Национально-культурный компонент лексического значения слова как отражение взаимосвязи языка и культуры
Words with a cultural component reflect the uniqueness of a nation's culture, with their meanings varying from universal to region-specific These terms fall under the category of non-equivalent vocabulary, which is highlighted when comparing languages across different cultures Teaching Russian as a foreign language involves specific methodologies influenced by the psychological traits of each nation and the uniqueness of their native languages and cultures The impact of a learner's native language on acquiring a foreign language is significant, making it a key methodological principle in teaching Russian The relationship between a learner's native culture and the acquisition of foreign vocabulary, particularly Russian, has become a focus of research in teaching methodologies It is widely recognized that considering both the learner's culture and the culture of the target language enhances educational outcomes The definition of culture, encompassing both spiritual and material aspects, significantly influences the vocabulary of a language The interaction between language and culture has intrigued linguists since the 17th century, with systematic exploration beginning in the late 19th century The relationship between language and reality forms the basis of the theory of linguistic relativity, associated with figures like B Whorf and E Sapir Contemporary linguists suggest that the ideas of V Humboldt and neo-Humboldtian ethnolinguistics resonate with the principles of linguistic relativity, positing that language differences shape national perspectives and worldviews.
In 1956, L Weigel asserted that an individual's perception of the world is fundamentally shaped by their native language (WuAWtivi, 1962) Furthermore, E Sapir's research on indigenous languages demonstrated the strong correlation between a culture and the characteristics of its language (Sapir).
1934) Однако в отличие от Б.Уорфа он предостерегал от установления прямых соответствий между культурой и структурой языка ( Сепир,
Edward Sapir's views on the relationship between language and thought, the nature of linguistic differences among peoples, and the role of language in shaping human perceptions of objective reality formed the foundation for Benjamin Whorf's principle of "linguistic relativity." Whorf's concept interprets the world through the lens of language, proposing that similar physical phenomena can only create a comparable understanding of the universe when linguistic systems are similar or at least correlated Thus, the "theory of linguistic relativity," which posits that language's nature and structure determine human thought, worldview, and behavior, encompasses both the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and Leo Weisgerber's teachings, as well as various schools of linguistic philosophy V.A Zvegintsev analyzes the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, highlighting that discrepancies in meanings and diverse types of relationships with objective reality across languages are undeniable facts.
The claim that different cultures possess varying worldviews and cognitive qualities is not substantiated For instance, the Eskimo's ability to differentiate various types and conditions of snow is not solely due to the presence of specific words in their language Rather, it is the unique conditions of their environment that shape their consciousness, leading to the development of particular concepts that are then expressed through distinct words and phrases.
In contemporary Soviet linguistics, the relationship between language and culture is explored through their interdependence As noted by Akhmanova (1957), our thoughts and the meanings of words are primarily shaped by the reality we encounter, highlighting the inseparable connection between language and thought This relationship implies that language influences culture, as evidenced by Panfilov (1975), who emphasized that language inevitably affects cultural understanding Differences among languages, influenced by national cultures, can manifest in varying meanings, conceptual divisions, and grammatical categories However, the vocabulary of a language, particularly its lexical-semantic system, is most susceptible to cultural influences By examining the lexical meaning of words, one can identify the national-cultural component as a set of semantic features that reflect the unique characteristics of the linguistic community Recognizing that a word's meaning cannot be reduced to merely the sum of its semantic components leads to the conclusion of a non-linear arrangement and hierarchical organization within the structure of lexical meaning (Kiseleva).
In understanding the complexity of word meanings, it is essential to distinguish between various components, including macrocomponents such as denotative, significative, structural, and pragmatic elements, as well as minimal semantic units (Sternin, 1979) Researchers have analyzed the relationship between language and thought, as well as language and reality, identifying significative and denotative components within the structure of lexical meaning (see Novikov, 1982; Apresyan, 1974; Arnold, 1966, among others) The denotative component is characterized not merely by naming a specific object in a given context but by serving as a designation for a class of objects.
