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I made this report after researching clearly about ICT improving the awareness of the aspects about asphalt and hydroelectric plants is the main purpose of this report

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Pham Tai Thien_10170481_BBE_A1 CONTENT: I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: II INTRODUCTION: III MAJOR FINDING: The different ICT’s size, scope and types: .4 1.1 The definition of ICT organization: .4 a Legal form: b Size: c Vision: d Core value: e Mission: f Objective: g Goal: 1.2 The stakeholders of ICT: The structure of ICT company: 2.1 The structure of ICT company: 2.2 The interrelationship of the various functions of ICT and how they link to the organizational structure: 10 IV CONCLUSION: 10 V REFERRENCE: 11 I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: I made this report after researching clearly about ICT Improving the awareness of the aspects about asphalt and hydroelectric plants is the main purpose of this report The first part of the report discusses the concepts of this organization by describing the mission, legal form, vision, core values, size, objectives and goals of ICT After that, I will evaluate the goal of ICT Then I will point out the most important ICT stakeholders and explain why the stakeholders are the most important In addition, showing how the organization responds to the expectations and interests of the parties involved In the next section, I will show the association of the correlations between the different functions and the correlation between them By the beginning I will explain the structure of ICT, then I will analyze the organization's function and the interrelationship between them II INTRODUCTION: On March 1, 1999, International Investment Construction and Trading Corporation (ICT), a private equity company, was officially established In ICT, barrel and liquid asphalt business are two main functions and it is currently nationwide According to VNR500, ICT ranked 272 out of 500 in Vietnam's largest company category in 2014 - by the Vietnam Report Company ranking and published annually by Vietnamnet Especially, after Petrolimex, Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam), ICT Portal is ranked second in the field of asphalt By 2015, ICT has increased from 272 to 186 among the top 500 largest private enterprises in Vietnam and ranked 428 out of 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam Besides that, ICT has other sub-sectors such as leasing office buildings, supplying equipment and machinery for hydroelectric plants In this report, the scope and structure of ICT will be analyzed III MAJOR FINDING: The different ICT’s size, scope and types: 1.1 The definition of ICT organization: a Legal form: International Investment Construction and Trading Corporation, also known as ICT, is a private joint stock company This type of company is not a state-owned company or a company created by foreign capital It is a joint-stock company set up by individual shareholders of the company The head of the company is the board of directors and all projects, policies or strategies used will be issued by the board, reviewed and approved After careful consideration and feel the project has potential, it will be transferred to the company's general manager and the general manager will be responsible for the division of work for other departments and departments (Moodle.isneu.edu.vn, 2018) b Size: In ICT, barrel and liquid asphalt business are two main functions and it is currently nationwide During 13 years of operation International Investment Construction and Trading Corporation (ICT) has been continuously developing in terms of width as well as depth of the company ICT is ranked as one of the top liquid asphalt suppliers in Vietnam and is comparable to other large companies such as SHELL, PETROLIMEX, ADCO or CALTEX The reputation of ICT really spread to all regions of the country when we learned that a lot of constructions have been trusting ICT and using their products From the north of Viet Nam are currently construction works such as Ha Long, Bac Dang bridge or Bac Giang Lang Son highway In the central area there are highspeed projects Quang Ngai and Cao Son Tuy Loan In the south, there are two projects waiting to be approved, namely Trung Thuy My Thuan or Long Thanh All of these roads are very important routes and are the arterial roads of Viet Nam All these projects are provided by the ICT company for fuel ICT also invests, builds, operates and transfers hydropower plants in the country ICT to build the Chiem Hoa hydropower plant in Tuyen Quang This is the factory that marked a turning point in the hydropower sector as the first hydroelectric plant to use turbine in Vietnam In addition, the construction of the Chiem Hoa plant also gives Vietnam the record of building the fastest hydroelectric plant with only 30 months of construction Following the success of Chiem Hoa Hydropower Plant, ICT continued to build a second hydroelectric plant named Vinh Ha after discovering another river in Lao Cai province This is the second hydropower plant to use a light bulb tuabin in Vietnam It is expected that by the end of 2015, this project will be completed and is currently underway According to VNR500, ICT ranked 272 out of 500 in Vietnam's largest company category in 2014 - by the Vietnam Report Company ranking and published annually by Vietnamnet Especially, after Petrolimex, Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam), ICT Portal is ranked second in the field of asphalt By 2015, ICT has increased from 272 to 186 among the top 500 largest private enterprises in Vietnam and ranked 428 out of 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam Besides that, ICT has other subsectors such as leasing office buildings, supplying equipment and machinery for hydroelectric plants, trading real estate or trading fresh and clean food (CMS, 2018) c Vision: According to the marketing department of ICT company, we can know