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How to get into the top MBA programs

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Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Acknowledgements PREFACE Part I - THE CONTEXT Chapter - WHY GET AN MBA? Chapter - TYPES OF MBA PROGRAMS Chapter - HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT SCHOOL FOR YOU Chapter - HOW TO USE THE RANK INGS Chapter - THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS Chapter - APPLICATION TIMETABLE Part II - MARKETING YOURSELF SUCCESSFULLY Chapter - MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR CREDENTIALS Chapter - MARKETING YOURSELF: GENERAL PRINCIPLES Chapter - UNDERSTANDING THE KEY ESSAY TOPICS Chapter 10 - HOW TO WRITE PERSUASIVE ESSAYS Chapter 11 - RECOMMENDATIONS Chapter 12 - INTERVIEWS Part III - ON THE ROAD TO BUSINESS SCHOOL Chapter 13 - RESPONDING TO WAIT-LISTING, REJECTIONS, AND OTHER DISAPPOINTMENTS Chapter 14 - WHAT TO DO ONCE YOU ARE ACCEPTED Chapter 15 - HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF BUSINESS SCHOOL Chapter 16 - FNANCING YOUR MBA Part IV - APPLICATION ESSAY EXAMPLES ESSAYS INDEX “The definitive book on the subject No gimmicks: just straightforward, honest advice from the recognized authority on the application process��� as well as in-depth comments from the admissions directors at all of the leading schools.” —Thomas Caleel, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania) “Comprehensive, objective, insightful quite simply, the definitive book on the subject—an absolute must-read for applicants.” —Don Martin, Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business “Richard Montauk has written an invaluable guide on how best to apply to business schools His is the most thoughtful, most comprehensive reference I know Follow his advice, think through the issues he presents, and your applications will all but write themselves.” —Fran Hill, Director of Admissions, Haas School of Business (University of California, Berkeley) “In an increasingly competitive world an MBA degree is ever more important Montauk’s book is a great read and an exceptional resource for preparing yourself for admission to a top MBA program.” —Linda Baldwin, Director of Admissions, Anderson School (UCLA) “Getting into a top MBA program is not as difficult as most people think—all you need is How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs By providing the strategies and advice you need, Montauk’s book is an essential road map to success Everything from detailed advice on writing your essays to interviewing strategies is laid out in simple, easy terms Unless your mother plans to donate a library, or your uncle is on Forbes’s list of the world’s richest people, I’d recommend that you buy this book.” —Tom Fischgrund, editor of The Insider’s Guide to the Top 10 Business Schools “This comprehensive book provides an A-to-Z guide of how to maximize your chances of getting into one of the world’s top business schools It is a small investment that should pay big dividends.” —Julia Tyler, Director, MBA Programme, London Business School “I definitely recommend How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs It is comprehensive, covering in detail every aspect of the admissions process—and does so in a well-organized and user-friendly fashion.” —Myriam J Perignon, Director of the MBA Programme, INSEAD (France) “What sets How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs apart from other guides are its comprehensiveness and scope Montauk is extraordinarily thorough in his treatment and provides an international perspective, which is refreshing and valuable.” —Jon Megibow, Director of Admissions, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration “This is a comprehensive, well-presented guide that will be a valuable resource for MBA applicants It is thorough, relevant, and user-friendly.” —Judith Goodman, Assistant Dean, Admissions and Student Services, University of Michigan Business School “The subtitle of this book could be ‘How to Get Into Your Favorite Business School in Ten Easy Lessons.’ Maybe it cannot improve your product, but it can surely help you to improve your marketing, your advertising, and your packaging (of yourself ) This book is both amusing and amazing: It is an amusing read that gives you an amazing mass of tips on how to get into your favorite business school.” —Gabriella Aliatis, Director of Admissions, SDA Bocconi School of Management (Milan) “Awell-organized, accessible and informative guide to successful applications Not only is How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs a user-friendly source of ‘everything you need to know,’ it is a model for effectively presenting this information.” —Meg Manderson, Associate Director of Admissions, MIT Sloan School of Management “Attending a full-time MBAprogram requires an investment of two years and, typically, more than $100,000 in tuition and forgone earnings Richard Montauk provides expert advice on how to maximize your return on this investment by giving you an insider’s view on how to successfully navigate the tricky process of applying to the best business schools The secrets of doing well in the applications process—particularly with the written essay questions and the personal interviews with admissions personnel—are exceptionally valuable If you are serious about applying to one of the top schools, buy this book first.” —Ronald N Yeaple, PhD, author of The MBA Advantage: Why It Pays to Get an MBA “Richard Montauk has produced the most comprehensive and insightful review of how to approach selection of and entry to a good business school The book is of enormous value to those approaching this critical two-way selection process.” —Professor Leo Murray, Dean, Cranfield School of Management (UK) “Packed with wonderful tips guaranteed to improve your chances of being accepted to a top MBA program All aspiring MBAs should get a copy.” —Carol Giraud, Director of Marketing and Admissions, INSEAD (France) “Current and comprehensive Montauk has covered every aspect of the application process This is a valuable resource for every MBA applicant.” —Fran Forbes, Director of Admissions, Graduate School of Business, The University of Texas (Austin) “Drawing on extensive research and experience in counseling MBA candidates, Richard has written a comprehensive, well-balanced book that will be invaluable for anyone considering an MBA.” —Connie Tai, Director of Admissions, Rotterdam School of Management “This book serves as an intelligent guide to help you find your way through the maze of an MBA application.” —Kal Denzel, Director of MBA Admissions, IMD (Switzerland) “How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs provides an excellent description of the intricacies involved in the admissions process of top American and European business schools in a straightforward and easy-to-read format.” —Mary Clark, Assistant Director of Admissions, IESE (Barcelona) “In addition to full-time MBA programs, Montauk’s book provides exceptional information on executive-formatted programs—those designed to allow students to complete their degrees without interrupting their careers This is an exceptional resource for students considering different types of programs, as well as the definitive information on how to market yourself successfully I highly recommend it to prospective MBA students.” —Barbara Millar, Executive Director, MBA for Executives, University of Virginia Darden School Other Prentice Hall Press books by Richard Montauk HOW TO GET INTO THE TOP LAW SCHOOLS HOW TO GET INTO THE TOP COLLEGES PRENTICE HALL PRESS Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario M4P 2Y3, Canada (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) 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(USA) Inc eISBN : 978-1-101-18918-4 Montauk, Richard How to get into the top MBA programs / Richard Montauk p cm Includes index eISBN : 978-1-101-18918-4 Master of business administration degree Master of business administration degree—Europe—Handbooks, manuals, etc Master of business administration degree—United States—Handbooks, manuals, etc Business schools—Handbooks, manuals, etc I Title HF1111.M66 2002 658’.0071’1—dc21 200203151 Most Prentice Hall Press books are available at special quantity discounts for bulk purchases for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or educational use Special books, or book excerpts, can also be created to fit specific needs For details, write: Special Markets, Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 http://us.penguingroup.com Dedicated to the memory of my father Howard S Montauk 1927-1988 And my mother Shirley M Montauk 1925-2000 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank those people who have been so helpful