The distinction between denotative and significative meaning is often misunderstood; it is not merely a differentiation between the names of concrete objects and abstract concepts The components that make up a word's lexical meaning are more complex than this simple categorization suggests Linguistic studies have long recognized that the informative potential of many words extends beyond their direct referential meanings Words serve not only as conventional signals but also as crucial tools for expressing thoughts and conveying information that is richer and deeper than the words' definitions The additional meanings associated with a word become particularly evident when comparing the semantics of words across different languages The national-cultural component, in our view, plays a significant role at various levels of lexical and semantic analysis It can be part of all major components of a word's lexical meaning—denotative, significative, pragmatic, and structural—as well as contribute to the lexical background of the word Importantly, we consider the national-cultural component not in terms of its origins but in terms of its prevalence.
National-cultural semantic shares and non-equivalent words, formed within specific historical communities through international communication and mass media, can evolve into interlingual and conceptually equivalent terms (Vereshchagin, 1980, p 69) This synchronous approach to examining the national-cultural component is driven by the pedagogical necessity of the curriculum However, our comparison of the semantics of Russian and Mongolian words incorporates elements of diachronic analysis to identify lexical-ethymological non-equivalence (Chernov, 1955, p 225) Consequently, our further analysis of vocabulary with national-cultural components will consider both the structural characteristics of lexical meaning and the substantive aspects of this lexical group The national-cultural component is integral to all macrocomponents of the structure of non-equivalent lexical meanings and contributes to its lexical background The influence of extralinguistic reality is also evident in the examination of metaphorical meanings, which in Vietnamese are often derived from words denoting qualities or traits of domestic animals, such as "dudrai" meaning "young livestock," with the metaphorical meaning of "weak, frail, or not sturdy."
The phrase "ретивый конь" translates to a figurative meaning of "frivolous" or "flighty." The challenge of expressing thoughts in different languages encompasses several aspects, including the internal form of a word, its meaning, and the process of naming a particular object in reality It is well understood that the internal form of a word conceals a characteristic of the object, which influences its naming, often determined by extralinguistic reality.
The method of designation is determined by the signifying feature of a word, which forms the basis of its meaning, specifically the feature that has been recorded in the word's meaning through theoretical and practical understanding of an object or phenomenon in the concrete historical conditions of the language-speaking people's life, indicating a close connection between the selection of an object's or phenomenon's feature and the people's life conditions.
In certain cases, the selection of linguistic features is influenced by the specific relationships within a language For instance, the Russian word "партизан" corresponds to the Mongolian term "журамт цэ-рэг," meaning "noble warrior," highlighting that the differentiation of terms for identical referents is not solely based on national cultural specifics The denotative macrocomponent of meaning, linked to the internal form of a word, reflects cultural nuances when the choice of a particular feature is motivated by national characteristics Language not only conveys concrete meanings but also embodies conceptual dimensions, where the uniqueness of national culture can manifest in both denotative and significative components of lexical meaning The disparity in significative components across languages, even when referring to the same extralinguistic reality, indicates the inadequacy of lexical meanings in fully capturing concepts While concepts representing the same reality coincide due to the universal nature of human thought, their linguistic meanings are only partially reflected in the significative aspects The selection of features in significative meaning is sometimes determined by extralinguistic realities Languages uniquely transform cognitive outcomes, creating secondary representations that include extralogical information, enriching the results of logical understanding Thus, recognizing cultural context is essential when teaching foreign students vocabulary that reflects the national uniqueness of the target language, driven by the objective interplay between language and culture.
1/ В зависимости словарного состава языка от национальной культуры: а/ в наличии слов, называющих предметы внеязыковой действительности, которые являются принадлежностью определенной национально-культурной общности; б/ в различной степени дифференцированности понятий в сопоставляемых языках; в/ в несовпадении семантических структур сравниваемых слов
2/ В зависимости семантики слова от специфики национальной культуры: а/ в наличии "культурных моделей" в основе переносных значений слова; б/ в зависимости выбора признака, лежащего в основе наименования предмета, от внеязыковои действительности, что находит отражение в денотативном макрокомпоненте слова; в/ в зависимости содержания набора признаков сигнификативного макрокомпонента значения слова
1.2 Классификация лексики с культурным компонентом на основе типов лексических соответствий слов русского языка Уровень сформированния лексических навыков у иностранных студентов представляет собой наиболее важное условие точного и правильного употребления слова в различных видах речевой деятельности Вопросы обучения лексике с национально-культурным компонентом являются одним из аспектов проблемы овладения лексической стороной русского языка иностранными студентами Можно из слов, имеющих культурный компонент, выделить три группы:
1.2.1 безэквивалентные cлова Безэквивалентная лексика - лексические единицы исходного языка, не имеющие регулярных (словарных) соответствий в языке перевода В русском языке можно выделить пять групп безэквивалентной лексики:
еще остающиеся советизмы (комсомолец, Верховный Совет, колхоз и т.д.) и слова-наименования советского быта (субботник, стенгазета и т.д.)
