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Individual essay le tran bao huong AEn T321WSB 7 b1112021286

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ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET STUDENT DETAILS Student name: Lê Trần Bảo Hương Student ID number: B1112021286 UNIT AND TUTORIAL DETAILS Unit name: Academic English Tutorial/Lecture: Lecturer or Tutor name: Unit number: AEn-T321WSB-7 Class day and time: Ryan Gabriel ASSIGNMENT DETAILS Individual Essay – How can marketing create viral sensations to influence consumer Title: purchasing? 1200-1500 Length: words Due date: 02/01/2022 Date submitted: 02/01/2022 DECLARATION  I hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged  I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment  I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been submitted by me in another (previous or current) assessment, except where appropriately referenced, and with prior permission from the Lecturer / Tutor / Unit Coordinator for this unit  No part of the assignment/product has been written/ produced for me by any other person except where collaboration has been authorised by the Lecturer / Tutor /Unit Coordinator concerned I am aware that this work may be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs  for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism checking) Student’s signature: Note: An examiner or lecturer / tutor has the right to not mark this assignment if the above declaration has not been signed In this era of rapid development of information technology, there are different ways to make a product go viral, especially in a society where people are used to social media The media is a place that contains a lot of information, images, videos and many other things, noticed content will be spread widely, so this is considered one of the most useful methods to help brands become famous Because so much content is updated every day, and the public's focus is easily changed by dense content on social media, businesses need to be constantly updated with information and trends According to Valdellon (2019), making the campaign go viral is the dream of many people, however, it is difficult to predict whether the campaign will go viral or not How viral something depends on customer reviews, if that information is enough to attract them, they will be the ones to spread it Kagan (2021) also stated that the goal of marketing is to inspire an individual to want to share it with family, friends and others so that they grow exponentially in number of recipients Viral marketing strategies are often renewed continuously to serve the tastes of the public and bring many new things, making a product that makes viewers feel like sharing it with others will be easier to create a trend but also extremely difficult because it requires more creative thinking Viral marketing is a method of promoting the company's products on social networking platforms, it’s also a smart campaign and used a lot in today's society Nowadays, it is not new to hear about something going viral in the media, for example a clip, sound or sensational news… As with business, it is not uncommon for netizens to see advertisements for a certain product that become famous quickly and are enthusiastically passed on by people According to Buckley (2021), when this campaign is successful, businesses can use this strategy to achieve a higher return on investment in their campaign, a strategy that marketers need to learn from Buckley also shared that, for a content to go viral, it needs to have a message that convinces viewers to click the share button, especially funny content For example, an article by Scottish singer Caitlin McNeill, posted a post about a dress and asked everyone to agree on its colour Many people think that the dress is blue and black and the rest agree that it is white and gold, which has sparked a great controversy and conveyed to many parts of the world, according to the article Insanely Clever Marketing Campaigns That Went Viral, the creators from brands that took the idea from this debate and created ads around it Dunkin' Donuts posted a post with the caption: "Doesn't matter if it blue/black or white/gold, they still taste delicious." has attracted a lot of interest and love, this is a potential content, even big brands like Lego and Tide have built content like that In short, the implementation of a viral marketing campaign is extremely important, especially in the era when most people use information technology to access news, businesses need to invest and pay more attention to this segment to create a solid brand and have a certain position in the market To carry out a viral marketing campaign also requires a lot of conditions attached to it The first thing is to evaluate the true value of the product, the functions and uses that they can bring to consumers, determine the target customers, then build a website dedicated to the product and able to handle a large traffic of account visitors According to Roy (2021), in order to prepare for a viral media campaign, marketers need to be ready for a large number of customers to explode and the number of people to visit the business website, many marketers have had to closed their account due to sudden sales spike and difficulty getting it back up and running Business always have to prepare everything in advance because their products can suddenly go viral at any moment The message is also a very important part of this campaign, to be able to create content based on customer tastes, marketers need to analyze engagement, visits, popular keywords and other things, thereby getting closer to customer interests and laying the groundwork for more successful marketing According to Komatsu (2019), an effective way to convey a message to customers can be to tell a story, consumers can easily absorb information through an attractive story Therefore, companies must always ensure that the brand always prepares compelling stories to easily promote the product to the public The next step to implementing the campaign is posts that increase engagement and encourage customers to share The incentive