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FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY FINANCE AND BANKING -*** “GOING INTERNATIONAL” ANALYSIS PROJECT Target Market: Japan Ameii Joint Stock Company Product name: Lychee Group member: Nguyen Ha An Vu Khanh Chi Phan Huyen Dieu Hoang Manh Hung La Thi Thuy Linh Nguyen Minh Tam Hanoi, March 2021 No Name Student ID In charge of 01 Nguyễn Hà An (group coordinator) 2012380003 Part Two Section IV Market Potential Conclusion Introduction Recommendations 02 Vũ Khánh Chi 2012380011 Part Two.Section II Political and Legal Analysis A Political ideology B Political risk C Legal system 03 Phan Huyền Diệu 2013380007 Part Two Section III Economic Analysis A Economic System B Economic development 04 Lã Thị Thùy Linh 2012380020 Part Two Section II Political and Legal Analysis D International relations Section III Economic Analysis C Financial markets D Infrastructural forces 05 Nguyễn Minh Tâm 2012380034 Part Two Section I: Country Overview A Factual Data B Background 06 Hoàng Mạnh Hùng 2011380203 Part One: Executive Summary INTRODUCTION In the 70 years of the Trade industry’s formation, along with the historical milestones of the country, Vietnam's import and export activities have experienced significant changes, thereby becoming an important driving force for the growth of Vietnamese economy Thus, a business analysis is of tremendous need for a company before carrying out any activities The main purpose of this “Going International” Analysis Project is to give Ameii a general look into Japanese economy as well as an insight into its potential of being an ideal destination for Vietnamese fruit export Given the detailed analysis, we can propose a direction for the product exported and further recommendations to enhance the efficiency in the operation of the project Lychee, a famous traditional fruit, was chosen for evaluation about whether it stands the possibility of exporting to Japan or not The intention of choosing lychee is to popularize this fruit and label Vietnamese fruit as a universal name, thereby opening up more chances for other Vietnamese fruits Bear this in mind, the study is carried out in quantitative methods by data gathered from the official statistical sources After the project, apart from the wide range of knowledge that each team member gained when studying Japan and its economy, skills such as analyzing, compiling and summarizing are expected to improve and one can become more familiar with any business analysis project in the future RECOMMENDATIONS After the the project, with all things considered, Ameii is expected to export lychee right away However, before the lychee export, there are a few points that might be recommended First and foremost, researching markets and keeping up with recent trends as well as predicting them might improve the position of Vietnamese exporting companies and their market shares on Japanese market Second, Japan is also a nation of quality standards with meticulous consumers, so Ameii Joint Stock Company should take into consideration the quality of fresh lychee before exporting, among which the packaging should be appropriate to Japanese traditions and lifestyle Third, Ameii company can seek for Japanese partners, promoting and altering the supplying mode, creating an image in Japan, particularly the Vietnamese fresh fruits Last but not least, with the view to turn Vietnamese fruit into one of the forefront exported products not only to Japan but also on an international scale, governments might provide much advocacy, manage both production and exporting in macro-sale PART ONE: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ameii Vietnam Joint Stock Company is one of the leading Vietnamese brands in the field of exporting specialty agricultural products and organic vegetables Its product lines is divided into main categories which are spice, nutritious seeds, organic vegetables and fresh fruit Ameii’s customers come from many countries around the world, such as USA, France, Russia, England, New Zealand, Canada, Korea, Japan, China, Middle East, etc Japan becomes the targeted market in this project since it has been known for being one of the three biggest importers of Vietnamese fruits and vegetables under the enforcement of ASEAN – Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement that partly eliminated the tariff barriers The scaling of factors analysis is separated into big sections and various subheadings within each: Section I: Country Overview A Factual Data Geographic Location Neighboring countries Population Natural resources Main industries and locations within country B Background Historical Development Histories of Key Industries Section II: Political and Legal Analysis A Political ideology Wide vs narrow participation Democracy vs Totalitarianism B Political Risk Level of political risk Sources of political risk Main types of political risk How to adapt to the political risk C Legal System Common law, civil law, or theocratic law Similarity of home and host nations’ legal systems Incidence of intellectual property violations National enforcement of property rights (patents, trademarks, and copyrights) Presence of products safety and liability laws Taxation D International Relations General relations with other countries (key allies/adversaries) Multilateral agreements with other nations Section III: Economic