that the company's main vision is to provide Viet Nam the best and highest quality of asphalt products and also become the top one supplier in our country ICT has never declared that it will surpass that of Petrolimex to lead the sales volume, which ICT companies aim to is to bring to Vietnam the quality of the best product, bring the brand to everyone and bring the prestige to the contractor ICT wants to be the leading company in Vietnam on these criteria (Moodle.isneu.edu.vn, 2018) d Core value: The core values of ICT are divided into two parts, external and internal For the external, its slogan is "you are us" "You" here is the customer, the partner of the ICT company ICT sets itself as its own customer, to check the benefits and rights of customers if it is good enough or not and adjust itself to suit the customer Behaviors and actions of the company always consider about customer first Unlike other businesses, ICT does not worry about revenue first, ICT does not try to sell expensive for consumers to take profit ICT always thinks that if they sell products that are of poor quality, costly and not have many benefits for customers, then customers will gradually leave and that also leads to company not have any benefits Therefore, bringing benefits to customers is also beneficial for the company For the internal, its slogan is “we are a family” Within ICT, the issues related to strategic development are human and human being are at the core of all things, so the members of the ICT organization treat each other as brothers and sisters in the same a family Many outsiders look at company as a family company, because of misunderstanding of the close cohesion among employees in the company On the other hand, the organization will not be able to grow sustainably, if the employees not be like that The point of the ICT is very clear, an organization wants to develop, the members need to listen and share with each other about both good and bad things New employee will be guided, helped, guided by the ola ones This will bring lots of benefits to both of them Because when a new employee gets to the top of their job they will replace the old one, so the old one will be promoted and have a new position with better benefits The benefits of the company depend on the interests of individuals, if all individuals have a successful career, the businesses will grow That is how employees in ICT behave together for a common purpose of the company (Moodle.isneu.edu.vn, 2018) e Mission: The company's mission is to be developed, sustainable for the community and society through adhering to the principle and rules of Vietnamese law, as well as contributing its part to the development of infrastructure and transport in Viet Nam To that, it includes all of the following: import high quality goods, tighten management during sales and ensuring all the elements that make up the quality and quantity of the project From there, it develops traffic in the country and optimizes the infrastructure (Moodle.isneu.edu.vn, 2018) f Objective: Due to the fluctuations in the political situation such as the change of positions in state boards or owing to soaring public debt, in 2018 state budgets are shrinking In addition, at the beginning of 2015, too many projects were approved All this will lead to 2016, 2017 or 2018 traffic projects being neglected or shrinking This shows that the demand of the market has dropped sharply, leading to the supply of company like ICT has also been cut down By 2018, the output that ICT achieved is 100,000 tons less than half compared to its competitor Petrolimex It is expected that Vietnam's market will be hot again in 2018-2020 as Viet Nam will launch a series of expressway projects and overpasses in the northern, central and southern regions Therefore, the objective of ICT in this period will be double that of 200,000 tons ICT does not set a production target of three or four times as much as the company Petrolimex did Firstly, Petrolimex is a variety of input sources and ICT only imports fuels from two key corporations, SHELL and SIMOSA, so ICT cannot set high output targets because it cannot meet the demand The second reason is that although ICT has been formed for almost 20 years, but in the direction of this company never want to increase profits ICT company only wants to build its name and brand It wants everyone to be aware of ICT which is the company providing the highest value and best value products The second objective of ICT is to develop markets to neighboring countries such as Laos and Cambodia With terrain more convenient for moving and providing than Petrolimex Petrolimex will have to go through the whole country to be able to deal with customers, so the price of Petrolimex will be filled more because of the cost of travel plus the quality of the product is not high Because of these two factors, Laos and Cambodia will be the two markets where ICT is aiming and targeting (Facebook.com., 2018) g Goal: The goal of ICT is a long-term strategy that gives the Vietnamese a habit of using high-grade ingredients, or in this case is high-quality asphalt In the current situation, Vietnamese contractors are only trying to secure their own benefits by making the price of fuel available at as low level as possible for construction That selfishness will make the country suffer for a long time, the road will be vulnerable, the infrastructure will be severely degraded over time The people who pay the price for this are the innocent people who are walking in those streets So ICT wants to set itself a goal is to bring the best quality asphalt at reasonable prices to Vietnam In addition, some asphalt supply units are only interested in their revenue, but are not responsible for the quality of the goods With ICT, besides aiming to bring the best resins to the country, it has another goal is to support the users with their products ICT will have the support from experienced experts from abroad to advise and make the best formula for the construction team in Vietnam And