Academic English – Session 12 CAPSTONE presentation C A P S T O N E jcpresentation HOME PRESENTOR INFORMATIONCONTENT END CAPSTONE PROJECT jcpresentation HOME PRESENTOR INFORMATIONCONTENT END EXPERIENCES TRAINING PROGRAMFINAL SESSION SUMMARY THE COURSE PRESENTATION CAPSTONE PROJECT Academic English About Introduce myself JENIFER CHUNG Student full name Chung Ngoc Bao Han ID 21000466 Western Sydney University – ISB campus Unit Academic English Unit number AEn T122WSB 6 Lecturer Mr Gabriel Ryan Cap.
Academic English – Session 12 C A P S T O N E CAPSTONE presentation j cpresentation HOME PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END PRESENTATION EXPERIENCES FINAL SESSION TRAINING PROGRAM SUMMARY THE COURSE j cpresentation CAPSTONE PROJECT Academic English HOME Introduce About myself j cpresentation PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END JENIFER CHUNG Student full name: Chung Ngoc Bao Han ID: 21000466 Western Sydney University – ISB campus Unit: Academic English Unit number: AEn-T122WSB-6 Lecturer: Mr Gabriel Ryan Capstone Presentation – session 12 HOME PRESENTOR 01 ASSIGNMENTS Total assignments in the course j cpresentation CONTENT INFORMATION END 02 03 DETAILS EXPERIENCES Performance of all notes, drafts, information that relevant to every assignments Contribution of assignments and the course to students HOME QUIZZES j cpresentation PRESENTOR GROUP ESSAY CONTENT INDIVIDUAL ESSAY INFORMATION DEBATE END PRESENTATION HOME PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END QUIZZES Individual assignment 11 quizzes in total Purpose: Ensure the knowledge that students obtained Result: Absorb knowledge better, practicing every session Include 5-20 questions per test Weight of 10% in total score of the course j cpresentation HOME PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END GROUP ESSAY Group assignment Topic was chosen by team members Essay with 1000-1200 words At least sources for references Weight of 15% in total score of the course j cpresentation HOME PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END THE INFLUENCE OF SOFT SKILLS TOPIC QUESTION ‘Why recruiters pay more and more attention to potential employees’ soft skills? TOPIC OF THE ESSAY ‘The influence of soft skills nowadays’ ’ j cpresentation NOWADAYS FOR EMPLOYERS FOR EMPLOYEES v v v v v v v v v v v v v Persuading organizations Earning workers’ trust Adapting to new environment Improving cooporation Building reputation FOR BUSINESS v v v v v Building pleasant working asmostphere Managing workplace challenges Forrming emotional healthy connection Improving performances Completing tasks correctly and punctually Critical thinking Communication Contributing to a dynamic team Measure workers’ ability Keeping company ties strong Inquisitive mindset Exploring professional leads Growing industry Making business contacts Building strong network FOR LONG-TERM BENEFITS v Creating long-term collaporation v Gaining value of employees and employers EDUCATION GOALS v v v v Team work Providing soft skills activities Joining volunteer Creating confidence Create priority for graduated students Time management Problem solving PURPOSES GROUPONE • Team work • Organization • Time management AEn-T122WSB-6 Nguyễn Thuý An Chung Ngọc Bảo Hân Trần Hoàng Phương Hằng Nguyễn Thành Lộc Võ Quang Minh REFERENCES Ackerman, C.E (2020) How to improve emotional intelligence in the workplace Positive Psychology Baldi, C., Jones, M., Phillips, C., & Waikar, A (2016) The hard truth about soft skills: What recruiters look for in business graduates College Student Journal, 50(3), 422-428 Barbara, C (2016) Definition, development, assessment of soft skills and their role for the quality of organization and enterprises International Journal for Quality Research, 10(1), 97–130 De Prada Creo, E., Mareque, M., & Portela-Pino, I (2021) The acquisition of teamwork skills in university students through extra-curricular activities Education + Training, 63(2), 165-181 Emerald Publishing Limited Dean, A (2017) Soft Skills Needed for the 21st Century Workforce Proquest Dissertation Publishing Indeed Editorial Team (2021, May 25) 10 Reasons why soft skills are important to employers Indeed Career Guide Nicole, E (2018) Soft skills for the 21st century: A meta-synthesis of soft-skills and achievement Canadian Journal of career development, 17(2) Schislyaeva, E R., & Saychenko, O A (2022) Labor Market Soft Skills in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy Social Sciences, 11(3), 91 Shaheen, M., Chithra, M.E., Ei, M.A., & Khine, T.O (2019) The importance of soft skills for employability and career development: Students and employers’ perspectives IUP Journal of soft skills,13(4), 7-39 Tem, S., Kuroda, A., & Tang, K (2020) The importance of soft skills development to enhance entrepreneurial capacity International Educational Research, 3(3) Vasanthakumari, S (2019) Soft skills and its application in the workplace World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 3(2), 66-72 • Referencing • Writing skills HOME j cpresentation PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END TOPIC & OUTLINE THE 1st DRAFT FEEDBACK RECEIVING THE 2nd DRAFT Teammates and topic were chosen in session The outline was submitted in session Conducted on Google Docs Submitted in session inclass workshop Was received from lecturer by email After submission in session Conducted on Google Docs Submitted in session inclass workshop HOME PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END OTHER DETAILS Purposes: • Ensure writing skills • Practice team working • Use annotated bibliography to select reliable sources • Peer Assignment Form: balance and equal roles in team j cpresentation Links of outline and drafts for viewing: Outline and notes: 84Gz51yvIK2XZHg88/edit?usp=sharing The 1st draft: oHYP/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105803629049464619185&rtpof=true&s