to the development and writing of How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs: First, the admissions directors and program directors at leading business schools around the world who have been so generous with their time and knowledge in discussing how decisions are made at their schools In particular, I would like to thank those I interviewed for this book and who have allowed themselves to be quoted at length throughout the text: Katherine Lilygren and Linda Baldwin (Anderson/UCLA); Rose Martinelli, Patty Keegan, and Don Martin (Chicago); Linda Meehan (Columbia); Sara E Neher, Barbara Millar, and Jon Megibow (Darden/Virginia); Dan McCleary and Kelli Kilpatrick (Fuqua/Duke); Peter Johnson, Marjorie DeGraca, and Fran Hill (Haas/UC Berkeley); Dee Leopold, Brit Dewey, and James Miller (Harvard); Tom Hambury and Ann W Richards (Johnson/Cornell); Michele Rogers and Brian Sorge (Kellogg); James Hayes, David Ardis, and Judith Goodman (Ross/Michigan); Rod Garcia and Meg Manderson (Sloan/ MIT); Sharon J Hoffman (Stanford); Isser Gallogly, Jaki Sitterle, and Mary Miller (Stern/NYU); Fran Forbes (Texas); Sally Jaeger, Dawna Clarke, and Henry Malin (Tuck/Dartmouth); J J Cutler, Thomas Caleel, Professor Howard Kaufold, and Suzanne Cordatos (Wharton); Anne Coyle (Yale); Rossana Camera and Gabriella Aliatis (Bocconi, Italy); Séan Rickard, Dr John Mapes, and Professor Leo Murray (Cranfield, UK); Christy Moody (ENPC, France); Mary Granger (ESADE, Spain); Isabelle Cota, Pantea de Noyelle, Jean Loup Ardoin, and Jason Sedine (HEC, France); Ling Tee, Genevieve Slonim, and Mary Clark (IESE, Spain); Katty Ooms Suter and Kal Denzel (IMD, Switzerland); Janine Serieys, Joelle du Lac, Carol Giraud, Helen Henderson, and Professor Ludo van der Heyden (INSEAD, France); David Bach and Gamaliel Martinez (Instituto de Empresa, Spain); Dr Simon Learmount (Judge/ Cambridge, UK); Stephen Chadwick, Julia Tyler, Lyn Hoffman, and Claire Harniman (London); Andrew Dyson and Helen Ward (Manchester, UK); Kirt Wood, Connie Tai, and Gea Tromp (Rotterdam, Netherlands); Anna Farrús, Alison Owen, and Maxine Hewitt (Saïd/Oxford, UK); and Erin O’Brien (TRIUM program—HEC/Paris, LSE, Stern/NYU) Second, the career services directors at leading business schools: Glenn Sykes (Chicago); Regina Resnick (Columbia); Everette Fortner and John Worth (Darden/Virginia); Roxanne Hori (Kellogg); Andy Chan (Stanford); Pamela Mittman (Stern/NYU); Peter Degnan (Wharton); Katty Ooms Suter (IMD, Switzerland); Mary Boss (INSEAD, France); and Graham Hastie and Chris Bristow (London) Third, the financial aid directors: Marta Klock (Anderson/UCLA); Priscilla Parker (Chicago); Kathleen Swan (Columbia); Larry Mueller (Darden/Virginia); Paul West (Fuqua/Duke); Debi Fidler (Haas/UC Berkeley); James Millar (Harvard); Ann W Richards (Johnson/Cornell); Charles Munro (Kellogg); Pamela Fowler and Michael White (Ross/Michigan); Colleen MacDonald (Stanford); Julia Min (Stern/NYU); Sharon Brooks (Wharton); and Karen Wellman (Yale) Fourth, our clients, from whom we have learned a great deal, and particularly those who have allowed their work to be reproduced in Part IV and elsewhere in the book Fifth, my colleagues in the United States and Europe (particularly Krista Klein and Christa Weil Menegas), who have been instrumental to the development of my thinking about the applications “game” and to the development of this book as well —Richard Montauk marketing MBAs Johnson (Cornell) academic qualifications additional materials admissions process career focus (future goals) deferrals EMBAs essays exchange programs extracurriculars first-term courses GMAT immersion learning experience interviews marketing one-year program rankings recommendations visiting schools wait-listing work experience writing persuasive essays “joiners” vs loners joint degrees (JD-MBAs) Jones, Daniel T Jones (Rice) Judge, Timothy A Judge (Cambridge) academic qualifications additional materials assessing MBA program career focus (future goals) credentials, making most of deferrals diversity essays exchange programs (none) extracurriculars interviews legacy status, value of marketing rankings specialized MBAs value in the program wait-listing work experience writing persuasive essays juxtaposition Katz (Pittsburgh) Kaufold, Howard S (Wharton) Keegan, Patty (University of Chicago) Keio (Japan) Kellogg admissions process career focus (future goals) career services