слова-наименования традиционного быта (квас, валенки, городки, ушанка и т.д.)
лексика фразеологических единиц (Мамаево побоище, отложить в долгий ящик, подковать блоху, филькина грамота и т.д.)
историзмы (кириллица, губерня, крепостной, бурлак и т.д.)
фольклорная лексика (добрый молодец, чудо-юдо, жар-птица и т.д.)
слова, заимствованные у народов России и бывшего СССР (шашлык, тюбетейка и т.д.)
1.2.2 Коннотативные слова Коннотативные слова - слова, которые не просто указывают на предмет, но и несут в себе обозначение его отличительных свойств Характерной их чертой является то, что в большинстве случаев главным является коннотативное, а не денотативное содержание Например слова судьба и судьбина не различаются своими денотатами, но в слове судьбина коннотативное значение выдвинуто на первый план Интересной особенностью обладают коннотативные конструкции, представляющие собой так называемые формы субъективной оценки (братец, девка, книжка) Они очень характерны для русской речи и, напротив, редко встречаются в речи англичанина, француза или немца Слова, выражающие субъективную оценку не изменяют значения исходного слова, но они несут существенную эмоциональную информацию Эта эмоциональная информация зачастую бывает важнее информации понятийной, поэтому в некоторых случаях там, где употреблена субъективно-оценочная лексика, ее замена нейтральными словами приведет к потере всего смысла Слова субъективной оценки с трудом поддаются переводу, поэтому если уменьшительное слово невозможно поставить в соответствие уменьшительному же слову другого языка, то лексика субъективной формы в переводах просто исчезает
Особенности восприятия и понимания иностранными учащимися лексики с национально-культурным компонентом
The uniqueness of vocabulary with a national-cultural component influences how foreign learners perceive and understand these words This process involves activating existing lexical meanings in the minds of the audience during communication For both bilinguals and monolinguals, the lexical meaning of a word is represented as a mental image, which serves as a "psychological equivalent" of the word's meaning, possessing a specific psychological structure However, the perception and understanding of foreign vocabulary differ from that of one's native language due to the fact that the lexical meanings and corresponding mental images formed during the learning of the native language do not fully align with those of the average foreign language speaker While the psychological structure of a word cannot be reduced to its linguistic structure, there is a direct connection between the two, reflecting the complex interactions of language, thought, and reality within the hierarchical organization of lexical meaning The relationship between psychological and linguistic structures is closely linked to the nature of lexical meaning and the relationship between concept and lexical meaning.
Theo L.S Vygotsky, sự thống nhất nhưng không đồng nhất giữa khái niệm và ý nghĩa là rất quan trọng: "Các đơn vị tư duy và ngôn ngữ không trùng khớp Cả hai quá trình thể hiện sự thống nhất nhưng không đồng nhất." (Vygotsky, 1934) V.A Zveginsev cho rằng quá trình khái quát trong từ và khái niệm diễn ra khác nhau: "Quá trình khái quát, dựa trên đó phát triển ý nghĩa từ vựng, gắn liền với một từ cụ thể." (Zveginsev, 1962) Ông nhấn mạnh rằng giữa ý nghĩa và khái niệm không thể có sự ngắt quãng: "Dù con đường khái quát trong từ có quanh co thế nào, đó vẫn là quá trình khái quát hình thành khái niệm từ vựng." (Zveginsev, 1962) Như đã đề cập, chức năng khái quát và phản ánh của ý nghĩa từ vựng khác với chức năng của khái niệm logic, điều này chủ yếu thể hiện ở việc các sự vật và hiện tượng trong thực tế.