Analysis A Economic system Type of system (centrally planned, mixed, or market) Fiscal and monetary policies B Economic development GDP and GDP per capita Level of human development Country classification (developed, newly industrialized, or developing) Macroeconomic indicators (unemployment, inflation, etc.) C Financial markets Exchange rates with key currencies and recent trends D Infrastructural forces Transportation (logistics): Communications (internet connections/speed, mobile phone penetration/costs) Section IV: Market Potential A Identify basic appeal of Japanese market: People and Culture Japanese culture Suitability of climate Japanese people as consumers B Data about Vietnamese goods export to Japan C Competitor analysis Monitoring closely, our group suggests that it is possible for the company to export lychee now More detailed analysis that lead to this decision will be provided consecutively in Part Two PART TWO: FACTORS FOR ANALYSIS (8-14 pages) Section I Country Overview (no more than page) A Factual data Geographic location Japan is an island country in East Asia Part of the Ring of Fire, Japan spans an archipelago of 6852 islands covering 377,975 km2 (nationsonline.org, 2021) Neighboring countries Japan has no land border The neighboring countries and territories in the sea of Japan are Russia, North Korea, and South Korea; in the East Sea are China and Taiwan; further South are the Philippines and the Northern Mariana Islands Population The current population of Japan is 126,199,941 (Worldometer, 2021) Natural resources Japan has negligible mineral resources such as iron and copper With virtually no natural energy resources, Japan is the world's largest importer of coal and liquified natural gas and the second largest importer of oil (cia.gov, 2021) Main industries and locations within country Agriculture in Japan plays a significant role and contributes approximately 1.4% of the national GDP Japan has the highest level of crop output per unit area in the world and a total agricultural self-sufficiency ratio of approximately 50% The manufacturing industry in Japan is diversified with advanced and exceedingly successful industries including semiconductors, consumer electronics, optical fibers, automobile manufacturing, and optical media among others The country is also a leader in the biochemistry and fermentation process in the food industry Major services of Japan include banking, insurance, retailing, transportation and telecommunications The service sector accounts for approximately 70% of Japan's GDP and 75% of employment, so developments in this sector have a large impact on Japan's economy as a whole B Background Historical development In the 8th century, Japan became unified into a strong state ruled by an emperor This started Japan's Heian period where much of today's distinct Japanese culture emerged including art, literature, poetry, and music In the 10th and 11th centuries Japan entered into a feudal era Japan was once again unified in 1590 under Toyotomi Hideyoshi During the 1500s the Portuguese arrived in Japan Japan would remain closed to foreigners for over 200 years In 1854, Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States forced Japan to reopen relations with the rest of the world Japan became an empire ruled by an emperor In World War II Japan allied with the Axis Powers of Germany and Italy On December 7, 1941 Japan attacked the United States bombing Pearl Harbor in Hawaii Japan surrendered in 1945 when the US dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki In 1947 Japan adopted a constitution with a democratic government Since then Japan has grown into a powerful nation with one of the world's largest economies Histories of key industries Rice is the main crop in Japan It has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years in Japan Japan usually produces a surplus of rice Even so rice production across Japan has fallen 20 percent over the past decade There are 1.8 million rice-growing households in Japan (Hays, 2021) Japan achieved sustained growth in per capita income between the 1880s and 1970 through industrialization Moving along an income growth trajectory through expansion of manufacturing is hardly unique Section II Political and Legal Analysis A Political ideology Wide vs narrow participation Surveys on political participation conducted in Japan mostly show that the “average” Japanese does not get involved in politics Although they take part in some political acts, for example, voting and attending political rallies, Japanese people largely not consider these as political participation In terms of elections, one trend noticed in Japanese voters is that they mostly focused on broad terms about social issues, for example, “someone who cares about Japan’s future” This really exemplifies the trend of Japanese’s group consciousness, even in political participation Democracy vs totalitarianism Since its beginning, Japan has been a stunted democracy, except for the time of Taisho democracy in the 1910s and 20s As Japanese did not fight for their democracy, the country operated almost as a one-party state for much of the postwar era The right-wing Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) holds the nominal power, but the real political power is exercised by the “iron triangle” of bureaucrats, businessmen and politicians There are some factors that weakened