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Tiêu đề Sustainable Procurement of Wood and Paper-based Products
Tác giả Ruth Nogueron, Lars Laestadius, Joe Lawson
Trường học World Resources Institute
Chuyên ngành Sustainable Procurement
Thể loại Guide and resource kit
Năm xuất bản 2011
Thành phố Washington
Định dạng
Số trang 190
Dung lượng 3,74 MB

Nội dung

World Business Council for Sustainable Development – WBCSD Chemin de Conches 4, 1231 Conches-Geneva, Switzerland Tel: (41 22) 839 31 00, Fax: (41 22) 839 31 31, E-mail: info@wbcsd.org, Web: www.wbcsd.org VAT nr 644 905 WBCSD US, Inc 1500 K Street NW, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20005, US Tel: +1 202 383 9505, E-mail: Washington@wbcsd.org World Resources Institute – WRI 10 G Street, NE (Suite 800), Washington DC 2002, United States Tel: (1 202) 729 76 00, Fax: (1 202) 729 76 10, E-mail: info@wri.org, Web: www.wri.org Sustainable Procurement of Guide and resource kit Wood and Paper-Based Products www.SustainableForestProds.org Sustainable Procurement of Wood and Paper-based Products Guide and resource kit Version Update June 2011 www.SustainableForestProds.org Sourcing and legality aspects Origin Where the products come from? Information accuracy Is information about the products credible? Legality Have the products been legally produced? Environmental aspects Social aspects Sustainability Have forests been sustainably managed? Local communities and indigenous peoples Have the needs of local communities or indigenous peoples been addressed? Special places Have special places, including sensitive ecosystems, been protected? Climate change Have climate issues been addressed? Environmental protection Have appropriate environmental controls been applied? Recycled fiber Has recycled fiber been used appropriately? Other resources Have other resources been used appropriately? Contributing Authors Partnership Disclaimer Disclaimer Ruth Nogueron and Lars Laestadius, WRI; Joe Lawson, The designations employed and the presentation of the This publication is released in the name of the World Business MeadWestvaco, Co-chair of the SFPI Working Group’s material in this publication not imply the expression of Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Sustainable Procurement Action Team any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Resources World Resources Institute (WRI) It has been developed by Institute or the World Business Council for Sustainable the WBCSD’s Sustainable Forest Products Industry Working Supported by Development concerning the legal status of any country, Group and WRI It does not necessarily represent the views of Financial support was provided by WBCSD’s territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the WBCSD, WBCSD members or WRI Sustainable Forest Products Industry (SFPI) working delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries Moreover, the group and Bank of America views expressed not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the WRI or WBCSD, nor does citing of trade names or commercial processes constitute endorsement All information contained in this guide, and more, is available at www.SustainableForestProds.org Ordering publications WBCSD, c/o Earthprint Limited Tel: (44 1438) 748111 Fax: (44 1438) 748844 wbcsd@earthprint.com Publications are available at: www.wbcsd.org www.earthprint.com www.SustainableForestProds.org Sustainable Procurement of Wood and Paper-based Products Guide and resource kit 2.16 Decisions regarding the purchase and use of wood and paper-based products can have far reaching, long-term impacts Consumers, retailers, investors, and communities are taking an increased interest in how their buying decisions affect the environment Will their purchase today help or hurt the availability of similar products or important natural resources for future generations? These decisions are also expanding rapidly as forests are being recognized as important renewable resources for addressing global warming and for renewable energy A variety of tools, initiatives, and labels has been developed to guide consumers of wood and paper-based products But many organizations that want to implement a sustainable procurement policy may not have the necessary resources and familiarity with the issues to efficiently sort through the myriad choices available The purpose of this publication is to help them This report was created to help procurement managers make informed choices Specifically it: • Identifies and explains the central issues around sustainable procurement of wood and paper-based products; • Provides an overview of the key tools, initiatives, programs and labels currently