The relationship between language and culture can be explored through the lens of lexical meaning, which is only fully understood when considering the psychological aspects of language Lexical meaning reflects concepts that are shaped by cognitive processes, emphasizing the importance of thinking in the reflection and generalization of reality A psycholinguistic approach highlights the dual functions of linguistic signs—communication and generalization—allowing for an investigation into how meanings are constructed in human consciousness during communication When foreign learners encounter culturally determined vocabulary, the resulting mental images often lack the nuanced national-cultural components, leading to an incomplete understanding of the lexical meaning Consequently, the structure of lexical meaning significantly influences the internal representation of words in the mind.
The concept of partial non-equivalence in the minds of foreign learners studying the Russian language results in a more complex structure of word meaning compared to native speakers For instance, when foreign students perceive vocabulary with a national-cultural component, the denotative macrocomponent often remains unactualized, disrupting the connection between the material image of the word and its meaning This hinders the ability to relate words to specific objects and phenomena in reality Additionally, if the national-cultural component is part of the significative macrocomponent, it too may not be activated, leading to a breakdown in the identification process Consequently, when understanding lexical items containing interlanguage semes, students rely on a generalized object image transferred to unfamiliar items, which share information with the stored generalized image The national-cultural component, being a non-matching element of the word's semantics, cannot be activated based on the learner's past experiences, as it is influenced by the specifics of their native culture and reality To ensure that the "thought spheres of communicators" align for effective information comprehension, it is crucial to establish a connection between the national-cultural component of a word's lexical meaning and its material image Research into lexical meaning should consider the dual functions of words: communication and generalization The psychological structure of a word's lexical meaning, as reflected in human consciousness, must encompass all macrocomponents of that meaning Depending on the context of semantic perception, only one aspect of a word's lexical meaning may dominate during its use Each type of vocabulary with a national-cultural component has a distinct psychological structure in the minds of foreign learners Since the connection between the national-cultural component and the material part of the linguistic sign cannot be formed through positive transfer, it must be established through a stable relationship between a specific reflection of reality and the linguistic sign of the target language.
Психологические закономерности функционирования рецептивных лексических навыков в процессе восприятия и понимания текста иностранными учащимися
Unlike productive forms of speech activities such as writing and speaking, reading literary works involves the perception and processing of information rather than the expression of thoughts through language This distinction highlights the unique procedural aspects of reading, where communication is understood as the transmission of linguistic messages Reading also differs from listening in terms of the conditions under which verbal messages are perceived, reflected in the physiological nature of processing incoming signals and the characteristics of perceptual and meaningful interpretation Additionally, auditory messages can be supported by paralinguistic cues like facial expressions and gestures, which facilitate comprehension While listening is characterized by "simultaneous perception," reading allows the recipient to revisit the text as needed The procedural aspects of reading encompass psychological processes and psychophysiological functions such as perception, meaning perception, comprehension, and understanding Meaningful perception of verbal messages is viewed as a process of receiving and interpreting the message, which involves uncovering and establishing meaningful connections and relationships between the elements of the received verbal communication.
The positive outcome of the cognitive process in speech perception is understanding, while the negative outcome is misunderstanding Modern psychological and psycholinguistic literature views reading as a combination of sensory and perceptual-meaning levels in the psychophysiological processing of speech messages This processing involves perceptual actions such as detection, differentiation, and identification, alongside cognitive operations like primary synthesis, analysis, and secondary synthesis There is no consensus among researchers regarding the levels of perception, their quantity, or the nature of information processing at each level Various researchers identify levels such as phonemic, morphemic, lexical, and phrasal, as well as phonematic, phonetic, grammatical, and semantic-meaning levels The distinction of these levels arises from different perspectives on how input signals are processed For instance, two levels can be identified based on the nature of processing: sensory and perceptual-meaning Z.I Klychnikova distinguishes seven levels of understanding literary works during reading, reflecting the depth of a reader's engagement with the author's intent However, these levels do not clarify how the reader perceives the process The issue of skills and abilities remains a focal point in both methodology and psychology A prevalent concept interprets skills through abilities, defining a skill as an ability that has become a free and efficient action through repeated practice Receptive lexical-grammatical skills are categorized into receptive skills with active and passive material ownership Passive comprehension involves correlating visual, motor, and auditory representations with word semantics, differentiating similar forms, and utilizing contextual and morphological clues Thus, receptive lexical skills encompass the intuitive recognition and understanding of words in both written and spoken forms, relying on established connections between word semantics and their sensory representations Skills related to unfamiliar vocabulary depend on deducing meanings through contextual clues or morphological guessing, closely tied to anticipation and well-formed grammatical skills As components of lexical-grammatical skills, lexical abilities function in unity with grammatical skills, each exhibiting its own specificity, which is evident in lexical and grammatical errors The primary abilities facilitating the meaningful processing of perceived speech messages during reading are essential for comprehension.