during the construction process, all the problems that will arise will be supported and advised by these experts as well as remedies when the road is broken to minimize the difficulty of road making process ICT not only advises on sales but also advises after sales, providing services to its buyers (Facebook.com, 2018) 1.2 The stakeholders of ICT: Finance and accounting is one of the most important department of ICT If there is no existence of this section, for the volume as well as the number of shipments already traded, ICT will not be able to verify how much are there in detail Moreover, this department is in charge of the company's finances All work, such as the company's revenue verification, or the amount of money the customer deposits and still owes or the amount of money that the company have to pay to the foreign partner, all of them are done by finance and accounting department For ICT, this division is closely linked to other parts of the company, so if the department has any problem, almost all of the company's activities will be suspended The second important stakeholder in ICT is operating division Not so many company that have this division, in ICT the staff of this department is up to 10 people These 10 employees only have one daily task is to monitor computer screens Possibly, you will think that 10 of them will only go to work and play all day, but actually the work of these people is very difficult when it requires them to watch screens in 24 hours One main screen will connect to the company's system and the other three will connect with three subsidiaries in three regions of Vietnam Employees are responsible for monitoring the movement of the truck driver as well as the traffic flow on the road Without this department, the company will not know how to coordinate the car In addition, they also closely monitor the activities of other employees to see if they cheated on the job not to report back to their superiors In addition to the stakeholders in the company, there are other stakeholders who are very important to ICT: customers and partners of ICT In more detail, ICT is the main business of asphalt, the partner of the company will be the plastic agents and affiliated banks The customers are businesses (mostly companies involved in the construction of carpet / plastic asphalt) With the external value of "you are us", ICT maintains this relationship under the win-win situation Initially, ICT would make some requests to start trading with partners, but the company doesn't make the partner what they want ICT always listen to the needs and desires of the partners they are working with so that they will be able to offer the best solutions for both parties Not for the company's own benefits, they always put the stakeholder above and together they adjust the terms so that both sides are mutually beneficial ICT always seeks to meet the interests and expectations of its stakeholders For employees, their most basic desire is income ICT is proud of being a company that pays employees higher than the market, but for ICT it is a very small part For a big business, the biggest benefit they give their employees is their career Career is different from work, career will follow the staff for life and when that is done, the rate of transfer workers will be more limited For example, when ICT recruits a driver, during training, he will also be trained in other skills such as car repair techniques or teaches him about computer systems, ICT is willing to offer free training to enable staff to grow and possibly have a higher position in the company ICT is both sustainable and responsive to the needs of its people and stakeholders The structure of ICT company: 2.1 The structure of ICT company:  Board of Director, who are shareholders and also important stakeholders, are the head of the company and hold the entire shares of the company They are the governing body of the company, have full authority in the name of the company to decide, exercise the rights, obligations and strategies of the company that not under the authority of the General Assembly of Shareholders (Blog Luật Sư Nguyễn Minh Anh, 2018)  General manager, who will directly receive business strategies that are commissioned from the board The number of products sold over the months is uneven because of the monthly turnover is quite dependent on the demand of the market The CEO is responsible for weighing and adjusting the strategy set by the board The director must be capable of assessing the market's ability to apply the most effective strategies and minimize the risks that may arise For example, the dry season demand is likely to be higher than the rainy season because contractors usually will not perform concrete pouring Or, at peak times, as the state executes multiple projects at the same time, the demand will increase  Technical Director, who will be fully responsible for dealing with issues directly related to technology This director will have to assign the work to the staff in the engineering department  Internal Director, who handles transactions, profits and human resources within the company The director will directly undertake the provision of welfare policies for all employees in the company, such as salary, insurance, and will closely monitor and evaluate each employee For the next departments, the method of functional allocation to the entire operating apparatus of the try was successfully applied by ICT Teams of employees with standardized knowledge and skills, in line with the set tasks, will be created as a department For example, people who have the ability to train and learn how to use people will be made up HRM department  The Synthetic and import-export department regulates the operations of the company and decides in deciding the deal  Trade department helps the company in importing asphalt Ensuring the purchase of high quality goods at reasonable prices and ensuring the quality of supplies from foreign companies are two of the main tasks of this department This department