available – a “Guide to the Guides”; and • Surveys the maze of slang, jargon and “techno-speak” that often stands in the way of effective understanding and communication For the reader who wants more information, a companion website is available at www SustainableForestProds.org This website contains additional information about the resources available to procurement managers that are described within this report The website will be continuously updated to reflect the latest developments in this rapidly changing field For the reader who would rather have less information, a brief introductory report is available: Sustainable Procurement of Wood and Paper-based Products: An introduction We believe that these resources will stimulate and help organizations of all sizes and types to find their place in the critical process of sustainable procurement It is important that those decisions be based on the best available information We welcome your comments, questions and opinions www.SustainableForestProds.org Foreword Sincerely, Jonathan Lash President WRI Björn Stigson President WBCSD Acknowledgements Shaffer (formerly with Weyerhaeuser), Clifford Schneider (MeadWestvaco), João Manuel Soares (Portucel Soporcel Group), and Erik Widén (Akzo Nobel/Eka Chemicals) This guide benefited from the generous input of many people Early versions of the draft manuscript were The authors would like to thank Casey Canonge for his reviewed by experts and other stakeholders including: flexibility and expertise in writing and editing this guide Mario Abreu (Tetra-Pak), William Banzaf (formerly Within WRI, Hyacinth Billings, Craig Hanson, Mareike Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Inc.), Sofie Beckham Hussels, David Jhirard, Pierre Methot, Susan Minnemeyer, (IKEA), Lena Dahl (Tetra-Pak), Bernard de Galembert Samantha Putt del Pino, Janet Ranganathan, Dan Tunstall, (Confederation of European Industries), Pina Gervasi Jake Werksman and Jon Sohn provided valuable review (Forest Stewardship Council – International), Ben comments Jennie Hommel provided invaluable assistance Gunneberg (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest in the comprehensive review processes Certification schemes), Peter Korogsgaard Kristensen (DHL Group), Ivar Legallais-Korsbakken (International To all of our reviewers, thank you for being generous Family Forest Alliance), Duncan McQueen (International with your time and providing important and substantive Institute for Environment and Development), Melanie comments that significantly improved this guide The Meaden (Environmental Agency Wales), Reid Miner authors retain full responsibility for any remaining errors of (National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc.), fact or interpretation Brian Millsom (UK Government Procurement Services Organization), Patricia Donohue (Xerox Corporation), Financial support for this guide and the companion Antii Otsamo (Finnish Forest Industries), Richard Robertson website came from the Bank of America and the World (Forest Stewardship Council – United Kingdom), Birte Business Council for Sustainable Development Schmetjen (Confederation of European Forest Owners), Brigid Shea (International Wood Products Association), The authors would also like to thank the following people Jeffrey Shumaker (International Paper), Alan Smith for their precious help in this first update of the “Guide to (FSC International), Markku Simula (Ardot), Kristen the Guides”: Stevens (Wal-Mart), Bill Street (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers – Woodworkers Rachel Beckhard (Environmental Defense Fund), Liu Department), Kirsten Vice (National Council for Air and Bing (Greenpeace China), Ya Gao (Tropical Forest Stream Improvement, Inc.) and Michael Virga (American Trust), Susanna Lohri (Tropical Forest Trust), Joshua Forest and Paper Association) Martin, Tom Pollock (Metafore), Sarah Price (Tropical Forest Trust), Bruce McIntyre (PricewaterhouseCoopers The draft manuscript was also reviewed by representatives Canada), Véronique Joucla (Ministère de l’Agriculture, de of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) including: Bill l’Alimentation, de la Pêche et des Affaires Rurales), John Barclay (Rainforest Action Network), Kate Botriel (Central Eyre (New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry), Point of Expertise on Timber Procurement), Marcus Jane Clunies-Ross (New Zealand Ministry of Environment), Colchester (Forest Peoples Program), Jim Ford (Forest Ethics), and Jill Michielssen (European Commission) Debbie Hammel (Natural Resources Defense Council), Tom Pollock (Metafore), Margareta Renström (World Wildlife Fund The authors