I/ умения, связанные с извлечением "общей информации с непосредственным пониманием читаемого текста и охватом общего содержания" ( Методика, 1983, с 31 )
2/ умения, обеспечивающие "глубокое и всестороннее восприятие художественно-эстетической и идейной информации, в том числе с помощью анализа языковых форм в единстве с содержанием текста" ( там же, с 31 ) Исходя из сказанного, можно сделать вывод о том, что овладение речевой деятельностью "представляет собой психологически сложный процесс постепенного формирования навыков и развития умений, компонентами которых они являются"( Шатилов, 1977 б, с 23 ) Соотнесение материального образа знака с образом его содержания осуществляется благодаря функционированию речевых лексических навыков ( в данном случае лексические навыки в целях и исследования рассматриваются отдельно от грамматических ) В соответствии с принятой нами концепцией лексического значения слова, мы считаем, что при формировании рецептивных лексических навыков у иностранных учащихся должна быть сформирована и автоматизирована связь материального образа слова не столько с целостным значением слова, сколько с ведущим компонентом его лексического значения, который и определяет тип значения данного слова Одновременно для формирования речевых лексических навыков необходимо устанавливать связь между материальным образом слова и национально-культурным компонентом Основой для данной связи является наличие знаний у иностранных учащихся страноведческого характера, отраженных в национально-культурном компоненте слова Таким образом, речевые лексические навыки чтения литературного произведения представляют собой единство автоматизированных связей между материальным образом слова и ведущим содержательным компонентом его значения Необходимо также отметить, что процесс обработки речевого сообщения при чтении как на сенсорном, так и на перцептивном уровнях предельно автоматизирован, что возможно благодаря таким свойствам навыков, как автоматизированность, устойчивость и стабильность в выполнении речевых операций ( Шатилов, 1977 б, с 24) Мгновенное узнавание лексических единиц в тексте обусловлено не только указанными выше свойствами лексических навыков, но и такими его свойствами как лабильность и гибкость, которые позволяют переносить способы выполнения автоматизированных операций в осваиваемую деятельность, имеющую сходные черты с ранее выподнявшейся ( Шатилов, 1977 б, с.25) Эти свойства навыков обеспечивают мгновенное узнавание слова в любом контексте Предельный автоматизм в выполнении операций при сенсорной и перцептивной обработке речевого сообщения дает основание многим исследователям говорить о параллельном включении различных уровней восприятия речевого сообщения Следующая фаза формирующего уровня - фаза установления смысловых связей, является фазой перехода перцептивных действий к мыслительным операциям Установление смысловых связей на данном этапе происходит как между отдельными словами, так и между смысловыми звеньями, что соответствует двум основным уровням понимания текста: уровню значения и уровню смысла Установление смысловых связей между словами происходит путем
The process of understanding sentences involves not only syntagmatic relationships but also paradigmatic ones, as highlighted by linguistic scholars Key words serve as semantic milestones, facilitating the integration of sentence structures and meanings Effective lexical skills are crucial, as the meaning of a word encompasses not just its denotative and pragmatic components but also structural ones that reflect systemic connections in the lexicon Establishing links between these structural components and the material representation of words is essential for developing receptive lexical skills in foreign learners According to E.I Passov, reading lexical skills should be formed based on whole phrases, emphasizing the need for both syntagmatic and paradigmatic connections for comprehensive text understanding Knowledge of the lexical context of a word, which includes its paradigmatic and syntagmatic ties, is fundamental for building these skills The successful comprehension of literary texts relies on formed speech abilities, which enable learners to grasp the entirety of the content Furthermore, the process of meaningful perception in reading is supported by well-developed lexical and grammatical skills that align with the psychophysiological principles of comprehension Receptive lexical skills are foundational for both perceptual actions and cognitive operations, essential for processing verbal messages and establishing meaningful connections To enhance these skills, it is vital to automate the relationship between the material representation of a word and its primary meaning, including any national-cultural aspects Thus, effective lexical skill development requires an awareness of both syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships, supported by a solid understanding of the key word's lexical background.