Japan’s democracy:  Japan has reverted to a one-party state dominated by the LDP  Japan has a restricted media The “kisha clubs” run by each government ministry fosters an unhealthy relationship between journalists and government officials  “Japan Inc'' (iron triangle) is still alive and strong, not only for the nuclear industry but also the annual whales hunt  The undue voices of the elderly on policy in Japan make it become a “silver democracy” B Political risk Level of political risk Japan has very high short-term and long-term political risk index scores (Political Risk Map, 2020) This reflects the dominance of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) over six decades, low unemployment, and a very homogenous society Consequently, it will be politically safe to export to Japan Sources of political risk  Corruption: In its long history, Japan has experienced serious cases of political corruption Recently, a senior government official with close ties to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga resigned after being reprimanded for dining with other officials and companies they oversee This shows that political corruption in Japan continues to be the case, despite Japanese anti-corruption legislation  Ethnic conflict: In summary, Japanese people make up 98.1%, Chinese 0.5%, Korean 0.4%, and other 1% (includes Filipino, Vietnamese, and Brazilian) of people living in Japan, according to the CIA World Handbook In a special report of the United Nations in 2005, it was stated that Japan had a serious racism and xenophobia problem, which had been insufficiently recognized by the government Today, foreigners from other Asian countries, mostly Koreans and Chinese, are still facing ethnic conflict problems due to the rising political tensions between Japan and their home countries Main types of political risk  Rising geopolitical tensions between Japan and China The relationship between Japan and China has become more strained after disputes over maritime sovereignty Currently, Japan is concerned about China's actions to increase tensions in the East China Sea According to the Japan Maritime Security Forces, after China allowed the use of weapons against foreign ships, the number of times Chinese service ships entered the Senkaku area / Diaoyu also increased rapidly Accordingly, Chinese service ships not only approach fishing ships but also chase Japanese ships  Political violence Meanwhile, the Japan-US partnership remains strong It was emphasized in Prime Minister Sugar’s statement: “The Japan-U.S alliance, which is the cornerstone of Japan’s foreign and security policies, will continue to be the foundation for peace, prosperity, and freedom in the IndoPacific region and the world.”  With Vietnam: In 1995, Japan was the first G-7’s country1 to welcome the General Secretary of Vietnam to visit Especially in 2020, Vietnam was chosen as the first trip abroad by Prime Minister Sugar Yoshihide after his taking office This official visit took place in the context of the Vietnam-Japan extensive strategic partnership continuing to strongly develop in many fields including the export-import sector; as well as political trust has been increasingly strengthened It can be concluded that Vietnam-Japan relations experience the best stage in history since the date of establishing diplomatic relations between these two countries on September, 21th 1973 Multilateral agreements with other nations Japan is gradually adjusting its dependence on the US This country has signed a series of Economic Cooperation Agreements with many countries such as Australia, India and Canada As of July 2017, Japan had entered into economic partnership agreements (EPAs) with 14 countries and ASEAN Japan with 10 other countries, including Vietnam, signed the CPTPP2 For Vietnam, this agreement has been effective since January 14, 2019 *Benefits of Vietnam after participating in CPTPP in terms of exports: Since strong markets like Japan reduce import tax to 0% for our goods, we can boost our export turnover Accordingly, our top export products such as agricultural products and electronics will be tariff reduced as soon as the agreement comes into effect Thanks to this level of commitment, Vietnam’s exports will likely increase by 4.04% by 2035 (under the official research by the Ministry of Planning and Investment) Having FTA relations with CPTPP countries will create a An intergovernmental organization made up of the world's largest developed economies The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership 13 grateful opportunity and condition for Vietnam to restructure toward the import-export system (Hiep dinh doi tac Toan dien va Tien bo xuyen Thai Binh Duong, n.d.) Section III Economic Analysis A Economic system Type of system (centrally planned, mixed, or market) The economy of Japan is a market economy which utilizes private ownership as the means of production and voluntary exchanges/contracts (Kramer, 2020) There are some major factors in the market economy that may impact our export project such as: the share of exports and imports, strong competition from the development of some manufacturing enterprises in and outside the country, the development of commercial activities, etc (Le, 2018) Therefore, before going international, we should consider comprehensively all aspects of this market economy in order to succeed a Fiscal and monetary policies