would also like to thank the following people International), Bambi Semroc (Conservation International), for their help in the second update of the Guide: Svetla Roberto Smeraldi (Friends of the Earth Brazil), and George Atanasova (European Commission), Kerry Cesareo (WWF), White (Global Forest and Trade Network) Didier Devers (European Forest Institute, EFI), Hando Hain (NEPCon), Hanna-Kaisa Jussila (European Forest Institute), Members of the WBCSD’s SFPI Working Group’s Sustainable Neil Mendenhall (Scientific Certification Systems), Anne Procurement Action Team also provided input including: Middleton (Environmental Investigation Agency), Meriel James Griffiths, Anders Birul (Norske Skog), Adam Constanza Robson (Soil Association Woodmark), Paul Skehan (formerly with International Paper), Ragnar Friberg (Stora (European Retailers Roundtable), Sofie Tind Nielsen (CPET), Enso), Sharon Haines (International Paper), Jukka Karppinen Kirsten Vice (NCASI), Jacques Vifian (Federal Department (Metsäliitto), Ed Krasny (Kimberly-Clark), Celeste Kuta of Economic Affairs, Switzerland), Paul Wilson (CertiSource) (Procter and Gamble), Diane Lyons (IBM), Jessica McGlyn and Paul Zambon (Keurhout) (formerly with International Paper), Bruce McIntyre (PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada), Hiro Nishimura (Oji Within WRI: Maggie Barron Caitlin Clarke, Florence Daviet, Paper Japan), Mikko Ohela (Metsäliitto), Cassie Phillips Adam Grant, Charles Kent, Janet Ranganathan, Ashleigh (Weyerhaeuser), Otavio Pontes (Stora Enso), David Refkin Rich, Nigel Sizer, Fred Stolle and David Tomberlin Within (Time Inc.) and Cathy Resler (formerly with Time Inc.), Amy WBCSD: Kija Kummer Contents Contents Introduction 1.1 10 things you should know 2.1 Where the products come from? 2.3 Is information about the products credible? 2.11 Have the products been legally produced? 2.19 Have forests been sustainably managed? 2.45 Have special places, including sensitive ecosystems, been protected? 2.57 Have climate issues been addressed? 2.65 Have appropriate environmental controls been applied? 2.71 Has recycled fiber been used appropriately? 2.77 Have other resources been used appropriately? 2.83 10 Have the needs of local communities or indigenous peoples been addressed? 2.87 Selected tools Additional resources 4.1 Terminology 5.1 References 3.1 6.1 Tables Table Tools highlighted in this guide 1.3 Table General characteristics of the two major systems for forest certification 2.16 Table Selected public procurement policies 2.22 Table Selected legality requirements in the private sector 2.24 Table Voluntary legality verification systems 2.36 Table How major international certification schemes address selected aspects of SFM 2.47 Table Factors underlying forest land-use change and conversion in the tropics 2.51 Table Definitions related to special places 2.60 Table Recovered paper in the world 2.77 Table 10 Key international commitments and standards on social issues and forests 2.91 Table 11 Summary list of tools exclusively for either wood or paper-based products 3.2 Table 12 Summary list of tools for both wood and paper-based products 3.8 Table 13 Publicly available corporate procurement policies 4.6 Boxes Box The wood supply chain 2.9 Box Areas of high and low risk of encountering unacceptable practices 2.10 Box Ecolabels (other than forest certification system) 2.18 Box Examples of illegal forestry activities 2.21 Box The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Speciesof Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) 2.26 Box The U.S Lacey Act, the EU Illegal Timber Regulation (EUTR) 2.32 Box The European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Process 2.34 and the Voluntary Partnership Agreements Box Plantations 2.48 Box What constitutes a special place? 2.59 Box 10 Pollutants 2.73 Box 11 Bleaching of wood pulp 2.76 Box 12 Alternative fibers 2.81 Box 13 Recycling and environmental impacts 2.82 Box 14 Life cycle assessment 2.85 Box 15 Forests and people 2.92 Figures Figure Ecosystems goods and services of sustainably managed forests 1.1 Figure Wood and paper-based products have many inputs 2.3 Figure Example of a company’s portfolio of wood or paper-based products 2.4 Figure Corruption and illegal logging activity (2004) 2.20 Figure Conceptual trade-offs between economic and ecological values 2.46 Figure Forest extent in 1990 and 2005 2.50 Figure Carbon pools and exchanges between pools 2.65 Figure Uptake and emissions from land-use change between 1850 and 2000 2.66 Figure Examples of emissions in paper-based products 2.71 Figure 10 Examples of emissions in solid wood products 2.72 References PEFC 2006C Rules for