evaluation deferrals EMBAs essay examples exchange programs getting the most from school international applicants interviews MBA vs law program (Northwestern) nontraditional students older applicants one-year vs two-year part-time vs full-time rankings reapplying recommendations rejection wait-listing work experience writing persuasive essays Kellstadt (DePaul) Kenan-Flager (University of North Carolina) EMBAs exchange programs rankings residence status teaching methods key events, describing Kilpatrick, Kelli (Fuqua, Duke) Kleppner, David Korean University Kremer, Chuck Lammiman, Jean Lancaster (UK) language of instruction late in cycle, applying Latin America Lay, David C Lean Thinking (Womack and Jones) Learmount, Simon (Judge, Cambridge) business school marketing MBAs learning environment Leavey (Santa Clara) leaving your job lecture teaching method Leeds (UK) Le Figaro legacy status, value of Leopold, Dee (Harvard) business school marketing MBAs Les Echos letters of support liberal arts graduate’s survival list LIBOR (London interbank offer rate) Lifelong Earning Credit lifestyle, financing MBA “likelies” Lilygren, Katherine (Anderson, UCLA) Linear Algebra and Its Applications (Lay and Stade) Lipschutz, Seymour living expenses Loan Repayment Assistance Program loans location of school London Business School American vs European programs blue-chip firms’ hiring career services evaluation career-switchers credentials, making most of deferrals EMBAs essay examples exchange programs finance specialty financial aid getting the most from school GMAT interviews marketing mid-Atlantic MBA model older applicants one-year vs two-year program structure qualities looked for quantitative focus of programs rankings specialized MBAs sponsorships ultimate decisions underrepresented groups value in the program vertical vs transitional people wait-listing work experience writing persuasive essays younger applicants London Global London School of Economics, LSE EMBAs specialized MBAs sponsorships Lutchen, Mark D Macquarie (Australia) Maher, Michael W making most of your credentials Malaysia Malkiel, Burton G Management Development (Syrett and Lammiman) management science Managerial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods, and Uses (Maher) Managerial Economics (Png) “managerial tourism” caution Managing by the Numbers (Kremer) Managing IT as a Business: A Survival Guide for CEOs (Lutchen) Manchester Business School (England) academic qualifications credentials, making most of exchange programs getting the most from school GMAT international applicants interviews mid-Atlantic MBA model program structure rankings reapplying rejection specialized MBAs work experience younger applicants Manhattan GMAT Mankiw, N Gregory Mannheim (Germany) Mapes, John (Cranfield) Market-Based Management (Best) Marketing courses Marketing for Dummies (Hiam) Marketing Management: A Relationship Marketing Perspective (Cranfield) marketing yourself successfully credentials, making most of Personal Organizer positioning résumés strengths/weaknesses work experience See also essays; extracurricular activities; GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test); international applicants; interviews; MBA programs (top), how to get into; recommendations Marriott (Brigham Young) Marshall (USC) Martinelli, Rose (University of Chicago) business school marketing MBAs Martinez, Gamaliel (Instituto de Empresa) Mason (William & Mary) Master Excel 2007: A Problem-Solving Approach (Gips) Master’s in Finance/Management Mathematical Methods for Business and Economics (Dowling) mathematical sophistication MBA program essay topics MBA programs (top), how to get into admissions process application timetable Asian MBA programs assessing MBA programs business school, what to expect at choosing right school Latin American MBAs MBA programs, types of MBAs, reasons for rankings, using visiting schools See also business school; Executive MBAs; international applicants; marketing yourself successfully McCleary, Dan (Fuqua, Duke) business school marketing MBAs McCombs See University of Texas McDonough (Georgetown) McGill (Canada) McKinsey Meehan, Linda (Columbia) business school marketing MBAs Megibow, Jon (Darden, University of Virginia) Melbourne (Australia) men and interviews Mendelson, Elliott Mendoza (Notre Dame) Meredith, Jack R merit-based aid message (your), marketing Mexico Michigan State