Fiscal policies Fiscal policy is one of the three arrows of Abenomics It has made contributions to the positive changes in the country’s economy As part of the fiscal stimulus, the Japanese government issued money for spending on infrastructure, such as roads, buildings, and bridges The policy aimed to promote investment and spending in the economy to raise the country’s GDP About the budget collection policy, Japanese Government reforms tax in the long run by doubling the consumption tax in order to help fund the increase in public spending and at the same time, decreasing the corporate income tax About the budget spending policy, with the purpose of stimulating growth and limiting deflation, Japanese Government has to spend a lot of money leading to fiscal stimulus and economic recovery Moreover, the government also gives a new method which can stabilize the currency market by using a special account, created for the Government; doing projects which are managed by foreign exchange funds of the country (Tran and Tran, 2017) 14 b Monetary policies The Bank of Japan, as the central bank of Japan, decides and implements monetary policy with the aim of maintaining price stability Price stability is important because it provides the foundation for the nation's economic activity Therefore, when lychee comes to Japan, we should maintain the price stability in order to create a favorable foundation to our products On this basis, the Bank set the "price stability target" at percent in terms of the year-on-year rate of change in the consumer price index (CPI) in January 2013, and has made a commitment to achieving this target at the earliest possible time B Economic development GDP and GDP per capita  2019 Nominal GDP in current U.S Dollars: $5.08 trillion (World Bank, 2019)  2019 Nominal GDP per capita in current U.S Dollars: $40,247 (World Bank, 2019) Japan is the third largest economy in the world It is the third-largest in the world by nominal GDP (Lah, 2011) and the fourth-largest by purchasing power parity (International Monetary Fund, 2016) and is the world's second largest developed economy (OECD iLibrary, 2013) In 2018, Japan was the world's fourth-largest importer and the fourth-largest exporter (WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION., 2019) Strong cooperation between government and industry and advanced technological know-how have built Japan’s manufacturing and export-oriented economy (Silver, 2020) Therefore, Japan is a very ideal market of importing products Level of human development Japan ranks 19th in the list of countries with the highest human development index in the world The average value of level of human development for Japan during the period from 1980 to 2020 was 0.868 points with a minimum of 0.772 points in 1980 and a maximum of 0.919 points in 2020 (The United Nations, 2020) Country classification (developed, newly industrialized, or developing) 15 Japan is a very highly developed country because of its high GDP - $5.08 trillion dollars by year 2019 (World Bank, 2019) Although Japan has few raw materials, it excels in the manufacturing sector because of its ability to import a large amount of raw materials from other countries and using them, manufacturing goods that can then be exported back (Writer, 2020) Therefore, exporting lychee from Vietnam to Japan will be a good idea Japan can optimize the potential of lychee, make lychee become more popular to other people Japan also has an extensively developed transportation network in its country, with means of travelling that include road, air, rail and sea (Writer, 2020) Therefore, thanks to plentiful means of transportation in Japan, our product can be easily transported throughout the country It will lead to the even distribution of lychee in Japan, which is a very good step in our project Macroeconomic indicators (unemployment, inflation, etc.) Economic Indicators for Japan including actual values, historical data charts, an economic calendar, time-series statistics, business news, long term forecasts and short-term predictions for Japan economy First, the unemployment rate in Japan was about 2.9% in 2020 The average value for Japan during the period from 1991-2020 was 3.79 percent with a minimum of 2.1 percent in 1991 and a maximum of 5.4 percent in 2002 (World Bank, 2020) The unemployment rate seldom declines below 4-5 percent even during boom times There are always people who move between different sectors of the economy or between cities When the economy goes into recession, then unemployment can reach much higher numbers, sometimes even in the double digits Second, the inflation rate in Japan was about -1.17% in December 2020 The average value during January 1961 and December 2020 was 2.99 percent with a minimum of -2.93 percent in October 2009 and a maximum of 26.21 percent in October 1974 Third, the bank deposit interest rate in Japan was about 0.06% in December 2020 The average value for Japan during October 1993 and December 2020 was 0.34 percent with a minimum of 0.04 percent in May 2019 and a maximum of 2.13 percent in October 1993 (Bank of Japan, 2020) 16 C Financial markets Exchange rates with key currencies and recent trends *Exchange rates with key currencies and recent trends: The “yen”(JPY) is the Japanese official currency, ranking 3th in the most traded currencies in the foreign exchange market It is also widely used as a reserve