In today's technology era, the social media wave has made huge changes in every aspect of our life This new type of virtual community allows users to exceed significant limits that traditional social outlets couldn't and, thus, improve the performance of our daily tasks Specifically, at the workplace, social media can enhance the working productivity of the employees according to its connectivity and multifunctionality The connectivity of social media is the initial beneficial feature of social media which simplifies taskaccomplishing and creates virtual connections between employees Koufie (2015) implied that social media will support employees and businesses with not only markets of customers but also improve and tighten healthy relationships with clients Due to practical research done by Dean (2021) on social media usage, the number of social media users has rocketed massively from just 970 million in 2010 to 4.48 billion (56% of the world population) in July 2021 Moreover, the average time a user spends surfing social media is hours 24 minutes and this number spreads over countries and continents Technically, with limitless reach, social media is the best instrument for employees and businesses to enter both national and international potential customer pools with ease Additionally, working chains can be more connective when they can make use of social media, taking Vietnamese electricity distributors as an example Before the establishment of social media, the incident notification center has to use ordinary phone calls to contact engineers for error notifications which results in expensive bills and decreases in the company's profit However, after the application of social media, the fee is eliminated and errors can be solved instantly as the center can direct locations of the electrical faults to engineers through the location share feature of social media Consequently, the usage of social media during work time may cause hidden drawbacks to the productivity of employees Due to Roy (2019), a survey conducted by Workfront shows that knowledge workers are distracted by email, instant messages, and other digital distractions approximately 14 times per day on average Another survey from Adobe indicated that an employee spends almost hours per day trying to race work email and have communication tools checked every minutes Social media seem to bring about many advantages to workers and businesses but they also distract them from getting the work done Hung (cited in Nida, 2020) also agree with Roy that technostress created by social media may influence the performance of a worker and decrease organizational commitment However, the explanation for this attitude of humans is that people seem to have a natural biochemical need for pleasure (visiting Facebook or Instagram to see what is everyone up to) or the fear of missing important messages (Roy,2020) He suggested that instead of removing social media at workplaces, shifting the way workers use it is way more beneficial The Podoromo technique (25 minutes of working and relaxing for minutes) is recommended because it will ease the tension while working and help employees to be more concentrated on their tasks Hensel (2010) also implied in his workpiece that social media is crucial for businesses in general and employees in specific because allows users to obtain and share data immediately, thus, improve the working outcome In conclusion, the connectivity of social media is undeniably beneficial for corporations and if employees have a cognitive awareness of its downside, social media can be a powerful tool to widen their relationships and gain profits Besides the connectivity of social media, its multifunctionality should not be ignored The ability of social media assisting workers is limitless so some outstanding features have been listed out by the professionals Initially, according to Hensel (2010), social media empower users to share content, information, Blog and other data with ease, and Twiter (a famous social media platform) has become well-known for its ability to break the news before the news even being forecasted by traditional media outlets This allows corporations to gather real-time data and come up with instant plans to deal with the fluctuation of the market price and boost income Sharing information rapidly can also enhance customer services as employees can keep up with the community's needs and provide appropriate strategies of marketing without facial contact with clients Secondly, Savage (cited in Hensel, 2010) indicated that with the massive volume of data and searching engines supplied by social media, collecting, analyzing, and searching processes will be much faster and easier than before and, thus, enhance the productivity of employees Lastly, the Business site (2021) has mentioned a whole new unit existing in social media is the recruiting and applying market According to this site, instead of months and years of applying cv for a job, people can now send directly their cv to numerous companies by using websites like Linkedln This saves time and interviewers can recruit skilled staff for the company more effectively than formal interviewing processes In brief conclusion, it is astonishing that social media can handle a huge workload that used to take a lot of stages, consequently, create unnecessary waste of money and human resources Nevertheless, the more functional social media is, the longer the time will the employees expose to so this will generate some bad effects on human mental health Henry Ford Health System (2018) said that a long period exposing to social media will decrease social facial communication and result in psychological issues such as the feeling of loneliness, anxiety, or even depression Yu (2018) had another perception on this topic is that although using media at the workplace can be beneficial to employees' performance, the overuse of it may cause typical experiences like information overload, technology overload and this will lead to social media fatigue On the contrary, Xu (2016) had an opposing viewpoint with Henry Ford Health System He stated that social media played a crucial role in the improvement of mental health Due to its publicity, broad reach, usability, and immediacy, people now can acquire knowledge and information about health and seek professional awareness about specific health issues Technically, groups and pages have been built to allow patients to anonymously share their health status with doctors and have the advice in exchange so mental disorders created by using social media are not remaining as a big problem in our society Islam (2021) explained that people with lower multitasking computer self-efficacy are likely to experience social media fatigue, they have a lesser belief in their ability and have to use more cognitive resources to fulfill the task's requirement People should enhance their ability, confidence, knowledge to avoid the effect of information overwhelming and technostress, in that event, they can improve their working performance In short, the multitasking of social media is important for enhancing the working efficiency of employees but they have to keep in mind that if they are too reliant on social media, consequences can be tremendous In conclusion, with connectivity and multifunctionality, social media can truly increase the working efficiency of workers in businesses It not only helps the employees to reach potential customer markets but also simplifies the process of finishing tasks and gathering data for businesses After all, people should raise cognitive awareness while using social media to avoid bad influences on mental health and get carried away by the astonishment of social media Reference list Anonymous (2018) The Downside Of Social Media Australian Government (2021, March 5) Social media for business | Dean, B (2021, October 10) Social Network Usage & Growth Statistics: How Many People Use Social Media in 2021? Backlinko Hensel, K (2010) USING SOCIAL MEDIA TO INCREASE ADVERTISING AND IMPROVE MARKETING The Entrepreneurial Executive, 15, 87–97 Islam (2021) Does multitasking computer self-efficacy mitigate the impact of social media affordances on overload and fatigue among professionals? Information Technology & People, 34(5), 1439–1461 Kuofie, M (2015) An Overview of Social Media for Marketing International Journal of Global Business, 8(2), 65–82 Maurer, R (2019, November 7) How to Reduce Digital Distractions at Work SHRM Nida, K (2020) Social Media Usage, Overload and Exhaustion: A Performance Perspective International Review of Management and Marketing, 10(15), 19–26 Xu, R (2016) Understanding Online Health Groups for Depression: Social Network and Linguistic Perspectives Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(3) Yu, L (2018) Excessive social media use at work: Exploring the effects of social media overload on job performance Information Technology & People, 31(6), 1091–1112 ... SOCIAL MEDIA TO INCREASE ADVERTISING AND IMPROVE MARKETING The Entrepreneurial Executive, 15, 87? ?? 97 Islam (2021) Does multitasking computer self-efficacy mitigate the impact of social media affordances... Media for Marketing International Journal of Global Business, 8(2), 65–82 Maurer, R (2019, November 7) How to Reduce Digital Distractions at Work SHRM performance Information Technology & People, 31(6), 1091–1112 37