Standard Setting Annex of the Rainforest Alliance 2010 B SmartWood generic standard PEFC Technical Document Luxembourg: PEFC Online at for verification of legal compliance (VLC) Ver-04 Rainforest www.pefc.org/internet/html/documentation/4_1311_400 Alliance Online at http://rainforest-alliance.org/sites/ htm (11/3/07) default/files/site-documents/forestry/documents/vlc_ standard.pdf (2/27/11) PEFC 2006D Basis for Certification Schemes and their Implementation Annex of the PEFC Technical Rosenbaum, K.L 2004 Item 6: Illegal acts in forestry- Document Luxembourg: PEFC Online at www.pefc.org/ definition process: Clarifying the definition of illegal internet/html/documentation/4_1311_400.htm (11/3/07) logging In: FAO Advisory Committee on paper and wood products – Forty-fifth session proceedings, Canberra, PEFC 2006E Chain-of-Custody of 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wood for good campaign WWF 2005 WWF European Forest Programme: Tissue wood for good campaign website – www.woodforgood success criteria World Wild Fund for Nature Online at com (11/02/07) assets.panda.org/downloads/tissuesuccesscriteria2005.doc (4/26/06) wood for good How to reduce climate change Online at www.woodforgood.com/environment/resource/ WWF 2006 Second Scoring of the Tissue Giants WWF environment_factsheet.pdf (11/2/07) International Online at assets.panda.org/downloads/final_ audited_scoring_report_2006.pdf (10/30/07) wood for good Fact Cards – Online at www.woodforgood com/publications/fact_behind_the_ads.html (11/2/07) WWF GFTN WWF/Australia Forest and Trade Network (AFTN) 2006 Bulletin Issue Online at: wwf.org.au/publications/aftnnewsletter-0206/ (07/05/6) WWF/GFTN 2006 GFTN Quarterly February 2006 Online at assets.panda.org/downloads/gftnquarterly_issue1_2006 pdf (07/05/06) ProForest 2005 A Review of Responsible Purchasing Initiatives in the Wood and Paper Sector White G and D Sarshar 2004 Responsible Purchasing of Forest Products World Wide Fund for Nature Global Forest and Trade Network Online at: assets.panda.org/ downloads/finalrpg.pdf (4/26/06) WWF/GFTN 2005 Bulletin Online at assets.panda.org/ downloads/marchbulletin.pdf (4/26/06) WWF/GFTN website: www.panda.org/about_wwf/ what_we_do/forests/our_solutions/responsible_forestry/ certification/gftn/index.cfm (6/29/06) WWF’s Guide to Buying Paper WWF 2007 The WWF Guide to Buying Paper WWF International Online at assets.panda.org/downloads/ wwf_paper_guide.pdf (12/10/07) 6.18 About the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) About THE World Resources Institute The World Resources Institute (WRI) is an environmental The WBCSD is a CEO-led, global coalition of some think tank that goes beyond research to find practical ways 200 companies advocating for progress on sustainable to protect the earth and improve people’s lives development Its mission is to be a catalyst for innovation and sustainable growth in a world where resources are Our mission is to move human society to live in ways that increasingly limited The Council provides a platform protect Earth’s environment and its capacity to provide for companies to share experiences and best practices for the needs and aspirations of current and future on sustainable development issues and advocate for generations their implementation, working with governments, nongovernmental and intergovernmental organizations The membership has annual revenues of USD trillion, spans more than 35 countries and represents 20 major industrial sectors The Council also benefits from a network of 60 national and regional business councils and partner organizations, a majority of which are based in developing countries Our mission is to provide business leadership as a catalyst for change toward sustainable development, and to support the business license to operate, innovate and grow Because people are inspired by ideas, empowered in a world increasingly shaped by sustainable development by knowledge, and moved to change by greater issues understanding, WRI provides – and helps other institutions provide – objective information and practical proposals Our objectives include: for policy and institutional change that will foster environmentally sound, socially equitable development Business Leadership to be a leading business advocate on sustainable WRI organizes its work around four key goals: development; People and Ecosystems – Reverse rapid degradation of Policy Development ecosystems and assure their capacity to provide humans to help develop policies that create framework conditions with needed goods and services for the business contribution to sustainable development; Access – Guarantee public access to information and The Business