for audience to actively engage in a business's campaign is usually a free product or cash reward that will be given to anyone who shares a post and product message Free gifts can also help businesses find potential customers by collecting their emails and sending customers valuable content or offers from the business Last but not least, marketers and businesses need to be honest in their products, develop and build reputable brands that make customers feel secure when using, create credibility and loyalty to the product and the business Buckley believe that there will not be any successful marketing campaign if the product does not meet the customer's expectations, the effect is not consistent with what the business conveys about the product Branding is one of the most important steps in any business, if a brand has trust it will be easier to create content and make it go viral Viral marketing should be chosen by businesses to deploy because of the great benefits it brings, anyone wants their campaign to be spread widely to everyone It is like a "leverage" to make the brand more known in a very short time, closer to customers Viral marketing is considered an extremely effective campaign for any business because they not need to spend too much money on the campaign According to Kagan (2021), the cost for traditional marketing is only a small part compared to traditional advertising campaigns, in addition to the initial capital used to promote the product to the media When the campaign successful, customers will be the ones who transmit the message of the product, and businesses can easily earn capital and profits on their side Advertising costs are almost zero once the campaign has resonated with it Fraile (2021) also agrees with this argument and states that this is the hallmark of this campaign and asserts that it will significantly cut distribution costs Although this campaign spread very quickly, it took place in a very short time because the attention of customers is always changing from day to day and the content is rampant on social networks Therefore, the construction of content needs a lot of new ideas and creativity and must be updated with trends continuously, with the huge potential to reach customers that the campaign brings, it is understandable and obvious that there is a brand that is rampant on newspapers and social networks all of a sudden According to Dudovskiy (2013), because the condition of this campaign depends on the Internet and social networking sites, it has no geographical boundaries and time limits in reaching the customer segment Brand building is extremely important, the spread will also help customers increase brand awareness, content that is often shared many times will inadvertently create repetition for customers Since then they will remember the brand unconsciously, Bhasin (2020) believes that, once the brand becomes viral, it will increase its credibility and will be recognized immediately The credibility of customers will be increased and the product will also become much better-selling In general, "viral marketing" is now being warmly received by businesses and marketers, the benefits it brings to products and customers have been analyzed many times by many articles This is advice for businesses because this campaign is not too expensive, recovers capital very quickly, but its impact is huge According to statistics from Linqia (2017, p 3) research, 93% of marketers participating in the study said that they would spend more than $10,000 on their campaigns and the number is still growing rapidly Content type often has a well-designed viral strategy, but virality is due to luck, creativity, and preparation (Alba, 2021), making it difficult to determine sales numbers However, when marketing is successful, it will bring a lot of profit to the business, the brand will also become more influential, attract potential customers and help the revenue to be stable Preferences: Insanely Clever Marketing Campaigns That Went Viral Upland https://uplandsoftware.com/mobile-messaging/resources/blog/5-insanely-clevermarketing-campaigns-that-went-viral/ Bhasin, H (2020) Viral Marketing: Meaning, Types, Examples, Techniques, and Advantages MARKETING91 https://www.marketing91.com/viral-marketing/ Buckley, D (2021) What Is Viral Marketing? (With Steps for Successful Implementation) Indeed https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/careerdevelopment/what-is-viral-marketing Dudovskiy, J (2013) Advantages of Viral Marketing Business Research Methodology https://research-methodology.net/advantages-of-viral-marketing/ Fraile, A (2021) What Is Viral Marketing? Examples and Advantages Cyberclick https://www.cyberclick.net/numericalblogen/what-is-viral-marketing-advantages-andexamples Kagan, J (2021) Viral Marketing Investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/viral-marketing.asp Komatsu, A (2019) How to Create Viral Content: The “STEPPS” to Success Pressboard https://www.pressboardmedia.com/magazine/viral-content-stepps Roy, J (2021) Six Steps for Creating a Viral Marketing Campaign SEO Site Checkup https://seositecheckup.com/articles/six-steps-for-creating-a-viral-marketingcampaign The State of Influencer Marketing 2018 (2017) Linqia, pp.3 http://www.linqia.com/wpcontent/uploads/2017/12/Linqia-The-State-of-Influencer-Marketing-2018.pdf Valdellon, L (2019) Viral Marketing: Definition, Advantages, and Examples CleverTap https://clevertap.com/blog/viral-marketing/ ... to learn from Buckley also shared that, for a content to go viral, it needs to have a message that convinces viewers to click the share button, especially funny content For example, an article... the revenue to be stable Preferences: Insanely Clever Marketing Campaigns That Went Viral Upland https://uplandsoftware.com/mobile-messaging/resources/blog/5-insanely-clevermarketing-campaigns-that-went-viral/... help businesses find potential customers by collecting their emails and sending customers valuable content or offers from the business Last but not least, marketers and businesses need to be honest

Ngày đăng: 13/06/2022, 20:51

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