d=true The 2nd draft: hQ91v5CP3ytKFBM/edit?usp=sharing HOME PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END DEBATE Group assignment Topic was chosen by team members Was practiced before the official debate Conducted in session 11 Being required team notes for submission The side of debate was chosen by teams There are parts with 15 minutes per team totally Weight of 15% in total score of the course j cpresentation HOME PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END OTHER DETAILS About my debate: Topic: Should arts be mandatory for students in primary and secondary schools? Position: Proposition - Arts should not be compulsory Purposes: • Practice speaking skills, planning, critical thinking • Students manage time, convince audiences, etc Link of the notes on Google Docs.: 3IbIIsxrvtaHZvQZsO6E_483vC9eg/edit?usp=sharing j cpresentation HOME PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END POSTER & INDIVIDUAL ESSAY Individual assignment Topic relevant to the group essay The topic was evaluated from the previous one Poster showed students’ presentation skills and idea for individual essay Presentation was given in about minutes per one – session 10 Weight of 15% in total score of the course The essay is required 1200-1500 words Weight of 30% in total score of the course Submit after session 12 j cpresentation PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION THE NECESSITY OF TRAINING SOFT SKILLS PROBLEMS Education has not yet succeeded in developing a fully competent workforce REALITY POSTER SPECIFIC DETAILS Vietnam has been one of the best-performing economies globally over the last decade Lack of potential skills: • Soft skills play a role in business success • Vietnam's education is lack soft skills • • Facing multiple challenges of globalization (Vietnamnet Global) Vietnamese students have poor soft skills REASON WORK HOWEVER Soft skills need to be recognized People focus more on career skills WHILE soft skills can be long-term benefits Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation & Stanford Research Centre 15% Critical thinking Team work (Mann, 1918) HARD SKILLS Problem solving EDUCATION • • • • • Good source of soft skills Raise confidences in employment CAREER SUCCESS TRUONG & LAURA (2015) Topic: ‘The necessity of training soft skills in Vietnam’ I B BENEFITS OF SOFT SKILLS (VNExpress international) CHALLENGES END INDIVIDUALS HOME 85% Planning logical schedule Getting better achievements Improving scores Having more friends Being appriciated & supported Expanding social relationship Solving problems Building positive atmosphere Leading staffs Growing business - RUN A BUSINESS SOFT SKILLS Required sources at least The reference of APA 7th edition format Have charts, evidences, visual support, etc Purposes: Practice presentation skills, and planning for the essay j cpresentation • Communication • Time management • REFERENCES • Deloitte Access Economics, (2017) Soft skills for business success VOCED plus Sydney Ha, L (2020, March 15) Vietnamese students still lack soft skills Vietname Net Global Mann, C.R., (1918) A Study of Engineering Education Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 106-107 Newman, D., & Fikri, K., (2022, January 19) New startups break record in 2021: Unpacking the Numbers Economic Innovation Group Tam, D (2019, October 17) Employers, educators lament Vietnamese students’ poor soft skills VNExpress International Truong, H., Laura, R., (2015) Essential soft skills for successful business graduates in Vietnam Sociology Study, 5(10), 759-763 1.pdf Building positive workplace Getting more clients Creating good image Increasing prestige DEVELOPMENT & SUCCESS BUSINESS ADVANTAGES FINDING TALENT WORKERS (Economics Innovation Group) THE REQUIREMENT OF STRONG HARD SKILLS Only soft skills not be enough BUT People need to prepare for a future with the growth of soft-skill jobs BEING SUPPORTED U.S total annual business application Hard skills without soft skills not ensure for a long-term cooperation Prediction of the soft-skills intensive occupations’s growth (Deloitte Access Economics, 2017) NON-SOFT-SKILLS INTENSIVE SOFT-SKILLS INTENSIVE JENIFERCHUNG Chung Ngọc Bảo Hân AEn-T122WSB-6|21000466 Link: https://drive.googl -GJKkrrABezFpbdRLSsvONLRA9/view? usp=sharing HOME PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END INDIVIDUAL ESSAY DETAILS Topic: ‘The necessity of training soft skills in Vietnam’ Individual assignment Word count: 1200-1500 (+/-10%) Submitted on E-learning after session 12 Purposes: Practice writing skills, working individually Ensure academic English j cpresentation Link to the draft: 5_sNyw5x4eQqidAHuYXIQoJg41lqNLHic/edit?usp=sha ring HOME PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END How assignments help students to learn and meet the outcomes Drafts & notes j cpresentation Better plan for assignments Get feedbacks Great outcomes HOME PRESENTOR Create opportunity for students to practice academic English and apply critical thinking j cpresentation CONTENT Well suppoted by teammates and lecturer in all assignment INFORMATION END Various benefits that can support student to have a better university life Academic English – Session 12 THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME CAPSTONE presentation j cpresentation ... cpresentation CAPSTONE PROJECT Academic English HOME Introduce About myself j cpresentation PRESENTOR CONTENT INFORMATION END JENIFER CHUNG Student full name: Chung Ngoc Bao Han ID: 210 00466 Western... activities Education + Training, 63(2), 16 5 -18 1 Emerald Publishing Limited /10 .11 08/ET-07-2020- 018 5 Dean, A (2 017 ) Soft Skills Needed for the 21st Century Workforce Proquest Dissertation... Economics, 2 017 ) NON-SOFT-SKILLS INTENSIVE SOFT-SKILLS INTENSIVE JENIFERCHUNG Chung Ngọc Bảo Hân AEn-T122WSB-6 | 210 00466 210 Link: https://drive.googl