currency after the U.S dollar, the Euro, and the U.K pound sterling Under data updated on March 20th, 2021, the exchange rate of USD/JPY and JPY/VND are 108.92 and 211.84 respectively (Bieu đo USDJPY - Ty gia Do Yen — TradingView, 2021) In July 2020, Japanese Minister of Finance said that the JYP’s growth was “too fast”, signaling a local currency could pose more threats to the economy of this country In addition, the appreciation of the yen has also caused significant impacts on the exchange rate Therefore, it is forecasted that in the coming time, Tokyo will have to strictly control the foreign exchange market and will depend on the situation to take the necessary measures * Presence of currency controls/restrictions: There are no particular restrictions on the purchase and sale of JPY D Infrastructural forces Transportation (logistics): Due to its scarcity of resources, Japan relies mostly on imports of many raw materials and exports of manufactured goods Therefore, the freight and logistics sector play an indispensable role in Japan’s economy In order to satisfy the growing demand of the market, Japan’s logistics industry has to rapidly develop and structurally change According to the Japan Logistics performance Index score, in 2016, Japan was at the 12th position with a 3.97-LPI score, which is better than China and many other countries (Japan Freight and Logistics Market | Growth, Trends, and Forecast (2018-2023), n.d.) Japan is highly dependent on sea freight: About 99.6% of Japan's exports and imports are by maritime transport and only 0.4% is by Air transport (Japan Freight and Logistics Market | Growth, Trends, and Forecast (2018-2023), n.d.) 17 Communications (internet connections/speed, mobile phone penetration/costs) Japan has a very high general rate of internet access which makes the information rapidly transmitting throughout the country and overseas Under the study conducted in 2014, nearly 101 millions of its citizens were able to access the internet (Connectivity and internet usage in Japan, n.d.) This country also ranked 52th in the world for mobile speeds during February (Japan's Mobile and Broadband Internet Speeds - Speedtest Global Index, 2021) The proportion of people using smartphones significantly increased by 30% over the last years (from 2015 to 2020) The smartphone user penetration rate was estimated to reach nearly 92 percent by 2024 while the figure was 60%-70% tens years ago which was somewhat lower than in many western countries (Statista, 2020) Section IV Market Potential A Identify basic appeal of Japanese market Japanese culture Japanese society is based on the teaching of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, where the importance of self is undermined by the importance of the group Individual sacrifices are not just necessary, but are commonplace and considered an everyday part of life Japanese culture also values certain characteristics among which loyalty stands out the most This one specific character seems to be in common with that in Vietnamese culture, since Vietnamese culture also originates partly from China Suitability of climate The climate of Japan is cold in the north (where snow and ice dominate in winter), temperate in the central regions, and almost tropical on the small southern islands The rains are abundant almost everywhere, and between summer and autumn the country is hit by torrential rains and typhoons The climate of Japan is influenced by the monsoon circulation: in winter it's affected by cold currents from the north-west, and in summer by wet and humid currents of tropical origin This fact makes it almost impossible for Japan to plant any tropical fruits a Japanese people as consumers Consumer Profile 18 The Japanese population is the oldest in the world, with a median age of 48.4 years in 2020 Some 13.2% of the population is under 14 years of age, 70.5% between 15 and 69 years old and 22.5% over 69 years old3 This number might indicate that the demand for healthy and “green” products is relatively high since elderly citizens need to choose foods that provide wide ranges of vitamin and cellulose while containing little fat The Japanese population is 51.2% women and 48.8% men (Santander, 2021) Japan is one of the most densely populated countries and 91.8% of its population is urban, and about one-fifth of the workforce is made up of office workers Japan is also widely known as a busy and fast-paced life so there must exist a need for constantly usable or less time-consuming prepared food As a consequence, fruit or salad vegetables can become a reasonable choice in this case b Purchasing Power In Japan, GDP per capita reached about USD 43,235.718 in PPP in 2019 Japan is a high-income country, but looking at the average annual income of member countries in 2019 published by the OECD, Japan ranked 19th, with 40,573 US dollars, lower than the average of all OECD countries, which was about 46,686 US dollars It is not an understatement to say that Japan is a country with the living cost of moderate expensiveness and due to this reason, the pricing of greenery products is a prominent factor in the making of housewives’ shopping decisions c Consumer Behavior Japanese consumers have a tendency to choose quality consumption over mass consumption However, the economic slowdown has caused some consumers to seek for lower prices and lower quality products This is especially