Цель обучения литературе студентов – филологов
Studying literary works in literature classes introduces students to the high moral and aesthetic ideals of national art, fostering their spiritual needs and value orientations The quality of literature teaching in institutions significantly influences the social and moral character of youth Literature aims to enhance students' speech, reading culture, and ability to fully perceive artistic texts As part of the aesthetic cycle alongside music and visual arts, literature interacts with all subjects, reflecting the diversity of life and requiring a comprehensive understanding from readers It also supports the expression of human thought and the ideals of humanity The connection between literature and the Russian language is particularly strong, as language serves as the foundation of literature and a source of refined speech The curricula for Russian language and literature overlap in developing oral and written skills, emphasizing their interrelation Additionally, literature is closely tied to history and social studies, as understanding literary works requires knowledge of societal development and historical contexts Conversely, social studies and history benefit from literature, which reveals patterns in societal evolution The teaching of literature emerged from the societal need to prepare younger generations for engagement in the literary arts While artistic culture is shaped by various influences, the role of school education is crucial in developing artistic interests and abilities during childhood and adolescence Ultimately, literature provides joy, inspiration, and moral education, enriching the ideas and lives of millions.
Лексика с культурным компонентом в русских литературных произведениях, изучаемых студентами - филологами
произведениях, изучаемых студентами - филологами Люди общаются с помощью языка, а язык как часть национальной культуры является сам по себе сжатым, алгебраическим выражением всей культуры нации Из этого мы можем сказать:
All cultural objects—whether they are items, phenomena, events, or others—are reflected in language to varying degrees The words that denote these cultural objects can take on additional symbolic meanings, expressing the national character, psyche, and mindset of a particular people.
- Человек, сам являясь мерой всех вещей, постоянно стремится оцениться, вписать в свою систему ценностей все воспринимаемые им обьекты, явления которых связаны с фактом культуры, представляющим ценность для членов общества;
When learning a foreign language, individuals encounter familiar phenomena related to their native language and culture, as well as new and unique aspects specific to the target language Each culture perceives and categorizes the diversity of the world in its own way, assigning names to the elements it identifies The language of literature vividly reflects the "specificity of the national naive worldview." A literary work serves as a cultural artifact on multiple levels, embodying the intricate relationship between language, culture, and human experience.
- В художественной литературе отражена вся жизнь народа, в том числе и культура как важнейщая ее составляющая Таким образом, содержание художественного произведения представляется национально – культурным по определению;
- Язык – материал, из которого изготовлено художественное произведение – это один из важнейщих культурных феноменов;
- Художественное произведение как произведение искусства является фактом культуры В качестве элементов содержания художественного произведения могут быть использованы следующие компоненты культуры, несущие как общечеловеческую, так и национально-специфическую окраску:
- традиции ( или устойчивые элементы культуры), обычаи ( определяемые как традиции в соционормативной сфере культуры) и обряды ( выполняющие функцию неосознанного приобщения к господствующей в данном обществе системе нормативных требований)
- бытовая культура, тесно связанная с традициями, вследствие чего ее нередко называют традиционно- бытовой культурой
- повседневное поведение (привычки представителей некоторой культуры, принятые в некотором социуме нормы общения), а также связанные с ним мимический и пантонический (кинесический) коды, используемые носителями некоторой лингвокультурной общности
- национальные картины мира, отражающие специфику восприятия окружающего мира, национальные особенности мышления представителей той или иной культуры
Artistic culture reflects the cultural traditions of various ethnic groups, emphasizing the significance of cultural context in literary works Cultural information within artistic creations is categorized into two main areas: a) culture described through language, and b) culture embedded within the language itself In teaching Russian as a foreign language, there is a heightened focus on how national and cultural semantics are represented in the language, as culture forms the core content of education.