maintains relationships with key partners such as Simosa and Shell In Vietnam there are no facilities that can produce asphalt Moreover, there are not as many asphalt supplies, which are limited to fuel Therefore, in order to obtain quality goods such as Shell, ICT has to trade first For example, with a shell, ICT has to trade before months to be able to have the goods or have to buy before years and deposit a large amount of money with commitment to fulfill all the terms of the contract  Sales department, people will often think of the salesman who is on the phone to advise customers or the exchange of goods if the item is broken But in ICT, it requires stricter standards because ICT partners and customers are big and well-known Each transaction can be up to 25 billion vnd The sales staff is responsible for finding the potential orders as well as establishing a good relationship with customers  Human Resource Management department can specialize in recruiting new members and capturing and evaluating the capabilities of all workers within the company This helps the managers to work out the potential of every worker, set up a suitable training course for the staff and put potential employees into a position that suits them  Administrative department is responsible for reviewing the assessments of departmental managers to determine incentives and wages appropriate for each employee The department also takes on the role of organizing vacations as well as providing social insurance for employees 2.2 The interrelationship of the various functions of ICT and how they link to the organizational structure: The departments in ICt are closely related and the processes that take place in the company will depend on the department For example, the sales department needs to find a potential project, they will have to investigate whether there is a project that suits their company, how much construction time and who is involved in the contractor After finding a good project they will have to establish a solid relationship with the contractor, as well as find out what their expectations are If ICT negotiate successfully, the station chief will be responsible for receiving reports from the saleman Then they will report to the warehouse about the quantity and volume of bitumen that needs to be pumped into the truck to transport and operate the vehicle Order will be transferred to the finance department censorship to minimize the risks the company may incur as well as the cardholder has during transportation After that, the drivers will only be disposed to the weighing station to determine the vehicle volume and asphalt volume to be exported In addition to security, they will closely monitor the amount of asphalt produced to prevent fraud and the company's money The guard needs to know that this is a very important process for the company, so the guard needs to ensure that no driver is allowed to cheat and then extract a small amount of asphalt personal needs As a matter of fact, it also affects the construction of the contractor Assuming 25 tons of asphalt only 90% of the quality standards, the construction will make the road is not beautiful and easy to dilute the concrete Moreover, it also affects the prestige and brand of ICT The process requires experienced human resources, which will be managed by HRM, a leader, a vice, an accountant, a guardian and five guardians 10 IV CONCLUSION: In conclusion, ICT is a private equity firm Apart from doing business as asphalt, ICT also deals in clean food, real estate investment and construction of hydropower plants in every part of the country The core values of a company are to put the interests of the people and the community first, including the interests of the outside and within the company V REFERRENCE:         CMS, T (2018) ict.com.vn [online] Ict.com.vn Available at: http://ict.com.vn/ [Accessed 16 Oct 2018] CMS, T (2018) Kinh doanh bất động sản [online] Ict.com.vn Available at: http://ict.com.vn/kinh-doanh-bat-dong-san.htm [Accessed 16 Oct 2018] CMS, T (2018) Nhà máy thủy điện [online] Ict.com.vn Available at: http://ict.com.vn/nha-may-thuy-dien.htm [Accessed 16 Oct 2018] CMS, T (2018) Kinh doanh nhựa đường [online] Ict.com.vn Available at: http://ict.com.vn/kinh-doanh-nhua-duong.htm [Accessed 16 Oct 2018] Moodle.isneu.edu.vn (2018) VIỆN ĐÀO TẠO QUỐC TẾ ĐẠI HỌC KINH TẾ QUỐC DÂN: Log in to the site [online] Available at: http://moodle.isneu.edu.vn/pluginfile.php/6737/mod_resource/content/0/Guest %20Speaker_IBD_10-2018.pdf [Accessed 16 Oct 2018] CMS, T (2018) Xây dựng dân dụng, sản xuất kinh doanh thực phẩm [online] Ict.com.vn Available at: http://ict.com.vn/xay-dung-dan-dung-san-xuat-va-kinh-doanhthuc-pham-sach.htm [Accessed 16 Oct 2018] Facebook.com (2018) Công ty cổ phần đầu tư xây dựng thương mại quốc tế ICT [online] Available at: https://www.facebook.com/ictcorporation/?ref=br_tf [Accessed 16 Oct 2018] Anon, (2018) [online] Available at: https://doanhnhansaigon.vn/chuyen-lam-an/damphan-win-win-nghe-thuat-tam-doi-nhan-1035553.html [Accessed 16 Oct 2018] 11  Blog Luật Sư Nguyễn Minh Anh (2018) Hội đồng quản trị gì? quyền nhiệm vụ Hội đồng quản trị? - Blog Luật Sư Nguyễn Minh Anh [online] Available at: http://luatsuminhanh.vn/hoi-dong-quan-tri-la-gi-quyen-va-nhiem-vu-cua-hoi-dong-quantri/ [Accessed 16 Oct 2018] 12 ... 11 I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: I made this report after researching clearly about ICT Improving the awareness of the aspects about asphalt and hydroelectric plants is the main purpose of this report The. .. first part of the report discusses the concepts of this organization by describing the mission, legal form, vision, core values, size, objectives and goals of ICT After that, I will evaluate the. .. stakeholder in ICT is operating division Not so many company that have this division, in ICT the staff of this department is up to 10 people These 10 employees only have one daily task is to monitor

Ngày đăng: 07/06/2022, 18:49

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