true of the Millennial 43.8% of people under the age of 25 work part-time and earn around $100–500 a month They are generally willing to visit malls and specialty stores if they offer entertaining shopping experiences Quality standards and service expectations (sales process, delivery, packaging, after-sales service, etc.) are high in Japan United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: 2010 Population Division Prospects 19 Japanese consumers are very open to buying international brands for everyday consumer goods and are generally attracted by products imported from countries perceived as "specialized" such as Swiss watches and French wines Consumers in Japan are generally brand loyal, however, the older population is more so than the younger generation Half of the population uses social media regularly The Japanese mainly watch videos and follow influencers for opinions on products Also, nearly three quarters of consumers inquire with social networks before buying certain products, especially cosmetics and fashion In general, the Japanese are not worried about big data, thanks to the legislation in force B Data about Vietnamese goods export to Japan Vietnam is capable of offering a wide assortment of fruit and vegetables featured in the subtropical and tropical zone, with a plenty of fruits which have been successfully branded and adhered to separate regions along the country, such as Luc Ngan Lychee or Binh Thuan Dragon Fruit Vietnamese export scale of fruit and vegetable is relatively remarkable with about 450.5 million USD (International Merchandise Trade Statistics 2010, Vietnam Customs) During the period between 2000 and 2008, exporting fruit and vegetables from Vietnam to Japan has witnessed a breakthrough and made Japan market one of the exporters in the forefront with high export value Initially in 2000, Japanese market owned 9% of the total value of exported fruit and vegetables The proportion incrementally augmented through the years with only an exception in 2003 and reached 14.7% in 2004, second to Chinese market From 2005 to 2008, the export value to Japan was always over 30 million USD but volatile in between 20 Vietnamese fresh and vegetables export value to Japan from 2000 to 2008 40000 36848 35000 31395 30336 2005 2006 31651 30000 26119 25000 20000 10000 16009 15545 2002 2003 13746 15000 9417 5000 2000 2001 2004 2007 2008 1000 USD (Source: Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam) More than 10 years have passed since the data was given above but the possibility of Vietnam exporting specialty fruits to Japan, such as lychee, still remains C Competitor analysis Japan is one major market which has a significantly high export scale and value, not only for Vietnam but many other nations as well Top fruit and vegetable nations like China, Thailand, and Korea also view Japan as an ideal destination The table provided below will show Japan’s top trading partners in fresh fruit in 2020 Country New Zealand USA Mexico Values 80% (438 million USD) 11.3% (61 million USD) 2.81% (15.3 million USD) Country Chile Vietnam Netherlands Values 1.81% (9.84 million USD) 1.07% (5.83 million USD) 4.72 million USD (Source: TrendEconomy, 2021) 21 Evidently, Vietnam was in the top countries with highest trading values but when it comes to competing with other major suppliers such as USA or New Zealand, we might stand no chance as they dominated with an exponential percentage number Furthermore, due to the loyalty trait of Japanese citizens, some of the Japanese tend to stick to their traditional or domestic fruits This means Vietnamese lychee does not only in a race with other exotic types of fruits, but also with the domestic ones too CONCLUSION Entering an alien market requires a good understanding of the new environment and customer’s perspective A proper look of Japanese economy has been provided together with the materials that makes Japan an appeal for Vietnamese lychee The report begins with analyzing the country overview which contains geographic conditions and background developments, which later on help reaching the final decision to export lychee Moreover, Japan was never a western colonial country so the culture, political situation and economical system must be different from other Asian countries This factor was studied carefully in the aforementioned essays Consumer is also a section that was thoroughly reviewed, as they play an irreplaceable role in the process with their purchasing abilities and unique characteristics All things considered, Ameii is expected to export lychee right away 22 Section V Footnotes and 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[online] Reference.com Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2021] 27 ... Vietnamese economy Thus, a business analysis is of tremendous need for a company before carrying out any activities The main purpose of this ? ?Going International” Analysis Project is to give Ameii a general... expected to improve and one can become more familiar with any business analysis project in the future RECOMMENDATIONS After the the project, with all things considered, Ameii is expected to export... Two.Section II Political and Legal Analysis A Political ideology B Political risk C Legal system 03 Phan Huyền Diệu 2013380007 Part Two Section III Economic Analysis A Economic System B Economic

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