Case decisions regarding natural resources and the environment to develop and promote the business case for sustainable development; Climate Protection – Protect the global climate system from further harm due to emissions of greenhouse gases Best Practice and help humanity and the natural world adapt to to demonstrate the business contribution to sustainable unavoidable climate change development and share best practices among members; Markets and Enterprise – Harness markets and enterprise Global Outreach to expand economic opportunity and protect the to contribute to a sustainable future for developing nations environment and nations in transition www.wri.org and www.earthtrends.wri.org www.wbcsd.org 6.19 Photo credits: Copyright: ISBN: Dreamstime, Flickr (67855182@N00, 9870345@N07, alexxis, andrewgrant, basoo, dannyhanson, docman, jonathanclark, kenilio, madeiraarchipelago, miniwombat, mshades, perkiest, thecaptain, timennis) © WBCSD and WRI, March 2008 978-3-940388-18-6 www.SustainableForestProds.org Sourcing and legality aspects Origin Where the products come from? Information accuracy Is information about the products credible? Legality Have the products been legally produced? Environmental aspects Social aspects Sustainability Have forests been sustainably managed? Local communities and indigenous peoples Have the needs of local communities or indigenous peoples been addressed? Special places Have special places, including sensitive ecosystems, been protected? Climate change Have climate issues been addressed? Environmental protection Have appropriate environmental controls been applied? Recycled fiber Has recycled fiber been used appropriately? Other resources Have other resources been used appropriately? Contributing Authors Partnership Disclaimer Disclaimer Ruth Nogueron and Lars Laestadius, WRI; Joe Lawson, The designations employed and the presentation of the This publication is released in the name of the World Business MeadWestvaco, Co-chair of the SFPI Working Group’s material in this publication not imply the expression of Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Sustainable Procurement Action Team any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Resources World Resources Institute (WRI) It has been developed by Institute or the World Business Council for Sustainable the WBCSD’s Sustainable Forest Products Industry Working Supported by Development concerning the legal status of any country, Group and WRI It does not necessarily represent the views of Financial support was provided by WBCSD’s territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the WBCSD, WBCSD members or WRI Sustainable Forest Products Industry (SFPI) working delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries Moreover, the group and Bank of America views expressed not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the WRI or WBCSD, nor does citing of trade names or commercial processes constitute endorsement All information contained in this guide, and more, is available at www.SustainableForestProds.org Ordering publications WBCSD, c/o Earthprint Limited Tel: (44 1438) 748111 Fax: (44 1438) 748844 wbcsd@earthprint.com Publications are available at: www.wbcsd.org www.earthprint.com www.SustainableForestProds.org World Business Council for Sustainable Development – WBCSD Chemin de Conches 4, 1231 Conches-Geneva, Switzerland Tel: (41 22) 839 31 00, Fax: (41 22) 839 31 31, E-mail: info@wbcsd.org, Web: www.wbcsd.org VAT nr 644 905 WBCSD US, Inc 1500 K Street NW, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20005, US Tel: +1 202 383 9505, E-mail: Washington@wbcsd.org World Resources Institute – WRI 10 G Street, NE (Suite 800), Washington DC 20002, United States Tel: (1 202) 729 76 00, Fax: (1 202) 729 76 10, E-mail: info@wri.org, Web: www.wri.org Sustainable Procurement of Guide and resource kit Wood and Paper-Based Products www.SustainableForestProds.org Sustainable Procurement of Wood and Paper-based Products Guide and resource kit Version Update June 2011 ... www.earthprint.com www.SustainableForestProds.org Sustainable Procurement of Wood and Paper-based Products Guide and resource kit 2.16 Decisions regarding the purchase and use of wood and paper-based products. .. essence of sustainable procurement is to select questions, central to the sustainable procurement of wood these products with acceptable and even beneficial and paper-based products environmental and. .. developing and implementing sustainable procurement of wood and paper-based forest products is to consider internal company policies or systems that may already exist for the procurement of other products

Ngày đăng: 22/02/2014, 09:20