Лексика с культурным компонентом в произведении “Поднятая целина” М.А Шолохова
2.2.1 Иcследование лексики в романе "Поднятая целина" c безэквивалентными cловами
+ Покупаем у колхозника скот личного пользования
+ "Спасобо за хлеб-соль, Яков Лукич!" (с 23.) Хлеб соль - субстантивный фразеологизм в значении – угощение
+ "Много мы красных слов слыхали" (с 38.) Красных слов - субстантивный фразеологизм в значении - ярких, выразительных слов
+ "И побегут, скот весь растянут, и останемся мы с разбитым корытом, очень даже просто!" (с 171.) С разбитым корытом - субстантивный фразеологизм в значении - ни с чем, потерять все имевшееся, приобретенное
+ Идите вы к черту!" (С 287.) К черту! - междометный фразеологизм в значении - прочь, долой, вон
+ "Счастье моѐ, личное счастье, осталось за кормой, в прошлом то есть… Хотя и в прошлом мне было отмерено - кот наплакал" (с
488.) Кот наплакал наречный фразеологизм в значении - очень мало
+ "Подарю какому–нибудь колхознику – кузнецу, прах его дери", – решил он, бросая чемодан в сани Фразеологизм прах его дери Прах – заимствование из старославянского языка (Стр.27)
+ "… в поте лица добывал хлеб насущный …" Фразеологизм – хлеб насущный Заимствование из старославянского языка, в котором оно является словообразовательной калькой греч epiousios (Стр.75)
+ "Сорок два пуда семенного – это тебе не кот наплакал" Фразеологизм- кот наплакал – фразеологическая полукалька Кот – считается общеславянским заимствованием из латинского языка – cattus – "дикая кошка".(Стр.149)
+ "Да я же не говорю, что этот Банник – свой человек, прах его возьми!" Фразеологизм прах его возьми Прах – заимствование из старославянского языка (Стр.151)
+ "Скажи на милость! – отвечал дед Щукарь – Да разве ж я с коньми не знаю, как обойтись?" Фразеологизм – скажи на милость Милость – заимствование из старославянского языка
Cụm từ "bắt vào bút chì" là một ví dụ của cụm từ phrasal loan translation, trong đó "bút chì" được vay mượn từ ngôn ngữ Turk vào thế kỷ XVIII Câu nói "Thế nên tôi đã lấy anh, giữ túi rộng ra nhé!" cũng là một cụm từ phrasal loan translation, trong đó "túi" được vay mượn từ ngôn ngữ Turk vào cuối thế kỷ XVII, nơi mà "túi" có nghĩa là "ví tiền, túi đựng tiền".
The phrase "Чума тебя бери" is a phrasal semi-calque that originated from the Turkish word "suma," meaning "plague," and was borrowed in the late 18th century Similarly, the expression "Лытает как черт от ладана" illustrates a semi-calque, conveying the idea that people avoid the forge, much like a devil avoids incense.
+ "А косарей с ручными косами в бригаде кот наплакал" Кот наплакал – фразеологическая полукалька Кот Заимствовано из лат языка
+ "Она да Трофим – два сапога пара, истинный бог, не брешу!" Два сапога пара – фразеологическая полукалька Пара Заимствовано через посредство польского языка из немецкого, в котором paar восходит к лат par –"равный"
The phrase "But this is only for a time; this illness does not frighten me much" reflects the transient nature of challenges The term "time," derived from Old Slavic, originally meant "something that rotates," indicating a loss of its native Russian essence Similarly, "Say for mercy, what a calamity, but it’s just business" incorporates the Old Slavic word for mercy, emphasizing the importance of compassion amidst adversity Lastly, "I will break myself against the board, but I will obtain it for school!" illustrates determination through the idiomatic expression "break against the board," which has roots in Common Slavic and Germanic languages, tracing back to Latin and Greek origins.