Microsoft Office mid-Atlantic MBA model military for financing your MBA Millar, Barbara (Darden, University of Virginia) missions of schools mistakes (common) choosing right school for you essays interviews recommendations MIT See Sloan Mittman, Pamela (Stern, NYU) mixed business/personal topics mock interviews Modern Competitive Analysis (Oster) Monash (Australia) Montauk, Richard Moore, David S multimedia cases multiple-choice, GMAT multiple GMAT scores Munter, Mary Myanmar (Burma) myfico.com Nalebuff, Barry J Nanyang Technology University (Singapore) National Black MBA Association National Society of Hispanic MBAs National University of Singapore (NUS) need-based aid needs (your) and choosing right school Neher, Sarah E (Darden) Nellie Mae Nepal nerves and interviews Netherlands networking New York Times New Zealand nontraditional students nonverbal signals, interviews Northwestern law program See also Kellogg Notz, William I Noyelle, Pantéa de (HEC, Paris) number of schools to apply to NYU See Stern objective credentials of candidates objectives, interviews O’Brien, Erin (TRIUM) Official Guide for GMAT Review older applicants OneMBA one-year MBAs online applications On Writing Well (Zinsser) Operations Management courses Operations Management for MBAs (Meredith and Shafer) opportunity costs organizational design Organizational Development/Human Resources courses Oster, Sharon M Otago (New Zealand) outside grants Owen, Alison (Saïd, Oxford) Oxford See Saïd Pakistan panel interviews parachute model caution parents for financing your MBA part-time MBA programs financing your MBA full-time MBA programs vs pros/cons rankings Peking University (China) percentile ranking, GMAT personal essay topics Personal Organizer Philippines placement of graduates plant tours Png, Ivan Poland policies, interviews Pontificia Universidad de Católica de Chile Porter, Michael positioning “possibles” PowerPoint (Microsoft) PowerPrep GMAT software practicing for GMAT interviews prejudices (your), visiting schools preparing a recommender preparing for business school GMAT interviews visiting schools preprogram presentation skills presenting yourself press conferences, simulated preterm (summer) session Princeton Principles of Microeconomics (Mankiw) prioritizing assignments private loans privileged image, combating Problem-Solving, GMAT professors program, assessing program structure project teaching method publishing articles qualifications and recommendations qualities schools look for quality of MBA quality of school choosing right school for you financing your MBA and undergraduate university quantitative ability, credentials quantitative courses Quantitative Methods/Statistics courses quantitative section, GMAT Queen’s (Canada) questions asking your, in interviews interviews visiting schools, list of Quick Algebra Review: A Self-Teaching Guide (Selby and Slavin) Quick Calculus: A Self-Teaching Guide (Kleppner and Ramsey) Ramsey, Norman Random House Dictionary of the English Language, The (Flexner) Random Walk Down Wall Street, A (Malkiel) rankings, using Reading Comprehension, GMAT reapplying recommendations application timetable credentials and essays vs extracurriculars marketing qualifications amplified in recommenders strengths/weaknesses work experience registering for GMAT rejection relaxation techniques repairing credentials repayments representatives of schools, meeting reputation of school See also rankings required courses researching schools residence status resigning from your job Resnick, Regina (Columbia) restaurants, interviews in résumés retaking the GMAT retirement funds, financing your MBA reward/risk ratio Richards, Ann W (Johnson, Cornell) business school marketing MBAs Rickard, Séan (Cranfield) Robbins, Stephen P Robert A Toigo Foundation Robinson, Peter Robinson (Georgia State) Rogers, Michele (Kellogg) business school marketing MBAs role plays rolling admissions Ross See also University of Michigan Rotman (Toronto) Rotterdam (Netherlands) academic qualifications admissions process application timetable career focus (future goals) choosing right school for you credentials, making most of EMBAs essays exchange programs financial aid GMAT interviews legacy status, value of marketing multi-school applicants rankings specialized MBAs sponsorships work experience younger applicants rounds admissions Russia SA safety, assessing Saïd (Oxford) academic