b Discussion c Role-play Page: 15 download by : skknchat@gmail.com ... ideas, the author only wish to introduce some activities for comprehension listening lessons in English textbooks 11 - Program for high school students in grades 11 at Le Hoan high school in the. .. for specific information and listening for gist, For that reason, I think we need to redesign some of the activities in the "Post listening" in the listening lessons After each lesson, it is... difficulties for the teachers in solving situations in class Besides, some students have learning attitude of passivity and rely on other in listening lesson because they believe that in the testing English

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2022, 22:46