+ "Исповедь мне твою нужна, как собаке пятая нога" Как собаке пятая нога – фразеологическая полукалька Собака Др заимствование из иранского языка, вероятно, из языка скифов (мидийск)
+ "Гни свою линию" – фразеологическая полукалька Гни (гнуть) – общеславянское Линия – через посредство немецкого языка заимствовано в начале XVIII века из лат Лат Linea – "нитка, линия" – производное от "лен"
Cụm từ "За чистую монету принимают" là một kiểu diễn đạt phức tạp, được vay mượn từ tiếng Latinh qua tiếng Ba Lan vào đầu thế kỷ XVIII Ban đầu, từ Latinh này là một biệt danh của nữ thần Juno, nơi có đền thờ và xưởng đúc tiền bên cạnh.
пользы как от козла молока с.36
[что было, то] быльем поросло с.41
лица на тебе не было с.113
как бог на душу положит с.126
как баран на новые ворота с.127
2.2.2 Иcследование лексики в романе "Поднятая целина" с коннотативными словами
2.2.3 Исcледование лексики в романе "Поднятая целина" с фоновыми словами
+Длинный и бесформенный, завернутый в черную лохматую бурку(c 204)
Методические рекомендации для повышения эффективности обучения русской литературе студентов – филологов
Effective learning methods are closely tied to the subject matter and content of knowledge, making the question of "how to learn" dependent on "what to learn." For instance, studying a lyrical poet differs from studying a satirical poet, and the approach to reading lengthy literary works varies from that of shorter texts Educational materials in literature are essential for teachers to facilitate independent student engagement To enhance students' understanding of cultural similarities and differences, teachers play a crucial role by adapting lessons to their students' age and proficiency levels Practical applications, such as discussing cultural issues encountered when interacting with foreigners or analyzing cultural differences through quizzes and presentations, are vital The teaching of foreign languages should not only focus on linguistic structures but also incorporate cultural aspects that may not be addressed in standard curricula Students must be engaged and aware; otherwise, they may find lessons tedious and lose interest Continuous connection with literary movements, schools, and genres is necessary, supported by appropriate educational resources Teaching Russian as a foreign language requires special attention and innovative methods, emphasizing the development of linguistic, literary, and cultural competencies A systematic approach to vocabulary acquisition is crucial, as it plays a significant role in language learning, yet challenges in vocabulary teaching remain The integration of vocabulary and grammar is essential, and contemporary teaching methods emphasize the systematic nature of language aspects, highlighting the importance of semantics in language instruction.
The central role of the word in language is underscored by the evolution of linguistics, which has transitioned from focusing on words to texts and back to words As noted by N.I Zhinkin, the real meaning of speech emerges only in the lexicon, highlighting the significance of vocabulary in communication Mastery of a language, especially at advanced levels, largely depends on expanding one's vocabulary Lexical knowledge is a crucial component of any practical Russian language course, with its emphasis varying based on the course type Short-term courses often prioritize vocabulary acquisition, while comprehensive courses balance vocabulary with grammar, particularly syntax Current conditions allow for a systematic approach to vocabulary selection and interpretation within specific practical course frameworks This systematic perspective reveals that many methodological challenges arise when vocabulary is considered outside the context of a cohesive practical course A practical course has defined boundaries and structure, shaped by the development of its components—grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, text, and functional styles—each influencing the course's overall effectiveness.
1 http://www.google.com.vn/
2 http://www.lib.ua-ru.net/diss/cont/159292.html
6 http://www.philology.ru/linguistics2/belchikov-88.htm
7 http://works.tarefer.ru/29/100067/index.html
8 http://www.5ballov.ru/referats/preview/38819/4
9 http://works.tarefer.ru/29/100032/index.html
10 http://www.artprojekt.ru/referats/humanities/ya_gu_254.htm
11 http://www.gramota.ru/nws_arch.html?nnC7
12 Шолохов М.А Поднятая целина: Роман: В 2 кн / Сост., подгот текста, варианты, прим., статья Ю.А Дворяшина Екатеринбург: ИД ôСократằ,
13 Творчество М.А Шолохова в школьном изучении: Книга для учителя / Под ред Ю.А Дворяшина Сургут: РИО СурГПИ, 2003
14 Изучение творчества М.А Шолохова в высшей и общеобразовательной школе Материалы шолоховских чтений-2002 Ростов н/Д., 2003
15 Брагина А.А Лексика языка и культура страны в