credentials additional materials admissions process career focus (future goals) credentials, making most of deferrals EMBAs essays extracurriculars financial aid rankings rejection feedback specialized MBAs sponsorships wait-listing work experience writing persuasive essays younger applicants Sallie Mae Saloner, Garth Sauder (British Columbia) savings for financing MBA Scandinavia Schaum Outline Series Schaum’s Guideline of Managerial Accounting (Shim) scholarships scholarships.com school, defined school, trading down school grants Schulich (York) scores, GMAT “S cube” program second-year curriculum Seeing Through Statistics (Utts) Selby, Peter H self-preparation for GMAT Sentence Correction, GMAT Seoul National University (Korea) Serieys, Janine (INSEAD) Shafer, Scott M Shim, Joe Simini, Joseph Peter Simon (Rochester) Singapore Sitterle, Jaki (Stern, NYU) size of school Skeath, Susan Slavin, Steve sleep, importance of Sloan (MIT) academic credentials academic qualifications admissions process behavioral interviews business school career focus (future goals) credentials, making most of EMBAs essay examples exchange programs GMAT GRE international applicants interviews Leaders for Manufacturing program legacy status, value of marketing multi-school applicants rankings recommendation example rejection feedback residence status specialized MBAs supply-chain management specialty wait-listing work experience Smith (Maryland) Smurfit/UC Dublin (Ireland) Snapshots from Hell: The Making of an MBA (Robinson) social experience soft skills (leadership, negotiation, teamwork) software used at schools Spain specialized MBAs specific vs general positioning sponsorships spouse for financing your MBA spreadsheet skills St Gallen (Switzerland) Stade, Eric Stanford academic qualifications admission vs application American vs European programs career focus (future goals) career services evaluation career-switchers choosing right school for you credentials, making most of deferrals diversity EMBAs essay examples essays exchange programs extracurriculars getting the most from school GRE international applicants interviews nontraditional students older applicants part-time vs full-time placement of graduates profile of candidates qualities looked for rankings reapplying recommendations specialized MBAs status of ultimate decisions underrepresented groups wait-listing work experience younger applicants Statistics: Concepts and Controversies (Moore and Notz) Statistics courses Stern (NYU) academic qualifications admissions process application timetable blue-chip firms’ hiring business school career focus (future goals) career services evaluation career-switchers credentials, making most of deferrals EMBAs essay examples essays exchange programs extracurriculars finance specialty financial aid getting the most from school GMAT GRE international applicants interviews letters of support living expenses marketing MBA vs law program older applicants part-time vs full-time rankings recommendations specialized MBAs sponsorships TRIUM EMBA value in the program wait-listing work experience writing persuasive essays younger applicants storytelling in essays interviews recommendations Strategic Management (Saloner) Strategy/Business Policy courses Strathclyde (UK) strengths/weaknesses stress, keeping under control stress interviews “stretches” Strunk, William, Jr student body student organizations, joining students admissions process and assessing MBA programs diversity in talking with study groups Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace (Williams) subjective credentials of candidates summer (preterm) session Suter, Katty Ooms (IMD) business school marketing MBAs Sweeney, Dennis J Switzerland Sykes, Glenn (University of Chicago) Syrett, Michel Tanaka/Imperial (UK) targeted groups tax deductibility of business school Taylor, Bernard W teaching methods team development stages Tee, Ling (IESE) telephone interviews Tepper (Carnegie Mellon) rankings specialized MBAs student body supply-chain management specialty test-prep courses, GMAT thank-you notes themes, positioning Thunderbird time management timetable, application Tippie (Iowa) TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) “touchy-feely” courses Tracy, John A traditional program structure transcripts Trans Union Treasury Bill (T-Bill) rate and loans trend in academic record TRIUM EMBAs Tromp, Gea (Rotterdam) Tsinghua (China) Tuck (Dartmouth) academic qualifications additional materials admissions process appeals application timetable career focus (future goals) choosing right school for you class profile deferrals essay examples essays extracurriculars financial aid GMAT interviews marketing optional essays qualities looked for rankings reapplying recommendations rejection feedback visiting schools wait-listing work experience writing persuasive essays younger applicants tuition, financing your MBA two-year MBAs UC Berkeley See Haas UCLA See Anderson ultimate decisions, credentials undergraduate record underrepresented groups United Kingdom United States Information Service (USIS) university, defined University of Chicago Booth School of Business academic qualifications application timetable assessing MBA program career services evaluation career-switchers choosing right school for you credentials, making most of deferrals EMBAs essay examples essays exchange programs finance specialty flexible program structure getting the most from school GMAT interviews marketing part-time vs full-time program structure qualities looked for rankings reapplying recommendations rejection feedback sponsorships visiting schools wait-listing work experience writing persuasive essays University of Hong Kong University of Michigan academic qualifications admissions process credentials, making most of diversity EMBAs essay examples GMAT international applicants interviews marketing older applicants rankings recommendations residence status sponsorships value in the program work experience writing persuasive essays younger applicants See also Ross University of North Carolina See Kenan-Flager University of Pennsylvania law program See also Wharton University of Southern California University of Texas exchange programs language course credit rankings residence status student body work experience University of Virginia See Darden U.S Educational Advisory Service U.S News & World Report ranking methodology rankings Utts, Jessica M value in the program Van Der Heyden, Ludo (INSEAD) Varian, Hal R Vause, Bob verbal section, GMAT veterans, financing your MBA videotaping interviews visa process visiting executives schools Vlerick Leuven Gent (Belgium) Você wait-listing Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal Guide to the Top Business Schools, The (Alsop) Ward, Helen (Manchester) Warrington (Florida) Warwick (UK) Waseda (Japan) Washington University weaknesses/strengths websites of schools, examining Wharton academic qualifications admissions process application timetable career services evaluation career-switchers credentials, making most of deferrals EMBAs essay examples essays exchange programs getting the most from school GMAT GRE interviews Lauder program legacy status, value of marketing MBA vs law program (University of Pennsylvania) older applicants one-year vs two-year optional essays qualities looked for rankings recommendations rejection sponsorships ultimate decisions wait-listing work experience writing persuasive essays younger applicants what to expect at school Which MBA? (Bickerstaffe) White, E B Williams, Joseph M Womack, James P women and interviews Wood, Kirt (Rotterdam) marketing MBAs word processor skills work experience working during school workload Worth, John (Darden) writer’s block, avoiding writing essays (persuasive) recommendations, your own Yale additional materials admissions process credentials, making most of EMBAs essay examples essays extracurriculars financial aid first-term courses GMAT interviews marketing MBA vs law program optional essays rankings recommendations work experience writing persuasive essays younger applicants “yields” York (Canada) younger applicants Zinsser, William ... people get into top MBA programs for years—better programs than they ever realistically expected to attend This book can the same for you How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs was written to give... Virginia Darden School Other Prentice Hall Press books by Richard Montauk HOW TO GET INTO THE TOP LAW SCHOOLS HOW TO GET INTO THE TOP COLLEGES PRENTICE HALL PRESS Published by the Penguin Group Penguin... (207) 608-1811 HOW TO BENEFIT MOST FROM THIS BOOK GETTING INTO A TOP SCHOOL IS THE HARDEST PART OF GETTING A TOP MBA Admissions directors at the world’s top business schools admit that the hardest

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